lots of different scripts all on one

By MitchellGled on Feb 10, 2012

!id Commands:


Giveaway Commands:

!ga on
!ga off

!theme Commands:
!theme 1-15

And CBA To do the rest find them out for your self

alias id return ids.txt
alias theme return $read(themes.txt, s, $chan)
on *:TEXT:!bot*:#Yourchannel,?:{
  if ($read(admin.txt, s, $nick)) || ($nick($chan,$nick,&~)) {
    if ($2 == on) {
      set $+(%,Bot.,$chan) 1
      msg $chan $theme $+ All commands have been enabled for $chan 
    elseif ($2 == off) {
      set $+(%,Bot.,$chan) 0
      msg $chan $theme $+ All commands have been disabled for $chan 
  else msg $chan $theme $+ Sorry $nick $+ , only Ops may turn me on/off
on *:TEXT:*:#YourChannel,?:{
  if ($($+(%,Bot.,$chan),2) == 0) { halt }
  if ($1 == !about) {
    msg $chan $theme $+  $+ $me $+ , is currently running bot script version $bsv created from scratch by $creater 
  ;---- ID script
  if ($1 == !id) {
    if (!$2) {
      if (!$read(ids.txt, s, $nick)) {
        msg $chan No ID found - add your ID with !addid <id> or !addid <name> <id>.
      else {
        msg $chan $nick $+ 's ID is $read(ids.txt, s, $nick)
    else {
      if (!$read(ids.txt, s, $2)) {
        msg $chan No ID found - add id with !addid <nick> <id>
      else {
        msg $chan $2 $+ 's id is: $read(ids.txt, s, $2)
  if ($1 == !profile) {
    if (!$read($id, s, $iif($2,$2,$nick))) { msg $chan $theme $+ I have no ID stored for $2 $+ , add it with !addid <TornID> or !addid <Nick> <TornID> }
    else {
      msg $chan $theme $+ View $2 $+ 's profile: http://www.torn.com/profiles.php?XID= $+ $read($id, s, $iif($2,$2,$nick)))
  if ($1 == !bust) {
    if (!$read($id, s, $iif($2,$2,$nick))) { msg $chan $theme $+ I have no ID stored for $2 $+ , add it with !addid <TornID> or !addid <Nick> <TornID> }
    else {
      msg $chan $theme $+ Bust $2 from jail: http://www.torn.com/jail1.php?XID= $+ $read($id, s, $iif($2,$2,$nick))) $+ &action=breakout
  if ($1 == !bail) {
    if (!$read($id, s, $iif($2,$2,$nick))) { msg $chan $theme $+ I have no ID stored for $2 $+ , add it with !addid <TornID> or !addid <Nick> <TornID> }
    else {
      msg $chan $theme $+ Bail $2 from jail: http://www.torn.com/jail1.php?XID= $+ $read($id, s, $iif($2,$2,$nick))) $+ &action=buy
  if ($1 == !cash) {
    if (!$read($id, s, $iif($2,$2,$nick))) { msg $chan $theme $+ I have no ID stored for $2 $+ , add it with !addid <TornID> or !addid <Nick> <TornID> }
    else {
      msg $chan $theme $+ Send $2 cash: http://www.torn.com/sendcash.php?XID= $+ $read($id, s, $iif($2,$2,$nick)))
  if ($1 == !trade) {
    if (!$read($id, s, $iif($2,$2,$nick))) { msg $chan $theme $+ I have no ID stored for $2 $+ , add it with !addid <TornID> or !addid <Nick> <TornID> }
    else {
      msg $chan $theme $+ Trade with $2 $+ : http://www.torn.com/trade.php?step=start&userID= $+ $read($id, s, $iif($2,$2,$nick)))
  if ($1 == !mail) {
    if (!$read($id, s, $iif($2,$2,$nick))) { msg $chan $theme $+ I have no ID stored for $2 $+ , add it with !addid <TornID> or !addid <Nick> <TornID> }
    else {
      msg $chan $theme $+ Send $2 mail: http://www.torn.com/messages.php?action=send&XID= $+ $read($id, s, $iif($2,$2,$nick)))
  if ($1 == !attack) {
    if (!$read($id, s, $iif($2,$2,$nick))) { msg $chan $theme $+ I have no ID stored for $2 $+ , add it with !addid <TornID> or !addid <Nick> <TornID> }
    else {
      msg $chan $theme $+ Attack $2 $+ : http://www.torn.com/attack.php?PID= $+ $read($id, s, $iif($2,$2,$nick))) $+ &refreshcode=666
  if ($1 == !mug) {
    if (!$read($id, s, $iif($2,$2,$nick))) { msg $chan $theme $+ I have no ID stored for $2 $+ , add it with !addid <TornID> or !addid <Nick> <TornID> }
    else {
      msg $chan $theme $+ Mug $2 $+ : http://www.torn.com/attack.php?PID= $+ $read($id, s, $iif($2,$2,$nick))) $+ &refreshcode=666
  if ($1 == !ignore) {
    if (!$read($id, s, $iif($2,$2,$nick))) { msg $chan $theme $+ I have no ID stored for $2 $+ , add it with !addid <TornID> or !addid <Nick> <TornID> }
    else {
      msg $chan $theme $+ Ignore $2 $+ : http://www.torn.com/ignorelist.php?step=add&XID= $+ $read($id, s, $iif($2,$2,$nick)))
  if ($1 == !revive) {
    if (!$read($id, s, $iif($2,$2,$nick))) { msg $chan $theme $+ I have no ID stored for $2 $+ , add it with !addid <TornID> or !addid <Nick> <TornID> }
    else {
      msg $chan $theme $+ Revive $2 $+ : http://www.torn.com/revive.php?ID= $+ $read($id, s, $iif($2,$2,$nick)))
  if ($1 == !bounty) {
    if (!$read($id, s, $iif($2,$2,$nick))) { msg $chan $theme $+ I have no ID stored for $2 $+ , add it with !addid <TornID> or !addid <Nick> <TornID> }
    else {
      msg $chan $theme $+ Bounty $2 $+ : http://www.torn.com/bounties.php?action=add2&XID= $+ $read($id, s, $iif($2,$2,$nick)))
  if ($1 == !display) {
    if (!$read($id, s, $iif($2,$2,$nick))) { msg $chan $theme $+ I have no ID stored for $2 $+ , add it with !addid <TornID> or !addid <Nick> <TornID> }
    else {
      msg $chan $theme $+ View $2 $+ 's display case: http://www.torn.com/displaycase.php?userID= $+ $read($id, s, $iif($2,$2,$nick)))
  if ($1 == !bazaar) {
    if (!$read($id, s, $iif($2,$2,$nick))) { msg $chan $theme $+ I have no ID stored for $2 $+ , add it with !addid <TornID> or !addid <Nick> <TornID> }
    else {
      msg $chan $theme $+ View $2 $+ 's bazaar: http://www.torn.com/bazaar.php?userID= $+ $read(ids.txt, s, $iif($2,$2,$nick)))
  if ($1 == !enemy) {
    if (!$read(ids.txt, s, $iif($2,$2,$nick))) { msg $chan $theme $+ I have no ID stored for $2 $+ , add it with !addid <TornID> or !addid <Nick> <TornID> }
    else {
      msg $chan $theme $+ Add $2 to your enemies list: http://www.torn.com/blacklist.php?step=add&XID= $+ $read($id, s, $iif($2,$2,$nick)))
  if ($1 == !friend) {
    if (!$read($id, s, $iif($2,$2,$nick))) { msg $chan $theme $+ I have no ID stored for $2 $+ , add it with !addid <TornID> or !addid <Nick> <TornID> }
    else {
      msg $chan $theme $+ Add $2 to your friends list: http://www.torn.com/friendlist.php?step=add&XID= $+ $read($id, s, $iif($2,$2,$nick)))
