AHBARAR commented on a Page, delete me  -  Jun 08, 2007

good script my freind but it may flood the pvt and some scripts when flood in pvt it close auto so i preffer if u set time betwen every msg like i will readd ur script to make time on u
That will not flood in pvt at least

and i think if some 1 want to change the room or the bot is guy or girl or the other things he have to unload the script then load it again to set it cas there is no commands to change it than after loading it.. so i will add this at the end of the script so u may change it easly:
menu * {
set {
.set %genderdm $?=\"Are you a guy or girl? Please type GUY or GIRL.\"
.set %admindm $?=\"Do you want any Admins? (They can edit basically anything, even during a game. Only aliases of course. $+ $crlf $+ Answer Y/N.\"
.set %chandm $?=\"What channel do you want your DM script to be in? (Default: #chatdm)\"
.set %copymod $?=\"Do you want CopyMod Beta on? (While fighting the bot, it imitates your items. (YES/NO, Y/N)\"
For sadistic_sin it seasy just copy this script and load it in remote of ur bot and there u go command it from ur script as commands above....

Fot Carlito Its easy to color it just press before the word u want to color it ctrl + K and then chosse num of colour

New script :
on :text:!dmcommands:#:{
if (%otherdmbot == yes) { HALT }
if (%dmcommands == on) {
notice $nick [DM] Currently sending somebody else the commands.
notice $nick [DM] Please try again in 15 seconds.
timer 01 15 unset %dmcommands
msg $chan [DM] Sending $nick DMCommands.
msg $chan [DM] Please wait 15-20 seconds before using another command.
.timer 1 4 .msg $nick $cl [DM] DM RULES.
.timer 1 8 .msg $nick $cl [DM] You start with 100% Special Attack meter. It is suggested you use this.
.timer 1 12 .msg $nick $cl [DM] Every turn, your Special Attack meter raises 5%.
.timer 1 16 .msg $nick $cl [DM] DM SPECIAL COMMANDS.
.timer 1 20 .msg $nick $cl [DM] Syntax: Command :: Percent special uses :: Max hit :: Effect
.timer 1 24 .msg $nick $cl [DM] !dds :: 25% :: 46 (double 23) :: Hits twice.
.timer 1 28 .msg $nick $cl [DM] !dmace :: 25% :: 50 :: Double the chance to hit below 25.
.timer 1 32 .msg $nick $cl [DM] !anchor :: 50% :: 40 :: Double the chance to hit above 15.
.timer 1 36 .msg $nick $cl [DM] !dscim :: 60% :: 35 :: 5% chance of earning 100% special meter. 10% chance of earning 40% special meter. 50% chance of STEALING 10% special meter.
.timer 1 38 .msg $nick $cl [DM] !whip :: 55% :: 35 (40. See special) :: If hits below 10, do 1 extra damage. If hits above 11, do 2 extra damage, if hits above 25, do 3 extra damage, if hits 35, do 5 extra damage and steal 20% special meter.
.timer 1 42 .msg $nick $cl [DM] !daxe :: 60% :: Either hits 0 or 45 :: Low chance to hit 45.
.timer 1 46 .msg $nick $cl [DM] DM NORMAL COMMANDS.
.timer 1 50 .msg $nick $cl [DM] Syntax: Command :: Max hit :: Effect
.timer 1 54 .msg $nick $cl [DM] !Nwhip :: 30 :: None.
.timer 1 58 .msg $nick $cl [DM] !Nmaul :: 25 :: Slightly high chance to hit higher.
.timer 1 62 .msg $nick $cl [DM] !Nanchor :: 35 :: Slightly high chance to hit lower.
.timer 1 66 .msg $nick $cl [DM] !Ndscim :: 25 :: Regenerate 5% extra special meter this turn.
.timer 1 70 .msg $nick $cl [DM] OTHER COMMANDS.
.timer 1 74 .msg $nick $cl [DM] Syntax: Command :: Effect
.timer 1 78 .msg $nick $cl [DM] !dmstop :: Stops DM. Requires two people to initiate.
.timer 1 82 .msg $nick $cl [DM] !dmcommands :: Display all commands. This that you are reading IS !dmcommands
.timer 1 86 .msg $nick $cl [DM] !dmcheck :: Display current Win/Lose record, K/D ratio, gold, items.
.timer 1 90 .msg $nick $cl [DM] !dmadmin :: For ADMINS. Displays admin commands.
.timer 1 94 .msg $nick $cl [DM] !dmbuy :: If buying mod is enabled, lets you buy/check items to buy.
.timer 1 98 .msg $nick $cl [DM] !dmmods :: Checks what mods are currently enabled.
on :text:!dds:#:{
if (%otherdmbot == yes) { HALT }
if ($nick == %dmnick1) { set %dmotherperson %dmnick2 }
if ($nick == %dmnick2) { set %dmotherperson %dmnick1 }
if (%chandm != $chan) { HALT }
if (%dm != on) { notice $nick [DM] There is no current DM going on! Type !DM to start! | HALT }
if (%dmnick1 == $nick) && (%dmnick2 == $nick) { notice $nick [DM] You are not in the DM! | HALT }
if (%dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] < 25) { notice $nick [DM] You do not have enough special meter! | HALT }
if (%dmturn != $nick) { notice $nick [DM] It is not your turn! | HALT }
if (%dmwait == on) { notice $nick [DM] Please wait until your health meter shows up before doing an attack! | HALT }
dec %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 25
set %dmhit1 $rand(0,23)
set %dmhit2 $rand(0,23)
if (%buydmmod == yes) {
if (extra_damage isin %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { set %dmhit1 $calc(%dmhit1 + 5) }
if (weak_armor isin %listdm [ $+ [ %dmotherperson ] ]) { set %dmhit1 $calc(%dmhit1 - 1) }
if (med_armor isin %listdm [ $+ [ %dmotherperson ] ]) { set %dmhit1 $calc(%dmhit1 - 2) }
if (strong_armor isin %listdm [ $+ [ %dmotherperson ] ]) { set %dmhit1 $calc(%dmhit1 - 5) }
if (special_boost100 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { inc %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 100 }
if (special_boost50 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { inc %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 50 }
if (special_boost15 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { inc %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 15 }
if (special_boost10 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { inc %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 10 }
if (special_boost5 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { inc %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 5 }
if (health_boost1 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { inc %dmhealth [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 1 }
if (health_boost5 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { inc %dmhealth [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 5 }
if (health_boost10 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { inc %dmhealth [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 10 }
if (%dmhit1 < 0) { set %dmhit1 0 }
if (%dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] > 100) { set %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 100 }
msg $chan [DM] $nick uses his DDS Special and hits a %dmhit1 and %dmhit2 $+ !
set %dmhit $calc( %dmhit1 + %dmhit2 )
dec %dmhealth [ $+ [ %dmotherperson ] ] %dmhit
dmregen $nick %dmotherperson
notice $nick [DM] You now have %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] special bar.
on :text:!dmace:#:{
if (%otherdmbot == yes) { HALT }
if ($nick == %dmnick1) { set %dmotherperson %dmnick2 }
if ($nick == %dmnick2) { set %dmotherperson %dmnick1 }
if (%chandm != $chan) { HALT }
if (%dm != on) { notice $nick [DM] There is no current DM going on! Type !DM to start! | HALT }
if (%dmnick1 == $nick) && (%dmnick2 == $nick) { notice $nick [DM] You are not in the DM! | HALT }
if (%dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] < 25) { notice $nick [DM] You do not have enough special meter! | HALT }
if (%dmturn != $nick) { notice $nick [DM] It is not your turn! | HALT }
if (%dmwait == on) { notice $nick [DM] Please wait until your health meter shows up before doing an attack! | HALT }
dec %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 25
set %dmhit $rand(0,50)
if (%dmhit > 25) {
set %dmhit $rand(0,50)
if (%buydmmod == yes) {
if (extra_damage isin %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { set %dmhit $calc(%dmhit + 5) }
if (weak_armor isin %listdm [ $+ [ %dmotherperson ] ]) { set %dmhit $calc(%dmhit - 1) }
if (med_armor isin %listdm [ $+ [ %dmotherperson ] ]) { set %dmhit $calc(%dmhit - 2) }
if (strong_armor isin %listdm [ $+ [ %dmotherperson ] ]) { set %dmhit $calc(%dmhit - 5) }
if (special_boost100 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { inc %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 100 }
if (special_boost50 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { inc %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 50 }
if (special_boost15 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { inc %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 15 }
if (special_boost10 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { inc %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 10 }
if (special_boost5 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { inc %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 5 }
if (health_boost1 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { inc %dmhealth [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 1 }
if (health_boost5 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { inc %dmhealth [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 5 }
if (health_boost10 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { inc %dmhealth [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 10 }
if (%dmhit < 0) { set %dmhit 0 }
if (%dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] > 100) { set %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 100 }
msg $chan [DM] $nick uses his DMace Special and hits a %dmhit $+ !
