iTunes Manager - v2.02

By Jonesy44 on May 06, 2008

Ok, well, since buying my touch, i've had to use itunes, possibly the biggest pile of shait to arrive at any computer system in history. If you've had the displeasure of having to use this application, and want to integrate this into your mIRC. This is the perfect script for you!

[size=20]Latest Version: 2.02[/size]
How to use this script is ALL explained within the readme.txt file found in the zip archive at the download link

::::Primary Instructions::::

  1. Download this file;
  2. Extract it
  3. Open readme.txt and follow the further instructions


; iTunes Script by Jonesy44 ========;
; // #chatscape ==;
; Version 2.02======================;
; ==================================;
; Command: /itunes =================;
; Message: / ============;
; MessageOptions: /itunes.msgopt ===;
; Find DLL's: /itunes.locatefiles ==;
; Restart: /itunes.restart =========;
; Close: /itunes.close =============;
; ==================================;
; Play: / ===============;
; Stop: /itunes.stop ===============;
; Pause: /itunes.pause =============;
; Next: / ===============;
; Previous: /itunes.prev ===========;
; ==================================;
; ==================================;
; ==================================;
on *:START: {
  if (%itunes.opt.toolbar) {
on *:LOAD: {
  noop $input(Welcome to the iTunes Manager by Jonesy44. $crlf $+ $crlf $+ It is recommended that you read the help file first. You will be prompted to when you first open the manager if this is your first time. $crlf $+ $crlf $+ Enjoy!,io,Welcome to iTunes Manager - Version $itunes.scriptversion )
on *:UNLOAD: {
  if ($input(Thank you for using iTunes Manager. Before you finish unloading this script; would you like to remove all variables set by it? (Recomended if you are not going to use this script again),qy,iTunes Manager - Remove Variables?) == $true) {
    unset %itunes.*
  .timeritunes* off
menu * {
  ..Manager $chr(9) /itunes: itunes
  ..$iif($itunes.state == Stopped,Play $chr(9) |>,Pause $chr(9) ||): $iif($itunes.state == Stopped,,itunes.pause)
  ..Next $chr(9) »:
  ..Previous $chr(9) «: itunes.prev
  ..Message $chr(9) /
  ..Message Options $chr(9) /itunes.msgopt:itunes.msgopt
alias itunes {
  if (!%itunes.used) {
    if ($input(Is this the first time you're using this script? It is recommended that you read the help file $crlf $+ $crlf $+ Would you like to read the help file now? $crlf $+ (Note: You can always view the help file in -> Help -> Help Topics),qy,iTunes Manager - Firs Time) == $true) {   
      set %itunes.used 1
    set %itunes.used 1
  dialog $iif($dialog(itunes.manager),-v,- $+ $iif(%itunes.d,d,) $+ m) itunes.manager itunes.manager
  inc %itunes.used
alias volume {
  $iif($isid,return,echo -a) $round($calc(($vol(master) / 65535) * 100),0) $+ %
alias {
  dialog $iif($dialog(,-v,-m)
alias itunes.restart {
  if ($dialog(itunes.manager)) {
    dialog -x itunes.manager
  dialog - $+ $iif(%itunes.d,d,) $+ m itunes.manager itunes.manager
alias itunes.close {
  .timeritunes off
  if ($dialog(itunes.manager)) {
    dialog -x itunes.manager
alias itunes.locatefiles  {
  dialog $iif($dialog(itunes.locatefiles),-v,-m) itunes.locatefiles itunes.locatefiles
alias itunes.msgopt  {
  dialog $iif($dialog(itunes.msgopt),-v,-m) itunes.msgopt itunes.msgopt
alias say {
  msg $active $$1-
alias me {
  describe $active $$1-
alias {
  if (!$active) {