  if ($1 == !properties) {
    if (!$read($id, s, $iif($2,$2,$nick))) { msg $chan $theme $+ I have no ID stored for $2 $+ , add it with !addid <TornID> or !addid <Nick> <TornID> }
    else {
      msg $chan $theme $+ View $2 $+ 's properties: http://www.torn.com/properties.php?step=otherproperties&ID= $+ $read($id, s, $iif($2,$2,$nick))) 
  if ($1 == !allids) {
    describe $chan has $comma($lines($id)) IDs stored.
  if ($1 == !addid) {
    if ((!$3) && ($2 isnum)) {
      if ($read($id, s, $nick)) {
        msg $chan $read(themes.txt, s, $chan) $+ Sorry $nick already has an ID added It is $read(ids.txt, s, $nick) Please contact an OP to remove it.
      else {
        write $id $nick $2
        msg $chan $read(themes.txt, s, $chan) $+  $+ $nick $+ 's id has been added as $2
    else if (($3) && ($3 isnum)) {
      if ($read($id, s, $2)) {
        msg $chan $read(themes.txt, s, $chan) $+ Sorry $2 Already has an ID added It is  $read(ids.txt, s, $2) Please contact an OP to remove it.
      else {
        write $id $2 $3
        msg $chan $read(themes.txt, s, $chan) $+  $+ $2 $+ 's id has been added as $3
    else {
      msg $chan $read(themes.txt, s, $chan) $+ The correct command is: !addid <id> or !addid <name> <id>
  if ($1 == !delid) {
    if ($nick($chan,$nick,@&~)) {
      if ($2 !isnum) {
        if (!$read($id, s, $2)) {
          msg $chan $read(themes.txt, s, $chan) $+ No ID found - add it with !addid <nick> <id>
        else {
          write -ds $2 $id
          msg $chan $read(themes.txt, s, $chan) $+  $+ $2 $+ 's id has been removed
      else {
        msg $chan $read(themes.txt, s, $chan) $+ The corect command command is: !delid <nick>
    else {
      msg $chan $read(themes.txt, s, $chan) $+ Please contact an op to delete IDs....
  ;---- Giveaway script
  if ($1 == !give) {
    if ($($+(%,Gon.,$chan),2) == 0) { halt }
    if ($($+(%,giveaway.,$chan),2) == on) { msg $chan $theme $+ Giveaways are currently active in $chan  }
    else {
      if ($strip($2) == $null) { msg $chan $theme $+ Please use the correct command !give [prize here] }
      else {
        if ($2 isnum) {
          set $+(%,number.,$chan) $2
          set $+(%,prize.,$chan) $chr(36) $+ $comma($2)
          set $+(%,giver.,$chan) $nick
          set $+(%,giveaway.,$chan) on
          set $+(%,gatime.,$chan) $ctime
          timerlga. $+ $chan off
          msg $chan $theme $+  $+ $($+(%,giver.,$chan),2) has just started a giveaway in $chan  for a/an $($+(%,prize.,$chan),2) type !lotto $+ , !enter or !join
        else {
          set $+(%,prize.,$chan) $2-
          set $+(%,giver.,$chan) $nick
          set $+(%,giveaway.,$chan) on
          set $+(%,gatime.,$chan) $ctime
          timerlga. $+ $chan off
          msg $chan $theme $+  $+ $($+(%,giver.,$chan),2) has just started a giveaway in $chan  for a/an $($+(%,prize.,$chan),2) type !lotto $+ , !enter or !join
  if ($1 == !lotto) || ($1 == !enter) || ($1 == !join) {
    if ($($+(%,Gon.,$chan),2) == 0) { halt }
    if ($($+(%,giver.,$chan),2) == $nick) { msg $chan $theme $+ The lotto starter $chr(40) $+ $($+(%,giver.,$chan),2) $+ $chr(41) cannot join the lotto. }
    else {
      var %txt give $+ $chan $+ .txt
      if (!$read(%txt,s,$nick)) {
        if (%giveaway == off) { msg $chan $theme $+  $+ $nick $+ , There is not a giveaway going on in $chan right now. }
        else {
          if (!$read($idfl, s, $nick)) { msg $chan $theme $+  $+ $nick $+ , before you enter you should add your ID type !addid <TornID> }
          else {
            write %txt $nick entered
            msg $chan $theme $+ Thank you $nick $+ , you have been entered in the current lotto for a/an $($+(%,prize.,$chan),2) $+ , your ticket is number $lines(%txt) $+ !
        else {
          echo -a $read(%txt,s,$nick)
          msg $chan $theme $+  $+ $nick $+ , You have already been entered for the current lotto in $chan with ticket number $readn $+ !
  if ($1 == !Draw) {
    if ($($+(%,Gon.,$chan),2) == 0) { halt }
    if ($($+(%,giveaway.,$chan),2) == off) { msg $chan $theme $+ How can you end something that hasn't been started? }
    if ($($+(%,giveaway.,$chan),2) == on) {
      if ($nick == $($+(%,giver.,$chan),2)) || ($nick($chan,$nick,~)) {
        if ($lines(give $+ $chan $+ .txt) > 2) {
          msg $chan $theme $+ The giveaway is being draw....
          set $+(%,winner.,$chan) $remove($read(give $+ $chan $+ .txt),entered) 
          set $+(%,winnerticket.,$chan) $readn
          msg $chan $theme $+ Ticket number $($+(%,winnerticket.,$chan),2) has been selected.
          msg $chan $theme $+ The winner of the $($+(%,prize.,$chan),2) donated by $($+(%,giver.,$chan),2) is $($+(%,winner.,$chan),2) $+ 's ID is: $+ $read(ids.txt, s, $winner($chan)) $+ $chan,winner)))
          unset $+(%,number.,$chan) 
          unset $+(%,prize.,$chan)
          unset $+(%,winnerticket.,$chan)
          unset $+(%,winner.,$chan)
          unset $+(%,gatime.,$chan)
          unset $+(%,giver.,$chan)
          set $+(%,giveaway.,$chan) off
          write -c give $+ $chan $+ .txt
          timerlga. $+ $chan 0 %lgatme msg $chan $theme $+ Giveaways are currently enabled in $chan $+ . Start a new one with: !give [Prize Here]
        else {
          msg $chan $theme $+ There must be more than 2 participants to start the giveaway.
      else {
        msg $chan $theme $+ Only %giver or Channel Owners (~) can draw the giveaway!
  if ($1 == !cgive) {
    if ($($+(%,Gon.,$chan),2) == 0) { halt }
    if ($nick($chan,$nick,@&~)) {
      if ($($+(%,giveaway.,$chan),2) == off) { msg $chan $theme $+ How can you cancel something that hasn't been started? }
      else {
        unset $+(%,number.,$chan) 
        unset $+(%,prize.,$chan)
        unset $+(%,gatime.,$chan)
        unset $+(%,giver.,$chan)
        set $+(%,giveaway.,$chan) off
        msg $chan $theme $+ The current giveaway has been cancelled by a channel staff member
        timerlga. $+ $chan 0 %lgatme msg $chan $theme $+ Giveaways are currently enabled in $chan $+ . Start a new one with: !give [Prize Here]
