Pokemon RPG Remotes {Fixed}

By Gage on Mar 29, 2010

This is the edited version of Logan's imitation pokeworld script
Created by Romeo
Fixed by Gage

on 1:text:`Register:#: {
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Already Fully Registered! | halt }
  notice $nick So You Wanna Become a Pokemon Master? First Off What is Your Name, Type `Name <Name of Chr> 14Example: `Name Romeo 4Note:15 If The Name Has Profanity or Something The Admin Does not Approve, The Name will be Changed!
on *:text:*`Name *:*:{
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Name) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Already Made a Name! | halt }
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini(Registered $+ .ini,Registered,$address($nick,2)) != $Null) { Notice $nick It Seem You Have Previously Made An Account, As: $readini(Registered $+ .ini,Registered,$address($nick,2)) 4Please Talk to Romeo for Help! | halt }
  if (/ isin $2-) { Notice $nick Please reword it! | halt }
  if ($ isin $2-) { Notice $nick Please reword it! | halt }
  if (_ isin $2-) { Notice $nick Please reword it! | halt }
  if (* isin $2-) { Notice $nick Please reword it! | halt }
  if ($null == $2-) { Notice $nick Please reword it! | halt }
  if (; isin $2-) { Notice $nick Please reword it! | halt }
  if (: isin $2-) { Notice $nick Please reword it! | halt }
  if (+ isin $2-) { Notice $nick Please reword it! | halt }
  if (- isin $2-) { Notice $nick Please reword it! | halt }
  if (| isin $2-) { Notice $nick Please reword it! | halt }
  if (' isin $2-) { Notice $nick Please reword it! | halt }
  if (" isin $2-) { Notice $nick Please reword it! | halt }
  if (^ isin $2-) { Notice $nick Please reword it! | halt }
  if (% isin $2-) { Notice $nick Please reword it! | halt }
  if (# isin $2-) { Notice $nick Please reword it! | halt }
  if (^ isin $2-) { Notice $nick Please reword it! | halt }
  if (. isin $2-) { Notice $nick Please reword it! | halt }
  if ($len($2) > 10) { Notice $nick Sorry But This Name is Too Long! | halt }
  if ($len($2) < 2) { Notice $nick Sorry But This Name is Too Short! | halt }
  if (Romeo isin $2-) && (Romeo != $Nick) { Notice $nick Sorry But This NickName Belongs to The Admin! | halt }
  writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Name $2-
  writeini -n $nick $+ .ini Register Name Yes
  Notice $nick $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Name) $+ , Are You a Boy Or Girl? Type `Gender <Boy Or Girl> 14Example: `Gender Boy
on 1:TEXT:`Gender *:*:{
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Gender) == Yes) { Notice $nick You already Picked a Gender! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Name) != Yes) { Notice $nick You have not made a Name! | halt }
  if ($2 == Boy) {
    writeini -n $nick $+ .ini Register Gender Yes
    writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Gender Male
    writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Aura 1
    writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick BAura 12
    writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Party 1
    writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick MParty 1
    writeini -n $nick $+ .ini Items Potion 1
    writeini -n $nick $+ .ini Items RareCandy 0
    writeini -n $nick $+ .ini Items Pokeball 3
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini Travel League Kanto
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini Travel Town Pallet-Town
    writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick TrainerLevel 1 
    writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick TExpNeeded 10 
    Notice $nick $Name($Nick) $+ 8,1, So Your a $2 $+ . Time to Choose Your Starter Pokemon. Starters:4 Charmander 15-10 Squirtle 15-3 Bulbasaur 15-8 Pichu 15-4 Cyndaquil 15-9 Chikorita 15-11 Totodile 15-9 Treecko 15-7 Torchic 15-11 Mudkip 8Type `Pick Starter <Starter> 14Example: `Pick Starter Charmander
  if ($2 == Girl) {
    writeini -n $nick $+ .ini Register Gender Yes
    writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Gender Female
    writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Aura 1
    writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick BAura 13
    writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Party 1
    writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick MParty 1
    writeini -n $nick $+ .ini Items Potion 1
    writeini -n $nick $+ .ini Items RareCandy 0
    writeini -n $nick $+ .ini Items Pokeball 3
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini Travel League Kanto
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini Travel Town Pallet-Town
    writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick TrainerLevel 1 
    writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick TExpNeeded 10 
    Notice $nick $Name($Nick) $+ 8,1, So Your a $2 $+ . Time to Choose Your Starter Pokemon.0 Starters:4 Charmander 15-10 Squirtle 15-3 Bulbasaur 15-8 Pichu 15-4 Cyndaquil 15-9 Chikorita 15-11 Totodile 15-9 Treecko 15-7 Torchic 15-11 Mudkip 8Type `Pick Starter <Starter> 14Example: `Pick Starter Charmander
on *:TEXT:`Pick *:*:{
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Starter) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Already Picked a Starter! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Gender) != Yes) { Notice $nick You have not made a Gender! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Name) != Yes) { Notice $nick You have not made a Name! | halt }
  if ($3 == Charmander) {
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini Register Starter Yes
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Pokemon $3
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 MAttack 20
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 MSAttack 20
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 MDefense 20
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 MSDefense 20
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 MIntelligence 6
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 MAccuracy 6
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 MAgility 6
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Speed 11
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 MSpeed 11
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 FSpeed 1
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 MFSpeed 1
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 MHp 50
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Type Fire
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Type2 None
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 $3 Yes
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Attack1 Scratch
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Attack2 Growl
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Attack3 None
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Attack4 None
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Level 5
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 ExpNeeded 20
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Exp 0
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 SpeedExpNeeded 10
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 SExp 0
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Gender $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Gender)
    writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Aura 4
    writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 BAura 1
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 ScratchMPP 35 
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 GrowlMPP 40 
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Pokemon $3
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Pokemon2 None
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini Pokemon $3 yes
    Notice $Nick We are Almost Done, Now Please Pm $Me with `Password APassword(This Password will be Used, So You Can Log In To Your Account!) 
  if ($3 == Cyndaquil) {
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini Register Starter Yes
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Pokemon $3
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 MAttack 20
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 MSAttack 20
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 MDefense 20
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 MSDefense 20
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 MIntelligence 6
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 MAccuracy 6
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 MAgility 6
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Speed 11
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 MSpeed 11
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 FSpeed 1
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 MFSpeed 1
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 MHp 50
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Type Fire
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Type2 None
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 $3 Yes
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Attack1 Scratch
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Attack2 Growl
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Attack3 None
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Attack4 None
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Level 5
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 ExpNeeded 20
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Exp 0
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 SpeedExpNeeded 10
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 SExp 0
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Gender $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Gender)
    writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Aura 4
    writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 BAura 1
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 ScratchMPP 35 
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 GrowlMPP 40 
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Pokemon $3
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Pokemon2 None
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini Pokemon $3 yes
    Notice $Nick We are Almost Done, Now Please Pm $Me with `Password APassword(This Password will be Used, So You Can Log In To Your Account!) 
  if ($3 == Torchic) {
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini Register Starter Yes
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Pokemon $3
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 MAttack 20
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 MSAttack 20
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 MDefense 20
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 MSDefense 20
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 MIntelligence 6
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 MAccuracy 6
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 MAgility 6
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Speed 11
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 MSpeed 11
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 FSpeed 1
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 MFSpeed 1
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 MHp 50
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Type Fire
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Type2 None
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 $3 Yes
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Attack1 Scratch
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Attack2 Growl
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Attack3 None
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Attack4 None
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Level 5
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 ExpNeeded 20
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Exp 0
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 SpeedExpNeeded 10
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 SExp 0
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Gender $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Gender)
    writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Aura 7
    writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 BAura 1
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 ScratchMPP 35 
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 GrowlMPP 40 
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Pokemon $3
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Pokemon2 None
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini Pokemon $3 yes
    Notice $Nick We are Almost Done, Now Please Pm $Me with `Password APassword(This Password will be Used, So You Can Log In To Your Account!) 
  if ($3 == Bulbasaur) {
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini Register Starter Yes
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Pokemon $3
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 MAttack 20
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 MSAttack 20
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 MDefense 20
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 MSDefense 20
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 MIntelligence 6
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 MAccuracy 6
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 MAgility 6
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Speed 11
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 MSpeed 11
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 FSpeed 1
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 MFSpeed 1
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 MHp 50
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Type Grass
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Type2 Poison
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 $3 Yes
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Attack1 Tackle
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Attack2 Growl
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Attack3 None
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Attack4 None
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Level 5
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 ExpNeeded 20
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Exp 0
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 SpeedExpNeeded 10
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 SExp 0
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Gender $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Gender)
    writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Aura 3
    writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 BAura 1
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 TackleMPP 35 
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 GrowlMPP 40 
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Pokemon $3
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Pokemon2 None
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini Pokemon $3 yes
    Notice $Nick We are Almost Done, Now Please Pm $Me with `Password APassword(This Password will be Used, So You Can Log In To Your Account!) 
  if ($3 == Chikorita) {
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini Register Starter Yes
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Pokemon $3
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 MAttack 20
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 MSAttack 20
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 MDefense 20
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 MSDefense 20
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 MIntelligence 6
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 MAccuracy 6
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 MAgility 6
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Speed 11
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 MSpeed 11
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 FSpeed 1
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 MFSpeed 1
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 MHp 50
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Type Grass
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Type2 None
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 $3 Yes
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Attack1 Tackle
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Attack2 Growl
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Attack3 None
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Attack4 None
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Level 5
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 ExpNeeded 20
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Exp 0
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 SpeedExpNeeded 10
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 SExp 0
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Gender $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Gender)
    writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Aura 9
    writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 BAura 1
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 TackleMPP 35 
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 GrowlMPP 40 
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Pokemon $3
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Pokemon2 None
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini Pokemon $3 yes
    Notice $Nick We are Almost Done, Now Please Pm $Me with `Password APassword(This Password will be Used, So You Can Log In To Your Account!) 
  if ($3 == Treecko) {
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini Register Starter Yes
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Pokemon $3
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 MAttack 20
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 MSAttack 20
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 MDefense 20
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 MSDefense 20
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 MIntelligence 6
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 MAccuracy 6
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 MAgility 6
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Speed 11
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 MSpeed 11
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 FSpeed 1
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 MFSpeed 1
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 MHp 50
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Type Grass
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Type2 None
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 $3 Yes
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Attack1 Pound
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Attack2 Leer
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Attack3 None
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Attack4 None
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Level 5
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 ExpNeeded 20
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Exp 0
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 SpeedExpNeeded 10
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 SExp 0
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Gender $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Gender)
    writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Aura 9
    writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 BAura 1
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 PoundMPP 35 
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 LeerMPP 30 
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Pokemon $3
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Pokemon2 None
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini Pokemon $3 yes
    Notice $Nick We are Almost Done, Now Please Pm $Me with `Password APassword(This Password will be Used, So You Can Log In To Your Account!) 
  if ($3 == Squirtle) {
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini Register Starter Yes
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Pokemon $3
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 MAttack 20
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 MSAttack 20
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 MDefense 20
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 MSDefense 20
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 MIntelligence 6
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 MAccuracy 6
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 MAgility 6
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Speed 11
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 MSpeed 11
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 FSpeed 1
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 MFSpeed 1
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 MHp 50
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Type Water
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Type2 None
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 $3 Yes
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Attack1 Tackle
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Attack2 TailWhip
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Attack3 None
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Attack4 None
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Level 5
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 ExpNeeded 20
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Exp 0
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 SpeedExpNeeded 10
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 SExp 0
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Gender $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Gender)
    writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Aura 10
    writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 BAura 1
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 TackleMPP 35 
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 TailWhipMPP 30
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Pokemon $3
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Pokemon2 None
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini Pokemon $3 yes
    Notice $Nick We are Almost Done, Now Please Pm $Me with `Password APassword(This Password will be Used, So You Can Log In To Your Account!) 
  if ($3 == Totodile) {
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini Register Starter Yes
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Pokemon $3
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 MAttack 20
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 MSAttack 20
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 MDefense 20
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 MSDefense 20
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 MIntelligence 6
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 MAccuracy 6
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 MAgility 6
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Speed 11
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 MSpeed 11
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 FSpeed 1
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 MFSpeed 1
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 MHp 50
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Type Water
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Type2 None
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 $3 Yes
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Attack1 Scratch
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Attack2 Leer
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Attack3 None
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Attack4 None
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Level 5
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 ExpNeeded 20
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Exp 0
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 SpeedExpNeeded 10
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 SExp 0
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Gender $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Gender)
    writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Aura 11
    writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 BAura 1
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 ScratchMPP 35 
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 LeerMPP 30
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Pokemon $3
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Pokemon2 None
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini Pokemon $3 yes
    Notice $Nick We are Almost Done, Now Please Pm $Me with `Password APassword(This Password will be Used, So You Can Log In To Your Account!) 
  if ($3 == Mudkip) {
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini Register Starter Yes
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Pokemon $3
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 MAttack 20
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 MSAttack 20
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 MDefense 20
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 MSDefense 20
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 MIntelligence 6
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 MAccuracy 6
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 MAgility 6
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Speed 11
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 MSpeed 11
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 FSpeed 1
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 MFSpeed 1
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 MHp 50
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Type Water
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Type2 None
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 $3 Yes
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Attack1 Tackle
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Attack2 Growl
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Attack3 None
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Attack4 None
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Level 5
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 ExpNeeded 20
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Exp 0
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 SpeedExpNeeded 10
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 SExp 0
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Gender $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Gender)
    writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Aura 12
    writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 BAura 1
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 TackleMPP 35 
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 GrowlMPP 40
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Pokemon $3
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Pokemon2 None
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini Pokemon $3 yes
    Notice $Nick We are Almost Done, Now Please Pm $Me with `Password APassword(This Password will be Used, So You Can Log In To Your Account!) 
  if ($3 == Pichu) {
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini Register Starter Yes
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Pokemon $3
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 MAttack 20
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 MSAttack 20
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 MDefense 20
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 MSDefense 20
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 MIntelligence 6
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 MAccuracy 6
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 MAgility 6
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Speed 11
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 MSpeed 11
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 FSpeed 1
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 MFSpeed 1
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 MHp 50
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Type Electric
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Type2 None
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 $3 Yes
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Attack1 Thunder-Shock
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Attack2 Charm
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Attack3 None
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Attack4 None
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Level 5
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 ExpNeeded 20
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Exp 0
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 SpeedExpNeeded 10
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 SExp 0
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Gender $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Gender)
    writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Aura 8
    writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 BAura 1
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Thunder-ShockMPP 30 
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 CharmMPP 20
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Pokemon $3
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Pokemon2 None
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini Pokemon $3 yes
    Notice $Nick We are Almost Done, Now Please Pm $Me with `Password APassword(This Password will be Used, So You Can Log In To Your Account!) 
  if ($3 == Hoppip) && ($Nick == Super_Luigi) {
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini Register Starter Yes
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Pokemon $3
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 MAttack 20
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 MSAttack 20
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 MDefense 20
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 MSDefense 20
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 MIntelligence 6
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 MAccuracy 6
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 MAgility 6
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Speed 11
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 MSpeed 11
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 FSpeed 1
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 MFSpeed 1
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 MHp 50
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Type Grass
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Type2 Flying
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 $3 Yes
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Attack1 Splash
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Attack2 None
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Attack3 None
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Attack4 None
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Level 5
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 ExpNeeded 20
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Exp 0
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 SpeedExpNeeded 10
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 SExp 0
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Gender $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Gender)
    writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Aura 7
    writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 BAura 1
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 SplashMPP 40 
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Pokemon $3
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Pokemon2 None
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini Pokemon $3 yes
    Notice $Nick We are Almost Done, Now Please Pm $Me with `Password APassword(This Password will be Used, So You Can Log In To Your Account!) 
