

May 06, 2006

Code Snippets

krimson created a Page  -  Jun 21, 2006


krimson created a Page  -  Jun 04, 2006

This is an example on how to code mIRC's $mask function. Useful for developers or people learning tcl. Examples: "[return:hostmask nick! 1]" returns !"[return:hostmask nick! 2]" returns !

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krimson created a Page  -  May 11, 2006

This script basically sends out a specific message to all channels with a given delay. Useful for shell companies or channels that give out eggdrops.

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krimson created a Page  -  May 08, 2006

Here are some useful aliases. It's not complicated at all... Not even by far, but a lot of people ask (me or my frieds) how to open up urls in another browser than their default one. This could be extended to any other browser. Please keep in mind that you might have to change .exe to the browser's full path ("C:\path\to\browser.exe" instead of browser.exe). It works perfectly for me, but you never..

  1 Thread   mIRC  
krimson created a Page  -  May 07, 2006

This script makes the bot login automatically with X/Q from UnderNet/QuakeNet immediately after connecting to the server. It also performs definable usermodes before logging in. Changelog: v0.02.01: - bugfix release v0.02.00: - rewritten most of the code

  3 Threads   TCL  
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