Mirc Help Menu

By Warriorii on Jul 16, 2012

This would be great for a help channel. feel free to add to it, just leave my name and everything at the top as is. If u add to it look close to the other ones i done to see how it should be. You'll add the help at the bottom and at the top will be the code to play what u added. Also for someone to be able to download it from you it needs to be named exactly this name ===> MircHelpMenu-V1.04.mrc also the snippet will be looking for that name also so once u add it to your remotes save it as MircHelpMenu-V1.04

One more thing on line 24 you'll need to put your channel name in next to the # if more than one channel just seperate the channels with a comma like #channel1,#channel2,#channel3
example.... on 1:text:!mhm:#channel name: {

# V1.03                                      #
# Written by Jon2 AKA Warriorii              #
# I would like to Thank WhoBear for his help #
# Testers Luvme4me & Jon2                    #
on *:load: {
  echo 7 You have successfully loaded Jon2's mirc's help menu. Enjoy
  menu channel,query {
    .mIRC Help Menu
    ..Share: { msg $chan $av $+ 0,12 To grab MircHelpMenu-V1.04.mrc 8type--> 11!mhm  $+ $av } | msg $chan 7 To install, Type -rs3 MircHelpMenu-V1.04.mrc then enter
    ..Register a nick:.play -ctnickregistration $script 1000
    ..Register a Channel:.play -ctchan-reg $script 1000
    ..Mirc Commands:.play -ctmirc-commands $script 1000
    ..DCC Allow Info:.play -ctdcc $script 1000
    ..Random Quit Msg:.play -ctrandomquitmsg $script 1000
    ..Modelocks:.play -ctmodelocks $script 1000
    ..Send to $$1:if ($$1 isop $chan) send $$1 MircHelpMenu-V1.04.mrc | else { msg $chan $$1 is not an op in $chan can not send } halt | /notice $$1 12Move MircHelpMenu-v1.03.mrc | /notice $$1 12To your main mIRC dir then type===> 4 /load -rs MircHelpMenu-V1.04.mrc 
  alias mhm return 14,5«15,4¤14,5»
  alias jj return 14,5«15,4¤14,5»
  on 1:text:!mhm:#: {
    if ($nick isop $chan) send $nick MircHelpMenu-V1.04.mrc | else { msg $chan 4Sorry $nick You have to be a channel operator to down/load this file | halt }

