a ♥♥Heart Acronym Snippet♥♥

By Breanna on Oct 10, 2010

Acronym snippet
-Tested works-
The colors are ♥♥red orange and yellow♥♥ and black background color

on *:Input:*:{
  If ($1 == ty)  { msg $active 4,1♥♥thank 7you♥♥ $2- | halt }
  If ($1 == wb)  { msg $active 4,1♥♥Welcome 7back♥♥ $- | halt }
  If ($1 == brb) { msg $active 4,1♥♥Be 7right 8back♥♥ $2- | halt }
  If ($1 == bbs) { msg $active 4,1♥♥be 7back 8soon♥♥ $2- | halt }
  If ($1 == gtg) { msg $active 4,1♥♥got 7to 8go♥♥ $2- | halt }
  If ($1 == pos) { msg $active 4,1♥♥parents 7over 8shoulder♥♥ $2- | halt }
  If ($1 == ib)  { msg $active 4,1♥♥im 7bored♥♥ $2- | halt }
  If ($1 == hay) { msg $active 4,1♥♥how 7are 8you♥♥ $2- | halt } 
  If ($1 == omg) { msg $active 4,1♥♥oh 7my 8god♥♥ $2- | halt }
  If ($1 == sfl) { msg $active 4,1♥♥scarred 7for 8life♥♥ $2- | halt }
  If ($1 == smd) { msg $active 4,1♥♥suck 7my 8dick♥♥ $2- | halt }
  If ($1 == omfg) { msg $active 4,1♥♥oh 7my 8fucking 4god♥♥ $2- | halt }
  If ($1 == imb) { msg $Active 4,1♥♥im 7bored♥♥ $2- | halt }
  If ($1 == lol) { msg $active 4,1♥♥laughing 7out 8loud♥♥ $2- | halt }
  If ($1 == fml) { msg $active 4,1♥♥Fuck 7my 8life♥♥ $2- | halt }
  If ($1 == tmi) { msg $active 4,1♥♥to 7much 8info♥♥ $2- | halt }
  If ($1 == pin) { msg $active 4,1♥♥parents 7in 8here♥♥ $2- | halt }
  If ($1 == atm) { msg $active 4,1♥♥at 7the 8minute♥♥ $2- | halt }
  If ($1 == stfu) { msg $active 4,1♥♥Shut 7the 8 fuck 4up♥♥ $2- | halt }
  If ($1 == smh) { msg $active 4,1♥♥Shaking 7my 8head♥♥ $2- | halt }
  If ($1 == lmao) { msg $active 4,1 ♥♥laughing 7 my 8 ass 7 off♥♥ $2- | halt } 
  If ($1 == wtf) { msg $active 4,1 ♥♥what 7 the 8 fuck♥♥ $2- | halt }
  if ($1 == gtfo) { msg $active 4,1♥♥Get 7 the 8 fuck 4out♥♥ $2- | halt }
  If ($1 == ily) { msg $active 4,1♥♥I 7love 8 You♥♥ $2- | halt }
  if ($1 == idk) { msg $active 4,1♥♥I 7dont 8know♥♥ $2- | halt }


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gooshie   -  Oct 26, 2010
on *:Input:*:{
  if /* !iswm $1 && !$ctrlenter && !$inpaste {
    msg $active $iif($acro($1),$+(4,$chr(44),1♥♥,$v1,♥♥) $2-,$1-)
alias acro {
  goto $1
  :ty | return thank 7you
  :wb | return Welcome 7back
  :brb | return Be 7right 8back
  :bbs | return be 7back 8soon
  :gtg | return got 7to 8go
  :pos | return parents 7over 8shoulder
  :ib | return im 7bored
  :hay | return how 7are 8you 
  :omg | return oh 7my 8god
  :sfl | return scarred 7for 8life
  :smd | return suck 7my 8dick
  :omfg | return oh 7my 8fucking 4god
  :imb | return im 7bored
  :lol | return laughing 7out 8loud
  :fml | return Fuck 7my 8life
  :tmi | return to 7much 8info
  :pin | return parents 7in 8here
  :atm | return at 7the 8minute
  :stfu | return Shut 7the 8 fuck 4up
  :smh | return Shaking 7my 8head
  :lmao | return laughing 7my 8ass 7off 
  :wtf | return what 7the 8fuck
  :gtfo | return Get 7the 8fuck 4out
  :ily | return I 7love 8 You
  :idk | return I 7dont 8know
  :error | reseterror
DragonFlare   -  Oct 25, 2010

I think


Looks better in these types of code personally.

Breanna   -  Oct 16, 2010

"Third time is the charm" would imply the idea that she actually submitted a snippet that functions, doesn't have obvious mistakes, and is of use. Which is just absurd. D:

lol yes i do need to proofread i was working on a script for a friend today and couldnt get it to work then i noticed insead of putting $$1 on something i did $$! it took me like an hour to figure that out :|

GuitarMasterx7   -  Oct 11, 2010

Keep learning, and may your typos not be fatal.

mines were Fatal D: lolz

Lucius   -  Oct 10, 2010

napa as usual is right on the money.
Without a closing bracket, it will keep going down lines looking for more script... if it finds another script there, it will begin that too.