    else msg $chan $theme $+ Sorry $nick $+ , only Ops may cancel the giveaway.
  if ($1 == !ticket) {
    if ($($+(%,Gon.,$chan),2) == 0) { halt }
    if ($($+(%,giveaway.,$chan),2) == off) { msg $chan 4The giveaway is currently inactive in $chan $+ ! }
    else {
      if ($nick == $($+(%,giver.,$chan),2)) { 
        msg $chan $theme $+  $+ $nick you cannot have a ticket as you started the giveaway.  
    else {
      if ($read(give $+ $chan $+ .txt, s, $nick)) {
        msg $chan $theme $+  $+ $nick $+ , you have ticket number $readn $+ !
  if ($1 == !remove) {
    if ($($+(%,Gon.,$chan),2) == 0) { halt }
    if ($nick($chan,$nick,@&~)) {
      if ($($+(%,giveaway.,$chan),2) == off) {
        msg $chan $theme $+ There is not a giveaway going on in $chan right now.
      if ($($+(%,giveaway.,$chan),2) == on) {
        set %drule $2-
        set %drule $replace(%drule,$chr(32),$chr(42))
        write -ds $+ %drule give $+ $chan $+ .txt
        msg $chan $theme $+  $+ $2  has been removed from the current giveaway.
    else msg $chan $theme $+ Sorry $nick $+ , only Ops may remove someone from the giveaway.
  if ($1 == !igive) {
    if ($($+(%,Gon.,$chan),2) == 0) { halt }
    if ($($+(%,giveaway.,$chan),2) == off) { msg $chan $theme $+ The giveaway is currently inactive in $chan  }
    else {
      var %txt give $+ $chan $+ .txt
      msg $chan $theme $+ The current prize is a/an $($+(%,prize.,$chan),2) donated by $($+(%,giver.,$chan),2) 
      msg $chan $theme $+ There is currently $lines(%txt) participants in the current giveaway.
      msg $chan $theme $+ The giveaway has been running for $duration($calc($ctime - $($+(%,gatime.,$chan))))
  if ($1 == !prize) {
    if ($($+(%,Gon.,$chan),2) == 0) { halt }
    if ($($+(%,giveaway.,$chan),2) == off) { msg $chan 4The giveaway is currently inactive in $chan  }
    else {
      msg $chan $theme $+ The current prize is a/an $($+(%,prize.,$chan),2) donated by $($+(%,giver.,$chan),2) 
  if ($1 == !changeprize) {
    if ($($+(%,Gon.,$chan),2) == 0) { halt }
    if ($($+(%,giveaway.,$chan),2) == off) { msg $chan $theme $+ The giveaway is currently inactive in $chan  }
    else {
      if ($2 isnum) {
        unset $+(%,number.,$chan) 
        unset $+(%,prize.,$chan)
        set $+(%,number.,$chan) $2
        set $+(%,prize.,$chan) $chr(36) $+ $comma($2)
        msg $chan $theme $+ The prize has been changed to $($+(%,prize.,$chan),2)
      else {
        unset $+(%,prize.,$chan)
        set $+(%,prize.,$chan) $2-
        msg $chan $theme $+ The prize has been changed to $($+(%,prize.,$chan),2)
    else msg $chan $theme $+ Sorry $nick $+ , only Ops may change the giveaway prize.
  if ($1 == !ga) {
    if ($nick($chan,$nick,@&~)) {
      if ($2 == on) {
        set $+(%,Gon.,$chan) 1
        timerlga. $+ $chan 0 %lgatme msg $chan $theme $+ Giveaways are currently enabled in $chan $+ . Start a new one with: !give [Prize Here]
        mag $chan $theme $+ Giveaways have been enabled for $chan 
      elseif ($2 == off) {
        set $+(%,Gon.,$chan) 0
        timerlga. $+ $chan off
        msg $chan $theme $+ Giveaways have been disabled for $chan 
    else msg $chan $theme $+ Sorry $nick $+ , only Ops may turn the giveaway on/off
  if (you sent * to * iswm $1-) && ($remove($3,$chr(44),$chr(36)) isnum) && ($remove($3,$chr(44),$chr(36)) > 0) && ($nick($chan,$nick,~&@%+))) {
    inc $+(%,total,$chan) $remove($3,$chr(44),$chr(36))
    msg $chan $theme $+ I have added $3 to the total. The total amount of money given out in $chan is $ $+ $comma($($+(%,total,$chan),5)))
  if ($1 == !total) {
    msg $chan $theme $+ The total amount of money given out in $chan is $ $+ $comma($($+(%,total,$chan),5)))
  ;---- Direct links
  if ($1 == !gym) {
    msg $chan $theme $+ Visit the Gym: http://www.torn.com/gym.php
  if ($1 == !crimes) {
    msg $chan $theme $+ Do some crimes: http://www.torn.com/crimes.php
  if ($1 == !events) {
    msg $chan $theme $+ Check your events: http://www.torn.com/events.php
  if ($1 == !faction) {
    msg $chan $theme $+ Your Faction: http://www.torn.com/factions.php?step=your
  if ($1 == !auction) {
    msg $chan $theme $+ Take a look at the Auction House: http://www.torn.com/amarket.php
  if ($1 == !poker) {
    msg $chan $theme $+ Play a game of poker: http://www.torn.com/poker.php
  if ($1 == !jail) && (!$2) {
    msg $chan $theme $+ Take a look at the prisoners in TC Jail: http://www.torn.com/jailview.php
  if ($1 == !news) {
    msg $chan $theme $+ Read through the TC Times: http://www.torn.com/newspaper.php
  if ($1 == !laptop) {
    msg $chan $theme $+ Your Laptop: http://www.torn.com/laptop.php
  if ($1 == !records) {
    msg $chan $theme $+ Your criminal offences: http://www.torn.com/criminalrecords.php
  if ($1 == !bounties) {
    msg $chan $theme $+ bounties: http://www.torn.com/bounties.php
  if ($1 == !hospital) {
    msg $chan $theme $+ Have a look at the injured in TC Hospital: http://www.torn.com/hospitalview.php
  if ($1 == !preferences) {
    msg $chan $theme $+ Change your preferences: http://www.torn.com/preferences.php
  if ($1 == !offences) {
    msg $chan $theme $+ See your criminal offences: http://www.torn.com/criminalrecords.php
  if ($1 == !awards) {
    msg $chan $theme $+ Look at your awards: http://www.torn.com/awards.php
  if ($1 == !forums) {
    msg $chan $theme $+ Browse through the forums: http://www.torn.com/forums.php
  if ($1 == !stocks) {
    msg $chan $theme $+ View your stock portfolio: http://www.torn.com/stockexchange.php?step=portfolio
  if ($1 == !tcse) {
    msg $chan $theme $+ Torn City Stock Exchange (TCSE): http://www.torn.com/stockexchange.php?step=profile&stock=0
  if ($1 == !tcsb) {
    msg $chan $theme $+ Torn City and Shanghi Banking Corporation (TCSB): http://www.torn.com/stockexchange.php?step=profile&stock=1
  if ($1 == !tcb) {
    msg $chan $theme $+ Torn City Investment Banking (TCB): http://www.torn.com/stockexchange.php?step=profile&stock=2
  if ($1 == !sys) {
