

Feb 06, 2009

Activity Stream

Kirbeh_Pr0nz commented on a Page, iKnown>> Lockdown  -  Oct 16, 2010

check for typos.
and also, you can definately use some elseif.
also what good is setting mode +k without adding an extra parameter. yay for a keyless channel.
code needs revising.
also, in the !911, it mentions !tscript. which triggers only the given desire to type it for no reason.

on *:TEXT:!lockdown orange OFF:*: {
  if ($nick isop $chan) {

can be on @:text ... bla bla

maybe you shouldve "stripped" this code a little more, maybe 100% instead of 75%

Kirbeh_Pr0nz commented on a Page, Clan Script  -  Feb 15, 2010

lol, thx to you.
hell, i laugh everytime i read your icon x.x

Kirbeh_Pr0nz commented on a Page, Clan Script  -  Feb 15, 2010

lol, i didnt originally mean for that to be ironic, but if it ups my cool points...

Kirbeh_Pr0nz commented on a Page, Clan Script  -  Feb 15, 2010

This script gives the power scripters a very bad reputation, also if "powerscripters, it's the best, beats the rest" is their motto.......well.....the rest is common sense.

Kirbeh_Pr0nz commented on a Page, Clan Script  -  Feb 15, 2010


on ps:TEXT:!rank1*:#:{
  msg #ps $2 is ranked up to Rank 1 
  cs access #Clanchannel add $2 4
on ps:TEXT:!rank2*:#:{
  msg #ps $2 is ranked up to Rank 2
  cs access #Clanchannel add $2 5

can 'ps' be a level? o.o

Kirbeh_Pr0nz commented on a Page, Clan Script  -  Jan 18, 2010

/me looks at script
/me ponders...
/timer 1 9001 /me looks at comments...
/me closes FireFox.

Kirbeh_Pr0nz commented on a Page, Kirbeh Control v2.3  -  Dec 28, 2009

Updated again, look at the intro

Kirbeh_Pr0nz commented on a Page, URL Bot v3  -  Aug 05, 2009

;O Bracket Heaven

Kirbeh_Pr0nz commented on a Page, uh talking thingy  -  Aug 02, 2009

btw, see how u have

 you love me dont u $nick ! }

You can use the $+ tool to bring the $nick and the "!" together instead of spaced.

 $nick $+ !
Kirbeh_Pr0nz commented on a Page, Away System v1.2  -  Aug 02, 2009

Apparently x3

Kirbeh_Pr0nz commented on a Page, Big Text  -  Aug 02, 2009

dont know what to tell ya.....
My steps:

  1. Saved as BigText.txt
  2. Put in mIRC Directory
  3. Typed /load -rs BigText.txt

Worked for me ;/
Got an image to prove it >.<
I know its french, it isnt my code.

Kirbeh_Pr0nz commented on a Page, Nick info dialog  -  Jul 31, 2009

holy shit! XD

Kirbeh_Pr0nz commented on a Page, Nick info dialog  -  Jul 31, 2009

lol, i think ur jumping into dialogs too quick m8. but, i gotta say, ur improving ur msl exp.

@ jonesy44:

.> owener?

Kirbeh_Pr0nz commented on a Page, Away System v1.2  -  Jul 31, 2009

A month later, still misspelled >.>

Kirbeh_Pr0nz commented on a Page, Big Text  -  Jul 31, 2009

lol. Just make sure u go over wats in the topic...

Kirbeh_Pr0nz commented on a Page, uh talking thingy  -  Jul 31, 2009

I never posted a snippet that i knew would embarrass me, so i wait until i actually gained some exp using msl. but yea, i remember my 1st script resembled this a lot. ^^ dont worry Jankins, you'll learn as u keep doing wut ur doing.

Kirbeh_Pr0nz commented on a Page, Away System v1.2  -  Jun 30, 2009

u misspelled "function"
2nd to last line.
i dont really use /away that often but the coding looks neat and just by looking at it, it really organizes the /away feature.
6/10 =]

Kirbeh_Pr0nz commented on a Page, (v)Host getter  -  Jun 10, 2009

got that punktured? :P
btw WorldDMT, why do you always

post comments like

4 enter spaces for each line

of comments?

