alex1bot v2

By alexander7161 on Apr 05, 2009

alex1bot was scripted by me go on then join #alexd then type !services or .help or !info

on *{
  { describe $chan pours $nick an ice cold $read($shortfn($mircdir) $+ system\beer.txt) }
on *:TEXT:.alcopop:#:{
  { describe $chan hands $nick A $read($shortfn($mircdir) $+ system\alcopop.txt) }
on *:TEXT:can i have a bot:#:{
  { msg $nick tell alex1 your chan pass and nick pass for a bot }
on *:TEXT:.cake:#:{
  { describe $chan bakes a $read($shortfn($mircdir) $+ system\cake.txt) for $nick }
on * *:#:{
  { msg $chan $$2 fails life, death and everything else }

on *:TEXT:.give *:#:{
  { describe $chan gives $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 }

on *:TEXT:!slap *:#:{
  { describe $chan slaps $2 with a $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9 $10 $11 $12 $13 }

on *:TEXT:.join:#:{
  { msg $chan $nick joins the uno game note: only 3 players can join }

on *:TEXT:england:#:{
  msg $chan 0,0aaaaa4,4aa0,0aaaaa 
  msg $chan 0,0aaaaa4,4aa0,0aaaaa
  msg $chan 0,0aaaaa4,4aa0,0aaaaa
  msg $chan 0,0aaaaa4,4aa0,0aaaaa
  msg $chan 4,4aaaaaaaaaaaa
  msg $chan 0,0aaaaa4,4aa0,0aaaaa 
  msg $chan 0,0aaaaa4,4aa0,0aaaaa 
  msg $chan 0,0aaaaa4,4aa0,0aaaaa
  msg $chan 0,0aaaaa4,4aa0,0aaaaa
  msg $chan england rules see the flag

on *:TEXT:england *:#:{
  msg $chan 0,0aaaaa4,4aa0,0aaaaa 
  msg $chan 0,0aaaaa4,4aa0,0aaaaa
  msg $chan 0,0aaaaa4,4aa0,0aaaaa
  msg $chan 0,0aaaaa4,4aa0,0aaaaa
  msg $chan 4,4aaaaaaaaaaaa
  msg $chan 0,0aaaaa4,4aa0,0aaaaa 
  msg $chan 0,0aaaaa4,4aa0,0aaaaa 
  msg $chan 0,0aaaaa4,4aa0,0aaaaa
  msg $chan 0,0aaaaa4,4aa0,0aaaaa
  msg $chan england rules see the flag

on *:TEXT:.give me owner status:#:{
  { /mode $chan +q $nick }

on *:TEXT:.join *:#:{
  { /join $$2 }

on *:TEXT:op plz:#:{
  { /mode $chan +o $nick }

on *:TEXT:owner please:#:{
  { /mode $chan +q $nick }

on *:TEXT:i hate this chan:#:{
  { /cs akick $chan add $nick dont EVER say that }

on *:TEXT:song:#:{
  msg $chan [9,9aaa1,0]
  msg $chan 0,0aaaaa
  msg $chan [9,9aaa1,0]
  msg $chan 0,0aa9|
  msg $chan 0,0aa9|
  msg $chan 0,0aa9|
  msg $chan 0,0aa9|
  msg $chan 0,0aa9|
  msg $chan [9,9aaa1,0]

on *:TEXT:kick me:#:{
  { /kick $chan $nick }

on *:TEXT:.k me *:#:{
  { /kick $chan $nick $$2 }

on *:TEXT:ban me:#:{
  { msg $chan .kb $nick you asked < $nick >ban me  }

on *:TEXT:.start:#:{
  { msg $chan $nick starts the uno game with the people who typed .join plz type okuno (this is not real uno) }