dec %dmhealth [ $+ [ %dmotherperson ] ] %dmhit
dmregen $nick %dmotherperson
notice $nick [DM] You now have %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] special bar.
on :text:!anchor:#:{
if (%otherdmbot == yes) { HALT }
if ($nick == %dmnick1) { set %dmotherperson %dmnick2 }
if ($nick == %dmnick2) { set %dmotherperson %dmnick1 }
if (%chandm != $chan) { HALT }
if (%dm != on) { notice $nick [DM] There is no current DM going on! Type !DM to start! | HALT }
if (%dmnick1 == $nick) && (%dmnick2 == $nick) { notice $nick [DM] You are not in the DM! | HALT }
if (%dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] < 50) { notice $nick [DM] You do not have enough special meter! | HALT }
if (%dmturn != $nick) { notice $nick [DM] It is not your turn! | HALT }
if (%dmwait == on) { notice $nick [DM] Please wait until your health meter shows up before doing an attack! | HALT }
dec %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 50
set %dmhit $rand(0,35)
if (%dmhit < 15) {
set %dmhit $rand(0,40)
if (%buydmmod == yes) {
if (extra_damage isin %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { set %dmhit $calc(%dmhit + 5) }
if (weak_armor isin %listdm [ $+ [ %dmotherperson ] ]) { set %dmhit $calc(%dmhit - 1) }
if (med_armor isin %listdm [ $+ [ %dmotherperson ] ]) { set %dmhit $calc(%dmhit - 2) }
if (strong_armor isin %listdm [ $+ [ %dmotherperson ] ]) { set %dmhit $calc(%dmhit - 5) }
if (special_boost100 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { inc %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 100 }
if (special_boost50 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { inc %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 50 }
if (special_boost15 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { inc %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 15 }
if (special_boost10 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { inc %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 10 }
if (special_boost5 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { inc %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 5 }
if (health_boost1 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { inc %dmhealth [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 1 }
if (health_boost5 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { inc %dmhealth [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 5 }
if (health_boost10 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { inc %dmhealth [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 10 }
if (%dmhit < 0) { set %dmhit 0 }
if (%dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] > 100) { set %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 100 }
msg $chan [DM] $nick uses his Anchor Special and hits a %dmhit $+ !
dec %dmhealth [ $+ [ %dmotherperson ] ] %dmhit
dmregen $nick %dmotherperson
notice $nick [DM] You now have %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] special bar.
on :text:!dscim:#:{
if (%otherdmbot == yes) { HALT }
if ($nick == %dmnick1) { set %dmotherperson %dmnick2 }
if ($nick == %dmnick2) { set %dmotherperson %dmnick1 }
if (%chandm != $chan) { HALT }
if (%dm != on) { notice $nick [DM] There is no current DM going on! Type !DM to start! | HALT }
if (%dmnick1 == $nick) && (%dmnick2 == $nick) { notice $nick [DM] You are not in the DM! | HALT }
if (%dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] < 60) { notice $nick [DM] You do not have enough special meter! | HALT }
if (%dmturn != $nick) { notice $nick [DM] It is not your turn! | HALT }
if (%dmwait == on) { notice $nick [DM] Please wait until your health meter shows up before doing an attack! | HALT }
dec %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 60
set %dmhit $rand(0,35)
set %dmrand1 $rand(1,20)
if (%dmrand1 == 1) { set %dmscima yes }
set %dmrand2 $rand(1,10)
if (%dmrand2 == 1) { set %dmscimb yes }
set %dmrand3 $rand(1,2)
if (%dmrand3 == 1) { set %dmscimc yes }
if (%buydmmod == yes) {
if (extra_damage isin %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { set %dmhit $calc(%dmhit + 5) }
if (weak_armor isin %listdm [ $+ [ %dmotherperson ] ]) { set %dmhit $calc(%dmhit - 1) }
if (med_armor isin %listdm [ $+ [ %dmotherperson ] ]) { set %dmhit $calc(%dmhit - 2) }
if (strong_armor isin %listdm [ $+ [ %dmotherperson ] ]) { set %dmhit $calc(%dmhit - 5) }
if (special_boost100 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { inc %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 100 }
if (special_boost50 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { inc %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 50 }
if (special_boost15 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { inc %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 15 }
if (special_boost10 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { inc %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 10 }
if (special_boost5 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { inc %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 5 }
if (health_boost1 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { inc %dmhealth [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 1 }
if (health_boost5 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { inc %dmhealth [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 5 }
if (health_boost10 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { inc %dmhealth [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 10 }
if (%dmhit < 0) { set %dmhit 0 }
if (%dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] > 100) { set %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 100 }
msg $chan [DM] $nick uses his Dscim Special and hits a %dmhit $+ !
if (%dmscima == yes) { msg $chan [DM] $nick Also gains an extra 100% worth of special meter! | inc %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 100 }
if (%dmscimb == yes) { msg $chan [DM] $nick Also gains an extra 40% worth of special meter! | inc %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 40 }
if (%dmscimc == yes) { msg $chan [DM] $nick Also STEALS 10% special meter from %dmotherperson $+ ! | inc %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 10 | dec %dmspec [ $+ [ %dmotherperson ] ] 10 }
dec %dmhealth [ $+ [ %dmotherperson ] ] %dmhit
dmregen $nick %dmotherperson
notice $nick [DM] You now have %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] special bar.
on :text:!whip:#:{
if (%otherdmbot == yes) { HALT }
if ($nick == %dmnick1) { set %dmotherperson %dmnick2 }
if ($nick == %dmnick2) { set %dmotherperson %dmnick1 }
if (%chandm != $chan) { HALT }
if (%dm != on) { notice $nick [DM] There is no current DM going on! Type !DM to start! | HALT }
if (%dmnick1 == $nick) && (%dmnick2 == $nick) { notice $nick [DM] You are not in the DM! | HALT }
if (%dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] < 55) { notice $nick [DM] You do not have enough special meter! | HALT }
if (%dmturn != $nick) { notice $nick [DM] It is not your turn! | HALT }
if (%dmwait == on) { notice $nick [DM] Please wait until your health meter shows up before doing an attack! | HALT }
dec %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 55
set %dmhit $rand(0,35)
if (%dmhit < 11) { inc %dmhit 1 | set %dmwhip 1 }
if (%dmhit > 10) && (%dmhit < 35) { inc %dmhit 2 | set %dmwhip 2 }
if (%dmhit == 35) { inc %dmhit 5 | set %dmwhip 5 }
if (%buydmmod == yes) {
if (extra_damage isin %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { set %dmhit $calc(%dmhit + 5) }
if (weak_armor isin %listdm [ $+ [ %dmotherperson ] ]) { set %dmhit $calc(%dmhit - 1) }
if (med_armor isin %listdm [ $+ [ %dmotherperson ] ]) { set %dmhit $calc(%dmhit - 2) }
if (strong_armor isin %listdm [ $+ [ %dmotherperson ] ]) { set %dmhit $calc(%dmhit - 5) }
if (special_boost100 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { inc %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 100 }
if (special_boost50 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { inc %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 50 }
if (special_boost15 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { inc %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 15 }
if (special_boost10 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { inc %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 10 }
if (special_boost5 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { inc %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 5 }
if (health_boost1 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { inc %dmhealth [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 1 }
if (health_boost5 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { inc %dmhealth [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 5 }
if (health_boost10 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { inc %dmhealth [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 10 }
if (%dmhit < 0) { set %dmhit 0 }
if (%dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] > 100) { set %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 100 }
msg $chan [DM] $nick uses his Whip Special and hits a %dmhit $+ , which includes a + $+ %dmwhip bonus!
if (%dmwhip == 5) { msg $chan [DM] $nick Also steals 20% special meter from %dmotherperson $+ !
inc %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 20
dec %dmspec [ $+ [ %dmotherperson ] ] 20
dec %dmhealth [ $+ [ %dmotherperson ] ] %dmhit
dmregen $nick %dmotherperson
notice $nick [DM] You now have %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] special bar.