on *:text:`Password *:?:{ 
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Name) != Yes) { Notice $nick You have not made a Name! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Gender) != Yes) { Notice $nick You have not made a Gender! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Starter) != Yes) { Notice $nick You have not made a Starter! | halt }
  if (/ isin $2) { Notice $nick Please reword it! | halt }
  if ($ isin $2) { Notice $nick Please reword it! | halt }
  if (? isin $2) { Notice $nick Please reword it! | halt }
  if (, isin $2-) { Notice $nick Please reword it! | halt }
  if (Romeo isin $2-) { Notice $nick Please reword it! | halt }
  if (_ isin $2-) { Notice $nick Please reword it! | halt }
  if (* isin $2-) { Notice $nick Please reword it! | halt }
  if ($null == $2-) { Notice $nick Please reword it! | halt }
  if (; isin $2-) { Notice $nick Please reword it! | halt }
  if (: isin $2-) { Notice $nick Please reword it! | halt }
  if (+ isin $2-) { Notice $nick Please reword it! | halt }
  if (^ isin $2-) { Notice $nick Please reword it! | halt }
  if (. isin $2-) { Notice $nick Please reword it! | halt }
  if ($len($2) < 5) { Notice $nick Sorry But This Password is Too Short! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,Pass) == $null) {
    if ($2 == $Null) { Notice $nick Please Type `Pass (Password) | halt }
    writeini -n $nick $+ .ini Password Pass $2
    writeini -n $nick $+ .ini Register Complete Yes
    mode %Chanset +v $nick 
    notice $nick 10Your Password is3 $2
    notice $nick Your Registration is Complete, Type 3`Help0 To get Help! Enjoy!
    writeini -n $nick $+ .ini Password LoggedIn Yes
    Heal $nick
    write Registered+.txt $nick
    writeini Registered $+ .ini Registered $address($nick,2) $Nick 
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Log in | halt }
  if ($2 == $Null) { Notice $nick Please Type `Pass (Password) | halt }
  writeini $nick $+ .ini Password Pass $2
  mode %Chanset +v $nick 
  notice $nick 12Your Password is3 $2
  writeini $nick $+ .ini Password LoggedIn Yes
on *:text:*`Login *:?:{
  if ($2 == $readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,pass)) {
    writeini -n $nick $+ .ini Password LoggedIn Yes
    notice $nick You have logged in!
    mode %Chanset +v $nick 
on *:text:*`LogOut:*: {
  writeini -n $nick $+ .ini Password LoggedIn No
  notice $nick You have now logged out!
  mode %Chanset -v $nick
on *:join:#:{
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick 11Welcome to9 $chan $+ !11 I am9 $me 11a9 Pokemon Bot11. Type 9`Register11 To Begin. | halt }
  if (%ChanSet == $Chan) { Notice $nick 11Welcome to9 $chan $+ ! 11Your Already Registered but if you need any help on the bot, Type 9`help. }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) == Yes) {
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { halt }
    writeini -n $nick $+ .ini Password LoggedIn No
on *:nick:{
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Name) == Yes) { Remove -b $Nick $+ .ini }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { halt }
  writeini -n $nick $+ .ini Password LoggedIn No
  mode %Chanset -v $nick
on *:part:#:{
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Name) == Yes) { Remove -b $Nick $+ .ini }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { halt }
  writeini -n $nick $+ .ini Password LoggedIn No
on *:Quit:{
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Name) == Yes) { Remove -b $Nick $+ .ini }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { halt }
  writeini -n $nick $+ .ini Password LoggedIn No
on 1:text:`Stats:#: {
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  LvLCheck $Nick
  notice $nick 11Trainer: $Name($Nick) $+ 15,1 -11,1 Pokemon: $Pokemon($Nick) $+ 15,1 -11,1 Hp $+ / $+ Max Hp:15 $Stat($nick,Hp) $+ / $+ $Stat($nick,MHP) 15-11 SAttack:15 $Stat($nick,SAttack) 15-11 SDefense:15 $Stat($nick,SDefense) 15-11 Attack:15 $Stat($nick,Attack) 15-11 Defense:15 $Stat($nick,Defense) 15-11 Speed:15 $Stat($nick,FSpeed) $+ / $+ 10 15-11 Level:15 $Stat($nick,Level) 15-11 Exp:15 $Stat($nick,Exp) $+ / $+ $Stat($nick,ExpNeeded)
  Unset %Aura
  Unset %BAura
on *:text:`Speed Stats:#: {
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  SpeedCheck $nick
  Notice $nick 8Speed:15 $Stat($nick,FSpeed) $+ 12/15 $+ 10 8-8 Speed Exp Needed To LvL Up Speed:15 $Stat($nick,SExp) $+ 12/15 $+ $Stat($nick,SpeedExpNeeded)
on *:text:`Trainer Stats:#: {
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,TrainerLevel) == $Null) { writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick TrainerLevel 1 }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,TExpNeeded) == $Null) { writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick TExpNeeded 10 }
  TLvLCheck $nick
  Notice $nick 9Trainer Level:15 $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Nick,TrainerLevel) 8-8 Trainer Exp Needed To LvL Up Level:15 $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Nick,TExp) $+ 12/15 $+ $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Nick,TExpNeeded)
alias Stat {
  %Pokemon = $readini($1 $+ .ini,$1,Pokemon) 
  return $readini($1 $+ .ini,%Pokemon,$2)
alias Name {
  %Aura = $readini($1 $+ .ini,$1,Aura)
  %BAura = $readini($1 $+ .ini,$1,BAura)
  return  $+ %Aura $+ , $+ %BAura $+ $readini($1 $+ .ini,$1,Name) $+ 
alias Pokemon {
  %Pokemon = $readini($1 $+ .ini,$1,Pokemon) 
  %Aura = $readini($1 $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Aura) 
  %BAura = $readini($1 $+ .ini,%Pokemon,BAura)
  if ($readini($1 $+ .ini,$1,WNPC) == Yes) { %Aura = $readini($1 $+ .ini,$1,PAura) | %BAura = $readini($1 $+ .ini,$1,PBAura) | Return  $+ %Aura $+ , $+ %BAura $+ $1 $+  }
  if ($readini($1 $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Name) == $Null) { Return  $+ %Aura $+ , $+ %BAura $+ %Pokemon $+  }
  return  $+ %Aura $+ , $+ %BAura $+ $readini($1 $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Name) $+ 
alias BName {
  %Aura = $readini($1 $+ .ini,$1,Aura) 
  %BAura = $readini($1 $+ .ini,$1,BAura)
  if ($readini($1 $+ .ini,$1,WNpc) == Yes) { Return  $+ %Aura $+ , $+ %BAura $+ $Name($1) $+  $+ 14,1( $+ $readini($1 $+ .ini,$1,PAura) $+ , $+ $readini($1 $+ .ini,$1,PBAura) $+ $1 $+ 14,1) }
  return  $+ %Aura $+ , $+ %BAura $+ $Name($1) $+  $+ 14,1( $+ $Pokemon($1) $+ 14,1)
alias Gender {
  if ($readini($1 $+ .ini,$1,Gender) == Male) { Return His }
  if ($readini($1 $+ .ini,$1,Gender) == Female) { Return Her }
alias Gender2 {
  if ($readini($1 $+ .ini,$1,Gender) == Male) { Return Him }
  if ($readini($1 $+ .ini,$1,Gender) == Female) { Return Her }
alias PGender {
  if ($readini($1 $+ .ini,$Poke($1),Gender) == Male) { Return His }
  if ($readini($1 $+ .ini,$Poke($1),Gender) == Female) { Return Her }
alias PGender2 {
  if ($readini($1 $+ .ini,$Poke($1),Gender) == Male) { Return Him }
  if ($readini($1 $+ .ini,$Poke($1),Gender) == Female) { Return Her }
alias Poke {
  %Pokemon = $readini($1 $+ .ini,$1,Pokemon) 
  return %Pokemon
on 1:text:`Attacks:#:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  unset %Moves
  Set %Moves 4Attacks $Pokemon($Nick) $+ 4,1 Knows:15
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) != None) { Set %Moves %Moves $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $+ $MovePP($Nick,Attack1) }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) != None) { Set %Moves %Moves $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $+ $MovePP($Nick,Attack2) }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) != None) { Set %Moves %Moves $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $+ $MovePP($Nick,Attack3) }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4) != None) { Set %Moves %Moves $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4) $+ $MovePP($Nick,Attack4) }
  Notice $nick %Moves 
  Unset %Moves
  Unset %Pokemon
alias MovePP {
  Set %Move $readini($1 $+ .ini,$Poke($1),$2) $+ PP
  Set %Move2 $readini($1 $+ .ini,$Poke($1),$2) $+ MPP
  return 12(14 $+ $readini($1 $+ .ini,$Poke($1),%Move) $+ 12/14 $+ $readini($1 $+ .ini,$Poke($1),%Move2) $+ 12)15
on 1:text:`Items:#: {
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  Unset %Items
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,Potion) > 0) { Set %Items %Items $Item($nick,Potion) 7-0 }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,Ether) > 0) { Set %Items %Items $Item($nick,Ether) 7-0 }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,Antidote) > 0) { Set %Items %Items $Item($nick,Antidote) 7-0 }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,Pokeball) > 0) { Set %Items %Items $Item($nick,Pokeball) 7-0 }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,Greatball) > 0) { Set %Items %Items $Item($nick,Greatball) 7-0 }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,Ultraball) > 0) { Set %Items %Items $Item($nick,Ultraball) 7-0 }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,Masterball) > 0) { Set %Items %Items $Item($nick,Masterball) 7-0 }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,Awake) > 0) { Set %Items %Items $Item($nick,Awake) 7-0 }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,ParaHeal) > 0) { Set %Items %Items $Item($nick,ParaHeal) 7-0 }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,RareCandy) > 0) { Set %Items %Items $Item($nick,RareCandy) 7-0 }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,ThunderStone) > 0) { Set %Items %Items $Item($nick,ThunderStone) 7-0 }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,LeafStone) > 0) { Set %Items %Items $Item($nick,LeafStone) 7-0 }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,FireStone) > 0) { Set %Items %Items $Item($nick,FireStone) 7-0 }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,SunStone) > 0) { Set %Items %Items $Item($nick,SunStone) 7-0 }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,MetalCoat) > 0) { Set %Items %Items $Item($nick,MetalCoat) 7-0 }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,WaterStone) > 0) { Set %Items %Items $Item($nick,WaterStone) 7-0 }
  Notice $nick 9Items:0 %Items
  Unset %Items
  Unset %Pokemon
  Unset %Aura
  Unset %BAura
on 1:text:`Tms:#: {
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  Unset %TMS
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Tm,Tm34) == Yes) { Set %TMS %TMS Tm34(Mud-Slap) 7-0 }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Tm,Tm11) == Yes) { Set %TMS %TMS Tm11(Swift) 7-0 }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Tm,Tm24) == Yes) { Set %TMS %TMS Tm24(Thunder-Wave) 7-0 }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Tm,Tm26) == Yes) { Set %TMS %TMS Tm26(EarthQuake) 7-0 }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Tm,Tm21) == Yes) { Set %TMS %TMS Tm21(MegaDrain) 7-0 }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Tm,Tm38) == Yes) { Set %TMS %TMS Tm38(BlastBurn) 7-0 }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Tm,Tm46) == Yes) { Set %TMS %TMS Tm46(Calm-Mind) 7-0 }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Tm,Tm06) == Yes) { Set %TMS %TMS Tm06(Toxic) 7-0 }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Tm,Tm27) == Yes) { Set %TMS %TMS Tm27(Fissure) 7-0 }
  Notice $nick 9Tms:0 %Tms
  Unset %Tms
alias Item {
  return $2 $+ ( $+ $readini($1 $+ .ini,Items,$2) $+ )
on 1:text:`Money:#:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Bank,Bank) == Yes) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,GC) > 0) { Notice $nick 7Gil:8 $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Money) 7GC:8 $readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,GC) 7Bank:8 $readini($nick $+ .ini,Bank,Amount) $+ 12/08 $+ $readini($nick $+ .ini,Bank,Limit) | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Bank,Bank) == Yes) { Notice $nick 7Gil:8 $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Money) 7Bank:8 $readini($nick $+ .ini,Bank,Amount) $+ 12/08 $+ $readini($nick $+ .ini,Bank,Limit) | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,Gc) > 0) { Notice $nick 7Gil:8 $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Money) 7GC:8 $readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,GC) | halt }
  Notice $nick 7Money:8 $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Money)
on *:text:`NickName *:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Named) == Yes) { Notice $nick You already Gave $Poke($Nick) a Name! | halt }
  if (/ isin $2-) { Notice $nick Please reword it! | halt }
  if ($ isin $2-) { Notice $nick Please reword it! | halt }
  if (_ isin $2-) { Notice $nick Please reword it! | halt }
  if (* isin $2-) { Notice $nick Please reword it! | halt }
  if ($null == $2-) { Notice $nick Please reword it! | halt }
  if (; isin $2-) { Notice $nick Please reword it! | halt }
  if (: isin $2-) { Notice $nick Please reword it! | halt }
  if (+ isin $2-) { Notice $nick Please reword it! | halt }
  if (- isin $2-) { Notice $nick Please reword it! | halt }
  if (| isin $2-) { Notice $nick Please reword it! | halt }
  if (' isin $2-) { Notice $nick Please reword it! | halt }
  if (" isin $2-) { Notice $nick Please reword it! | halt }
  if (^ isin $2-) { Notice $nick Please reword it! | halt }
  if (% isin $2-) { Notice $nick Please reword it! | halt }
  if (# isin $2-) { Notice $nick Please reword it! | halt }
  if (^ isin $2-) { Notice $nick Please reword it! | halt }
  if (. isin $2-) { Notice $nick Please reword it! | halt }
  if ($2 == $Nick) { Notice $nick Please Change It! | halt }
  if ($2 == Items) { Notice $nick Please Change It! | halt }
  if ($len($2) < 2) { Notice $nick Sorry But This Name is Too Short! | halt }
  if ($len($2) > 10) { Notice $nick Sorry But This Name is Too Long! | halt }
  writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) Name $2-
  writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) Named Yes
  Notice $nick 15You Named Your Pokemon9 $2- $+ !
