Google Translator - Auto Text-Translator v3

By Kirby on May 02, 2009

I know, I know, you've seen millions of Google Translators out there... :|

[size=14]What's different about this than any other ones out there?[/size]

  • Not only does this include the Traditional Google Translator, I've added an edition to make it actually translate [size=14]your text[/size] to [size=14]another language of your choice[/size], automatically!

  • So, what languages can I use? All 41 available languages to Google Translator:
    [size=14]Detect language, Albanian, Arabic, Bulgarian, Catalan, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Filipino, Finnish, French, Galician, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latvian, Lithuanian, Maltese, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, Vietnamese[/size], including the addition of Detect Language for your convenience.

  • So what kinds of things can I do with this?
    In this script, you can do 4 kinds of things for translation:
    [list] Translate text via alias (returns an echo) - Syntax: **/translate <language|language2> ***
  • Translate text via bot command (returns a channel message) - Syntax: !translate <language|language2>
  • Translate text via dialog (returns translation to the dialog) - Syntax: /trans to open up the dialog
  • Last but not least, talk normally in an active channel/query, and let the script translate for you. - Syntax: Open up the dialog or use the menu to turn the switch on/off
    In the dialog, there are two tabs.
  • The first tab is a replica of the Traditional Google Translator (located here).
  • The second tab is the enhancement. It allows you to adjust what language you are auto-translating to, along with enabling/disabling the whole thing, and adding exception channels (so the translations will not work in that channel).[/list]
    [size=14]So why did I make this?[/size]
  • I mainly wanted to focus on using regular expression identifiers such as $regex and $regsubex, to make scripts shorter, and ultimately, stay away from $htmlfree.
  • I wanted to try to find a way to make a script without listing all of the possible languages, and in turn, "download" + "write" each of the languages and its abbreviations to separate text files located on another directory.* Using only one variable that is "/set" and written to variables.ini.

[size=14]What else? Some new accomplishments and points:[/size]

  • I managed to use only 1 variable written to variables.ini, or variable that is actually /set. (I dislike using variables because I have OCD with them) You can define multi-line expressions. No need to convert them so that they are all in one line. Regex can be very helpful in scripts. They can shorten your scripts significantly. Original site is used: Only one site is used, no PHP parsers or anything. Though, surprisingly to me, the socket portion is very small, there are a few checks to see if the text files are there, which slightly bulks the script up, but shouldn't be a problem.

[size=14]A final note if you will use this:[/size]

  • Preferably, open up the dialog first, when you are using this script
  • If the script gets buggy, use the menu option to "reset" everything When you load the script, the Auto Text-Translator and the Bot command are disabled - to turn them on, use the menu functions. You can add exception channels to the "Auto Text-Translator" in the second tab of the dialog.* Please don't delete the text files or the directory that stores them, though the script does check to see if they are there or not, and recovers them.

Here's a picture:

[size=18]Sorry if it looks a bit awkward, with the distorted/"looks like missing" text...I don't use the regular mIRC on Windows; instead, I use mIRC on Wine.[/size]

Nevertheless, enjoy! :D


;     Google Translator - Traditional Translator + Auto Text-Translator     ;
;                          Made by Kirby (Quakenet)                         ;

;Google Translator Aliases/Identifiers/Input/Menu;

;// Open up the Google Translator Dialog - Syntax: /trans //
alias trans { dialog $iif($dialog(translator),-v,-m) translator translator }

;// Other aliases/identifiers //
alias -l ab2word { var %x Translator\languages.txt, %y Translator\abbreviations.txt | noop $read(%y,w,$1) | return $iif($read(%x,$readn),$v1) }
alias -l char { return $replace($regsubex($1,/&#(x?([a-f\d]*));/gi,$chr($iif($left(\1,1) == x,$base(\2,16,10),\2))),&amp;,&,&lt;,<,&gt;,>,&quot;,") }
alias -l between { noop $regex($1,/\Q $+ $2 $+ \E(.*?)\Q $+ $3 $+ \E/gi) | return $regml($4) }
alias -l gdid { did -r translator 24 | didtok translator 24 44 $hget(Translator,Channels) | did -b translator 26-27 }
alias -l gfix { hfree Translator | trans | echo -a * Problem has been fixed. }
alias -l gwrite { var %x $1 | tokenize 32 $2- | write $+(Translator\,%x) $* }
alias -l hex { return $regsubex($1-,/([^\d\w])/gi,$+(%,$base($asc(\1),10,16))) }
alias -l smsg { msg $iif(c isincs $chan($1).mode,$1 $strip($2-),$1-) }
alias -l word2ab { var %x Translator\languages.txt, %y Translator\abbreviations.txt | noop $read(%x,w,$1) | return $iif($read(%y,$readn),$v1) }