    noop $input(You are not in an active channel/query window,ow,iTunes Manager - Message Error)
  elseif ($active == Status Window) {
    noop $input(You cannot message to the Status Window,ow,iTunes Manager - Message Error)
  else { 
    var %textdeco = $iif(%itunes.msgopt.bold,,) $+ $iif(%itunes.msgopt.underline,,)
    var %openmodule =   $+ %itunes.msgopt.openbracketcol $+ %itunes.msgopt.openbracket, %closemodule =  $+ %itunes.msgopt.closebracketcol $+ %itunes.msgopt.closebracket
    var %prim =  $+ %itunes.msgopt.primary, %sec =  $+ %itunes.msgopt.secondary
    var %extramodules = $iif(%itunes.msgopt.bit,%openmodule $+ %prim $+ Bitrate: $+ %sec $+ $itunes.bitrate KB/s $+ %closemodule,) $iif(%itunes.msgopt.sample,%openmodule $+ %prim $+ Sample Rate: $+ %sec $+ $itunes.samplerate Hz $+ %closemodule,) $iif(,%openmodule $+ %prim $+ Play Count: $+ %sec $+ $itunes.playcount $+ %closemodule,)  $iif(%itunes.msgopt.rating,%openmodule $+ %prim $+ Rating: $+ %sec $+ $str(@,$itunes.rating) $+ %prim $+ $str(@,$calc(5 - $itunes.rating)) $+ %closemodule,)
    %itunes.msgopt.method %textdeco $+ %openmodule $+ %prim $+ $iif(%itunes.msgopt.intro,%itunes.msgopt.intro,Now Playing) $+ %closemodule %openmodule $+ %sec $+ $itunes.artist %prim $+ - $+ %sec $itunes.title $+ %closemodule %extramodules
alias itunes.selimg {
  set %itunes.icons $$sdir(Select Image Pack,Select Image Pack)
alias itunes.dl {
  $iif($lock(run),noop $input(* /run: command is blocked. Visit the website manually here;,oi,iTunes Manager - /run command is blocked),run
alias itunes.d {
  if ($1 == 1) {
    return $iif(%itunes.d,Set,)
  if ($1 == 2) {
    return $iif(!%itunes.d,Set,)
alias itunes.s {
  if ($1 == 1) {
    return $iif(%itunes.opt.pbar.default,Set,)
  if ($1 == 2) {
    return $iif(!%itunes.opt.pbar.default,Set,)
alias itunes.t {
  if ($1 == 1) {
    return $iif(%itunes.opt.toolbar,Set,)
  if ($1 == 2) {
    return $iif(!%itunes.opt.toolbar,Set,)
alias itunes.toolbar.on {
  toolbar -si $calc($toolbar(0) + 1) itunes.sep1 
  toolbar -az1 itunes.prev.btn "iTunes - Previous Track" $itunes.icons(prev.ico) /itunes.prev
  toolbar -az1 itunes.pause.btn "iTunes - Pause" $itunes.icons(pause.ico) /itunes.pause
  toolbar -az1 "iTunes - Play" $itunes.icons(play.ico) /
  toolbar -az1 "iTunes - Next Track" $itunes.icons(next.ico) /
alias {
  if ($toolbar(itunes.sep1)) { toolbar -d itunes.sep1 }
  if ($toolbar(itunes.prev.btn)) { toolbar -d itunes.prev.btn }
  if ($toolbar(itunes.pause.btn)) { toolbar -d itunes.pause.btn }
  if ($toolbar( { toolbar -d }
  if ($toolbar( { toolbar -d }
alias {
  if ($dialog(itunes.manager).w == %itunes.manager.w && $dialog(itunes.manager).h == %itunes.manager.h) {
    var %x = $dialog(itunes.manager).h
    var %y = 76
    while (%x >= %y) {
      dialog -s itunes.manager $dialog(itunes.manager).x $dialog(itunes.manager).y 500 %x
      dec %x 4
    set %itunes.manager.minih $dialog(itunes.manager).h
  elseif ($dialog(itunes.manager).w = %itunes.manager.w && $dialog(itunes.manager).h == %itunes.manager.minih) {
    var %x = $dialog(itunes.manager).h
    var %y = 220
    while (%x <= %y) {
      dialog -s itunes.manager $dialog(itunes.manager).x $dialog(itunes.manager).y 500 %x
      inc %x 4
  else {
    noop $input(An error occured with the iTunes Manager dialog. It has been restarted and you should now be able to continue,wo,iTunes Manager - Dialog Error)
dialog itunes.manager {
  size -1 -1 500 200
  option pixels
  title "iTunes Manager"