on 1:text:`Help:#:{
  Notice $nick 8Help Topics: 9Register 7-9 Healing 7-9 BattleArena 7-9 Battle 7-9 NickName 7-9 Catching-Pokemon 7-9 Using-Items 7-9 PokeMart 7-9 Places 7-9 Travel 7-9 Evolve 7-9 Speed 7-9 Trainer-Level 7-9 Training 7-9 Motto 7-9 Pc 7-9 Trading-Pokemon 7-9 Gyms 7-9 Tms 7-9 Partners 7-9 2vs2-Battles 8Type `Help (Topic)
on 1:text:`Help*:#: {
  If ($2 == Register) { notice $nick Type `Register, Then Follow the Steps, If Nothing Appears after you put the command, Please Wait 5-10 Second because it could be Lag. | halt }
  If ($2 == Healing) { notice $nick Type `PokeCenter To Heal! Different Areas have Different Healing Times! | Halt }
  If ($2 == BattleArena) { notice $nick Battle Arena is an All Out Battle of Every One! Type `Enter Arena to Enter & `Leave Arena to Get Out! Typed `Entered To See who is in Battle Field! | Halt }
  If ($2 == Battle) { notice $nick Type `Battle for an Open Battle(Any One May Accept) `Battle Person(A Specific Person Will Be Chosen) To Accept, `Accept Open Person(Accepting The Open Challenge) `Accept Challenge Person(The Person who Challenged You). Withdraw Open Challenge by `Withdraw | Halt }
  If ($2 == NickName) { notice $nick To NickName Your Pokemon, `NickName <Name>, You Cannot ReName it Again! | Halt }
  If ($2 == Catching-Pokemon) { notice $nick Lower The Wild Pokemons Hp! When You Think its Low Enough Type `Throw (Ball) (Wild Pokemon), Example: `Throw PokeBall Pidgey | Halt }
  If ($2 == Using-Items) { notice $nick To Use an Item, Type `Use (Item), Example: `Use Potion | Halt }
  If ($2 == PokeMart) { notice $nick Type `Places to see if a PokeMart is There! If There is Type `PokeMart, Once You Wanna Buy an Item, Type `Buy (Item) (Amount), Example: `Buy Potion 2 | Halt }
  If ($2 == Places) { notice $nick You Can Travel to Other Places, For Gyms, Items, Etc. Type `Places To see What that Place has! | Halt }
  If ($2 == Travel) { notice $nick To Travel, Type `Travel (Place), Type `Map to see What Places You Can go! Example: `Travel Pallet-Town | Halt }
  If ($2 == Motto) { notice $nick Type `Motto <Txt> To do a Motto! | Halt }
  If ($2 == Gyms) { notice $nick Each Time You Travel to a new Place Type `Places, If Gym is There, You may fight for a Badge! | Halt }
  If ($2 == Evolve) { notice $nick You Have a choice, If You want to Evolve a Pokemon or Not, By `Change Evolve. Not Evolving a Pokemon has some Advantages, Such as Learning Moves a Bit Earlier or Moves that Your next Evolve form will not. Evolving Occurs When a Pokemon Reaches a Certain Level. Btw There are Chances Your Pokemon wont Evolve on the Exact its suppose to! | Halt }
  If ($2 == Speed) { notice $nick Each Pokemon has a Speed Level. This Determines the Duration of how Long an Attack May Take. Type `Speed Stats to see your Speed Level and How much Speed You Need to Level it Up. | Halt }
  If ($2 == Trainer-Level) { notice $nick Trainer level allows you to goto Other Places. Type `Trainer Stats to see Your Trainer Level and How much Exp is Needed to Level it up. To Gain Trainer Exp, You Level Pokemon, Evolve Pokemon, Catch Pokemon, Win Battles in 1 Vs. 1 Battles, & Winning Badges! | Halt }
  If ($2 == Training) { notice $nick Training Helps Pokemon Level Up! Command: `Start Training (Bag). `TEnd Time Left to see How long you have in Training! `TA Time Left To See When You Can Train Again! Supa+Weak+Bag is Free and For Pokemon Below Level 10. Weak+Bag is Free and For Pokemon Below Level 20. Punch+Bag Cost 75 Zenny is For Pokemon Below Level 40. | Halt }
  If ($2 == Pc) { notice $nick Type 4`Start Pc15 to Create a Pc Account, It Costs 1000 Zenny, You Get 3 Storage space, to get More Space, Type 4`Upgrade Pc15. To Deposit pokemon 4`Deposit Pokemon15. To Withdraw Pokemon 4`Withdraw Pokemon15. | Halt }
  If ($2 == Trading-Pokemon) { notice $nick To Trade Pokemon, Both People need PC Accounts. `Trade Person PokemonYouOffer PokemonYouWant & `Accept Trade Person YourPokemonHeWants PokemonHeOffered, If You Dont Wanna Trade do not type anything. 4Example: `Trade Romeo Torchic Charmander 15-4 `Accept Trade Hamlet Charmander Torchic | Halt } 
  If ($2 == Tms) { notice $nick Using Tms: `Use Tm# (Move You Want to Delete) 4Note - Even if you dont have 4 moves put a move, it will not get deleted! Also If It says Nothing and You Know your Pokemon learns that move Pm Romeo with Evidence! | Halt }
  If ($2 == Partners) { notice $nick Partners are for 2vs2 Battles! Type `Partner SomeOne. To Accept: `Accept Partner PersonWhoOffered! Type `Drop Partner To Drop Partner! | Halt }
  If ($2 == 2vs2-Battles) { notice $nick You Need a Partner, He/She Must be In Room! Type `TBattle To Declare an open Challenge! To Accept: `Accept 2vs2 OneOfThePeopleWhoWantedA2Vs2Battle! To Withdraw: `TWithdraw | Halt }
on 1:text:`Change Evolve:#:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),WantEvolve) == Yes) { writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) WantEvolve No | Notice $Nick You Have Made it So $Poke($Nick) Will not Evolve! | Halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),WantEvolve) == No) { writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) WantEvolve Yes | Notice $Nick You Have Made it So $Poke($Nick) Will Evolve! | Halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),WantEvolve) == $Null) { writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) WantEvolve Yes | Notice $Nick You Have Made it So $Poke($Nick) Will Evolve! | Halt }
on 1:text:`Switch*:#: {
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($2 == $Null) { Notice $nick Its `Switch (NewPokemon) | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$2,Pokemon) == $Null) { Notice $nick You Dont Have $2 $+ ! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$2,Stored) == Yes) { Notice $nick $2 is Stored! | halt }
  if (%Learning == $nick) { Notice $nick $Pokemon($Nick) $+ 0,1 is Learning a Move! | halt }  
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) == yes) { Notice $nick You Are Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,2Vs2) == yes) { Notice $nick Your Still in the 2vs2 Battle! | halt }
  if (%intourney. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] = yes) { halt }
  writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Pokemon $2
  Msg %ChanSet $Name($Nick) $+ 9,1 Switched Pokemons!
on 1:TEXT:`Motto*:#:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($2- == $null) { notice $nick Add Some Words! | halt }
  if (/ isin $2-) { Notice $nick Please reword it! | halt }
  if ($ isin $2-) { Notice $nick Please reword it! | halt }
  if (* isin $2-) { Notice $nick Please reword it! | halt }
  if (| isin $2-) { Notice $nick Please reword it! | halt }
  if (% isin $2-) { Notice $nick Please reword it! | halt }
  if (# isin $2-) { Notice $nick Please reword it! | halt }
  writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Motto $2-
  Notice $nick 0You Have Changed Your Battle Motto To " $+ $2- $+ " 
alias Motto {
  return $readini($1 $+ .ini,$1,Motto)
on 1:TEXT:`Read*:#:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick No Such User! | halt }
  Notice $nick $Name($2) $+ 0,1's Stats: $Pokemon($2) $+ 0,1 is $Poke($2) a $Stat($2,Type) Type Pokemon. 0Type 2:15 $Stat($2,Type2) 7-0 Hp:15 $Stat($2,Hp)
on *:text:*`Pokedex:#:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  Unset %Pokemon
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Charmander) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Charmander }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Charmeleon) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Charmeleon }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Charizard) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Charizard }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Bulbasaur) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Bulbasaur }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Ivysaur) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Ivysaur }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Venusaur) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Venusaur }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Squirtle) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Squirtle }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Wartortle) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Wartortle }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Blastoise) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Blastoise }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Chikorita) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Chikorita }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Bayleef) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Bayleef }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Meganium) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Charizard }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Cyndaquil) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Cyndaquil }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Quilava) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Quilava }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Typhlosion) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Typhlosion }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Totodile) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Totodile }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Croconaw) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Croconaw }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Feraligatr) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Feraligatr }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Torchic) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Torchic }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Combusken) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Combusken }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Blaziken) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Blaziken }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Treecko) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Treecko }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Grovyle) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Grovyle }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Sceptile) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Sceptile }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Mudkip) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Mudkip }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Marshtomp) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Marshtomp }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Swampert) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Swampert }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Pichu) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Pichu }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Pikachu) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Pikachu }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Hoppip) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Hoppip }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Skiploom) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Skiploom }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Jumpluff) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Jumpluff }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Raichu) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Raichu }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Pidgey) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Pidgey }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Pidgeotto) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Pidgeotto }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Pidgeot) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Pidgeot }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Weedle) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Weedle }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Kakuna) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Kakuna }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Beedrill) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Beedrill }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Caterpie) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Caterpie }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Metapod) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Metapod }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Butterfree) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Butterfree }
  if (%Pokemon == $null) { Goto skip1 }
  Notice $nick 14Pokemon You Have Caught:15 %Pokemon
  Unset %Pokemon
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Spearow) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Spearow }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Fearow) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Fearow }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Rattata) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Rattata }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Raticate) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Raticate }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Abra) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Abra }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Kadabra) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Kadabra }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Alakazam) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Alakazam }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Onix) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Onix }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Steelix) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Steelix }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Sandshrew) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Sandshrew }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Sandslash) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Sandslash }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Staryu) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Staryu }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Starmie) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Starmie }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Ekans) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Ekans }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Arbok) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Arbok }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Bellsprout) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Bellsprout }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Weepinbell) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Weepinbell }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Victreebell) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Victreebell }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Oddish) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Oddish }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Gloom) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Gloom }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Vileplume) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Vileplume }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Bellossom) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Bellossom }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Eevee) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Eevee }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Jolteon) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Jolteon }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Vaporeon) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Vaporeon }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Flareon) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Flareon }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Espeon) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Espeon }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Umbreon) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Umbreon }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Nidoran-M) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Nidoran-M }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Nidorino) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Nidorino }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Nidoking) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Nidoking }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Nidoran-F) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Nidoran-F }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Nidorina) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Nidorina }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Nidoqueen) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Nidoqueen }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Vulpix) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Vulpix }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Ninetales) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Ninetales }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Venonat) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Venonat }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Venomoth) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Venomoth }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Rhyhorn) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Rhyhorn }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Rhydon) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Rhydon }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Magikarp) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Magikarp }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Gyarados) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Gyarados }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Gastly) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Gastly }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Haunter) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Haunter }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Gengar) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Gengar }

  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Golduck) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Golduck }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Dratini) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Dratini }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Dragonair) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Dragonair }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Dragonite) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Dragonite }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Geodude) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Geodude }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Graveler) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Graveler }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Golem) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Golem }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Psyduck) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Psyduck }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Elekid) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Elekid }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Electabuzz) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Electabuzz }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Houndour) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Houndour }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Houndoom) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Houndoom }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Teddiursa) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Teddiursa }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Ursaring) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Ursaring }
  if (%Pokemon == $null) { goto skip2 }
  Notice $nick 15 $+ %Pokemon
  //unset %Pokemon
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Mankey) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Mankey }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Primeape) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Primeape }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Zubat) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Zubat }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Golbat) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Golbat }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Crobat) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Crobat }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Machop) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Machop }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Machoke) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Machoke }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Machamp) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Machamp }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Kabuto) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Kabuto }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Kabutops) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Kabutops }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Omanyte) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Omanyte }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Omastar) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Omastar }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Aerodactyl) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Aerodactyl }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Lapras) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Lapras }

  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Poliwag) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Poliwag }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Poliwhirl) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Poliwhirl }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Poliwrath) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Poliwrath }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Politoed) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Politoed }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Snorlax) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Snorlax }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Tauros) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Tauros }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Larvitar) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Larvitar }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Pupitar) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Pupitar }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Tyranitar) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Tyranitar }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Gligar) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Gligar }
  if (%Pokemon == $null) { goto skip3 }
  Notice $nick 15 $+ %Pokemon
  //unset %Pokemon
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Moltres) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Moltres }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Zapdos) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Zapdos }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Articuno) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Articuno }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,MewTwo) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon MewTwo }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Mew) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Mew }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Suicune) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Suicune }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Entei) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Entei }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Pokemon,Raikou) == yes) { Set %Pokemon %Pokemon Raikou }
  if (%Pokemon == $null) { halt }
  Notice $nick 15 $+ %Pokemon
on 1:text:`Battle*:*: {
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Travel,Travel) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Traveling | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) == yes) { Notice $nick You Are Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Hp) <= 0) { Notice $nick Please Heal Your Pokemon! | halt }
  if (%PlayingCraps == $nick) { Notice $nick You are playing the Craps! | halt }
  if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,2Vs2) == yes) { Notice $nick Your Still in the 2vs2 Battle! | halt }
  if ($timer(Heal $+ $nick).secs != $null) { Notice $nick You Are Healing | halt }
  if ($istok(%OpenChallenge,$Nick,32) == $true) { Notice $nick You are Doing the Open Challenge! | halt }
  if ($istok(%TOpenChallenge,$Nick,32) == $true) { Notice $nick You are Doing the 2 Vs 2 Open Challenge! | halt }
  if (%tourney = yes) { halt } 
  if ($2 != $Null) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) == Yes) && ($2 Ison %ChanSet) {
    if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 is Not Registered! `Register | halt }
    Set -u120 %Challenge. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $2
    Msg %ChanSet $Name($Nick) $+ 8,1 Has Challenged $Name($2) $+ 8,1 To a Pokemon Battle! If You Want to Battle Type `Accept Challenge $Nick
  Msg %ChanSet $Name($Nick) $+ 8,1 Wants to Battle! If You Want to Battle $Name($Nick) $+ 8,1 Type `Accept Open $Nick
  Set %OpenChallenge %OpenChallenge $Nick 
on 1:text:`Accept*:*: {
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Travel,Travel) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Traveling | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) == yes) { Notice $nick You Are Already Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Hp) <= 0) { Notice $nick Please Heal Your Pokemon! | halt }
  if ($readini($3 $+ .ini,$Poke($3),Hp) <= 0) { Notice $nick $3 Must Heal Their Pokemon! | halt }
  if (%PlayingCraps == $nick) { Notice $nick You are playing the Craps! | halt }
  if ($readini($3 $+ .ini,$3,Fighting) == yes) { Notice $nick $3 Is Battling! | halt }
  if ($timer(Heal $+ $nick).secs != $null) { Notice $nick You Are Healing | halt }
  if ($readini($3 $+ .ini,Travel,Travel) == Yes) { Notice $nick $3 is Traveling | halt }
  if (%tourney = yes) { halt } 
  if ($3 == $Nick) { halt } 
  if ($2 == Challenge) {
    if (%Challenge. [ $+ [ $3 ] ] != $nick) { Notice $nick This person has not offered to Battle You! | halt }
    Inc %Battles
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Fighting Yes
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Field Singles $+ %Battles
    Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $nick FightingWho $3
    Writeini -n $3 $+ .ini $3 Fighting Yes
    Writeini -n $3 $+ .ini $3 Field Singles $+ %Battles
    Writeini -n $3 $+ .ini $3 FightingWho $Nick
    Msg %ChanSet $Name($Nick) $+ 8,1 Has Accepted $Name($3) $+ 8,1's Challenge! Begin!
  if ($2 == Open) {
    if ($istok(%OpenChallenge,$3,32) != $true) { Notice $nick $3 is not Doing the Open Challenge! | halt }
    Inc %Battles
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Fighting Yes
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Field Singles $+ %Battles
    Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $nick FightingWho $3
    Writeini -n $3 $+ .ini $3 Fighting Yes
    Writeini -n $3 $+ .ini $3 Field Singles $+ %Battles
    Writeini -n $3 $+ .ini $3 FightingWho $Nick
    Msg %ChanSet $Name($Nick) $+ 8,1 Has Accepted $Name($3) $+ 8,1's Challenge! Begin!
    if ($readini($3 $+ .ini,$3,TNpc) == Yes) { SpecialNpc $3 }
    set %OpenChallenge $remtok(%OpenChallenge,$3,1,32)
    if ($istok(%OpenChallenge,$3,32) == $true) { Goto Repeat }
  if ($2 == 2vs2) {
    if ($istok(%TOpenChallenge,$3,32) != $true) { Notice $nick $3 is not Doing the 2 vs 2 Open Challenge! | halt }
    Set %Partner $readini($nick $+ .ini,Tag,Partner)
    Set %Partner2 $readini($3 $+ .ini,Tag,Partner)
    if ($readini(%Partner $+ .ini,%Partner,Fighting) == yes) { Notice $nick %Partner Is Battling! | halt }
    if ($timer(Heal $+ %Partner).secs != $null) { Notice $nick %Partner is Healing | halt }
    if ($readini(%Partner $+ .ini,Travel,Travel) == Yes) { Notice $nick %Partner is Traveling | halt }
    if ($readini(%Partner $+ .ini,$Poke(%Partner),Hp) <= 0) { Notice $nick %Partner Must Heal Their Pokemon! | halt }
    if ($readini(%Partner2 $+ .ini,%Partner2,Fighting) == yes) { Notice $nick %Partner2 Is Battling! | halt }
    if ($timer(Heal $+ %Partner2).secs != $null) { Notice $nick %Partner2 is Healing | halt }
    if ($readini(%Partner2 $+ .ini,Travel,Travel) == Yes) { Notice $nick %Partner2 is Traveling | halt }
    if ($readini(%Partner2 $+ .ini,$Poke(%Partner2),Hp) <= 0) { Notice $nick %Partner2 Must Heal Their Pokemon! | halt }
    Inc %Battles
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Fighting Yes
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Field 2vs2 $+ %Battles
    Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $nick FightingWho $3
    Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $nick 2vs2 Yes
    Writeini -n $3 $+ .ini $3 Fighting Yes
    Writeini -n $3 $+ .ini $3 Field 2vs2 $+ %Battles
    Writeini -n $3 $+ .ini $3 FightingWho $Nick
    Writeini -n $3 $+ .ini $3 2vs2 Yes
    Writeini -n %Partner $+ .ini %Partner Fighting Yes
    Writeini -n %Partner $+ .ini %Partner Field 2vs2 $+ %Battles
    Writeini -n %Partner $+ .ini %Partner FightingWho %Partner2
    Writeini -n %Partner $+ .ini %Partner 2vs2 Yes
    Writeini -n %Partner2 $+ .ini %Partner2 Fighting Yes
    Writeini -n %Partner2 $+ .ini %Partner2 Field 2vs2 $+ %Battles
    Writeini -n %Partner2 $+ .ini %Partner2 FightingWho %Partner
    Writeini -n %Partner2 $+ .ini %Partner2 2vs2 Yes
    Msg %ChanSet $Name($Nick) $+ 8,1 & $Name(%Partner) $+ 8,1 Have Accepted $Name($3) $+ 8,1 & $Name(%Partner2) $+ 8,1's Challenge! Begin!
    set %TOpenChallenge $remtok(%TOpenChallenge,$3,1,32)
    set %TOpenChallenge $remtok(%TOpenChallenge,%Partner2,1,32)
    Unset %Partner
    Unset %Partner2
on 1:text:`Withdraw:#:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($istok(%OpenChallenge,$Nick,32) != $true) { Notice $Nick You Are not In The Open Challenge! | halt }
  set %OpenChallenge $remtok(%OpenChallenge,$Nick,1,32)
  Msg %ChanSet $Name($Nick) $+ 8,1 Has Withdrew out of the Open Challenge!
on *:text:*`PokeCenter:#:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are In Battle! Please leave The Battlefield.  | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Travel,Travel) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Traveling | halt }
  if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,2Vs2) == yes) { Notice $nick Your Still in the 2vs2 Battle! | halt }
  if ($timer(Heal $+ $nick).secs != $null) { Notice $nick You Are Healing | halt }
  if (%EliteBattle = yes) && (%EFighting == $Nick) { Notice $nick You are Fighting Elite 4! | halt }
  if (%tourneystarted = yes) { halt } 
  Set %Pokemon $readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Pokemon)
  Set %Town $readini($nick $+ .ini,Travel,Town)
  Set %Town $readini(Map $+ .ini,%Town,Heal)
  Notice $nick 1,0Nurse Joy:0,1 %Pokemon Will Be Fully Healed In %Town Seconds $+ !