;// On Input - Edit settings in the dialog to automatically translate your text to another language! //
on *:input:*: {
  if ($hget(Translator,Status)) && (!$regex($1-,^[\/(.*)])) && (!$sock(translator)) && (!$istok($hget(Translator,Channels),#,44)) {
    sockopen translator 80 | sockmark translator input $+($word2ab($hget(Translator,Lang)),|,$word2ab($hget(Translator,Lang2))) $hex($1-) | haltdef

;// Google Translator Menu //
menu * {
  Google Translator
  .Traditional Google Translator : trans
  .$iif($hget(Translator,Status),$style(1)) Auto Text-Translator $+($chr(40),$iif($hget(Translator,Lang),$v1,*None*),$chr(32),$chr(187),$chr(32),$iif($hget(Translator,Lang2),$v1,*None*),$chr(41))
  ..$iif($hget(Translator,Status),$style(2)) Turn Auto Text-Translator On: hadd -m Translator Status $true | echo -a * Google Auto Text-Translator is now 09ON.
  ..$iif(!$hget(Translator,Status),$style(2)) Turn Auto Text-Translator Off: hadd -m Translator Status $false | echo -a * Google Auto Text-Translator is now 04OFF.
  .$iif($group(#Translator) == On,$style(1)) Google Translator (Bot Command)
  ..$iif($group(#Translator) == On,$style(2)) Turn Bot Command On: .enable #Translator | echo -a * Google Bot Translator is now 09ON.
  ..$iif($group(#Translator) == Off,$style(2)) Turn Bot Command Off: .disable #Translator | echo -a * Google Bot Translator is now 04OFF.
  .Encountered a problem? Click here to fix it. : gfix

;Translate text to any 41 languages available - Syntax: /translate <language|language2> <text>;

alias translate {
  var %x $gettok($1,1,124), %y $gettok($1,2,124)
  if ($isfile(Translator\languages.txt)) && ($isfile(Translator\abbreviations.txt)) {
    if ($numtok($1-,32) <= 1) { echo -a * Syntax example: /translate en|es Hello, my name is $+($me,!) }
    elseif (!$ab2word(%x)) || (!$ab2word(%y)) { echo -a * Strings do not match. $iif($ab2word(%x) == $ab2word(%y),%x and %y are not valid.,$iif(!$ab2word(%x),%x is invalid.,$iif(!$ab2word(%y),%y is invalid.))) }
    else { sockopen translator 80 | sockmark translator alias $1 $hex($2-) }
  elseif (!$isfile(Translator\languages.txt)) || (!$isfile(Translator\abbreviations.txt)) {
    $iif($isdir(Translator),noop $findfile(Translator,*,0,0,.remove $1-),mkdir Translator)
    sockclose translator | sockopen translator 80 | sockmark translator load alias
    echo -a * Downloading Abbreviations and Languages from