  icon 1, 0 0 500 76, $qt($itunes.icons(itunes_bg_stopped.jpg)), noborder
  icon 2, 0 57 500 149, $qt($itunes.icons(itunes_main.jpg)), noborder
  text "", 3, 173 22 60 13, right
  text "", 4, 240 13 230 13, center
  text "", 5, 240 30 230 13, center
  text "Progress Bar Failed to Load", 6, 240 22 170 13
  text "", 7, 420 22 60 13

  text "Bit Rate", 10, 220 85 100 20
  text "Sample Rate", 11, 220 115 100 20
  text "Play Count", 12, 220 145 100 20
  text "Rating", 13, 220 175 50 20

  text "", 14, 290 85 50 20
  text "", 15, 290 115 50 20
  text "", 16, 290 145 50 20
  icon 17, 272 172 100 20, $qt($itunes.icons(itunes_rating_0.jpg)), noborder

  check "", 100, 201 86 12 12
  check "", 101, 201 116 12 12
  check "", 102, 201 146 12 12
  check "", 103, 201 176 12 12

  button "Message", 200, 400 172 80 20

  menu "File", 1000
  item iTunes Version $chr(9) $itunes.itunesversion , 1001, 1000
  item iTunes Script Version $chr(9) $itunes.scriptversion , 1002, 1000
  item iTunes DLL Version $chr(9) $itunes.dllversion , 1003, 1000
  item break, 1004, 1000
  item Restart $chr(9) /itunes.restart, 1005, 1000
  item Close $chr(9) /itunes.close, 1006, 1000

  menu "Tools", 1100
  item Locate DLL/MDX Extensions $chr(9) /itunes.locatefiles, 1107, 1100
  item Locate Image Pack $chr(9) /itunes.selimg, 1108, 1100
  item break, 1109, 1100
  item Download DLL Files $chr(9) /itunes.dl, 1110, 1100
  item break, 1111, 1100
  item Message Options $chr(9) /itunes.msgopt, 1112, 1100
  menu "Open As..", 1113, 1100
  item Open as New Dialog $chr(9) | $itunes.d(1), 1114, 1113
  item Open within mIRC $chr(9) | $itunes.d(2), 1115, 1113
  menu "Default Shown..", 1116, 1100
  item Title && Artist $chr(9) | $itunes.s(2), 1118, 1116
  item Progress Bar $chr(9) | $itunes.s(1), 1117, 1116
  menu "iTunes Toolbar", 1119, 1100
  item On $chr(9) | $itunes.t(1), 1120, 1119
  item Off $chr(9) | $itunes.t(2), 1121, 1119

  menu "Help", 1200
  item Help Topics $chr(9) /, 1201, 1200

  menu "Mini Mode", 1300
  item Switch $chr(9) /, 1301, 1300
on *:DIALOG:itunes.manager:init:*: {
  dll $itunes.dll(mdx.dll) MarkDialog $dname
  dll $itunes.dll(mdx.dll) SetMircVersion $version
  dll $itunes.dll(mdx.dll) SetColor 3 background $rgb(235,237,213)
  dll $itunes.dll(mdx.dll) SetColor 3 textbg $rgb(235,237,213)
  dll $itunes.dll(mdx.dll) SetColor 7 background $rgb(235,237,213)
  dll $itunes.dll(mdx.dll) SetColor 7 textbg $rgb(235,237,213)
  dll $itunes.dll(mdx.dll) SetColor 4 background $rgb(244,246,222)
  dll $itunes.dll(mdx.dll) SetColor 4 textbg $rgb(244,246,222)
  dll $itunes.dll(mdx.dll) SetColor 5 background $rgb(222,226,199)
  dll $itunes.dll(mdx.dll) SetColor 5 textbg $rgb(222,226,199)

  dll $itunes.dll(mdx.dll) SetColor 10,11,12,13,14,15,16 background $rgb(241,244,249)
  dll $itunes.dll(mdx.dll) SetColor 10,11,12,13,14,15,16 textbg $rgb(241,244,249)