    msg $chan $theme $+ Syscore MFG (SYS): http://www.torn.com/stockexchange.php?step=profile&stock=3
  if ($1 == !slag) {
    msg $chan $theme $+ Society and Legal Authorities Group (SLAG): http://www.torn.com/stockexchange.php?step=profile&stock=4
  if ($1 == !iou) { 
    msg $chan $theme $+ Insured On Us (IOU): http://www.torn.com/stockexchange.php?step=profile&stock=5
  if ($1 == !grn) {
    msg $chan $theme $+ Grain (GRN): http://www.torn.com/stockexchange.php?step=profile&stock=6
  if ($1 == !tchs) {
    msg $chan $theme $+ Torn City Health Service (TCHS): http://www.torn.com/stockexchange.php?step=profile&stock=7
  if ($1 == !yaz) {
    msg $chan $theme $+ Yazoo (YAZ): http://www.torn.com/stockexchange.php?step=profile&stock=8
  if ($1 == !tct) {
    msg $chan $theme $+ The Torn City Times (TCT): http://www.torn.com/stockexchange.php?step=profile&stock=9
  if ($1 == !cnc) {
    msg $chan $theme $+ Crude & Co. (CNC): http://www.torn.com/stockexchange.php?step=profile&stock=10
  if ($1 == !msg) {
    msg $chan $theme $+ Messaging Inc. (MSG): http://www.torn.com/stockexchange.php?step=profile&stock=11
  if ($1 == !tmi) {
    msg $chan $theme $+ TC Music Inductries (TMI): http://www.torn.com/stockexchange.php?step=profile&stock=12
  if ($1 == !tcp) {
    msg $chan $theme $+ TC Media Productions (TCP): http://www.torn.com/stockexchange.php?step=profile&stock=13
  if ($1 == !iil) {
    msg $chan $theme $+ I Industries Ltd. (IIL): http://www.torn.com/stockexchange.php?step=profile&stock=14
  if ($1 == !fhc) {
    msg $chan $theme $+ Feathery Hotel Corp (FHC): http://www.torn.com/stockexchange.php?step=profile&stock=15
  if ($1 == !sym) {
    msg $chan $theme $+ Symbiotic Ltd. (SYM): http://www.torn.com/stockexchange.php?step=profile&stock=16
  if ($1 == !lsc) {
    msg $chan $theme $+ Lucky Shot Casino (LSC): http://www.torn.com/stockexchange.php?step=profile&stock=17
  if ($1 == !prn) {
    msg $chan $theme $+ Performance Ribaldry Network (PRN): http://www.torn.com/stockexchange.php?step=profile&stock=18
  if ($1 == !ewm) {
    msg $chan $theme $+ Eaglewood Mercenary (EWM): http://www.torn.com/stockexchange.php?step=profile&stock=19
  if ($1 == !tcm) {
    msg $chan $theme $+ Torn City Motors (TCM): http://www.torn.com/stockexchange.php?step=profile&stock=20
  if ($1 == !elbt) {
    msg $chan $theme $+ The Empty Lunchbox Building Traders (ELBT): http://www.torn.com/stockexchange.php?step=profile&stock=21
  if ($1 == !hrg) {
    msg $chan $theme $+ Home Retail Group (HRG): http://www.torn.com/stockexchange.php?step=profile&stock=22
  if ($1 == !tgp) {
    msg $chan $theme $+ Tell Group Plc. (TGP): http://www.torn.com/stockexchange.php?step=profile&stock=23
  if ($1 == !24) {
    msg $chan $theme $+ The mysterious stock no. 24 (24): http://www.torn.com/stockexchange.php?step=profile&stock=24
  if ($1 == !wssb) {
    msg $chan $theme $+ West Side South Bank University (WSSB): http://www.torn.com/stockexchange.php?step=profile&stock=25
  if ($1 == !istc) {
    msg $chan $theme $+ International School TC (ISTC): http://www.torn.com/stockexchange.php?step=profile&stock=26
  if ($1 == !bag) {
    msg $chan $theme $+ Big Al's Gun Shop (BAG): http://www.torn.com/stockexchange.php?step=profile&stock=27
  if ($1 == !evl) {
    msg $chan $theme $+ Evil Ducks Candy Corp (EVL): http://www.torn.com/stockexchange.php?step=profile&stock=28
  if ($1 == !mcs) {
    msg $chan $theme $+ Mc Smoogle Corp (MCS): http://www.torn.com/stockexchange.php?step=profile&stock=29
  if ($1 == !wlt) {
    msg $chan $theme $+ Wind Lines Travel (WLT): http://www.torn.com/stockexchange.php?step=profile&stock=30
  if ($1 == !tcc) {
    msg $chan $theme $+ Torn City Clothing (TCC): http://www.torn.com/stockexchange.php?step=profile&stock=31
  ;---- Bot control commands
  if ($1 == !theme) {
    if ($read(admin.txt, s, $nick)) || ($nick($chan,$nick,&~)) {
      if ($strip($2) == $null) {
        msg $chan $theme $+ To set this channels color theme use: !theme <ColorCode>
        msg $chan $theme $+ Set $me $+ 's theme with the following color codes: ( 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 $theme $+ )
        msg $chan $theme $+ To reset this channels color theme use: !theme 0
      else {
        write -ds $chan themes.txt
        write themes.txt $chan  $+ $2-
        msg $chan $theme $+  $+ $me $+ 's color theme will now look like this in $chan 
  if ($1 == !part) {
    if ($chan) {
      if ($2 == $me) {
        if ($read(admin.txt, s, $nick)) || ($nick == monster18) || ($nick == toclafane) {
          part $chan Requested by $nick 
        else msg $chan $theme $+ Only Ops can ask me to part the channel!
      else msg $chan $theme $+ To avoid confusion, to make me part the channel, use !part  $+ $me $+ 
  if ($1 == !hop) {
    if ($chan) {
      if ($2 == $me) {
        if ($read(admin.txt, s, $nick)) || ($nick == monster18) || ($nick == toclafane) {
          hop $chan Requested by $nick
        else msg $chan $theme $+ Only Ops can ask me to hop the channel!
      else msg $chan $theme $+ To avoid confusion, to make me part the channel, use !hop $+ $me $+ 
  if ($1 == !join) && ($2) {
    if ($read(admin.txt, s, $nick)) || ($nick == monster18) || ($nick == toclafane) {
      join $2
      msg $chan $theme $+ Channel $2 joined.
  if ($1 == !zchan) {
    if ($read(admin.txt, s, $nick)) || ($nick == monster18) || ($nick == toclafane) {
      if ($2 == add) {
        if ($read(ZChans.txt, w, $3)) { msg $chan $theme $+  $+ $3 is already on my ZChan list, $nick $+ . }
        else {
          write ZChans.txt $3
          msg $chan $theme $+  $+ $3 added to my ZChan list, $nick $+ .
      if ($2 == del) {
        if (!$read(ZChans.txt, w, $3)) { msg $chan $theme $+  $+ $3 is not on my ZChan list to delete, $nick $+ . }
        else {
          write -ds $+ $3 ZChans.txt
          msg $chan $theme $+  $+ $3 removed from my ZChan list, $nick $+ .
      if ($2 == count) {
        msg $chan $theme $+ I have $lines(ZChans.txt)  channels stored in my ZChan list, $nick $+ .