  Timerheal $+ $nick 1 %Town /Heal $nick
on *:text:`Enter Arena:#: {
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Hp) <= 0) { Notice $nick Please Heal Your Pokemon! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) == yes) { Notice $nick You Are Already Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Travel,Travel) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Traveling | halt }
  if (%PlayingCraps == $nick) { Notice $nick You are playing the Craps! | halt }
  if ($timer(Heal $+ $nick).secs != $null) { Notice $nick You Are Healing | halt }
  if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,2Vs2) == yes) { Notice $nick Your Still in the 2vs2 Battle! | halt }
  if (%tourney = yes) { halt } 
  if ($Nick isin %batlist) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != yes) { BatlistCheck $Nick }
  Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Fighting Yes
  set %batlist %batlist $nick
  Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Field Normal
  Msg %ChanSet $Name($Nick) $+ 8,1 Enters the Arena. $Name($Nick) $+ 8,1 Says:15 $Motto($Nick) $Name($Nick) $+ 8,1 Sends out $Pokemon($Nick) $+ 8,1! 
  if ($numtok(%NpcStopAttacking,32) >= 1) && (%NpcStopAttacking != $Null) { IdleNpcAttack }
on *:text:`Leave Arena:#: {
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != yes) { Notice $nick You Are Not In The Arena! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Field) != Normal) { Notice $nick You Cannot Leave! | halt }
  if ($timer(Leave $+ $nick).secs != $null) { Notice $nick You Are Already Leaving The Arena! | halt }
  if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,CantRun) == Yes) { Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 8,1 Cannot Run! Away! | halt }
  Msg %ChanSet $Name($Nick) $+ 8,1 is Running Away! $Name($Nick) $+ 8,1 Will Run Away In 60 Seconds!
  TimerLeave $+ $nick 1 60 /leave $nick
on 1:TEXT:`Entered:#: {
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  var %x = 1
  var %y = $numtok(%batlist,32)
  while (%x <= %y) {
    Set %Person $gettok(%batlist,%x,32)
    if ($readini(%Person $+ .ini,%Person,Fighting) == Yes) { set %entered %entered $gettok(%batlist,%x,32) $chr(45) }
    inc %x
  Notice $nick 8People Who Are Battling:15 %Entered
  Unset %Entered
  Unset %Person
on 1:TEXT:`Open:#: {
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  Notice $nick 8People Who Have Offered Open Challenges:15 %OpenChallenge
on 1:TEXT:`Atl:#: {
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Attacking) != Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Not Attacking! | halt }
  if ($timer(Attack $+ $nick).secs = $null) && ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Attacking) == yes) { Notice $Nick 8GLITCH!4 This Has Been Fixed! | Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Attacking no | Halt }
  Notice $nick 9Attack Time Left:15 $duration($timer(Attack $+ $nick).secs))
on 1:TEXT:`Cancel:#: {
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Attacking) != Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Not Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$Nick,CantCancel) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Cannot Cancel! | halt }
  Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking no
  Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) SolarCharge No
  Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) StockPile No
  Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) Charging No
  Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) CDamage 0
  TimerAttack $+ $nick off
  Notice $nick 15You Stopped Your $Pokemon($Nick) $+ 15,1's Attack!
on *:text:*`Learn *:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if (%Learning != $nick) { Notice $nick Sorry You Are Not Learning A Move. | halt }  
  if (%Learn. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] != $2) { Notice $nick Sorry But $3 Is Not The Move Your Learning! | halt }  
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,$3,32) == $true) {
    writeini $Nick $+ .ini Learned %MoveLearning Yes
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) == $3) { writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) Attack1 $2 }  
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) == $3) { writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) Attack2 $2 }  
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) == $3) { writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) Attack3 $2 }  
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4) == $3) { writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) Attack4 $2 }  
    writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) L $+ %MoveLearning Yes
    writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) %MoveLearning $+ MPP $readini(Pokemon_Status $+ .ini,PPCheck,%MoveLearning)
    writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) %MoveLearning $+ PP $readini(Pokemon_Status $+ .ini,PPCheck,%MoveLearning)
    Unset %Learn*
    Unset %Learning
    Unset %ALearn
    Unset %MoveLearning
    Unset %Attacks
    Msg %ChanSet $Pokemon($Nick) $+ 9,1 Foregot  $+ $3 $+  & Learned 4 $+ $2 $+ 
on *:text:*`NotLearn:#:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if (%Learning != $nick) { Notice $nick Sorry You Are Not Learning A Move. | halt }  
  writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) L $+ %MoveLearning Yes
  Unset %Learn*
  Unset %Learning
  Unset %ALearn
  Unset %MoveLearning
  Msg %ChanSet $Pokemon($Nick) $+ 9,1 Did Not Learn a New Move.
on 1:TEXT:`Struggle:#:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Paralyzed) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Pokemon is Not Paralyzed! | halt }
  if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Sleeping) == Yes) { Notice $nick Your Pokemon is Sleeping! | halt }
  Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
  Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick CantCancel Yes
  Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 2 ),0)
  TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /Struggle $Nick
  Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 8,1 Struggles to Get Free of Paralyze!
on 1:TEXT:`Wake Up:#:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Sleeping) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Pokemon is not Sleeping! | halt }
  Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
  Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick CantCancel Yes
  Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 2 ),0)
  TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /Wake $Nick
  Msg %ChanSet $Name($Nick) $+ 0,1 Tells his $Pokemon($Nick) $+ 0,1 to Wake Up!
on 1:TEXT:`Scratch*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack Scratch
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 2.5 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 Scratch
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 0,1 Runs Toward $BName($2) $+ 0,1!
on 1:TEXT:`Horn-Attack*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack Horn-Attack
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 3.4 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 Horn-Attack
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 0,1 Runs Toward $BName($2) $+ 0,1!
on 1:TEXT:`Stomp*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack Stomp
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 3.8 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 Stomp
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 0,1 Runs Toward $BName($2) $+ 0,1!
on 1:TEXT:`Horn-Drill*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack Horn-Drill
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 5.5 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 Horn-Drill
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 0,1 Dashes Towards $BName($2) $+ 0,1!
on 1:TEXT:`Fissure*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack Fissure
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 5.5 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 Fissure
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 5,1 Walks Towards $BName($2) $+ 5,1!
on 1:TEXT:`Thrash*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack Thrash
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 6.3 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 Thrash
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 0,1 Dashes Towards $BName($2) $+ 0,1!
on 1:TEXT:`Thunder-Wave*:#: {
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack Thunder-Wave
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 3 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 Thunder-Wave
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 8,1 Charges Electricity at $BName($2) $+ 8,1!
on 1:TEXT:`Pound*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack Pound
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 2.5 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 Pound
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 0,1 Runs Toward $BName($2) $+ 0,1!
on 1:TEXT:`Splash*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack Splash
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 1.5 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 Splash
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 0,1 Gets ready to Splash $BName($2) $+ 0,1!
on 1:TEXT:`Slash*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack Slash
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 2.9 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 Slash
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 0,1 Runs Toward $BName($2) $+ 0,1!
on 1:TEXT:`Swift*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack Swift
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 3.5 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 Swift
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 0,1 Charges Stars at $BName($2) $+ 0,1!
on 1:TEXT:`Tackle*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack Tackle
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 2.4 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 Tackle
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 0,1 Runs Toward $BName($2) $+ 0,1!
on 1:TEXT:`Poison-Sting*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack Poison-Sting
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 2.4 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 Poison-Sting
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 6,1 Charges a Sharp Needle at $BName($2) $+ 6,1!
on 1:TEXT:`Smog*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack Smog
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 3.4 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 Smog
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 6,1 Starts to Create Gas $BName($2) $+ 6,1!
on 1:TEXT:`Acid-Armor:#:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  Set %Attack Acid-Armor
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 4 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick Hey Acid-Armor
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 11,1 Starts to Shine with Purple Light!
on 1:TEXT:`Acid*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack Acid
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 5.3 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 Acid
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 6,1 Charges Acid at $BName($2) $+ 6,1!
on 1:TEXT:`Slam*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack Slam
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 3.1 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 Slam
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 0,1 Runs Toward $BName($2) $+ 0,1!
on 1:TEXT:`Bide*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack Bide
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 10 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 Bide
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 0,1 Curls up and Looks at $BName($2) $+ 0,1!
on 1:TEXT:`BodySlam*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack BodySlam
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 4.7 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 BodySlam
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 0,1 Runs Toward $BName($2) $+ 0,1!
on 1:TEXT:`Lick*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack Lick
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 3 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 Lick
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 2,1 Sticks its tongue at $BName($2) $+ 2,1!
on 1:TEXT:`Spite*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack Spite
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 3 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 Spite
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 2,1 Begins to do Spite at $BName($2) $+ 2,1!
on 1:TEXT:`TakeDown*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($nick),Hp) <= 60) { Notice $nick You Cant, You Will Die! | halt }
  Set %Attack TakeDown
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 4.7 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 TakeDown
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 0,1 Runs Toward $BName($2) $+ 0,1!
on 1:TEXT:`Hyper-Fang*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack Hyper-Fang
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 3.9 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 Hyper-Fang
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 0,1 Jumps at $BName($2) $+ 0,1!
on 1:TEXT:`Poison-Fang*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack Poison-Fang
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 5.4 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 Poison-Fang
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 6,1's Fangs Start to Drip With Poison, Facing $BName($2) $+ 6,1!
on 1:TEXT:`Super-Fang*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack Super-Fang
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 5.3 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 Super-Fang
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 0,1 Jumps at $BName($2) $+ 0,1!
on 1:TEXT:`Fury-Attack*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack Fury-Attack
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 3.1 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 Fury-Attack
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 0,1 Runs Toward $BName($2) $+ 0,1!
on 1:TEXT:`Spike-Cannon*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack Spike-Cannon
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 4.7 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 Spike-Cannon
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 0,1 Charges its Spike Cannon at $BName($2) $+ 0,1!
on 1:TEXT:`Fury-Swipes*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack Fury-Swipes
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 4 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 Fury-Swipes
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 0,1 Runs Toward $BName($2) $+ 0,1!
on 1:TEXT:`False-Swipe*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack False-Swipe
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 4.7 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 False-Swipe
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 0,1 Runs Toward $BName($2) $+ 0,1!
on 1:TEXT:`Fury-Cutter*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack Fury-Cutter
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 4 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 Fury-Cutter
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 3,1 Runs Toward $BName($2) $+ 3,1!
on 1:TEXT:`Quick-Attack*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack Quick-Attack
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 2.4 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 Quick-Attack
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 0,1 Dashes Toward $BName($2) $+ 0,1!
on 1:TEXT:`ExtremeSpeed*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack ExtremeSpeed
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 3 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 ExtremeSpeed
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 0,1 Dashes Towards $BName($2) $+ 0,1 at Very High Speeds!
on 1:TEXT:`Bite*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack Bite
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 3.4 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 Bite
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 14,1 Dashes Towards $BName($2) $+ 14,1!
on 1:TEXT:`Astonish*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack Astonish
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 3.1 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 Astonish
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 2,1 Gets ready todo Astonish to $BName($2) $+ 2,1!
on 1:TEXT:`Low-Kick*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack Low-Kick
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 3 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 Low-Kick
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 7,1 Gets on $PGender($1) Knees facing $BName($2) $+ 7,1!
on 1:TEXT:`Karate-Chop*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack Karate-Chop
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 3.5 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 Karate-Chop
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 7,1 Raises $PGender($1) Right Hand, Opening it at $BName($2) $+ 7,1!
on 1:TEXT:`Faint-Attack*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack Faint-Attack
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 4 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 Faint-Attack
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 14,1 Turns around & Bends over, Luring $BName($2) $+ 14,1!
on 1:TEXT:`Pin-Missile*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack Pin-Missile
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 4.6 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 Pin-Missile
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 3,1 Charges Pin Missiles at $BName($2) $+ 3,1!
on 1:TEXT:`Pursuit*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack Pursuit
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 4.2 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 Pursuit
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 14,1 Dashes Towards $BName($2) $+ 14,1!
on 1:TEXT:`Crunch*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack Crunch
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 3.9 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 Crunch
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 14,1 Dashes Towards $BName($2) $+ 14,1!
on 1:TEXT:`RapidSpin*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack RapidSpin
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 3.8 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 RapidSpin
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 0,1 Spins Around at High Speeds at $BName($2) $+ 0,1!
on 1:TEXT:`NightShade*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack NightShade
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 3.5 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 NightShade
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 2,1 Prepares to do NightShade at $BName($2) $+ 2,1!
on 1:TEXT:`Dream-Eater*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$Poke($2),Sleeping) != Yes) { Notice $nick This Move Will not Effect $2 because $2 is not Sleeping! | halt }
  Set %Attack Dream-Eater
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 4.5 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 Dream-Eater
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 13,1 Prepares to Eat $BName($2) $+ 13,1's Dreams!
on 1:TEXT:`Growl*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$Poke($2),Attack) <= 5) { Notice $nick $BName($2) $+ 15,1 Will not be Affected! | halt }
  Set %Attack Growl
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 1.8 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 Growl
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 0,1 Stares at $BName($2) $+ 0,1!
    Unset %Attacks
    Unset %Attack
on 1:TEXT:`Charm*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$Poke($2),Attack) <= 5) { Notice $nick $BName($2) $+ 15,1 Will not be Affected! | halt }
  Set %Attack Charm
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 1.8 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 Charm
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 0,1 Flirts with $BName($2) $+ 0,1!
    Unset %Attacks
    Unset %Attack
on 1:TEXT:`Sand-Attack*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$Poke($2),Accuracy) <= 5) { Notice $nick $BName($2) $+ 15,1 Will not be Affected! | halt }
  Set %Attack Sand-Attack
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 1.6 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 Sand-Attack
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 7,1 Looks for Sand $BName($2) $+ 7,1!
    Unset %Attacks
    Unset %Attack
on 1:TEXT:`Mud-Slap*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$Poke($2),Accuracy) <= 5) { Notice $nick $BName($2) $+ 15,1 Will not be Affected! | halt }
  Set %Attack Mud-Slap
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 1.9 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 Mud-Slap
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 7,1 Looks for Mud, while facing $BName($2) $+ 7,1!
    Unset %Attacks
    Unset %Attack
on 1:TEXT:`TailWhip*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$Poke($2),Defense) <= 5) { Notice $nick $BName($2) $+ 15,1 Will not be Affected! | halt }
  Set %Attack TailWhip
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 1.7 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 TailWhip
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 0,1 Wags Tail at $BName($2) $+ 0,1!
    Unset %Attacks
    Unset %Attack
on 1:TEXT:`Foresight*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack Foresight
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 2 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 Foresight
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 0,1 Focuses on $BName($2) $+ 0,1!
    Unset %Attacks
    Unset %Attack
on 1:TEXT:`Odor-Sleuth*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack Odor-Sleuth
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 1.5 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 Odor-Sleuth
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 0,1 Focuses on $BName($2) $+ 0,1!
    Unset %Attacks
    Unset %Attack
on 1:TEXT:`Leer*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$Poke($2),Defense) <= 10) { Notice $nick $BName($2) $+ 15,1 Will not be Affected! | halt }
  Set %Attack Leer
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 1.8 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 Leer
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 0,1's Eyes Glow at $BName($2) $+ 0,1!