Kirbeh_Pr0nz commented on a Page, Anti Op { permanet }  -  Jun 10, 2009

for some reason when i tried putting them into one menu, it failed epicly, but in separate menus, it works just fine, idk.

Kirbeh_Pr0nz commented on a Page, Anti Op { permanet }  -  Jun 10, 2009

np =]

Kirbeh_Pr0nz commented on a Page, Anti Op { permanet }  -  Jun 10, 2009
on *:OP:#:{ if ($opnick == %anti) mode $chan -o %anti }
on *:JOIN:#:{ if (%CAnti) cs deop $chan %CAnti }

alias Anti {
  set %Anti $$?"Who ?" 
  if (%anti isop $chan) { /mode # -o %Anti }
alias CAnti {
  set %CAnti $$?"Who ?" 
  if (%CAnti isop $chan) { /cs deop $chan %CAnti }
menu channel,Nicklist {
  .Anti OP
  ..Deop give over Me
  ...$iif(%AntiOP == on,$style(2),$style(0)) Turn On: { /Anti | msg $chan 4Anti OP System is starting now. }
  ...$iif(%AntiOP == on,$style(2),$style(0)) Turn Off: { /unset %Anti | msg $chan 4Anti OP System stops now. }
menu channel,nicklist {
  .Anti Op
  ..Deop give over ChanServ
  ...$iif(%CAntiOP == on,$style(2),$style(0)) Turn On: { /CAnti | msg $chan 4CAnti OP System is starting now. } 
  ...$iif(%CAntiOP == on,$style(2),$style(0)) Turn Off: { /unset %CAnti | msg $chan 4CAnti OP System stops now. }
Kirbeh_Pr0nz commented on a Page, Anti Op { permanet }  -  Jun 10, 2009

Do you mean "Permanent" ? unless there's something that i dont know named permanet. idk
This is very messy, but i guess it gets the job done.

Kirbeh_Pr0nz created a Page  -  Jun 10, 2009
1 582 

Simple (v)Host retriever in dialog form. i made the dialog, PunkTuReD coded everything else, cuz im kinda newbish still at that part. put in remotes. enjoi

Kirbeh_Pr0nz commented on a Page, Memo  -  Jun 09, 2009

i know its a little late Vortex XD but this should fix it:

on *:load:{ 
  mkdir Memos 
  write Memos/inbox.txt
  write Memos/outbox.txt
  write Memos/saved.txt
  write Memos/contacts.txt

alias memos { If (!$dialog(memo.main)) { dialog -drmo memo.main memo.main } }

menu * {

dialog memo.main {
  title "Memo Manager"
  size -1 -1 207 169
  option dbu
  button "Done", 15, 133 152 37 12, ok
  tab "Inbox", 10, 5 0 195 144
  list 100, 11 16 184 109, tab 10 size vsbar
  button "Delete", 103, 111 128 37 12, tab 10
  button "Delete All", 104, 158 128 37 12, tab 10
  button "Save", 102, 62 128 37 12, tab 10
  button "Reply", 101, 11 128 37 12, tab 10
  tab "Outbox", 11
  list 200, 11 16 184 109, tab 11 size vsbar
  button "Delete", 202, 84 128 37 12, tab 11
  button "Delete All", 203, 133 128 37 12, tab 11
  button "Cancel", 201, 35 128 37 12, tab 11
  tab "Saved", 12
  list 300, 11 16 184 109, tab 12 size vsbar
  button "Delete", 301, 60 128 37 12, tab 12
  button "Delete All", 302, 111 128 37 12, tab 12
  button "New Memo", 13, 35 152 37 12
  button "Contacts", 14, 84 152 37 12