;Google Translator Sockets;
on *:sockopen:translator: {
  tokenize 32 $sock(translator).mark
  sockwrite -n $sockname GET $+(/translate_t?langpair=,$2,&text=,$3) HTTP/1.0
  sockwrite -n $sockname Host:
  sockwrite -n $sockname $crlf
on *:sockread:translator: {
  sockread %translator
  tokenize 32 $sock(translator).mark
  if ($regex(%translator,<div id=result_box dir="ltr">(.*)</div><div id=clir>)) && ($1 != load) {
    if ($1 == dialog) { did -ra translator 9 $regsubex($char($regml(1)),/([\s])?<br>([\s])?/g,$crlf) }
    elseif ($1 == alias) { echo -a * Translation $+($chr(40),,$ab2word($gettok($2,1,124)), $chr(187) ,$ab2word($gettok($2,2,124)),,$chr(41),:)) $char($regml(1)) }
    elseif ($1 == input) { msg $active $char($regml(1)) }
    elseif ($1 ischan) { smsg $1 Translation $+($chr(40),,$ab2word($gettok($2,1,124)), $chr(187) ,$ab2word($gettok($2,2,124)),,$chr(41),:)) $char($regml(1)) }
  elseif ($regex(%translator,value="(.+)">) && ($1 == load)) {
    var %x $regsubex($between(%translator,</option>,</select>,1),/(<option (value|SELECTED value)="(.*?)">|<\/option>)/g,$chr(32)), %y $remove($regsubex($between(%translator,;</option>,</select>,1),/(<option (value|SELECTED value)=|>(.*?)<\/option>)/g,$chr(32)),$chr(34))
    gwrite languages.txt $+(Detect,$chr(160),language) %x | gwrite abbreviations.txt auto %y
    echo -a * Abbreviations and Languages have been successfully written to $+($mircdirTranslator,\,.) :-)
    if ($dialog(translator)) { dialog -x translator translator | dialog -m translator translator | halt }
    $iif($2 == cmd,.notice $3,echo -a *) Sorry for the inconvenience - required Abbreviations and Languages' files could not be located, but the problem has been fixed. Retry? :D
on *:sockclose:translator: { if ($dialog(translator)) { did -e translator 8,12 | did -ra translator 13 Done! } | unset %translator }

;Google Translator Dialog Information/Events;

;// Dialog format //
dialog translator {
  title "Google Translator"
  size -1 -1 411 95
  option dbu
  tab "Google Translator (Traditional :D)", 10, 2 -1 407 94
  text "Enter text to translate.", 6, 8 16 57 8, tab 10
  edit "", 1, 7 26 187 40, tab 10 multi autovs
  combo 2, 7 74 60 75, tab 10 size drop
  combo 3, 81 74 60 75, tab 10 size drop
  text ">", 7, 72 74 4 8, tab 10
  link "swap", 4, 149 75 13 8, tab 10
  button "Translate", 8, 175 73 40 12, tab 10
  edit "", 9, 216 26 187 40, tab 10 read multi autovs
  text "Translation:", 5, 217 16 120 8, tab 10
  button "Copy translation to Clipboard", 12, 229 73 83 12, tab 10
  edit "", 13, 321 74 82 10, tab 10 read autohs center
  tab "Google Auto Text-Translator (talk in any language! :D)", 11
  text "Your language:", 15, 13 28 67 8, tab 11
  text "New language:", 16, 102 28 66 8, tab 11
  combo 17, 16 40 60 75, tab 11 size drop
  combo 18, 105 40 60 75, tab 11 size drop
  text "Auto-Translation Status:", 19, 202 35 60 8, tab 11
  radio "Turn script on", 20, 186 47 43 10, tab 11
  radio "Turn script off", 21, 233 47 44 10, tab 11
  text "QUACK from QUAKENET!", 22, 208 61 48 20, tab 11 center
  list 24, 295 25 54 60, tab 11 sort size hsbar vsbar
  button "Add channel", 25, 353 31 44 12, tab 11
  button "Delete channel", 26, 353 49 44 12, tab 11
  button "Modify channel", 27, 353 67 44 12, tab 11
  box "Translation Options:", 28, 181 24 101 58, tab 11
  box "Exception Channels:", 23, 290 16 112 73, tab 11
  box "Chat in any language!", 14, 9 16 164 73, tab 11
  text ">", 29, 89 41 4 8, tab 11
  link "swap", 30, 85 54 13 8, tab 11
  box "Credits", 31, 20 65 142 19, tab 11
  text "Made by: Kirby", 32, 40 72 37 8, tab 11
  text "Network: Quakenet", 33, 95 72 48 8, tab 11

