
By SlAva on Apr 25, 2005

all you need is paste it in remotes and its all set.

on *:load:{ 
  mkdir Memos 
  write Memos/inbox.txt
  write Memos/outbox.txt
  write Memos/saved.txt
  write Memos/contacts.txt

alias memos { If (!$dialog(memo.main)) { dialog -drmo memo.main memo.main } }

menu * {

dialog memo.main {
  title "Memo Manager"
  size -1 -1 207 169
  option dbu
  button "Done", 15, 133 152 37 12, ok
  tab "Inbox", 10, 5 0 195 144
  list 100, 11 16 184 109, tab 10 size vsbar
  button "Delete", 103, 111 128 37 12, tab 10
  button "Delete All", 104, 158 128 37 12, tab 10
  button "Save", 102, 62 128 37 12, tab 10
  button "Reply", 101, 11 128 37 12, tab 10
  tab "Outbox", 11
  list 200, 11 16 184 109, tab 11 size vsbar
  button "Delete", 202, 84 128 37 12, tab 11
  button "Delete All", 203, 133 128 37 12, tab 11
  button "Cancel", 201, 35 128 37 12, tab 11
  tab "Saved", 12
  list 300, 11 16 184 109, tab 12 size vsbar
  button "Delete", 301, 60 128 37 12, tab 12
  button "Delete All", 302, 111 128 37 12, tab 12
  button "New Memo", 13, 35 152 37 12
  button "Contacts", 14, 84 152 37 12

on *:dialog:memo.main:sclick:*:{
  If ($did == 13) { dialog -drmo }
  If ($did == 14) { dialog -drmo memo.contacts memo.contacts }
  If ($did == 101) && ($did(100).seltext) { 
    set %memo.reply on
    dialog -drmo 
    did -a 101 $gettok($did(100).seltext,1,45) 
  If ($did == 102) && ($did(100).seltext) { 
    write memos/saved.txt $read(memos/inbox.txt,w,$did(100).seltext $+ * )
    write -dl $+ $readn memos/inbox.txt
  If ($did == 103) && ($did(100).seltext) { 
    dialog -n memo.main
    If ($input(Are you sure you wish to delete this message? $crlf $+ $did(100).seltext,y,Delete Memo) == $true) {
      var %temp $read(memos/inbox.txt,w,$did(100).seltext $+ *)
      write -dl $+ $readn memos/inbox.txt
    dialog -ov memo.main memo.main
  If ($did == 104) {
    dialog -n memo.main
    If ($input(Are you sure you wish to delete all messages in your inbox?,y,Delete All) == $true) { write -c memos/inbox.txt | loadlists }
    dialog -ov memo.main memo.main 
  If ($did == 201) { dialog -n memo.main | ms cancel $$?="Enter nick/channel to cancel last memo for:" }
  If ($did == 202) && ($did(200).seltext) { 
    var %temp $read(memos/outbox.txt,w,$did(100).seltext $+ *)
    write -dl $+ $readn memos/outbox.txt
  If ($did == 203) {
    dialog -n memo.main
    If ($input(Are you sure you wish to clear your outbox?,y,Delete All) == $true) { write -c memos/outbox.txt | loadlists }
    dialog -ov memo.main memo.main 
  If ($did == 301) && ($did(300).seltext) { 
    dialog -n memo.main
    If ($input(Are you sure you wish to delete this message? $crlf $+ $did(300).seltext,y,Delete Memo) == $true) {
      var %temp $read(memos/saved.txt,w,$did(300).seltext $+ *)
      write -dl $+ $readn memos/saved.txt
    dialog -ov memo.main memo.main
  If ($did == 302) {
    dialog -n memo.main
    If ($input(Are you sure you wish to delete all saved messages?,y,Delete All) == $true) { write -c memos/saved.txt | loadlists }
    dialog -ov memo.main memo.main 

on *:dialog:memo.main:dclick:*:{
  If ($did == 100) { set %memo.view.num 100 | dialog -drmo memo.view memo.view }
  If ($did == 200) { set %memo.outbox on | dialog -drmo }
  If ($did == 300) { set %memo.view.num 300 | dialog -drmo memo.view memo.view }

