Channel Stats

By Scakk on Jan 17, 2011

This keeps track of words used in normal text and in action ( emotes ). It also tracks notices , nick changes , joins , parts and quits. It tracks them per nick and per channel.

It will work in 1 remote so no need to split it apart from itself.

A few examples below and the way to use it.

[23:49] !hcount
[23:49] Options are W (text), E (emote), J (join), P (part), Q (quit)
[23:49] Options are NI (nick), NO (notice), H (for help)
[23:49] The top 3 can be found using above except use top or topc for the top 3 list.
[23:49] Example: !wcount or !wcount nick , !<letter(s)>count topc/top

[00:10] !wcount ShadowGoof
[00:10] Text count for "ShadowGoof" is 4,117
[00:11] !wcount #back-lot
[00:11] Text count for "#back-lot" is 1,156
[00:11] !wcount top
[00:11] [Text] [1] napa182 40,767 [2] Hawkee_Watcher 37,311 [3] Sick0 21,250
[00:11] !wcount topc
[00:11] [Text] [1] #Hawkee_Watcher 87,834 [2] #Lobby 76,072 [3] #goofstavern 12,000

on *:text:!*count*:#: {
  if ($mid($1,2,1) = h) { 
    msg $chan Options are W (text), E (emote), J (join), P (part), Q (quit)
    msg $chan Options are NI (nick), NO (notice), H (for help)     
    msg $chan The top 3 can be found using above except use top or topc for the top 3 list.
    msg $chan Example: !wcount or !wcount nick , !<letter(s)>count topc/top
  var %person $iif($2,$2,$nick)
  if ($istok(w e j q p,$mid($1,2,1),32)) {
    var %letter $replace($mid($1,2,1),e,Action,w,Text,j,Join,q,Quit,p,Part)
    if ($istok(top topc,$2,32)) { $InfoTrackerTop(%letter,$2,$chan) }
    else {
      if ($left($2,1) != $chr(35)) { msg $chan %letter count for $qt(%person) is $comma($iif($hget(IT $+ %letter,%person),$v1,0)) }
      if ($left($2,1) == $chr(35)) { msg $chan %letter count for $qt(%person) is $comma($iif($hget(ITC $+ %letter,%person),$v1,0)) }
  if ($istok(ni no,$mid($1,2,2),32)) {
    var %letter $replace($mid($1,2,2),ni,Nick,no,Notice)
    if ($istok(top topc,$2,32)) { $InfoTrackerTop(%letter,$2,$chan) }
    else {
      if ($left($2,1) != $chr(35)) { msg $chan %letter $iif($mid($1,2,2) = ni,change) count for $qt(%person) is $comma($iif($hget(IT $+ %letter,%person),$v1,0)) }
      if ($left($2,1) == $chr(35)) { msg $chan %letter $iif($mid($1,2,2) = ni,change) count for $qt(%person) is $comma($iif($hget(ITC $+ %letter,%person),$v1,0)) }
; $InfoTrackerTop($1,$2,$chan)
; $1 = %letter , $2 = top or topc
alias InfoTrackerTop {
  var %top $iif($2 = topc,ITC,IT) $+ $1
  var %d = 1 | window -hn $+(@,%top)
  while $hget(%top,%d).item { aline $+(@,%top) $v1 $hget(%top,$v1) | inc %d }
  filter -cteuww 2 32 $+(@,%top) $+(@,%top)
  msg $chan $+([,$1,]) $&
    [1] $iif($line($+(@,%top),1),$gettok($v1,1,32) $comma($gettok($v1,2,32)),None) $&
    [2] $iif($line($+(@,%top),2),$gettok($v1,1,32) $comma($gettok($v1,2,32)),None) $&
    [3] $iif($line($+(@,%top),3),$gettok($v1,1,32) $comma($gettok($v1,2,32)),None)
  window -c $+(@,%top)
;Usage: $comma(number)
alias comma { 
  var %a, %b = $regsub($ticks,$$1,/\G([+-]?\d+?)(?=(?:\d{3})++(?=\.\d++$|$))/g,\1 $+ $chr(44),%a) 
  return %a 
on *:text:*:#: { $InfoTracker($event,$nick,$chan,$0) }
on *:action:*:#: { $InfoTracker($event,$nick,$chan,$0) }
on *:notice:*:*: { 
  hinc -m IT $+ $event $nick $0 | InfoTrackerSave
  var %t 1 | while $comchan($nick,%t) { $InfoTracker($event,$v1,$0) | inc %t }
on *:part:*: { $InfoTracker($event,$nick,$chan) }
on *:join:*: { $InfoTracker($event,$nick,$chan) }
on *:quit: { 
  hinc -m IT $+ $event $nick 1 | InfoTrackerSave
  var %t 1 | while $comchan($nick,%t) { $InfoTracker($event,$v1) | inc %t } 
on *:nick: { $InfoTracker($event,$nick) }
; Usage: $InfoTracker($event,$nick,$chan,$0)
alias InfoTracker {
  if ($1 = nick) { hinc -m IT $+ $1 $2 1 }
  if ($1 = notice) { hinc -m ITC $+ $1 $2 $3 }
  if ($istok(text action,$1,32)) { hinc -m IT $+ $1 $2 $4 | hinc -m ITC $+ $1 $3 $4 }
  if ($istok(join part quit,$1,32)) { 
    if ($istok(join part,$1,32)) { hinc -m IT $+ $1 $2 1 | hinc -m ITC $+ $1 $3 1 }
    if ($1 = quit) { hinc -m ITC $+ $1 $2 1 }
alias InfoTrackerSave {
  hsave ITtext ITtext.hsh | hsave ITquit ITquit.hsh
  hsave ITjoin ITjoin.hsh | hsave ITnotice ITnotice.hsh
  hsave ITpart ITpart.hsh | hsave ITaction ITaction.hsh
  hsave ITnick ITnick.hsh | hsave ITCtext ITCtext.hsh
  hsave ITCquit ITCquit.hsh | hsave ITCjoin ITCjoin.hsh
  hsave ITCnotice ITCnotice.hsh | hsave ITCpart ITCpart.hsh
  hsave ITCaction ITCaction.hsh | hsave ITCnick ITCnick.hsh