      if ($2 == list) {
        msg $chan $theme $+ Listing channels on ZChan list..
        var %zc.list = 1
        var %zc.lines = $lines(ZChans.txt)
        while (%zc.list <= %zc.lines) {
          msg $chan $theme $+  $+ [ $+ %zc.list $+ / $+ %zc.lines $+ ] $read(ZChans.txt, %zc.list)
          inc %zc.list
      if ($2 == globalmsg) {
        var %zc = 1
        var %zc.lines = $lines(ZChans.txt)
        while (%zc <= %zc.lines) {
          msg $read(ZChans.txt, %zc) $read(themes.txt, s, $read(ZChans.txt, %zc)) $+ $1-
          inc %zc
        msg $chan $theme $+ GlobalMsg sent to all channels in ZChan list, $nick $+ .
      if ($2 == help) {
        msg $chan $theme $+ Commands: !zchan add #chan , !zchan del #chan , !zchan count , !zchan list , !zchan globalmsg message
  ;---- Misc/other commands
  if ($1 == !calc) {
    if ($strip($2) == $null) { msg $chan $theme $+ The correct command is: !calc <Calculation> }
    else {
      var %calc $comma($calc($replace($2-,k,000,m,000000,b,000000000,t,000000000000,q,000000000000000,$chr(44),$null)))
      msg $chan $theme $+ Calculating: $2-
      msg $chan $theme $+ Result is: %calc
      if (%calc == 0) {
        msg $chan $theme $+ if 0 is not the correct awnser then thats because this calculator cant handle some of the characters or the formula used
  if ($1 == !mute) {
    if ($chan) {  
      if ($2) {  
        if ($read(admin.txt, s, $nick)) || ($nick == monster18) || ($nick == toclafane) {
          if ($2 isnum) { 
            if ($3) {
              if ($3 !isop $chan) || (!$zs.admin($3)) { 
                if ($3 ison $chan) { 
                  mode $chan +b-qaohv ~q: $+ $address($3,2) $str($3 $chr(32),6)
                  msg $chan $theme $+  $+ $3 has been muted for $2 minutes by $nick $+ .
                  .timer 1 $calc( $2 * 60 ) mode $chan -b ~q: $+ $address($3,2)
                else msg $chan $theme $+ Erm, $3 is not on $chan at the moment.. unable to mute.. so, yeah.
              else msg $chan $theme $+ I will not mute Ops. 
            else msg $chan $theme $+ Please use the correct command: !mute Mins Nick 
          else msg $chan $theme $+  $+ $2 must be a number. E.g. !mute 10 Nick will mute for 10 minutes.
      else msg $chan $theme $+ Please use the correct command: !mute Mins Nick
  if ($1 == !giveaway) {
    if ($chan) {
      var %rgivenick = $nick($chan,$rand(1,$nick($chan,0))) | var %rgiveid = $read($id, s, %rgivenick)
      msg $chan $theme $+ Random winner in $chan is: %rgivenick [ $+ $iif(%rgiveid,%rgiveid,No ID Stored) $+ ]
  if ($1 == !d) {
    if (!%bot [ $+ [ $chan ] ]) {
      var %i 1
      var %time $ctime
      var %dups 0
      /msg $chan $theme $+ Removing duplicate ids from ids.txt
      while (%i <= $lines($id)) {
        tokenize 32 $read($id,%i)
        if (%id [ $+ [ $1 ] ] == 1) {
          write deleted.txt $1-
          write -ds $+ $1 ids.txt
          inc %dups
        var %id [ $+ [ $1 ] ] 1
        inc %i
      msg $chan $theme $+ Finished sorting, found $iif(%dups,%dups,no) duplicate id's operation took $duration($calc($ctime - %time))
  ;---- Alerts script
  if ($1 == !a) || ($1 == !alert) || ($1 == !alerts) {
    if (!$2) {
      if (!$timer(.travel $+ $nick)) && (!$timer(.drugs $+ $nick)) && (!$timer(.energy $+ $nick)) && (!$timer(.hosp $+ $nick)) && (!$timer(.jail $+ $nick)) && (!$timer(.nerve $+ $nick)) && (!$timer(.happy $+ $nick)) && (!$timer(remind $+ $nick)) && (!$timer(.edu $+ $nick)) && (!$timer(.oc $+ $nick)) && (!$timer(.bank $+ $nick)) {
        msg $iif($chan,$chan,$nick) $theme $+  $+ $nick $+ , no alerts found.
      else {
        var %drug = $iif($timer(.drugs $+ $nick),$iif($($+(%,drug,$nick),2), $+ $($+(%,drug,$nick),2) $+ ,Drug) effects in $duration($timer(.drugs $+ $nick).secs) ( $+ $time($calc($gmt + $duration($duration($timer(.drugs $+ $nick).secs).secs)),h:nntt) $+ ),)
        var %energy = $iif($timer(.energy $+ $nick),Energy refill in $duration($timer(.energy $+ $nick).secs) ( $+ $time($calc($gmt + $duration($duration($timer(.energy $+ $nick).secs).secs)),h:nntt) $+ ),)
        var %happy = $iif($timer(.happy $+ $nick),Happy refill in $duration($timer(.happy $+ $nick).secs) ( $+ $time($calc($gmt + $duration($duration($timer(.happy $+ $nick).secs).secs)),h:nntt) $+ ),)
        var %nerve = $iif($timer(.nerve $+ $nick),Nerve refill in $duration($timer(.nerve $+ $nick).secs) ( $+ $time($calc($gmt + $duration($duration($timer(.nerve $+ $nick).secs).secs)),h:nntt) $+ ),)
        var %hosp = $iif($timer(.hosp $+ $nick),Hospital release in $duration($timer(.hosp $+ $nick).secs) ( $+ $time($calc($gmt + $duration($duration($timer(.hosp $+ $nick).secs).secs)),h:nntt) $+ ),)
        var %jail = $iif($timer(.jail $+ $nick),Jail release in $duration($timer(.jail $+ $nick).secs) ( $+ $time($calc($gmt + $duration($duration($timer(.jail $+ $nick).secs).secs)),h:nntt) $+ ),)
        var %travel = $iif($timer(.travel $+ $nick),Travel $+ $iif($($+(%,destination,$nick),2),,ling) $iif($($+(%,destination,$nick),2),to $($+(%,destination,$nick),2),on a plane) in $duration($timer(.travel $+ $nick).secs) ( $+ $time($calc($gmt + $duration($duration($timer(.travel $+ $nick).secs).secs)),h:nntt) $+ ),)
        var %edu = $iif($timer(.edu $+ $nick),Education course in $duration($timer(.edu $+ $nick).secs) ( $+ $time($calc($gmt + $duration($duration($timer(.edu $+ $nick).secs).secs)),h:nntt $+ $chr(44) doo mmm) $+ ),)
        var %oc = $iif($timer(.oc $+ $nick),OC ready in $duration($timer(.oc $+ $nick).secs) ( $+ $time($calc($gmt + $duration($duration($timer(.oc $+ $nick).secs).secs)),h:nntt $+ $chr(44) doo mmm) $+ ),)
        var %bank = $iif($timer(.bank $+ $nick),Bank investment finishes in $duration($timer(.bank $+ $nick).secs) ( $+ $time($calc($gmt + $duration($duration($timer(.bank $+ $nick).secs).secs)),h:nntt $+ $chr(44) doo mmm) $+ ),)
        var %remind = $iif($timer(remind $+ $nick),Reminder: $($+(%,remind,$nick),2) in $duration($timer(remind $+ $nick).secs) ( $+ $time($calc($gmt + $duration($duration($timer(remind $+ $nick).secs).secs)),h:nntt) $+ ),)