on *:dialog:memo.main:sclick:*:{
  If ($did == 13) { dialog -drmo }
  If ($did == 14) { dialog -drmo memo.contacts memo.contacts }
  If ($did == 101) && ($did(100).seltext) { 
    set %memo.reply on
    dialog -drmo 
    did -a 101 $gettok($did(100).seltext,1,45) 
  If ($did == 102) && ($did(100).seltext) { 
    write memos/saved.txt $read(memos/inbox.txt,w,$did(100).seltext $+ * )
    write -dl $+ $readn memos/inbox.txt
  If ($did == 103) && ($did(100).seltext) { 
    dialog -n memo.main
    If ($input(Are you sure you wish to delete this message? $crlf $+ $did(100).seltext,y,Delete Memo) == $true) {
      var %temp $read(memos/inbox.txt,w,$did(100).seltext $+ *)
      write -dl $+ $readn memos/inbox.txt
    dialog -ov memo.main memo.main
  If ($did == 104) {
    dialog -n memo.main
    If ($input(Are you sure you wish to delete all messages in your inbox?,y,Delete All) == $true) { write -c memos/inbox.txt | loadlists }
    dialog -ov memo.main memo.main 
  If ($did == 201) { dialog -n memo.main | ms cancel $$?="Enter nick/channel to cancel last memo for:" }
  If ($did == 202) && ($did(200).seltext) { 
    var %temp $read(memos/outbox.txt,w,$did(100).seltext $+ *)
    write -dl $+ $readn memos/outbox.txt
  If ($did == 203) {
    dialog -n memo.main
    If ($input(Are you sure you wish to clear your outbox?,y,Delete All) == $true) { write -c memos/outbox.txt | loadlists }
    dialog -ov memo.main memo.main 
  If ($did == 301) && ($did(300).seltext) { 
    dialog -n memo.main
    If ($input(Are you sure you wish to delete this message? $crlf $+ $did(300).seltext,y,Delete Memo) == $true) {
      var %temp $read(memos/saved.txt,w,$did(300).seltext $+ *)
      write -dl $+ $readn memos/saved.txt
    dialog -ov memo.main memo.main
  If ($did == 302) {
    dialog -n memo.main
    If ($input(Are you sure you wish to delete all saved messages?,y,Delete All) == $true) { write -c memos/saved.txt | loadlists }
    dialog -ov memo.main memo.main 

on *:dialog:memo.main:dclick:*:{
  If ($did == 100) { set %memo.view.num 100 | dialog -drmo memo.view memo.view }
  If ($did == 200) { set %memo.outbox on | dialog -drmo }
  If ($did == 300) { set %memo.view.num 300 | dialog -drmo memo.view memo.view }

on *:dialog:memo.main:init:*:{
  set on
  .timer -m 1 1 loadmemos

on *:dialog:memo.main:close:*:{
  unset %memo.*

dialog {
  title "New Memo"
  size -1 -1 204 70
  option dbu
  text "(separate nicks with a space)", 3, 126 7 72 8
  edit "", 101, 19 6 105 10, autohs
  button "To:", 100, 7 6 11 10, flat
  edit "", 200, 6 19 193 31, autovs vsbar multi
  button "Send", 201, 55 54 37 12
  button "Cancel", 202, 108 55 37 12, cancel

on **:{ 
  If (%memo.reply) { 
    unset %memo.reply
    did -a 200 $gettok($read(memos/inbox.txt,w,* $+ $did(memo.main,100).seltext $+ *),4,58)
    did -f 200
    did -c 200 1 1 $len($did(200) + 1)
  If (%memo.outbox) {
    unset %memo.outbox
    did -a 200 $gettok($read(memos/outbox.txt,w,* $+ $did(memo.main,200).seltext $+ *),4-,58)
    did -a 101 $gettok($read(memos/outbox.txt,w,* $+ $did(memo.main,200).seltext $+ *),1,45)