    Unset %Attacks
    Unset %Attack
on 1:TEXT:`Tickle*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$Poke($2),Defense) <= 10) { Notice $nick $BName($2) $+ 15,1 Will not be Affected! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$Poke($2),Attack) <= 10) { Notice $nick $BName($2) $+ 15,1 Will not be Affected! | halt }
  Set %Attack Tickle
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 2.3 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 Tickle
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 0,1 Grins at $BName($2) $+ 0,1!
    Unset %Attacks
    Unset %Attack
on 1:TEXT:`Future-Sight*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  if ($timer(Future $+ $2).secs != $null) { Notice $nick $2 is Already Being Future Sighted | halt }
  Set %Attack Future-Sight
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 3.5 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 Future-Sight
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 13,1's Eyes Glow at $BName($2) $+ 13,1!
    Unset %Attacks
    Unset %Attack
on 1:TEXT:`Kinesis*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$Poke($2),Agility) <= 10) { Notice $nick $BName($2) $+ 13,1 Will not be Affected! | halt }
  Set %Attack Kinesis
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 1.5 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 Kinesis
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 13,1's Eyes Glow at $BName($2) $+ 13,1!
    Unset %Attacks
    Unset %Attack
on 1:TEXT:`Disable*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$Poke($2),Disabled) == Yes) { Notice $nick $BName($2) $+ 13,1 Already has Had One of Its Moves Disabled!! | halt }
  Set %Attack Disable
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 3 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 Disable
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 13,1's Eyes Glow at $BName($2) $+ 13,1!
    Unset %Attacks
    Unset %Attack
on 1:TEXT:`Screech*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$Poke($2),Defense) <= 10) { Notice $nick $BName($2) $+ 15,1 Will not be Affected! | halt }
  Set %Attack Screech
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 1.8 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 Screech
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 0,1 Grinds its Teeth at $BName($2) $+ 0,1!
    Unset %Attacks
    Unset %Attack
on 1:TEXT:`Metal-Sound*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$Poke($2),Defense) <= 10) { Notice $nick $BName($2) $+ 15,1 Will not be Affected! | halt }
  Set %Attack Metal-Sound
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 3 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 Metal-Sound
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 15,1 Grinds its Metal Parts at $BName($2) $+ 15,1!
    Unset %Attacks
    Unset %Attack
on 1:TEXT:`Bind*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$Poke($2),Bind) == Yes) { Notice $nick $BName($2) $+ 15,1 is Already Binded! | halt }
  Set %Attack Bind
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 1.8 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 Bind
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 0,1 Flings at $BName($2) $+ 0,1!
    Unset %Attacks
    Unset %Attack
on 1:TEXT:`Constrict*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$Poke($2),Constrict) == Yes) { Notice $nick $BName($2) $+ 15,1 is Already Constricted! | halt }
  Set %Attack Constrict
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 2 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 Constrict
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 0,1 Flings at $BName($2) $+ 0,1!
    Unset %Attacks
    Unset %Attack
on 1:TEXT:`Wrap*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$Poke($2),Bind) == Yes) { Notice $nick $BName($2) $+ 15,1 is Already Binded! | halt }
  Set %Attack Wrap
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 1.4 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 Wrap
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 0,1 Flings at $BName($2) $+ 0,1!
    Unset %Attacks
    Unset %Attack
on 1:TEXT:`SuperSonic*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$Poke($2),Bind) == Yes) { Notice $nick $BName($2) $+ 15,1 is Already Binded! | halt }
  Set %Attack SuperSonic
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 2.4 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 SuperSonic
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 0,1 Starts to do Super Sonic at $BName($2) $+ 0,1!
    Unset %Attacks
    Unset %Attack
on 1:TEXT:`Sand-Tomb*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$Poke($2),Tomb) == Yes) { Notice $nick $BName($2) $+ 15,1 is Already Tombed! | halt }
  Set %Attack Sand-Tomb
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 2.8 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 Sand-Tomb
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 7,1 Focus's on the Ground, Aiming it at $BName($2) $+ 7,1!
    Unset %Attacks
    Unset %Attack
on 1:TEXT:`Ember*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack Ember
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 4 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 Ember
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 4,1 Blazes with Fire At $BName($2) $+ 4,1!
on 1:TEXT:`Blaze-Kick*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack Blaze-Kick
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 5.5 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 Blaze-Kick
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 4,1 Blazes with Fire At $BName($2) $+ 4,1!
on 1:TEXT:`Flame-Wheel*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack Flame-Wheel
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 4.5 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 Flame-Wheel
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 4,1 Blazes with Fire At $BName($2) $+ 4,1!
on 1:TEXT:`Thunder-Shock*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack Thunder-Shock
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 4 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 Thunder-Shock
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 8,1 Charges Electricity at $BName($2) $+ 8,1!
on 1:TEXT:`Thunder-Bolt*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack Thunder-Bolt
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 5.2 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 Thunder-Bolt
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 8,1 Charges Electricity at $BName($2) $+ 8,1!
on 1:TEXT:`Thunder*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack Thunder
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 7 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 Thunder
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 8,1 Charges Electricity at $BName($2) $+ 8,1!
on 1:TEXT:`Confusion*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack Confusion
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 4 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 Confusion
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 13,1's Eyes turn white at $BName($2) $+ 13,1!
on 1:TEXT:`PsyBeam*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack PsyBeam
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 5.4 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 PsyBeam
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 13,1's Charges PsyBeam at $BName($2) $+ 13,1!
on 1:TEXT:`Psychic*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack Psychic
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 6.9 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 Psychic
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 13,1's Prepares Psychic at $BName($2) $+ 13,1!
on 1:TEXT:`Rock-Throw*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack Rock-Throw
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 4 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 Rock-Throw
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 5,1 Picks up a Rock and Aims it at $BName($2) $+ 5,1!
on 1:TEXT:`Rock-Blast*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack Rock-Blast
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 4.7 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 Rock-Blast
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 5,1 Picks up a couple of Rocks and Aims it at $BName($2) $+ 5,1!
on 1:TEXT:`Iron-Tail*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack Iron-Tail
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 4.5 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 Iron-Tail
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 15,1's Tail begins to Glow Silver at $BName($2) $+ 15,1!
on 1:TEXT:`Gust*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack Gust
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 3.8 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 Gust
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 10,1 Flaps its Wings at $BName($2) $+ 10,1!
on 1:TEXT:`Aerial-Ace*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack Aerial-Ace
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 2.4 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 Aerial-Ace
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 10,1 Flys Around $BName($2) $+ 10,1!
on 1:TEXT:`Peck*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack Peck
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 2.8 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 Peck
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 10,1 Flys Around $BName($2) $+ 10,1!
on 1:TEXT:`Drill-Peck*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack Drill-Peck
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 4.8 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 Drill-Peck
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 10,1 Flys Around $BName($2) $+ 10,1!
on 1:TEXT:`Bubble*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack Bubble
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 3.9 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 Bubble
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 11,1 Starts to Create a Bubble at $BName($2) $+ 11,1!
on 1:TEXT:`VineWhip*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack VineWhip
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 3.8 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 VineWhip
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 9,1 Starts to Grow Vines at $BName($2) $+ 9,1!
on 1:TEXT:`Shadow-Punch*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack Shadow-Punch
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 4.5 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 Shadow-Punch
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 2,1 Starts to Create Shadows At $BName($2) $+ 2,1!
on 1:TEXT:`Absorb*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack Absorb
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 3.5 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 Absorb
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 9,1 Starts to Glow at $BName($2) $+ 9,1!
on 1:TEXT:`MegaDrain*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack MegaDrain
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 4 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 MegaDrain
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 9,1 Starts to Glow at $BName($2) $+ 9,1!
on 1:TEXT:`Leech-Life*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack Leech-Life
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 4 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 Leech-Life
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 3,1 Goes to Grab $BName($2) $+ 3,1!
on 1:TEXT:`GigaDrain*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack GigaDrain
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 5.4 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 GigaDrain
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 9,1 Starts to Glow at $BName($2) $+ 9,1!
on 1:TEXT:`PetalDance*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack PetalDance
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 6 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 PetalDance
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 9,1 Starts to Dance $BName($2) $+ 9,1!
on 1:TEXT:`LeechSeed*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack LeechSeed
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 3.8 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 LeechSeed
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 9,1 Starts to Create a Seed at $BName($2) $+ 9,1!
on 1:TEXT:`SmokeScreen*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack SmokeScreen
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 1.8 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 SmokeScreen
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 0,1 Stares at $BName($2) $+ 0,1!
    Unset %Attacks
    Unset %Attack
on 1:TEXT:`PoisonPowder*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$Poke($2),Poisoned) == yes) { Notice $Nick $2 Is Already Poisoned! | halt }
  Set %Attack PoisonPowder
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 3.5 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 PoisonPowder
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 6,1 Starts to Create Powder at $BName($2) $+ 6,1!
on 1:TEXT:`Stun-Spore*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$Poke($2),Paralyzed) == yes) { Notice $Nick $2 Is Already Paralyzed! | halt }
  Set %Attack Stun-Spore
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 3.5 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 Stun-Spore
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 9,1 Starts to Create Powder at $BName($2) $+ 9,1!
on 1:TEXT:`Cotton-Spore*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$Poke($2),Paralyzed) == yes) { Notice $Nick $2 Is Already Paralyzed! | halt }
  Set %Attack Cotton-Spore
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 4 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 Cotton-Spore
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 9,1 Starts to Create Powder at $BName($2) $+ 9,1!
on 1:TEXT:`Glare*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$Poke($2),Paralyzed) == yes) { Notice $Nick $2 Is Already Paralyzed! | halt }
  Set %Attack Glare
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 3 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 Glare
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 0,1 Stares at $BName($2) $+ 0,1!
on 1:TEXT:`SleepPowder*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$Poke($2),Sleeping) == yes) { Notice $Nick $2 Is Already Sleeping! | halt }
  Set %Attack SleepPowder
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 3.5 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 SleepPowder
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 9,1 Starts to Create Powder at $BName($2) $+ 9,1!
on 1:TEXT:`Confuse-Ray*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$Poke($2),Confused) == yes) { Notice $Nick $2 Is Already Confused! | halt }
  Set %Attack Confuse-Ray
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 3.5 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 Confuse-Ray
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 2,1 Charges a Ray at $BName($2) $+ 2,1!
on 1:TEXT:`Hypnosis*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$Poke($2),Sleeping) == yes) { Notice $Nick $2 Is Already Sleeping! | halt }
  Set %Attack Hypnosis
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 3.5 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 Hypnosis
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 13,1 Charges a Ray at $BName($2) $+ 13,1!
on 1:TEXT:`Sing*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$Poke($2),Sleeping) == yes) { Notice $Nick $2 Is Already Sleeping! | halt }
  Set %Attack Sing
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 2.5 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 Sing
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 0,1 Starts to Sing to $BName($2) $+ 0,1!
on 1:TEXT:`Will-o-Wisp*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$Poke($2),Burned) == yes) { Notice $Nick $2 Is Already Burned! | halt }
  Set %Attack Will-o-Wisp
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 3.5 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 Will-o-Wisp
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 4,1 Charges with Fire at $BName($2) $+ 4,1!
on 1:TEXT:`Mean-Look*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,CantRun) == yes) { Notice $Nick $2 Cant Run, Already! | halt }
  Set %Attack Mean-Look
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 3.5 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 Mean-Look
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 0,1 Makes Faces at $BName($2) $+ 0,1!
on 1:TEXT:`Imprison*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,CantRun) == yes) { Notice $Nick $2 Cant Run, Already! | halt }
  Set %Attack Imprison
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 3.5 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 Imprison
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 13,1 Gets ready to do Imprison to $BName($2) $+ 13,1!
on 1:TEXT:`Flatter*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$Poke($2),Confused) == yes) { Notice $Nick $2 Is Already Confused! | halt }
  Set %Attack Flatter
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 3.5 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 Flatter
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 14,1 Gets ready to do Flatter at $BName($2) $+ 14,1!
on 1:TEXT:`Sweet-Kiss*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$Poke($2),Confused) == yes) { Notice $Nick $2 Is Already Confused! | halt }
  Set %Attack Sweet-Kiss
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 2.5 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 Sweet-Kiss
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 0,1 Gets Ready to Kiss $BName($2) $+ 0,1!
on 1:TEXT:`Curse*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$Poke($2),Cursed) == yes) { Notice $Nick $2 Is Already Cursed! | halt }
  Set %Attack Curse
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 2.5 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 Curse
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 2,1 Gets ready to give $BName($2) $+ 2,1 Curse!
on 1:TEXT:`SweetScent*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack SweetScent
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 3.5 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 SweetScent
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 0,1 Starts to Create Powder at $BName($2) $+ 0,1!
on 1:TEXT:`Rage*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack Rage
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 3.7 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 Rage
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 0,1 Gets Ready to use Rage at $BName($2) $+ 0,1!
on 1:TEXT:`ScaryFace*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack ScaryFace
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 2.4 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 ScaryFace
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 0,1 Stares at $BName($2) $+ 0,1!
    Unset %Attacks
    Unset %Attack
on 1:TEXT:`FlameThrower*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack FlameThrower
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 5 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 FlameThrower
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 4,1 Blazes with Fire At $BName($2) $+ 4,1!
on 1:TEXT:`BlastBurn*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack BlastBurn
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 5.5 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 BlastBurn
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 4,1 Charges Fire in its Mouth at $BName($2) $+ 4,1!
on 1:TEXT:`WaterGun*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack WaterGun
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 4.7 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 WaterGun
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 11,1 Charges Water at $BName($2) $+ 11,1!
on 1:TEXT:`Bubble-Beam*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack Bubble-Beam
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 5.7 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 Bubble-Beam
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 11,1 Charges Water at $BName($2) $+ 11,1!
on 1:TEXT:`Muddy-Water*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack Muddy-Water
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 6 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 Muddy-Water
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 11,1 Dips Mud in Water $BName($2) $+ 11,1!
on 1:TEXT:`SkullBash*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack SkullBash
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 5 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 SkullBash
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 0,1 Tucks $PGender($Nick) Head at $BName($2) $+ 0,1!
on 1:TEXT:`Double-Kick*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack Double-Kick
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 4 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 Double-Kick
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 7,1 Jumps at $BName($2) $+ 7,1!
on 1:TEXT:`Sky-Uppercut*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack Sky-Uppercut
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 6 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 Sky-Uppercut
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 7,1 Dashes Towards $BName($2) $+ 7,1!
on 1:TEXT:`Endeavor*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack Endeavor
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 5.5 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 Endeavor
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 0,1 Dashes Towards $BName($2) $+ 0,1!
on 1:TEXT:`Flail*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack Flail
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 4 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 Flail
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 0,1 Dashes Towards $BName($2) $+ 0,1!
on 1:TEXT:`Double-Edge*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack Double-Edge
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 5 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 Double-Edge
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 0,1 Dashes Towards $BName($2) $+ 0,1!
on 1:TEXT:`RazorLeaf*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack RazorLeaf
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 4.9 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 RazorLeaf
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 9,1 Sharpens Leafs at $BName($2) $+ 9,1!
on 1:TEXT:`LeafBlade*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack LeafBlade
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 5.1 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 LeafBlade
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 9,1 Sharpens Giant Leaf at $BName($2) $+ 9,1!
on 1:TEXT:`HydroPump*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack HydroPump
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 7 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 HydroPump
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 11,1 Charges Massive Amounts of Water at $BName($2) $+ 11,1!
on 1:TEXT:`HyperBeam*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack HyperBeam
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 8 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 HyperBeam
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 0,1 Charges Massive Amounts of Energy at $BName($2) $+ 0,1!
on 1:TEXT:`EarthQuake*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack EarthQuake
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 7 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 EarthQuake
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 7,1 Raises $PGender($Nick) Foot Up and looks at $BName($2) $+ 7,1!
on 1:TEXT:`Twineedle*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack Twineedle
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 4 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 Twineedle
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 3,1 Dashes Towards $BName($2) $+ 3,1!
on 1:TEXT:`MegaHorn*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack MegaHorn
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 8.5 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 MegaHorn
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 3,1 Dashes Towards $BName($2) $+ 3,1!
on 1:TEXT:`FireSpin*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack FireSpin
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 6 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 FireSpin
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 4,1 Charges Massive Amounts of Fire at $BName($2) $+ 4,1!
on 1:TEXT:`AuroraBeam*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack AuroraBeam
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 4.7 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 AuroraBeam
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 11,1 Charges Aurora Beam at $BName($2) $+ 11,1!
