AHBARAR commented on a Page, Nicklist - add/del aop, sop and vop  -  Jun 02, 2007

Nice Addon Its Useful I Wanted To Give Opinion Abt Chanserv Like:
Give cop:services cop $chan add $$1 | cs op $chan $$1 |
notice $$1 You have been given 14op in $chan $+ by $nick .
.Take cdop:services cdop $chan del $$1 | cs deop $chan $$1 | notice $$1 You have lost 14op in $chan $+ by $nick .
.Give hlop:services hlop $chan add $$1 | cs halfop $chan $$1 | notice $$1 You have been given 14halfop in $chan $+ by $nick .
.Take dhop:services dhop $chan del $$1 | cs dehalfop $chan $$1 | notice $$1 You have lost 14halfop in $chan $+ by $nick .
.Give cvop:services cvop $chan add $$1 | cs voice $chan $$1 | notice $$1 You have been given 14voice in $chan $+ by $nick .
.Take dvop:services dvop $chan del $$1 | cs devoice $chan $$1 | notice $$1 You have lost 14voice in $chan $+ by $nick .
Nice Addon Its Useful I Wanted To Give Opinion Abt Chanserv Like:
Give ca:services a $chan add $$1 | cs protect $chan $$1 |
notice $$1 You have been given 14protect in $chan $+ by $nick .
.Take cda:services deprotect $chan del $$1 | cs deprotect $$1 | notice $$1 You have lost 14protecthan $+ by $nick .

i know there some mistake sry but im in hurry

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