TvRage Working.

By joelp53 on Apr 17, 2010

This is not my script i admit however as alot of you notist this wasn't working before, So after going through the code i found a few errors, So after editing the errors and rewriting it (Mostly the same code) I finally made it work.
So here it is.

Please note i did not make this script and take no credit for doing so, I just fixxed it,
So please don't post saying i ripped it or something.

How To Use:
To load simply open your Irc client (mirc) And press alt-r, Select [file]then[new] And paste everything below and save as Tvrage.mrc or whatever you like.
Or you can save it as a text file.mrc and place it in your mirc folder then type /load -r

!ep will display a listing for that night.
!ep Will display a schedule for that day at that time.
!ep Will show the last episode, next episode, Time untill next episode and the satus of that show, I.E Returning show, Canceled, ECT.

For a list of all CMD's just type !eptriggers.

I can't remeber whether the last script P.M'd you the info however i made this one do so as a lot of people don't like things like this spamming there chans.

Script Edits ===

Fixxed the Scruipt from the Tvrage site update Now all comands work.

Again is updated changed the chan cmd to !tv, all !tv schedule cmds work now Enjoy :D

Feel free to join me at irc:// /join #script

on *:LOAD:dialog -m TVSettings TVSettings -4

on *:UNLOAD:.unset %TV_*

menu Menubar,Channel,Query {
  TV Rage
  .Settings:dialog -m TVSettings TVSettings -4
  .Self Search:dialog -m SelfSearch SelfSearch -4
  .Status < $+ $iif(%TV_Rage = 1,Enabled,Disabled) $+ >:$iif(%TV_Rage = 0,%TV_Rage = 1,%TV_Rage = 0) | echo -a TV Rage Has Been $iif(%TV_Rage = 1,Enabled.,Disabled.)

On *:input:#: {
  if ($1 != !ep) { return }
  if (%TV_Rage = 0) { Halt }
  var %Num = $trnum 
  if ($2 = Schedule) { set %TVRage_Target. [ $+ [ %num ] ]  $iif(%TV_Where2 = 1,$Me,$Target) }
  elseif ($Target !ischan) { set %TVRage_Target. [ $+ [ %num ] ] $Me | set %TVRage_Query. [ $+ [ %num ] ] 1 }
  else { set %TVRage_Target. [ $+ [ %num ] ]  $iif(%TV_Where = 1,$Target,$Me) }
  set %TVRage_Chan. [ $+ [ %num ] ] $Chan
  set %TVRage_Nick. [ $+ [ %num ] ] $Me 
  TVRage.Load %num $1-

On *:Text:!tv*:#: {
  if (%TV_Rage = 0) { Halt }
  var %Num = $trnum 
  if ($2 = Schedule) { set %TVRage_Target. [ $+ [ %num ] ]  $iif(%TV_Where2 = 1,$Nick,$Chan) }
  elseif ($Target !ischan) { set %TVRage_Target. [ $+ [ %num ] ] $Nick | set %TVRage_Query. [ $+ [ %num ] ] 1 }
  else { set %TVRage_Target. [ $+ [ %num ] ]  $iif(%TV_Where = 1,$Chan,$Nick) }
  set %TVRage_Nick. [ $+ [ %num ] ] $Nick
  set %TVRage_Chan. [ $+ [ %num ] ] $Chan
  TVRage.Load %num $1-