Breanna please take in account the tips and help from more experienced msl coders as they are here to help you.
That goes for the suggestions or edits regarding the code 9/10, and the personal opinion -1/10, a lot of coders are grumpy and expect perfection, so take heed of the code hints and ignore the personal hints. ;]

Also... I prefer an $1 acronym script myself compared to a replace one, yes it's much simpler to code, but I use it because I prefer my mid sentence lols to be short ones.
-I have a tendency to type close to double per line (as proven by chatstats type scripts) so the acronyms can be too much-

Keep learning, and may your typos not be fatal.

napa182   -  Oct 10, 2010

Breanna Wrote:

I got a question whats so important about the end bracket thats like the number one thing out of most peoples snippets i look at that is missing

lol well if you use an opening bracket please use a closing one as well, cuz if you have a few snippets in one remote they will bleed together an error out. Also it's good coding habits.

Breanna please take in account the tips and help from more experienced msl coders as they are here to help you.

Breanna   -  Oct 10, 2010

I got a question whats so important about the end bracket thats like the number one thing out of most peoples snippets i look at that is missing

napa182   -  Oct 10, 2010

lol you have to love kids when they take the bite out of acros like " pos " an turn it into " parents over shoulder "

idk but
pos will always be piece of sh**it

Known   -  Oct 10, 2010

Yeah I'd have to agree with you on that point SunnyD.

Maybe actually test the script out before releasing it would show that you have some errors and using mIRC's "bracket check" feature would show you your missing the last bracket.

Sorasyn   -  Oct 10, 2010

Might be a good idea to get a little practice under your belt before you post it on a development site lol

irchainscriptz   -  Oct 10, 2010

Yeah I know sunny but some get all discoraged after posting and getting slammed dunk, you gotta remember we all started off that way! It wasnt meant to point fingers was just to say I remember the times i scripted in MSN and posted in places and got a huge ( Yo N00b if ya cant script dont post ) lol

Sorasyn   -  Oct 10, 2010

Yeah I caught your drift :P

EDIT: When she makes mistakes repeatedly and frankly blatantly, is just ignorant in my opinion lol. Anyone adept or beginner can see mistakes like that.

Jethro   -  Oct 10, 2010

SunnyD, if you got my drift, you should have known I meant it as a sarcasm. :P Of course, the intention of my sarcasm wasn't not meant to be rude in any way...

jefsthampied   -  Oct 10, 2010

hahaha~ ic~

irchainscriptz   -  Oct 10, 2010
on *:Input:*:{
  If ($1 == ty)  { msg $active 4,1thank 7you $2- | halt }
  If ($1 == wb)  { msg $active 4,1Welcome 7back $2- | halt }
  If ($1 == brb) { msg $active 4,1Be 7right 8back $2- | halt }
  If ($1 == bbs) { msg $active 4,1be 7back usoon $2- | halt }
  If ($1 == gtg) { msg $active 4,1got 7to 8go $2- | halt }
  If ($1 == pos) { msg $active 4,1parents 7over 8shoulder $2- | halt }
  If ($1 == ib)  { msg $active 4,1im 7bored $2- | halt }
  If ($1 == hay) { msg $active 4,1how 7are 8you $2- | halt } 
  If ($1 == omg) { msg $active 4,1oh 7my 8god $2- | halt }
  If ($1 == sfl) { msg $active 4,1scarred 7for 8life $2- | halt }
  If ($1 == smd) { msg $active 4,1suck 7my 8dick $2- | halt }
  If ($1 == omfg) { msg $active 4,1oh 7my 8fucking 4god $2- | halt }
  If ($1 == imb) { msg $Active 4,1im 7bored $2- | halt }
  If ($1 == lol) { msg $active 4,1laughing 7out 8loud $2- | halt }
  If ($1 == fml) { msg $active 4,1Fuck 7my 8life $2- | halt }
  If ($1 == tmi) { msg $active 4,1to 7much 8info $2- | halt }
  If ($1 == pin) { msg $active 4,parents 7in 8here $2- | halt }
  If ($1 == atm) { msg $active 4,1at 7the 8minute $2- | halt }
  If ($1 == hb) { msg $active 4,1hurry 7Back $2- | halt }

lol there fixed lmao, Hey and for some just learning give them a bit of slack man!!!

jefsthampied   -  Oct 10, 2010


Sorasyn   -  Oct 10, 2010

"Third time is the charm" would imply the idea that she actually submitted a snippet that functions, doesn't have obvious mistakes, and is of use. Which is just absurd. D:

Jethro   -  Oct 10, 2010

Of all the three snippets she's submitted, she already meets the saying, "third time is the charm!" lol (That is, without the closing bracket...which will result an error)

Sorasyn   -  Oct 10, 2010

You missed a bracket on "hb", well you didn't miss it but it's a parentheses ")" not a bracket "}" and your missing a bracket to close the event.

Proofreading before submitting would be nice...

Jethro   -  Oct 10, 2010

It can be perfected a bit by using the $replace identifier as such, without putting a halt and $2 in each routine:> on :input::{
var %1 = 4,1thank 7you
var %2 = 4,1Welcome 7back
var %3 = 4,1Be 7right 8back
var %4 = 4,1be 7back usoon
var %5 = 4,1got 7to 8go
var %6 = 4,1parents 7over 8shoulder
var %7 = 4,1im 7bored
var %8 = 4,1how 7are 8you
;so and so forth
if (/* !iswm $1) && (!$ctrlenter) && (!$inpaste) {
$iif($active == Status Window,echo -at,msg $active) $replace($1,ty,%1,wb,%2,brb,%3,bbs,%4,gtg,%5,pos,%6,ib,%7) $2-

Memoli   -  Oct 10, 2010

You forgot the last barraket "}"

Breanna   -  Oct 10, 2010

Ok i updated and added hurry

_Teen_   -  Oct 10, 2010

u forgot Hb hurry back

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