on *:dialog:memo.main:init:*:{
  set on
  .timer -m 1 1 loadmemos

on *:dialog:memo.main:close:*:{
  unset %memo.*

dialog {
  title "New Memo"
  size -1 -1 204 70
  option dbu
  text "(separate nicks with a space)", 3, 126 7 72 8
  edit "", 101, 19 6 105 10, autohs
  button "To:", 100, 7 6 11 10, flat
  edit "", 200, 6 19 193 31, autovs vsbar multi
  button "Send", 201, 55 54 37 12
  button "Cancel", 202, 108 55 37 12, cancel

on **:{ 
  If (%memo.reply) { 
    unset %memo.reply
    did -a 200 $gettok($read(memos/inbox.txt,w,* $+ $did(memo.main,100).seltext $+ *),4,58)
    did -f 200
    did -c 200 1 1 $len($did(200) + 1)
  If (%memo.outbox) {
    unset %memo.outbox
    did -a 200 $gettok($read(memos/outbox.txt,w,* $+ $did(memo.main,200).seltext $+ *),4-,58)
    did -a 101 $gettok($read(memos/outbox.txt,w,* $+ $did(memo.main,200).seltext $+ *),1,45)

on **:{
  If ($did == 100) { dialog -drmo memo.contacts memo.contacts }
  If ($did == 201) && ($did(101)) { 
    set %memo.write.nicks $numtok($did(101),32)
    dialog -n 
    dialog -n memo.main
    set %memo.num 1
    set $did(200)
    If (%memo.write.nicks == 1) { ms send $did(101) $did(200) }
    else { .timermemo %memo.write.nicks 4 memosend $did(101) }
    set $did(101) - $asctime(mmm d - H:nn:ss) : $did(200)
    dialog -x

dialog memo.view {
  title "Memo from"
  size -1 -1 204 53
  option dbu
  edit "", 1, 6 3 193 31, read autovs vsbar
  button "Done", 3, 82 38 37 12, ok
  button "Add to Contacts", 2, 0 43 45 9

on *:dialog:memo.view:init:*:{ 
  dialog -t $dname $did(memo.main,%memo.view.num).seltext
  If (%memo.view.num == 100) { did -a $dname 1 $gettok($read(memos/inbox.txt,w,* $+ $did(memo.main,%memo.view.num).seltext $+ *),4-,58) }
  elseif (%memo.view.num == 200) { did -a $dname 1 $gettok($read(memos/outbox.txt,w,* $+ $did(memo.main,%memo.view.num).seltext $+ *),4-,58) }
  elseif (%memo.view.num == 300) { did -a $dname 1 $gettok($read(memos/saved.txt,w,* $+ $did(memo.main,%memo.view.num).seltext $+ *),4-,58) }

on *:dialog:memo.view:sclick:2:{ write memos/contacts.txt $$gettok($did(memo.main,%memo.view.num).seltext,1,45) }

on *:dialog:memo.view:close:*:{ unset %memo.view.num }

dialog memo.contacts {
  title "Contact List"
  size -1 -1 90 97
  option dbu
  list 1, 2 2 85 82, size
  button "New Contact", 2, 2 85 40 9
  button "Delete", 3, 47 85 40 9

on *:dialog:memo.contacts:init:*:{
  filter -cxfo memos/contacts.txt memo.contacts 1 $crlf

on *:dialog:memo.contacts:sclick:*:{
  If ($did == 2) { 
    dialog -n memo.main 
    dialog -n memo.contacts
    If ($dialog( { dialog -n }
    write memos/contacts.txt $$input(Enter new contact nick:,eo,New Contact) 
    If ($dialog( { dialog -ov }
    dialog -ov memo.contacts memo.contacts
    filter -cxfo memos/contacts.txt memo.contacts 1 $crlf
  If ($did == 3) && ($did(1).seltext) { write -dl $+ $did(1).sel memos/contacts.txt | filter -cxfo memos/contacts.txt memo.contacts 1 $crlf }

on *:dialog:memo.contacts:dclick:1:{ If ($dialog( { did -ra 101 $did(,101) $did(1).seltext } }

alias -l loadmemos var %dialog $dialog(memo.loading,memo.loading,-4)
dialog memo.loading {
  title "Memo Manager"
  size -1 -1 163 35
  option dbu
  text "Downloading from MemoServ...", 1, 37 13 89 8, center

on *:dialog:memo.loading:init:*:{ ms info }


on ^*:notice:*:?:{
  If ($nick == MemoServ)  {
    If (You have a new memo from * iswm $1-) { haltdef | .timer -m 1 1 newmemo $7 }
    If (You have * new memos. iswm $1-) { haltdef | .timer -m 1 1 newmemos $3 }
    If (Type /msg MemoServ READ * to read it. iswm $strip($1-)) { haltdef }
    If ($strip($1-) == Type /msg MemoServ LIST NEW to list them.) { haltdef }