alias -l TVRage.Load {
  var %num = $1
  if ($Mid($2,4,10) = triggers) {
    msg %TVRage_Target. [ $+ [ %num ] ]  14TVRage Commands8:
    msg %TVRage_Target. [ $+ [ %num ] ]  8- 15!tv 8<15Show8> (15Season and Episode8) 4EX8:15 !ep House 2x05 This Command P.M's you.
    msg %TVRage_Target. [ $+ [ %num ] ]  8- 15!tv Schedule <day> (time)  Will display the Tvrage schedule for the sated day.
    msg %TVRage_Target. [ $+ [ %num ] ]  8- 15!tvrage <Show> Will display Info in channel of the show you requested.
    msg %TVRage_Target. [ $+ [ %num ] ]  8- 14Options in 8( ) 14are Optional8. 14Options in 8< > 14are Required8.
    .unset %TVRage*
  tokenize 32 $2-
  if ($2 = Schedule) { 
    var %temp $GetTok($2-,$numtok($2-,32),32)
    set %TVRage_Type. [ $+ [ %num ] ] Schedule
    if ((%Temp = GB) || (%Temp = UK) || (%Temp = US) || (%Temp = AU)) { set %TVRage_Type. [ $+ [ %num ] ] Country | set %TVRage_Country. [ $+ [ %num ] ] %Temp }
    set %TVRage_Time_Schedule. [ $+ [ %num ] ] $iif($4 !isnum,$null,$Int($4))
    set %TVRage_Date. [ $+ [ %num ] ] $FullDate($3)
    if (%TVRage_Date. [ $+ [ %num ] ] = $null) {
      msg %TVRage_Target. [ $+ [ %num ] ] 14You need to pick a 4Day of the Week $+ $iif(!%TVRage_Country. [ $+ [ %num ] ],$chr(32) $+ 14or 4Country) $+ 8.
      .unset %TVRage_*. [ $+ [ %num ] ]
      .unset %Check_*. [ $+ [ %num ] ]
    TVRage %Num Schedule
  else {
    $iif($CheckEP(%num,$2-) = 1,set %TVRage_Type. [ $+ [ %num ] ] EpSpec, set %TVRage_Type. [ $+ [ %num ] ] Ep)
    TVRage %num $2-
alias -l TVRage {
  if ((%TVRage_Type. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] != Schedule) && (!$2)) { 
    msg %TVRage_Target. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] 14You actually need to search for a 4TV8-4show 14you know8! 14 Type 4!eptriggers14 for help8. 
    .unset %TVRage_*. [ $+ [ $1 ] ]
  if (%TVRage_Type. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] = EpSpec) { %tvshow. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] = $replace($GetTok($2-,1- [ $Calc($numtok($2-,32)-1) ] ,32),$chr(32),% $+ 20) $+ &ep= $+ %Check_Season. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] $+ x $+ %Check_ep. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] }
  else { %TVShow. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] = $replace($2-,$chr(32),% $+ 20) }
  sockopen TVRage. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] 80

on *:sockopen:TVRage.*: {
  var %num = $Mid($sockname,$calc($Pos($sockName,.,1) + 1))
  Check.Settings Sch %Num
  if ($sockerr > 0) return

  if (%TVRage_Type. [ $+ [ %num ] ] = Schedule) { 
    notice %TVRage_Target. [ $+ [ %num ] ] 15-- 14Gathering Information 15--
    sockwrite -n $SockName GET /tools/quickschedule.php HTTP/1.1 
  elseif (%TVRage_Type. [ $+ [ %num ] ] = Country) { 
    notice %TVRage_Target. [ $+ [ %num ] ] 15-- 14Gathering Information 15--
    sockwrite -n $SockName GET /tools/quickschedule.php?country= $+ %TVRage_Country. [ $+ [ %num ] ] HTTP/1.1 
  elseif ((%TVRage_Type. [ $+ [ %num ] ] = Ep) || (%TVRage_Type. [ $+ [ %num ] ] = EpSpec)) { sockwrite -n $sockname GET /tools/quickinfo.php?show= $+ %tvshow. [ $+ [ %num ] ] HTTP/1.0 }
  sockwrite -n $SockName host: $+(,$crlf,$crlf)
  set %TVRage_Day. [ $+ [ %num ] ] 0
  sockwrite -n $sockname Host:
  sockwrite -n $sockname Connection: keep-alive
  sockwrite $sockname $crlf

