
By BlueThen on May 12, 2008

Visualization... honestly I couldn't think of any better name for it.

Really, it's a Windows Media Player Effect imitate, not that good to be honest, but I spent a little over a hour experimenting with drawscroll and stuff.

Check out the video I made of myself making it,


;Visualization 1.0
;Made by BlueThen on May 12, 2008.
;To install, paste this remote into your remotes (alt + r)
;then type /vis or right click the channel and click Visualization to play.
; :D
alias vis {
  window -paoCzdk0 +tnbL @Vis -1 -1 400 400 | window -poCzdhk0 +tnbL @Vis.buf -1 -1 800 800
  window -poCzdhk0 +tnbL @vis.buf2 -1 -1 800 800 | vis.init
alias -l vis.init {
  set %vis.r 100 | set %vis.g 0 | set %vis.b 255 | set dec | set %vis.fg inc
  set %vis.fb dec | drawfill @vis.buf 1 1 1 1 | set %vis.a 0 | set %vis.a2 0 | %vis.x = 4
  while (%vis.x) {
    drawline @vis.buf 16711780 10 $calc(400 + (300 * $cos($calc(90 * %vis.x)).deg)) $calc(400 + (300 * $sin($calc(90 * %vis.x)).deg)) $calc(400 + (300 * $cos($calc(90 * (1 + %vis.x))).deg)) $calc(400 + (300 * $sin($calc(90 * (%vis.x + 1))).deg))
    dec %vis.x
  set %vis.i 1 | set %vis.& inc | drawcopy -m @vis.buf 0 0 800 800 @vis 0 0 400 400 | vis.frame
alias -l vis.frame {
  if (%vis.c != y) {
    drawfill @vis.buf 1 1 1 1 | %vis.x = 4
    while (%vis.x) {
      drawline -r @vis.buf $rgb(%vis.r, %vis.g, %vis.b) 10 $calc(400 + (300 * $cos($calc(%vis.a + (90 * %vis.x))).deg)) $calc(400 + (300 * $sin($calc(%vis.a + (90 * %vis.x))).deg)) $calc(400 + (300 * $cos($calc(%vis.a + (90 * (1 + %vis.x)))).deg)) $calc(400 + (300 * $sin($calc(%vis.a + (90 * (%vis.x + 1)))).deg))
      dec %vis.x
    drawcopy -m @vis.buf 0 0 800 800 @vis.buf2 0 0 800 800 | inc %vis.a 4 | inc %vis.a2 6 %vis.r $r(1,4) | %vis.fg %vis.g $r(1,4) | %vis.fb %vis.b $r(1,4)
    if (%vis.r > 250) { set dec } | if (%vis.r < 10) { set inc } 
    if (%vis.g > 250) { set %vis.fg dec } | if (%vis.g < 10) { set %vis.fg inc } 
    if (%vis.b > 250) { set %vis.fb dec } | if (%vis.b < 10) { set %vis.fb inc } | %vis.y = 400
    while (%vis.y) { drawscroll @vis.buf2 $calc((0.01 * %vis.y) + %vis.i) 0 0 $calc((%vis.y * 2) -2) 900 4 | dec %vis.y }
    drawdot -r @vis.buf2 $rgb($calc(255- %vis.r), $calc(255- %vis.g), $calc(255- %vis.b)) 30 $calc(400 + (200 * $cos(%vis.a2).deg)) $calc(400 + (200 * $sin(%vis.a2).deg))
    drawdot -r @vis.buf2 $rgb($calc(255- %vis.r), $calc(255- %vis.g), $calc(255- %vis.b)) 30 $calc(400 + (200 * $cos($calc(180 + %vis.a2)).deg)) $calc(400 + (200 * $sin($calc(%vis.a2 + 180)).deg))
    %vis.& %vis.i 4
    if (%vis.i > 100) set %vis.& dec
    if (%vis.i < -100) set %vis.& inc
    drawcopy -m @vis.buf2 0 0 800 800 @vis.buf 0 0 800 800
    drawcopy -m @vis.buf 0 0 800 800 @vis 0 0 400 400 | .timer 1 0 vis.frame
  else unset %vis.c
on *:close:@vis: set %vis.c y | window -c @vis.buf | window -c @vis.buf2 | unset %vis.r %vis.g %vis.b %vis.fg %vis.fb %vis.a %vis.a2 %vis.x %vis.i %vis.& %vis.y 
alias -l getangle2 {
  %p1.x = $1 | %p1.y = $2 | %p2.x = $3 | %p2.y = $4 | %p3.x = %p2.x | %p3.y = %p1.y | %opposite = $sqrt($calc((%p2.x - %p3.x)^2 + (%p2.y - %p3.y)^2))
  %hypotenuse = $sqrt($calc((%p2.x - %p1.x)^2 + (%p2.y - %p1.y)^2)) | %angle = $asin($calc( %opposite / %hypotenuse )).deg
  if (%p1.y < %p2.y) %angle = $calc(360 - %angle) | if ((%p1.x > %p2.x) && (%p1.y > %p2.y)) %angle = $calc(180 - %angle)
  elseif ((%p1.x > %p2.x) && (%p1.y < %p2.y)) %angle = $calc(180 +(360 - %angle)) | return $iif(%angle == 360,0,$v1)
menu channel,status {
  Visualization: { vis }


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Kirbeh_Pr0nz   -  May 13, 2009

I literally watched this thing for like 20 minutes. Hypnotyzed

SnoooP   -  May 15, 2008

good one as usual bluethen :)

SumWon   -  May 15, 2008

BlueThen, kicks ass like always!

Lord-Harlot, check out Zool if you want to see some serious picwin action ;P

BlueThen   -  May 14, 2008

This is my first time using /drawscroll. I think I can do a lot better now.

Jonesy44   -  May 14, 2008

They\'re easy enough when you get used to the syntax, start off simple (lol, check my scripts xd) then work your way up. As you get more used to them, you can make more interesting/better scripts.

^Neptune   -  May 14, 2008

Lord-Harlot, it\'s pretty easy (when you are BlueThen :P). Check out his other scripts B)
(/help picwins)

Lord-Harlot   -  May 14, 2008

This is so pretty and amazeing.
I didn\'t know this could be done with mIRC.

You sir should write tutorials about how to make things like these.

Jonesy44   -  May 13, 2008

Same happens to me BlueThen. People who don\'t even try a script generally.

BlueThen   -  May 13, 2008

People have been giving me real low scores lately, yet no one is brave enough to say why.

Viper01   -  May 13, 2008

how many times are you going to make me ask for your help on my games? D:

Awesome script btw :P

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