    If ( {
      If (%memo.write.nick)  {
        If (!$read(memos/inbox.txt,w,* $+ $+ *)) { write Memos/inbox.txt : $1- }
        unset %memo.write.*
      If (You currently have * memo* iswm $1-) { set $strip($4) | ms read new }
      elseif (Memo * from * iswm $1-) {
        set %memo.write.nick $4 
        set $4 - $remove($5,$chr(40)) $6 - $7
        If ($2 == { ms del all | dialog -x memo.loading }

      elseif ($1- == You have no new memos.) || ($1- == You have no memos.) {
        unset %memo.write.*
        If ($dialog(memo.loading)) { dialog -x memo.loading | loadlists }

      elseif (Last memo to * has been cancelled. iswm $1-) { .timer -m 1 1 memocancely }
      elseif ($1- == No memo was cancellable.) { .timer -m 1 1 memocanceln }
      elseif (Nick * isn't registered. iswm $1-) { If (%memo.write.nicks) { dec %memo.write.nicks } | .timer -m 1 1 nonick $strip($2) }
      elseif (Memo sent to * iswm $strip($1-)) { 
        dec %memo.write.nicks
        If (%memo.write.nicks == 0) { unset %memo.write.nicks | write memos/outbox.txt | unset | .timer -m 1 1 memosent }
      elseif ($1- == All of your memos have been deleted.) { loadlists }

alias -l newmemo {
  If ($input(You have a new memo from $1 $+ $crlf $+ Open Memo Manager?,y,Memo Alert) == $true) { 
    If ($dialog(memo.main)) { dialog -x memo.main }
    dialog -drmo memo.main memo.main 
alias -l newmemos If ($1 isnum) && ($input(You have $1 new memo(s). $+ $crlf $+ Open Memo Manager?,y,Memo Alert) == $true) {
  If ($dialog(memo.main)) { dialog -x memo.main }
  dialog -drmo memo.main memo.main 
alias -l memocancely { var %input $input(Last memo to $4 successfully cancelled,o,Memo Cancelled) | dialog -ov memo.main memo.main }
alias -l memocanceln { var %input $input(All memos sent to this user have been read,o,Memo Cancellation Failed)  | dialog -ov memo.main }
alias -l nonick { var %input $input($1 is not a registered nick,o,Memo Error) | dialog -ov memo.main memo.main }
alias -l memosent { var %input $input(Memo finished sending,o,Success) | dialog -ov memo.main memo.main | dialog -x }

alias -l loadlists {
  did -r memo.main 100,200,300
  var %memo.num 1
  while ($calc(%memo.num - 1) != $lines(memos/inbox.txt)) {
    did -a memo.main 100 $gettok($read(memos/inbox.txt,%memo.num),1-3,58)
    inc %memo.num
  If ( isnum) { did -c memo.main 100 $calc($did(memo.main,100).lines - + 1) }
  var %memo.num 1
  while ($calc(%memo.num - 1) != $lines(memos/outbox.txt)) {
    did -a memo.main 200 $gettok($read(memos/outbox.txt,%memo.num),1-3,58)
    inc %memo.num
  var %memo.num 1
  while ($calc(%memo.num - 1) != $lines(memos/saved.txt)) {
    did -a memo.main 300 $gettok($read(memos/saved.txt,%memo.num),1-3,58)
    inc %memo.num

alias -l memosend {
  ms send $gettok($1-,%memo.num,32)
  inc %memo.num


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adran   -  Jul 29, 2009

For some odd reason, when I tried using this script, it cuts off any part of the message beyond the first few characters instead of wrapping it to the box and letting me scroll up and down. Is there a way to fix this?