on 1:TEXT:`IceBeam*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack IceBeam
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 6 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 IceBeam
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 11,1 Charges Ice Beam at $BName($2) $+ 11,1!
on 1:TEXT:`WingAttack*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack WingAttack
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 3.4 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 WingAttack
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 10,1 Starts to Fly and Dashes Towards $BName($2) $+ 10,1!
on 1:TEXT:`Air-Cutter*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack Air-Cutter
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 4.2 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 Air-Cutter
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 10,1 Starts to Flap its Wings At $BName($2) $+ 10,1!
on 1:TEXT:`Slash*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack Slash
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 2.8 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 Slash
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 0,1 Runs Toward $BName($2) $+ 0,1!
on 1:TEXT:`DragonRage*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack DragonRage
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 4 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 DragonRage
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 12,1 Dashes Toward $BName($2) $+ 12,1!
on 1:TEXT:`OutRage*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack OutRage
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 6 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 OutRage
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 12,1 Gets Ready to do OutRage to $BName($2) $+ 12,1!
on 1:TEXT:`Twister*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack Twister
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 4.5 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 Twister
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 12,1 Dashes Toward $BName($2) $+ 12,1!
on 1:TEXT:`Perish-Song*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack Perish-Song
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 7 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 Perish-Song
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 0,1 Starts to Sing to $BName($2) $+ 0,1!
on 1:TEXT:`Sheer-Cold*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack Sheer-Cold
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 7 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 Sheer-Cold
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 11,1 Blows out Coldness from $PGender($Nick) Mouth at $BName($2) $+ 11,1!
on 1:TEXT:`Seismic-Toss*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack Seismic-Toss
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 4 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 Seismic-Toss
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 7,1 Picks up $BName($2) $+ 7,1!
on 1:TEXT:`Revenge*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack Revenge
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 5 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 Revenge
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 7,1 Curls Up and Stares at $BName($2) $+ 7,1!
on 1:TEXT:`Vital-Throw*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack Vital-Throw
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 6 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 Vital-Throw
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 7,1 Runs Towards $BName($2) $+ 7,1!
on 1:TEXT:`Cross-Chop*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack Cross-Chop
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 5.5 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 Cross-Chop
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 7,1 Stands Still Facing $BName($2) $+ 7,1!
on 1:TEXT:`Submission*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack Submission
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 5 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 Submission
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 7,1 Blunty Runs Towards $BName($2) $+ 7,1!
on 1:TEXT:`Dynamic-Punch*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack Dynamic-Punch
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 7 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 Dynamic-Punch
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 7,1 Clenches its Fist at $BName($2) $+ 7,1!
on 1:TEXT:`Growth:#:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  Set %Attack Growth
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 1.9 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick Hey Growth
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 0,1 Begins to Grow!
on 1:TEXT:`Synthesis:#:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  Set %Attack Synthesis
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 2.9 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick Hey Synthesis
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 3,1 Begins to Shine!
on 1:TEXT:`Moonlight:#:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  Set %Attack Moonlight
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 3.3 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick Hey Moonlight
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 0,1 Begins to Shine!
on 1:TEXT:`Morning-Sun:#:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  Set %Attack Morning-Sun
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 3.3 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick Hey Morning-Sun
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 0,1 Begins to Shine!
on *:text:`Charge SolarBeam:#: {
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == yes) { Notice $nick You are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Charging) == yes) { Notice $nick Your Already Charging! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  Set %Attack SolarBeam
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    writeini $nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) SolarCharge Yes
    writeini $nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) Charging Yes
    writeini $nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) CDamage 0
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 0.75 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 30 %Time /CSolarBeam $nick $2
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 9,1 Starts to Charge up a Solar Beam!
on 1:TEXT:`SolarBeam*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),SolarCharge) != yes) { Notice $nick Your Are Not Charging a Solar Beam! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),CDamage) < 50) { Notice $nick You Cant Fire Yet! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack SolarBeam
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) SolarCharge No
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) Charging No
    GatheringInfo $Nick $2 SolarBeam
on 1:TEXT:`Withdraw:#:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  Set %Attack Withdraw
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 2 ),0)
    set %Defense $Round( $calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($nick),MDefense) * 0.25 ),0)
    writeini $nick $+ .ini $Poke($nick) Defense $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($nick),Defense) + %Defense)
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick CantCancel Yes
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick Hey Withdraw
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 11,1 Goes into $PGender($Nick) Shell, Gaining %Defense Defense!
on 1:TEXT:`Defense-Curl:#:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  Set %Attack Defense-Curl
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 2.5 ),0)
    set %Defense $Round( $calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($nick),MDefense) * 0.30 ),0)
    writeini $nick $+ .ini $Poke($nick) Defense $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($nick),Defense) + %Defense)
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick CantCancel Yes
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick Hey Defense-Curl
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 0,1 Curls into a Ball Gaining %Defense Defense!
on 1:TEXT:`Protect:#:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  Set %Attack Protect
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 2 ),0)
    writeini $nick $+ .ini $Poke($nick) Dodge Yes
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick CantCancel Yes
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick Hey Protect
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 0,1 Begins to Protect Itself.
on 1:TEXT:`RainDance:#:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini(Weather $+ .ini,Weather,Raining) == Yes) { Notice $nick Its Already Raining! | halt }
  Set %Attack RainDance
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 4.5 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick Hey RainDance
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 11,1 Starts to Dance!
on 1:TEXT:`SandStorm:#:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini(Weather $+ .ini,Weather,SandStorm) == Yes) { Notice $nick Its Already a SandStorm! | halt }
  Set %Attack SandStorm
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 4.5 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick Hey SandStorm
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 5,1 Lets Out a Loud Roar and then start to Spin Around!
on 1:TEXT:`WhirlWind*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack WhirlWind
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 3.5 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 WhirlWind
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 10,1 Starts to Flap its Wings at $BName($2) $+ 10,1!
on 1:TEXT:`Roar*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack Roar
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 3.5 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 Roar
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 0,1 Looks at $BName($2) $+ 0,1!
on 1:TEXT:`FeatherDance*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$Poke($2),Attack) <= 15) { Notice $nick $BName($2) $+ 15,1 Will not be Affected! | halt }
  Set %Attack FeatherDance
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 2.2 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 FeatherDance
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 10,1 Stares at $BName($2) $+ 10,1!
    Unset %Attacks
    Unset %Attack
on 1:TEXT:`Helping-Hand*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$Poke($2),Attack) <= 15) { Notice $nick $BName($2) $+ 15,1 Will not be Affected! | halt }
  Set %Attack Helping-Hand
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 2.2 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 Helping-Hand
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 0,1 Approaches $BName($2) $+ 0,1!
    Unset %Attacks
    Unset %Attack
on 1:TEXT:`Agility:#:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),FSpeed) >= 7) { Notice $nick You May Longer Raise Your Speed! | halt }
  Set %Attack Agility
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 4.5 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick Hey Agility
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 13,1 Starts to Focus on Speed!
on 1:TEXT:`DragonDance:#:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),FSpeed) >= 7) { Notice $nick You May Longer Raise Your Speed! | halt }
  Set %Attack DragonDance
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 3 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick Hey DragonDance
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 12,1 Begins to Dance!
on 1:TEXT:`Haze:#:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),FSpeed) >= 7) { Notice $nick You May Longer Raise Your Speed! | halt }
  Set %Attack Haze
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 4 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick Hey Haze
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 11,1 Starts to Focus on its Status Abnormalities!
on 1:TEXT:`Harden:#:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  Set %Attack Harden
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 2 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick Hey Harden
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 0,1 Starts to Shine!
on 1:TEXT:`Detect:#:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  Set %Attack Detect
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick CantCancel Yes
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $Poke($nick) Dodge Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 2 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick Hey Detect
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 7,1 Focuses On The Enemy!
on 1:TEXT:`Calm-Mind:#:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  Set %Attack Calm-Mind
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 3 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick Hey Calm-Mind
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 13,1 Begins to Focus!
on 1:TEXT:`BulkUp:#:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  Set %Attack BulkUp
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 3 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick Hey BulkUp
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 13,1 Begins to Focus!
on 1:TEXT:`Cosmic-Power:#:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  Set %Attack Cosmic-Power
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 3 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick Hey Cosmic-Power
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 0,1 Starts to Shine!
on 1:TEXT:`Light-Screen:#:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($nick),LScreen) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Already Have Light Screen on! | halt }
  Set %Attack Light-Screen
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 5.5 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick Hey Light-Screen
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 13,1 Starts To Make a Screen!
on 1:TEXT:`Reflect:#:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($nick),Reflect) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Already Have Reflect on! | halt }
  Set %Attack Reflect
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 5.5 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick Hey Reflect
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 13,1 Starts To Make a Screen!
on 1:TEXT:`Double-Team:#:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  Set %Attack Double-Team
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 2.5 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick Hey Double-Team
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 0,1 Moves Around Really Fast!
on 1:TEXT:`SafeGaurd:#:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),SafeGaurd) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Safe Gaurding already! | halt }
  Set %Attack SafeGaurd
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 7 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick Hey SafeGaurd
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 0,1 Begins to SafeGaurd!
on 1:TEXT:`Grudge:#:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Grudge) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Grudged already! | halt }
  Set %Attack Grudge
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 4 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick Hey Grudge
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 2,1 Begins to Grudge!
on 1:TEXT:`Endure:#:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Endure) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Endured already! | halt }
  Set %Attack Endure
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 4 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick Hey Endure
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 0,1 Begins to Endure!
on 1:TEXT:`Destiny-Bond:#:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Bond) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Bonded already! | halt }
  Set %Attack Destiny-Bond
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 7 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick Hey Destiny-Bond
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 2,1 Begins to Destiny-Bond!
on 1:TEXT:`Haze:#:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  Set %Attack Haze
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 6.5 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick Hey Haze
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 11,1 Begins to do Haze!
on 1:TEXT:`Focus-Energy:#:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  Set %Attack Focus-Energy
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 3 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick Hey Focus-Energy
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 0,1 Begins to Focus!
on 1:TEXT:`SilverWind:#:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  Set %Attack SilverWind
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 6 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick Hey SilverWind
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 3,1 Slowly Flaps Its Glowing Silver Wings!
on 1:TEXT:`AncientPower:#:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  Set %Attack AncientPower
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 6 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick Hey AncientPower
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 5,1 Starts todo AncientPower!
on 1:TEXT:`Recover:#:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  Set %Attack Recover
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 6 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick Hey Recover
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 0,1 Glows with White Light!
on 1:TEXT:`Mist:#:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  Set %Attack Mist
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 3 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick Hey Mist
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 11,1 Starts to Surround $PGender2($Nick) $+ self with mist!
on 1:TEXT:`Teleport:#:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  Set %Attack Teleport
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 2 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick Hey Teleport
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 13,1 Prepares to Teleport itself out of Battle!
on 1:TEXT:`String-Shot*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$Poke($2),FSpeed) >= 7) { Notice $nick You May Longer Decrease $2 $+ s Speed! | halt }
  Set %Attack String-Shot
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 3 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 String-Shot
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 3,1 Builds up strings at $BName($2) $+ 3,1!
    Unset %Attacks
    Unset %Attack
on 1:TEXT:`Mud-Shot*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$Poke($2),FSpeed) >= 7) { Notice $nick You May Longer Decrease $2 $+ s Speed! | halt }
  Set %Attack Mud-Shot
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 3 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 Mud-Shot
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 7,1 Looks for Mud, while facing $BName($2) $+ 7,1!
    Unset %Attacks
    Unset %Attack
on 1:TEXT:`Mirror-Move*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack Mirror-Move
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 5.5 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 Mirror-Move
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 10,1 Starts to do Mirror Move at $BName($2) $+ 10,1!
on 1:TEXT:`Roleplay*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack Roleplay
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 5 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 %Time /GatheringInfo $Nick $2 Roleplay
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 13,1 Pretends to be $BName($2) $+ 13,1!
on *:text:`StockPile:#: {
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == yes) { Notice $nick You are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Charging) == yes) { Notice $nick Your Already Charging! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  Set %Attack StockPile
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    writeini $nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) StockPile Yes
    writeini $nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) Charging Yes
    writeini $nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) CDamage 0
    Set %Time $Round($Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Speed) * 0.90 ),0)
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 12 %Time /StockPile $nick $2
    Msg %ChanSet $BName($Nick) $+ 0,1 Starts to Save Energy in its Mouth!