;// Dialog Events //
on *:dialog:translator:*:*: {
  var %t Translator\languages.txt, %s Translator\abbreviations.txt
  if ($devent == init) {
    if (!$isdir(Translator)) || (!$isfile(%t)) || (!$isfile(%s)) {
      did -b translator 2-3,8
      $iif($isdir(Translator),noop $findfile(Translator,*,0,0,.remove $1-),mkdir Translator)
      sockclose translator | sockopen translator 80 | sockmark translator load
      echo -a * Downloading Abbreviations and Languages from
    if ($hget(Translator,Channels)) { didtok translator 24 44 $v1 }
    $iif($hget(Translator,Status),did -c translator $iif($v1,20,21),hadd -m Translator Status $false)
    if (!$hget(Translator,Lang)) || (!$hget(Translator,Lang2)) { hadd -m Translator Lang English | hadd -m Translator Lang2 Spanish }
    var %x 1
    while (%x <= $lines(%t)) {
      if ($hget(Translator,Lang) isin $read(%t,%x)) { var %l $readn }
      elseif ($hget(Translator,Lang2) isin $read(%t,%x)) { var %m $readn }
      did -a translator 2-3,17-18 $read(%t,%x) | inc %x
    did -c translator 2 11 | did -c translator 3 37 | did -b translator 8,12,26-27 | did -ra translator 13 Ready. | did -c translator 17 %l | did -c translator 18 %m | did -c translator $iif($hget(Translator,Status),20,21)
  if ($devent == sclick) {
    if ($did == 4) { var %x $did(2), %y $did(3) | noop $read(%t,w,%x) | did -c translator 3 $readn | noop $read(%t,w,%y) | did -c translator 2 $readn }
    if ($did == 8) {
      if ($did(2) == $did(3)) { did -ra translator 9 $did(1) | haltdef }
      var %x 1, %y $did(1).lines
      while (%x <= %y) { var %z $+(%z,$did(1,%x),$chr(37),$chr(48),$chr(65)) | inc %x }
      if (!$sock(translator)) { sockopen translator 80 | sockmark translator dialog $+($word2ab($did(2)),|,$word2ab($did(3))) $replace($hex(%z),$+($chr(37),$chr(50),$chr(53),$chr(48),$chr(65)),$+($chr(37),$chr(48),$chr(65))) }
      did -b translator 8 | did -o translator 5 1 Translation: $did(2) $chr(187) $did(3) | did -ra translator 13 Translating...
    if ($did == 12) {
      var %x 1, %y $did(9).lines
      while (%x <= %y) { var %z $iif(%y == 1,$did(9,%x),$+(%z,$crlf,$did(9,%x))) | inc %x }
      clipboard %z | did -ra translator 13 Copied to clipboard!
    if ($did isnum 17-18) { hadd -m Translator $iif($did isnum 17,Lang,Lang2) $did($did) }
    if ($did isnum 20-21) { hadd -m Translator Status $iif($did isnum 20,$true,$false) }
    if ($did == 24) && ($did(24).sel) { did -e translator 26-27 }
    if ($did == 25) { var %x $hget(Translator,Channels), %y $input(Enter a channel name that you want to add to the exception's list. (Channel names may be separated with a comma.),eiow,Attention!) | hadd -m Translator Channels $addtok(%x,$iif($regex(%y,^#),%y,$+($chr(35),%y)),44) | gdid }
    if ($did == 26) { var %x $hget(Translator,Channels) | hadd -m Translator Channels $deltok(%x,$findtok(%x,$did(24).seltext,44),44) | gdid }
    if ($did == 27) { var %x $hget(Translator,Channels), %y $input(Enter a channel name that you want to replace with $+($qt($did(24).seltext),.),eiow,Attention!) | hadd -m Translator Channels $reptok(%x,$did(24).seltext,%y,44) | gdid }
    if ($did == 30) { hadd -m Translator Lang $did(18) | hadd -m Translator Lang2 $did(17) | var %x $did(17), %y $did(18) | noop $read(%t,w,%x) | did -c translator 18 $readn | noop $read(%t,w,%y) | did -c translator 17 $readn }
  if ($devent == edit) { did $iif($did(1),-e,-b) translator 8 | did -b translator 12 | did -r translator 9 | did -ra translator 13 Ready. }