on *:sockread:TVRage.*:{
  var %num = $Mid($sockname,$calc($Pos($sockName,.,1) + 1))
  if ($sockerr) { return }
  var %tvdata
  sockread %tvdata
  if ($mid(%Tvdata,1,5) = [DAY]) {
    if ($Fopen(%TVRage_Day. [ $+ [ %num ] ])) {
      .fclose %TVRage_Day. [ $+ [ %num ] ]
    set %TVRage_Day. [ $+ [ %num ] ] $GetTok($Mid(%Tvdata,6,$Calc($pos(%Tvdata,[/,1) - 6)),1,44)
    if (%TVRage_Day. [ $+ [ %num ] ] = %TVRage_Date. [ $+ [ %num ] ]) {
      .fopen -no %TVRage_Day. [ $+ [ %num ] ] [ %TVRage_Day. [ $+ [ %num ] ] ] [ $+ [ %num ] ] $+ .txt
      .fwrite -n %TVRage_Day. [ $+ [ %num ] ] $Mid(%Tvdata,6,$Calc($pos(%Tvdata,[/,1) - 6))
  if ($mid(%TvData,1,6) = [TIME]) {
    if (%TVRage_Day. [ $+ [ %num ] ] = %TVRage_Date. [ $+ [ %num ] ]) {
      set %TVRage_Time. [ $+ [ %num ] ] $Mid(%Tvdata,7,$Calc($pos(%tvdata,[/,1) - 7))
  if ($Mid(%TVData,1,6) = [SHOW]) {
    if (%TVRage_Day. [ $+ [ %num ] ] = %TVRage_Date. [ $+ [ %num ] ]) {
      set %TVRage_Show_Temp. [ $+ [ %num ] ] $Mid(%TvData,7,$Calc($pos(%Tvdata,^,3) - 7))
      .fwrite -n %TVRage_Day. [ $+ [ %num ] ] %TVRage_Time. [ $+ [ %num ] ] $+ ^ $+ %TVRage_Show_Temp. [ $+ [ %num ] ]
  if (!$sockbr) return
  if (show name isin %tvdata) { set %show_name. [ $+ [ %num ] ] $gettok(%tvdata,2,64) }
  if (country isin %tvdata) { set %show_country. [ $+ [ %num ] ] $gettok(%tvdata,2,64) }
  if (Latest Episode isin %tvdata) { 
    set %show_latest_temp. [ $+ [ %num ] ] $gettok(%tvdata,2,64) 
    set %show_latest_Ep. [ $+ [ %num ] ] $gettok(%show_latest_Temp. [ $+ [ %num ] ],1,94)
    set %show_latest_Title. [ $+ [ %num ] ] $gettok(%show_latest_temp. [ $+ [ %num ] ],2,94)
    set %show_latest_airdate. [ $+ [ %num ] ] $gettok(%Show_latest_Temp. [ $+ [ %num ] ],3,94)
  if (Next Episode isin %tvdata) { 
    set %show_next_temp. [ $+ [ %num ] ] $gettok(%tvdata,2,64) 
    set %show_next_Ep. [ $+ [ %num ] ] $gettok(%show_next_Temp. [ $+ [ %num ] ],1,94)
    set %show_next_Title. [ $+ [ %num ] ] $gettok(%show_next_temp. [ $+ [ %num ] ],2,94)
    set %show_next_airdate. [ $+ [ %num ] ] $gettok(%Show_Next_Temp. [ $+ [ %num ] ],3,94)
  if (Episode URL isin %tvdata) { set %Show_URL. [ $+ [ %num ] ] $gettok(%tvdata,2,64) }
  if (Episode Info isin %tvdata) { 
    set %Show_Spec_Temp. [ $+ [ %num ] ] $Gettok(%tvdata,2,64)
    set %show_Spec_Ep. [ $+ [ %num ] ] $gettok(%show_spec_Temp. [ $+ [ %num ] ],1,94)
    set %show_Spec_Title. [ $+ [ %num ] ] $gettok(%show_spec_temp. [ $+ [ %num ] ],2,94)
    set %show_Spec_airdate. [ $+ [ %num ] ] $gettok(%Show_spec_Temp. [ $+ [ %num ] ],3,94)
    if (%show_Spec_airdate. [ $+ [ %num ] ] = 00//00) { set %show_Spec_airdate. [ $+ [ %num ] ] }
  if (Status isin %Tvdata) { set %Show_Status. [ $+ [ %num ] ] $Gettok(%Tvdata,2,64) }
  if (airtime isin %Tvdata) { Set %Show_Airtime. [ $+ [ %num ] ] $gettok(%tvdata,2,64) }
  if (network isin %Tvdata) { set %Show_network. [ $+ [ %num ] ] $gettok(%tvdata,2,64) }

