PokeDex 1.0 - mIRC bot script

By N3M3S1S on Jul 25, 2011

PokeDex 1.0 is currently a beta script!

use !pokedex to get information

Other commands (note these commands only work if you have that pokemon's information in the pokedex.ini

!pokedex del - deletes the pokemon from the pokedex.ini file
!pokedex del all - clears the pokedex.ini file
!pokedex edit - edits an existing entry in the pokedex.ini file.

Using sockets connecting to pokemondb.net it retrieves information on the given pokemon. After the first time, the information is saved into pokedex.ini and can be edited.

Free and open source :D


[17:37] <@Neo`Nemesis> !pokedex pikachu
[17:37] <@Boris> [PokeDex 1.0]--[ PIKACHU No. 025 ]--[National]
[17:37] <@Boris> [Type: Electric][Gender Ratio: 50% male/50% female]
[17:37] <@Boris> [HP: 35][ATK: 55][DEF: 30]
[17:37] <@Boris> [SPD: 90][SP.ATK: 50][SP.DEF: 40]
[17:37] <@Boris> [Height: 0.41m][Weight: 13.2 lbs (6.0 kg)]
[17:38] <@Boris> [Description: When several of these POKeMON gather, their electricity could build and cause lightning storms.]
[17:38] <@Boris> [More Info: http://pokemondb.net/pokedex/pikachu ]