on :text:!daxe:#:{
if (%otherdmbot == yes) { HALT }
if ($nick == %dmnick1) { set %dmotherperson %dmnick2 }
if ($nick == %dmnick2) { set %dmotherperson %dmnick1 }
if (%chandm != $chan) { HALT }
if (%dm != on) { notice $nick [DM] There is no current DM going on! Type !DM to start! | HALT }
if (%dmnick1 == $nick) && (%dmnick2 == $nick) { notice $nick [DM] You are not in the DM! | HALT }
if (%dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] < 60) { notice $nick [DM] You do not have enough special meter! | HALT }
if (%dmturn != $nick) { notice $nick [DM] It is not your turn! | HALT }
if (%dmwait == on) { notice $nick [DM] Please wait until your health meter shows up before doing an attack! | HALT }
dec %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 60
set %dmhit $rand(1,8)
if (%dmhit < 4) { set %dmhit 45 }
if (%dmhit > 3) { set %dmhit 0 }
if (%buydmmod == yes) {
if (extra_damage isin %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { set %dmhit $calc(%dmhit + 5) }
if (weak_armor isin %listdm [ $+ [ %dmotherperson ] ]) { set %dmhit $calc(%dmhit - 1) }
if (med_armor isin %listdm [ $+ [ %dmotherperson ] ]) { set %dmhit $calc(%dmhit - 2) }
if (strong_armor isin %listdm [ $+ [ %dmotherperson ] ]) { set %dmhit $calc(%dmhit - 5) }
if (special_boost100 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { inc %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 100 }
if (special_boost50 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { inc %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 50 }
if (special_boost15 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { inc %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 15 }
if (special_boost10 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { inc %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 10 }
if (special_boost5 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { inc %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 5 }
if (health_boost1 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { inc %dmhealth [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 1 }
if (health_boost5 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { inc %dmhealth [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 5 }
if (health_boost10 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { inc %dmhealth [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 10 }
if (%dmhit < 0) { set %dmhit 0 }
if (%dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] > 100) { set %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 100 }
msg $chan [DM] $nick uses his Daxe Special and hits a %dmhit $+ .
dec %dmhealth [ $+ [ %dmotherperson ] ] %dmhit
dmregen $nick %dmotherperson
notice $nick [DM] You now have %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] special bar.
on :text:!nwhip:#:{
if (%otherdmbot == yes) { HALT }
if ($nick == %dmnick1) { set %dmotherperson %dmnick2 }
if ($nick == %dmnick2) { set %dmotherperson %dmnick1 }
if (%chandm != $chan) { HALT }
if (%dm != on) { notice $nick [DM] There is no current DM going on! Type !DM to start! | HALT }
if (%dmnick1 == $nick) && (%dmnick2 == $nick) { notice $nick [DM] You are not in the DM! | HALT }
if (%dmturn != $nick) { notice $nick [DM] It is not your turn! | HALT }
if (%dmwait == on) { notice $nick [DM] Please wait until your health meter shows up before doing an attack! | HALT }
set %dmhit $rand(0,30)
if (%buydmmod == yes) {
if (extra_damage isin %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { set %dmhit $calc(%dmhit + 5) }
if (weak_armor isin %listdm [ $+ [ %dmotherperson ] ]) { set %dmhit $calc(%dmhit - 1) }
if (med_armor isin %listdm [ $+ [ %dmotherperson ] ]) { set %dmhit $calc(%dmhit - 2) }
if (strong_armor isin %listdm [ $+ [ %dmotherperson ] ]) { set %dmhit $calc(%dmhit - 5) }
if (special_boost100 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { inc %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 100 }
if (special_boost50 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { inc %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 50 }
if (special_boost15 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { inc %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 15 }
if (special_boost10 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { inc %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 10 }
if (special_boost5 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { inc %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 5 }
if (health_boost1 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { inc %dmhealth [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 1 }
if (health_boost5 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { inc %dmhealth [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 5 }
if (health_boost10 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { inc %dmhealth [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 10 }
if (%dmhit < 0) { set %dmhit 0 }
if (%dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] > 100) { set %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 100 }
msg $chan [DM] $nick uses his Whip and hits a %dmhit $+ .
dec %dmhealth [ $+ [ %dmotherperson ] ] %dmhit
dmregen $nick %dmotherperson
notice $nick [DM] You now have %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] special bar.
on :text:!nmaul:#:{
if (%otherdmbot == yes) { HALT }
if ($nick == %dmnick1) { set %dmotherperson %dmnick2 }
if ($nick == %dmnick2) { set %dmotherperson %dmnick1 }
if (%chandm != $chan) { HALT }
if (%dm != on) { notice $nick [DM] There is no current DM going on! Type !DM to start! | HALT }
if (%dmnick1 == $nick) && (%dmnick2 == $nick) { notice $nick [DM] You are not in the DM! | HALT }
if (%dmturn != $nick) { notice $nick [DM] It is not your turn! | HALT }
if (%dmwait == on) { notice $nick [DM] Please wait until your health meter shows up before doing an attack! | HALT }
set %dmhit $rand(0,4)
if (%dmhit != 4) {
set %dmhit $rand(0,25)
if (%dmhit == 4) {
set %dmhit $rand(15,25)
if (%buydmmod == yes) {
if (extra_damage isin %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { set %dmhit $calc(%dmhit + 5) }
if (weak_armor isin %listdm [ $+ [ %dmotherperson ] ]) { set %dmhit $calc(%dmhit - 1) }
if (med_armor isin %listdm [ $+ [ %dmotherperson ] ]) { set %dmhit $calc(%dmhit - 2) }
if (strong_armor isin %listdm [ $+ [ %dmotherperson ] ]) { set %dmhit $calc(%dmhit - 5) }
if (special_boost100 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { inc %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 100 }
if (special_boost50 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { inc %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 50 }
if (special_boost15 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { inc %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 15 }
if (special_boost10 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { inc %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 10 }
if (special_boost5 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { inc %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 5 }
if (health_boost1 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { inc %dmhealth [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 1 }
if (health_boost5 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { inc %dmhealth [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 5 }
if (health_boost10 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { inc %dmhealth [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 10 }
if (%dmhit < 0) { set %dmhit 0 }
if (%dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] > 100) { set %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 100 }
msg $chan [DM] $nick uses his maul and hits a %dmhit $+ .
dec %dmhealth [ $+ [ %dmotherperson ] ] %dmhit
dmregen $nick %dmotherperson
notice $nick [DM] You now have %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] special bar.
on :text:!nanchor:#:{
if (%otherdmbot == yes) { HALT }
if ($nick == %dmnick1) { set %dmotherperson %dmnick2 }
if ($nick == %dmnick2) { set %dmotherperson %dmnick1 }
if (%chandm != $chan) { HALT }
if (%dm != on) { notice $nick [DM] There is no current DM going on! Type !DM to start! | HALT }
if (%dmnick1 == $nick) && (%dmnick2 == $nick) { notice $nick [DM] You are not in the DM! | HALT }
if (%dmturn != $nick) { notice $nick [DM] It is not your turn! | HALT }
if (%dmwait == on) { notice $nick [DM] Please wait until your health meter shows up before doing an attack! | HALT }
set %dmhit $rand(0,4)
if (%dmhit != 4) {
set %dmhit $rand(0,35)
if (%dmhit == 4) {
set %dmhit $rand(0,21)
if (%buydmmod == yes) {
if (extra_damage isin %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { set %dmhit $calc(%dmhit + 5) }
if (weak_armor isin %listdm [ $+ [ %dmotherperson ] ]) { set %dmhit $calc(%dmhit - 1) }
if (med_armor isin %listdm [ $+ [ %dmotherperson ] ]) { set %dmhit $calc(%dmhit - 2) }
if (strong_armor isin %listdm [ $+ [ %dmotherperson ] ]) { set %dmhit $calc(%dmhit - 5) }
if (special_boost100 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { inc %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 100 }
if (special_boost50 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { inc %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 50 }
if (special_boost15 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { inc %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 15 }
if (special_boost10 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { inc %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 10 }
if (special_boost5 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { inc %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 5 }
if (health_boost1 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { inc %dmhealth [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 1 }
if (health_boost5 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { inc %dmhealth [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 5 }
if (health_boost10 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { inc %dmhealth [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 10 }
if (%dmhit < 0) { set %dmhit 0 }
if (%dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] > 100) { set %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 100 }
msg $chan [DM] $nick uses his anchor and hits a %dmhit $+ .