  dll $itunes.dll(mdx.dll) SetControlMDX $dname 6 ProgressBar smooth > $itunes.dll(ctl_gen.mdx) 
  set %itunes.opt.pbar $iif(%itunes.opt.pbar.default,1,0)
  set %itunes.manager.w $dialog(itunes.manager).w
  set %itunes.manager.h $dialog(itunes.manager).h ovr
  .timeritunes 0 1
  if ($vol(master).mute && $os != Vista) {
    if ($input(The master volume is muted (Volume: $volume $+ ) $crlf $+ $crlf $+ Would you like to Unmute it?,qy,iTunes Manager - Unmute?) == $true) {
      vol -vu2
on *:DIALOG:itunes.manager:menu:*: {
  if ($did isnum 1001-1003) {
    echo -a  $+ %itunes.msgopt.primary $+ ======================================================
    echo -a  $+ %itunes.msgopt.secondary $+ iTunes Version ( $+ $itunes.itunesversion $+ )
    echo -a  $+ %itunes.msgopt.secondary $+ iTunes Script Version ( $+ $itunes.scriptversion $+ )
    echo -a  $+ %itunes.msgopt.secondary $+ iTunes DLL Version ( $+ $itunes.dllversion $+ )
    echo -a  $+ %itunes.msgopt.primary $+ ======================================================
  if ($did == 1005) {
  if ($did == 1006) {
  if ($did == 1107) {
  if ($did == 1108) {
  if ($did == 1110) {
  if ($did == 1112) {
  if ($did isnum 1114-1115) {
    set %itunes.d $iif($did == 1114,1,0)
  if ($did isnum 1117-1118) {
    set %itunes.opt.pbar.default $iif($did == 1117,1,0)
  if ($did isnum 1120-1121) {
    set %itunes.opt.toolbar $iif($did == 1120,1,0)
    itunes.toolbar. $+ $iif($did == 1120,on,off)
  if ($did == 1201) {
  if ($did == 1301) {
on *:DIALOG:itunes.manager:sclick:*: {
  if ($mouse.x isnum 157-168 && $mouse.y isnum 22-34) {
    set %itunes.opt.pbar $iif(%itunes.opt.pbar == 1,0,1)
  if ($mouse.x isnum 50-85 && $mouse.y isnum 10-45) {
    $iif($itunes.state == Playing,itunes.pause,
  if ($mouse.x isnum 12-42 && $mouse.y isnum 15-41) {
    itunes.prev ovr
  if ($mouse.x isnum 91-123 && $mouse.y isnum 15-41) { ovr
  if ($did == 100) {
    $iif($did(100).state == 1,set,unset) %itunes.msgopt.bit 1
  if ($did == 101) {
    $iif($did(101).state == 1,set,unset) %itunes.msgopt.sample 1
  if ($did == 102) {
    $iif($did(102).state == 1,set,unset) 1
  if ($did == 103) {
    $iif($did(103).state == 1,set,unset) %itunes.msgopt.rating 1
  if ($did == 200) {
on *:DIALOG:itunes.manager:close:*: {
  .timeritunes off
dialog itunes.locatefiles {
  option dbu
  size -1 -1 200 60
  title "iTunes Manager - Locate Files"
  text "mdx.dll", 1, 2 3 40 10, right
  edit %itunes.mdx.dll , 2, 44 2 140 10, autohs
  button "...", 3, 186 2 12 10
  text "irctunes.dll", 4, 2 14 40 10, right
  edit %itunes.irctunes.dll , 5, 44 13 140 10, autohs
  button "...", 6, 186 13 12 10
  text "ctl_gen.mdx", 7, 2 25 40 10, right
  edit %itunes.ctl_gen.mdx , 8, 44 24 140 10, autohs
  button "...", 9, 186 24 12 10
  text "bars.mdx", 10, 2 36 40 10, right
  edit %itunes.bars.mdx , 11, 44 35 140 10, autohs
  button "...", 12, 186 35 12 10
  button "Done", 200, 144 46 40 12
  button "X", 201, 186 46 12 12, cancel
  text "You can download these files at" , 202, 2 46 135 6, right
  link "", 203, 41 52 100 10
on *:DIALOG:itunes.locatefiles:sclick:*: {
  if ($did == 3 || $did == 6 || $did == 9 || $did == 12) {
    did -ra itunes.locatefiles $calc($did - 1) $$sfile(*.dll;*.mdx,Select File ( $+ $did($calc($did - 2)).text $+ ))
  if ($did == 200) {
    did -rab itunes.locatefiles 200 Saving..
    set %itunes.mdx.dll $did(2).text
    set %itunes.irctunes.dll $did(5).text
    set %itunes.ctl_gen.mdx $did(8).text
    set %itunes.bars.mdx $did(11).text
    dialog -x itunes.locatefiles
    .timeritunes 0 1
  if ($did == 203) {
on *:DIALOG:itunes.locatefiles:close:*: {
  if (%itunes.mdx.dll != $did(2).text || %itunes.irctunes.dll != $did(5).text || %itunes.ctl_gen.mdx != $did(8).text || %itunes.bars.mdx != $did(11).text) {
    if ($input(DLL Locations have changed! $crlf $+ Would you like to save changes?,qy,iTunes Manager - Save DLL Locations?) == $true) {
      set %itunes.mdx.dll $did(2).text
      set %itunes.irctunes.dll $did(5).text
      set %itunes.ctl_gen.mdx $did(8).text
      set %itunes.bars.mdx $did(11).text
dialog itunes.msgopt {
  size -1 -1 200 100
  title "iTunes Manager - Message Options"
  option dbu
  box "Colors", 1, 2 2 125 43
  text "Primary Color", 2, 7 14 50 10
  combo 3, 50 13 70 10, drop
  text "Seconday Color", 4, 7 28 50 10
  combo 5, 50 27 70 10, drop
  box "Brackets", 6, 2 50 125 43
  text "Opening Bracket", 7, 7 64 50 10
  edit %itunes.msgopt.openbracket, 8, 50 63 10 10, drop
  combo 9, 62 63 58 10, drop
  text "Closing Bracket", 10, 7 78 50 10
  edit %itunes.msgopt.closebracket, 11, 50 77 10 10, drop
  combo 12, 62 77 58 10, drop
  box "Other", 13, 130 2 65 70
  check "Bold", 14, 137 12 50 10
  check "Underline", 15, 137 22 50 10
  radio "Describe (/me)", 16, 137 34 50 10
  radio "Message (/say)", 17, 137 44 50 10
  edit "", 18, 137 56 50 10, autohs

