TheMovieDB - GUI

By ProIcons on Jan 31, 2014

The Movie Database mIRC GUI
Written by ProIcons
Version: 1.1.1
API Version: 3

Requires: TMDb API
Its working only with VBSOCKS
If you install TMDb API with mircsocks, this GUI WONT work



  • TMDb mIRC Wrapper API by ProIcons
  • mIRC Version 6.35+
  • TMDb API-key

Change Log:
Fixed compatibility with Windows 8 Operating Systems.
Fixed bug where on first start up wasn't receiving the required resources.
Fixed an issue, causing an infinity loop while displaying the results.
Added Change font Property. You can now define the font of your choice for the displayed results.
Initial Release.

Full Documentation in Code.

** * ************************************************************************************************************ * **
** * The Movie Database mIRC GUI          * _/_/_/_/_/  _/   _/    _/_/_/   _/              _/_/_/ _/_/  _/_/ _/_/_/**
** * Written by ProIcons                  *    _/     _/_/ _/_/   _/   _/  _/             _/       _/    _/    _/ * **
** * Version: 1.1.1                       *   _/     _/ _/_/ _/  _/    _/ _/_/_/_/  _/_/ _/ _/_/  _/    _/    _/  * **
** * API Version: 3                       *  _/    _/   _/  _/  _/   _/  _/    _/       _/    _/  _/  _/     _/   * **
** * TDMb API - GUI                       * _/    _/       _/  _/_/_/   _/_/_/_/        _/_/_/    _/_/    _/_/_/  * **
** * ************************************************************************************************************ * **
** *                                                                                                              * **
** * Requirements                                                                                                 * **
** * - TMDb mIRC Wrapper API          by ProIcons                                                                 * **
** * - money function                 by kirbi      (included)                                                    * **
** * - mIRC Version 6.35+                                                                                         * **
** * - TMDb API-key                                                                                               * **
** *                                                                                                              * **
** * Basic Concept:                                                                                               * **
** * - From Menu TMDb You have 5 Options.                                                                         * **
** *   1) Change Font                                                                                             * **
** *      - It changes the font of the displayed results.                                                         * **
** *                                                                                                              * **
** *   2) Search Movie.                                                                                           * **
** *      - With this option an input prompt shows up and asks for movie name. After you click ok, it searches    * **
** *        for every available movie it can find and appearing it in another input prompti with each movie's     * **
** *        title release_date and id. If you want to view any of these movies, you simply type in its id, and    * **
** *        click ok.                                                                                             * **
** *                                                                                                              * **
** *   3) Movie from IMDb Link.                                                                                   * **
** *      - Basicaly it gets the ID from the link and appearing the movie by ID.                                  * **
** *                                                                                                              * **
** *   4) Movie from TMDb Link.                                                                                   * **
** *      - Basicaly it gets the ID from the link and appearing the movie by ID.                                  * **
** *                                                                                                              * **
** *   5) Movie from ID.                                                                                          * **
** *      - Basicaly it gets the movie by ID.                                                                     * **
** *                                                                                                              * **
** * - From Menu in Movie's Details Window                                                                        * **
** *   1) Save Picture                                                                                            * **
** *      - It saves the window you are seeing as a picture.                                                      * **
** *   2) Close                                                                                                   * **
** *      - Closes the window.                                                                                    * **
** *                                                                                                              * **
** * Version                                                                                                      * **
** * - v1.1.1                                                                                                     * **
** *  * Fixed compatibility with Windows 8 Operating Systems.                                                     * **
** *  * Fixed bug where on first startup wasnt recieving the required resources.                                  * **
** * - v1.1.0                                                                                                     * **
** *  * Fixed an issue, causing an infinity loop while displaying the results.                                    * **
** *  + Added Change font Property. You can now define the font of your choice for the displayed results.         * **
** * - v1.0.0-Alpha                                                                                               * **
** *  * Initial Release                                                                                           * **
** *                                                                                                              * **
** * Versioning                                                                                                   * **
** *  - For transparency and insight into release cycle, and for striving to maintain backward compatibility,     * **
** *    mIRC TMDb will be maintained under the Semantic Versioning guidelines as much as possible.                * **
** *    Releases will be numbered with the following format:                                                      * **
** *                                                                                                              * **
** *    <major>.<minor>.<patch>                                                                                   * **
** *                                                                                                              * **
** *    And constructed with the following guidelines:                                                            * **
** *    * Breaking backward compatibility bumps the major (and resets the minor and patch)                        * **
** *    * New additions without breaking backward compatibility bumps the minor (and resets the patch)            * **
** *    * Bug fixes and misc changes bumps the patch                                                              * **
** *                                                                                                              * **
** *    For more information on SemVer, please visit                                          * **
** *                                                                                                              * **
** *                                                                                                              * **
** * Bug tracker                                                                                                  * **
** *  - Have a bug or a feature request? Post comment here.                                                       * **
** *                                                                                                              * **
** **************************************************************************************************************** **