Kirbeh_Pr0nz   -  Jun 09, 2009

i know its a little late Vortex XD but this should fix it:

on *:load:{ 
  mkdir Memos 
  write Memos/inbox.txt
  write Memos/outbox.txt
  write Memos/saved.txt
  write Memos/contacts.txt

alias memos { If (!$dialog(memo.main)) { dialog -drmo memo.main memo.main } }

menu * {

dialog memo.main {
  title "Memo Manager"
  size -1 -1 207 169
  option dbu
  button "Done", 15, 133 152 37 12, ok
  tab "Inbox", 10, 5 0 195 144
  list 100, 11 16 184 109, tab 10 size vsbar
  button "Delete", 103, 111 128 37 12, tab 10
  button "Delete All", 104, 158 128 37 12, tab 10
  button "Save", 102, 62 128 37 12, tab 10
  button "Reply", 101, 11 128 37 12, tab 10
  tab "Outbox", 11
  list 200, 11 16 184 109, tab 11 size vsbar
  button "Delete", 202, 84 128 37 12, tab 11
  button "Delete All", 203, 133 128 37 12, tab 11
  button "Cancel", 201, 35 128 37 12, tab 11
  tab "Saved", 12
  list 300, 11 16 184 109, tab 12 size vsbar
  button "Delete", 301, 60 128 37 12, tab 12
  button "Delete All", 302, 111 128 37 12, tab 12
  button "New Memo", 13, 35 152 37 12
  button "Contacts", 14, 84 152 37 12

on *:dialog:memo.main:sclick:*:{
  If ($did == 13) { dialog -drmo }
  If ($did == 14) { dialog -drmo memo.contacts memo.contacts }
  If ($did == 101) && ($did(100).seltext) { 
    set %memo.reply on
    dialog -drmo 
    did -a 101 $gettok($did(100).seltext,1,45) 
  If ($did == 102) && ($did(100).seltext) { 
    write memos/saved.txt $read(memos/inbox.txt,w,$did(100).seltext $+ * )
    write -dl $+ $readn memos/inbox.txt
  If ($did == 103) && ($did(100).seltext) { 
    dialog -n memo.main
    If ($input(Are you sure you wish to delete this message? $crlf $+ $did(100).seltext,y,Delete Memo) == $true) {
      var %temp $read(memos/inbox.txt,w,$did(100).seltext $+ *)
      write -dl $+ $readn memos/inbox.txt
    dialog -ov memo.main memo.main
  If ($did == 104) {
    dialog -n memo.main
    If ($input(Are you sure you wish to delete all messages in your inbox?,y,Delete All) == $true) { write -c memos/inbox.txt | loadlists }
    dialog -ov memo.main memo.main 
  If ($did == 201) { dialog -n memo.main | ms cancel $$?="Enter nick/channel to cancel last memo for:" }
  If ($did == 202) && ($did(200).seltext) { 
    var %temp $read(memos/outbox.txt,w,$did(100).seltext $+ *)
    write -dl $+ $readn memos/outbox.txt
  If ($did == 203) {
    dialog -n memo.main
    If ($input(Are you sure you wish to clear your outbox?,y,Delete All) == $true) { write -c memos/outbox.txt | loadlists }
    dialog -ov memo.main memo.main 
  If ($did == 301) && ($did(300).seltext) { 
    dialog -n memo.main
    If ($input(Are you sure you wish to delete this message? $crlf $+ $did(300).seltext,y,Delete Memo) == $true) {
      var %temp $read(memos/saved.txt,w,$did(300).seltext $+ *)
      write -dl $+ $readn memos/saved.txt
    dialog -ov memo.main memo.main
  If ($did == 302) {
    dialog -n memo.main
    If ($input(Are you sure you wish to delete all saved messages?,y,Delete All) == $true) { write -c memos/saved.txt | loadlists }
    dialog -ov memo.main memo.main 

on *:dialog:memo.main:dclick:*:{
  If ($did == 100) { set %memo.view.num 100 | dialog -drmo memo.view memo.view }
  If ($did == 200) { set %memo.outbox on | dialog -drmo }
  If ($did == 300) { set %memo.view.num 300 | dialog -drmo memo.view memo.view }

on *:dialog:memo.main:init:*:{
  set on
  .timer -m 1 1 loadmemos

on *:dialog:memo.main:close:*:{
  unset %memo.*

dialog {
  title "New Memo"
  size -1 -1 204 70
  option dbu
  text "(separate nicks with a space)", 3, 126 7 72 8
  edit "", 101, 19 6 105 10, autohs
  button "To:", 100, 7 6 11 10, flat
  edit "", 200, 6 19 193 31, autovs vsbar multi
  button "Send", 201, 55 54 37 12
  button "Cancel", 202, 108 55 37 12, cancel