  button "Done", 100, 130 80 52 12
  button "X", 101, 184 80 12 12, cancel
on *:DIALOG:itunes.msgopt:init:*: {
  var %x = Black Dark-Blue Dark-Green Red Brown Purple Orange Yellow Green Aqua Light-Blue Blue Pink Dark-Grey Light-Grey
  var %y = 1
  while (%y <= $numtok(%x,32)) {
    did -a itunes.msgopt 3,5,9,12 $gettok(%x,%y,32)
    inc %y
  did -c $dname 3 %itunes.msgopt.primary
  did -c $dname 5 %itunes.msgopt.secondary
  did -c $dname 9 %itunes.msgopt.openbracketcol
  did -c $dname 12 %itunes.msgopt.closebracketcol
  did $iif(%itunes.msgopt.bold,-c,-u) $dname 14
  did $iif(%itunes.msgopt.underline,-c,-u) $dname 15
  did -c $dname $iif(%itunes.msgopt.method == /me,16,17)
  did -ra $dname 18 $iif(!%itunes.msgopt.intro,Intro..,%itunes.msgopt.intro)
on *:DIALOG:itunes.msgopt:sclick:*: {
  if ($did == 100) {
    set %itunes.msgopt.primary $base($did(3).sel,10,10,2)
    set %itunes.msgopt.secondary $base($did(5).sel,10,10,2)
    set %itunes.msgopt.openbracket $did(8).text
    set %itunes.msgopt.openbracketcol $base($did(9).sel,10,10,2)
    set %itunes.msgopt.closebracket $did(11).text
    set %itunes.msgopt.closebracketcol $base($did(12).sel,10,10,2)
    set %itunes.msgopt.bold $did(14).state
    set %itunes.msgopt.underline $did(15).state
    set %itunes.msgopt.method $iif($did(16).state == 1,/me,/say)
    set %itunes.msgopt.intro $iif($did(18).text != Intro..,$did(18).text,)
    dialog -x $dname
on *:DIALOG:itunes.msgopt:close:*: {
  if (%itunes.msgopt.primary != $did(3).sel || %itunes.msgopt.secondary != $did(5).sel || %itunes.msgopt.openbracket != $did(8).text || %itunes.msgopt.openbracketcol != $did(9).sel || %itunes.msgopt.closebracket != $did(11).text || %itunes.msgopt.closebracketcol != $did(12).sel || %itunes.msgopt.bold != $did(14).state || %itunes.msgopt.underline != $did(15).state || %itunes.msgopt.intro != $remove($did(18).text,Intro..) || $did($iif(%itunes.msgopt.method == /me,16,17)).state != $iif(%itunes.msgopt.method == /me,1,0)) {
    if ($input(Message Options have changed! $crlf $+ Would you like to save changes?,qy,iTunes Manager - Save Message Options?) == $true) {
      set %itunes.msgopt.primary $base($did(3).sel,10,10,2)
      set %itunes.msgopt.secondary $base($did(5).sel,10,10,2)
      set %itunes.msgopt.openbracket $did(8).text
      set %itunes.msgopt.openbracketcol $base($did(9).sel,10,10,2)
      set %itunes.msgopt.closebracket $did(11).text
      set %itunes.msgopt.closebracketcol $base($did(12).sel,10,10,2)
      set %itunes.msgopt.bold $did(14).state
      set %itunes.msgopt.underline $did(15).state
      set %itunes.msgopt.method $iif($did(16).state == 1,/me,/say)
      set %itunes.msgopt.intro $iif($did(18).text != Intro..,$did(18).text,)
    dialog -x $dname
dialog {
  size -1 -1 200 150
  option dbu
  title "iTunes Manger - Help"
  edit "Loading .. (Connecting)", 1, 0 0 200 135, multi read disabled
  button "Close", 2, 150 136 49 13, cancel
  text "Loading .. (Connecting)", 3, 3 140 145 13, disabled
on **: {
  if ($sock( {
  sockopen 80
on **: {
  sockclose itunes.*
  if (!%itunes.used && !$dialog(itunes.manager)) {
    if ($input(Would you like to now open the iTunes Manager?,qy,iTunes Manager - Open now?) == $true) {
on * {
  if ($sockerr) {
    .timer 1 0 noop $!input(There was an error connecting to the help file $crlf $+ $crlf $+ Socket Error REF# $+ $sockerr ,oh,iTunes Manager - Socket Error)
    did -ra 1,3 Disconnected .. (Socket Error REF# $+ $sockerr $+ )
    sockclose itunes.*
  else {
    sockwrite -nt $sockname GET /itunes/index.php HTTP/1.1