on *:start:{ _tmdb_gui_init }
on *:load:{ _tmdb_gui_init }
alias _tmdb_gui_init {
  if (!%_tmdb_gui_default_font) set %_tmdb_gui_default_font "Courier New"
  set %_tmdb_gui_version Version 1.1.1
  if (!$exists(tmdb\system)) mkdir tmdb\system
  if (!$exists(tmdb\system\g-rating.png)) noop $vbs_download(,tmdb/system/g-rating.png)
alias _tmdb_api_movie {
  if (!$isalias(tmdb)) || (%_tmdb_isid_socket != vbsocks) {
    echo $color(info) -s  * TMDb GUI: TMDb mSL Wrapper is not Configured.
  var %hwnd @movie_ $+ $1
  if (!$window(%hwnd)) window -apdBkow0fC +bd %hwnd 0 0 700 278
  drawfill -r %hwnd $rgb(105,105,105) $rgb(105,105,105) 0 0
  drawtext -po %hwnd 1 "Courier New" 25 50 110 Please Wait. Data are beeing loaded...
  var %json = $tmdb().method(movie/ [ $+ [ $1 ] ] [ $+ [ ).cache() ] ]
  if (!%json) { window -c %hwnd | halt }
  var %id = $json_utf8(%json,id)
  var %url = $json_utf8(%json,poster_path)
  var %poster = $tmdb().method(image/pow185/ [ $+ [ $remove(%url,/) ] ] [ $+ [ ) ] ]
  var %title = $json_utf8(%json,original_title)
  var %desc = $json_utf8(%json,overview)
  var %tagline = $json_utf8(%json,tagline)
  var %release_date = $gettok($json_utf8(%json,release_date),1,$asc(-))
  var %runtime = $json_utf8(%json,runtime)
  var %rating = $json_utf8(%json,vote_average)
  var %rusers = $json_utf8(%json,vote_count)
  var %revenue = $json_utf8(%json,revenue)
  var %budget = $json_utf8(%json,budget)
  var %i = 0
  var %genres
  while (%i < $numtok($json_utf8(%json,genres),44) ) {
    var %genres = $json_utf8(%json,genres,%i,name) $+ , $+ %genres
    inc %i
  var %sc
  var %director
  var %i = 0
  while (%i < $numtok($json_utf8(%json,casts,crew),44) ) {
    var %dept = $json_utf8(%json,casts,crew,%i,department)
    var %name = $json_utf8(%json,casts,crew,%i,name)
    var %job = $json_utf8(%json,casts,crew,%i,job)
    if (%job == Director) var %director = %name
    if (%job == Story) { 
      var %sc %name $+ $chr(44) %sc
    inc %i
  drawfill %hwnd $rgb(105,105,105) $rgb(105,105,105) 0 0
  drawfill -nr %hwnd $rgb(105,105,105) $rgb(105,105,105) 0 0
  drawpic -nc %hwnd 0 0 $shortfn(%poster)
  drawtext -npo %hwnd 1 %_tmdb_gui_default_font 18 190 0 %title
  drawtext -nrpo %hwnd $rgb(66,66,66) %_tmdb_gui_default_font 15 680 0 X
  drawtext -nrpo %hwnd $rgb(66,66,66) %_tmdb_gui_default_font 15 665 -5 _
  ;drawtext -nrpo %hwnd $rgb(66,66,66) %_tmdb_gui_default_font 15 685 129 >
  drawtext -nrpo %hwnd $rgb(33,33,33) %_tmdb_gui_default_font 12 190 18 $iif(%tagline,$v1,-)
  drawline -rn %hwnd $rgb(133,133,133) 1 205 41 680 41
  drawline -rn %hwnd $rgb(133,133,133) 1 205 41 205 76
  drawline -rn %hwnd $rgb(133,133,133) 1 680 41 680 76
  drawline -rn %hwnd $rgb(133,133,133) 1 205 76 680 76
  drawpic -ncs %hwnd 207 45 200 28 tmdb\system\g-rating.png
  drawline -rn %hwnd $rgb(133,133,133) 1 410 41 410 76
  drawtext -porn %hwnd $rgb(194,194,194) "Calibri" 30 415 39 %release_date
  drawline -rn %hwnd $rgb(133,133,133) 1 480 41 480 76
  var %i = 1
  while (%i <= $ceil($calc($len(%genres) / 24))) {
    drawtext -npoc %hwnd 1 %_tmdb_gui_default_font 13 485 $calc(27 + (%i * 15)) 200 55 $mid(%genres,$calc((%i - 1) * 24 + 1),24)
    inc %i
