mj counter

By kambing_ensem on Apr 23, 2010

massjoin counter

On *:TEXT:*:%mjchan: { adduser $nick }
On *:OP:%mjchan: { adduser $opnick }
On *:INPUT:*: { if ($1 == !adduser) { adduser $2 } }

On *:INPUT:*: {
  if ($1 == !adduser) { adduser $2 } 
  if ($1 == !clearresult) { clearresult }

On *:DEOP:%mjchan: { set %record1 %record2 | if ($nick == $me || $nick == ChanServ) { //cs op %mjchan $me } | adduser $me }
On 1:connect: {
  set %nickgoat TukangKira
  timerstartnick 1 3 startnickz 
  if (!%mjchan) { set %mjchan #spiderslair }
  if (!%minusflood) { set %minusflood 50 }

alias startnickz { //nick %nickgoat | //JOIN %mjchan | sayop | echo -a WELCOME...................... }
alias clearmj { timerkickakulagiz 1 21 unset %kickak* | echo -a CLEAR MJ............................................... }
alias cakapop { if ($me ison %mjchan) { msg %mjchan !op %kickakulagi } | timeropz off }
alias joinmj { /join %mjchan | .timeropz 1 15 cakapop | mode %mjchan -ooo %deopnick }
alias sayop { if ($me ison %mjchan) { rst | msg %mjchan !adduser $me - %rstx3 } }

alias adduser {
  if ($len($address($1-,4)) == 0) { halt }
  if (* $+ $address($1-,4) $+ $chr(44) $+ * !iswm %logkick) { 
    set %logkick %logkick $+ $address($1-,4) $+ $chr(44)
    if ($left(%logkick,1) != $chr(44)) { set %logkick $chr(44) $+ %logkick } 
    else { set %logkick $gettok(%logkick,1-30,44) $+ $chr(44) | echo -a %logkick } 

alias removeuser { set %logkick $replace(%logkick,$address($1-,4) $+ $chr(44),) | echo -a %logkick }

menu nicklist { 
  AddUser : set %logkick $chr(44) $+ $address($$1,4) $+ $chr(44) $+ $address($2,4) $+ $chr(44) $+ $address($3,4) $+ $chr(44) $+ $address($4,4) $+ $chr(44) $+ $address($5,4) $+ $chr(44) $+ $address($6,4) $+ $chr(44) $+ $address($7,4) $+ $chr(44) $+ $address($8,4) $+ $chr(44) $+ $address($9,4) $+ $chr(44) $+ $address($10,4) $+ $chr(44) $+ $address($11,4) $+ $chr(44) $+ $address($12,4) $+ $chr(44) $+ $address($13,4) $+ $chr(44) $+ $address($14,4) $+ $chr(44) $+ $address($15,4) $+ $chr(44) $+ $address($16,4) $+ $chr(44) $+ $address($17,4) $+ $chr(44) $+ $address($18,4) $+ $chr(44) $+ $address($19,4) $+ $chr(44) $+ $address($20,4) $+ $chr(44) | set %logkick $replace(%logkick,$chr(44) $+ $chr(44),$chr(32) $+ $chr(32)) | set %logkick $gettok(%logkick,1,32) $+ $chr(44) | echo -a %logkick 

On *:join:%mjchan: { timerjmj off }
On ^*:Kick:%mjchan: { 
  .inc -u20 %ki2 1 | timera 1 15 sebok
  if ($knick == $me) { clearmj | set %deopnick $nick | set %kickaku * You were kicked by $nick ( $+ $1- $+ )  | set %kickakulagi %kickaku - %kickakulagi | timerjmj 0 3 joinmj }

  ;######################### remote for counter ###############################
  inc %xxx $+ $nick
  inc %aaa $+ $nick
  inc -u20 %jumlahclonejoin
  ;######################### remote for counter ###############################

;######################### remote for counter ###############################
on 1:QUIT: { 
  if ($1- == Excess flood) { 
    inc %flood $+ $nick 
    set %usr  % $+ xxx $+ $nick
    if ([ [ %usr ] ] > 0) { set [ [ %usr ] ] [ [ %usr ] ] - %minusflood }
    timera 1 15 sebok

alias shorting {
  unset %rstx5
  unset %rstx4
  var %jj = 1
  while (%jj <= %jrstx) {
    set %jrstxx %jrstx - %jj
    set %jrstxx %jrstxx + 1

    set %takerec $gettok(%rstx3,%jj,32)
    set %counternick $gettok(%takerec,2,61)
    set %counternum $gettok(%takerec,1,61)

