Remote Bot Script

By Kinight on May 04, 2009

This is a remote script made for my bot. Its pretty nice, especially if you have another computer somewhere else running a bot

on *:load:{
  set %bot.owner $$?="Please set my owner"
  set %bot.password $$?="Please set a password."
  echo -a If you need to reset your password, type /resetpass
  echo -a Coded by Kinight (Hawkee)
  echo -a Tested on
  echo -a Channel #AuthorityGamer. User: iAlex
  echo -a Questions? Comments?
  echo -a type /botcmds to get the list

alias help {
  If ($1 == $null) {
  Else {
    If ($1 == .cmd) {
      echo .cmd sends a RAW command to the server
      echo It basically tells the server exactly what you type after the password. 
      echo Ex: <Me> .cmd 123 helpop <Bot> Command Executed
      echo Bot's Side: Helpop OutPut
    Elseif ($1 == .join) {
      echo .join usage:
      echo /msg Bot .join <password> <#Channel> 
    Elseif ($1 == .part) {
      echo .part usage:
      echo /msg Bot .part <password> <#Channel>
    Elseif ($1 == .server) {
      echo .server usage:
      echo /msg Bot .server <password> <IP/Host> <arguments> <ports> <password>
      echo type /help /server for more info
    Elseif ($1 == .restart) {
      echo .restart usage:
      echo /msg Bot .restart <password> <now|connection|cancel> 
      echo .restart now < That will restart mIRC as soon as it gets the command
      echo .restart connection < It will disconnect and reconnect
      echo .restart cancel < Cancel's any pending restart
      echo .restart < Restarts mIRC in 30 secons
    Elseif ($1 == .shutdown) {
      echo .shutdown usage:
      echo /msg Bot .shutdown <password>
      echo Shuts down the bot
    Elseif ($1 == /resetpass) {
      echo /resetpass usage:
      echo /resetpass
      echo Will pop up a window for the new password
    Else {
      help $1-

alias resetpass {
  echo -a Current Password: %bot.password
  set %bot.password $$?="Please input your new bot password"
  echo -a New Password: %bot.password

alias botcmds {
  echo -a Remote Bot Commands:
  echo -a .cmd - Execute a server command (Anything that is in /helpop on UnrealIRCd.  EG: join part msg notice)
  echo -a .join - Join a channel
  echo -a .part - Part a channel
  echo -a .server - Connect to a new server. Uses any agruments/extras mIRC supports.
  echo -a .restart <now|connection|cancel> - Restarts the bot.
  echo -a .shutdown - Shuts off the mIRC the bot is running off.  WARNING: Unless you can access the computer the bot is on, DO NOT USE THIS
  echo -a Local Commands:
  echo -a /resetpass - Resets the password used for remote cmds
  echo -a ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  echo -a You can also type /help </local or .remote command>

on *:text:.shutdown*:?:{
  if ($nick == %bot.owner) {
    if ($2 == %bot.password) {
      exit -n  
    Else {
      msg $nick Invalid Password. Syntax: /msg $me .shutdown <password>
  Else {
    msg $nick You're not the owner!

on *:text:.server*:?:{
  if ($nick == %bot.owner) {
    if ($2 == %bot.password) {
      server $3- 
    Else {
      msg $nick Invalid Password. Syntax: /msg $me .server <password> <server> <arguments> <port(s)> <password>
  Else {
    msg $nick You're not the owner!

on *:text:.part*:?:{
  if ($nick == %bot.owner) {
    if ($2 == %bot.password) {
      part $3 
    Else {
      msg $nick Invalid Password. Syntax: /msg $me .part <password> <channel>
  Else {
    msg $nick You're not the owner!

on *:text:.join*:?:{
  if ($nick == %bot.owner) {
    if ($2 == %bot.password) {
      join $3 
    Else {
      msg $nick Invalid Password. Syntax: /msg $me .join <password> <channel>
  Else {
    msg $nick You're not the owner!

on *:text:.cmd*:?:{
  if ($nick == %bot.owner) {
    if ($2 == %bot.password) { 
      raw $3-
      msg %bot.owner Command Executed
    Else {
      msg %bot.owner Invalid Password Syntax: /msg $me .cmd <password> <server-side command (join, part, etc.)> <value>
  Else {
    msg $nick You aren't the owner! 

