

Sep 14, 2003

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trenzterra commented on a mIRC Script, TrenzTerra Tornado  -  Jun 27, 2004

BTW I did release Tornado Final, which you can find at It was after October, when Tornado was completed, that I decided to stop. There are much better scripts out there such as NoNameScript as Anaconda which I feel is 10x better than my script.

trenzterra commented on a mIRC Script, TrenzTerra Tornado  -  Mar 17, 2004

Sorry guys I stopped mIRC Scripting...

trenzterra created a mIRC Addon  -  Oct 05, 2003
trenzterra created a mIRC Script  -  Oct 05, 2003
trenzterra commented on a mIRC Script, TrenzTerra Tornado  -  Oct 03, 2003

Those stuff where you ignore when there\'s flood? I\'ve completed it today if that is what you mean. Protects you from CTCP/NOTICE/QUERY/CHANNEL flood and also configure words to ignore. Also, I hope Hawkee gets the update system working soon.

trenzterra commented on a mIRC Script, TrenzTerra Tornado  -  Oct 02, 2003

You mean those ignore and stuff? Ok thanks.

trenzterra commented on a mIRC Script, TrenzTerra Tornado  -  Oct 02, 2003

What script did you come from, what do you miss? I\'m coming up with the final version soo, so feedback would be important :)

trenzterra created a mIRC Script  -  Sep 24, 2003
trenzterra created a mIRC Script  -  Sep 24, 2003
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