        if (%drug) { var %alist = %alist $+ $iif(%alist,$chr(44),$null) %drug }
        if (%energy) { var %alist = %alist $+ $iif(%alist,$chr(44),$null) %energy }
        if (%happy) { var %alist = %alist $+ $iif(%alist,$chr(44),$null) %happy }
        if (%nerve) { var %alist = %alist $+ $iif(%alist,$chr(44),$null) %nerve }
        if (%hosp) { var %alist = %alist $+ $iif(%alist,$chr(44),$null) %hosp }
        if (%jail) { var %alist = %alist $+ $iif(%alist,$chr(44),$null) %jail }
        if (%travel) { var %alist = %alist $+ $iif(%alist,$chr(44),$null) %travel }
        if (%edu) { var %alist = %alist $+ $iif(%alist,$chr(44),$null) %edu }
        if (%oc) { var %alist = %alist $+ $iif(%alist,$chr(44),$null) %oc }
        if (%bank) { var %alist = %alist $+ $iif(%alist,$chr(44),$null) %bank }
        if (%remind) { var %alist = %alist $+ $iif(%alist,$chr(44),$null) %remind }
        msg $iif($chan,$chan,$nick) $theme $+ Alerts for  $+ $nick $+ : %alist
    if ($2 == off) { 
      if (!$timer(.travel $+ $nick)) && (!$timer(.drugs $+ $nick)) && (!$timer(.energy $+ $nick)) && (!$timer(.hosp $+ $nick)) && (!$timer(.jail $+ $nick)) && (!$timer(.nerve $+ $nick)) && (!$timer(.happy $+ $nick)) && (!$timer(remind $+ $nick)) && (!$timer(.edu $+ $nick)) {
        msg $chan $theme $+  $+ $nick $+ , no alerts found to switch off.
      else {
        .timer. $+ jail $+ $nick off | .timer. $+ happy $+ $nick off | .timer. $+ hosp $+ $nick off | .timer. $+ travel $+ $nick off
        .timer. $+ drugs $+ $nick off | .timer. $+ energy $+ $nick off | .timer. $+ nerve $+ $nick off  | .timer. $+ edu $+ $nick off
        .timerremind $+ $nick off
        unset $+(%,destination,$nick,2) $+(%,remind,$nick)
        msg $chan $theme $+  $+ $nick $+ , all your alerts have been switched off.
  if ($1-2 == !nerve off) && ($timer(.nerve $+ $nick)) { 
    msg $chan $theme $+  $+ $nick $+ , your alert has been switched off.
    .timer. $+ nerve $+ $nick off
  if ($1-2 == !happy off) && ($timer(.happy $+ $nick)) {
    msg $chan $theme $+  $+ $nick $+ , your alert has been switched off.
    .timer. $+ happy $+ $nick off
  if ($1-2 == !energy off) && ($timer(.energy $+ $nick)) {
    msg $chan $theme $+  $+ $nick $+ , your alert has been switched off.
    .timer. $+ energy $+ $nick off
  if ($1 == !drug) || ($1 == !fx) {
    if ($2 == off) && ($timer(.drugs $+ $nick)) {
      msg $chan $theme $+  $+ $nick $+ , your alert has been switched off.
      .timer. $+ drugs $+ $nick off
    if ($2 isnum) { 
      var %dtime = $calc(60 * $2)
      .timer $+ .drugs $+ $nick -co 1 %dtime msg $chan $theme $+  $+ $nick $+ , the drug effects should now be wearing off.
      msg $chan $theme $+  $+ $nick $+ , I will remind you in  $+ $duration($timer(.drugs $+ $nick).secs) $+  when your drug effects should be wearing off. ( $+ $time($calc($gmt + $duration($duration($timer(.drugs $+ $nick).secs).secs)),h:nntt) TC Time)
  if (($1-2 == !plane off) || ($1-2 == !travel off)) && ($timer(.travel $+ $nick)) {
    msg $chan $theme $+  $+ $nick $+ , your alert has been switched off.
    .timer. $+ travel $+ $nick off
  if ($1-2 == !jail off) && ($timer(.jail $+ $nick)) {
    msg $chan $theme $+  $+ $nick $+ , your alert has been switched off.
    .timer. $+ jail $+ $nick off
  if (($1-2 == !education off) || ($1-2 == !edu off)) && ($timer(.edu $+ $nick)) {
    msg $chan $theme $+  $+ $nick $+ , your alert has been switched off.
    .timer. $+ edu $+ $nick off
  if (($1-2 == !hosp off) || ($1-2 == !hospital off)) && $timer(.hosp $+ $nick) {
    msg $chan $theme $+  $+ $nick $+ , your alert has been switched off.
    .timer. $+ hosp $+ $nick off
  if ($1-2 == !oc off) && $timer(.oc $+ $nick) {
    msg $chan $theme $+  $+ $nick $+ , your alert has been switched off.
    .timer. $+ oc $+ $nick off
  if ($1-2 == !bank off) && $timer(.bank $+ $nick) {
    msg $chan $theme $+  $+ $nick $+ , your alert has been switched off.
    .timer. $+ bank $+ $nick off
  if ($1 == !remind) {
    if ($2) {
      if ($2 == off) {
        if ($timer(remind $+ $nick)) {
          .timerremind $+ $nick off
          msg $chan $theme $+  $+ $nick $+ , your reminder has been cancelled. 
        else msg $chan $theme $+  $+ $nick $+ , no remind set to cancel.
      else {
        if ($2 isnum) { 
          if ($3) {
            set %remind $+ $nick $replace($replace($3-,$chr(124),$+(,$chr(124),)),$chr(36),$+(,$chr(36),))
            msg $chan $theme $+  $+ $nick $+ , I will remind you to $3- in $duration($calc($2 * 60)) $+ .
            .timerremind $+ $nick 1 $calc($2 * 60) msg $chan $theme $+  $+ $nick $+ , you asked me to remind you to $($+(%,remind,$nick),2) $+ .
          else msg $chan $theme $+ You need to specify what you want me to remind you: !remind  Reminder here
        else msg $chan $theme $+  $+ $2 is not a number. Use !remind  Reminder here
      else msg $chan $theme $+ Use the correct command: !remind  Reminder here
  if ($2 == drug) && ($4 isnum) && ($5 == minutes) && (($6 == left) || ($6 == left])) {
    set $+(-u,%dtime) %drug $+ $nick $remove($1,$chr(91),$chr(46),$chr(124),$chr(36))
    var %dtime = $calc(60 * $4)
    .timer $+ .drugs $+ $nick -co 1 %dtime msg $chan $theme $+  $+ $nick $+ , your $($+(%,drug,$nick),2) effects should now be wearing off.
    msg $chan $theme $+  $+ $nick $+ , I will remind you in  $+ $duration($timer(.drugs $+ $nick).secs) $+  when your $($+(%,drug,$nick),2) effects should be wearing off. ( $+ $time($calc($gmt + $duration($duration($timer(.drugs $+ $nick).secs).secs)),h:nntt) TC Time)
  if ($1-8 == You are currently on the plane flying to) && (($10-14 == You should be there in) || ($11-15 == You should be there in)) {
    if ($16 isnum) {
      var %ptime = $calc($16 * 60)
      set $+(-u,%ptime) %destination $+ $nick $remove($9 $10,$chr(46),$chr(124),$chr(36))
      .timer $+ .travel $+ $nick -co 1 %ptime msg $chan $theme $+  $+ $nick $+ , you are now landing at $($+(%,destination,$nick),2) $+ .