  drawline -nr %hwnd $rgb(133,133,133) 1 280 76 280 156
  drawline -nr %hwnd $rgb(133,133,133) 1 380 116 380 156
  drawline -nr %hwnd $rgb(133,133,133) 1 445 116 445 156
  ;Director Box
  drawline -nr %hwnd $rgb(133,133,133) 1 205 76 205 96
  drawline -nr %hwnd $rgb(133,133,133) 1 680 76 680 96
  drawline -nr %hwnd $rgb(133,133,133) 1 205 96 680 96
  drawtext -npor %hwnd $rgb(0,0,0) %_tmdb_gui_default_font 12 210 78 Director
  drawtext -npr %hwnd $rgb(33,33,33) %_tmdb_gui_default_font 12 285 78 %director
  ;Writers Box
  drawline -nr %hwnd $rgb(133,133,133) 1 205 96 205 116
  drawline -nr %hwnd $rgb(133,133,133) 1 680 96 680 116
  drawline -nr %hwnd $rgb(133,133,133) 1 205 116 680 116
  drawtext -npor %hwnd $rgb(0,0,0) %_tmdb_gui_default_font 12 210 98 Writer(s)
  drawtext -npr %hwnd $rgb(33,33,33) %_tmdb_gui_default_font 12 285 98 $iif(%sc,%sc,None)
  ;Misc Box
  drawline -nr %hwnd $rgb(133,133,133) 1 205 116 205 136
  drawline -nr %hwnd $rgb(133,133,133) 1 680 116 680 136
  drawline -nr %hwnd $rgb(133,133,133) 1 205 136 680 136
  drawtext -npor %hwnd $rgb(0,0,0) %_tmdb_gui_default_font 12 210 118 Run Time
  drawtext -npr %hwnd $rgb(33,33,33) %_tmdb_gui_default_font 12 285 118 %runtime Minutes
  drawtext -npor %hwnd $rgb(0,0,0) %_tmdb_gui_default_font 12 385 118 Rating
  drawtext -npr %hwnd $rgb(33,33,33) %_tmdb_gui_default_font 12 450 118 $round(%rating,1) ( $+ %rusers Votes)
  ;Misc2 Box
  drawline -nr %hwnd $rgb(133,133,133) 1 205 136 205 156
  drawline -nr %hwnd $rgb(133,133,133) 1 680 136 680 156
  drawline -nr %hwnd $rgb(133,133,133) 1 205 156 680 156
  drawtext -npor %hwnd $rgb(0,0,0) %_tmdb_gui_default_font 12 210 138 Budget
  drawtext -npr %hwnd $rgb(33,33,33) %_tmdb_gui_default_font 12 285 138  $+ $money(%budget)
  drawtext -npor %hwnd $rgb(0,0,0) %_tmdb_gui_default_font 12 385 138 Revenue
  drawtext -npr %hwnd $rgb(33,33,33) %_tmdb_gui_default_font 12 450 138  $+ $money(%revenue)
  ;Plot Box
  drawline -nr %hwnd $rgb(133,133,133) 1 205 156 205 256
  drawline -nr %hwnd $rgb(133,133,133) 1 680 156 680 256
  drawline -nr %hwnd $rgb(133,133,133) 1 205 256 680 256
  var %a = 1
  while ($left(%desc,1) == $chr(32)) { %desc = $mid(%desc,2,$len(%desc)) }
  var %new_text
  var %i = 1
  while (%desc) {
    %new_text = %new_text $gettok(%desc,%i,32)
    if ($len(%new_text) > 78) && ($len(%desc) >= 78) {
      %new_text = $deltok(%new_text,$numtok(%new_text,32),32)
      %desc = $remove(%desc,%new_text)
      drawtext -npr %hwnd $rgb(33,33,33) %_tmdb_gui_default_font 10 210 $calc(148 + (%a * 10)) %new_text
      %new_Text = $null
      inc %a
      goto start
    elseif ($len(%new_text) <= 78) && ($len(%desc) <= 78) {
      drawtext -npr %hwnd $rgb(33,33,33) %_tmdb_gui_default_font 10 210 $calc(148 + (%a * 10)) %desc
    inc %i
  drawdot %hwnd
alias money {
  if ($1 isnum) {
    if ($chr(46) isin $1) { var %dollars $gettok($1,1,46) | var %cents $remove($round($+($chr(46),$gettok($1,2,46)),2),0.) }
    else { var %dollars $1 }
    var %length $ceil($calc($len(%dollars)/3))
    if (%length > 1) {
      dec %length
      var %result $addtok(%result,$left(%dollars,$calc($len(%dollars)-$calc( [ %length ] * 3))),44) | var %stuff -3