dec %dmhealth [ $+ [ %dmotherperson ] ] %dmhit
dmregen $nick %dmotherperson
notice $nick [DM] You now have %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] special bar.
on :text:!ndscim:#:{
if (%otherdmbot == yes) { HALT }
if ($nick == %dmnick1) { set %dmotherperson %dmnick2 }
if ($nick == %dmnick2) { set %dmotherperson %dmnick1 }
if (%chandm != $chan) { HALT }
if (%dm != on) { notice $nick [DM] There is no current DM going on! Type !DM to start! | HALT }
if (%dmnick1 == $nick) && (%dmnick2 == $nick) { notice $nick [DM] You are not in the DM! | HALT }
if (%dmturn != $nick) { notice $nick [DM] It is not your turn! | HALT }
if (%dmwait == on) { notice $nick [DM] Please wait until your health meter shows up before doing an attack! | HALT }
set %dmhit $rand(0,25)
if (%buydmmod == yes) {
if (extra_damage isin %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { set %dmhit $calc(%dmhit + 5) }
if (weak_armor isin %listdm [ $+ [ %dmotherperson ] ]) { set %dmhit $calc(%dmhit - 1) }
if (med_armor isin %listdm [ $+ [ %dmotherperson ] ]) { set %dmhit $calc(%dmhit - 2) }
if (strong_armor isin %listdm [ $+ [ %dmotherperson ] ]) { set %dmhit $calc(%dmhit - 5) }
if (special_boost100 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { inc %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 100 }
if (special_boost50 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { inc %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 50 }
if (special_boost15 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { inc %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 15 }
if (special_boost10 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { inc %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 10 }
if (special_boost5 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { inc %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 5 }
if (health_boost1 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { inc %dmhealth [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 1 }
if (health_boost5 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { inc %dmhealth [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 5 }
if (health_boost10 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { inc %dmhealth [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 10 }
if (%dmhit < 0) { set %dmhit 0 }
if (%dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] > 100) { set %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 100 }
msg $chan [DM] $nick uses his dscim and hits a %dmhit $+ , and also regenerates an extra 5% special meter!
inc %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 5
dec %dmhealth [ $+ [ %dmotherperson ] ] %dmhit
dmregen $nick %dmotherperson
notice $nick [DM] You now have %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] special bar.
alias dmregen {
if (%otherdmbot == yes) { HALT }
inc %dmspec [ $+ [ $1 ] ] 5
if (%dmspec [ $+ [ $1 ] ] > 100) { set %dmspec [ $+ [ $1 ] ] 100 }
set %dmturn $2
msg %chandm [DM] It is now $2 $+ \'s turn!
if (%dmturn != $me) {
timer 01 02 msg %chandm [DM] Health: %dmnick1 $+ ( $+ %dmhealth [ $+ [ %dmnick1 ] ] $+ ) %dmnick2 $+ ( $+ %dmhealth [ $+ [ %dmnick2 ] ] $+ )
timer 01 02 unset %dmwait
set %dmwait on
alias dmcheck {
if (%otherdmbot == yes) { HALT }
if (%dmhealth [ $+ [ %dmnick1 ] ] < 1) {
msg %chandm [DM] %dmnick1 has fallen to the ground, while %dmnick2 celebrates a glorious win! %dmnick2 wins!
inc %losedm [ $+ [ %dmnick1 ] ]
inc %winsdm [ $+ [ %dmnick2 ] ]
set %golddm1 $rand(150,500)
set %golddm2 $rand(50,150)
set %golddm1 $calc(%golddm1 + %dmhealth [ $+ [ %dmnick2 ] ] - %dmhealth [ $+ [ %dmnick2 ] ] + %dmspec [ $+ [ %dmnick1 ] ] - %dmspec [ $+ [ %dmnick1 ] ])
if (%dmnick2 != $me) { notice %dmnick2 You win %golddm1 Gold! }
if (%dmnick1 != $me) { notice %dmnick1 You win %golddm2 Gold! }
inc %golddm [ $+ [ %dmnick1 ] ] %golddm2
inc %golddm [ $+ [ %dmnick2 ] ] %golddm1
inc %allgolddm [ $+ [ %dmnick1 ] ] %golddm2
inc %allgolddm [ $+ [ %dmnick2 ] ] %golddm1
if (%listdm2 [ $+ [ %dmnick1 ] ] != $null) { set %listdm [ $+ [ %dmnick1 ] ] %listdm2 [ $+ [ %dmnick1 ] ] }
if (%listdm2 [ $+ [ %dmnick2 ] ] != $null) { set %listdm [ $+ [ %dmnick2 ] ] %listdm2 [ $+ [ %dmnick2 ] ] }
unset %listdm2
unset %dm

if (%dmhealth [ $+ [ %dmnick2 ] ] < 1) {
msg %chandm [DM] %dmnick2 has fallen to the ground, while %dmnick1 celebrates a glorious win! %dmnick1 wins!
inc %losedm [ $+ [ %dmnick2 ] ]
inc %winsdm [ $+ [ %dmnick1 ] ]
set %golddm1 $rand(150,500)
set %golddm2 $rand(50,150)
set %golddm1 $calc(%golddm1 + %dmhealth [ $+ [ %dmnick1 ] ] - %dmhealth [ $+ [ %dmnick2 ] ] + %dmspec [ $+ [ %dmnick1 ] ] - %dmspec [ $+ [ %dmnick2 ] ])
if (%dmnick1 != $me) { notice %dmnick1 You win %golddm1 Gold! }
if (%dmnick2 != $me) { notice %dmnick2 You win %golddm2 Gold! }
inc %golddm [ $+ [ %dmnick1 ] ] %golddm1
inc %golddm [ $+ [ %dmnick2 ] ] %golddm2
inc %allgolddm [ $+ [ %dmnick1 ] ] %golddm1
inc %allgolddm [ $+ [ %dmnick2 ] ] %golddm2
if (%listdm2 [ $+ [ %dmnick1 ] ] != $null) { set %listdm [ $+ [ %dmnick1 ] ] %listdm2 [ $+ [ %dmnick1 ] ] }
if (%listdm2 [ $+ [ %dmnick2 ] ] != $null) { set %listdm [ $+ [ %dmnick2 ] ] %listdm2 [ $+ [ %dmnick2 ] ] }
unset %listdm2
unset %dm

on :load:{
unset %dm

set %genderdm $?=\"Are you a guy or girl? Please type GUY or GIRL.\"
if (%genderdm == guy) {
set %genderdm his
if (%genderdm == girl) {
set %genderdm her
if (%genderdm != her) && (%genderdm != his) { goto genderdm }
set %buydmmod $?=\"Do you want Buy Mod enabled? (Lets people buy items with gold they earn, recommended.) $+ $crlf $+ Answer Y/N.\"
if (%admindm == y) || (%admindm == yes) {
set %buydmmod yes
if (%admindm == n) || (%admindm == no) {
set %buydmmod no
set %admindm $?=\"Do you want any Admins? (They can edit basically anything, even during a game. Only aliases of course. $+ $crlf $+ Answer Y/N.\"
if (%admindm == y) || (%admindm == yes) {
set %admindm yes
set %adminsdm $?=\"What are the nicks of what Admins you want? Type a comma inbetween each. No spaces.\"
if (%admindm == n) || (%admindm == no) {
set %admindm no
if (%admindm != yes) && (%admindm != no) && (%admindm != y) && (%admindm != n) {
goto admindm
set %chandm $?=\"What channel do you want your DM script to be in? (Default: #chatdm)\"
set %copymod $?=\"Do you want CopyMod Beta on? (While fighting the bot, it imitates your items. (YES/NO, Y/N)\"
if (%copymod == n) { set %copymod no }
if (%copymod == y) { set %copymod yes }
alias dmadmins {
if (%otherdmbot == yes) { HALT }
if ($1 == $null) { set %adminsdm $?=\"What are the nicks of people you want as admins?\"
set %adminsdm $1-
on :text:!dmadmin:#: {
if (%otherdmbot == yes) { HALT }
if ($nick !isin %adminsdm) { notice $nick [DM] You are not an admin! | HALT }
if ($2 == commands) || ($2 == $null) {
.timer 1 3 .msg $nick $cl [DM] ADMIN COMMANDS
.timer 1 6 .msg $nick $cl [DM] An underlined line means YOU put that info in.