on *:TEXT:okuno:#:{
  set %T $rand(1,7)
  if (%T == 1) msg $chan the first person to type .join is 1st
  if (%T == 1) msg $chan the 3rd person is 2nd
  if (%T == 1) msg $chan the second person is 3rd
  if (%T == 2) msg $chan alex1 is 1st
  if (%T == 2) msg $chan the 1st person to type .join is 2st
  if (%T == 2) msg $chan the 3rd person to type .join is 3st
  if (%T == 3) msg $chan the 3rd person to type .join is 1st
  if (%T == 3) msg $chan the 2nd person to type .join is 2nd
  if (%T == 3) msg $chan the 1st person to type .join is 3rd
  if (%T == 4) msg $chan the 3rd person to type .join is 1st
  if (%T == 4) msg $chan the 2nd person to type .join is 2nd
  if (%T == 4) msg $chan the 1st person to type .join is 3rd
  if (%T == 5) msg $chan the 3rd person to type .join is 1st
  if (%T == 5) msg $chan the 1st person to type .join is 2nd
  if (%T == 5) msg $chan the 2nd person to type .join is 3rd
  if (%T == 6) msg $chan the 1st person to type .join is 1st
  if (%T == 6) msg $chan the 3rd person to type .join is 2nd
  if (%T == 6) msg $chan the 2nd person to type .join is 3rd
  if (%T == 7) msg $chan the 1st person to type .join is 1st
  if (%T == 7) msg $chan the 2nd person to type .join is 2nd 
  if (%T == 7) msg $chan the 3rd person to type .join is 3rd
on *:TEXT:type *:#:{
  { msg $chan type $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 no way i dont want to }

on *:TEXT:.kill *:#:{
  { describe $chan kills $$2 "hey $nick asked for it" }

on *:TEXT:.hi:#:{
  { msg $chan hi $nick welcome to $chan }

on *:TEXT:.part *:#:{
  { /part $$2 }

on *:TEXT:.hello:#:{
  { msg $chan 9%'0,9,%'9,3,'% welcome to the channel!! %',0,9'%,9,0'% }

on *:TEXT:.hi *:#:{
  { msg $chan hi $$2 welcome to $chan }

on *{
  { notice $nick  -- Commands now work in both public and private message, to use these commands in private. Simply type /msg bot-lol538 command without period. Example: /msg bot-lol538 op or /msg bot-lol538 kickban james lamer }
  { notice $nick -- All private commands will work in main channel. i wont be able to do thease unless i am oped in $chan }
  { notice $nick Op Commands for alex1bot v2 }
  { notice $nick .op, .deop, .up, .down, .op [nick], .deop [nick], .up [nick], .down [nick], .halfop,.defalfop, .halfop [nick], .dehalfop [nick], .voice, .devoice, .voice [nick], .devoice [nick], .kick [nick] (reason), .k [nick] (reason), .ban [nick],.kickban [nick] (reason), .kb [nick] (reason), .unban [nick] .topic [newtopic], .aban add/del [nick], .avoice [on/off].mop, .mdeop, .mvoice, .mdevoice, .mkick, .addhop [nick], .delhop [nick], .addop [nick], .delop [nick], .addowner [nick], .delowner [nick] }
  { notice $nick Normal commands for alex1bot v2 }
  { notice $nick .say [text], .me [text], .msg [nick] [text], .notice [nick] [message], .clone [nick], .stopclone [nick], .server [newserver], .newchan [newmainchan],.cutecmds, .id, .cycle, .date, .time, .bar, .google [search string], .8ball [question], .pingme }
  { notice $nick For more information, simply get help for each command by typing .help [command] without period e.g. .help dehalfop }

on *:TEXT:.girl *:#:{
  { describe $chan turns $$2 into a girl pwaaang%%^&&^&^&^%^&%*%^ }

on *:TEXT:.stopclone *:#:{
  { notice $chan clone on $$2 never stopping unless asking alex1 nicely }

on *:TEXT:i hate *:#:{
  { msg $chan i hate $2 $3 $4 $5 too }

on *:TEXT:give *:#:{
  { describe $chan gave $nick $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9 $10 }

on *:TEXT:im *:#:{
  { msg $chan your $2 $3 $4 $5 !%$&^%$%$^$ feel thease nipples!!!!$£$^ }

on *:TEXT:i love you:#:{
  { msg $chan awwww i love u to }

on *:TEXT:!whois *:#:{
  { msg $chan $$2 is: $read($shortfn($mircdir) $+ system\whois.txt) }

on * alex1
{ msg $chan $$2 is the best }

on *:text:.boobies *:#:{
  { describe $chan [ $nick ] puts some large $read(system\boobies.txt) in $iif($2,$2-,$nick) $+ 's face }
  { msg $chan ewwwwww boobs }
on *:TEXT:.gcoke *:#:{
  { describe $chan gets a bottle of $read($shortfn($mircdir) $+ system\coke.txt) for $$2 }
  { msg $chan $nick why did you give them coke? }

on *:TEXT:.shot:#:{

  if ($nick == %nick.shot) {

    msg $chan Let others take shots too, horrible guy.


    } else {

    describe $chan hands $nick a shot of $read($shortfn($mircdir) $+ system\shot.txt)

    set %nick.shot $nick



on *{

  if ($nick == %nick.shot) {

    msg $chan uno started! please type .join once everyone has typed .join type .start.