on **:{ 
  If (%memo.reply) { 
    unset %memo.reply
    did -a 200 $gettok($read(memos/inbox.txt,w,* $+ $did(memo.main,100).seltext $+ *),4,58)
    did -f 200
    did -c 200 1 1 $len($did(200) + 1)
  If (%memo.outbox) {
    unset %memo.outbox
    did -a 200 $gettok($read(memos/outbox.txt,w,* $+ $did(memo.main,200).seltext $+ *),4-,58)
    did -a 101 $gettok($read(memos/outbox.txt,w,* $+ $did(memo.main,200).seltext $+ *),1,45)

on **:{
  If ($did == 100) { dialog -drmo memo.contacts memo.contacts }
  If ($did == 201) && ($did(101)) { 
    set %memo.write.nicks $numtok($did(101),32)
    dialog -n 
    dialog -n memo.main
    set %memo.num 1
    set $did(200)
    If (%memo.write.nicks == 1) { ms send $did(101) $did(200) }
    else { .timermemo %memo.write.nicks 4 memosend $did(101) }
    set $did(101) - $asctime(mmm d - H:nn:ss) : $did(200)
    dialog -x

dialog memo.view {
  title "Memo from"
  size -1 -1 204 53
  option dbu
  edit "", 1, 6 3 193 31, read autovs vsbar
  button "Done", 3, 82 38 37 12, ok
  button "Add to Contacts", 2, 0 43 45 9

on *:dialog:memo.view:init:*:{ 
  dialog -t $dname $did(memo.main,%memo.view.num).seltext
  If (%memo.view.num == 100) { did -a $dname 1 $gettok($read(memos/inbox.txt,w,* $+ $did(memo.main,%memo.view.num).seltext $+ *),4-,58) }
  elseif (%memo.view.num == 200) { did -a $dname 1 $gettok($read(memos/outbox.txt,w,* $+ $did(memo.main,%memo.view.num).seltext $+ *),4-,58) }
  elseif (%memo.view.num == 300) { did -a $dname 1 $gettok($read(memos/saved.txt,w,* $+ $did(memo.main,%memo.view.num).seltext $+ *),4-,58) }

on *:dialog:memo.view:sclick:2:{ write memos/contacts.txt $$gettok($did(memo.main,%memo.view.num).seltext,1,45) }

on *:dialog:memo.view:close:*:{ unset %memo.view.num }

dialog memo.contacts {
  title "Contact List"
  size -1 -1 90 97
  option dbu
  list 1, 2 2 85 82, size
  button "New Contact", 2, 2 85 40 9
  button "Delete", 3, 47 85 40 9

on *:dialog:memo.contacts:init:*:{
  filter -cxfo memos/contacts.txt memo.contacts 1 $crlf

on *:dialog:memo.contacts:sclick:*:{
  If ($did == 2) { 
    dialog -n memo.main 
    dialog -n memo.contacts
    If ($dialog( { dialog -n }
    write memos/contacts.txt $$input(Enter new contact nick:,eo,New Contact) 
    If ($dialog( { dialog -ov }
    dialog -ov memo.contacts memo.contacts
    filter -cxfo memos/contacts.txt memo.contacts 1 $crlf
  If ($did == 3) && ($did(1).seltext) { write -dl $+ $did(1).sel memos/contacts.txt | filter -cxfo memos/contacts.txt memo.contacts 1 $crlf }

on *:dialog:memo.contacts:dclick:1:{ If ($dialog( { did -ra 101 $did(,101) $did(1).seltext } }

alias -l loadmemos var %dialog $dialog(memo.loading,memo.loading,-4)
dialog memo.loading {
  title "Memo Manager"
  size -1 -1 163 35
  option dbu
  text "Downloading from MemoServ...", 1, 37 13 89 8, center

on *:dialog:memo.loading:init:*:{ ms info }


on ^*:notice:*:?:{
  If ($nick == MemoServ)  {
    If (You have a new memo from * iswm $1-) { haltdef | .timer -m 1 1 newmemo $7 }
    If (You have * new memos. iswm $1-) { haltdef | .timer -m 1 1 newmemos $3 }
    If (Type /msg MemoServ READ * to read it. iswm $strip($1-)) { haltdef }
    If ($strip($1-) == Type /msg MemoServ LIST NEW to list them.) { haltdef }

