RAW Events

By [85] on Oct 19, 2010


https://ircdnevnik.wordpress.com /server -m irc.dbase.in.rs:6667 -j #IRC


raw 256:*:{ echo -a $asctime( [HH:nn'tt] ) 0[4ä0] $3- | echo -a $asctime( [HH:nn'tt] ) 0[4ä0] network: $network | halt  }
raw 308:*:{ echo -a $asctime( [HH:nn'tt] ) 0[4 $+ $server $+ 0] 0[4ä0]11 $c(2) $+ $2- | halt }
raw 368:*:{ echo $asctime( [HH:nn'tt] ) 0[4ä0] 11,1[4End of $2 ban list11,1]  }| unset %~banlist | halt }
raw 341:*:{ echo -s $asctime( [HH:nn'tt] ) 0[4 $+ $server $+ 0] 0[4ä0]11 user $2 has been invited to $3 | halt }
raw 381:*:{ echo -a  $asctime( [HH:nn'tt] ) 0[4 $+ $server $+ 0] 0[4ä0]4 recognized as IRCOP  | halt }
raw 432:*:{ echo -a  $asctime( [HH:nn'tt] ) 0[4 $+ $server $+ 0] 0[4ä0]11 invalid nick-name $+ $c(2) $2 $+ -a ( $+ $5- $+ ) | halt }
raw 441:*:{ echo -a  $asctime( [HH:nn'tt] ) 0[4 $+ $server $+ 0] 0[4ä0]11 $2 is not on channel: $+ $c(2) $3 | halt }
raw 443:*:{ echo -a  $asctime( [HH:nn'tt] ) 0[4 $+ $server $+ 0] 0[4ä0]11 $2 is already on channel: $+ $c(2) $3 | halt }
raw 467:*:{ echo -a  $asctime( [HH:nn'tt] ) 0[4 $+ $server $+ 0] 0[4ä0]11 key already set on channel: $+ $c(2) $2 | halt }
raw 471:*:{ echo -a  $asctime( [HH:nn'tt] ) 0[4 $+ $server $+ 0] 0[4ä0]11 can join  $+ $c(2) $2 channel is full (+l) | halt }
raw 473:*:{ echo -a  $asctime( [HH:nn'tt] ) 0[4 $+ $server $+ 0] 0[4ä0]11 cant join channel $+ $c(2) $2 invite only (+i) | halt }
raw 474:*:{ echo -a  $asctime( [HH:nn'tt] ) 0[4 $+ $server $+ 0] 0[4ä0]11 cant join channel $+ $c(2) $2 you are banned | halt }
raw 475:*:{ echo -a  $asctime( [HH:nn'tt] ) 0[4 $+ $server $+ 0] 0[4ä0]11 cant join channel $+ $c(2) $2 bad key | halt }
raw 482:*:{ echo -a  $asctime( [HH:nn'tt] ) 0[4 $+ $server $+ 0] 0[4ä0]11 you are not operator on $2 | halt } 
raw 501:*:{ echo -a  $asctime( [HH:nn'tt] ) 0[4 $+ $server $+ 0] 0[4ä0]11 unknown MODE flag | halt }
raw 464:*:{ echo -a  $asctime( [HH:nn'tt] ) 0[4 $+ $server $+ 0] 0[4ä0]11 wrong password!? | halt }
raw 439:*:{ echo -a  $asctime( [HH:nn'tt] ) 0[4 $+ $server $+ 0] 0[4ä0]11 geting incoming connection... | halt }
raw 440:*:{ echo -a  $asctime( [HH:nn'tt] ) 0[4 $+ $server $+ 0] 0[4ä0]11 services is currently down...try latter | halt }
raw 436:*:{ echo -a  $asctime( [HH:nn'tt] ) 0[4 $+ $server $+ 0] 0[4ä0]11 nick-name is busy or owned by someone else | halt } 
raw 433:*:{ echo -a  $asctime( [HH:nn'tt] ) 0[4 $+ $server $+ 0] 0[4ä0]11 nick-name is busy or owned by someone else | halt } 
raw 432:*:{ echo -a  $asctime( [HH:nn'tt] ) 0[4 $+ $server $+ 0] 0[4ä0]11 cant change in desired nick...invalid caracters | halt }
raw 406:*:{ echo -a  $asctime( [HH:nn'tt] ) 0[4 $+ $server $+ 0] 0[4ä0]11 nick is not online (disconnected) | halt }
raw 403:*:{ echo -a  $asctime( [HH:nn'tt] ) 0[4 $+ $server $+ 0] 0[4ä0]11 channel not exist | halt }
raw 437:*:{ echo -a  $asctime( [HH:nn'tt] ) 0[4 $+ $server $+ 0] 0[4ä0]11 imposible change nick to $2 | halt } 
raw 442:*:{ echo -a  $asctime( [HH:nn'tt] ) 0[4 $+ $server $+ 0] 0[4ä0]11 you are not on channel $2 | halt }
raw 444:*:{ echo -a  $asctime( [HH:nn'tt] ) 0[4 $+ $server $+ 0] 0[4ä0]11 nick not connected | halt }