;PokeDex Script 1.0 (Beta)
;By Neo Nemesis
alias pokesearch {
  unset %poke*
  sockclose poke
  %pdex.mn = $1
  %poke.s = /pokedex/ $+ $1
  sockopen poke pokemondb.net 80
alias pokemaster {
  ;make sure you put your username here!
  return $istok(%pk.m,$1,44)
on *:SOCKOPEN:poke: {
  sockwrite -n $sockname GET %poke.s HTTP/1.1
  sockwrite -n $sockname Host: pokemondb.net
  sockwrite -n $sockname Connection: Close
  sockwrite -n $sockname Content-Type: text/html
  sockwrite -n $sockname $crlf
on *:SOCKREAD:poke: { 
  sockread %poke.r
  ;echo -a 4POKEDEX: %poke.r 
  if (404 not found isin %poke.r) {
    %pokdex.error = $true 
    echo -a 4POKEDEX: Pokemon not found!
    sockclose poke
    unset %poke*
    unset %pdex*
  else {
    %pdex = $true
    if (<th>National isin %poke.r) && (%poke.no != $true) { %poke.no = $true }
    if (%poke.no == $true) { 
      if (<td><strong> isin %poke.r) {
        %pdex.no = $remove(%poke.r,<td><strong>,</strong></td>)
        %poke.no = $false
    if (class="type isin %poke.r) && (!%poke.t) { 
      if (class="type normal" isin %poke.r) {
        if (%pdex.type) { %pdex.type = %pdex.type $+ , Normal }
        else { %pdex.type = Normal }
      if (class="type fire" isin %poke.r) {
        if (%pdex.type) { %pdex.type = %pdex.type $+ , Fire }
        else { %pdex.type = Fire }
      if (class="type water" isin %poke.r) {
        if (%pdex.type) { %pdex.type = %pdex.type $+ , Water }
        else { %pdex.type = Water } 
      if (class="type electric" isin %poke.r) { 
        if (%pdex.type) { %pdex.type = %pdex.type $+ , Electric }
        else { %pdex.type = Electric }
      if (class="type grass" isin %poke.r) { 
        if (%pdex.type) { %pdex.type = %pdex.type $+ , Grass }
        else { %pdex.type = Grass }
      if (class="type ice" isin %poke.r) {
        if (%pdex.type) { %pdex.type = %pdex.type $+ , Ice }
        else { %pdex.type = Ice } 
      if (class="type fighting" isin %poke.r) { 
        if (%pdex.type) { %pdex.type = %pdex.type $+ , Fighting }
        else { %pdex.type = Fighting }
      if (class="type poison" isin %poke.r) {
        if (%pdex.type) { %pdex.type = %pdex.type $+ , Poison }
        else { %pdex.type = Poison }
      if (class="type ground" isin %poke.r) {
        if (%pdex.type) { %pdex.type = %pdex.type $+ , Ground }
        else { %pdex.type = Ground }
      if (class="type flying" isin %poke.r) {
        if (%pdex.type) { %pdex.type = %pdex.type $+ , Flying }
        else { %pdex.type = Flying }
      if (class="type psychic" isin %poke.r) { 
        if (%pdex.type) { %pdex.type = %pdex.type $+ , Psychic }
        else { %pdex.type = Psychic }
      if (class="type bug" isin %poke.r) {
        if (%pdex.type) { %pdex.type = %pdex.type $+ , Bug }
        else { %pdex.type = Bug }
      if (class="type rock" isin %poke.r) { 
        if (%pdex.type) { %pdex.type = %pdex.type $+ , Rock }
        else { %pdex.type = Rock }
      if (class="type ghost" isin %poke.r) { 
        if (%pdex.type) { %pdex.type = %pdex.type $+ , Ghost }
        else { %pdex.type = Ghost }
      if (class="type dragon" isin %poke.r) { 
        if (%pdex.type) { %pdex.type = %pdex.type $+ , Dragon }
        else { %pdex.type = Dragon }
      if (class="type steel" isin %poke.r) { 