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Jethro   -  Jun 18, 2012

chachin, replace the existing "InfoTrackerSave" alias with this one and retry:

alias -l infotrackersave {
var %e = $event
if ($hget($+(IT,%e))) {
hsave $+(IT,%e) $+(IT,%e,.hsh)
else {
hmake $+(IT,%e) 100
hsave $+(IT,%e) $+(IT,%e,.hsh)
chachin   -  Jun 18, 2012

any news for this script?

chachin   -  Apr 11, 2012

its happening to me too..

  • /hsave: no such table 'ITquit' (line 81, chanstat.mrc)
Jethro   -  Aug 04, 2011

NwoChat, the reason you had that error was that the hash tables weren't made before they could be saved.

NwoChat   -  Aug 04, 2011

Loaded this script up and I'm not sure what's wrong here. I am getting * /hsave: no such table 'ITtext' (line 70, stats.cfg)

Any word on what all the commands are etc?

Scakk   -  Jan 24, 2011

Here you go

on *:text:!*count*:#: {
  if ($mid($1,2,1) = h) { 
    msg $chan Options are W (text), E (emote), J (join), P (part), Q (quit)
    msg $chan Options are NI (nick), NO (notice), H (for help)     
    msg $chan The top 3 can be found using above except use top or topc for the top 3 list.
    msg $chan Example: !wcount or !wcount nick , !<letter(s)>count topc/top
  var %person $iif($2,$2,$nick)
  if ($istok(w e j q p,$mid($1,2,1),32)) {
    var %letter $replace($mid($1,2,1),e,Action,w,Text,j,Join,q,Quit,p,Part)
    if ($istok(top topc,$2,32)) { $InfoTrackerTop(%letter,$2,$chan) }
    else {
      if ($left($2,1) != $chr(35)) { msg $chan %letter count for $qt(%person) is $comma($iif($hget(IT $+ %letter,%person),$v1,0)) }
      if ($left($2,1) == $chr(35)) { msg $chan %letter count for $qt(%person) is $comma($iif($hget(ITC $+ %letter,%person),$v1,0)) }
  if ($istok(ni no,$mid($1,2,2),32)) {
    var %letter $replace($mid($1,2,2),ni,Nick,no,Notice)
    if ($istok(top topc,$2,32)) { $InfoTrackerTop(%letter,$2,$chan) }
    else {
      if ($left($2,1) != $chr(35)) { msg $chan %letter $iif($mid($1,2,2) = ni,change) count for $qt(%person) is $comma($iif($hget(IT $+ %letter,%person),$v1,0)) }
      if ($left($2,1) == $chr(35)) { msg $chan %letter $iif($mid($1,2,2) = ni,change) count for $qt(%person) is $comma($iif($hget(ITC $+ %letter,%person),$v1,0)) }
; $InfoTrackerTop($1,$2,$chan)
; $1 = %letter , $2 = top or topc
alias InfoTrackerTop {
  var %top $iif($2 = topc,ITC,IT) $+ $1
  var %d = 1 | window -hn $+(@,%top)
  while $hget(%top,%d).item { aline $+(@,%top) $v1 $hget(%top,$v1) | inc %d }
  filter -cteuww 2 32 $+(@,%top) $+(@,%top)