      while (%length) {
        var %result $instok(%result,$mid(%dollars,$calc( [ %stuff ] * [ %length ] ),3),$calc($numtok(%result,44)+1),44) | dec %length
    else { var %result %dollars }
    if ($chr(46) isin $1) { return $+($chr(36),%result,$chr(46),%cents) }
    else { return $+($chr(36),%result) }
alias -l movewin {
  if ($window($1)) {
    window $1 $calc($ -$2) $calc($ -$3)
    if ($mouse.key & 1) {
      .timer $+ $1 -o 1 0 movewin $1-
alias w_dl {
  window -c $active
menu * {
  . $style(2) TheMovieDB GUI:noop
  . $style(3) %_tmdb_gui_version $+ :noop
  .Change Font:$iif(!$dialog(_tmdb_gui_font),dialog -md _tmdb_gui_font _tmdb_gui_font,dialog -v _tmdb_gui_font)
  .Serach Movie:_tmdb_search_movie
  .Movie from ID:_tmdb_api_movie $input(Please provide the IMDb/TMDb ID of the movie you want to see.,eo,TMDb GUI) 
  .Movie from IMDb Link:_tmdb_imdb_search
  .Movie from TMDb Link:_tmdb_tmdb_search
alias -l _tmdb_imdb_search {
  if (!$isalias(tmdb)) || (%_tmdb_isid_socket != vbsocks) {
    echo $color(info) -s  * TMDb GUI: TMDb mSL Wrapper is not Configured.
  var %input $input(Please provide the IMDb Link,eo,TMDb GUI)
  var %mlink = $gettok($remove(%input,http://,https://,www.,,/,title),1,$asc(?))
  if (%mlink) _tmdb_api_movie %mlink
alias -l _tmdb_tmdb_search {
  if (!$isalias(tmdb)) || (%_tmdb_isid_socket != vbsocks) {
    echo $color(info) -s  * TMDb GUI: TMDb mSL Wrapper is not Configured.
  var %input $input(Please provide the TMDb Link,eo,TMDb GUI)
  var %mlink = $gettok($remove(%input,http://,https://,www.,,/,movie),1,$asc(-))
  echo -a a %mlink
  if (%mlink) _tmdb_api_movie %mlink
alias -l _tmdb_search_movie {
  if (!$isalias(tmdb)) || (%_tmdb_isid_socket != vbsocks) {
    echo $color(info) -s  * TMDb GUI: TMDb mSL Wrapper is not Configured.
  var %input $input(Please provide the title of movie you are searching,eo,TMDb GUI)
  var %json $tmdb(%input).method(search/movie)
  var %num = $json_utf8(%json,total_results)
  var %i = 0
  var %results Movie $str($chr(9),5) Date $str($chr(9),1) ID $+ $crlf
  while (%i < %num) {
    if ($len($json_utf8(%json,results,%i,original_title)) > 38) {
      %results = %results $+ $mid($json_utf8(%json,results,%i,original_title),1,38) $iif($len($json_utf8(%json,results,%i,original_title)) >= 28,$chr(9),$iif($len($json_utf8(%json,results,%i,original_title)) >= 27,$str($chr(9),2),$iif($len($json_utf8(%json,results,%i,original_title)) > 13,$str($chr(9),3),$str($chr(9),4)))) $gettok($json_utf8(%json,results,%i,release_date),1,$asc(-)) $chr(9) $+ $json_utf8(%json,results,%i,id) $+ $crlf
      %results = %results $+ $chr(9) $+ $mid($json_utf8(%json,results,%i,original_title),39,$len($json_utf8(%json,results,%i,original_title))) $+ $crlf
    else {
      %results = %results $+ $mid($json_utf8(%json,results,%i,original_title),1,38) $iif($len($json_utf8(%json,results,%i,original_title)) >= 28,$chr(9),$iif($len($json_utf8(%json,results,%i,original_title)) >= 27,$str($chr(9),2),$iif($len($json_utf8(%json,results,%i,original_title)) > 13,$str($chr(9),3),$str($chr(9),4)))) $gettok($json_utf8(%json,results,%i,release_date),1,$asc(-)) $chr(9) $+ $json_utf8(%json,results,%i,id) $+ $crlf