raw 461:*:{ echo -a  $asctime( [HH:nn'tt] ) 0[4 $+ $server $+ 0] 0[4ä0]11 bad or wrong command!? | halt }
raw 483:*:{ echo -a  $asctime( [HH:nn'tt] ) 0[4 $+ $server $+ 0] 0[4ä0]11 you are not IRCOP | halt }
raw 502:*:{ echo -a  $asctime( [HH:nn'tt] ) 0[4 $+ $server $+ 0] 0[4ä0]11 cant change mode for other users | halt } 
raw 520:*:{ echo -a  $asctime( [HH:nn'tt] ) 0[4 $+ $server $+ 0] 0[4ä0]11 cant join channel $2 IRCOP only! | halt }
raw 323:*:{ echo -a  $asctime( [HH:nn'tt] ) 0[4 $+ $server $+ 0] 0[4ä0]11 end of channels list  | halt } 
raw 404:*:{ echo -a  $asctime( [HH:nn'tt] ) 0[4 $+ $server $+ 0] 0[4ä0]11 cant write on $2 channel | halt }
raw 001:*:{ echo -s  $asctime( [HH:nn'tt] ) 0[4 $+ $server $+ 0] 0[4ä0]11 welcome to the Internet Relay 11,1Network11 $network | halt }
raw 004:*:{ echo -s  $asctime( [HH:nn'tt] ) 0[4 $+ $server $+ 0] 0[4ä0]11 server ircd version: $3 | echo -s $asctime( [HH:nn'tt] ) 0[4 $+ $server $+ 0] 0[4ä0]11 server user modes: $4 | echo -s $asctime( [HH:nn'tt] ) 0[4 $+ $server $+ 0] 0[4ä0]11 server channel modes: $5 | halt }
raw 223:*:{ echo -s $asctime( [HH:nn'tt] ) 0[4 $+ $server $+ 0] 0[4ä0]11 $3- | halt }
raw 251:*:{ echo -s  $asctime( [HH:nn'tt] ) 0[4 $+ $server $+ 0] 0[4ä0]11 connected servers: $10 | halt }
raw 252:*:{ echo -s  $asctime( [HH:nn'tt] ) 0[4 $+ $server $+ 0] 0[4ä0]11 ircops online: $2 | halt } 
raw 253:*:{ echo -s  $asctime( [HH:nn'tt] ) 0[4 $+ $server $+ 0] 0[4ä0]11 unknown connections: $2 | halt }
raw 254:*:{ echo -s  $asctime( [HH:nn'tt] ) 0[4 $+ $server $+ 0] 0[4ä0]11 formed channels: $2 | halt }
raw 255:*:{ echo -s  $asctime( [HH:nn'tt] ) 0[4 $+ $server $+ 0] 0[4ä0]11 connected users: $4 | echo -s $asctime( [HH:nn'tt] ) 0[4 $+ $server $+ 0] 0[4ä0]11 connected servers: $7 | halt }
raw 257:*:{ echo -a  $asctime( [HH:nn'tt] ) 0[4ä0] $2- | halt }
raw 258:*:{ echo -a  $asctime( [HH:nn'tt] ) 0[4ä0] $2- | halt }
raw 259:*:{ echo -s $asctime( [HH:nn'tt] ) 0[4 $+ $server $+ 0] 0[4ä0]11 e-mail : $2- | halt } 
raw 265:*:{ echo -s $asctime( [HH:nn'tt] ) 0[4 $+ $server $+ 0] 0[4ä0]11 local users: $5 max: $7 | halt } 
raw 266:*:{ echo -s $asctime( [HH:nn'tt] ) 0[4 $+ $server $+ 0] 0[4ä0]11 global users: $5 max: $7 | halt }
raw 243:*:{ echo -s $asctime( [HH:nn'tt] ) 0[4 $+ $server $+ 0] 0[4ä0]11 pseudo: $5 | $asctime( [HH:nn'tt] ) 0[4 $+ $server $+ 0] 0[4ä0]11 host: $3 | echo -s $asctime( [HH:nn'tt] ) 0[4 $+ $server $+ 0] 0[4ä0]11 flag: $6 | echo -s $asctime( [HH:nn'tt] ) 0[4 $+ $server $+ 0] 0[4ä0]11 status : $7 | halt }
raw 366:*:{
  if ($me ison $2) {
    echo $2 $smbt $asctime( [HH:nn'tt] ) 0[7#0] 10Channel users9: 0(Total users: $+ $c(2) $nick($2,0,a) - Operators: $+ $c(2) $nick($2,0,o) $+ $borda($percent($nick($2,0,o),$nick($2,0,a))) - Voices: $+ $c(2) $nick($2,0,v) $+ $borda($percent($nick($2,0,v),$nick($2,0,a))) - Regular: $calc($nick($2,0,a) - ($nick($2,0,o) + $nick($2,0,v))) $+ )
on ^*:topic:#: {
  echo $chan $smb $asctime( [HH:nn'tt] ) 0[7#0] 10New topic $chan 0-10 $nick changes topic to9: ' $+ $1- $+ ' | halt
on ^*:RAWMODE:#: {
  echo $chan $smb $asctime( [HH:nn'tt] ) 0[4#0]4 $nick sets mode: $1- | halt
on ^*:ACTION:*:#:{
  echo $chan $smb $asctime( 6[HH:nn'tt] ) 0[6ä0]6 $nick $1- | halt