        if (%pdex.type) { %pdex.type = %pdex.type $+ , Steel }
        else { %pdex.type = Steel }
      %poke.t = $true 
    if (<th>Height</th> isin %poke.r) { %poke.hgt = $true }
    if (%poke.hgt == $true) {
      if (<td>2&#8242;4&#8243; isin %poke.r) || (<td>3&#8242;3&#8243; isin %poke.r) || (<td>6&#8242;7&#8243; isin %poke.r) || (<td>6&#8242;7&#8243; isin %poke.r) { 
        %pdex.hgt = $remove(%poke.r,<td>2&#8242;4&#8243;,</td>,$chr(40),$chr(41),$chr(32),<td>3&#8242;3&#8243;,<td>6&#8242;7&#8243;,<td>6&#8242;7&#8243;)
        unset %poke.hgt 
      elseif (<td>1&#8242;4&#8243; isin %poke.r) || (<td>5&#8242;7&#8243; isin %poke.r) {
        %pdex.hgt = $remove(%poke.r,</td>,$chr(40),$chr(41),$chr(32),<td>1&#8242;4&#8243;,<td>5&#8242;7&#8243;)
        unset %poke.hgt
    if (lbs isin %poke.r) && (<td> isin %poke.r) {
      %pdex.wgt = $remove(%poke.r,<td>,</td>)
    if (<span class="gender-male"> isin %poke.r) { 
      %pdex.male = $remove(%poke.r,<td><span class="gender-male">,</span>,$chr(44))
    if (<span class="gender-female"> isin %poke.r) {
      %pdex.female = $remove(%poke.r,<span class="gender-female">,</span></td>) 
    if (<td>Genderless</td> isin %poke.r) {
      %pdex.male = Genderless
      %pdex.female = Genderless
    if (<th>HP</th> isin %poke.r) { %poke.hp = $true }
    if (%poke.hp == $true) {
      if (<td class="numeric"> isin %poke.r) {
        %pdex.hp = $remove(%poke.r,<td class="numeric">,</td>)
        unset %poke.hp
    if (<th>Attack</th> isin %poke.r) { %poke.at = $true }
    if (%poke.at == $true) { 
      if (<td class="numeric"> isin %poke.r) {
        %pdex.atk = $remove(%poke.r,<td class="numeric">,</td>)
        unset %poke.at
    if (<th>Defense</th> isin %poke.r) { %poke.def = $true }
    if (%poke.def == $true) { 
      if (<td class="numeric"> isin %poke.r) {
        %pdex.def = $remove(%poke.r,<td class="numeric">,</td>)
        unset %poke.def
    if (<th>Sp. Atk</th> isin %poke.r) { %poke.sat = $true }
    if (%poke.sat == $true) { 
      if (<td class="numeric"> isin %poke.r) {
        %pdex.spat = $remove(%poke.r,<td class="numeric">,</td>)
        unset %poke.sat
    if (<th>Sp. Def</th> isin %poke.r) { %poke.sdf = $true }
    if (%poke.sdf == $true) { 
      if (<td class="numeric"> isin %poke.r) {
        %pdex.sdef = $remove(%poke.r,<td class="numeric">,</td>)
        unset %poke.sdf
    if (<th>Speed</th> isin %poke.r) { %poke.spd = $true }
    if (%poke.spd == $true) { 
      if (<td class="numeric"> isin %poke.r) {
        %pdex.spd = $remove(%poke.r,<td class="numeric">,</td>)
        unset %poke.spd
    if (<h2 id="dex-flavor">Pokedex descriptions</h2> isin %poke.r) { %poke.desc = $true }
    if (%poke.desc == $true) { 
      if (<td> isin %poke.r) && (</td> isin %poke.r) {
        %pdex.dsc = $remove(%poke.r,<td>,</td>)
        unset %poke.desc
        sockclose poke
        unset %poke*
        if (%pdex) { poketron }
on *:SOCKCLOSE:poke: { 
  unset %poke* 
  if (%pdex) { poketron }
alias poketron {
  if (%pdex.no) { writeini pokedex.ini %pdex.mn number %pdex.no }
  else { writeini pokedex.ini %pdex.mn number ERROR }
  if (%pdex.type) { writeini pokedex.ini %pdex.mn type %pdex.type }
  else { writeini pokedex.ini %pdex.mn type ERROR }