  if (%show_Next_airdate. [ $+ [ %num ] ]) {
    set %Next_Temp. [ $+ [ %num ] ] $puttok(%Show_Next_Airdate. [ $+ [ %num ] ],$GetTok(%Show_Next_airdate. [ $+ [ %num ] ],2,47),1,47)
    set %Next_Temp. [ $+ [ %num ] ] $puttok(%Next_Temp. [ $+ [ %num ] ],$SetMonth($GetTok(%Show_Next_Airdate. [ $+ [ %num ] ] ,1,47)),2,47)
    set %Next_Time. [ $+ [ %num ] ] $CTime(%Next_Temp. [ $+ [ %num ] ] $GetTok(%Show_Airtime. [ $+ [ %num ] ] ,3-4,32))
  if (%Show_Spec_airdate. [ $+ [ %num ] ]) {
    set %Next_Spec_Temp. [ $+ [ %num ] ] $puttok(%Show_Spec_Airdate. [ $+ [ %num ] ],$SetMonth($GetTok(%Show_Spec_Airdate. [ $+ [ %num ] ],2,47)),2,47)
    set %Next_Spec_Time. [ $+ [ %num ] ] $CTime(%Next_Spec_Temp. [ $+ [ %num ] ] $GetTok(%Show_Airtime. [ $+ [ %num ] ] ,3-4,32))