    inc %i
  _tmdb_api_movie $$input(Please type the id of the movie you want: $crlf $+ %results,eo,TMDb GUI)
menu * {
  mouse: {
    if (*movie* iswm $active) && (*casts* !iswm $active) {
      if ($inrect($mouse.x,$mouse.y,680,0,$width(X,%_tmdb_gui_default_font,15),$height(X,%_tmdb_gui_default_font,15))) {
        set %_tmdb_gui_x_inside 1
        drawrect -rf $active $rgb(105,105,105) 1 680 0 $width(X,%_tmdb_gui_default_font,15) $height(X,%_tmdb_gui_default_font,15)
        drawtext -rpo $active $rgb(33,33,33) %_tmdb_gui_default_font 15 680 0 X
      elseif (%_tmdb_gui_x_inside == 1) {
        set %_tmdb_gui_x_inside 0 
        drawrect -rf $active $rgb(105,105,105) 1 680 0 $width(X,%_tmdb_gui_default_font,16) $height(X,%_tmdb_gui_default_font,15)
        drawtext -rpo $active $rgb(66,66,66) %_tmdb_gui_default_font 15 680 0 X
      if ($inrect($mouse.x,$mouse.y,665,-5,$width(_,%_tmdb_gui_default_font,15),$height(_,%_tmdb_gui_default_font,15))) {
        set %_tmdb_gui_-_inside 1
        drawrect -rf $active $rgb(105,105,105) 1 665 -5 $width(_,%_tmdb_gui_default_font,15) $height(_,%_tmdb_gui_default_font,15)
        drawtext -rpo $active $rgb(33,33,33) %_tmdb_gui_default_font 15 665 -5 _
      elseif (%_tmdb_gui_-_inside == 1) {
        set %_tmdb_gui_-_inside 0 
        drawrect -rf $active $rgb(105,105,105) 1 665 -5 $width(_,%_tmdb_gui_default_font,16) $height(_,%_tmdb_gui_default_font,15)
        drawtext -rpo $active $rgb(66,66,66) %_tmdb_gui_default_font 15 665 -5 _
      if ($inrect($mouse.x,$mouse.y,207,45,200,28)) {
        set %_tmdb_gui_mpaa_inside 1 
        drawtext -r $active $rgb(0,0,0) %_tmdb_gui_default_font 10 210 260 MPAA:
      elseif (%_tmdb_gui_mpaa_inside == 1) {
        set %_tmdb_gui_mpaa_inside 0
        drawrect -rf $active $rgb(105,105,105) 1 210 260 $width(MPAA:,%_tmdb_gui_default_font,15) $height(MPAA:,%_tmdb_gui_default_font,10)
    if (*movie* iswm $active) && (*casts* !iswm $active) {
      if ($inrect($mouse.x,$mouse.y,207,45,200,28)) {
        if ($?!="You are about to open webpage: Are you sure you want to continnue?") {
      if ($inrect($mouse.x,$mouse.y,665,-5,$width(_,%_tmdb_gui_default_font,15),$height(_,%_tmdb_gui_default_font,15))) {
        var %win = $active
        window -n %win
      if ($inrect($mouse.x,$mouse.y,680,0,$width(X,%_tmdb_gui_default_font,15),$height(X,%_tmdb_gui_default_font,15))) {
        var %win = $active
        window -c %win
        window -c %win $+ .casts
        window -c @buffer $+ $remove(%win,@) $+ .casts
