

Sep 01, 2014

Activity Stream

Herc08 created a Page  -  Oct 03, 2014

So here is a simple highlight that I thought could be better than a few beeps. It works by being called upon in a channel. Once it its triggered, it will put a balloon tip only if your are not on the channel. It also triggers when mIRC is not the active application. Also, when you double click on the balloon tip, it will take your straight to the channel. Again, very simple, but handy if you are doing..

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Herc08 commented on a Page, Define system  -  Sep 29, 2014

Couple things to point out. In the first on text event, you have two sets of commands in different brackets ({ }). Also instead of all of those event, combine those in one. Using if/elseif statements. Also, there is no need for a slash in the msg part. I know I am nitpicking, but it's just me. I know that this is your first one, but it isn't that bad. Probably the last part I would recommend is either storing them in a hash table or INI file, because with that, you can identify which term is valid, with the use of evaluation brackets.

Ok, this works and all. But what I can't figure out is the reason for two while loops. You can accomplish this with one loop. You can still have checks for !$1 and no regular users. Instead of putting all the nicks in %rnicks as nick1,nick2,nick3...you can just do $nick(#,%a,r) and when increasing %a, it will return the value of each nick. That's just my opinion though.

Herc08 commented on a Comment, Returning a Greet Message  -  Sep 21, 2014
Herc08 commented on a Page, Returning a Greet Message  -  Sep 20, 2014

EDIT: Re-reading your question, you are still asking it to greet twice. You want to complete the random greet, but also use timer in the greet. So, either way, it looks as if you want to greet twice, anyways.

Well first off, you have nothing to compare it too, so even if one of the channels or nicks were bad...it would still trigger. To answer you question, you have a /msg set by the random picking, then you created a timer to message out $greet. If you only want one greeting, you may want to consider getting rid of the timer

Herc08 created a Page  -  Sep 06, 2014
1 152 

This is just something that I came up with because I was bored. It is possible in MS Word, so I decided to match it. I haven't submitted anything in years. The first code is tried to be done without regex, but it is impossible (or just too lengthy) to add exceptions. It will capitalize the first letter of each word, besides: a, an, is, of, and, & the.

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Herc08 commented on a Comment, how can i see allowed people  -  Sep 06, 2014
Herc08 commented on a Comment, Currency Converter  -  Sep 05, 2014
Herc08 commented on a Comment, Help with copy chat bot  -  Sep 01, 2014
Herc08 commented on a Page, Help with the Simple Word Blacklist  -  Sep 01, 2014

Well it's been a few years since I've done mSL. But there is no reason to go using a while loop when you can use $istok. Also, adding words are not really adding. It is more making it the ONLY work. let's see pink was a bad word, it would say %blacklist.pink.#chan Well, we want to add blue as a bad word as well. Instead of %blacklist.pink.blue.#chan, it would reaplce pink with blue. The best way to do this is to set %blacklist $instok(%blacklist,$3,-1,46). This adds it all the way to the right, right before channel name.

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