    sockwrite -nt $sockname Host:
    sockwrite -nt $sockname $crlf
    did -ra 1,3 Loading .. (Downloading Data)
on * {
  var %x
  sockread %x
  if ($regex(%x,/Latest Version.*/)) {
    did -rae 3 $iif($itunes.scriptversion == $gettok(%x,3,32),Your script is up to date (Version: $itunes.scriptversion $+ ),Your script is out of date. ( $+ $itunes.scriptversion // Current: $gettok(%x,3,32) $+ ))
  if ($regex(%x,/<!help>.*/)) {
    did -rae 1 $replace($gettok(%x,2-,32),//,$crlf $+)
alias {
  if ($dialog(itunes.manager)) {
    if (%itunes.opt.pbar) {
      did -h itunes.manager 4,5
      did -v itunes.manager 6,7
    else {
      did -v itunes.manager 4,5
      did -h itunes.manager 6,7
    if ($itunes.state == Playing || $1 == ovr) {
      if ($qt($did(itunes.manager,1)) != $itunes.icons(itunes_bg_playing.jpg) && $itunes.state == Playing) {
        did -g itunes.manager 1 $itunes.icons(itunes_bg_playing.jpg)
      if (%itunes.opt.pbar) {
        did -ra itunes.manager 3 $asctime($itunes.position,n:ss)
        did -ra itunes.manager 7 - $+ $asctime($calc($itunes.length - $itunes.position),n:ss)
        did -ra itunes.manager 6 $round($calc(($itunes.position / $itunes.length) * 100),0)
      else {
        did -ra itunes.manager 3 $asctime($itunes.position,n:ss) $+ $iif($itunes.length,/,) $+ $iif($itunes.length,$asctime($itunes.length,n:ss),)
        did -ra itunes.manager 4 $replace($itunes.title,&,&&)
        did -ra itunes.manager 5 $replace($itunes.artist,&,&&)
      did -ra itunes.manager 14 $itunes.bitrate KB/s
      did -ra itunes.manager 15 $itunes.samplerate HZ
      did -ra itunes.manager 16 $itunes.playcount
      did $iif(%itunes.msgopt.bit,-c,-u) itunes.manager 100 | did $iif(%itunes.msgopt.bit,-e,-b) itunes.manager 10 | did $iif(%itunes.msgopt.bit,-e,-b) itunes.manager 14
      did $iif(%itunes.msgopt.sample,-c,-u) itunes.manager 101 | did $iif(%itunes.msgopt.sample,-e,-b) itunes.manager 11 | did $iif(%itunes.msgopt.sample,-e,-b) itunes.manager 15
      did $iif(,-c,-u) itunes.manager 102 | did $iif(,-e,-b) itunes.manager 12 | did $iif(,-e,-b) itunes.manager 16
      did $iif(%itunes.msgopt.rating,-c,-u) itunes.manager 103 | did $iif(%itunes.msgopt.rating,-e,-b) itunes.manager 13 | did $iif(%itunes.msgopt.rating,-e,-b) itunes.manager 17
      if ($qt($did(itunes.manager,17)) != $itunes.icons(itunes_rating_ $+ $itunes.rating $+ .jpg)) {
        did -g itunes.manager 17 $qt($itunes.icons(itunes_rating_ $+ $itunes.rating $+ .jpg))
    else {
      if ($qt($did(itunes.manager,1)) != $itunes.icons(itunes_bg_stopped.jpg)) {
        did -g itunes.manager 1 $itunes.icons(itunes_bg_stopped.jpg)
  else {
    .timeritunes* off
alias itunes.dll {
  if ($1) {
    var %x = %itunes. [ $+ [ $1 ] $+ ]
    if ($isfile(%x)) {
      return $shortfn(%x)
      echo -a $shortfn(%x)
    else {
      if ($input(Some required files were not found or are not located properly ( $+ $1 $+ ). Would you like to locate them now?,vyq,iTunes Manager - Locate Files) == $yes) {
        .timer 1 0 itunes.locatefiles
alias itunes.icons {
  var %x = %itunes.icons $+ $1
  if ($isfile(%x)) {
    return $qt(%x)
  else {
    .timeritunes* off
    if ($input(The image pack is missing files ( $+ $1 $+ ). Would you like to locate it now?,vyq,iTunes Manager - Locate Image Pack) == $yes) {
    else {
alias -l itunes.scriptversion return 2.02
alias -l itunes.dllversion return $gettok($dll($itunes.dll(irctunes.dll), getVersion, 0),2,32)
alias -l itunes.itunesversion return $dll($itunes.dll(irctunes.dll), getiTunesVersion, 0)