.timer 1 9 .msg $nick $cl [DM] If something is bold underlined, it means it is optional.
.timer 1 12 .msg $nick $cl [DM] Syntax: Command - What it does
.timer 1 15 .msg $nick $cl [DM] !dmadmin edit type amount other - Edits type to amount.
.timer 1 18 .msg $nick $cl [DM] EDIT COMMANDS (type)
.timer 1 21 .msg $nick $cl [DM] !dmadmin edit hp amount person - Edits person\'s Health to amount
.timer 1 24 .msg $nick $cl [DM] !dmadmin edit wins amount person - Edits person\'s Win amount to amount
.timer 1 26 .msg $nick $cl [DM] !dmadmin edit loses amount person - Edits person\'s Lose amount to amount
.timer 1 29 .msg $nick $cl [DM] !dmadmin edit special amount person - Edits person\'s Special Meter to amount
.timer 1 32 .msg $nick $cl [DM] !dmadmin edit vote amount - Edits the current amount of votes to end the game to amount
.timer 1 35 .msg $nick $cl [DM] !dmadmin edit gold amount person - Edits person\'s gold amount to amount
.timer 1 38 .msg $nick $cl [DM] !dmadmin edit person number person - Changes number\'s game position to person\'s. If person is unspecified, it\'s you.
.timer 1 41 .msg $nick $cl [DM] DM NUMBER SYNTAX FOR ABOVE COMMAND: number 1: person who first said !DM. number 2: person who accepted DM by typing !DM second.
.timer 1 44 .msg $nick $cl [DM] More commmands to be coming. Admin in beta mode currently.
if ($2 == edit) {
if ($3 == gold) {
set %golddm [ $+ [ $5 ] ] $4
notice $nick [DM] $5 $+ \'s Gold set to $4 $+ .
if ($3 == hp) {
set %dmhealth [ $+ [ $5 ] ] $4
notice $nick [DM] $5 $+ \'s Health set to $4 $+ .
if ($3 == wins) {
set %winsdm [ $+ [ $5 ] ] $4
notice $nick [DM] $5 $+ \'s Wins set to $4 $+ .
if ($3 == loses) {
set %losedm [ $+ [ $5 ] ] $4
notice $nick [DM] $5 $+ \'s Loses set to $4 $+ .
if ($3 == special) {
set %dmspec [ $+ [ $5 ] ] $4
notice $nick [DM] $5 $+ \'s Special Meter set to $4 $+ .
if ($3 == vote) {
set %dmstopcount $4
notice $nick [DM] Votes to end the game now $4 $+ .
if ($3 == person) {
if ($5 == $null) {
if ($4 == 1) {
if (%dmturn == %dmnick1) {
set %dmturn $nick
set %dmhealth [ $+ [ $nick ] ] %dmhealth [ $+ [ %dmnick1 ] ]
set %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] %dmspec [ $+ [ %dmnick1 ] ]
.timer 1 2 .notice [DM] You are now in the place of %dmnick1 $+ .
.timer 1 4 .msg $cl %dmchan [DM] $nick is now in the place of %dmnick1 $+ .
set %dmnick1 $nick
if ($4 == 2) {
if (%dmturn == %dmnick2) {
set %dmturn $nick
set %dmhealth [ $+ [ $nick ] ] %dmhealth [ $+ [ %dmnick2 ] ]
set %dmspec [ $+ [ $nick ] ] %dmspec [ $+ [ %dmnick2 ] ]
.timer 1 2 .notice $nick $cl [DM] You are now in the place of %dmnick2 $+ .
.timer 1 4 .msg $cl %dmchan [DM] $nick is now in the place of %dmnick2 $+ .
set %dmnick1 $nick
if ($5 != $null) {
if ($4 == 1) {
if (%dmturn == %dmnick1) {
set %dmturn $5
set %dmhealth [ $+ [ $5 ] ] %dmhealth [ $+ [ %dmnick1 ] ]
set %dmspec [ $+ [ $5 ] ] %dmspec [ $+ [ %dmnick1 ] ]
.timer 1 2 .notice [DM] $5 is now in the place of %dmnick1 $+ .
.timer 1 4 .msg $cl %dmchan [DM] $5 is now in the place of %dmnick1 $+ .
set %dmnick1 $nick
if ($4 == 2) {
if (%dmturn == %dmnick2) {
set %dmturn $5
set %dmhealth [ $+ [ $5 ] ] %dmhealth [ $+ [ %dmnick2 ] ]
set %dmspec [ $+ [ $5 ] ] %dmspec [ $+ [ %dmnick2 ] ]
.timer 1 2 .notice [DM] $5 is now in the place of %dmnick2 $+ .
.timer 1 4 .msg $cl %dmchan [DM] $5 is now in the place of %dmnick2 $+ .
set %dmnick1 $nick
alias chandm {
if ($1 == $null) {
echo -a [DM] Setting (%chandm) [def channel for DM script] to $active
set %chandm $active
echo -a [DM] Setting (%chandm) [def channel for DM script] to $1-
set %chandm $1-
alias dmend {
if (%otherdmbot == yes) { HALT }
if (%dmnick2 == $null) {
msg %chandm [DM] Nobody has replied to %dmnick1 $+ \'s DM request within 20 seconds! I will face you!
if (%copymod == yes) { set %listdm2 [ $+ [ $me ] ] %listdm [ $+ [ $me ] ]
set %listdm [ $+ [ $me ] ] %listdm [ $+ [ %dmnick1 ] ]
set %dmai on
set %dmnick2 $me
set %dm on
set %dmrand $rand(1,2)
if (%dmrand == 1) {
set %dmturn %dmnick1
if (%dmrand == 2) {
set %dmturn %dmnick2
.timer 1 3 .msg %chandm [DM] DM started between %dmnick1 and %dmnick2 $+ !
.timer 1 6 .msg %chandm [DM] To see commands, type !dmcommands $+ !
.timer 1 9 .msg %chandm [DM] Random pick... %dmturn goes first!
.timer 1 12 .msg %chandm [DM] For current mods running, type !dmmods!
set %dmspec [ $+ [ %dmnick1 ] ] 100
set %dmspec [ $+ [ %dmnick2 ] ] 100
set %dmhealth [ $+ [ %dmnick1 ] ] 99
set %dmhealth [ $+ [ %dmnick2 ] ] 99
on :text:!dmmods:#: {
if (%dmcommands == on) {
.timer 1 2 .notice $nick $cl [DM] Currently sending somebody else the mods.
.timer 1 4 .notice $nick $cl [DM] Please try again in 10 seconds.
set %dmcommands on
timer 01 10 unset %dmcommands
if (%copymod == yes) {
notice $nick [DM] CopyMod Beta is enabled! When you face the bot, it will copy your items!
if (%buydmmod == yes) {
notice $nick [DM] BuyingMod Beta is enabled! You can buy items for initial use all the time. Type !dmbuy for more info.
if (%admindm == yes) {
.timer 1 2 .notice $nick $cl [DM] AdminDM Beta is enabled! Certain people get to use admin commands!
.timer 1 4 .notice $nick $cl [DM] AdminDM Beta is enabled! Admins: %adminsdm
on :text:!dmbuy:#: {
if (%otherdmbot == yes) { HALT }
if (%buydmmod != yes) { msg nick [DM] This bot has DM Buying Mod turned OFF. | HALT }
if (%golddm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == $null) { set %golddm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 0 }
if ($2 == $null) || ($2 == list) {
if (%dmcommands == on) {
.timer 1 2 .notice $nick $cl $nick [DM] Currently sending somebody else the commands.
.timer 1 4 .notice $nick $cl [DM] Please try again in 15 seconds.
set %dmcommands on
timer 01 20 unset %dmcommands
.timer 1 3 .msg $chan $cl [DM] Sending $nick DM Items To Buy List.
.timer 1 6 .msg $chan $cl [DM] Please wait 15-20 seconds before using another command.
.timer 1 9 .msg $nick $cl [DM] ITEMS TO BUY LIST
.timer 1 12 .msg $nick $cl [DM] TO BUY: !dmbuy buy item
.timer 1 15 .msg $nick $cl [DM] Syntax: Item - Price - Effect
.timer 1 18 .msg $nick $cl [DM] Health_Boost1 - 1500 - Increases your health by 1 hp each turn.
.timer 1 21 .msg $nick $cl [DM] Health_Boost5 - 5000 - Increases your health by 5 hp each turn.