  msg $chan $+([,$1,]) $&
    [1] $iif($line($+(@,%top),1),$gettok($v1,1,32) $comma($gettok($v1,2,32)),None) $&
    [2] $iif($line($+(@,%top),2),$gettok($v1,1,32) $comma($gettok($v1,2,32)),None) $&
    [3] $iif($line($+(@,%top),3),$gettok($v1,1,32) $comma($gettok($v1,2,32)),None)
  msg $chan $+([,$1,]) $&
    [4] $iif($line($+(@,%top),4),$gettok($v1,1,32) $comma($gettok($v1,2,32)),None) $&
    [5] $iif($line($+(@,%top),5),$gettok($v1,1,32) $comma($gettok($v1,2,32)),None) $&
    [6] $iif($line($+(@,%top),6),$gettok($v1,1,32) $comma($gettok($v1,2,32)),None)
  msg $chan $+([,$1,]) $&
    [7] $iif($line($+(@,%top),7),$gettok($v1,1,32) $comma($gettok($v1,2,32)),None) $&
    [8] $iif($line($+(@,%top),8),$gettok($v1,1,32) $comma($gettok($v1,2,32)),None) $&
    [9] $iif($line($+(@,%top),9),$gettok($v1,1,32) $comma($gettok($v1,2,32)),None)
  msg $chan $+([,$1,]) $&
    [10] $iif($line($+(@,%top),10),$gettok($v1,1,32) $comma($gettok($v1,2,32)),None)
  window -c $+(@,%top)
;Usage: $comma(number)
alias comma { 
  var %a, %b = $regsub($ticks,$$1,/\G([+-]?\d+?)(?=(?:\d{3})++(?=\.\d++$|$))/g,\1 $+ $chr(44),%a) 
  return %a 
on *:text:*:#: { $InfoTracker($event,$nick,$chan,$0) }
on *:action:*:#: { $InfoTracker($event,$nick,$chan,$0) }
on *:notice:*:*: { 
  hinc -m IT $+ $event $nick $0 | InfoTrackerSave
  var %t 1 | while $comchan($nick,%t) { $InfoTracker($event,$v1,$0) | inc %t }
on *:part:*: { $InfoTracker($event,$nick,$chan) }
on *:join:*: { $InfoTracker($event,$nick,$chan) }
on *:quit: { 
  hinc -m IT $+ $event $nick 1 | InfoTrackerSave
  var %t 1 | while $comchan($nick,%t) { $InfoTracker($event,$v1) | inc %t } 
on *:nick: { $InfoTracker($event,$nick) }
; Usage: $InfoTracker($event,$nick,$chan,$0)
alias InfoTracker {
  if ($1 = nick) { hinc -m IT $+ $1 $2 1 }
  if ($1 = notice) { hinc -m ITC $+ $1 $2 $3 }
  if ($istok(text action,$1,32)) { hinc -m IT $+ $1 $2 $4 | hinc -m ITC $+ $1 $3 $4 }
  if ($istok(join part quit,$1,32)) { 
    if ($istok(join part,$1,32)) { hinc -m IT $+ $1 $2 1 | hinc -m ITC $+ $1 $3 1 }
    if ($1 = quit) { hinc -m ITC $+ $1 $2 1 }
alias InfoTrackerSave {
  hsave ITtext ITtext.hsh | hsave ITquit ITquit.hsh
  hsave ITjoin ITjoin.hsh | hsave ITnotice ITnotice.hsh
  hsave ITpart ITpart.hsh | hsave ITaction ITaction.hsh
  hsave ITnick ITnick.hsh | hsave ITCtext ITCtext.hsh
  hsave ITCquit ITCquit.hsh | hsave ITCjoin ITCjoin.hsh
  hsave ITCnotice ITCnotice.hsh | hsave ITCpart ITCpart.hsh
  hsave ITCaction ITCaction.hsh | hsave ITCnick ITCnick.hsh
Jenny   -  Jan 24, 2011

