
By ObZen666 on Feb 02, 2013

This is my input I made myself

ON *:INPUT:#: { 
  if ( bye == $1) /part
  if ( peace == $1) /quit  
  if (.mirc == $1 ) { /say mIRC On : $uptime(mirc,1) } 
  if (.pc == $1 ) { /say Pc on : $uptime(system,1) } 
  If ($1 == .kb) cs ban $chan $2- 
  If ($1 == .k) && ($2 ison #) cs kick $chan $2- 
  If ($1 == .vers) //say $$version
  If ($1 == up) ns update
  If ($1 == hop) hop
  If ($1 == down) mode $chan -q $me
  If ($1 == +o) cs op $chan $2
  if ($1 == .topic) { topic # $2- } 
  If ($1 == .topiclock) cs set $chan topiclock  on
  If ($1 == .toplockoff) cs set $chan topiclock off
  If ($1 == -o) cs deop $chan $2 
  If ($1 == +v) cs voice $chan $2 
  If ($1 == -v) cs devoice $chan $2
  If ($1 == +h) cs halfop $chan $2
  If ($1 == -h) cs dehalfop $chan $2
  If ($1 == -b) cs unban $chan $2
  If ($1 == +I) mode $chan +I $2 
  If ($1 == .group) ns group 
  If ($1 == .ghost) ns ghost 
  If ($1 == .id) ns id
  If ($1 == .glist) ns glist
  If ($1 == .alist) ns alist 
  If ($1 == +e) mode $chan +e $2 
  If ($1 == -I) mode $chan -I $2 
  If ($1 == -e) mode $chan -e $2 
  If ($1 == +e) mode $chan +e $me 
  If ($1 == -e) mode $chan -e $me 
  If ($1 == +I) mode $chan +I $me 
  If ($1 == -I) mode $chan -I $me   
  If ($1 == +R) mode $me +R 
  If ($1 == -R) mode $me -R 
  If ($1 == .n) /notice $2 <33333333
  If ($1 == +N) mode $chan +N
  If ($1 == -N) mode $chan -N
  If ($1 == .add ) cs access $chan add $2- 
  If ($1 == .del ) cs access $chan del $2- 
  If ($1 == .info ) cs info $chan 
  If ($1 == .list ) cs access $chan list 
  If ($1 == .akick ) cs akick $chan add $2- 
  If ($1 == .delakick ) cs akick $chan del $2- 
  If ($1 == .akicklist ) cs akick $chan view 
  If ($1 == +a) cs protect $chan $2 
  If ($1 == -a) cs deprotect $chan $2  
  If ($1 == -m) mode $chan -m 
  If ($1 == +q) cs owner $chan 
  If ($1 == -q) cs deowner $chan 


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dronez4   -  Feb 02, 2013

Mate, u need to Close ur brackets..
it'd be something like this

on *:input:*:{
If ($1 == +a) { cs protect $chan $2 }
  If ($1 == -a) { cs deprotect $chan $2 }  
  If ($1 == -m) { mode $chan -m }
  If ($1 == +q) { cs owner $chan }
  If ($1 == -q) { cs deowner $chan }

If that dont work, then use the ELSE statement, but always use ur brackets and close them..

FelicianoX  -  Feb 03, 2013

He doesn't need the brackets if it's only one line.

The closing bracket for the ON INPUT needs to be closed.

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