pwnisher3 commented on a Page, Basic Mirc Bot   -  Dec 17, 2008

umm try this

on *:connect: { 
  msg nickserv identify %passw
  join #%urchan
on *:Text:!(your bot) start (name of script) (name of script)*:#:{
  if ($nick == your nick ) {
    load -rs $3 $+ .(format)
    load -rs $4 $+ .(format)
    /msg $chan %urchan loaded

New script.

on owner:TEXT:*:#: {
  if ($1 == !v) mode $chan +v $2 
  if ($1 == !h) mode $chan +h $2 
  if ($1 == !op) mode $chan +o $2
  if ($1 == !a) mode $chan +a $2
  if ($1 == !q) mode $chan +q $2
  if ($1 == !ban) mode $chan +b $2
  if ($1 == !unban) mode $chan -b $2
  if ($1 == !owner) { auser owner $2 | msg $chan 14Added $2 as Bot Owner, Type !owners commands }
  if ($1 == !delowner) { ruser owner $2 | msg $chan 14Deleted $2 as Bot Owner }
  if ($1 == !master) { auser master $2 | msg $chan 14Added $2 as Bot Master, Type !masters commads }
  if ($1 == !delmaster) { ruser master $2 | msg $chan 14Deleted $2 as Bot Master }
  if ($1 == !user) { auser user $2 | msg $chan 14Added $2 as Bot User, Type !users commands }
  if ($1 == !deluser) { ruser user $2 | msg $chan 14Deleted $2 as Bot User }
  if ($1 == !shit) { auser shit $2 | msg $chan 14Added $2 to the Shitlist by $nick | kick $chan $2 Shitlisted by $nick }
  if ($1 == !delshit) { ruser shit $2 | msg $chan 14Deleted $2 From Shitlist by $nick }
  if ($1 == !join) /join $2
  if ($1 == !part) /part $2
on master:TEXT:*:#: {
  if ($1 == !v) mode $chan +v $2 
  if ($1 == !h) mode $chan +h $2 
  if ($1 == !op) mode $chan +o $2
  if ($1 == !a) mode $chan +a $2
  if ($1 == !ban) mode $chan +b $2
  if ($1 == !unban) mode $chan -b $2
  if ($1 == !join) /join $2
  if ($1 == !part) /part $2
on user:TEXT:*:#: {
  if ($1 == !v) mode $chan +v $2 
  if ($1 == !h) mode $chan +h $2 
on shit:JOIN:#:{ /kick # $nick Shitlisted!

New script.

on *:JOIN:#: {
  if ($chan == %urchanl) {
    msg $chan Hello, $nick 
    mode $chan +v $nick
menu * {
  .Your Channel: set %urchan $1 $$?=" what is your channel?"
  .your NS password: set %passw $1 $$?="what is your NS password?"
on *:TEXT:!Help:#: {
  notice $nick If your looking for commands type !commands, if your looking to ask something contact $me
on *:TEXT:!commands:#: {
  notice $nick If you are a user/master/owner of $me tpye !user commands,!master commands,!owner commands.
on *:TEXT:!user commands:#:{
  notice $nick User's commands are !v, !h
on *:TEXT:!master commands:#:{
  notice $nick Master's commands are !v, !h, !op, !a, !ban, !unban, !join, !part
on *:TEXT:!owner commands:#:{
  notice $nick Owner's commands are !v, !h, !op, !a, !q, !ban, !unban, !join, !part, !shit, !delshit
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