.timer 1 24 .msg $nick $cl [DM] Health_Boost10 - 9500 - Increases your health by 10 hp each turn.
.timer 1 27 .msg $nick $cl [DM] Special_Boost100 - 20000 - Infinite special meter.
.timer 1 30 .msg $nick $cl [DM] Special_Boost50 - 12000 - Increases your special meter by 50 each turn.
.timer 1 33 .msg $nick $cl [DM] Special_Boost15 - 7000 - Increases your special meter by 15 each turn.
.timer 1 36 .msg $nick $cl [DM] Special_Boost10 - 5000 - Increases your special meter by 10 each turn.
.timer 1 39 .msg $nick $cl [DM] Special_Boost5 - 2500 - Increases your special meter by 5 each turn.
.timer 1 42 .msg $nick $cl [DM] Extra_Damage - 10000 - Hits an extra 5 damage every hit.
.timer 1 45 .msg $nick $cl [DM] Weak_Armor - 1500 - Get inflicted with 1 less damage every hit.
.timer 1 48 .msg $nick $cl [DM] Med_Armor - 2500 - Get inflicted with 2 less damage every hit.
.timer 1 52 .msg $nick $cl [DM] Strong_Armor - 10000 - Get inflicted with 5 less damage every hit.
.timer 1 55 .msg $nick $cl [DM] Inc_Wins1 - 4000 - Increase your wins by 1 win.
.timer 1 58 .msg $nick $cl [DM] Inc_Wins5 - 15000 - Increase your wins by 5 wins.
.timer 1 61 .msg $nick $cl [DM] Dec_Loses1 - 5000 - Decrease your loses by 1 lose.
.timer 1 64 .msg $nick $cl [DM] Dec_Loses5 - 20000 - Decrease your loses by 5 loses.
.timer 1 67 .msg $nick $cl [DM] Dm Beta Buying Mod
if ($2 == buy) {
if ($3 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) {
notice $nick You already have $3 $+ !
if ($3 == dec_lose1) {
if (%golddm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] < 5000) {
notice $nick [DM] You do not have enough gold! You have %golddm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] gold!
if (%listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] != $null) { set %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $+ , $+ $3 }
if (%listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == $null) { set %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $3 }
dec %golddm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 5000
.timer 1 2 .msg $nick $cl [DM] Your Items: %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]
.timer 1 4 .msg $nick $cl [DM] Your gold: %golddm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]
dec %losedm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 1
if ($3 == dec_lose5) {
if (%golddm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] < 20000) {
notice $nick [DM] You do not have enough gold! You have %golddm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] gold!
if (%listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] != $null) { set %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $+ , $+ $3 }
if (%listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == $null) { set %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $3 }
dec %golddm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 20000
.timer 1 2 .msg $nick $cl [DM] Your Items: %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]
.timer 1 4 .msg $nick $cl [DM] Your gold: %golddm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]
dec %losedm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 5
if ($3 == inc_wins5) {
if (%golddm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] < 15000) {
notice $nick [DM] You do not have enough gold! You have %golddm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] gold!
if (%listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] != $null) { set %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $+ , $+ $3 }
if (%listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == $null) { set %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $3 }
dec %golddm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 15000
.timer 1 2 .msg $nick $cl [DM] Your Items: %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]
.timer 1 4 .msg $nick $cl [DM] Your gold: %golddm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]
inc %winsdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 5
if ($3 == inc_wins1) {
if (%golddm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] < 4000) {
notice $nick [DM] You do not have enough gold! You have %golddm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] gold!
if (%listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] != $null) { set %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $+ , $+ $3 }
if (%listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == $null) { set %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $3 }
dec %golddm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 4000
.timer 1 2 .msg $nick $cl [DM] Your Items: %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]
.timer 1 4 .msg $nick $cl [DM] Your gold: %golddm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]
inc %winsdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 1
if ($3 == strong_armor) {
if (%golddm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] < 10000) {
notice $nick [DM] You do not have enough gold! You have %golddm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] gold!
if (%listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] != $null) { set %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $+ , $+ $3 }
if (%listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == $null) { set %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $3 }
dec %golddm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 10000
.timer 1 2 .msg $nick $cl [DM] Your Items: %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]
.timer 1 4 .msg $nick $cl [DM] Your gold: %golddm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]
if ($3 == med_armor) {
if (%golddm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] < 2500) {
notice $nick [DM] You do not have enough gold! You have %golddm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] gold!
if (%listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] != $null) { set %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $+ , $+ $3 }
if (%listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == $null) { set %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $3 }
dec %golddm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 2500
.timer 1 2 .msg $nick $cl [DM] Your Items: %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]
.timer 1 4 .msg $nick $cl [DM] Your gold: %golddm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]
if ($3 == weak_armor) {
if (%golddm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] < 1500) {
notice $nick [DM] You do not have enough gold! You have %golddm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] gold!
if (%listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] != $null) { set %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $+ , $+ $3 }
if (%listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == $null) { set %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $3 }
dec %golddm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 1500
.timer 1 2 .msg $nick $cl [DM] Your Items: %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]
.timer 1 4 .msg $nick $cl [DM] Your gold: %golddm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]
if ($3 == extra_damage) {
if (%golddm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] < 10000) {
notice $nick [DM] You do not have enough gold! You have %golddm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] gold!
if (%listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] != $null) { set %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $+ , $+ $3 }
if (%listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == $null) { set %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $3 }
dec %golddm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 10000
.timer 1 2 .msg $nick $cl [DM] Your Items: %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]
.timer 1 4 .msg $nick $cl [DM] Your gold: %golddm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]
if ($3 == special_boost5) {
if (%golddm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] < 2500) {
notice $nick [DM] You do not have enough gold! You have %golddm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] gold!
if (%listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] != $null) { set %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $+ , $+ $3 }
if (%listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == $null) { set %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $3 }
dec %golddm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 2500
.timer 1 2 .msg $nick $cl [DM] Your Items: %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]
.timer 1 4 .msg $nick $cl [DM] Your gold: %golddm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]
if ($3 == special_boost10) {
if (%golddm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] < 5000) {
notice $nick [DM] You do not have enough gold! You have %golddm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] gold!
if (%listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] != $null) { set %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $+ , $+ $3 }
if (%listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == $null) { set %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $3 }
dec %golddm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 5000
.timer 1 2 .msg $nick $cl [DM] Your Items: %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]
.timer 1 4 .msg $nick $cl [DM] Your gold: %golddm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]
if ($3 == special_boost15) {
if (%golddm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] < 7000) {
notice $nick [DM] You do not have enough gold! You have %golddm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] gold!
if (%listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] != $null) { set %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $+ , $+ $3 }
if (%listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == $null) { set %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $3 }
dec %golddm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 7000
.timer 1 2 .msg $nick $cl [DM] Your Items: %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]
.timer 1 4 .msg $nick $cl [DM] Your gold: %golddm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]
if ($3 == special_boost50) {
if (%golddm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] < 12000) {
notice $nick [DM] You do not have enough gold! You have %golddm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] gold!
if (%listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] != $null) { set %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $+ , $+ $3 }
if (%listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == $null) { set %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $3 }
dec %golddm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 12000
.timer 1 2 .msg $nick $cl [DM] Your Items: %listdm
.timer 1 4 .msg $nick $cl [DM] Your gold: %golddm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]
if ($3 == special_boost100) {
if (%golddm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] < 20000) {
notice $nick [DM] You do not have enough gold! You have %golddm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] gold!
if (%listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] != $null) { set %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $+ , $+ $3 }
if (%listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == $null) { set %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $3 }
dec %golddm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 20000
.timer 1 2 .msg $nick $cl [DM] Your Items: %listdm
.timer 1 4 .msg $nick $cl [DM] Your gold: %golddm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]
if ($3 == health_boost1) {
if (%golddm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] < 1500) {
notice $nick [DM] You do not have enough gold! You have %golddm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] gold!
if (%listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] != $null) { set %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $+ , $+ $3 }
if (%listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == $null) { set %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $3 }
dec %golddm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 1500
.timer 1 2 .msg $nick $cl [DM] Your Items: %listdm
.timer 1 4 .msg $nick $cl [DM] Your gold: %golddm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]
if ($3 == health_boost5) {
if (%golddm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] < 5000) {
notice $nick [DM] You do not have enough gold! You have %golddm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] gold!
