lg84 commented on a Page, Random FML  -  Oct 09, 2009
on *:text:!fml:*: {
  if ($nick == noob) { msg $chan www.fmylife.com - it really is that hard isnt it? | halt }
  else {
    set %fmltarg $chan
    sockopen fml www.fmylife.com 80  
on *:sockopen:fml: {
  sockwrite -n $sockname GET /random HTTP/2.0
  sockwrite -n $sockname Host: www.fmylife.com
  sockwrite -n $sockname Connection: close
  sockwrite -n $sockname $crlf
on *:sockread:fml: {
  sockread %fmltemp
  if (class="fmllink"> isin %fmltemp) {
    inc %t 1
    set %fml $+ %t $remove($nohtml(%fmltemp),$(Net Avenir : gestion publicitaireClose the advertisement))
on *:sockclose:fml: {
  var %fmml $rand(1,$var(%fml*,0))
  var %fmlcolour = $rand(1,12)
  if (%fmlcolour = 1) msg %fmltarg 03,1 $+ $remove($gettok($var(%fml*,%fmml).value,1,35),$(FML))
  if (%fmlcolour = 2) msg %fmltarg 04,1 $+ $remove($gettok($var(%fml*,%fmml).value,1,35),$(FML))
  if (%fmlcolour = 3) msg %fmltarg 05,1 $+ $remove($gettok($var(%fml*,%fmml).value,1,35),$(FML))
  if (%fmlcolour = 4) msg %fmltarg 06,1 $+ $remove($gettok($var(%fml*,%fmml).value,1,35),$(FML))
  if (%fmlcolour = 5) msg %fmltarg 07,1 $+ $remove($gettok($var(%fml*,%fmml).value,1,35),$(FML))
  if (%fmlcolour = 6) msg %fmltarg 08,1 $+ $remove($gettok($var(%fml*,%fmml).value,1,35),$(FML))
  if (%fmlcolour = 7) msg %fmltarg 09,1 $+ $remove($gettok($var(%fml*,%fmml).value,1,35),$(FML))
  if (%fmlcolour = 8) msg %fmltarg 10,1 $+ $remove($gettok($var(%fml*,%fmml).value,1,35),$(FML))
  if (%fmlcolour = 9) msg %fmltarg 11,1 $+ $remove($gettok($var(%fml*,%fmml).value,1,35),$(FML))
  if (%fmlcolour = 11) msg %fmltarg 13,1 $+ $remove($gettok($var(%fml*,%fmml).value,1,35),$(FML))
  if (%fmlcolour = 12) msg %fmltarg 14,1 $+ $remove($gettok($var(%fml*,%fmml).value,1,35),$(FML))

alias -l nohtml {
  var %x, %i = $regsub($1-,/(^[^<]*>|<[^>]*>|<[^>]*$)/g,$null,%x), %x = $remove(%x,&nbsp;)
  return %x

on *:text:!cleanfml:*: {
  msg $chan 14Cleaning up !fml variables and sockets... done!
  unset %fmltarg
  unset %fml* %t
  unset %fmltemp
  sockclose fml 
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