on *:sockclose:TVRage.*:{
  var %num = $Mid($sockname,$calc($Pos($sockName,.,1) + 1))
  if ((%TVRage_Type. [ $+ [ %num ] ] = Ep) || (%TVRage_Type. [ $+ [ %num ] ] = EpSpec)) {
    Check.Settings Ep %Num
    set %Show_Ep. [ $+ [ %num ] ] s $+ $replace(%Show_ep. [ $+ [ %num ] ],x,e)
    if (%show_name. [ $+ [ %num ] ] = $null) { msg %TVRage_Target. [ $+ [ %num ] ] 14No Such Show8, 14Check your spelling and try again8. }
    else {
      msg %TVRage_Target. [ $+ [ %num ] ] 14 $+ %show_name. [ $+ [ %num ] ] 15--14 $Replace(%Show_Airtime. [ $+ [ %num ] ],$Chr(44),8 $+ $chr(44) $+ 14,:,8:14) 15 $+ %Show_network. [ $+ [ %num ] ] 8(14 $+ %Show_Status. [ $+ [ %num ] ] $+ 8) (14 $+ %show_country. [ $+ [ %num ] ] $+ 8)
      if (%Show_Url. [ $+ [ %num ] ] != $Null) { msg %TVRage_Target. [ $+ [ %num ] ] 14Episode URL8:15 %Show_URL. [ $+ [ %num ] ] }
      if (%show_Spec_temp. [ $+ [ %num ] ] != $null) { msg %TVRage_Target. [ $+ [ %num ] ] 14Episode15 %Show_spec_airdate. [ $+ [ %num ] ] 14 $+ $Replace(%Show_spec_Ep. [ $+ [ %num ] ],x,8x14) 15 $+ %Show_spec_Title. [ $+ [ %num ] ] $iif(%Next_Spec_Time. [ $+ [ %num ] ] > $Ctime,14Airing in8:15 $LongTime($Calc(%Next_Spec_Time. [ $+ [ %num ] ] - $Ctime))) }
      msg %TVRage_Target. [ $+ [ %num ] ] 14Latest Episode15 %Show_Latest_airdate. [ $+ [ %num ] ] 14 $+ $Replace(%Show_Latest_Ep. [ $+ [ %num ] ],x,8x14) 15 $+  %show_latest_Title. [ $+ [ %num ] ]
      if (%show_next_temp. [ $+ [ %num ] ] != $null) { msg %TVRage_Target. [ $+ [ %num ] ] 14Next Episode15 %Show_next_airdate. [ $+ [ %num ] ] 14 $+ $Replace(%Show_Next_Ep. [ $+ [ %num ] ],x,8x14) 15 $+ %Show_Next_Title. [ $+ [ %num ] ] $iif(%Next_Time. [ $+ [ %num ] ] > $Ctime,14Airing in8:15 $LongTime($Calc(%Next_Time. [ $+ [ %num ] ] - $Ctime))) } 
  elseif ((%TVRage_Type. [ $+ [ %num ] ] = Schedule) || (%TVRage_Type. [ $+ [ %num ] ] = Country)) {
    Check.Settings Sch %Num
    if (%TVRage_Date. [ $+ [ %num ] ] != $Null) {
      .fopen %TVRage_Date. [ $+ [ %num ] ] [ %TVRage_Date. [ $+ [ %num ] ] ] [ $+ [ %num ] ] $+ .txt
      notice %TVRage_Target. [ $+ [ %num ] ] 14Schedule for15 $replace($fread(%TVRage_Date. [ $+ [ %num ] ]),$chr(44),8 $+ $chr(44) $+ 15)  $iif(%TVRage_Time_Schedule. [ $+ [ %num ] ] != $null, 14at15 %TVRage_Time_Schedule. [ $+ [ %num ] ] $+ 8:1500 $iif(%TVRage_Time_Schedule. [ $+ [ %num ] ] < 12,14pm,14am))
      set %TVRage_Time_Count. [ $+ [ %num ] ] 0
      while ($Feof != 1) {
        set %TVRage_Tmp. [ $+ [ %num ] ] $Fread(%TVRage_Date. [ $+ [ %num ] ])
        set %TVRage_Time_Temp. [ $+ [ %num ] ] $GetTok(%TVRage_Tmp. [ $+ [ %num ] ],1,94)
        set %TVRage_Show_NetWork. [ $+ [ %num ] ] $GetTok(%TVRage_Tmp. [ $+ [ %num ] ],2,94)
        set %TVRage_Show_Show. [ $+ [ %num ] ] $gettok(%TVRage_Tmp. [ $+ [ %num ] ],3,94)
        set %TVRage_Show_Ep. [ $+ [ %num ] ] s $+ $replace($getTok(%TVRage_Tmp. [ $+ [ %num ] ],4,94),x,e)
        if (%TVRage_Time_Schedule. [ $+ [ %num ] ] != $Null) {
          if ($int($mid(%TVRage_Time_Temp. [ $+ [ %num ] ],1,2)) = $int($mid(%TVRage_Time_Schedule. [ $+ [ %num ] ],1,2))) {
            inc %TVRage_Time_Count. [ $+ [ %num ] ] 1
            if (%TVRage_Time_Temp2. [ $+ [ %num ] ] = %TVRage_Time_Temp. [ $+ [ %num ] ]) { goto Next_Time }
            msg %TVRage_Target. [ $+ [ %num ] ] 14Time8:15 8(15 $+ $Replace(%TVRage_Time_Temp. [ $+ [ %num ] ],:,8:15) $+ 8)
            msg %TVRage_Target. [ $+ [ %num ] ] 14--- 8(15 $+ %TVRage_show_Network. [ $+ [ %num ] ] $+ 8)15 %TVRage_Show_Show. [ $+ [ %num ] ] 8-15 $Replace(%TVRage_Show_Ep. [ $+ [ %num ] ],s,14s15,e,14e15)
            Set %TVRage_Time_Temp2. [ $+ [ %num ] ] %TVRage_Time_Temp. [ $+ [ %num ] ]
        if (%TVRage_Time_Schedule. [ $+ [ %num ] ] != $Null) && (%TVRage_Time_Count. [ $+ [ %num ] ] = 0)) { msg %TVRage_Target. [ $+ [ %num ] ] 14There are no new TV Shows Scheduled for15 %TVRage_Time_Schedule. [ $+ [ %num ] ] $+ 8:1500 $iif(%TVRage_Time_Schedule. [ $+ [ %num ] ] < 12,14pm,14am) }
        elseif (%TVRage_Time_Schedule. [ $+ [ %num ] ] = $Null) {
          if (%TVRage_Time_Temp2. [ $+ [ %num ] ] = %TVRage_Time_Temp. [ $+ [ %num ] ]) { goto Next_Time2 }
          notice %TVRage_Target. [ $+ [ %num ] ] 14Time8:15 8(15 $+ $Replace(%TVRage_Time_Temp. [ $+ [ %num ] ],:,8:15) $+ 8)
          notice %TVRage_Target. [ $+ [ %num ] ] 14--- 8(15 $+ %TVRage_show_Network. [ $+ [ %num ] ] $+ 8)15 %TVRage_Show_Show. [ $+ [ %num ] ] 8-15 $replace(%TVRage_Show_Ep. [ $+ [ %num ] ],e,14e15,s,14s15)
          Set %TVRage_Time_Temp2. [ $+ [ %num ] ] %TVRage_Time_Temp. [ $+ [ %num ] ]
    .fclose %TVRage_Date. [ $+ [ %num ] ]
    .remove [ %TVRage_Date. [ $+ [ %num ] ] ] [ $+ [ %num ] ] $+ .txt
  .unset %tvshow. [ $+ [ %num ] ]
  .unset %show_*. [ $+ [ %num ] ]
  .unset %TVRage_*. [ $+ [ %num ] ]
  .unset %Check_*. [ $+ [ %num ] ]
  .unset %next_*. [ $+ [ %num ] ]

