Pass Keeper

By blackvenomm666 on Oct 18, 2010

ok so i realised my last script the mirc locking script could also be good for another so i edited it into a diff script as well. This is my pass keeper for those of use who have a hard time remembering passwords. first upon open you will see at the top two text boxes the top one is to set your pass to allow/deny access the second is to put that pass in to turn access on/off. you can go and set a reset pass and question in case you forget your main pass here as well. if you really need this script i suggest doing so haha. ok then if you go to manage pw's it will bring up diff options top text and bottom text are for a diff reason. the top one asks you to put in what the pass is for i.e msn yahoo aim etcetc once you put that in you put your pass in the second box then hit encode this will write your password to an ini file and code them so even if the file is open they cannot be written. if you need to retrieve your passwords you just open it go into manage pw's after unlocking the script of course then in the top edit box you put in what the pass your trying to get is for ie msn yahoo aim then hit decode and it will show you your password. and set the password right away on it to give/deny access to the script as soon as you close it it turns off access so if you dont have a pass set you wont be able to use it less you go into scripts and vars and unset the %Keeperaccess var
This script was made and tested on v6.31 so using it on that version and newer versions it will work anything older than that i do not know if it will work if not im not worried about it. sorry to be blunt on that point but its not my fault that the older versions do not accept some of the coding.

Menu Menubar,Nicklist,Channel {
  Venom Passkeeper System
  .VenomPassKeeperSys: dialog $iif($dialog(PassKeeper.System),-v,-md PassKeeper.System) PassKeeper.System 

Dialog PassKeeper.System {
  Title "Pass Keeper"
  Size -1 -1 80 100
  Option dbu
  edit "set pass/pass hint", 1, 02 02 60 10, autohs
  edit "enter pass", 4, 02 13 60 10, autohs
  Button "set pass " 2, 02 25 37 15, flat 
  Button "allow access " 3, 02 58 76 18, flat 
  Button "deny access " 5, 02 58 76 18, hide 
  Button "setpassreset " 6, 02 41 37 15, flat 
  Button "resetpass " 7, 41 41 37 15, flat 
  Button "show hint " 8, 02 77 37 18, flat 
  Button "hide hint " 11, 02 77 37 18, flat hide
  Button "setpasshint " 12, 41 77 37 18, flat 
  Button "manage pw's " 14, 41 25 37 15, flat
  edit "", 9, 02 02 60 10, read hide
  edit "hint", 13, 63 02 15 10, read hide
  edit "whats the pass for", 15, 02 02 60 10, hide
  edit "pass to encode", 16, 02 13 60 10, hide
  Button "encode pass " 17, 02 43 76 18, hide
  Button "decode pass " 18, 02 62 76 18, hide
  Button "back to main " 20, 02 25 76 18, hide
  edit "", 21, 02 02 80 10, autohs hide

on *:dialog:PassKeeper.System:sclick:2:{
  if (!$did(1).text) { noop $input(Please enter text in box,udho,Error!) }
  elseif (%keeperaccess == off ) halt  
  else { .set %keeperpass $did(1).text
    .timer 1 1 .did -r PassKeeper.System 1
on *:dialog:PassKeeper.System:sclick:3:{ 
  if (!$did(4).text) { noop $input(Please enter text in box,udho,Error!) }
  elseif ( $did(4).text == %keeperpass) {
    .set %Keeperaccess on
    .did -r PassKeeper.System 4
    .did -h PassKeeper.System 3
    .did -v PassKeeper.System 5
  else { noop $input(please enter correct password,udho,Error!) }
on *:dialog:PassKeeper.System:sclick:5:{ 
  .set %Keeperaccess off
  .did -h PassKeeper.System 5
  .did -v PassKeeper.System 3
on *:dialog:PassKeeper.System:sclick:6:{
  if (%keeperaccess == on ) {
  else { noop $input(please enter correct password,udho,Error!) }