on 1:TEXT:`Swallow:#:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),StockPile) != yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Charging StockPile! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),CDamage) < 15) { Notice $nick You Cant Swallow Yet! | halt }
  Set %Attack Swallow
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    PPCheck $Nick %Attack
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    GatheringInfo $Nick Hey Swallow
on 1:TEXT:`SpitUp*:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { Notice $nick Dont Abuse Yourself! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick Your Not Even Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $2 Is Not Battling! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),StockPile) != yes) { Notice $nick Your Are Not Charging a StockPile! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),CDamage) < 30) { Notice $nick You Cant Fire Yet! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { Notice $nick Sorry, $2 Is Somewhere Else! | halt }
  Set %Attack SpitUp
  Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
  if ($istok(%Attacks,%Attack,32) == $true) {
    StatusCheck $Nick %Attack $2
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    GatheringInfo $Nick $2 SpitUp
  }on *:text:`PokeMart:#: {
    if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Travel,Travel) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Traveling | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) == yes) { Notice $nick You Are Battling! | halt }
    if (%EliteBattle = yes) && (%EFighting == $Nick) { Notice $nick You are Fighting Elite 4! | halt }
    Set %Town $readini($nick $+ .ini,Travel,Town)
    Set %Town $readini(Map $+ .ini,%Town,Places)
    if ($istok(%Town,PokeMart,32) == $False) { notice $nick $readini($nick $+ .ini,Travel,Town) Does Not Have a PokeMart! | halt }
    Set %Town $readini($nick $+ .ini,Travel,Town)
    Set %Town $readini(Map $+ .ini,%Town,Shop)
    if (%Town == $Null) { Set %Town None }
    Notice $nick 8Items We Have:15 %Town 8 To Buy: 3`Buy (Item) (Amount)
    Unset %Town
  on *:text:`Places:#: {
    if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Travel,Travel) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Traveling | halt }
    Set %Town $readini($nick $+ .ini,Travel,Town)
    Set %Town $readini(Map $+ .ini,%Town,Places)
    Notice $nick 8Places To Go $+ %Town
    Unset %Town
  on *:text:`buy*:#:{
    if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Travel,Travel) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Traveling | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) == yes) { Notice $nick You Are Battling! | halt }
    if (%EliteBattle = yes) && (%EFighting == $Nick) { Notice $nick You are Fighting Elite 4! | halt }
    if (%tourneystarted = yes) { halt } 
    if (. isin $3) { Notice $nick Dont Use Decimals! | halt }
    if (- isin $3) { Notice $nick Dont Use -! | halt }
    Set %Town $readini($nick $+ .ini,Travel,Town)
    Set %Town $readini(Map $+ .ini,%Town,Items)
    if ($istok(%Town,$2,32) == $False) { notice $nick $readini($nick $+ .ini,Travel,Town) Does Not Carry This Item! | halt }
    if ($istok(%Town,$2,32) == $true) {
      Set %3 $3
      if ($3 == $null) { set %3 1 }
      if (%3 !isnum) { set %3 1 }
      Set %Town $readini($nick $+ .ini,Travel,Town)
      Set %ItemPrice $readini(Map $+ .ini,%Town,$2)
      if (Potion == $2) {
        set %Price $calc(%3 * %ItemPrice)
        Dec %Price 1
        if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,money) <= %Price) { Notice $nick Not Enough Money! | halt }
        Inc %Price 1
        writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick money $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,money) - %Price)
        writeini -n $nick $+ .ini Items $2 $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,$2) + %3)
        Notice $nick You Bought %3 $2 $+ (s) for %Price Zenny
      if (SuperPotion == $2) {
        set %Price $calc(%3 * %ItemPrice)
        Dec %Price 1
        if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,money) <= %Price) { Notice $nick Not Enough Money! | halt }
        Inc %Price 1
        writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick money $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,money) - %Price)
        writeini -n $nick $+ .ini Items $2 $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,$2) + %3)
        Notice $nick You Bought %3 $2 $+ (s) for %Price Zenny
      if (HyperPotion == $2) {
        set %Price $calc(%3 * %ItemPrice)
        Dec %Price 1
        if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,money) <= %Price) { Notice $nick Not Enough Money! | halt }
        Inc %Price 1
        writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick money $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,money) - %Price)
        writeini -n $nick $+ .ini Items $2 $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,$2) + %3)
        Notice $nick You Bought %3 $2 $+ (s) for %Price Zenny
      if (Antidote == $2) {
        set %Price $calc(%3 * %ItemPrice)
        Dec %Price 1
        if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,money) <= %Price) { Notice $nick Not Enough Money! | halt }
        Inc %Price 1
        writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick money $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,money) - %Price)
        writeini -n $nick $+ .ini Items $2 $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,$2) + %3)
        Notice $nick You Bought %3 $2 $+ (s) for %Price Zenny
      if (ParaHeal == $2) {
        set %Price $calc(%3 * %ItemPrice)
        Dec %Price 1
        if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,money) <= %Price) { Notice $nick Not Enough Money! | halt }
        Inc %Price 1
        writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick money $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,money) - %Price)
        writeini -n $nick $+ .ini Items $2 $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,$2) + %3)
        Notice $nick You Bought %3 $2 $+ (s) for %Price Zenny
      if (BurnHeal == $2) {
        set %Price $calc(%3 * %ItemPrice)
        Dec %Price 1
        if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,money) <= %Price) { Notice $nick Not Enough Money! | halt }
        Inc %Price 1
        writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick money $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,money) - %Price)
        writeini -n $nick $+ .ini Items $2 $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,$2) + %3)
        Notice $nick You Bought %3 $2 $+ (s) for %Price Zenny
      if (IceHeal == $2) {
        set %Price $calc(%3 * %ItemPrice)
        Dec %Price 1
        if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,money) <= %Price) { Notice $nick Not Enough Money! | halt }
        Inc %Price 1
        writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick money $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,money) - %Price)
        writeini -n $nick $+ .ini Items $2 $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,$2) + %3)
        Notice $nick You Bought $3 $2 $+ (s) for %Price Zenny
      if (Awake == $2) {
        set %Price $calc(%3 * %ItemPrice)
        Dec %Price 1
        if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,money) <= %Price) { Notice $nick Not Enough Money! | halt }
        Inc %Price 1
        writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick money $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,money) - %Price)
        writeini -n $nick $+ .ini Items $2 $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,$2) + %3)
        Notice $nick You Bought %3 $2 $+ (s) for %Price Zenny
      if (Ether == $2) {
        set %Price $calc(%3 * %ItemPrice)
        Dec %Price 1
        if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,money) <= %Price) { Notice $nick Not Enough Money! | halt }
        Inc %Price 1
        writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick money $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,money) - %Price)
        writeini -n $nick $+ .ini Items $2 $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,$2) + %3)
        Notice $nick You Bought %3 $2 $+ (s) for %Price Zenny
      if (PokeBall == $2) {
        set %Price $calc(%3 * %ItemPrice)
        Dec %Price 1
        if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,money) <= %Price) { Notice $nick Not Enough Money! | halt }
        Inc %Price 1
        writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick money $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,money) - %Price)
        writeini -n $nick $+ .ini Items $2 $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,$2) + %3)
        Notice $nick You Bought %3 $2 $+ (s) for %Price Zenny
      if (GreatBall == $2) {
        set %Price $calc(%3 * %ItemPrice)
        Dec %Price 1
        if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,money) <= %Price) { Notice $nick Not Enough Money! | halt }
        Inc %Price 1
        writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick money $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,money) - %Price)
        writeini -n $nick $+ .ini Items $2 $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,$2) + %3)
        Notice $nick You Bought $3 $2 $+ (s) for %Price Zenny
      if (UltraBall == $2) {
        set %Price $calc(%3 * %ItemPrice)
        Dec %Price 1
        if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,money) <= %Price) { Notice $nick Not Enough Money! | halt }
        Inc %Price 1
        writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick money $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,money) - %Price)
        writeini -n $nick $+ .ini Items $2 $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,$2) + %3)
        Notice $nick You Bought %3 $2 $+ (s) for %Price Zenny
      if (GC == $2) {
        set %Price $calc(%3 * %ItemPrice)
        Dec %Price 1
        if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,money) <= %Price) { Notice $nick Not Enough Money! | halt }
        if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,money) <= %Price) { Notice $nick Not Enough Money! | halt }
        Inc %Price 1
        writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick money $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,money) - %Price)
        writeini -n $nick $+ .ini Items $2 $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,$2) + %3)
        Notice $nick You Bought %3 $2 $+ (s) for %Price Zenny
      if (ThunderStone == $2) {
        set %Price $calc(%3 * %ItemPrice)
        Dec %Price 1
        if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,money) <= %Price) { Notice $nick Not Enough Money! | halt }
        Inc %Price 1
        writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick money $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,money) - %Price)
        writeini -n $nick $+ .ini Items $2 $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,$2) + %3)
        Notice $nick You Bought %3 $2 $+ (s) for %Price Zenny
      if (WaterStone == $2) {
        set %Price $calc(%3 * %ItemPrice)
        Dec %Price 1
        if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,money) <= %Price) { Notice $nick Not Enough Money! | halt }
        Inc %Price 1
        writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick money $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,money) - %Price)
        writeini -n $nick $+ .ini Items $2 $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,$2) + %3)
        Notice $nick You Bought %3 $2 $+ (s) for %Price Zenny
      if (LeafStone == $2) {
        set %Price $calc(%3 * %ItemPrice)
        Dec %Price 1
        if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,money) <= %Price) { Notice $nick Not Enough Money! | halt }
        Inc %Price 1
        writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick money $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,money) - %Price)
        writeini -n $nick $+ .ini Items $2 $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,$2) + %3)
        Notice $nick You Bought %3 $2 $+ (s) for %Price Zenny
      if (FireStone == $2) {
        set %Price $calc(%3 * %ItemPrice)
        Dec %Price 1
        if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,money) <= %Price) { Notice $nick Not Enough Money! | halt }
        Inc %Price 1
        writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick money $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,money) - %Price)
        writeini -n $nick $+ .ini Items $2 $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,$2) + %3)
        Notice $nick You Bought %3 $2 $+ (s) for %Price Zenny
      if (RareCandy == $2) {
        set %Price $calc(%3 * %ItemPrice)
        Dec %Price 1
        if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,money) <= %Price) { Notice $nick Not Enough Money! | halt }
        Inc %Price 1
        writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick money $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,money) - %Price)
        writeini -n $nick $+ .ini Items $2 $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,$2) + %3)
        Notice $nick You Bought %3 $2 $+ (s) for %Price Zenny
    Unset %Price
  on 1:text:`Use Potion:#: {
    if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,potion) <= 0) { Notice $nick You Dont Have Potions! | halt }
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick CantCancel Yes
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 $rand(10,15) /AttackAgain $nick
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) Hp $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Hp) + 20)
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini Items Potion $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,Potion) - 1)
    Msg %ChanSet $Name($Nick) $+ 0,1 Uses Potion On $Gender($Nick) $Pokemon($Nick) $+ 0,1 Healing Its Hp By 20
    if ($Stat($nick,Hp) > $Stat($nick,MHp)) { writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) Hp $Stat($nick,MHp) }
  on 1:text:`Use SuperPotion:#: {
    if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,SuperPotion) <= 0) { Notice $nick You Dont Have Super Potions! | halt }
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick CantCancel Yes
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 $rand(10,15) /AttackAgain $nick
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) Hp $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Hp) + 50)
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini Items SuperPotion $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,SuperPotion) - 1)
    Msg %ChanSet $Name($Nick) $+ 0,1 Uses Super Potion On $Gender($Nick) $Pokemon($Nick) $+ 0,1 Healing Its Hp By 50
    if ($Stat($nick,Hp) > $Stat($nick,MHp)) { writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) Hp $Stat($nick,MHp) }
  on 1:text:`Use HyperPotion:#: {
    if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,HyperPotion) <= 0) { Notice $nick You Dont Have Hyper Potions! | halt }
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick CantCancel Yes
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 $rand(10,15) /AttackAgain $nick
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) Hp $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Hp) + 200)
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini Items HyperPotion $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,HyperPotion) - 1)
    Msg %ChanSet $Name($Nick) $+ 0,1 Uses Hyper Potion On $Gender($Nick) $Pokemon($Nick) $+ 0,1 Healing Its Hp By 200
    if ($Stat($nick,Hp) > $Stat($nick,MHp)) { writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) Hp $Stat($nick,MHp) }
  on 1:text:`Use Antidote:#: {
    if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,Antidote) <= 0) { Notice $nick You Dont Have Antidotes! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Poisoned) != Yes) { Notice $nick $Poke($Nick) is not Poisoned! | halt }
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick CantCancel Yes
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 $rand(10,15) /AttackAgain $nick
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) Poisoned No
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini Items Antidote $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,Antidote) - 1)
    Msg %ChanSet $Name($Nick) $+ 0,1 Uses Antidote On $Gender($Nick) $Pokemon($Nick) $+ 0,1 Curing it of Poison!
  on 1:text:`Use BurnHeal:#: {
    if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,BurnHeal) <= 0) { Notice $nick You Dont Have BurnHeals! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Burned) != Yes) { Notice $nick $Poke($Nick) is not Burned! | halt }
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick CantCancel Yes
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 $rand(10,15) /AttackAgain $nick
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) Burned No
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini Items BurnHeal $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,BurnHeal) - 1)
    Msg %ChanSet $Name($Nick) $+ 0,1 Uses BurnHeal On $Gender($Nick) $Pokemon($Nick) $+ 0,1 Curing it of Burn!
  on 1:text:`Use IceHeal:#: {
    if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,IceHeal) <= 0) { Notice $nick You Dont Have IceHeals! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Iced) != Yes) { Notice $nick $Poke($Nick) is not Iced! | halt }
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick CantCancel Yes
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 $rand(10,15) /AttackAgain $nick
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) Iced No
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini Items IceHeal $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,IceHeal) - 1)
    Msg %ChanSet $Name($Nick) $+ 0,1 Uses IceHeal On $Gender($Nick) $Pokemon($Nick) $+ 0,1 Curing it of Iced!
  on 1:text:`Use RareCandy:#: {
    if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) == yes) { Notice $nick You Are Fighting! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,RareCandy) <= 0) { Notice $nick You Dont Have RareCandies! | halt }
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) Exp $Stat($Nick,ExpNeeded)
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini Items RareCandy $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,RareCandy) - 1)
    LvLCheck $Nick
  on 1:text:`Use Awake:#: {
    if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,Awake) <= 0) { Notice $nick You Dont Have Awakes! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Sleeping) != Yes) { Notice $nick $Poke($Nick) is not Asleep! | halt }
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick CantCancel Yes
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 $rand(10,15) /AttackAgain $nick
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) Sleeping No
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini Items Awake $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,Awake) - 1)
    Msg %ChanSet $Name($Nick) $+ 0,1 Uses Awake On $Gender($Nick) $Pokemon($Nick) $+ 0,1 Curing it of Sleep!
  on 1:text:`Use Ether*:#:{
    if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,Ether) <= 0) { Notice $nick You Dont Have Ethers! | halt }
    Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
    if ($istok(%Attacks,$3,32) == $False) { Notice $Nick $3 is not a Move You Have! | Halt }
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick CantCancel Yes
    TimerAttack $+ $nick 1 $rand(10,15) /AttackAgain $nick
    Set %Move $3 $+ PP
    Set %Move2 $3 $+ MPP
    writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) %Move $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),%Move) + 10)
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini Items Ether $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,Ether) - 1)
    Msg %ChanSet $Name($Nick) $+ 0,1 Uses Ether On $Gender($Nick) $Pokemon($Nick) $+ 0,1 Attack 7' $+ $3 $+ 7'0 Making it Gain 10 PP!
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),%Move) > $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),%Move2)) { writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) %Move $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),%Move2) }
    Unset %Move
    Unset %Move2
  on 1:text:`Throw PokeBall*:#:{
    if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,items,PokeBall) <= 0) { Notice $nick You Dont Have The Balls, PokeBalls! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Party) == 6) { Notice $nick Your Party Is Full! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Not Fighting! | halt }
    if ($readini($3 $+ .ini,$3,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $3 Is not Fighting! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$3,Pokemon) != $Null) { Notice $nick You have Already Caught $3 $+ ! | halt }
    if ($readini($3 $+ .ini,$3,WNpc) != Yes) { Notice $nick $3 is Not a Wild Pokemon! | Halt }
    if ($readini($3 $+ .ini,$3,Type) == Ghost) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,SilphScope) != Yes) { Notice $nick You Cannot Catch a Ghost Pokemon with $2 $+ ! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($3 $+ .ini,$3,field)) { Notice $nick You Cannot! You are Somewhere Else! | halt }
    if ($readini($3 $+ .ini,$3,Hp) <= 1) { goto Catch }
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini Items PokeBall $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,Pokeball) - 1)
    Set %Hit $rand(5,$Stat($3,Hp))
    if (%Hit > 5) { Msg %ChanSet $Name($Nick) $+ 8,1 Throws A Pokeball at $Pokemon($3) $+ 8,1! | Msg %ChanSet $Name($Nick) $+ 8,1 Did Not Catch $Pokemon($3) $+ 8,1! | halt }
    Var %Hp = $readini($3 $+ .ini,$3,MHp)
    Var %SAttack = $readini($3 $+ .ini,$3,MSAttack)
    Var %Attack = $readini($3 $+ .ini,$3,MAttack)
    Var %SDefense = $readini($3 $+ .ini,$3,MSDefense)
    Var %Defense = $readini($3 $+ .ini,$3,MDefense)
    Var %Accuracy = $readini($3 $+ .ini,$3,MAccuracy)
    Var %Agility = $readini($3 $+ .ini,$3,MAgility)
    Var %Intelligence = $readini($3 $+ .ini,$3,MIntelligence)
    Var %Speed = $readini($3 $+ .ini,$3,MSpeed)
    Var %FSpeed = $readini($3 $+ .ini,$3,MFSpeed)
    Var %Level = $readini($3 $+ .ini,$3,Level)
    Var %ExpNeeded = $readini($3 $+ .ini,$3,ExpNeeded)
    Var %SExp = $readini($3 $+ .ini,$3,SExp)
    Var %SExpNeeded = $readini($3 $+ .ini,$3,SpeedExpNeeded)
    Var %Type = $readini($3 $+ .ini,$3,Type)
    Var %Type2 = $readini($3 $+ .ini,$3,Type2)
    Var %Aura = $readini($3 $+ .ini,$3,PAura)
    Var %BAura = $readini($3 $+ .ini,$3,PBAura)
    writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $3 MHp %Hp
    writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $3 MSAttack %SAttack
    writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $3 MSDefense %SDefense
    writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $3 MAttack %Attack
    writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $3 MDefense %Defense
    writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $3 MAccuracy %Accuracy
    writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $3 MAgility %Agility
    writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $3 MIntelligence %Intelligence
    writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $3 MSpeed %Speed
    writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $3 MFSpeed %FSpeed
    writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $3 Level %Level
    writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $3 Type %Type
    writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $3 Type2 %Type2
    Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $3 $3 Yes
    writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $3 Exp 0
    writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $3 ExpNeeded %ExpNeeded
    writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $3 SExp %SExp
    writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $3 SpeedExpNeeded %SExpNeeded
    writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $3 Aura %Aura
    writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $3 BAura %bAura
    writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $3 WantEvolve Yes
    Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $3 Pokemon $3
    Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini Pokemon $3 yes
    Set %Gender $Rand(1,2)
    if (%Gender == 1) { writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Gender Male }
    if (%Gender == 2) { writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Gender Female }
    if ($readini($3 $+ .ini,$Poke($3),Attack1) != None) { Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $3 Attack1 $readini($3 $+ .ini,$3,Attack1) | Set %Attack1 $readini($3 $+ .ini,$3,Attack1) | writeini $Nick $+ .ini $3 L $+ %Attack1 Yes | Set %MovePP $readini(Pokemon_Status $+ .ini,PPCheck,%Attack1) | writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $3 %Attack1 $+ MPP %MovePP }
    if ($readini($3 $+ .ini,$Poke($3),Attack2) != None) { Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $3 Attack2 $readini($3 $+ .ini,$3,Attack2) | Set %Attack2 $readini($3 $+ .ini,$3,Attack2) | writeini $Nick $+ .ini $3 L $+ %Attack2 Yes | Set %MovePP $readini(Pokemon_Status $+ .ini,PPCheck,%Attack2) | writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $3 %Attack2 $+ MPP %MovePP }
    if ($readini($3 $+ .ini,$Poke($3),Attack3) != None) { Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $3 Attack3 $readini($3 $+ .ini,$3,Attack3) | Set %Attack3 $readini($3 $+ .ini,$3,Attack3) | writeini $Nick $+ .ini $3 L $+ %Attack3 Yes | Set %MovePP $readini(Pokemon_Status $+ .ini,PPCheck,%Attack3) | writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $3 %Attack3 $+ MPP %MovePP }
    if ($readini($3 $+ .ini,$Poke($3),Attack4) != None) { Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $3 Attack4 $readini($3 $+ .ini,$3,Attack4) | Set %Attack4 $readini($3 $+ .ini,$3,Attack4) | writeini $Nick $+ .ini $3 L $+ %Attack4 Yes | Set %MovePP $readini(Pokemon_Status $+ .ini,PPCheck,%Attack4) | writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $3 %Attack4 $+ MPP %MovePP }
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$3,Attack1) == $Null) { Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $3 Attack1 None }
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$3,Attack2) == $Null) { Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $3 Attack2 None }
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$3,Attack3) == $Null) { Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $3 Attack3 None }
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$3,Attack4) == $Null) { Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $3 Attack4 None }
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Party $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Party) + 1)
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick MParty $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,MParty) + 1)
    set %Batlist $remtok(%Batlist,$3,1,32)
    TimerAttack $+ $3 off
    Writeini $3 $+ .ini $3 Fighting No
    Writeini $3 $+ .ini $3 Field None
    Msg %ChanSet $Name($Nick) $+ 8,1 Throws A Pokeball at $Pokemon($3) $+ 8,1!
