MySQL Stats System + Cache 0.90 BETA (MBC Base)

By Noutrious on Sep 06, 2011

This is a module for MySQL Bot Core system.
You'll need in case for this to work.

  • Please note that this is in BETA version.

[13:47] !stats
[13:47] -#DEV-SQL- [Neisen:] lines: 29 words: 31 symbols: 153 joins: 2 parts: 2 actions: 0 notices: 0 // statistics calculated since 2011-09-06 13:38:48
[13:48] !chanstats
[13:48] -#DEV-SQL- [###:] lines: 30 words: 32 symbols: 159 joins: 2 parts: 2 actions: 0 notices: 0 // statistics calculated since 2011-09-06 13:38:48
[13:48] !stats hawkee
[13:48] -#DEV-SQL- [hawkee:] no stats retrieved yet.
[13:48] !chanstats #hawkee
[13:48] -#DEV-SQL- [#hawkee:] no stats retrieved yet.

MySQL Database Structure:

CREATE TABLE `stats` (
  `target` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
  `lines` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `words` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `symbols` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `joins` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `parts` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `actions` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `notices` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `start` datetime NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`target`)

NOTE: The frequency of syncing is defined by the MySQL Bot Core timer, which executes m.sync. If channel(-s) has big traffic and bot starts to freeze for seconds, make the m.sync with bigger delay. :)

; MySQL Bot Core
; Module: Stats System
; Version: 0.90 BETA
; Author: Nils Putnins (

; - aliases
alias -l m.stat.db return $qt($mircdirstats.mbc.ini)
alias -l m.stat.res return $calc($m.dbres($1,stats,target,$2) + $zero($readini($m.stat.db,$2,$1)))
alias -l m.stat {
  if (!$isid && $3) { writeini -n $m.stat.db $1 $2 $calc($readini($m.stat.db,$1,$2) + $3) }
  else {
    ; syncing with mysql
    if ($prop == sync) {
      var %targets = $ini($m.stat.db,0)
      while (%targets) {
        var %target = $ini($m.stat.db,%targets), %types = $ini($m.stat.db,$ini($m.stat.db,%targets),0)
        while (%types) {
          var %type = $ini($m.stat.db,$ini($m.stat.db,%targets),%types), %data = $m.dbres(%type,stats,target,%target)
          if (%data != $null) var %sql = UPDATE `stats` SET $m.sqlb(%type) = $calc(%data + $readini($m.stat.db,%target,%type)) WHERE `target` = $m.sqlq(%target)
          else var %sql = INSERT INTO `stats` $+($chr(40),$m.sqlb(target),$chr(44),$m.sqlb(%type),$chr(44),$m.sqlb(start),$chr(41)) VALUES $+($chr(40),$m.sqlq(%target),$chr(44),$m.sqlq($calc(%data + $readini($m.stat.db,%target,%type))),$chr(44),NOW(),$chr(41))
          noop $mysql_query(%m.sql, %sql)
          dec %types
        dec %targets
      .remove $m.stat.db
    ; statistic returning
    else if ($1) {
      var %start = $m.dbres(start,stats,target,$1)
      $iif(!%start,return $brackets2($+($lower($1),$chr(58))) no stats retrieved yet.)
      return $brackets2($+($lower($1),$chr(58))) lines: $m.stat.res(lines,$1) words: $m.stat.res(words,$1) symbols: $m.stat.res(symbols,$1) joins: $m.stat.res(joins,$1) parts: $m.stat.res(parts,$1) actions: $m.stat.res(actions,$1) notices: $m.stat.res(notices,$1) // statistics calculated since $m.dbres(start,stats,target,$1)-

; - actions
on *:JOIN:#:{ m.stat $chan joins 1 | m.stat $nick joins 1 }
on *:PART:#:{ m.stat $chan parts 1 | m.stat $nick parts 1 }
on *:TEXT:*:#:{
  if ($1 == $command(stats)) $iif($chan,notice,msg) $nick $m.stat($iif($2,$2,$nick))
  else if ($1 == $command(chanstats)) $iif($chan,notice,msg) $nick $m.stat($iif($2,$2,$chan))
  m.stat $chan lines 1 | m.stat $chan symbols $len($1-) | m.stat $chan words $numtok($1-,32)
  m.stat $nick lines 1 | m.stat $nick symbols $len($1-) | m.stat $nick words $numtok($1-,32)
on *:ACTION:*:#:{
  m.stat $chan lines 1 | m.stat $chan symbols $len($1-) | m.stat $chan words $numtok($1-,32)
  m.stat $nick lines 1 | m.stat $nick symbols $len($1-) | m.stat $nick words $numtok($1-,32)
  m.stat $chan actions 1 | m.stat $nick actions 1
on *:NOTICE:*:#:{
  m.stat $chan lines 1 | m.stat $chan symbols $len($1-) | m.stat $chan words $numtok($1-,32)
  m.stat $nick lines 1 | m.stat $nick symbols $len($1-) | m.stat $nick words $numtok($1-,32)
  m.stat $chan notices 1 | m.stat $nick notices 1

; - communicating with core
on *:SIGNAL:m.modules:{
  m.modules $+(Stats System,$chr(124),$command(stats),$chr(124),0)
  noop $m.stat().sync


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Frenetic   -  Sep 07, 2011

Good work, it's nice to see more "advanced" work, done in mSL.

Noutrious   -  Sep 06, 2011

Have many implementations on my mind, including RANK, TOP, more detailed stats (including ratio's) and more configuration possibilities (for example stats only for logged in users) - by requests I could fulfil that. :)

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