;Bot Translator - Syntax: !translate <language|language2> <text> ;
#Translator Off
on $*:text:/^[.!@]translate*/Si:#: {
  if ($isfile(Translator\languages.txt)) && ($isfile(Translator\abbreviations.txt)) {
    if (!$2) {
      .notice $nick Syntax: !translate <language|language2> <text> (example: !translate en|es Hello, my name is $+($nick,!,$chr(41))
      var %w 1, %x 1, %y Translator\languages.txt, %z Translator\abbreviations.txt
      while (%w <= $lines(%y)) { var %a $addtok(%a,$read(%y,%w),32) | inc %w }
      .notice $nick Possible languages: $regsubex(%a,/[\s]/g,$+(\1,$chr(44),$chr(32)))
      while (%x <= $lines(%z)) { var %b $addtok(%b,$read(%z,%x),32) | inc %x }
      .notice $nick Possible combinations: $regsubex(%b,/[\s]/g,$+(\1,$chr(44),$chr(32)))
    elseif (!$3-) {
      var %x $gettok($2,1,124), %y $gettok($2,2,124)
      if (!$ab2word(%x)) || (!$ab2word(%y)) { .notice $nick Strings do not match. $iif($ab2word(%x) == $ab2word(%y),%x and %y are not valid.,$iif(!$ab2word(%x),%x is invalid.,$iif(!$ab2word(%y),%y is invalid.))) | halt }
      .notice $nick You need to supply a string to translate!
    elseif ($3-) {
      var %x $gettok($2,1,124), %y $gettok($2,2,124)
      if ($ab2word(%x)) && ($ab2word(%y)) && (!$sock(translator)) { sockopen translator 80 | sockmark translator # $2 $hex($3-) | halt }
      .notice $nick Strings do not match. $iif($ab2word(%x) == $ab2word(%y),%x and %y are not valid.,$iif(!$ab2word(%x),%x is invalid.,$iif(!$ab2word(%y),%y is invalid.)))
  elseif (!$isfile(Translator\languages.txt)) || (!$isfile(Translator\abbreviations.txt)) {
    $iif($isdir(Translator),noop $findfile(Translator,*,0,0,.remove $1-),mkdir Translator)
    sockclose translator | sockopen translator 80 | sockmark translator load cmd $nick
    echo -a * Downloading Abbreviations and Languages from
#Translator End



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Pangaea   -  Feb 01, 2011
!translate en|nl hello how are you? -Aker- Strings do not match. en and nl are not valid. wtf am i doing wrong here??
Pangaea   -  Feb 01, 2011

this still dosent seem to work what so ever :/

did it ever work?

CodyGP   -  Feb 10, 2010

Awesome thanks.

Kirby   -  Feb 10, 2010

Please be patient, I will get to this as soon as I can. Evidently, the script is not working because of socket error; this script was posted a very long time ago, and Google Translator seems to have changed their website format, and I need to adjust to that. At the moment, please do not rate this script, or say that it does not work. Thanks.

CodyGP   -  Dec 26, 2009

I just found this and i am having trouble getting it to work.

It seems like it will be exactly what i need but i cannot get past the *downloading abbreviations and languages from

I have no languages in the drop down boxes.

I am using MPP with Mirc 6.35

CvdEeden   -  Dec 21, 2009

It doesn't work.
When I use !translate, it tells me the syntax and the languages.. But when I type, !translate nl|en hoe is het, or others, it won't response.
Even also when I use the /translate alias.

Using mIRC: 6.35

Can you help me?

EDIT: It is also trying to read or search for an .txt file, but WHERE is that txt file? It hasn't been made, it hasn't been downloaded..

Pangaea   -  Dec 15, 2009
!translate en|fr hello world -Anubis- Strings do not match. en and fr are not valid. !translate en|fr hello world -Anubis- Strings do not match. en and fr are not valid. !translate en|sp hello world -Anubis- Strings do not match. en and sp are not valid. !translate english|spanish hello world !translate english\spanish hello world -Anubis- Strings do not match. english\spanish and are not valid. !translate english spanish hello world -Anubis- Strings do not match. english and are not valid. !translate en|fr hello world -Anubis- Strings do not match. en and fr are not valid. !translate en/fr hello world -Anubis- Strings do not match. en/fr and are not valid. !translate en-fr hello world -Anubis- Strings do not match. en-fr and are not valid. !translate en fr hello world -Anubis- Strings do not match. en and are not valid. wtf?? how the hell do u use this thing???
xViBeSz   -  Nov 15, 2009

That would be nice. I like all of your scripts, haha.