on *:dialog:PassKeeper.System:sclick:7:{
  .set %keeperaccess on
  .dialog -x PassKeeper.System
on *:dialog:PassKeeper.System:sclick:8:{
  .did -h PassKeeper.System 1
  .did -v PassKeeper.System 9
  .did -v PassKeeper.System 13
  did -a PassKeeper.System 9 %pashint
  .did -h PassKeeper.System 8
  .did -v PassKeeper.System 11
on *:dialog:PassKeeper.System:sclick:11:{
  .did -r PassKeeper.System 9
  .did -h PassKeeper.System 13
  .did -h PassKeeper.System 9
  .did -v PassKeeper.System 1
  .did -h PassKeeper.System 11
  .did -v PassKeeper.System 8
on *:dialog:PassKeeper.System:sclick:12:{
  if (!$did(1).text) { noop $input(Please enter text in box,udho,Error!) }
  elseif (%keeperaccess == off ) noop $input(you cannot set a pass hint while pass keeper is locked,udho,Error!) halt  
  else { .set %pashint $did(1).text
on *:dialog:PassKeeper.System:sclick:14:{ 
  if (%keeperaccess == off ) { noop $input(you must first unlock the sytem by entering your pass,udho,Error!) halt }
  else {  .did -h PassKeeper.System 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,11,12,13,14
    .did -v PassKeeper.System 15,16,17,18,20
on *:dialog:PassKeeper.System:sclick:17:{
  if (!$did(15).text) { noop $input(Please Specify what your pass is for in the top box,udho,Error!) }
  elseif (!$did(16).text) { noop $input(Please enter your pass you want to keep in bottom text box,udho,Error!) }
  else { writeini PASSKEEPER.ini PASSWORDS $did(15).text $encode($did(16).text)
    .did -r PassKeeper.System 16
on *:dialog:PassKeeper.System:sclick:18:{
  if (!$did(15).text) { noop $input(Please Specify what pass your looking for i.e msn.,udho,Error!) }
  else { .did -h PassKeeper.System 15
    .did -v PassKeeper.System 21
    .did -a PassKeeper.System 21 $decode($readini(PASSKEEPER.ini,passwords,$did(15).text))
    .timer 1 6 .did -r PassKeeper.System 21
    .timer 1 6 .did -h PassKeeper.System 21
    .timer 1 6 .did -v PassKeeper.System 15
on *:dialog:PassKeeper.System:sclick:20:{ 
  .did -h PassKeeper.System 15,16,17,18,20
  .did -v PassKeeper.System 1,2,4,5,6,7,8,12,14
on *:dialog:PassKeeper.System:close:*:{ 
  if (%keeperaccess == on ) {
    .set %keeperaccess off


Dialog PasssReset {
  Title "Passs Reset"
  Size -1 -1 80 62
  Option dbu
  edit , 1, 02 02 77 10, read
  edit "input answer", 4, 02 13 77 10, autohs
  Button "reset pass " 2, 02 25 37 15, flat 
  Button "Cancel " 3, 40 25 37 15, flat 
alias passsreset {
on *:dialog:passsreset:init:*:{ 
  did -a passsreset 1 %passshint
  set %ressetpass on
on *:dialog:passsreset:sclick:2:{ 
  if (!$did(4).text) { noop $input(Please enter text in box,udho,Error!) }
  elseif ( $did(4).text == %hintansswer) {
    .set %Ressetpass off
    .unset %keeperpass
    .dialog -x passsreset
    noop $input(You must now open the pass keeper script and set your new pass,udho,Error!)
  else { noop $input(please enter correct password,udho,Error!) }
on *:dialog:passsreset:sclick:3:{ 
  .set %ressetpass off
  .dialog -x passsreset
  .timer 1 1 .dialog -v,-md PassKeeper.System PassKeeper.System

on *:dialog:PasssReset:close:*:{ 
  if (%Ressetpass == on ) {
    .timer 1 1 passreset
    .timer 1 1 noop $input(You have yet to reset your pass,udho,Error!)
Dialog resetquestion {
  Title "resetquestion "
  Size -1 -1 80 60
  Option dbu
  edit "input question", 1, 02 02 77 10, autohs
  edit "input answer", 4, 02 13 77 10, autohs
  Button "set question " 2, 02 25 37 15, flat 
  Button "set answer " 3, 40 25 37 15, flat 
  Button "presetquestions " 5, 02 42 77 15, flat
  Button "fave food " 6, 02 60 37 15, flat
  Button "fave actor " 7, 40 60 37 15, flat
  Button "fave animal " 8, 02 76 37 15, flat
  Button "fave movie " 9, 40 76 37 15, flat
  Button "fave game " 10, 02 92 37 15, flat
  Button "fave book " 11, 40 92 37 15, flat
  Button "moms bday " 12, 02 108 37 15, flat
  Button "gf's bday " 13, 40 108 37 15, flat
alias resetquestion  {
on *:dialog:resetquestion:sclick:2:{ 
  if (!$did(1).text) { noop $input(Please enter text in box,udho,Error!) }
  elseif (%keeperaccess == off ) noop $input(You cannot set your answer or question while passkeeper locked ,udho,Error!) halt 
  else { .set %passshint $did(1).text
on *:dialog:resetquestion:sclick:3:{ 
  if (!$did(4).text) { noop $input(Please enter text in box,udho,Error!) }
  elseif (%keeperaccess == off ) noop $input(You cannot set your answer or question while passkeeper locked ,udho,Error!) halt 
  else { .set %hintansswer $did(4).text
on *:dialog:resetquestion:sclick:5:{ 
  .dialog -s resetquestion -1 -1 161 300
on *:dialog:resetquestion:sclick:6:{ 
  if (%keeperaccess == off ) noop $input(You cannot set your answer or question while passkeeper locked ,udho,Error!) halt 
  else { .set %passshint whats my favorite food
on *:dialog:resetquestion:sclick:7:{ 
  if (%keeperaccess == off ) noop $input(You cannot set your answer or question while passkeeper locked ,udho,Error!) halt 
  else { .set %passshint whats my favorite actor
on *:dialog:resetquestion:sclick:8:{ 
  if (%keeperaccess == off ) noop $input(You cannot set your answer or question while passkeeper locked ,udho,Error!) halt 
  else { .set %passshint whats my favorite animal
on *:dialog:resetquestion:sclick:9:{ 
  if (%keeperaccess == off ) noop $input(You cannot set your answer or question while passkeeper locked ,udho,Error!) halt 
  else { .set %passshint whats my favorite movie
on *:dialog:resetquestion:sclick:10:{ 
  if (%keeperaccess == off ) noop $input(You cannot set your answer or question while passkeeper locked ,udho,Error!) halt 
  else { .set %passshint whats my favorite game
on *:dialog:resetquestion:sclick:11:{ 
  (%keeperaccess == off ) noop $input(You cannot set your answer or question while passkeeper locked ,udho,Error!) halt 
  else { .set %passshint whats my favorite book
on *:dialog:resetquestion:sclick:12:{ 
  if (%keeperaccess == off ) noop $input(You cannot set your answer or question while passkeeper locked ,udho,Error!) halt 
  else { .set %passshint whats my moms bday
on *:dialog:resetquestion:sclick:13:{ 
  if (%keeperaccess == off ) noop $input(You cannot set your answer or question while passkeeper locked ,udho,Error!) halt 
  else { .set %passshint whats my gf's bday


