Away Manager

By rahulz on May 10, 2010

This is a good away manager i made by taking little peices of codes from other codes to make it!

menu * {
  Away Manager:aw
alias aw { dialog $iif($dialog(xaway),-v,-m)) xaway xaway | if ($1 && !$away) { did -ra xaway 301 $1- } | halt }
dialog xaway {
  size -1 -1 443 75
  option pixels
  title Away $+([,$iif($away,Away for $duration($awaytime),Online),])

  ;icon 1, 0 35 443 40, bottom.png, noborder actual
  ; -- ##############
  ; -- ##############

  button "Online", 101, 10 43 100 25
  button "Away", 102, 115 43 100 25
  button "Close", 103, 333 43 100 25
  button "Set new message styles", 104, 10 43 205 25
  button ">>", 105, 300 43 30 25

  text "Away message", 201, 10 12 80 20
  text "Away msg style", 202, 10 83 80 20
  text "Message method", 203, 10 105 80 30
  text "Return msg style", 204, 10 178 85 20

  edit $awaymsg, 301, 93 10 340 20, autohs
  edit %away.msgstyle, 302, 93 81 340 20, autohs
  radio "/say", 303, 93 103 50 20, group
  radio "/me", 304, 93 123 50 20
  edit %away.rmsgstyle, 305, 93 175 340 20, autohs
  radio "Active channel each server", 306, 150 103 150 20, group
  radio "All channels each server", 307, 150 123 150 20

  check "Notice users who say my name", 308, 10 150 170 20
  check "| one time response", 309, 179 150 110 20, left

  text Bold: [b] $+ $crlf $+ Underline: [u] $+ $crlf $+ Color: [k] $+ $crlf $+ Awaymsg: [m] $+ $crlf $+ (return) Awaytime: [t], 1001, 298 103 130 70, right
on *:dialog:xaway:init:*: { away.u | .timeraway 0 1 away.u | did -c $dname $iif(%away.msgsetting == me,304,303) | did -h $dname 104 | did -f $dname 301 | did -c $dname $iif(%away.serversetting == 1,306,307)
  if (%away.notice) { did -c $dname 308 }
  else { did -b $dname 309 }
  if (%away.notice.once) { did -c $dname 309 }
on *:dialog:xaway:close:*: { .timeraway* off }
on *:dialog:xaway:edit:*: {
  if ($did == 302 || $did == 305) { 
    if ($did(302) != %away.msgstyle || $did(305) != %away.rmsgstyle) { did -v $dname 104 | did -h $dname 101,102 }
    else { did -h $dname 104 | did -v $dname 101,102 }
on *:dialog:xaway:sclick:*: {
  if ($did == 101) {
    did -b $dname 101,102
    var %x = 1
    while (%x <= $scon(0)) {
      scid $scon(%x)
      $+(away,%away.msgsetting) $replace(%away.rmsgstyle,[b],,[u],,[k],,[m],$iif($awaymsg,$v1,n/a),[t],$duration($awaytime))
      inc %x
    .remove away.temp
  elseif ($did == 102) { 
    did -b $dname 101,102
    var %x = 1
    while (%x <= $scon(0)) {
      scid $scon(%x)
      $+(away,%away.msgsetting) $replace(%away.msgstyle,[b],,[u],,[k],,[m],$iif($did(301),$v1,n/a))
      away $iif($did(301),$v1,n/a)
      inc %x
  if ($did == 103) { dialog -x $dname | .timeraway* off | halt }
  elseif ($did == 104) { set %away.msgstyle $did(302) | set %away.rmsgstyle $did(305) | did -h $dname 104 | did -v $dname 101,102 }
  elseif ($did == 105) { 
    if ($did(105) == >>) { dialog -s $dname -1 -1 443 200  | did -ra $dname 105 << }
    else { dialog -s $dname -1 -1 443 75 | did -ra $dname 105 >> }
  elseif ($did == 303) { set %away.msgsetting say }
  elseif ($did == 304) { set %away.msgsetting me }
  elseif ($did == 306) { set %away.serversetting 1 }
  elseif ($did == 307) { set %away.serversetting 2 }
  elseif ($did == 308) { 
    if (!$did(308).state) { did -b $dname 309 | set %away.notice 0 }
    else { did -e $dname 309 | set %away.notice 1 }
  elseif ($did == 309) {
    if ($did(309).state) { set %away.notice.once 1 }
    else { set %away.notice.once 0 }
alias away.u {
  did $iif(!$away,-b,-e) xaway 101
  did $iif($away,-b,-e) xaway 102,301
  dialog -t xaway Away $+([,$iif($away,Away for $duration($awaytime),Online),])
alias awayme { $iif(%away.serversetting == 2,ame,describe $active) $1- }
alias awaysay { $iif(%away.serversetting == 2,amsg,msg $active) $1- }
on *:text:*:#: {
  if ($me isin $1- && %away.notice && $away) {
    if (%away.notice.once) {
      if (!$read(away.temp,s,$nick)) { notice $nick I am currently away. Reason: $qt($awaymsg) $+ . I have been away for $duration($awaytime) (one time response) | write away.temp $nick $+([,$time,]) $1- }
    else { notice $nick I am currently away. Reason: $qt($awaymsg) $+ . I have been away for $duration($awaytime) | write away.temp $nick $+([,$time,]) $1- }
on *:connect: { 
  scid $scon(1)
  var %a = $awaymsg
  if ($away) { scid -r | away $iif(%a,$v1,n/a) }


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Jamiie   -  May 16, 2010

True that.

Jethro   -  May 13, 2010

Jamiie, don't be too surprised. He's not the only one who has done such a thing. :p

But at least he's decent enough to say that, and I quote, "i made by taking little peices of codes from other codes to make it!"

Some people will just claim other people's works as their own.

Last but not least, there's nothing one can do since mIRC codes are wildly open sourced.

Jamiie   -  May 13, 2010

And did you get permission from the owners of the other snippets that you jacked their coding from?

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