if (%listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] != $null) { set %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $+ , $+ $3 }
if (%listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == $null) { set %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $3 }
dec %golddm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 5000
.timer 1 2 .msg $nick $cl [DM] Your Items: %listdm
.timer 1 4 .msg $nick $cl [DM] Your gold: %golddm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]
if ($3 == health_boost10) {
if (%golddm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] < 9500) {
notice $nick [DM] You do not have enough gold! You have %golddm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] gold!
if (%listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] != $null) { set %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $+ , $+ $3 }
if (%listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == $null) { set %listdm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $3 }
dec %golddm [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 9500
.timer 1 2 .msg $nick $cl [DM] Your Items: %listdm
.timer 1 4 .msg $nick $cl [DM] Your gold: %golddm [ $+ [ $nick ] ]
alias dmaiturn {
if (%otherdmbot == yes) { HALT }
if (%dmai == on) {
if (%dmturn == $me) {
if (%dmspec [ $+ [ $me ] ] > 59) {
set %dmrand $rand(1,6)
goto %dmrand
if (%dmspec [ $+ [ $me ] ] > 54) && (%dmspec < 60) {
set %dmrand $rand(1,4)
goto %dmrand
if (%dmspec [ $+ [ $me ] ] > 49) && (%dmspec < 55) {
set %dmrand $rand(1,3)
goto %dmrand
if (%dmspec [ $+ [ $me ] ] > 24) && (%dmspec < 50) {
set %dmrand $rand(1,2)
goto %dmrand
if (%dmspec [ $+ [ $me ] ] < 25) {
set %dmrand $rand(7,10)
goto %dmrand
if (%dmrand == 10) {
if (%dmai == on) {
if (%dmturn == $me) {
if ($me == %dmnick1) { set %dmotherperson %dmnick2 }
if ($me == %dmnick2) { set %dmotherperson %dmnick1 }
msg %chandm !ndscim
set %dmhit1 $rand(0,25)
if ($me == %dmnick1) { set %dmotherperson %dmnick2 }
if ($me == %dmnick2) { set %dmotherperson %dmnick1 }
if (%buydmmod == yes) {
if (extra_damage isin %listdm [ $+ [ $me ] ]) { set %dmhit1 $calc(%dmhit1 + 5) }
if (weak_armor isin %listdm [ $+ [ %dmotherperson ] ]) { set %dmhit1 $calc(%dmhit1 - 1) }
if (med_armor isin %listdm [ $+ [ %dmotherperson ] ]) { set %dmhit1 $calc(%dmhit1 - 2) }
if (strong_armor isin %listdm [ $+ [ %dmotherperson ] ]) { set %dmhit1 $calc(%dmhit1 - 5) }
if (special_boost100 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $me ] ]) { inc %dmspec [ $+ [ $me ] ] 100 }
if (special_boost50 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $me ] ]) { inc %dmspec [ $+ [ $me ] ] 50 }
if (special_boost15 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $me ] ]) { inc %dmspec [ $+ [ $me ] ] 15 }
if (special_boost10 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $me ] ]) { inc %dmspec [ $+ [ $me ] ] 10 }
if (special_boost5 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $me ] ]) { inc %dmspec [ $+ [ $me ] ] 5 }
if (health_boost1 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $me ] ]) { inc %dmhealth [ $+ [ $me ] ] 1 }
if (health_boost5 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $me ] ]) { inc %dmhealth [ $+ [ $me ] ] 5 }
if (health_boost10 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $me ] ]) { inc %dmhealth [ $+ [ $me ] ] 10 }
msg %chandm [DM] $me uses %genderdm Dscim and hits a %dmhit1 $+ , and also regenerates an extra 5% special meter!
inc %dmspec [ $+ [ $me ] ] 5
dec %dmhealth [ $+ [ %dmotherperson ] ] %dmhit
dmregen $me %dmotherperson
if (%dmrand == 9) {
if (%dmai == on) {
if (%dmturn == $me) {
if ($me == %dmnick1) { set %dmotherperson %dmnick2 }
if ($me == %dmnick2) { set %dmotherperson %dmnick1 }
msg %chandm !nanchor
set %dmhit1 $rand(0,4)
if ($me == %dmnick1) { set %dmotherperson %dmnick2 }
if ($me == %dmnick2) { set %dmotherperson %dmnick1 }
if (%buydmmod == yes) {
if (extra_damage isin %listdm [ $+ [ $me ] ]) { set %dmhit1 $calc(%dmhit1 + 5) }
if (weak_armor isin %listdm [ $+ [ %dmotherperson ] ]) { set %dmhit1 $calc(%dmhit1 - 1) }
if (med_armor isin %listdm [ $+ [ %dmotherperson ] ]) { set %dmhit1 $calc(%dmhit1 - 2) }
if (strong_armor isin %listdm [ $+ [ %dmotherperson ] ]) { set %dmhit1 $calc(%dmhit1 - 5) }
if (special_boost100 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $me ] ]) { inc %dmspec [ $+ [ $me ] ] 100 }
if (special_boost50 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $me ] ]) { inc %dmspec [ $+ [ $me ] ] 50 }
if (special_boost15 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $me ] ]) { inc %dmspec [ $+ [ $me ] ] 15 }
if (special_boost10 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $me ] ]) { inc %dmspec [ $+ [ $me ] ] 10 }
if (special_boost5 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $me ] ]) { inc %dmspec [ $+ [ $me ] ] 5 }
if (health_boost1 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $me ] ]) { inc %dmhealth [ $+ [ $me ] ] 1 }
if (health_boost5 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $me ] ]) { inc %dmhealth [ $+ [ $me ] ] 5 }
if (health_boost10 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $me ] ]) { inc %dmhealth [ $+ [ $me ] ] 10 }
if (%dmhit1 != 4) {
set %dmhit1 $rand(0,35)
if (%dmhit1 == 4) {
set %dmhit1 $rand(0,21)
msg %chandm [DM] $me uses %genderdm Anchor and hits a %dmhit1 $+ .
dec %dmhealth [ $+ [ %dmotherperson ] ] %dmhit
dmregen $me %dmotherperson
if (%dmrand == 8) {
if (%dmai == on) {
if (%dmturn == $me) {
if ($me == %dmnick1) { set %dmotherperson %dmnick2 }
if ($me == %dmnick2) { set %dmotherperson %dmnick1 }
msg %chandm !nmaul
set %dmhit1 $rand(0,4)
if (%dmhit1 != 4) {
set %dmhit1 $rand(0,25)
if (%dmhit1 == 4) {
set %dmhit1 $rand(15,25)
if ($me == %dmnick1) { set %dmotherperson %dmnick2 }
if ($me == %dmnick2) { set %dmotherperson %dmnick1 }
if (%buydmmod == yes) {
if (extra_damage isin %listdm [ $+ [ $me ] ]) { set %dmhit1 $calc(%dmhit1 + 5) }
if (weak_armor isin %listdm [ $+ [ %dmotherperson ] ]) { set %dmhit1 $calc(%dmhit1 - 1) }
if (med_armor isin %listdm [ $+ [ %dmotherperson ] ]) { set %dmhit1 $calc(%dmhit1 - 2) }
if (strong_armor isin %listdm [ $+ [ %dmotherperson ] ]) { set %dmhit1 $calc(%dmhit1 - 5) }
if (special_boost100 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $me ] ]) { inc %dmspec [ $+ [ $me ] ] 100 }
if (special_boost50 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $me ] ]) { inc %dmspec [ $+ [ $me ] ] 50 }
if (special_boost15 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $me ] ]) { inc %dmspec [ $+ [ $me ] ] 15 }
if (special_boost10 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $me ] ]) { inc %dmspec [ $+ [ $me ] ] 10 }
if (special_boost5 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $me ] ]) { inc %dmspec [ $+ [ $me ] ] 5 }
if (health_boost1 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $me ] ]) { inc %dmhealth [ $+ [ $me ] ] 1 }
if (health_boost5 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $me ] ]) { inc %dmhealth [ $+ [ $me ] ] 5 }
if (health_boost10 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $me ] ]) { inc %dmhealth [ $+ [ $me ] ] 10 }
msg %chandm [DM] $me uses %genderdm Maul and hits a %dmhit1 $+ .