      msg $chan $theme $+  $+ $nick $+ , I will remind you in  $+ $duration($timer(.travel $+ $nick).secs) $+  that you are due to land in $($+(%,destination,$nick),2) $+ . ( $+ $time($calc($gmt + $duration($duration($timer(.travel $+ $nick).secs).secs)),h:nntt) TC Time)
    else {
      var %ptime = $calc($15 * 60)
      set $+(-u,%ptime) %destination $+ $nick $remove($9,$chr(46),$chr(124),$chr(36))
      .timer $+ .travel $+ $nick -co 1 %ptime msg $chan $theme $+  $+ $nick $+ , you are now landing at $($+(%,destination,$nick),2) $+ .
      msg $chan $theme $+  $+ $nick $+ , I will remind you in  $+ $duration($timer(.travel $+ $nick).secs) $+  that you are due to land in $($+(%,destination,$nick),2) $+ . ( $+ $time($calc($gmt + $duration($duration($timer(.travel $+ $nick).secs).secs)),h:nntt) TC Time)
  if ($1-8 == You step onto the plane. It will take) && ($9 isnum) && ($10-15 == hours to get to the destination.) {
    unset %destination $+ $nick
    var %ptime = $calc($9 * 60 * 60)
    .timer $+ .travel $+ $nick -co 1 %ptime msg $chan $theme $+  $+ $nick $+ , you are now landing at your destination.
    msg $chan $theme $+  $+ $nick $+ , I will remind you in  $+ $duration($timer(.travel $+ $nick).secs) $+  that you are due to land at your destination. ( $+ $time($calc($gmt + $duration($duration($timer(.travel $+ $nick).secs).secs)),h:nntt) TC Time)
  if ($1-3 == You pay the) && ($5-12 = and step onto the plane. It will take) && ($14-19 = minutes to get to the destination.) {
    unset %destination $+ $nick
    var %ptime = $calc($13 * 60)
    .timer $+ .travel $+ $nick -co 1 %ptime msg $chan $theme $+  $+ $nick $+ , you are now landing at your destination.
    msg $chan $theme $+  $+ $nick $+ , I will remind you in  $+ $duration($timer(.travel $+ $nick).secs) $+  that you are due to land at your destination. ( $+ $time($calc($gmt + $duration($duration($timer(.travel $+ $nick).secs).secs)),h:nntt) TC Time)
  if ($1 == Nerve:) {
    if ($chr(47) isin $2) {
      var %temp.nerve = $replace($2,/,$chr(32) $chr(32))
      var %bar.nerve = $right(%temp.nerve,2)
      var %nerve = $left(%temp.nerve,2)
      var %min.nerve = $asctime($calc($gmt + %daylight),nn)
      var %sec.nerve = $asctime($calc($gmt + %daylight),ss)
      var %secs.passed.nerve = $calc(%min.nerve * 60 + %sec.nerve)
      while (%secs.passed.nerve > 300) {
        var %secs.passed.nerve = $calc(%secs.passed.nerve - 300)
      if ($strip(%nerve,burc) < $strip(%bar.nerve,burc)) { 
        var %refill.nerve = $calc(300 - %secs.passed.nerve + (%bar.nerve - %nerve - 1) * 300)
        .timer $+ .nerve $+ $nick -co 1 %refill.nerve msg $chan $theme $+  $+ $nick $+ , your Nerve Bar is now full.
        msg $chan $theme $+  $+ $nick $+ , I will remind you in  $+ $duration($timer(.nerve $+ $nick).secs) $+  when your Nerve Bar has fully regenerated. ( $+ $time($calc($gmt + $duration($duration($timer(.nerve $+ $nick).secs).secs)),h:nntt) TC Time)
  if ($1 == Happy:) {
    if ($chr(47) isin $2) {
      var %temp.happy = $replace($2,/,$chr(32) $chr(32))
      var %bar.happy = $right(%temp.happy,5)
      var %happy = $left(%temp.happy,5)
      var %min.happy = $asctime($calc($gmt + %daylight),nn)
      var %sec.happy = $asctime($calc($gmt + %daylight),ss)
      var %secs.passed.happy = $calc(%min.happy * 60 + %sec.happy)
      while (%secs.passed.happy > 900) {
        var %secs.passed.happy = $calc(%secs.passed.happy - 900)
      if ($strip(%happy,burc) < $strip(%bar.happy,burc)) { 
        var %refill = $calc($calc($calc($calc($calc(%bar.happy - %happy) - 5) / 5) * 15) * 60)
        .timer $+ .happy $+ $nick -co 1 $calc($calc(900 - %secs.passed.happy) + %refill) msg $chan $theme $+  $+ $nick $+ , your Happy Bar is now full.
        msg $chan $theme $+  $+ $nick $+ , I will remind you in  $+ $duration($timer(.happy $+ $nick).secs) $+  when your Happy Bar has fully regenerated. ( $+ $time($calc($gmt + $duration($duration($timer(.happy $+ $nick).secs).secs)),h:nntt) TC Time)
  if ($1 == Energy:) {
    if ($chr(47) isin $2) {
      var %temp.energy = $replace($2,/,$chr(32) $chr(32))
      var %bar = $right(%temp.energy,3)
      var %energy = $remove($left(%temp.energy,3),$chr(32))
      if (%bar == 150) {
        var %min = $asctime($calc($gmt + %daylight),nn)
        var %sec = $asctime($calc($gmt + %daylight),ss)
        var %secs.passed = $calc(%min * 60 + %sec)
        while (%secs.passed > 600) {
          var %secs.passed = $calc(%secs.passed - 600)
        if ($strip(%energy,burc) < $strip(%bar,burc)) { 
          var %refill = $calc(((((%bar - %energy) - 5) / 5) * 10) * 60) 
          .timer $+ .energy $+ $nick -co 1 $calc($calc(600 - %secs.passed) + %refill) msg $chan $theme $+  $+ $nick $+ , your Energy Bar is now full.
          msg $chan $theme $+  $+ $nick $+ , I will remind you in  $+ $duration($timer(.energy $+ $nick).secs) $+  when your Energy Bar has fully regenerated. ( $+ $time($calc($gmt + $duration($duration($timer(.energy $+ $nick).secs).secs)),h:nntt) TC Time)
      if (%bar == 100) {
        var %min = $asctime($calc($gmt + %daylight),nn)
        var %sec = $asctime($calc($gmt + %daylight),ss)
        var %secs.passed = $calc(%min * 60 + %sec)
        while (%secs.passed > 900) {
          var %secs.passed = $calc(%secs.passed - 900)
        if ($strip(%energy,burc) < $strip(%bar,burc)) { 
          var %refill = $calc($calc($calc($calc($calc(%bar - %energy) - 5) / 5) * 15) * 60)
          .timer $+ .energy $+ $nick -co 1 $calc($calc(900 - %secs.passed) + %refill) msg $chan $theme $+  $+ $nick $+ , your Energy Bar is now full.
          msg $chan $theme $+  $+ $nick $+ , I will remind you in  $+ $duration($timer(.energy $+ $nick).secs) $+  when your Energy Bar has fully regenerated. ( $+ $time($calc($gmt + $duration($duration($timer(.energy $+ $nick).secs).secs)),h:nntt) TC Time)
  if ($1 == You) && (($2 ==  are) || ($2 == will)) && (($3 == in) || ($3 == be)) && (($4 == hospital) || ($4 == here)) && ($5 == for) && ($6 == another) {
    if ($8 == hours,) || ($8 == hour) { var %h = $calc($7 * 3600) }