alias -l itunes.title return $dll($itunes.dll(irctunes.dll), getTitle, 0)
alias -l itunes.artist return $dll($itunes.dll(irctunes.dll), getArtist, 0)
alias -l itunes.position return $dll($itunes.dll(irctunes.dll), getPosition, 0)
alias -l itunes.length return $dll($itunes.dll(irctunes.dll), getLength, 0)
alias -l itunes.url return $dll($itunes.dll(irctunes.dll), getURL, 0)
alias -l itunes.state return $dll($itunes.dll(irctunes.dll), getState, 0)
alias -l itunes.bitrate return $dll($itunes.dll(irctunes.dll), getBitrate, 0)
alias -l itunes.samplerate return $dll($itunes.dll(irctunes.dll), getSampleRate, 0)
alias -l itunes.playcount return $dll($itunes.dll(irctunes.dll), getPlayCount, 0)
alias -l itunes.rating return $dll($itunes.dll(irctunes.dll), getRating, 0)
alias -l itunes.size return $dll($itunes.dll(irctunes.dll), getSize, 0)

alias dll $itunes.dll(irctunes.dll) next
alias itunes.prev dll $itunes.dll(irctunes.dll) previous
alias itunes.stop dll $itunes.dll(irctunes.dll) stop
alias dll $itunes.dll(irctunes.dll) play
alias itunes.pause dll $itunes.dll(irctunes.dll) pause

; ==================================;
; END OF iTUNES SCRIPT==============;
; ==================================;


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Jonesy44   -  Mar 06, 2011

It doesn't select the songs from iTunes I'm sorry. It only shows you the currently playing & next/previous buttons etc. It's fairly primitive.

Try removing the entire script, and re-pasting it in a NEW script file. It appears something has gone wrong in the paste since itunes.manager alias does exist in this script.

montague   -  Mar 06, 2011

gotta try this 1..! it looks good! nice script jonesy44 :)>- <3 already tries this & was able to make it run.. but it can't make u choose/select the .mp3 songs u want.. :( besides that i got this error on my status:

  • /itunes.manager: not connected to server (line 252, itunes202.mrc)

on line 252: itunes.manager

what does it mean? need help!

Jonesy44   -  Jul 07, 2009

lol ok, are you on your server? I'll come get some hints from you :)

Spanky   -  Jul 07, 2009

do it! lol but if you learn it faster than me i Q_Q

Jonesy44   -  Jul 07, 2009

ahaha ok xD i wanted to learn it a while back, but never got round to it for some reason..

Spanky   -  Jul 07, 2009

ah well nvm i fixed the perl script >.> i just uh forgot to uncomment a few stuff

but yar,

Jonesy44   -  Jul 07, 2009

I don't know perl, sorry hehe :P and i'll check the link now.

Spanky   -  Jul 06, 2009
Spanky   -  Jul 06, 2009 i think you know perl right.. i have a project for you.. if you have the time. cus i dont know where to start.

Jonesy44   -  Jul 06, 2009

Dj_801: /chk_itunes - make sure iTunes is open or your mIRC will crash. Also - end the timer when you're done, this is just a temp fix

alias chk.itunes timerchk.itunes 0 1
alias {
  if %itunes.last != $itunes.title { }
  set %itunes.last $itunes.title

Spanky: I have noticed it before, i'll fix tmr, and i'll come on your server tmr. or something, right?:L

Spanky   -  Jul 05, 2009

dude uh, also can you make it check to see if itunes is installed.. also uh.. when you open it up in one server if u go to another one let it spam the play message there too (btw if this post is confusing il edit it later im tired and i cnt sleep so yea also, dude get on my server i need help with something..)

deejay8   -  Jul 04, 2009

how do i make it / when the song changes

ect, 18<20dj801|mirc>18 10{02Now Playing10} 10{03System of a Down 02-03 Bubbles10} 10{02Bitrate:03235 KB/s10} 10{02Sample Rate:0344100 Hz10} 10{02Play Count:031110}

Jonesy44   -  Jan 22, 2009

No idea what PnPlus is? and im on 6.35 :/ so maybe the ver needs updating because /noop is needed.