    If ( {
      If (%memo.write.nick)  {
        If (!$read(memos/inbox.txt,w,* $+ $+ *)) { write Memos/inbox.txt : $1- }
        unset %memo.write.*
      If (You currently have * memo* iswm $1-) { set $strip($4) | ms read new }
      elseif (Memo * from * iswm $1-) {
        set %memo.write.nick $4 
        set $4 - $remove($5,$chr(40)) $6 - $7
        If ($2 == { ms del all | dialog -x memo.loading }

      elseif ($1- == You have no new memos.) || ($1- == You have no memos.) {
        unset %memo.write.*
        If ($dialog(memo.loading)) { dialog -x memo.loading | loadlists }

      elseif (Last memo to * has been cancelled. iswm $1-) { .timer -m 1 1 memocancely }
      elseif ($1- == No memo was cancellable.) { .timer -m 1 1 memocanceln }
      elseif (Nick * isn't registered. iswm $1-) { If (%memo.write.nicks) { dec %memo.write.nicks } | .timer -m 1 1 nonick $strip($2) }
      elseif (Memo sent to * iswm $strip($1-)) { 
        dec %memo.write.nicks
        If (%memo.write.nicks == 0) { unset %memo.write.nicks | write memos/outbox.txt | unset | .timer -m 1 1 memosent }
      elseif ($1- == All of your memos have been deleted.) { loadlists }

alias -l newmemo {
  If ($input(You have a new memo from $1 $+ $crlf $+ Open Memo Manager?,y,Memo Alert) == $true) { 
    If ($dialog(memo.main)) { dialog -x memo.main }
    dialog -drmo memo.main memo.main 
alias -l newmemos {
  If ($1 isnum) && ($input(You have $1 new memo(s). $+ $crlf $+ Open Memo Manager?,y,Memo Alert) == $true) {
    If ($dialog(memo.main)) { dialog -x memo.main }
    dialog -drmo memo.main memo.main 
alias -l memocancely { var %input $input(Last memo to $4 successfully cancelled,o,Memo Cancelled) | dialog -ov memo.main memo.main }
alias -l memocanceln { var %input $input(All memos sent to this user have been read,o,Memo Cancellation Failed)  | dialog -ov memo.main }
alias -l nonick { var %input $input($1 is not a registered nick,o,Memo Error) | dialog -ov memo.main memo.main }
alias -l memosent { var %input $input(Memo finished sending,o,Success) | dialog -ov memo.main memo.main | dialog -x }

alias -l loadlists {
  did -r memo.main 100,200,300
  var %memo.num 1
  while ($calc(%memo.num - 1) != $lines(memos/inbox.txt)) {
    did -a memo.main 100 $gettok($read(memos/inbox.txt,%memo.num),1-3,58)
    inc %memo.num
  If ( isnum) { did -c memo.main 100 $calc($did(memo.main,100).lines - + 1) }
  var %memo.num 1
  while ($calc(%memo.num - 1) != $lines(memos/outbox.txt)) {
    did -a memo.main 200 $gettok($read(memos/outbox.txt,%memo.num),1-3,58)
    inc %memo.num
  var %memo.num 1
  while ($calc(%memo.num - 1) != $lines(memos/saved.txt)) {
    did -a memo.main 300 $gettok($read(memos/saved.txt,%memo.num),1-3,58)
    inc %memo.num

alias -l memosend {
  ms send $gettok($1-,%memo.num,32)
  inc %memo.num
Vortex   -  Oct 16, 2005
  • /if: close bracket not found (line 262, MemoServ.txt)
    Whenever I open it
Vortex   -  Oct 16, 2005

It\'s ALOT better then having to type: /ms READ LAST and stuff. I only found one problem. Whenever I try to read one, it never opens. I have to click it a few times.

DarthReven   -  Apr 26, 2005

nice but i still prefer the memoserv comands

SlAva   -  Apr 26, 2005

but like what do you like to be on there?

SlAva   -  Apr 26, 2005

yea ill try to make nickserv and chanserv and its possible

SlAva   -  Apr 26, 2005
SilverWolf   -  Apr 26, 2005

And if its no trouble and not impossible can you get nickserv and chanserv to work that easy too?

SilverWolf   -  Apr 26, 2005

Much easier then trying to get around MemoServs complicated commands >.< GOOD JOB!!

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