      movewin $active $calc($ -$window($active).x) $calc($ -$window($active).y) 
  $iif($window($active).type == picture && *casts* !iswm $active,Close) :  var %win = $active | window -c %win | window -c %win $+ .casts | window -c @buffer $+ $remove(%win,@) $+ .casts
  $iif(*movie* iswm $active && *casts* !iswm $active,-)
  $iif(*movie* iswm $active && *casts* !iswm $active,Save Picture) : picsave $active 
alias picsave {
  window -hp +bd @tosave 0 0 700 278
  drawcopy $1 0 0 $window($1).w $window($1).h @tosave 0 0
  drawtext -npor @tosave $rgb(0,0,0) %_tmdb_gui_default_font 12 200 260 API Wrapper & GUI by ProIcons. Contact:
  drawrect -rf @tosave $rgb(105,105,105) 1 680 0 $width(X,%_tmdb_gui_default_font,15) $height(X,%_tmdb_gui_default_font,15)
  drawrect -rf @tosave $rgb(105,105,105) 1 665 0 $width(_,%_tmdb_gui_default_font,15) $height(_,%_tmdb_gui_default_font,15)
  var %file = $sfile($+($iif(%_tmdb_gui_last_save_path,$v1,C:\),*.bmp))
  if ($exists(%file)) {
    if ($input(Are you sure you want to overwrite this file?,yw,Replace Warning!)) {
      .remove %file
      drawsave -q100 @tosave %file
  else {
    drawsave -q100 @tosave $iif($numtok(%file,46) == 1,%file $+ .bmp,%file)
  set %_tmdb_gui_last_save_path $nofile(%file)
  window -c @tosave
alias get_font_list {
  if ($isid) {
    var %c = fontlist
    if (!$com(%c)) {
      .comopen %c MSScriptControl.ScriptControl
      noop $com(%c,language,4,bstr*,VBScript)
      var %code Function get_font_list() $crlf Set objFSO=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") $crlf outFile=" $+ $mircdir $+ \stdout.a" $crlf Set objFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile(outFile,True) $crlf Const HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = &H80000002 $crlf strComputer = "." $crlf strRes = "" $crlf Set objReg=GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & _ $crlf strComputer & "\root\default:StdRegProv") $crlf strKeyPath = "Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts" $crlf objReg.EnumValues HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, _ $crlf strKeyPath,arrEntryNames $crlf For Each strValue in arrEntryNames $crlf objFile.Write strValue & vbCrLf $crlf Next $crlf get_font_list=" $+ $mircdir $+ \stdout.a" $crlf objFile.Close $crlf End Function
      noop $com(%c,addcode,1,bstr*,%code)
      var %t $+(get_font_list,$chr(40),$chr(41))
      .timer 1 1 comclose %c
      if ($com(%c,eval,1,bstr*,%t)) return $com(%c).result