    ;set %rstx4 $chr(91) $+ %jrstxx $+ . $+ $chr(93) $+ $gettok(%rstx3,%jj,32)
    set %rstx4 $chr(91) $+ %jrstxx $+ . $+ $chr(93) $+ %counternick $+ $chr(61) $+ %counternum

    set %rstx5 %rstx4 %rstx5
    inc %jj

alias topx {
  var %jx = 1
  unset %frstx3
  unset %frstx
  while (%jx <= $var(%xxx*,0)) {
    set %frstx $var(%xxx*,%jx)
    set %frstx2 $replace(%frstx,$chr(37) $+ xxx,)
    if ([ [ %frstx ] ] > 0) { set %frstx3 [ [ %frstx ] ] $+ = $+ %frstx2 $+ , %frstx3 }
    set %frstx3 $replace(%frstx3,$chr(61) $+ $chr(44),)
    inc %jx
  set %rstx3 $sorttok(%frstx3,32,n)
  set %jrstx $count(%rstx3,$chr(44))
  set %rstx3 $replace(%rstx5,$chr(44),)
  set %resulttop %rstx3

alias nowx {
  var %jx = 1
  unset %frstx3
  unset %frstx
  while (%jx <= $var(%aaa*,0)) {
    set %frstx $var(%aaa*,%jx)
    set %frstx2 $replace(%frstx,$chr(37) $+ aaa,)
    if ([ [ %frstx ] ] > 0) { set %frstx3 [ [ %frstx ] ] $+ = $+ %frstx2 $+ , %frstx3 }
    set %frstx3 $replace(%frstx3,$chr(61) $+ $chr(44),)
    inc %jx
  set %rstx3 $sorttok(%frstx3,32,n)
  set %jrstx $count(%rstx3,$chr(44))
  set %rstx3 $replace(%rstx5,$chr(44),)
  set %resultnow %rstx3

alias floodx {
  var %jx = 1
  unset %frstx3
  unset %frstx
  while (%jx <= $var(%flood*,0)) {
    set %frstx $var(%flood*,%jx)
    set %frstx2 $replace(%frstx,$chr(37) $+ flood,)
    if ([ [ %frstx ] ] > 0) { set %frstx3 [ [ %frstx ] ] $+ = $+ %frstx2 $+ , %frstx3 }
    set %frstx3 $replace(%frstx3,$chr(61) $+ $chr(44),)
    inc %jx
  set %rstx3 $sorttok(%frstx3,32,n)
  set %jrstx $count(%rstx3,$chr(44))
  set %rstx3 $replace(%rstx5,$chr(44),)
  set %resultflood %rstx3

alias rst {
  topx | nowx | floodx
  if (!%pusingan1) { set %pusingan1 10 }
  set %pusingan2 %pusingan1 - 1  
  inc %pusingan 
  if (%pusingan == 1) { set %masa $time(hh:mm:dd) }
  set %rstx3 8,2 RESULT TOTAL (  $+ %resulttop $+   ) - 8,7 $+ RESULT NOW ( %resultnow ) - 0,13 $+ XSFLOOD ( $+ %resultflood $+ ) [Minus %minusflood point!] - 0,7 ROUND ( $+ %pusingan $+ / $+ %pusingan1 %masa $+ ) [ $+ %jumlahclonejoin Clones]
  if (%pusingan > %pusingan2) { //topic %mjchan %rstx3 | unset %pusingan | unset %xxx* | unset %aaa* | unset %floo* }
  ;if (%pusingan > %pusingan2) { //msg %mjchan $replace(%juaralalu,RESULT NOW,WINNER AGO) | unset %pusingan | set %juaralalu %rstx3 | unset %xxx* | unset %aaa* | unset %floo* }

alias clearresult { unset %pusingan | unset %xxx* | unset %floo* | unset %aaa* }
alias sebok { 
  if ($me ison %mjchan) { 
    msg %mjchan  8,2 $+ RESULT TOTAL (  $+ %resulttop $+   ) - 0,13 $+ XSFLOOD ( $+ %resultflood $+ ) [Minus %minusflood point!] - 0,7 ROUND ( $+ %pusingan $+ / $+ %pusingan1 %masa %jumlahclonejoin Clones)
    msg %mjchan 8,7 $+ RESULT NOW ( %resultnow )
    unset %aaa* 
;######################### remote for counter ###############################

alias pr { msg %mjchan Please use this remote http://www.hawkee.com/snippet/7529/ (NEW! DETECT IP) for protect user. Type !adduser <your-nick>. }


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troll   -  Apr 27, 2010

nice skript

WorldDMT   -  Apr 24, 2010

bad scripting...

napa182   -  Apr 23, 2010

also to use " if ($nick == $me) " in an on input event is pointless

and as Jetro_ said the second wont trigger so it would be better to use one on input event

Jethro   -  Apr 23, 2010

You have two input events. Only the first one will get triggered.

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