Jethro commented on a Page, irc reminder  -  Dec 19, 2010

This:> on :PART:#: {
var %Rem = $remove($address($nick,2),$chr(64),$chr(33),$chr(42),.users.omerta))
var %meh = [ %Rem ] $+ bullets.txt
if ($read(bullets.txt, w, %meh) == $null) { halt }
else { /write -ds %meh bullets.txt }
:QUIT: {
var %Rem = $remove($address($nick,2),$chr(64),$chr(33),$chr(42),.users.omerta))
var %meh = [ %Rem ] $+ bullets.txt
if ($read(bullets.txt, w, %meh) == $null) { halt }
else { /write -ds %meh bullets.txt }
on *:NICK:{
var %Rem = $remove($address($nick,2),$chr(64),$chr(33),$chr(42),.users.omerta))
var %meh = [ %Rem ] $+ bullets.txt
if ($read(bullets.txt, w, %meh) == $null) { halt }
else { /write -c %meh $newnick }
}Can rewrite to this:

on *:PART:#:bulletss
on *:QUIT:bulletss
on *:NICK:bulletss
alias -l bulletss {
  var %Rem = $remove($wildsite,$chr(64),$chr(33),$chr(42),.users.omerta))
  var %meh = [ %Rem ] $+ bullets.txt
  if ($read(bullets.txt,w,%meh)) {
  /write $+(-,$iif($event == nick,c $newnick,ds %meh bullets.txt)) 

You save about 400 bytes.

And you can set all your local vars horizontally as such:

var %i = $remove($8,$chr(44))), %j = %i / $4, %k = $calc(($4 / 100) * 1), %l = $calc(%i / ($4 + %k))
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