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blackvenomm666   -  Oct 19, 2010

and jaytea im sure he purposely went and found a version of irc that this wouldnt work on because i commented on one of his scripts that i tested and it failed miserably to work at all as advertised it would

napa182   -  Oct 19, 2010

Teen Said:

Your snippet will be deleted if you break any of the following rules:

  • Snippet needs to be tested and functional.

i guess that when, needs to be functional, its like... needs to be functional in all mIRC version, for everyone...

Teen first off no where in the rules does it say snippets must work on all versions of mIRC. That would be absurd.

Teen Said:

there other ppl that prefer dont update it.

Well if they don't want to update their mIRC then thats their problem, and not the problem of the one making the snippet.

So ur argument is not to make anything using more efficient methods
cuz it wont work for people using old versions of mIRC.

just moronic...

jaytea   -  Oct 18, 2010

i'd just like to re-iterate napa182's points because, quite frankly, i am bewildered that anyone could harbor such an absurd belief as Teen's. he even went out of his way to test it on an older version as if he thought he was making some significant point!

Teen, are you seriously advocating that scripters ignore or otherwise go out of their way to create old-version compliant workarounds regarding the hundreds of changes made during the last 4 and a half years? are we really supposed to be weary of the old line length limit (nearly 5 times shorter than the current one); not take advantage of mIRC's now full Unicode support; ignore the indispensable new additions to the PCRE library; etc.

scripters who post snippets to this site aren't being paid to do so, why should they be held to a set of standards that is at best unrealistic and at worst entirely asinine?

napa182   -  Oct 18, 2010

Teen Said:

napa182 there is many ppl that just dont want to upgrade their versions for some reason...

well if they are running mIRC 6.17 an don't want to upgrade then thats their problem. I don't see how it is blackvenom's problem.
but if blackvenom wants to change it so it does work on older versions thats on him.

Teen Said:

ppl are not forced to change their version, just for one snippet

just as coders are not forced to make their snippets for users that use such an old version of mIRC.

or be an ass an add in..

on *:load:{ 
  if ($version < 6.31) {
    echo 04 -a UPDATE UR mIRC FFS!!
    echo 04 -a Untill then This snippet has been unloaded.
    .unload -rs $nopath($script)
napa182   -  Oct 18, 2010

all he has to do is put in the intro for versions balh an up.
Teen Said:

cause if you post something here, be sure that this snippet works in all versions, not in just a specific version
well that would be true if mirc only had a few different versions, but unfortunately mIRC has a lot of different versions.

I mean it's to the point that if you are using v6.31 it's time to upgrade, cuz v6.31 is now considered obsolete Thanks to the new features v7.1 offers.

you dont have to post something that has to work on all versions of mirc. that would be moronic

if ur running a version of mirc that cant support new functions or functions that have been out for years then it's time to upgrade to a newer version.

napa182   -  Oct 18, 2010

why would you test anything on such an old version of mirc?
just makes no sense..
anyways aline ur dialogs abit better =P

blackvenomm666   -  Oct 18, 2010

ok if your not running that version then why do you give a flying rats rearend if it works on v6.17 or not

blackvenomm666   -  Oct 18, 2010

try upgrading your mirc

blackvenomm666   -  Oct 18, 2010

and what line is it saying is invalid?

blackvenomm666   -  Oct 18, 2010

did you remember to set what you wanted your pass coded for in the upper box? example tope box should say msn/yahoo/aim then the bottom put your pass then hit encode. then when you wanna decode put msn/yahoo/aim in the top box to pull the correct password out then hit decode.

blackvenomm666   -  Oct 18, 2010

i do not have that version to test it on their and figure out why it doesnt work on your mirc

blackvenomm666   -  Oct 18, 2010

im running v6.31 and it works great on it no invalid param or anything maybe you messed up copying and pasting it? try copying my code without editing it and seeing if it works

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