Status Bar DCX

By xdesoto on Sep 29, 2011


So, Cayne added his
Anyways, Status bar.

You need DCX for this.
And the icons.
Which I'll add here so you can download..
Make a DLL folder add the DCX.dll in there
Make an Icons folder add the ico's in there

Or change the

    xdid -w sbar 1 +a 0 icons\smts.ico
    xdid -w sbar 1 +a 0 icons\chanfade.ico
    xdid -w sbar 1 +a 0 icons\meuser.ico
    xdid -w sbar 1 +a 0 icons\bat.ico

DCX and Icons Download:

dcx {
  if ($isid) { return $dll(dll\dcx.dll,$1,$2-) }
  else { dll "dll\dcx.dll" $1 $2- }
udcx {
  if ($dcx(IsUnloadSafe)) { $iif($menu, .timer 1 0) dll -u dcx.dll }
  else { echo 4 -qmlbfti2 [DCX] Unable to Unload Dll. }
xdid {
  if ( $isid ) { return $dcx( _xdid, $1 $2 $prop $3- ) }
  dcx xdid $2 $3 $1 $4-
xdialog {
  if ( $isid ) { return $dcx( _xdialog, $1 $prop $2- ) }
  dcx xdialog $2 $1 $3-
xpop {
  if ( $isid ) { return $dcx( _xpop, $1 $prop $2- ) }
  dcx xpop $2 $1 $3-
xpopup {
  if ( $isid ) { return $dcx( _xpopup, $1 $prop $2- ) }
  dcx xpopup $2 $1 $3-
mpopup { dcx mpopup $1 $2 }
xdock {
  if ($isid) { return $dcx( _xdock, $1 $prop ) }
  dcx xdock $1-
xtray {
  if ($isid) { return $dcx(TrayIcon, $1 $prop $2-) }
  dcx TrayIcon $1-
tab {
  var %i = 1, %tab | while (%i 



alias sbar {
  If ($Dialog(sbar)) { Dialog -x Sbar Sbar | Dialog -m sbar sbar }
  Else {
    dialog -m sbar sbar

dialog sbar {
  title "status bar"
  option dbu
  size -1 -1 1600 1

on *:dialog:sbar:*:*: {
  if ($devent == init) {
    dcx Mark $dname sbar_cb
    xdialog -g sbar +b $color(1)
    xdialog -c $dname 1 statusbar 0 1 1600 8
    xdid -l sbar 1 150 100 160 -1
    xdid -l sbar 1 250 300 240 -1
    xdid -l sbar 1 350 300 300 -1
    xdid -l sbar 1 200 300 300 -1
    xdid -w sbar 1 +a 0 icons\smts.ico
    xdid -w sbar 1 +a 0 icons\chanfade.ico
    xdid -w sbar 1 +a 0 icons\meuser.ico
    xdid -w sbar 1 +a 0 icons\bat.ico
    xdid -t sbar 1 1 +n 1 °Server: $+($iif($scid($activecid).server,$scid($activecid).server,Not Connected))
    xdid -t sbar 1 2 +n 2 $iif($left($active,1) == $chr(35),Channel,Query) $scid($activecid).chaninfo
    xdid -t sbar 1 3 +n 3 °NickName: $nick
    xdid -t sbar 1 4 +n 4 °Usermodes: $usermode
    xdock -m $dialog(sbar).hwnd +b

alias -l chaninfo {
  return $active $iif($active ischan,$chr(40) $+ $nick($active,0) $+ $chr(41) $chan($active).mode,$null)
alias sbar_cb { }
On *:Active:*:{
  xdid -v sbar 1 1 Server: $+($iif($scid($activecid).server,$scid($activecid).server,Not Connected))
  xdid -v sbar 1 2 $iif($left($active,1) == $chr(35),Channel:,Query:) $scid($activecid).chaninfo
  xdid -v sbar 1 3 °NickName: $nick
  xdid -v sbar 1 4 °Usermodes: $usermode

on *:start:{ /sbar }


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MrJ   -  Mar 05, 2017

So most of you would of known me as MakiMaki, I have no idea my account info to lazy so new account LOL, I been away for many years but this is my dcx Statusbar and a screenshot of my script with it working. pretty much can change every aspect of how it funtions swapping icons, text, colors ect.

on *:START: { }
on *:ACTIVE:*:{ }
alias { xstatusbar -A 0 notheme | xstatusbar -A 1 notheme | .timer -m 2 8 }
alias {
  var %s xstatusbar, %c  $+ $color(info)
  %s -f +a ansi 10 Segoe UI
  %s -k $color($color(editbox))
  %s -l 250 120 310 300 100%
  %s -t 1 +fn 1 %c Server: $buzzip
  %s -t 2 +fn 2 %c Lag: $hget(lag,lag) ms
  %s -t 3 +fn $iif($sock(bcn.*),$iif($hget(lag,lag) >= 100,5,3) %c Connection Uptime: $uptime(server,1),4 05 Disconnected) 
  %s -t 4 +fn 6 %c Script Runtime: $uptime(mirc,1) 
  %s -t 5 +fn 7 %c System Uptime: $uptime(system,1) 
  ;Gen Icons
  %s -w + 0 images\BCN.ico
  %s -w + 0 images\clock.ico
  %s -w + 0 images\g1.ico
  %s -w + 0 images\r1.ico
  %s -w + 0 images\y1.ico
  %s -w + 0 images\monkey.ico
  %s -w + 0 images\cpu.ico
Protheus   -  Nov 30, 2016

D_ERROR /xdid (Unknown dialog "sbar": see Mark command)

Protheus   -  Aug 17, 2015

Very nice.