Kirby   -  Nov 15, 2009

Gotta fix this. :-P

RicJames   -  Nov 15, 2009

Works for me xViBeSz. mIRC 6.35.

FordLawnmower   -  Nov 07, 2009

Oh, no idea then. You should be able to translate from english to spanish.

xViBeSz   -  Nov 07, 2009

Oh yeah, that's what I did the second time after I noticed I was using slashes.

!translate EN|ES Hi, my name is Tony. -BUR- Strings do not match. EN and ES are not valid.
FordLawnmower   -  Nov 07, 2009

It's a pipe(|) inbetween the language codes. Not a slash(/)

Syntax: !translate <language|language2>

xViBeSz   -  Nov 07, 2009

I have mIRC 6.35 and tried to use this script on Windows 7 Ultimate x64. The script works fine with not really any errors, but the translating doesn't work to well. This is what happens:

!translate EN/ES Hi, my name is Tony. -BUR- Strings do not match. EN/ES and are not valid.
PePpEr   -  Oct 20, 2009

i must be doing somethig wrong... coz this translater not working for me gives me this... (08:21) * Strings do not match. english and indonisia are not valid.

Kurama_   -  Oct 18, 2009

I've tried it on mIRC 6.35 and for some reason the only thing that appears in the tabs that you use to switch languages is detect language. Don't know whats going on. o.O

RicJames   -  Aug 28, 2009

i can't get mine to work keeps giving me Strings do not match. eng and fr are not valid.

ES   -  May 29, 2009

would you mind posting the Language along with its corresponding abbrevaition?
eg: English - en or similiar
if you have the time ofc

montague   -  May 09, 2009

yes, u were right kirby.. thanks :D rated 8/10.

Kirby   -  May 08, 2009

I've tested this snippet on a clean mIRC v.6.35 with encountering any errors.
You shouldn't be getting any unless you have conflicting socket scripts or on input scripts, in which case, is not my fault.

D2K7   -  May 08, 2009

it fúcking doubles damn lol i can't find one good one

montague   -  May 07, 2009

With mIRC Version 6.35, nothing shows up in 'your language' box & 'new language' box, it just "BLANK". so i can't do the translation using dialog. In my echo it just appears :

  • Downloading Abbreviations and Languages from


winni2   -  May 05, 2009

okay added some languages

winni2   -  May 05, 2009

okay added some languages :D

winni2   -  May 05, 2009

hello, it works but there is the English language?

Prelude   -  May 04, 2009

10 kirbz, works fine.

Kirbeh_Pr0nz   -  May 03, 2009

/me replaces current translator dialog with this one

Aucun50   -  May 03, 2009

When I gave it a try I only used the dialog, but when I tried the commands I got the same problem as Scakk.

Kirby   -  May 03, 2009

Edit: I think I fixed the problem:

    gwrite languages.txt Detect language %x | gwrite abbreviations.txt auto %y

The space in between Detect and language was actually a $chr(160) space - I think the Hawkee site "misinterpreted" the $chr(160) space as a regular $chr(32) space.
I've changed it to:

    gwrite languages.txt $+(Detect,$chr(160),language) %x | gwrite abbreviations.txt auto %y

, so now there should be the same number of items (lines) in each text file.

I've also tested this on mIRC Version 6.35, and it seems to work for me. Using the latest version will give you the best results. =/


  • Invalid format: $+ (line 168, WaiterJohn)
    I had a double $+; (I had a $+ inside of a $+).
    I've changed it so that it's only one $+. That problem should be fixed.
    But I don't know why you can't make another directory.
Kirby   -  May 03, 2009

Make sure you're using Version 6.32 and up (variable length update).. I'll test this on Windows again, but I'm not sure why you're getting those errors at all.

As for winni2, you can't put the [] brackets.
As you can see in the screenshot, you must do something like this:

/translate en|es Hello, my name is kaly*
Are you sure you want to unfollow this person?
Are you sure you want to delete this?
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