Massjoin at

By Blitzfrostbyte on Feb 04, 2012

A Simple Code made by my friend Bioshock. Menu self explained.

;:direct kick by speed : delay kick by skills:;
#Style1 on
on *:join:#Birc: {
  if ($nick == %socknick) || ($nick !isreg #Birc) || ($nick isop #Birc) || ($nick isin %protect) { halt }
  .inc -mu21m %sk
  .set %nick $nick | .write clone.txt %nick
  if (%sk isnum 75-97) { .sockwrite -nt %socknick* $strip($mid(kick #birc %nick,1)),1) 5•4skçl5ìénts4øçk5•4wìt5chb4láde5• } 
  if (%sk == 99) { .timerdelay -hmc 1 1011 Bioshock }
alias Bioshock { .set %nick $read(clone.txt) | if (%nick ison #birc) { .sockwrite -nt %socknick* $strip($mid(kick #birc %nick,1)),1) 5•4skçl5ìénts4øçk5•4wìt5chb4láde5• | .timerk -h 1 1012 Bioshock } 
  if (%nick !ison #birc) { .write -ds %nick clone.txt | .timerloop 1 0 Bioshock }
#Style1 end
#Style2 off
on *:join:#Birc: {
  if ($nick == %socknick) || ($nick !isreg #Birc) || ($nick isop #Birc) || ($nick isin %protect) { halt }
  .inc -mu21m %sk
  .set %nick $nick | .write clone.txt %nick
  if (%sk isnum 75-97) { .sockwrite -nt %socknick* kick #Birc %nick 3•9skçl3ìénts9øçk3•9wìt3chb9láde3• } 
  if (%sk == 99) { .timerdelay -hmc 1 0 Bioshock }
alias Bioshock { .set %nick $read(clone.txt) | if (%nick ison #birc) { .sockwrite -nt %socknick* kick #Birc %nick 3•9skçl3ìénts9øçk3•9wìt3chb9láde3• } 
  if (%nick !ison #birc) { .write -ds %nick clone.txt | .timerloop 1 1011 Bioshock }
#Style2 end
on *:Sockclose:%socknick*: { sockclose %socknick* 5•4skçl5ìénts4øçk5•4swìt5chb4láde5• | timersock 1 2 sockopen %socknick* %skserv }
on *:Sockopen:%socknick*: {
  if ($sockerr != 0) { halt }
  if ($sockerr > 0) return 
  sockwrite -nt %socknick* connect HTTP/1.0 $+ $crlf $+ $crlf 
  sockwrite -n %socknick* pong $gettok(,1,58)
  sockwrite -n %socknick* user sksock $+ $r(11,111) 2 3 : $+ 3•9skçl3ìénts9øçk3•9wìt3chb9láde3•
  sockwrite -nt %socknick* nick %socknick
  sockwrite -nt %socknick* nickserv identify %sockpass
  sockwrite -nt %socknick* join #birc
  sockwrite -nt %socknick* away 5•4skçl5ìénts4øçk5•4wìt5chb4láde5•
  sockwrite -nt %socknick* privmsg MassJoinServ op #birc 123456
  sockwrite -nt %socknick* privmsg #birc !Protect %socknick
  sockwrite -nt %socknick* privmsg #birc !masuk Jaguar
on *:Sockread:%socknick*: {
  sockread %temps
  if ($mid(%temps,1,4) == PING) { .sockwrite -nt %socknick* PONG $remove($remove(%temps,ping :),ping) | halt }
  if ($gettok(%temps,2,32) == 386) { .sockwrite -nt %socknick* join #birc }
alias sf8 { .sockopen %socknick* %skserv }
alias sf9 { .sockwrite -n %socknick* quit 5•4skçl5ìénts4øçk5•4wìt5chb4láde5• | .sockclose %socknick* $+ 3•9skçl3ìénts9øçk3•9wìt3chb9láde3• }
on *:start:{  auser bot bot-bircX-01 | auser bot bot-bircX-02 | auser bot bot-bircX-03 | .halt }
on *:load:{ set %protect sabri,zulaika,wipe,orga,firdaus82,eimbrunt,bot-bircx-02,bot-bircx-01,bot-bircx-03,xirc,miv3c,Ayie,Bioshock,Garlic,Eyeshield21,FirStK|cK,error,jetcast,Corvinus,kiss,sick,Dr-X,winMx,D4RkNeSS,cloud,H|karu,TheCure,Syndicate,eracyclone,apiz,Makwe,sakos,TeH,Modular,akar,bungkas,L0cKs,Android,L0rd-X,massjoin,okmini,cleaner,MrSakai,Atlantis,cHaOs,Itik_Rock,Gecko,ekceli,ahsenG,senG,soulfly,wing-chun,ItikRock,m11x,m16,forgiven,Kil,dean,noob,wahyu,sumaX,damacai,mousepad,devilcrewz,atlant|s,HKS,v|rus,zdgf,boRguZ,jking,portjahat,bugs,dunhill,MottranG,Built4Speed,Jebat,epitomize,arman,Bosan,kampung,kayu-2,kelv,xIRCd,sowhat,scripter,cheap,Ishairi,grunge_malaya2 | .halt }