/* Taken from The_Alimghty_Duelist's Staff Bot v4 script */

on *:TEXT:.restart*:*: {
  If ($3 == $null) && ($2 == %bot.password) && ($nick == %bot.owner) {
    If (%restart != on) {
      .notice $nick Restarting in 30 seconds. To cancel this, type: restart cancel
      .timerrestart 1 30 exit -nr
      set %restart on
    Else {
      .notice $nick Bot is already restarting
  Else {
    If ($2 == cancel) {
      If (%restart == on) {
        .timerrestart* off
        unset %restart
        .notice $nick Restart has been cancelled.
      Else {
        If (%resnotice != on) {
          .notice $nick There is no restart scheduled.
          set -u3 %resnotice
    If ($2 == now) {
      exit -nr
    If ($2 == connection) {
  Elseif ($nick !== %bot.owner) {
    msg $nick You aren't the owner.
  Else {
    msg $nick Invalid Password.

on *:text:*:?:{
  if ($nick !== %bot.owner) {
    msg $nick You're not the owner!
    window -c $nick
    write Logs.txt MSG: $+ $chr(91) $asctime(dd/mm/yyyy hh:nn:TT) $chr(93) $+  $nick : $1-

on *:notice:*:{
  if ($nick !== %bot.owner) {
    notice $nick You're not the owner!
    write Logs.txt NOTICE:  $+ $chr(91) $asctime(dd/mm/yyyy hh:nn:TT) $chr(93) $+ $nick : $1-

/* Thank you The_Almighty_Duelist */

on *:NICK: {
  If ($nick == %bot.owner) {
    set %bot.owner $newnick


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Somsubhra1   -  Jan 24, 2016

IT'S JUST AN AWESOME SCRIPT!!! Can control bots from anywhere. Thanks. 10/10 rating!!

Tamaki   -  Feb 29, 2012

the bot owner is you. you are the bot owner.

DowNFaLL   -  Feb 16, 2012

how i can create a bot owner?Help!

Tamaki   -  Jul 03, 2011

haters gonna hate :)

Jonesy44   -  Jul 03, 2011


Tamaki   -  Jul 02, 2011

old conversation is old

Kinight   -  Jul 02, 2011

Also PATX, how are you reliably running mIRC under ubuntu? Wine just makes it lag even worse! :D

Kinight   -  Feb 13, 2010

:D gives TAD a cookie Wow.. because a POS 601 mhz / 256mb running Win Server 2003 was able to run most of my scripts with TAD's stacked on them. After that we tried crashing it through the mirc scripts and it took us roughly 15 minutes to even get it to start lagging.

Again patx, peas get a rife. Hokay?

Tamaki   -  Nov 26, 2009

Kinight i run ubuntu purely and it does not lag my comp (in fact my comp is prolly waaay better then urs due to the fact it costs 5000 bucks and was intended to be a personal server, i have modded it a bit...) however as i said this is a long script for nothing.

also screw winblows

ooooooo...can i feed the troll please? =D

PATX   -  Nov 26, 2009

Kinight i run ubuntu purely and it does not lag my comp (in fact my comp is prolly waaay better then urs due to the fact it costs 5000 bucks and was intended to be a personal server, i have modded it a bit...) however as i said this is a long script for nothing.

also screw winblows

Jonesy44   -  Nov 06, 2009

Apologies, i had not noticed your else statement at the end.

Kinight   -  Nov 05, 2009

PATX > Okay so if a 100-line script can overload your mIRC, i highly suggest you get a new computer! Maybe something that runs Linux Only ^^

As for jonesy > Try TESTING (Key Word: TESTING!) before you comment:) because as long as you dont type /help

PATX   -  Aug 11, 2009

no lag-tastic as in mirc lagging due to the over loaded remote section.

Jonesy44   -  Aug 11, 2009

mirc already has a /help alias. i suggest you change it.

Tamaki   -  Aug 11, 2009

lag-tastic? as in, you have a crappy compy?

PATX   -  Aug 11, 2009

@Kinight you do not need all this crap in there tho! when i am workin afk and i need an irc bot i just use my factoid bot. you can load it up with commands as u need. that way you don't have a 1000 line lag-tastic script.

PATX   -  Aug 11, 2009

u should have one .mrc file per script even if it is small. then load them into mirc via /load -rs script.mrc. the gui interface sucks.

Phoenix-   -  Aug 10, 2009
a single on text event would only work in a seperate for noobs who put too many on text events (with open parameters) the script would only break

I'm pretty sure if someone would take a whole script such as this one (Remote Bot Script) then they would create its own script file for it. You wouldn't want all your On Texts and other scripts to fill up in a single file would you?
That would be disorganized and you would lose everything you have if you deleted that one file.

Tamaki   -  Aug 10, 2009

a single on text event would only work in a seperate for noobs who put too many on text events (with open parameters) the script would only break

Phoenix-   -  Aug 05, 2009

This should be done in a single On Text event, as others have posted. It makes things easier, more organized, and looks better.