dialog _tmdb_gui_font {
  title "mIRC TMDb GUI"
  size -1 -1 158 10
  option dbu
  combo 1, 0 0 122 96, size drop
  button "Save", 2, 121 0 37 10
on *:dialog:_tmdb_gui_font:init:0:{
  .timer 1 0 font_init
alias font_init {
  var %fontlist = $get_font_list
  var %i = 1
  while (%i <= $lines(%fontlist) ) {
    var %font = $gettok($read(%fontlist,%i),1,40)
    while ($left(%font,1) == $chr(32)) { %font = $mid(%font,2,$len(%font)) }
    while ($right(%font,1) == $chr(32)) { %font = $mid(%font,1,$calc($len(%font) - 1))) }
    did $iif(%i == 1,-ra,-a) _tmdb_gui_font 1 %font
    if (%font == %_tmdb_gui_default_font) { 
      did -c _tmdb_gui_font 1 %i 
    inc %i
  .remove %fontlist
on *:dialog:_tmdb_gui_font:sclick:2:{ set %_tmdb_gui_default_font $qt($did($dname,1)) }


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ovelayer   -  Jan 26, 2015
  • /drawpic: invalid parameters (line 124, MovieDB-GUI.mrc)
    i get this error when using
ProIcons  -  Jan 26, 2015

Have you configured your TMDB wrapper properly?

Wims  -  Jan 27, 2015

If he didn't, that's the kind of things yours script should warn about, it should never break with an error

ProIcons  -  Jan 27, 2015

I Believe you are right, whatsoever, this script is just an Example of the Usage of the TMDb Wrapper. In any case . Script is Updated to prevent these kind of errors.

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Hawkee   -  Oct 27, 2014

Looks like you'll need to add a line break before and after your images to fix the formatting.

ProIcons   -  Jul 18, 2014

-Updated Version 1.1.1
Fixed compatibility with Windows 8 Operating Systems.
Fixed bug where on first start up wasn't receiving the required resources.

ProIcons   -  Apr 03, 2014

Updated Version: 1.1.0
You have now the ability to change the font of the displayed results.

Hawkee   -  Mar 31, 2014

Looks like you're a fan of Courier New. Why not make the font a variable so it can be customized?

ProIcons  -  Apr 02, 2014

I'm not a fan of Courier new, and this would be a great idea.

ProIcons  -  Apr 03, 2014


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