G-Prime   -  Jan 22, 2009

6.17 w PnPlus scripting (prolly the reason for epic failure right there)

Jonesy44   -  Jan 22, 2009

what mirc version are you using o.o

G-Prime   -  Jan 22, 2009

3) everything crashes my mirc now :/ / even does

G-Prime   -  Jan 22, 2009

unintsalled it but im reinstalling right now (itunes off)

1) Server does not recognize NOOP command
2) * /dialog: 'itunes.manager' error loading icon '' (line 57, itunes202.mrc)

Jonesy44   -  Jan 22, 2009

ahh ok, try this for me. close mirc & itunes

open itunes & mirc

then retry,.

G-Prime   -  Jan 22, 2009

yeppers i have - the managment window for the message works fine but its the itunes manager window and starting/stopping itunes ( that gives me errors and eventually crashes mirc all together

Jonesy44   -  Jan 22, 2009

The scripting, according to me is fine. first things first. make sure you've set it up correctly. have you located the dll files? have you located the image pack?

G-Prime   -  Jan 22, 2009

:( script is the FAILAGE - srry dunno if its possibly the scripting i use w the combo of ur itunesmanager but i get a nice lil error half the time or just a plain old mirc complete crash n burn - error * /dialog: 'itunes.manager' error loading icon '' (line 57, itunes202.mrc)

Followed your installation instructions to the T so to speak and it let me use the msg options dialog as well as spam the room but as soon as i attempt to pull up the manager itself it crashes n burns or gives that error

Jonesy44   -  Nov 19, 2008

Thanks for the +Like x]

Jonesy44   -  Nov 14, 2008

I'm getting the same results as Sir_Sonic12 is :/ The script itself is not the build version that it is on here, but the files are there :s

Sir_Sonic12   -  Nov 14, 2008

I just re-downloaded this .zip to see what you're talking about, and no files whatsoever are missing from mine. This is not an updated .zip as far as I know because the upload date on mediafire says:

Uploaded: 10/27/2008

All the images, .dlls and the readme are included in this .zip. I don't know what you did, but hopefully when you re-download it your problems will be solved.

Firstmate   -  Nov 14, 2008

Okie dokie, I did what you asked. And it seems several files are missing, from your .zip. I haven't redownloaded it since my last post, but I'll do that now. Seems multiple images are missing.

Jonesy44   -  Nov 14, 2008

Ok, They aren't bugs, just a way the script works. I will try to explain.

1 Readme.txt should be there, let me check im not sure what's happened to it, i'll upload another copy to mediafire ASAP.

2 It needs to locate image files, each file is named under the FOLDER, hence why it asks for the folder rather than assigning individual links to each image. Just locate the image_pack you've extracted from the folder. When it says more speicificly in the brackets, that's the file it has failed to find and has halted the script. check in windows explorer it's there and has not been renamed.

3 When you rightclick the nicklist, it has a dropdown menu to access the itunes script, if it cant find the dll, the script will try and add the links, just add them in and you'll have no worries,or unload the script :L

Hope it helped, if you need more info just reply x]

Firstmate   -  Nov 13, 2008

I found a huge problem >.>
To start off, there was no readme.txt in the download given. All I was given was a DLL and Image_Pack folder.
Second, upon starting the dialog, I was asked to locate a image file, to be specific, it asked for itunes_bg.jpg or whatever. It then opened a dialog to find a FOLDER and not a file. So I located and clicked ok on the Image_pack folder. It said, unable to locate file, locate file? I clicked Cancel this time.

Upon clicking cancel, my mirc crashed...

Any help would be great.

Edit: Just found a new problem, maybe its just me, but every time I right click on the nicklist it asks me to locate the image file.

Jonesy44   -  Nov 11, 2008

TheImrac liked your mIRC Snippet: iTunes Manager - v2.02
ty =]

And i'll be on sometime soon Brando

BrAndo   -  Nov 10, 2008

my nick is 'BrAndo|' on swiftirc or undernet

Jonesy44   -  Nov 10, 2008

Is there an IRC Channel/server i can find you on for a chat BrAndo??

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