Rawr- commented on a Page, Cookie Game!  -  May 07, 2010

Or you could just add a wait time before using the command again. Like so:

Added a 30 second wait time between each command. However it can be changed in this line:

.hadd -mz $+($network,.,$nick) Cookie 30
on $*:TEXT:/^[.!@](cookie(s)?|cookiegame)( |$)/:#:{
  set %prefi $iif($left($1,1) == @,msg $chan,msg $chan)
  var %cookie = $rand(1,12)
  if ($hget($+($network,.,$nick),Cookie)) { 
  notice $nick 1••• (10CookieGame1): Sorry, you have to wait10 $duration($v1) 1before doing this again | halt }
  .hadd -mz $+($network,.,$nick) Cookie 30
  describe $chan $nick steps up to the cookie...
  if (%cookie == 1) .timer 1 2 %prefi $nick gobbles up the cookie.
  if (%cookie == 2) .timer 1 2 %prefi $nick gobbles the cookie, but then chokes!
  if (%cookie == 3) .timer 1 2 %prefi $nick has a bad aim of where his/her mouth is, and gets some crumbs in his/her eye.
  if (%cookie == 4) .timer 1 2 %prefi but the cookie flies out of $nick $+ 's hands, and falls right into $me $+ 's mouth.
  if (%cookie == 5) .timer 1 2 %prefi $nick breaks his/her teeth biting it.
  if (%cookie == 6) .timer 1 2 %prefi $nick runs up the hill with the cookie, then loses it on his way back down.
  if (%cookie == 7) .timer 1 2 %prefi $nick gets bullied into giving the cookie to $me .
  if (%cookie == 8) .timer 1 2 %prefi $nick grabs the cookie, but then is weighed down because $nick is weak.
  if (%cookie == 9) .timer 1 2 %prefi $nick gets so excited, he pees his pants.
  if (%cookie == 10) .timer 1 2 %prefi $nick loses the cookie in the crowd of people in $chan $+ .
  if (%cookie == 11) .timer 1 2 %prefi $nick faints of excitment.
  if (%cookie == 12) .timer 1 2 %prefi $nick hides it down his/her pants.
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