[85]   -  Oct 06, 2012
tab {
  var %i = 1, %tab | while (%i 
  -  Feb 16, 2012
better screenshot :P as for the snippet I posted it it does work if you follow what I posted

AnGeLLuS   -  Feb 13, 2012

MakiMaki can you reup the screenshot ? and maybe the script that works ?

sKIRc   -  Jan 17, 2012

yup.. very nice MakiMaki

xdesoto   -  Jan 16, 2012

Very Nice MakiMaki.

  -  Jan 16, 2012

thought I would share Mine with you all

on *:START: { }
on *:ACTIVE:*:{ }

alias { xstatusbar  -A 1 notheme | .timer -m 2 8 }
alias {
  var %s xstatusbar, %c 12
  %s -f +ab ansi 10 Calibri
  %s -k $color($color(listbox))
  %s -l 150 300 250 250 100%

  %s -t 1 +fn 1 %c $network
  %s -t 2 +fn 2 %c System Uptime: $uptime(system,1)
  %s -t 3 +fn 3 %c mIRC Uptime: $uptime(mirc,1)
  %s -t 4 +fn 4 %c Whisper: $iif($hget(info,nwhisper),$+([,$numtok($hget(info,nwhisper),44),]) $hget(info,nwhisper),[0] Zero New Whispers)
  %s -t 5 1 5  

  ;Gen Icons
  %s -w + 0 icons\chatcore.ico
  %s -w + 0 icons\info.ico
  %s -w + 0 icons\mirc.ico
  %s -w + 0 icons\whisper.ico 
  %s -w + 0 icons\write.ico

Note You MUST have the DCX tools alias or this will not work!!!

  • Change the icon file path to the icons you wish to use.
  • Change content as you see the need for
  • Change the %c var to the font color you wish to use.
    Screenshot for those that wanted to see what it looks like.

    I Edit this to reflect something I learned

  • f flag info thanks to err0r thanks dude :P
  -  Jan 10, 2012

No worrys just letting you know... as well may want to close out that tab alias :$ lol sure some one may give ya a hard time. Great work I like seeing people work with this awesome dll.

xdesoto   -  Jan 10, 2012

Sorry about that MakiMaki, I added the aliases.

  -  Jan 10, 2012

xdesoto this is not to pick, but you should add the needed alias to use dcx or make sure to tell people about needed the alias.

  -  Jan 10, 2012

Check DCX forums for help, they do have a lot of info for those that are willing to read it.

sKIRc   -  Jan 10, 2012

owhh thanks a lot..
now its work..

  -  Jan 10, 2012

sKIRc you need

;DCX Tools
dir.dll { return $shortfn($mircdir) $+ dlls\ }
dcx { if ($isid) returnex $dll($dir.dll $+ dcx.dll,$1,$2-) | else dll " $+ $dir.dll $+ dcx.dll" $1 $2- }
udcx { if ($dcx(IsUnloadSafe)) $iif($menu, .timer 1 0) dll -u dcx.dll | else echo 4 -qmlbfti2 [DCX] Unable to Unload Dll. }
xdid { if ( $isid ) returnex $dcx( _xdid, $1 $2 $prop $3- ) | dcx xdid $2 $3 $1 $4- }
xdialog { if ( $isid ) returnex $dcx( _xdialog, $1 $prop $2- ) | dcx xdialog $2 $1 $3- }
xdock { if ($isid) returnex $dcx( _xdock, $1 $prop $2- ) | dcx xdock $1- }
xstatusbar { !if ($isid) returnex $dcx( _xstatusbar, mIRC $prop $1- ) |  dcx xstatusbar $1- }
xtreebar { !if ($isid) returnex $dcx( _xtreebar, mIRC $prop $1- ) | dcx xtreebar $1- }
xtray { if ($isid) returnex $dcx(TrayIcon, $1 $prop $2-) | dcx TrayIcon $1- }
xpop { if ( $isid ) returnex $dcx( _xpop, $1 $prop $2- ) | dcx xpop $2 $1 $3- }
xpopup { if ( $isid ) returnex $dcx( _xpopup, $1 $prop $2- ) | dcx xpopup $2 $1 $3- }
xmenubar { if ($isid) returnex $dcx(_xmenubar, $prop $1-) | dcx xmenubar $1- }
mpopup { dcx mpopup $1 $2 }
dcxml dcx dcxml $1-
tab {
  var %i = 1, %tab
  while (%i <= $0) {
    if ($eval($+($,%i),2) != $null) { %tab = $instok(%tab,$eval($+($,%i),2),$calc($numtok(%tab,9) + 1),9) }
    inc %i
  return %tab

This is out of my alias tab.
Note you all should visit for more info and help with this dll. as they offer support updates and help.

sKIRc   -  Jan 10, 2012

XDIALOG Unknown command.

XDID Unknown command.

xdesoto   -  Nov 22, 2011

I use mIRC 6.35, it works fine for me.
And I've noticed, the fail of changing colors.
I've even used notheme.
Still doesn't work

Protheus   -  Nov 22, 2011

And you cant change the color, mine shows default white. I tried $rgb and $color.

Protheus   -  Nov 22, 2011

$iif($left($active,1) == $chr(35), Channel, Query)) $active works too. But the status window says Query: Status Window. Your code didnt work. On my irc at least.

Frenetic   -  Oct 01, 2011

Aye ok Jaytea.

irchainscriptz   -  Oct 01, 2011

kool looking status bar there xdesoto nice work!!

jaytea   -  Oct 01, 2011

no, "if it's open, close and re-open it"

Frenetic   -  Sep 30, 2011

I'm not very good with dialogs, but shouldn't:

  If ($Dialog(sbar)) { Dialog -x Sbar Sbar | Dialog -m sbar sbar }


If (!$dialog(sbar))

to check it's not open?

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