Alias -l FullDate {
  if ($Mid($1,1,3) = Sat) { Return Saturday }
  elseif ($Mid($1,1,3) = Sun) { return Sunday }
  elseif ($Mid($1,1,3) = Mon) { Return Monday }
  elseif ($Mid($1,1,3) = Tue) { Return Tuesday }
  elseif ($Mid($1,1,3) = Wed) { Return Wednesday }
  elseif ($Mid($1,1,3) = Thu) { Return Thursday }
  elseif ($Mid($1,1,3) = Fri) { Return Friday }
  else { Return $null }

alias -l CheckEP {
  var %temp $GetTok($2-,$numtok($2-,32),32)
  $iif(e isin %Temp,%Temp = $replace(%Temp,e,x))
  set %Check_Season. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] $Mid(%Temp,1,$Calc($pos(%Temp,x)-1))
  set %Check_Ep. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] $Mid(%Temp,$Calc($pos(%Temp,x)+1))
  if ($mid(%Check_Season. [ $+ [ $1 ] ],1,1) = s) { Set %Check_Season. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] $Mid(%Check_Season. [ $+ [ $1 ] ],2) }
  if ((%Check_season. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] isnum) && (%Check_Ep. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] isnum)) { Return 1 }
  else { Return 0 }

dialog -l TVSettings {
  title "TVRage Settings"
  size -1 -1 264 217
  option pixels
  box "", 1, 8 8 249 60
  box "", 2, 8 67 249 60
  box "", 3, 8 126 249 43
  box "", 12, 8 168 249 43
  text "Select where you want the Schedule Displayed", 4, 16 21 225 17
  radio "Channel", 5, 32 45 65 13, group
  radio "Private Message", 6, 128 45 105 13,
  text "Select where you want the Replys Displayed", 7, 16 80 225 17
  radio "Channel", 8, 32 104 65 13, group
  radio "Private Message", 9, 128 104 105 13,
  check "Enable TVRage", 10, 32 188 113 13
  button "&Save Settings", 11, 144 182 89 25, ok
  check "Enable Colors", 13, 32 145 113 13

on *:dialog:TVSettings:*:*:{
  if ($Devent == init) {
    if (%TV_Where = 1) { did -c $dname 8 }
    else { did -c $dname 9 }
    if (%TV_Where2 = 1) { did -c $dname 5 }
    else { did -c $dname 6 }
    if (%TV_Rage = 1) { did -c $dname 10 }
    else { did -u $dname 10 }
    if (%TV_Color = 1) { did -c $dname 13 }
    else { did -u $dname 13 }
  elseif ($devent == Close) {
    set %TV_Where $iif($Did($Dname,8).state = 1,1,0)
    set %TV_Where2 $iif($Did($Dname,5).state = 1,1,0)      
    set %TV_Rage $iif($Did($Dname,10).state = 1,1,0)
    set %TV_Color $iif($Did($Dname,13).state = 1,1,0)
    echo -a 4TV Rage 15Settings have been saved8.    