on **:{
  If ($did == 100) { dialog -drmo memo.contacts memo.contacts }
  If ($did == 201) && ($did(101)) { 
    set %memo.write.nicks $numtok($did(101),32)
    dialog -n 
    dialog -n memo.main
    set %memo.num 1
    set $did(200)
    If (%memo.write.nicks == 1) { ms send $did(101) $did(200) }
    else { .timermemo %memo.write.nicks 4 memosend $did(101) }
    set $did(101) - $asctime(mmm d - H:nn:ss) : $did(200)
    dialog -x

dialog memo.view {
  title "Memo from"
  size -1 -1 204 53
  option dbu
  edit "", 1, 6 3 193 31, read autovs vsbar
  button "Done", 3, 82 38 37 12, ok
  button "Add to Contacts", 2, 0 43 45 9

on *:dialog:memo.view:init:*:{ 
  dialog -t $dname $did(memo.main,%memo.view.num).seltext
  If (%memo.view.num == 100) { did -a $dname 1 $gettok($read(memos/inbox.txt,w,* $+ $did(memo.main,%memo.view.num).seltext $+ *),4-,58) }
  elseif (%memo.view.num == 200) { did -a $dname 1 $gettok($read(memos/outbox.txt,w,* $+ $did(memo.main,%memo.view.num).seltext $+ *),4-,58) }
  elseif (%memo.view.num == 300) { did -a $dname 1 $gettok($read(memos/saved.txt,w,* $+ $did(memo.main,%memo.view.num).seltext $+ *),4-,58) }

on *:dialog:memo.view:sclick:2:{ write memos/contacts.txt $$gettok($did(memo.main,%memo.view.num).seltext,1,45) }

on *:dialog:memo.view:close:*:{ unset %memo.view.num }

dialog memo.contacts {
  title "Contact List"
  size -1 -1 90 97
  option dbu
  list 1, 2 2 85 82, size
  button "New Contact", 2, 2 85 40 9
  button "Delete", 3, 47 85 40 9

on *:dialog:memo.contacts:init:*:{
  filter -cxfo memos/contacts.txt memo.contacts 1 $crlf

on *:dialog:memo.contacts:sclick:*:{
  If ($did == 2) { 
    dialog -n memo.main 
    dialog -n memo.contacts
    If ($dialog( { dialog -n }
    write memos/contacts.txt $$input(Enter new contact nick:,eo,New Contact) 
    If ($dialog( { dialog -ov }
    dialog -ov memo.contacts memo.contacts
    filter -cxfo memos/contacts.txt memo.contacts 1 $crlf
  If ($did == 3) && ($did(1).seltext) { write -dl $+ $did(1).sel memos/contacts.txt | filter -cxfo memos/contacts.txt memo.contacts 1 $crlf }

on *:dialog:memo.contacts:dclick:1:{ If ($dialog( { did -ra 101 $did(,101) $did(1).seltext } }

alias -l loadmemos var %dialog $dialog(memo.loading,memo.loading,-4)
dialog memo.loading {
  title "Memo Manager"
  size -1 -1 163 35
  option dbu
  text "Downloading from MemoServ...", 1, 37 13 89 8, center

on *:dialog:memo.loading:init:*:{ ms info }


on ^*:notice:*:?:{
  If ($nick == MemoServ)  {
    If (You have a new memo from * iswm $1-) { haltdef | .timer -m 1 1 newmemo $7 }
    If (You have * new memos. iswm $1-) { haltdef | .timer -m 1 1 newmemos $3 }
    If (Type /msg MemoServ READ * to read it. iswm $strip($1-)) { haltdef }
    If ($strip($1-) == Type /msg MemoServ LIST NEW to list them.) { haltdef }