  say $jj $+ 1,1..............9Registering Your Channel1,1............... $+ $jj
  say $jj $+ 1,7 To register a Channel follow the steps below 7,7....... $+ $jj
  say $jj $+ 7,7..................................................... $+ $jj
  say $jj $+ 1,7 Remember you must be in your channel and op'ed 7,7..... $+ $jj
  say $jj $+ 1,7 before you can register it. Once your in your 7,7...... $+ $jj
  say $jj $+ 1,7 Channel [by typing /join channel Name] type the 7,7.... $+ $jj 
  say $jj $+ 1,7 following line with your information & press enter7,7.. $+ $jj
  say $jj $+ 1,7 Without the brackets of course :)7,7................... $+ $jj
  say $jj $+ 11,7 /cs register (channel) (password) (description) 7,7.... $+ $jj
  say $jj $+ 1,7 Remember your password and also write it down7,7....... $+ $jj
  say $jj $+ 1,1..................................................... $+ $jj
  say $jj $+ 1,1................9Nick Registration1,1................ $+ $jj
  say $jj $+ 8,12 When registering your nick you must remember12,12.... $+ $jj
  say $jj $+ 8,12 to give a true email address as this is where12,12... $+ $jj 
  say $jj $+ 8,12 your instructions on how to finish your nick12,12.... $+ $jj 
  say $jj $+ 8,12 registration will be sent.12,12...................... $+ $jj
  say $jj $+ 15,12 ----------------------------------------------12,12.. $+ $jj
  say $jj $+ 8,12 The following is how to register your nick12,12...... $+ $jj
  say $jj $+ 8,12 /ns register [password] [email address]12,12......... $+ $jj 
  say $jj $+ 8,12 of course without the brackets :)12,12............... $+ $jj
  say $jj $+ 8,12 It usually takes about 10 minutes for you to12,12.... $+ $jj 
  say $jj $+ 8,12 receive your instructions on how to complete12,12.... $+ $jj 
  say $jj $+ 8,12 your registration process. However it can12,12....... $+ $jj 
  say $jj $+ 8,12 take longer so be patient.12,12...................... $+ $jj
  say $jj $+ 1,1................................................. $+ $jj
  say $jj $+ 1,1...................9Mirc Commands1,1.................... $+ $jj
  say $jj $+ 8,12 Kick - /kick channel nick, press enter12,12............. $+ $jj
  say $jj $+ 8,12 Akick - /cs akick channel add nick12,12................. $+ $jj
  say $jj $+ 8,12 Ban - /ban channel nick12,12............................ $+ $jj
  say $jj $+ 8,12 Unban - /cs unban channel nick12,12..................... $+ $jj
  say $jj $+ 8,12 Op - /cs op channel nick12,12........................... $+ $jj
  say $jj $+ 8,12 deop - /cs deop channel nick12,12....................... $+ $jj
  say $jj $+ 8,12 Voice - /mode channel +v nick12,12...................... $+ $jj
  say $jj $+ 8,12 DeVoice - /mode channel -v nick12,12.................... $+ $jj
  say $jj $+ 8,12 Keep Topic - /cs set channel keeptopic On12,12.......... $+ $jj 
  say $jj $+ 8,12 Keep Topic - /cs set channel keeptopic Off12,12......... $+ $jj
  say $jj $+ 8,12 Topic Lock-/cs set channel TOPICLOCK Founder12,12....... $+ $jj
  say $jj $+ 8,12 Give AOP access - /cs AOP channel ADD or DEL nick12,12.. $+ $jj
  say $jj $+ 8,12 Give SOP access - /cs SOP channel ADD or DEL nick12,12.. $+ $jj
  say $jj $+ 8,12 List AOP'S - /cs AOP channel list12,12.................. $+ $jj
  say $jj $+ 8,12 List SOP'S - /cs SOP channel list12,12.................. $+ $jj
  say $jj $+ 1,1.................................................... $+ $jj
  say 14,5«15,4¤14,5»2,2.5,5.4,4«5,5.2,2.5,5.8,4D5,5.2,2.5,5.8,4C5,5.2,2.5,5.8,4C5,5.2,2.5,5.4,4¤5,5.2,2.5,5.8,4H5,5.2,2.5,5.8,4E5,5.2,2.5,5.8,4L5,5.2,2.5,5.8,4P5,5.2,2.5,5.4,4»5,5.2,2.14,5«15,4¤14,5»
  say 14,5«15,4¤14,5»9,1 To allow me to send you the file you1,1....14,5«15,4¤14,5»
  say 14,5«15,4¤14,5»9,1 requested type /dccallow +MyNick and 1,1...14,5«15,4¤14,5»
  say 14,5«15,4¤14,5»9,1 press enter, then type /ignore off1,1......14,5«15,4¤14,5»
  say 14,5«15,4¤14,5»9,1 and press enter.1,1........................14,5«15,4¤14,5»
  say 14,5«15,4¤14,5»9,1 Please let me know when you've done so. 14,5«15,4¤14,5»
  say 14,5«15,4¤14,5»1,1.........................................14,5«15,4¤14,5»