dialog -l SelfSearch {
  title "TVRage Search"
  size -1 -1 500 202
  option pixels
  box "", 1, 8 8 486 145
  box "", 2, 8 152 486 43
  text "Search Options:", 3, 16 16 462 17
  text "<Show> (Season and Episode) EX: House 2x05", 4, 30 33 462 17
  text "Schedule <Day Of Week> EX: Schedule Fri", 5, 30 50 462 17
  text "Schedule <Day Of Week> (Time)  EX: Schedule Wed 10", 6, 30 67 462 17
  text "Schedule <Day Of Week> (Time) (Country:US,GB,UK,AU) EX: Schedule Saturday 10 GB", 7, 30 84 462 17
  text "Option in ( ) are Optional. Options in < > are Required.", 8, 30 101 462 17
  edit "", 9, 16 125 462 17, autohs 
  button "Search", 10, 335 165 65 25
  button "Cancel", 11, 414 165 65 25, cancel

on *:dialog:SelfSearch:sclick:*:{
  if ($Did = 10) {
    if ($Did(9) = $null) { 
      if ($dialog(error,error,-4)) { did -f $Dname 9 }
    else {
      var %Num = $trnum 
      set %TVRage_Target. [ $+ [ %num ] ] $me
      set %TVRage_Nick. [ $+ [ %num ] ] $me
      set %TVRage_Chan. [ $+ [ %num ] ] $me
      TVRage.Load %num !ep $did(9).text
      echo -a 14Check you Private Message for the infomation that you requested8.
      dialog -x $dname

dialog -l error {
  title "Error"
  size -1 -1 228 90
  option pixels
  box "", 2, 8 8 214 33 
  box "", 3, 8 40 214 43
  button "&Ok", 4, 160 52 50 25, ok
  text "You must type something to search for!", 5, 20 20 190 17

alias -l Check.Settings {
  if ($1 = Ep) {
    if (%TV_Where = $Null) { Set %TV_Where 0 }
    if (%TV_Where = 1) { set %TVRage_Target. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] %TVRage_Chan. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] }
    elseif (%TV_Where = 0) { set %TVRage_Target. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] %TVRage_Nick. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] } 
    if (%TVRage_Query. [ $+ [ $2 ] ]  = 1) { set %TVRage_Target. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] %TVRage_Nick. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] } 
  elseif ($1 = Sch) {
    if (%TV_Where2 = $Null) { Set %TV_Where2 0 }
    if (%TV_Where2 = 1) { set %TVRage_Target. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] %TVRage_Chan. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] }
    elseif (%TV_Where2 = 0) { set %TVRage_Target. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] %TVRage_Nick. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] } 
    if (%TVRage_Query. [ $+ [ $2 ] ]  = 1) { set %TVRage_Target. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] %TVRage_Nick. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] } 


alias -l trnum {
  set %trnum $base($calc($base(%trnum,36,10) +1),10,36)
  return %trnum

Alias -l LongTime {
  Return 15 $+ $replace($Duration($$1),sec,sc,day,dy,wks,14weeks15,wk,14week15,dys,14days15,dy,14day15,hrs,14hours15,hr,14hour15,min,14minute15,mins,14minutes15,scs,14seconds15,sc,14second15)  

alias -l SetMonth {
  if ($1 = Jan) { return 1 }
  elseif ($1 = Feb) { Return 2 }
  elseif ($1 = Mar) { Return 3 }
  elseif ($1 = Apr) { Return 4 }
  elseif ($1 = May) { Return 5 }
  elseif ($1 = Jun) { Return 6 }
  elseif ($1 = Jul) { Return 7 }
  elseif ($1 = Aug) { Return 8 }
  elseif ($1 = Sep) { Return 9 }
  elseif ($1 = Oct) { Return 10 }
  elseif ($1 = Nov) { Return 11 }
  elseif ($1 = Dec) { Return 12 }

alias -l msg {
  if (%TV_Color = 0) { var %Temp = $strip($1-) | tokenize 32 %Temp }
  if ($Show) { 
    if ($1 !ischan) { !.msg $1 $2- }
    else { !msg $1 $iif(c isincs $chan($1).mode,$Strip($2-),$2-) } 
  else { !.msg $1 $iif(c isincs $chan($1).mode,$Strip($2-),$2-) }