  if (%pdex.hgt) { writeini pokedex.ini %pdex.mn height %pdex.hgt }
  else { writeini pokedex.ini %pdex.mn height ERROR }
  if (%pdex.wgt) { writeini pokedex.ini %pdex.mn weight %pdex.wgt }
  else { writeini pokedex.ini %pdex.mn weight ERROR }
  if (%pdex.male) { writeini pokedex.ini %pdex.mn male %pdex.male }
  else { writeini pokedex.ini %pdex.mn male ERROR }
  if (%pdex.female) { writeini pokedex.ini %pdex.mn female %pdex.female }
  else { writeini pokedex.ini %pdex.mn female ERROR }
  if (%pdex.hp) { writeini pokedex.ini %pdex.mn hp %pdex.hp }
  else { writeini pokedex.ini %pdex.mn hp ERROR }
  if (%pdex.atk) { writeini pokedex.ini %pdex.mn atk %pdex.atk }
  else { writeini pokedex.ini %pdex.mn atk ERROR }
  if (%pdex.def) { writeini pokedex.ini %pdex.mn def %pdex.def }
  else { writeini pokedex.ini %pdex.mn def ERROR }
  if (%pdex.spat) { writeini pokedex.ini %pdex.mn spatk %pdex.spat }
  else { writeini pokedex.ini %pdex.mn spatk ERROR }
  if (%pdex.sdef) { writeini pokedex.ini %pdex.mn spdef %pdex.sdef }
  else { writeini pokedex.ini %pdex.mn spdef ERROR }
  if (%pdex.spd) { writeini pokedex.ini %pdex.mn spd %pdex.spd }
  else { writeini pokedex.ini %pdex.mn spd ERROR }
  if (%pdex.dsc) { writeini pokedex.ini %pdex.mn desc %pdex.dsc }
  else { writeini pokedex.ini %pdex.mn desc ERROR }
  unset %pdex*
alias pkmn { return $readini(pokedex.ini,$1,$2) }
alias pokedex {
  if (%pokdex.error) {
    unset %pokdex.error
    .timerpkmn8 -m 1 1000 msg $1 4[PokeDex 1.0]--[ Unable to find $upper($2) 4]--[ Please use !pokedex <PokemonNameGoesHere> 4]--[National]
  else {
    .timerpkmn1 -m 1 1000 msg $1 4[PokeDex 1.0]--[ $upper($2) No. $pkmn($2,number) 4]--[National]
    .timerpkmn2 -m 1 1750 msg $1 4[Type: $pkmn($2,type) $+ 4][Gender Ratio: $pkmn($2,male) $+ / $+ $pkmn($2,female) $+ 4]
    .timerpkmn3 -m 1 2650 msg $1 4[HP: $pkmn($2,hp) $+ 4][ATK: $pkmn($2,atk) $+ 4][DEF: $pkmn($2,def) $+ 4]
    .timerpkmn4 -m 1 3200 msg $1 4[SPD: $pkmn($2,spd) $+ 4][SP.ATK: $pkmn($2,spatk) $+ 4][SP.DEF: $pkmn($2,spdef) $+ 4]
    .timerpkmn5 -m 1 3800 msg $1 4[Height: $pkmn($2,height) $+ 4][Weight: $pkmn($2,weight) $+ 4]
    .timerpkmn6 -m 1 4600 msg $1 4[Description: $pkmn($2,desc) $+ 4]
    .timerpkmn7 -m 1 4900 msg $1 4[More Info: http://pokemondb.net/pokedex/ $+ $lower($2) 4]
on *:TEXT:!pokedex*:#: {
  if (!$2) || (crlf isin $2) { 
    .timerpkmn8 -m 1 1000 msg $chan 4[PokeDex 1.0]--[ Please use !pokedex <PokemonNameGoesHere>4 ]--[National]
    goto end
  if ($2 == edit) && ($pokemaster($nick) == $true) {
    if ($ini(pokedex.ini,$4) == 0) {
      .timerpkmn1a -m 1 1000 msg $chan 4[PokeDex 1.0]--[ $upper($4) listing does not exist. Please first use !pokedex <PokemonNameGoesHere> to find the information.4]--[National]
      goto end
    else {
      ;!pokedex edit <params> <pokemon> <info>
      ;edit listing 
      if ($3 == type) { 
        writeini pokedex.ini $4 type $5-
        .timerpkmne1 -m 1 1100 msg $chan 4[PokeDex 1.0]--[ $upper($4) No. $pkmn($4,number) 4][Type: $pkmn($4,type) 4EDITED]--[National]        
      if ($3 == gm) { 
        writeini pokedex.ini $4 male $5-
        .timerpkmne2 -m 1 1100 msg $chan 4[PokeDex 1.0]--[ $upper($4) No. $pkmn($4,number) 4][Gender Ratio (male): $pkmn($4,male) 4EDITED]--[National] 
      if ($3 == gf) { 