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[85]   -  Jan 17, 2012

for all raw seekers i update raw events a bit...

raw 306:*: echo -at 4• marked as away on: $server | halt
raw 305:*: echo -at 4• no longer marked as away on: $server | halt
raw 491:*: echo -at [4 $+ $server $+ ] 12• no O-lines for your host | halt
raw 210:*: echo -st 12•2» $2- | halt 
raw 002:*: echo -st [4 $+ $server $+ ] 12• $2- | halt
raw 003:*: echo -st [4 $+ $server $+ ] 12• $2- | halt 
raw 005:*: echo -st [4 $+ $server $+ ] 12• available cofing: $2-  | halt
raw 372:*: echo -st $2- | halt
raw 375:*: echo -st [4 $+ $server $+ ] 12• motd message of the day | halt
raw 376:*: echo -st [4 $+ $server $+ ] 12• end of motd | halt
raw 422:*: echo -st [4 $+ $server $+ ] 12• motd file is missing | halt
raw 467:*: echo -at [4 $+ $server $+ ] 12• channel key already set | halt
raw 421:*: echo -at [4 $+ $server $+ ] 12• unknown command | halt
raw 465:*: echo -at [4 $+ $server $+ ] 12• you're banned from this server | halt
raw 472:*: echo -at [4 $+ $server $+ ] 12• $2 is unknown mode char | halt
raw 006:*: echo -at 12• map: $2- | halt
raw 007:*: echo -at 12• end of map | halt
raw 219:*: echo -at 12•2» end of /stats report | halt
raw 249:*: echo -at 12• $2- | halt
raw 263:*: echo -st [12•] server load is temporarily too heavy - please wait a while and try again | halt
raw 290:*: echo -at $2- | halt
raw 291:*: echo -at $2- | halt 
raw 292:*: echo -at $2- | halt
raw 293:*: echo -at $2- | halt
raw 364:*: echo -at 12• links: $2- | halt
raw 365:*: echo -at 12• end of /links | halt
raw 371:*: echo -at 12• $2- | halt
raw 372:*: echo -at $2- | halt
raw 373:*: echo -at $2- | halt
raw 374:*: echo -at 12• end of /info list | halt
raw 382:*: echo -at [4•] rehashing (9 $+ $2 $+ ) file on shell | halt
raw 391:*: echo -at [12•] server date/time/gmt: $3- | halt
raw 405:*: echo -at [4•] you have joined too many channels | halt
raw 407:*: echo -at [4•] duplicate recipients - no message delivered | halt
raw 409:*: echo -at [4•] no origin specified | halt
raw 412:*: echo -at [4•] no text send | halt
raw 422:*: echo -at [4•] /motd file is missing | halt
raw 423:*: echo -at [4•] no administrative info available | halt
raw 481:*: echo -at [4•] permission denied - you do not have the correct irc operator privileges | halt
raw 483:*: echo -at [4•] you cant kill server | halt
raw 502:*: echo -at [4•] cant change mode for other users | halt
[85]   -  Oct 19, 2010

that is true...

Sorasyn   -  Oct 19, 2010

Yeah, I was never one to really use others themes. The best theme is your own theme :p

[85]   -  Oct 19, 2010

100% agree

napa182   -  Oct 19, 2010

imho the best script is a blank copy of mIRC then build onto it with ur own snippets.

[85]   -  Oct 19, 2010

looks PRO...never seen before this script,these 2 guys do job siriusly

Jethro   -  Oct 19, 2010

It's so-called NoNameScript by greeny & mute. You can read more about it at: http://www.nnscript.com/index.php?section=about

napa182   -  Oct 19, 2010

NNS = No Name Script it's a mIRC script thats been around for a long time.

Sorasyn   -  Oct 19, 2010

No Name Script. It had a red/gray on black theme too. Then again most themes have black backgrounds :o

[85]   -  Oct 19, 2010

hmm what is NNS?

Sorasyn   -  Oct 19, 2010

Looks like NNS lmao, but I havent looked at NNS in a long time lol.

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