  say 14,5«15,4¤14,5»9,1 To find out who is on your dcc list1,1.....14,5«15,4¤14,5»
  say 14,5«15,4¤14,5»9,1 type /dccallow list1,1.....................14,5«15,4¤14,5»
  say 14,5«15,4¤14,5»2,2.5,5.4,4¤5,5.2,2.5,5.4,4W5,5.2,2.5,5.4,4E5,5.2,2.5,5.4,4L5,5.2,2.5,5.4,4C5,5.2,2.5,5.4,4O5,5.2,2.5,5.4,4M5,5.2,2.5,5.4,4E5,5.2,2.5,5.4,4¤5,5.2,2.5,5.4,4W5,5.2,2.14,5«15,4¤14,5»
  say 7,1@ -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-@
  say 7,1@4           -=8 How to make a Random quit message4 =-              7@
  say 7,1@1 .........................................                      7@
  say 7,1@9 First in mirc options (ALT+O)                                  7@
  say 7,1@9 paste this next line in: IRC -> Messages -> Quit Message       7@
  say 7,1@9 paste This-> 15$read 15!quit.txt                                   7@
  say 7,1@9 Next:                                                          7@
  say 7,1@9 make a text file named !quit.txt (11Save in mirc main folder9)    7@
  say 7,1@9 Add lines of text to the file of quit messages                 7@
  say 7,1@9 then to test paste this next line where you type in channel    7@
  say 7,1@9 this:15 //say My quit text is: 15$readini 15$mircini text quit       7@
  say 7,1@9 you should see your random quit messages.                      7@
  say 7,1@1 .........................................                      7@
  say 7,1@1,1..........15Courtesy of WhoBear, From Internet-Irc                7@
  say 7,1@ -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-@
  say 14,5«15,4¤14,5»1,1...........................8MODE LOCKS1...........................14,5«15,4¤14,5»
  say 14,5«15,4¤14,5»3,3.8,3/cs set $chan mlock +n-No external messages3,3......................... 14,5«15,4¤14,5»
  say 14,5«15,4¤14,5»3,3.8,3/cs set $chan mlock +t-Only op's sets topic3,3..........................14,5«15,4¤14,5»
  say 14,5«15,4¤14,5»3,3.8,3/cs set $chan mlock +s-Sets the channel to secret,must be op3,3.........14,5«15,4¤14,5»
  say 14,5«15,4¤14,5»3,3.8,3/cs set $chan mlock +i-Sets the channel to invite only3,3...............14,5«15,4¤14,5»
  say 14,5«15,4¤14,5»3,3.8,3/cs set $chan mlock +m-Sets the channel so only ops can talk3,3.........14,5«15,4¤14,5»
  say 14,5«15,4¤14,5»3,3.8,3============================================================== 14,5«15,4¤14,5»
  say 14,5«15,4¤14,5»3,3.8,3 Double click your left mouse button in your channel window 3,3...14,5«15,4¤14,5»
  say 14,5«15,4¤14,5»3,3.8,3 and your channel central window will open, There you can3,3......14,5«15,4¤14,5»
  say 14,5«15,4¤14,5»3,3.8,3 control some mods. private or key just click on the box. If3,3...14,5«15,4¤14,5»
  say 14,5«15,4¤14,5»3,3.8,3 you click on key you must type in a password there in the3,3.....14,5«15,4¤14,5»
  say 14,5«15,4¤14,5»3,3.8,3 the box, and users must have the password to join.3,3............14,5«15,4¤14,5»
  say 14,5«15,4¤14,5»1,1................................................................14,5«15,4¤14,5»


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VxD aka DEATHJ0KER   -  Jul 18, 2012

list of commands mirc always just a click away
...but no agreement with the settings of my BNC... I was kicked out LoL

I always return the error parameters not valid in the last line of --> /say []


I solved it by replacing the last line with --> /msg $chan($active) [] or /say [] or eliminating it

Great job ^^

Warriorii   -  Jul 17, 2012

nope, it's used with mirc and on Dalnet

KindOne   -  Jul 17, 2012

say $jj $+ 11,7 /cs register (channel) (password) (description) 7,7.... $+ $jj

This looks like its designed for Anope 1.8.x

Anope 1.9 no longer takes passwords for channels.
Atheme services do not take passwords.

Warriorii   -  Jul 16, 2012

I figured this might help a channel operator from having to type it all in. feel free to add to it all u want as long as u leave my nick and everything at the top as is. I hope it helps someone....

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