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MashhitDK   -  May 27, 2011

This isn't 100% working

Does anyone have a working schedule script ?

joelp53   -  Jun 24, 2010

yeah is now 100% fixxed everything now works again :D

Evilgeniusxp   -  Jun 18, 2010

thanks joelp53 your nick look familiar

but i know the guy who made this script thanks for fixing it :D or rather updateing it

Jethro   -  May 26, 2010

joelp53, I'm proud of you. You're doing a good deed to give back to the irc community.

joelp53   -  May 26, 2010

Please note fix script is now fixxed feel free to grab it and use it :P.
Have fun :)

MashhitDK   -  May 22, 2010

Again all I can say is that it works here...

And as I posted... it's not My fix...
I got it from
Where Valis has posted the "fix" and after I tried it and it worked...
I posted it here...

My script didn't work with 80 but after I changed it to 8080... it worked.

Was only trying to help...

Jethro   -  May 21, 2010

That's true. But the so-called fix for using 8080 for is sort of odd as it seems...

sunslayer   -  May 21, 2010

if port 80 is disabled, its no different from using port 6666 instead of 6667 for irc

Jethro   -  May 21, 2010

Oh I didn't know that. :/ But why use 8080 when 80 works just fine? I've just used a socket script of my own with 80 and it works without an issue.

sunslayer   -  May 21, 2010

There is no such port as 8080. port 8080 is used as an alternative for 80, although those aren't the only ones that u can use, there are 65535 ports

Jethro   -  May 21, 2010

The port 80 is for HTTP. There is no such port as 8080.

MashhitDK   -  May 21, 2010

To fix it goto:

sockopen TVRage. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] 80

and change 80 to 8080

sockopen TVRage. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] 8080

ALL CREDITS GOTO: Valis ( for the "fix" )

Jethro   -  May 20, 2010

jasonh, come on. What's the point in criticizing the immoral act of ripping? Cut this fella some slack. He already admits and states clearly in his introduction that this is not his script, and he doesn't take credit for it. He just wants to share with people what he's done and tries to spread a workable script to all that enjoy. Period.

MashhitDK   -  Apr 18, 2010

Am gonna try it out later...

Thanks... xD


Have it on now with 1 or 2 others.

  • I know... it's retarded... but it works ? :P

ooO( lol )

WorldDMT   -  Apr 17, 2010

about alias fulldate this can be

alias -l fulldate return $replace($Mid($1,1,3),sat,Satur,tue,Tues,wed,Wednes,thu,Thurs) $+ $iif($1,day)

and about alias setmonth that can be like this

alias -l SetMonth return $findtok(jan feb mar apr may jun jul aug sep oct nov dec,$1,1,32)
joelp53   -  Apr 17, 2010

So after editing the errors and rewriting it (Mostly the same code) I finally made it work.
So here it is.
there i said i rewrote the script but mostly the same.

joelp53   -  Apr 17, 2010

Because it works fine lol.

nek   -  Apr 17, 2010

well if you fixed it, why not fix the whole thing.

joelp53   -  Apr 17, 2010

As i said not my script i just fixxed and edited it a little. :D

nek   -  Apr 17, 2010

Why aren't you using :P

joelp53   -  Apr 17, 2010

i just fixxed it lol didn't think to write it, even with all the regex in the rockread the script is still lightning fast so didn't really see a need to edit to,

Was thinking about it though but after using it for a while figured it didn't need it.

WorldDMT   -  Apr 17, 2010

why all that regex in sockread event u can use only one

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