    If ( {
      If (%memo.write.nick)  {
        If (!$read(memos/inbox.txt,w,* $+ $+ *)) { write Memos/inbox.txt : $1- }
        unset %memo.write.*
      If (You currently have * memo* iswm $1-) { set $strip($4) | ms read new }
      elseif (Memo * from * iswm $1-) {
        set %memo.write.nick $4 
        set $4 - $remove($5,$chr(40)) $6 - $7
        If ($2 == { ms del all | dialog -x memo.loading }

      elseif ($1- == You have no new memos.) || ($1- == You have no memos.) {
        unset %memo.write.*
        If ($dialog(memo.loading)) { dialog -x memo.loading | loadlists }

      elseif (Last memo to * has been cancelled. iswm $1-) { .timer -m 1 1 memocancely }
      elseif ($1- == No memo was cancellable.) { .timer -m 1 1 memocanceln }
      elseif (Nick * isn't registered. iswm $1-) { If (%memo.write.nicks) { dec %memo.write.nicks } | .timer -m 1 1 nonick $strip($2) }
      elseif (Memo sent to * iswm $strip($1-)) { 
        dec %memo.write.nicks
        If (%memo.write.nicks == 0) { unset %memo.write.nicks | write memos/outbox.txt | unset | .timer -m 1 1 memosent }
      elseif ($1- == All of your memos have been deleted.) { loadlists }

alias -l newmemo {
  If ($input(You have a new memo from $1 $+ $crlf $+ Open Memo Manager?,y,Memo Alert) == $true) { 
    If ($dialog(memo.main)) { dialog -x memo.main }
    dialog -drmo memo.main memo.main 
alias -l newmemos {
  If ($1 isnum) && ($input(You have $1 new memo(s). $+ $crlf $+ Open Memo Manager?,y,Memo Alert) == $true) {
    If ($dialog(memo.main)) { dialog -x memo.main }
    dialog -drmo memo.main memo.main 
alias -l memocancely { var %input $input(Last memo to $4 successfully cancelled,o,Memo Cancelled) | dialog -ov memo.main memo.main }
alias -l memocanceln { var %input $input(All memos sent to this user have been read,o,Memo Cancellation Failed)  | dialog -ov memo.main }
alias -l nonick { var %input $input($1 is not a registered nick,o,Memo Error) | dialog -ov memo.main memo.main }
alias -l memosent { var %input $input(Memo finished sending,o,Success) | dialog -ov memo.main memo.main | dialog -x }

alias -l loadlists {
  did -r memo.main 100,200,300
  var %memo.num 1
  while ($calc(%memo.num - 1) != $lines(memos/inbox.txt)) {
    did -a memo.main 100 $gettok($read(memos/inbox.txt,%memo.num),1-3,58)
    inc %memo.num
  If ( isnum) { did -c memo.main 100 $calc($did(memo.main,100).lines - + 1) }
  var %memo.num 1
  while ($calc(%memo.num - 1) != $lines(memos/outbox.txt)) {
    did -a memo.main 200 $gettok($read(memos/outbox.txt,%memo.num),1-3,58)
    inc %memo.num
  var %memo.num 1
  while ($calc(%memo.num - 1) != $lines(memos/saved.txt)) {
    did -a memo.main 300 $gettok($read(memos/saved.txt,%memo.num),1-3,58)
    inc %memo.num

alias -l memosend {
  ms send $gettok($1-,%memo.num,32)
  inc %memo.num
Kirbeh_Pr0nz commented on a Page, Wii Password Reset Dialog  -  Jun 06, 2009

looks nifty, but i dont get it. ;o

Kirbeh_Pr0nz commented on a Page, Welcome to chan!  -  Jun 06, 2009

jonesy44 10/10
works great!
/me recommends it to Weasel

Kirbeh_Pr0nz commented on a Page, Welcome to chan!  -  Jun 06, 2009

it could also be:

on !*:JOIN:#:{ msg # Hi $nick $+ ! Welcome to # $+ . }

inspired by jonesy44------^

Kirbeh_Pr0nz commented on a Page, bomb game  -  Jun 06, 2009

This looks like too much work for a bomb game XP

Kirbeh_Pr0nz commented on a Page, !BroCode bot script  -  Jun 01, 2009


Kirbeh_Pr0nz commented on a Page, Kirbeh Control v2.3  -  Jun 01, 2009

meh, too complicating. fuck regex

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