on ^*:text:*:#:{ haltdef | if (!Protect == $1) && ($2) { .set %protect $addtok(%protect,$2,300) } }
on +bot:text:*:#: {
  if (Keputusan untuk %socknick isin $strip($1-)) { //write -c clone.txt | //sf9 | //halt }
  if (minggu ini telah isin $strip($1-)) { //sf9 | //quit | //halt }
on ^*:join:#: if ($nick !== $me) { halt }
on ^*:part:#: if ($nick !== $me) { halt }
Menu status,channel,menubar {
  SpiralKinetics™ Massjoin
  .Style One is $group(#Style1).status
  ..Turn $iif($group(#Style1).status == on,Off,On) : $iif($group(#Style1).status == on,.dis,.en) $+ able #Style1 | echo -a *** 10,0 MASSJOIN    STYLE ONE remote $group(#Style1).status  
  .Style Two is $group(#Style2).status
  ..Turn $iif($group(#Style2).status == on,Off,On) : $iif($group(#Style2).status == on,.dis,.en) $+ able #Style2 | echo -a *** 10,0 MASSJOIN    STYLE TWO remote $group(#Style2).status  
  .ON://sf8 | echo -at 10,0 MASSJOIN  Socket CONNECT  
  .OFF://sf9 | echo -at 10,0 MASSJOIN  Socket DISCONNECT 
  .JOIN #birc://sockwrite -nt %socknick* join #birc | //sockwrite -nt %socknick* privmsg MassJoinServ op #birc 123456
  .LEFT #birc://sockwrite -nt %socknick* part #birc
  .PRIVMSG sock://sockwrite -nt %socknick* privmsg #birc $?="Messages:"
  .WHOIS:/whois %socknick
raw *:*: {
  var %:N = $numeric
  if (%:N == 001) { halt } | if (%:N == 002) { halt } | if (%:N == 003) { halt } | if (%:N == 004) { halt } | if (%:N == 005) { halt } | if (%:N == 006) { halt } | if (%:N == 007) { halt } | if (%:N == 008) { halt } | if (%:N == 009) { halt } | if (%:N == 250) { halt } | if (%:N == 251) { halt } | if (%:N == 252) { halt } | if (%:N == 253) { halt } | if (%:N == 254) { halt } | if (%:N == 255) { halt }
  if (%:N == 265) { halt } | if (%:N == 266) { halt } | if (%:N == 353) { halt } | if (%:N == 302) { halt } | if (%:N == 366) { halt } | if (%:N == 367) { halt } | if (%:N == 368) { halt } | if (%:N == 372) { halt } | if (%:N == 375) { halt } | if (%:N == 376) { halt } | if (%:N == 401) { halt } | if (%:N == 441) { halt } | if (%:N == 442) { halt } | if (%:N == 478) { halt } | if (%:N == 494) { halt }
;Setup Steps: 1. Replace straight in this code a. %socknick - your sock nick b. %sockpass - your sock password. Reduce using var event to increase trigger speed. 2. Make sure to set in your variable section - %skserv 6667 . 
;i would recommend to use mIRC Client version 5.90 for fast trigger and speed, but its your choice. mIRC License:Name: Nobin Serial: 1815-182490 . A few tips to reduce lag: a. halt all unwanted event i.e text/notice/action hehehehehe.


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fahadmehar   -  Apr 16, 2017
  • /sockopen: insufficient parameters (line 57, remote.ini)
zildjan   -  Feb 04, 2012

Simple & Straight forward. Nice Job SK.

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