    } else {

    describe $chan starts the requested uno by $nick error overload!!! plz try again later

    set %nick.shot $nick



on *:TEXT:.gboobies *:#:{

  describe $chan slaps $2 with $read(system\boobies.txt)

  msg $chan You can thank $nick for that one

}  }
on *:TEXT:.gicecream *:#:{
  { describe $chan gets a bottle of $read($shortfn($mircdir) $+ system\coke.txt) for $$2 }
  { msg $chan $nick why did you gave them ice cream? }
on **:#:{
  msg $nick Hi, I am $me $+ . I'll be your alcoholic advisor tonight.
  msg $nick Commands are: .shot, .beer, .alcopop, .cake
  msg $nick Wanna get some one drunk eh?
  msg $nick Commands are: .gbeer <nick>, .galcopop <nick>, .gcake <nick>, .gshot <nick>
  msg $nick sora1984 does not support drinking, it's just encouraged.
on *:TEXT:.unohelp*:#:{
  msg $nick Hi, I am $me $+ . i do uno and stuff yeah i fink oh i typed that wrong umm yeah.
  msg $nick Command(s) are: .uno
  msg $nick that is about it yeah ummm
  msg $nick yeah i talk to much umm yeah
  msg $nick umm yeah i rule so does alex1 but he is a huaman not bot yeah bots rule!!!.
on *:TEXT:.gbeer *:#:{
  { describe $chan pours $$2 an ice cold $read($shortfn($mircdir) $+ system\beer.txt) }
  { msg $chan You can thank $nick for that one }
on *:TEXT:.galcopop *:#:{
  { describe $chan hands $$2 A $read($shortfn($mircdir) $+ system\alcopop.txt) }
  { msg $chan You can thank $nick for that one }
on *:TEXT:.gcake *:#:{
  { describe $chan mixes up a $read($shortfn($mircdir) $+ system\cake.txt) for $$2 }
  { msg $chan ha ha ha they might be called $nick but their ok i guess }
on *:TEXT:.gshot *:#:{
  if ($$2 == %nick.shot) { 
    msg $chan $$2 $+ , I think $nick is trying to get you drunk why might i ask ;-).
    } else { 
    describe $chan hands $$2 a shot of $read($shortfn($mircdir) $+ system\shot.txt) from $nick
    say $thank you please come again. 
    set %nick.shot $$2
  elseif ($1 == !boobies && $chan && $2 == $null) { inc %boobscount | Describe $chan puts some boobies in $nick 's face. ( $+ %boobscount boobs have been put in faces). 
    set %boobsrcount 1



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sercan386   -  Dec 21, 2010

i am in your debt.
because of this script... I visited Rizon, made countless friends, and got rid of that horrible community I used to be in in the past. Thanks!

Jethro   -  Dec 11, 2010

Regardless of the age, it was a work with effort for a 7-year-old boy. :-)

alexander7161   -  Dec 11, 2010

ok i'll get it fixed asap

sunslayer   -  Dec 11, 2010

when i made it i was like 7well theres your problem...

alexander7161   -  Dec 11, 2010

and im 11 -_- and when i made it i was like 7 so u cant blame me

alexander7161   -  Apr 21, 2009

sorry if its too bad i am always updating it and all the ppl on rizon think its cool

Aucun50   -  Apr 05, 2009

I will give you credit for trying but i think you need to read some tutorials about scripting, nice to see new people around here trying :)

Jonesy44   -  Apr 05, 2009

Atleast that works..

napa182   -  Apr 05, 2009
on *{ msg $chan This Code fails HARD! }


Jonesy44   -  Apr 05, 2009

Might wanna use address instead of nick, more "user specific" :)

Cheiron   -  Apr 05, 2009
 on *:TEXT:$($+(*,me owner,*)):#:if ($nick == your nick) mode $chan +q $nick 

that i believe is how you should do it....

Jonesy44   -  Apr 05, 2009

duuuuuudeee what the fuuucckk. this is awful man

sercan386   -  Apr 05, 2009
on *:TEXT:.give me owner status:#:{
  { /mode $chan +q $nick }



Aucun50   -  Apr 05, 2009

This needs some work and can be like 50 lines shorter.

Jethro   -  Apr 05, 2009

There are unneeded brackets....and you can do $2-7 and $3-13

sercan386   -  Apr 05, 2009
on *:TEXT:can i have a bot:#:{
  { msg $nick tell alex1 your chan pass and nick pass for a bot }


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