Tamaki   -  Aug 05, 2009
alias help {
  If ($1 == $null) {
  Else {
    If ($1 == .cmd) {
      echo .cmd sends a RAW command to the server
      echo It basically tells the server exactly what you type after the password. 
      echo Ex: <Me> .cmd 123 helpop <Bot> Command Executed
      echo Bot's Side: Helpop OutPut
    If ($1 == .join) {
      echo .join usage:
      echo /msg Bot .join <password> <#Channel> 
    If ($1 == .part) {
      echo .part usage:
      echo /msg Bot .part <password> <#Channel>
    If ($1 == .server) {
      echo .server usage:
      echo /msg Bot .server <password> <IP/Host> <arguments> <ports> <password>
      echo type /help /server for more info
    If ($1 == .restart) {
      echo .restart usage:
      echo /msg Bot .restart <password> <now|connection|cancel> 
      echo .restart now < That will restart mIRC as soon as it gets the command
      echo .restart connection < It will disconnect and reconnect
      echo .restart cancel < Cancel's any pending restart
      echo .restart < Restarts mIRC in 30 secons
    If ($1 == .shutdown) {
      echo .shutdown usage:
      echo /msg Bot .shutdown <password>
      echo Shuts down the bot
    If ($1 == /resetpass) {
      echo /resetpass usage:
      echo /resetpass
      echo Will pop up a window for the new password

needs to be this:

alias help {
  If ($1 == $null) {
  Else {
    If ($1 == .cmd) {
      echo .cmd sends a RAW command to the server
      echo It basically tells the server exactly what you type after the password. 
      echo Ex: <Me> .cmd 123 helpop <Bot> Command Executed
      echo Bot's Side: Helpop OutPut
    Elseif ($1 == .join) {
      echo .join usage:
      echo /msg Bot .join <password> <#Channel> 
    Elseif ($1 == .part) {
      echo .part usage:
      echo /msg Bot .part <password> <#Channel>
    Elseif ($1 == .server) {
      echo .server usage:
      echo /msg Bot .server <password> <IP/Host> <arguments> <ports> <password>
      echo type /help /server for more info
    Elseif ($1 == .restart) {
      echo .restart usage:
      echo /msg Bot .restart <password> <now|connection|cancel> 
      echo .restart now < That will restart mIRC as soon as it gets the command
      echo .restart connection < It will disconnect and reconnect
      echo .restart cancel < Cancel's any pending restart
      echo .restart < Restarts mIRC in 30 secons
    Elseif ($1 == .shutdown) {
      echo .shutdown usage:
      echo /msg Bot .shutdown <password>
      echo Shuts down the bot
    Elseif ($1 == /resetpass) {
      echo /resetpass usage:
      echo /resetpass
      echo Will pop up a window for the new password
    Else {
      help $1-
Kinight   -  May 11, 2009


I'm not that noobish, its just helpful if you have a script on a remote computer you cant get to and you need to run a command on. I use it when i leave a bot running at home and im gone

PATX   -  May 05, 2009

ok. pretty good script. kinda newbish and pointless but if you are new then good job.

Tamaki   -  May 05, 2009
on *:NICK: {
  If ($nick == %bot.owner) {
    set %bot.owner $newnick
Aucun50   -  May 04, 2009

How do I set owner? :p DO I type it in where it says "Please set my owner"?

That is in the on load meaning when you load this script it will open a small box, the box will say "Please set my owner" under that box you type your "Bot owner name".

The way I see this is you have two on text and one is "on :text::?:{" to read all commands and everything typed, the other is for .cmd when you type the .cmd the other on text will say "Sorry $nick - I'm a bot, talk to iAlex". To solve this use what
Jethro_ posted or put it into one on text event.

Jethro   -  May 04, 2009

As titled, this script goes into your bot remote. You type in a nick that you want to set as an owner. Once set, only that nick can trigger the script via the PM. Also, It is unnecessary to have two on text events.

on *:load: {
  set %bot.owner $$?="Please set my owner"
  echo -a Coded by Kinight (Hawkee)
  echo -a Tested on
  echo -a Channel #AuthorityGamer. User: iAlex
  echo -a Questions? Comments?
on *:TEXT:*:?: {
  if ($1 == .cmd) && ($nick == %bot.owner) { 
    raw $2- 
  elseif ($nick != %bot.owner) {
    msg $nick Sorry $nick - I'm a bot, talk to $v2
    window -c $nick
    write Logs.txt TEXT:  [ $time ]  $nick : $1-
on *:NOTICE:*: {
  if ($nick != %bot.owner) {
    write Logs.txt NOTICE:  [ $time ] $nick : $1-
Myidentityisasecret   -  May 04, 2009

How do I set owner? :p DO I type it in where it says "Please set my owner"?

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