    if ($10 == minutes) || ($10 == minute) { var %m = $calc($9 * 60) }
    if ($8 == minutes) || ($8 == minute) { var %m = $calc($7 * 60) }
    if ($13 == seconds) { var %s = $12 }
    if ($11 == seconds) { var %s = $10 }
    if ($8 == seconds) { var %s = $7 }
    var %htime = $calc((%h + %m) + %s)
    .timer $+ .hosp $+ $nick -co 1 %htime msg $chan $theme $+  $+ $nick $+ , you are due to be released from hospital.
    msg $chan $theme $+  $+ $nick $+ , I will remind you in  $+ $duration($timer(.hosp $+ $nick).secs)  when you are due to be released from the hospital. ( $+ $time($calc($gmt + $duration($duration($timer(.hosp $+ $nick).secs).secs)),h:nntt) TC Time)
  if ($1 == You) && ($2 == will) && ($3 == be) && ($4 == in) && ($5 == jail) && ($6 == for) { 
    if ($9 == hours,) || ($9 == hour,) { var %h = $calc($8 * 3600) }
    if ($11 == minutes) || ($11 == minute) { var %m = $calc($10 * 60) }
    if ($8 == minutes) || ($8 == minute) { var %m = $calc($7 * 60) }
    if ($14 == seconds) { var %s = $13 }
    if ($10 == seconds) { var %s = $9 }
    if ($8 == seconds) { var %s = $7 }
    var %jtime = $calc((%h + %m) + %s)
    .timer $+ .jail $+ $nick -co 1 %jtime msg $chan $theme $+  $+ $nick $+ , you are due to be released from jail.
    msg $chan $theme $+  $+ $nick $+ , I will remind you in  $+ $duration($timer(.jail $+ $nick).secs) $+  when you are due to be released from the jail. ( $+ $time($calc($gmt + $duration($duration($timer(.jail $+ $nick).secs).secs)),h:nntt) TC Time)
  if ($1-3 == In Education ~) || ($1-3 == [In Education ~) {
    var %d = $calc((($4 * 24) * 60) * 60) | var %h = $calc(($6 * 60) * 60) | var %m = $calc($8 * 60) | var %s = $11
    var %etime = $calc(%d + %h + %m + %s)
    .timer $+ .edu $+ $nick -co 1 %etime msg $chan $theme $+  $+ $nick $+ , your education course is now complete.
    msg $chan $theme $+  $+ $nick $+ , I will remind you in  $+ $duration($timer(.edu $+ $nick).secs) $+  when your education course is complete. ( $+ $time($calc($gmt + $duration($duration($timer(.edu $+ $nick).secs).secs)), h:nntt $+ $chr(44) doo mmm) $+ ) 
  if ($1-3 == It will take) && ($4 isnum) && ($5-8 == weeks to complete.) {
    var %etime = $calc(((($4 * 7) * 24) * 60) * 60)
    .timer $+ .edu $+ $nick -co 1 %etime msg $chan $theme $+  $+ $nick $+ , your education course is now complete.
    msg $chan $theme $+  $+ $nick $+ , I will remind you in  $+ $duration($timer(.edu $+ $nick).secs) $+  when your education course is complete. ( $+ $time($calc($gmt + $duration($duration($timer(.edu $+ $nick).secs).secs)),h:nntt $+ $chr(44) doo mmm) $+ ) 
  if ($1-6 == This course will be completed in) {
    if ($8 == days,) || ($8 == day,) {
      var %etime = $calc($calc(($7 * 24 * 60 * 60) + ($12 * 60)) + $iif(minute isin $10,$9 * 60,$9 * 60 * 60))
    if ($8 == hours) || ($8 == hour) { var %etime = $calc(($7 * 60 * 60) + ($10 * 60)) }
    if ($8 == minute) || ($8 == minutes) { var %etime = $calc($7 * 60) }
    .timer $+ .edu $+ $nick -co 1 %etime msg $chan $theme $+  $+ $nick $+ , your education course is now complete.
    msg $chan $theme $+  $+ $nick $+ , I will remind you in  $+ $duration($timer(.edu $+ $nick).secs) $+  when your education course is complete. ( $+ $time($calc($gmt + $duration($duration($timer(.edu $+ $nick).secs).secs)),h:nntt $+ $chr(44) doo mmm) $+ )
  if (($3 == -) || ($2 == -)) && ((($4 == hrs) || ($5 == hrs)) || ((($4 == mins) || $5 == mins)) && (left isin $2-)) {
    var %octime = $duration($remove($iif($3 == -,$4-,$3-),left))
    .timer $+ .oc $+ $nick -co 1 %octime msg $chan $theme $+  $+ $nick $+ , your organised crime is now ready.
    msg $chan $theme $+  $+ $nick $+ , I will remind you in  $+ $duration($timer(.oc $+ $nick).secs) $+  when your organised crime is ready. ( $+ $time($calc($gmt + $duration($duration($timer(.oc $+ $nick).secs).secs)),h:nntt $+ $chr(44) doo mmm) $+ )
  if ($1-15 == You currently have an investment account. When the time is up, you may withdraw the) && ($remove($16,$chr(44),$chr(36)) isnum) && ($17-24 == and start a new account if you wish.) {
    set -u3 %bank $+ $nick $true
  if ($($+(%,bank,$nick),2)) && (remain. isin $3-) && ($1 isnum) {
    var %btime = $duration($remove($1-,$chr(44),remain.))
    .timer $+ .bank $+ $nick -co 1 %btime msg $chan $theme $+  $+ $nick $+ , your investment is now finished.
    msg $chan $theme $+  $+ $nick $+ , I will remind you in  $+ $duration($timer(.bank $+ $nick).secs) $+  when your investment finishes. ( $+ $time($calc($gmt + $duration($duration($timer(.bank $+ $nick).secs).secs)),h:nntt $+ $chr(44) doo mmm) $+ )     
  if (($1-2 == You have) || ($1-2 == [You have)) && ($remove($3,$chr(44),$chr(36)) isnum) && ($4 == invested,) && ((remain isin $7-) || (remain] isin $7-)) {
    var %btime = $duration($remove($5-,$chr(44),remain,]))
    .timer $+ .bank $+ $nick -co 1 %btime msg $chan $theme $+  $+ $nick $+ , your investment is now finished.
    msg $chan $theme $+  $+ $nick $+ , I will remind you in  $+ $duration($timer(.bank $+ $nick).secs) $+  when your investment finishes. ( $+ $time($calc($gmt + $duration($duration($timer(.bank $+ $nick).secs).secs)),h:nntt $+ $chr(44) doo mmm) $+ )
alias -l comma {
  var %a, %b = $regsub($ticks,$1,/\G([+-]?\d+?)(?=(?:\d{3})++(?=\.\d++$|$))/g,\1 $+ $chr(44),%a)
  return %a


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Atr   -  Feb 25, 2012

Very sad to see bits of some scripts I made years ago in there. I'd been told that some of my work had been posted here. Please don't rip off other people's work, and ask if you're going to use or share it with others - it's just common decency.

Stewie1k94   -  Feb 17, 2012

What use is this Script to anyone any way?

dma  -  Dec 10, 2015

that's what i think too

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KindOne   -  Feb 17, 2012

lines 45, 51, 57, 63, 69, 75, 81, 87, 93, 99, 105, 111, 117, 123, 129, 135, 359, 361, and 364 all have an extra " ) " at the end.

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