        writeini pokedex.ini $4 female $5-
        .timerpkmne3 -m 1 1100 msg $chan 4[PokeDex 1.0]--[ $upper($4) No. $pkmn($4,number) 4][Gender Ratio (female): $pkmn($4,female) 4EDITED]--[National]  
      if ($3 == hp) { 
        writeini pokedex.ini $4 hp $5- 
        .timerpkmne4 -m 1 1100 msg $chan 4[PokeDex 1.0]--[ $upper($4) No. $pkmn($4,number) 4][HP: $pkmn($4,hp) 4EDITED]--[National] 
      if ($3 == atk) {
        writeini pokedex.ini $4 atk $5- 
        .timerpkmne5 -m 1 1100 msg $chan 4[PokeDex 1.0]--[ $upper($4) No. $pkmn($4,number) 4][ATK: $pkmn($4,atk) 4EDITED]--[National] 
      if ($3 == def) { 
        writeini pokedex.ini $4 def $5-
        .timerpkmne6 -m 1 1100 msg $chan 4[PokeDex 1.0]--[ $upper($4) No. $pkmn($4,number) 4][DEF: $pkmn($4,def) 4EDITED]--[National]  
      if ($3 == spd) { 
        writeini pokedex.ini $4 spd $5- 
        .timerpkmne7 -m 1 1100 msg $chan 4[PokeDex 1.0]--[ $upper($4) No. $pkmn($4,number) 4][SPD: $pkmn($4,spd) 4EDITED]--[National] 
      if ($3 == sp.atk) { 
        writeini pokedex.ini $4 spatk $5-
        .timerpkmne8 -m 1 1100 msg $chan 4[PokeDex 1.0]--[ $upper($4) No. $pkmn($4,number) 4][SP.ATK: $pkmn($4,spatk) 4EDITED]--[National] 
      if ($3 == sp.def) { 
        writeini pokedex.ini $4 spdef $5-
        .timerpkmne9 -m 1 1100 msg $chan 4[PokeDex 1.0]--[ $upper($4) No. $pkmn($4,number) 4][SP.DEF: $pkmn($4,spdef) 4EDITED]--[National]  
      if ($3 == height) { 
        writeini pokedex.ini $4 height $5-
        .timerpkmne10 -m 1 1100 msg $chan 4[PokeDex 1.0]--[ $upper($4) No. $pkmn($4,number) 4][Height: $pkmn($4,height) 4EDITED]--[National]  
      if ($3 == weight) { 
        writeini pokedex.ini $4 weight $5-
        .timerpkmne11 -m 1 1100 msg $chan 4[PokeDex 1.0]--[ $upper($4) No. $pkmn($4,number) 4][Weight: $pkmn($4,weight) 4EDITED]--[National]  
      if ($3 == number) { 
        if ($pkmn($3,number) == error) { 
          writeini pokedex.ini $4 number $5-
          .timerpkmne12 -m 1 1100 msg $chan 4[PokeDex 1.0]--[ $upper($4) No. $pkmn($4,number) 4EDITED]--[National] 
        else { .timerpkmn2a -m 1 1000 msg $chan 4[PokeDex 1.0]--[ The pokemon's number can only be manually changed if ERROR is present. 4]--[National] }
      if ($3 == desc) { 
        writeini pokedex.ini $4 number $5-
        .timerpkmne13 -m 1 1100 msg $chan 4[PokeDex 1.0]--[ $upper($4) No. $pkmn($4,number) 4][Description: $pkmn($4,desc) 4EDITED]--[National] 
    goto end
  if ($2 == del) && ($pokemaster($nick) == $true) { 
    if ($3 == all) { 
      remini pokedex.ini
      .timerpkmnd1 -m 1 1150 msg $chan 4[PokeDex 1.0]--[ PokeDex has been cleared. 4]
    elseif ($ini(pokedex.ini,$3) == 0) {
      .timerpkmnd2 -m 1 1150 msg $chan 4[PokeDex 1.0]--[ Entry for $upper($3) is not listed. 4]
      goto end
    elseif ($ini(pokedex.ini,$3) != 0) {
      remini pokedex.ini $3
      .timerpkmnd3 -m 1 1150 msg $chan 4[PokeDex 1.0]--[ Entry for $upper($3) has been deleted. 4]
  else {
    if ($ini(pokedex.ini,$strip($lower($2))) == 0) { 
      .timerpkmn9 -m 1 1000 msg $chan 4[PokeDex 1.0]--[ Searching for $strip($upper($2)) in National PokeDex... 4]
      pokesearch $lower($2) 
      .timerpkmon 1 10 pokedex $chan $strip($lower($2))
    else { pokedex $chan $strip($lower($2)) }