dec %dmhealth [ $+ [ %dmotherperson ] ] %dmhit
dmregen $me %dmotherperson
if (%dmrand == 7) {
if (%dmai == on) {
if (%dmturn == $me) {
if ($me == %dmnick1) { set %dmotherperson %dmnick2 }
if ($me == %dmnick2) { set %dmotherperson %dmnick1 }
msg %chandm !nwhip
set %dmhit1 $rand(0,30)
if ($me == %dmnick1) { set %dmotherperson %dmnick2 }
if ($me == %dmnick2) { set %dmotherperson %dmnick1 }
if (%buydmmod == yes) {
if (extra_damage isin %listdm [ $+ [ $me ] ]) { set %dmhit1 $calc(%dmhit1 + 5) }
if (weak_armor isin %listdm [ $+ [ %dmotherperson ] ]) { set %dmhit1 $calc(%dmhit1 - 1) }
if (med_armor isin %listdm [ $+ [ %dmotherperson ] ]) { set %dmhit1 $calc(%dmhit1 - 2) }
if (strong_armor isin %listdm [ $+ [ %dmotherperson ] ]) { set %dmhit1 $calc(%dmhit1 - 5) }
if (special_boost100 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $me ] ]) { inc %dmspec [ $+ [ $me ] ] 100 }
if (special_boost50 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $me ] ]) { inc %dmspec [ $+ [ $me ] ] 50 }
if (special_boost15 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $me ] ]) { inc %dmspec [ $+ [ $me ] ] 15 }
if (special_boost10 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $me ] ]) { inc %dmspec [ $+ [ $me ] ] 10 }
if (special_boost5 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $me ] ]) { inc %dmspec [ $+ [ $me ] ] 5 }
if (health_boost1 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $me ] ]) { inc %dmhealth [ $+ [ $me ] ] 1 }
if (health_boost5 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $me ] ]) { inc %dmhealth [ $+ [ $me ] ] 5 }
if (health_boost10 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $me ] ]) { inc %dmhealth [ $+ [ $me ] ] 10 }
msg %chandm [DM] $me uses %genderdm Whip and hits a %dmhit1 $+ .
dec %dmhealth [ $+ [ %dmotherperson ] ] %dmhit
dmregen $me %dmotherperson
if (%dmrand == 6) {
if (%dmai == on) {
if (%dmturn == $me) {
if ($me == %dmnick1) { set %dmotherperson %dmnick2 }
if ($me == %dmnick2) { set %dmotherperson %dmnick1 }
msg %chandm !daxe
dec %dmspec [ $+ [ $me ] ] 60
set %dmhit1 $rand(1,8)
if (%dmhit1 < 4) { set %dmhit1 45 }
if (%dmhit1 > 3) { set %dmhit1 0 }
if ($me == %dmnick1) { set %dmotherperson %dmnick2 }
if ($me == %dmnick2) { set %dmotherperson %dmnick1 }
if (%buydmmod == yes) {
if (extra_damage isin %listdm [ $+ [ $me ] ]) { set %dmhit1 $calc(%dmhit1 + 5) }
if (weak_armor isin %listdm [ $+ [ %dmotherperson ] ]) { set %dmhit1 $calc(%dmhit1 - 1) }
if (med_armor isin %listdm [ $+ [ %dmotherperson ] ]) { set %dmhit1 $calc(%dmhit1 - 2) }
if (strong_armor isin %listdm [ $+ [ %dmotherperson ] ]) { set %dmhit1 $calc(%dmhit1 - 5) }
if (special_boost100 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $me ] ]) { inc %dmspec [ $+ [ $me ] ] 100 }
if (special_boost50 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $me ] ]) { inc %dmspec [ $+ [ $me ] ] 50 }
if (special_boost15 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $me ] ]) { inc %dmspec [ $+ [ $me ] ] 15 }
if (special_boost10 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $me ] ]) { inc %dmspec [ $+ [ $me ] ] 10 }
if (special_boost5 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $me ] ]) { inc %dmspec [ $+ [ $me ] ] 5 }
if (health_boost1 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $me ] ]) { inc %dmhealth [ $+ [ $me ] ] 1 }
if (health_boost5 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $me ] ]) { inc %dmhealth [ $+ [ $me ] ] 5 }
if (health_boost10 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $me ] ]) { inc %dmhealth [ $+ [ $me ] ] 10 }
msg %chandm [DM] $me uses %genderdm Daxe Special and hits a %dmhit1 $+ !
dec %dmhealth [ $+ [ %dmotherperson ] ] %dmhit
dmregen $me %dmotherperson
if (%dmrand == 5) {
if (%dmai == on) {
if (%dmturn == $me) {
if ($me == %dmnick1) { set %dmotherperson %dmnick2 }
if ($me == %dmnick2) { set %dmotherperson %dmnick1 }
msg %chandm !dscim
dec %dmspec [ $+ [ $me ] ] 60
set %dmhit1 $rand(0,35)
set %dmrand1 $rand(1,20)
if (%dmrand1 == 1) { set %dmscima yes }
set %dmrand2 $rand(1,10)
if (%dmrand2 == 1) { set %dmscimb yes }
set %dmrand3 $rand(1,2)
if (%dmrand3 == 1) { set %dmscimc yes }
if ($me == %dmnick1) { set %dmotherperson %dmnick2 }
if ($me == %dmnick2) { set %dmotherperson %dmnick1 }
if (%buydmmod == yes) {
if (extra_damage isin %listdm [ $+ [ $me ] ]) { set %dmhit1 $calc(%dmhit1 + 5) }
if (weak_armor isin %listdm [ $+ [ %dmotherperson ] ]) { set %dmhit1 $calc(%dmhit1 - 1) }
if (med_armor isin %listdm [ $+ [ %dmotherperson ] ]) { set %dmhit1 $calc(%dmhit1 - 2) }
if (strong_armor isin %listdm [ $+ [ %dmotherperson ] ]) { set %dmhit1 $calc(%dmhit1 - 5) }
if (special_boost100 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $me ] ]) { inc %dmspec [ $+ [ $me ] ] 100 }
if (special_boost50 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $me ] ]) { inc %dmspec [ $+ [ $me ] ] 50 }
if (special_boost15 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $me ] ]) { inc %dmspec [ $+ [ $me ] ] 15 }
if (special_boost10 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $me ] ]) { inc %dmspec [ $+ [ $me ] ] 10 }
if (special_boost5 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $me ] ]) { inc %dmspec [ $+ [ $me ] ] 5 }
if (health_boost1 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $me ] ]) { inc %dmhealth [ $+ [ $me ] ] 1 }
if (health_boost5 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $me ] ]) { inc %dmhealth [ $+ [ $me ] ] 5 }
if (health_boost10 isin %listdm [ $+ [ $me ] ]) { inc %dmhealth [ $+ [ $me ] ] 10 }
msg %chandm [DM] $me uses %genderdm DScim Special and hits a %dmhit1 $+ !
if (%dmscima == yes) { msg %chandm [DM] $me Also gains an extra 100% worth of special meter! | inc %dmspec [ $+ [ $me ] ] 100 }
if (%dmscimb == yes) { msg %chandm [DM] $me Also gains an extra 40% worth of special meter! | inc %dmspec [ $+ [ $me ] ] 40 }
if (%dmscimc == yes) { msg %chandm [DM] $me Also STEALS 10% special meter from %dmotherperson $+ ! | inc %dmspec [ $+ [ $me ] ] 10 | dec %dmspec [ $+ [ %dmotherperson ] ] 10 }
dec %dmhealth [ $+ [ %dmotherperson ] ] %dmhit
dmregen $me %dmotherperson
if (%dmrand == 4) {
if (%dmai == on) {
if (%dmturn == $me) {
if ($me == %dmnick1) { set %dmotherperson %dmnick2 }
if ($me == %dmnick2) { set %dmotherperson %dmnick1 }
msg %chandm !whip
dec %dmspec [ $+ [ $me ] ] 55
set %dmhit1 $rand(0,35)
if (%dmhit1 < 11) { inc %dmhit1 1 | set %dmwhip 1 }
if (%dmhit1 > 10) && (%dmhit1 < 35) { inc %dmhit1 2 | set %dmwhip 2 }
if (%dmhit1 == 35) { inc %dmhit1 5 | set %dmwhip 5 }
if ($me == %dmnick1) { set %dmotherperson %dmnick2 }
if ($me == %dmnick2) { set %dmotherperson %dmnick1 }
if (%buydmmod == yes) {
if (extra_damage isin %listdm [ $+ [ $me ] ]) { set %dmhit1 $calc(%dmhit1 + 5) }
if (weak_armor isin %listdm [ $+ [ %dmotherperson ] ]) { set %dmhit1 $calc(%dmhit1 - 1) }
if (med_armor isin %listdm [ $+ [ %dmotherperson ] ]) { set %dmhit1 $calc(%dmhit1 - 2) }

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