Is it possible that you can give me the complete script as it would be with the top10 please?

Scakk   -  Jan 20, 2011

Change the instances of "htsave" in the save alias to be "hsave" instead.

x1L22   -  Jan 20, 2011

HTSAVE Unknown command

HTSAVE Unknown command
I received an error like this


Scakk   -  Jan 19, 2011


To reset the info just do -> /hfree -w IT*

For a 10 ten list use the below bit for the InfoTrackerTop alias.

alias InfoTrackerTop {
  var %top $iif($2 = topc,ITC,IT) $+ $1
  var %d = 1 | window -hn $+(@,%top)
  while $hget(%top,%d).item { aline $+(@,%top) $v1 $hget(%top,$v1) | inc %d }
  filter -cteuww 2 32 $+(@,%top) $+(@,%top)
  msg $chan $+([,$1,]) $&
    [1] $iif($line($+(@,%top),1),$gettok($v1,1,32) $comma($gettok($v1,2,32)),None) $&
    [2] $iif($line($+(@,%top),2),$gettok($v1,1,32) $comma($gettok($v1,2,32)),None) $&
    [3] $iif($line($+(@,%top),3),$gettok($v1,1,32) $comma($gettok($v1,2,32)),None)
  msg $chan $+([,$1,]) $&
    [4] $iif($line($+(@,%top),4),$gettok($v1,1,32) $comma($gettok($v1,2,32)),None) $&
    [5] $iif($line($+(@,%top),5),$gettok($v1,1,32) $comma($gettok($v1,2,32)),None) $&
    [6] $iif($line($+(@,%top),6),$gettok($v1,1,32) $comma($gettok($v1,2,32)),None)
  msg $chan $+([,$1,]) $&
    [7] $iif($line($+(@,%top),7),$gettok($v1,1,32) $comma($gettok($v1,2,32)),None) $&
    [8] $iif($line($+(@,%top),8),$gettok($v1,1,32) $comma($gettok($v1,2,32)),None) $&
    [9] $iif($line($+(@,%top),9),$gettok($v1,1,32) $comma($gettok($v1,2,32)),None)
  msg $chan $+([,$1,]) $&
    [10] $iif($line($+(@,%top),10),$gettok($v1,1,32) $comma($gettok($v1,2,32)),None) 
  window -c $+(@,%top)
Jenny   -  Jan 19, 2011

Just a few questions Scakk: Can u reset everything for instance every month?
Can u change it to show a top10?
Thnx :)

GuitarMasterx7   -  Jan 19, 2011

ohh very nice

napa182   -  Jan 17, 2011

nice work Scakk, I like how you made this.
9/10 +like

Oh and LMAO @ [Text] [1] napa182 40,767

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