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N3M3S1S   -  Oct 22, 2012

Also, just thought of something...

For those of you having issues with the script from time to time, it may be because of your operating system. I was doing some research and came to find out that mIRC's file handling privileges are restricted on newer operating systems.


N3M3S1S   -  Aug 15, 2011

I fixed it in the above post.

Are you getting any error msgs?

Make sure that you copy/paste the entire script.

YWN   -  Aug 14, 2011

Err. i use 6.35 and I edites Cloosed to Closed.

N3M3S1S   -  Aug 13, 2011

Have you edited the code?

What version of mIRC are you using? It is compatible with 6.35, but I've heard that a lot of scripts don't work on 7+

YWN   -  Aug 13, 2011

[10:06] <~YWN> !pokedex pikachu
[10:06] <~YWN[BOT]> [PokeDex 1.0]--[ PIKACHU No. ]--[National]
[10:06] <~YWN[BOT]> [Type: ][Gender Ratio: /]
[10:06] <~YWN[BOT]> [HP: ][ATK: ][DEF: ]
[10:06] <~YWN[BOT]> [SPD: ][SP.ATK: ][SP.DEF: ]
[10:06] <~YWN[BOT]> [Height: ][Weight: ]
[10:06] <~YWN[BOT]> [Description: ]
[10:06] <~YWN[BOT]> [More Info: http://pokemondb.net/pokedex/pikachu ]

N3M3S1S   -  Aug 13, 2011

Make sure you do not have any conflicting scripts and the input of the pokemon is correct, it does not account for misspelled names, and it SOMETIMES is case sensitive. Instead of !pokedex Pikachu try !pokedex pikachu

I thought I fexed the case sensitivity problem, I will look at it again.

I also just noticed that you tried both variations already. I just tried it and its working on my end.

[05:57] <~T0x|cAv3ng3r> !pokedex Pikachu
[05:57] <&d3t0x_b0t> [PokeDex 1.0]--[ Searching for PIKACHU in National PokeDex... ]
[05:57] <&d3t0x_b0t> [PokeDex 1.0]--[ PIKACHU No. 025 ]--[National]
[05:57] <&d3t0x_b0t> [Type: Electric][Gender Ratio: 50% male/50% female]
[05:57] <&d3t0x_b0t> [HP: 35][ATK: 55][DEF: 30]
[05:58] <&d3t0x_b0t> [SPD: 90][SP.ATK: 50][SP.DEF: 40]
[05:58] <&d3t0x_b0t> [Height: 0.41m][Weight: 13.2 lbs (6.0 kg)]
[05:58] <&d3t0x_b0t> [Description: When several of these POKéMON gather, their electricity could build and cause lightning storms.]
[05:58] <&d3t0x_b0t> [More Info: http://pokemondb.net/pokedex/pikachu ]

YWN   -  Aug 13, 2011

11(14Sat15/000315:002015:0054 14AM11) <~YWN> !pokedex Pikachu
11(14Sat15/000315:002015:0055 14AM11) <~YWN[Bot]> [PokeDex 1.0]--[ PIKACHU No. ]--[National]
11(14Sat15/000315:002015:0056 14AM11) <~YWN[Bot]> [Type: ][Gender Ratio: /]
11(14Sat15/000315:002015:0057 14AM11) <~YWN[Bot]> [HP: ][ATK: ][DEF: ]
11(14Sat15/000315:002015:0058 14AM11) <~YWN[Bot]> [SPD: ][SP.ATK: ][SP.DEF: ]
11(14Sat15/000315:002015:0058 14AM11) <~YWN[Bot]> [Height: ][Weight: ]
11(14Sat15/000315:002015:0059 14AM11) <~YWN[Bot]> [Description: ]
11(14Sat15/000315:002015:0059 14AM11) <~YWN[Bot]> [More Info: http://pokemondb.net/pokedex/pikachu ]
11(14Sat15/000315:002115:0005 14AM11) <~YWN> !Pokedex pikachu
11(14Sat15/000315:002115:0007 14AM11) <~YWN[Bot]> [PokeDex 1.0]--[ PIKACHU No. ]--[National]
11(14Sat15/000315:002115:0007 14AM11) <~YWN[Bot]> [Type: ][Gender Ratio: /]
11(14Sat15/000315:002115:0008 14AM11) <~YWN[Bot]> [HP: ][ATK: ][DEF: ]
11(14Sat15/000315:002115:0009 14AM11) <~YWN[Bot]> [SPD: ][SP.ATK: ][SP.DEF: ]
11(14Sat15/000315:002115:0009 14AM11) <~YWN[Bot]> [Height: ][Weight: ]
11(14Sat15/000315:002115:0010 14AM11) <~YWN[Bot]> [Description: ]
11(14Sat15/000315:002115:0010 14AM11) <~YWN[Bot]> [More Info: http://pokemondb.net/pokedex/pikachu ]

