Kirby commented on a Page, Hawkee Snippet Ripper v1.0  -  Feb 01, 2009

This might be my scripting habit, but here are some things that I can suggest that might shorten the length of your script by some.

on *:dialog:hawkeepage:edit:2:{
  set %hawkeepage $did(hawkeepage,2).text 
on *:dialog:hawkeepage:sclick:3: {
  if ( !isin %hawkeepage) {
    dialog -mo invalidadd invalidadd
  set %next 0
  set %hawkeepage $remove(%hawkeepage,http://,www,hawkee,.,com)
  if ($sock(gethawkee)) {
    .sockclose gethawkee
  sockopen gethawkee 80

on *:dialog:doneload:sclick:*: {
  if ($did == 2) {
    .load -rs $qt($scriptdir $+ %filename $+ .mrc)
    echo -a 4 %filename $+ .mrc Successfully Loaded!
  if ($did == 3) {
    echo -a 4 %filename $+ .mrc Successfully Saved But Not Loaded!

As you might already know:

on *:dialog:name:event:id: {

name would be $dname, event would be $devent, and id would be $did.

Hence, you can shorten the code that I pasted above into smaller amounts like this:

on *:dialog:*:*:*: {
  if ($dname == hawkeepage) {
    if ($devent == edit) {
      if ($did == 2) { set %hawkeepage $did(hawkeepage,2).text }
    if ($devent == sclick) {
      if ($did == 3) {
        if ( !isin %hawkeepage) { dialog -mo invalidadd invalidadd | halt }
        set %next 0 | set %hawkeepage $remove(%hawkeepage,http://,www,hawkee,.,com)
        if ($sock(gethawkee)) { .sockclose gethawkee }
        .sockopen gethawkee 80
  if ($dname == doneload) {
    if ($devent == sclick) {
      if ($did == 2) { .load -rs $qt($scriptdir $+ %filename $+ .mrc) | echo -a 4 %filename $+ .mrc Successfully Loaded! }
      if ($did == 3) { echo -a 4 %filename $+ .mrc Successfully Saved But Not Loaded! }

Of course, I'm a dialog-nazi so you can ignore me if you want. :P
Just giving you suggestions. ^^

/me rates 7.0 because he hates copying and pasting scripts and then loading them. >:[

Saves me time. =D

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