Doesnt seem to work for me. It hates me T_T

N3M3S1S   -  Jul 30, 2011


And N3M3S1S You C++ Script right?

What software/program do you use to make the programs.


@SReject Thank you for you're advice, I am still working on understanding regex.

SReject   -  Jul 29, 2011

1: Instead of using "Connection: cloose" it should be "Connection: close"

Instead of having all those ifs to get the poke type(s) you could use regex:

var %treg = /class="type (normal|fire|water|electric|grass|ice|fighting|poison|ground|flying|psychic|bug|rock|ghost|dragon|steal)"/i
if ($regex(type,%poke.r,%treg)) {
  %pdex.type = $iif(%pdex.type,$v1 $+ $chr(44)) $upper($left($regml(type,1),1) $+ $mid($regml(type,1),2-)
PyThOn   -  Jul 29, 2011

And N3M3S1S You C++ Script right?

What software/program do you use to make the programs.

PyThOn   -  Jul 29, 2011

Ok. I will try it again

N3M3S1S   -  Jul 29, 2011

$lower() has been considered. I added it to the script above. I've been focusing mainly on the height ERROR...

Jethro   -  Jul 28, 2011

Say hello to our little friend: $lower()

napa182   -  Jul 28, 2011

N3M3S1S wrote:

I've also noticed that if you type all lower case letters it works better...

Then maybe you should have it replace any letters with caps to lower case in the trigger.

N3M3S1S   -  Jul 28, 2011

Just tested

[20:40] <@Neo-Nemesis> !pokedex rayquaza
[20:40] <@Boris_III> [PokeDex 1.0]--[ Searching for RAYQUAZA in National PokeDex... ]
[20:40] <@Boris_III> [PokeDex 1.0]--[ RAYQUAZA No. 384 ]--[National]
[20:40] <@Boris_III> [Type: Flying, Dragon][Gender Ratio: Genderless/Genderless]
[20:40] <@Boris_III> [HP: 105][ATK: 150][DEF: 90]
[20:40] <@Boris_III> [SPD: 95][SP.ATK: 150][SP.DEF: 90]
[20:40] <@Boris_III> [Height: ERROR][Weight: 455.3 lbs (206.5 kg)]
[20:40] <@Boris_III> [Description: RAYQUAZA lived for hundreds of millions of years in the earth's ozone layer, never descending to the ground. This POKéMON appears to feed on water and particles in the atmosphere.]
[20:40] <@Boris_III> [More Info: http://pokemondb.net/pokedex/rayquaza ]

Make sure you do not have any conflicting scripts. I've also noticed that if you type all lower case letters it works better...

The Height ERROR requires work, working on that...

PyThOn   -  Jul 27, 2011

The code doesnt work for me

!pokedex Rayquaza
4[PokeDex 1.0]--[ RAYQUAZA No. 4]--[National] 4[Type: 4][Gender Ratio: /4] 4[HP: 4][ATK: 4][DEF: 4] 4[SPD: 4][SP.ATK: 4][SP.DEF: 4] 4[Height: 4][Weight: 4] 4[Description: 4] 4[More Info: 12http://pokemondb.net/pokedex/rayquaza 4]
N3M3S1S   -  Jul 25, 2011

This script is still beta, and some information does return with ERROR, usually in the height attribute.

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