    Msg %ChanSet $Name($Nick) $+ 8,1 Caught $Pokemon($3) $+ 8,1!
    writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick TExp $calc($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,TExp) + 2)
  on 1:text:`Throw GreatBall*:#:{
    if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,items,GreatBall) <= 0) { Notice $nick You Dont Have The Balls, GreatBalls! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Party) == 6) { Notice $nick Your Party Is Full! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Not Fighting! | halt }
    if ($readini($3 $+ .ini,$3,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $3 Is not Fighting! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$3,Pokemon) != $Null) { Notice $nick You have Already Caught $3 $+ ! | halt }
    if ($readini($3 $+ .ini,$3,WNpc) != Yes) { Notice $nick $3 is Not a Wild Pokemon! | Halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($3 $+ .ini,$3,field)) { Notice $nick You Cannot! You are Somewhere Else! | halt }
    if ($readini($3 $+ .ini,$3,Type) == Ghost) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,SilphScope) != Yes) { Notice $nick You Cannot Catch a Ghost Pokemon with $2 $+ ! | halt }
    if ($readini($3 $+ .ini,$3,Hp) <= 1) { goto Catch }
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini Items GreatBall $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,GreatBall) - 1)
    Set %Hit $rand(10,$Stat($3,Hp))
    if (%Hit > 10) { Msg %ChanSet $Name($Nick) $+ 8,1 Throws A GreatBall at $Pokemon($3) $+ 8,1! | Msg %ChanSet $Name($Nick) $+ 8,1 Did Not Catch $Pokemon($3) $+ 8,1! | halt }
    Var %Hp = $readini($3 $+ .ini,$3,MHp)
    Var %SAttack = $readini($3 $+ .ini,$3,MSAttack)
    Var %Attack = $readini($3 $+ .ini,$3,MAttack)
    Var %SDefense = $readini($3 $+ .ini,$3,MSDefense)
    Var %Defense = $readini($3 $+ .ini,$3,MDefense)
    Var %Accuracy = $readini($3 $+ .ini,$3,MAccuracy)
    Var %Agility = $readini($3 $+ .ini,$3,MAgility)
    Var %Intelligence = $readini($3 $+ .ini,$3,MIntelligence)
    Var %Speed = $readini($3 $+ .ini,$3,MSpeed)
    Var %FSpeed = $readini($3 $+ .ini,$3,MFSpeed)
    Var %Level = $readini($3 $+ .ini,$3,Level)
    Var %ExpNeeded = $readini($3 $+ .ini,$3,ExpNeeded)
    Var %SExp = $readini($3 $+ .ini,$3,SExp)
    Var %SExpNeeded = $readini($3 $+ .ini,$3,SpeedExpNeeded)
    Var %Type = $readini($3 $+ .ini,$3,Type)
    Var %Type2 = $readini($3 $+ .ini,$3,Type2)
    Var %Aura = $readini($3 $+ .ini,$3,PAura)
    Var %BAura = $readini($3 $+ .ini,$3,PBAura)
    writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $3 MHp %Hp
    writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $3 MSAttack %SAttack
    writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $3 MSDefense %SDefense
    writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $3 MAttack %Attack
    writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $3 MDefense %Defense
    writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $3 MAccuracy %Accuracy
    writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $3 MAgility %Agility
    writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $3 MIntelligence %Intelligence
    writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $3 MSpeed %Speed
    writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $3 MFSpeed %FSpeed
    writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $3 Level %Level
    writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $3 Type %Type
    writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $3 Type2 %Type2
    Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $3 $3 Yes
    writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $3 Exp 0
    writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $3 ExpNeeded %ExpNeeded
    writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $3 SExp %SExp
    writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $3 SpeedExpNeeded %SExpNeeded
    writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $3 Aura %Aura
    writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $3 BAura %bAura
    writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $3 WantEvolve Yes
    Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $3 Pokemon $3
    Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini Pokemon $3 yes
    Set %Gender $Rand(1,2)
    if (%Gender == 1) { writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Gender Male }
    if (%Gender == 2) { writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Gender Female }
    if ($readini($3 $+ .ini,$Poke($3),Attack1) != None) { Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $3 Attack1 $readini($3 $+ .ini,$3,Attack1) | Set %Attack1 $readini($3 $+ .ini,$3,Attack1) | writeini $Nick $+ .ini $3 L $+ %Attack1 Yes | Set %MovePP $readini(Pokemon_Status $+ .ini,PPCheck,%Attack1) | writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $3 %Attack1 $+ MPP %MovePP }
    if ($readini($3 $+ .ini,$Poke($3),Attack2) != None) { Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $3 Attack2 $readini($3 $+ .ini,$3,Attack2) | Set %Attack2 $readini($3 $+ .ini,$3,Attack2) | writeini $Nick $+ .ini $3 L $+ %Attack2 Yes | Set %MovePP $readini(Pokemon_Status $+ .ini,PPCheck,%Attack2) | writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $3 %Attack2 $+ MPP %MovePP }
    if ($readini($3 $+ .ini,$Poke($3),Attack3) != None) { Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $3 Attack3 $readini($3 $+ .ini,$3,Attack3) | Set %Attack3 $readini($3 $+ .ini,$3,Attack3) | writeini $Nick $+ .ini $3 L $+ %Attack3 Yes | Set %MovePP $readini(Pokemon_Status $+ .ini,PPCheck,%Attack3) | writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $3 %Attack3 $+ MPP %MovePP }
    if ($readini($3 $+ .ini,$Poke($3),Attack4) != None) { Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $3 Attack4 $readini($3 $+ .ini,$3,Attack4) | Set %Attack4 $readini($3 $+ .ini,$3,Attack4) | writeini $Nick $+ .ini $3 L $+ %Attack4 Yes | Set %MovePP $readini(Pokemon_Status $+ .ini,PPCheck,%Attack4) | writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $3 %Attack4 $+ MPP %MovePP }
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$3,Attack1) == $Null) { Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $3 Attack1 None }
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$3,Attack2) == $Null) { Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $3 Attack2 None }
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$3,Attack3) == $Null) { Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $3 Attack3 None }
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$3,Attack4) == $Null) { Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $3 Attack4 None }
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Party $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Party) + 1)
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick MParty $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,MParty) + 1)
    set %Batlist $remtok(%Batlist,$3,1,32)
    TimerAttack $+ $3 off
    Writeini $3 $+ .ini $3 Fighting No
    Writeini $3 $+ .ini $3 Field None
    Msg %ChanSet $Name($Nick) $+ 8,1 Throws A GreatBall at $Pokemon($3) $+ 8,1!
    Msg %ChanSet $Name($Nick) $+ 8,1 Caught $Pokemon($3) $+ 8,1!
    writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick TExp $calc($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,TExp) + 2)
  on 1:text:`Throw UltraBall*:#:{
    if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,items,UltraBall) <= 0) { Notice $nick You Dont Have The Balls, UltraBalls! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Party) == 6) { Notice $nick Your Party Is Full! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Not Fighting! | halt }
    if ($readini($3 $+ .ini,$3,Fighting) != Yes) { Notice $nick $3 Is not Fighting! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$3,Pokemon) != $Null) { Notice $nick You have Already Caught $3 $+ ! | halt }
    if ($readini($3 $+ .ini,$3,WNpc) != Yes) { Notice $nick $3 is Not a Wild Pokemon! | Halt }
    if ($readini($3 $+ .ini,$3,Type) == Ghost) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,SilphScope) != Yes) { Notice $nick You Cannot Catch a Ghost Pokemon with $2 $+ ! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($3 $+ .ini,$3,field)) { Notice $nick You Cannot! You are Somewhere Else! | halt }
    if ($readini($3 $+ .ini,$3,Hp) <= 1) { goto Catch }
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini Items UltraBall $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,UltraBall) - 1)
    Set %Hit $rand(15,$Stat($3,Hp))
    if (%Hit > 15) { Msg %ChanSet $Name($Nick) $+ 8,1 Throws A UltraBall at $Pokemon($3) $+ 8,1! | Msg %ChanSet $Name($Nick) $+ 8,1 Did Not Catch $Pokemon($3) $+ 8,1! | halt }
    Var %Hp = $readini($3 $+ .ini,$3,MHp)
    Var %SAttack = $readini($3 $+ .ini,$3,MSAttack)
    Var %Attack = $readini($3 $+ .ini,$3,MAttack)
    Var %SDefense = $readini($3 $+ .ini,$3,MSDefense)
    Var %Defense = $readini($3 $+ .ini,$3,MDefense)
    Var %Accuracy = $readini($3 $+ .ini,$3,MAccuracy)
    Var %Agility = $readini($3 $+ .ini,$3,MAgility)
    Var %Intelligence = $readini($3 $+ .ini,$3,MIntelligence)
    Var %Speed = $readini($3 $+ .ini,$3,MSpeed)
    Var %FSpeed = $readini($3 $+ .ini,$3,MFSpeed)
    Var %Level = $readini($3 $+ .ini,$3,Level)
    Var %ExpNeeded = $readini($3 $+ .ini,$3,ExpNeeded)
    Var %SExp = $readini($3 $+ .ini,$3,SExp)
    Var %SExpNeeded = $readini($3 $+ .ini,$3,SpeedExpNeeded)
    Var %Type = $readini($3 $+ .ini,$3,Type)
    Var %Type2 = $readini($3 $+ .ini,$3,Type2)
    Var %Aura = $readini($3 $+ .ini,$3,PAura)
    Var %BAura = $readini($3 $+ .ini,$3,PBAura)
    writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $3 MHp %Hp
    writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $3 MSAttack %SAttack
    writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $3 MSDefense %SDefense
    writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $3 MAttack %Attack
    writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $3 MDefense %Defense
    writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $3 MAccuracy %Accuracy
    writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $3 MAgility %Agility
    writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $3 MIntelligence %Intelligence
    writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $3 MSpeed %Speed
    writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $3 MFSpeed %FSpeed
    writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $3 Level %Level
    writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $3 Type %Type
    writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $3 Type2 %Type2
    Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $3 $3 Yes
    writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $3 Exp 0
    writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $3 ExpNeeded %ExpNeeded
    writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $3 SExp %SExp
    writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $3 SpeedExpNeeded %SExpNeeded
    writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $3 Aura %Aura
    writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $3 BAura %bAura
    writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $3 WantEvolve Yes
    Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $3 Pokemon $3
    Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini Pokemon $3 yes
    Set %Gender $Rand(1,2)
    if (%Gender == 1) { writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Gender Male }
    if (%Gender == 2) { writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $3 Gender Female }
    if ($readini($3 $+ .ini,$Poke($3),Attack1) != None) { Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $3 Attack1 $readini($3 $+ .ini,$3,Attack1) | Set %Attack1 $readini($3 $+ .ini,$3,Attack1) | writeini $Nick $+ .ini $3 L $+ %Attack1 Yes | Set %MovePP $readini(Pokemon_Status $+ .ini,PPCheck,%Attack1) | writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $3 %Attack1 $+ MPP %MovePP }
    if ($readini($3 $+ .ini,$Poke($3),Attack2) != None) { Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $3 Attack2 $readini($3 $+ .ini,$3,Attack2) | Set %Attack2 $readini($3 $+ .ini,$3,Attack2) | writeini $Nick $+ .ini $3 L $+ %Attack2 Yes | Set %MovePP $readini(Pokemon_Status $+ .ini,PPCheck,%Attack2) | writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $3 %Attack2 $+ MPP %MovePP }
    if ($readini($3 $+ .ini,$Poke($3),Attack3) != None) { Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $3 Attack3 $readini($3 $+ .ini,$3,Attack3) | Set %Attack3 $readini($3 $+ .ini,$3,Attack3) | writeini $Nick $+ .ini $3 L $+ %Attack3 Yes | Set %MovePP $readini(Pokemon_Status $+ .ini,PPCheck,%Attack3) | writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $3 %Attack3 $+ MPP %MovePP }
    if ($readini($3 $+ .ini,$Poke($3),Attack4) != None) { Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $3 Attack4 $readini($3 $+ .ini,$3,Attack4) | Set %Attack4 $readini($3 $+ .ini,$3,Attack4) | writeini $Nick $+ .ini $3 L $+ %Attack4 Yes | Set %MovePP $readini(Pokemon_Status $+ .ini,PPCheck,%Attack4) | writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $3 %Attack4 $+ MPP %MovePP }
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$3,Attack1) == $Null) { Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $3 Attack1 None }
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$3,Attack2) == $Null) { Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $3 Attack2 None }
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$3,Attack3) == $Null) { Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $3 Attack3 None }
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$3,Attack4) == $Null) { Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $3 Attack4 None }
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Party $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Party) + 1)
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick MParty $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,MParty) + 1)
    set %Batlist $remtok(%Batlist,$3,1,32)
    TimerAttack $+ $3 off
    Writeini $3 $+ .ini $3 Fighting No
    Writeini $3 $+ .ini $3 Field None
    Msg %ChanSet $Name($Nick) $+ 8,1 Throws A UltraBall at $Pokemon($3) $+ 8,1!
    Msg %ChanSet $Name($Nick) $+ 8,1 Caught $Pokemon($3) $+ 8,1!
    writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick TExp $calc($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,TExp) + 2)
  on 1:text:`Use FireStone:#: {
    if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) == yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,FireStone) <= 0) { Notice $nick You Dont Have FireStones! | halt }
    Set %Pokemon $Poke($Nick)
    if (%Pokemon == Vulpix) {
      set %Pokemon2 Ninetales
      if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon2,%Pokemon2) == Yes) { Notice $Nick You Already have a %Pokemon2 $+ ! }
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini Items FireStone $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,FireStone) - 1)
      Msg %ChanSet $Name($Nick) $+ 4,1 Uses FireStone On $Gender($Nick) $Pokemon($Nick) $+ 4,1!
      Var %Hp = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MHp)
      Var %SAttack = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MSAttack)
      Var %Attack = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MAttack)
      Var %SDefense = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MSDefense)
      Var %Defense = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MDefense)
      Var %Accuracy = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MAccuracy)
      Var %Agility = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MAgility)
      Var %Intelligence = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MIntelligence)
      Var %Speed = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MSpeed)
      Var %FSpeed = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MFSpeed)
      Var %Level = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Level)
      Var %Exp = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Exp)
      Var %ExpNeeded = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,ExpNeeded)
      Var %SExp = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,SExp)
      Var %SExpNeeded = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,SpeedExpNeeded)
      Var %Gender = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Gender)
      Var %Name = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Name)
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MHp $Calc( %Hp + 30 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MSAttack $Calc( %SAttack + 15 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MSDefense $Calc( %SDefense + 15 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MAttack $Calc( %Attack + 14 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MDefense $Calc( %Defense + 14 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MAccuracy $Calc( %Accuracy + 3 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MAgility $Calc( %Agility + 5 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MIntelligence $Calc( %Intelligence + 3 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MSpeed %Speed
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MFSpeed %FSpeed
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Level %Level
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Type Fire
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Type2 None
      Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 %Pokemon2 Yes
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Exp %Exp
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 ExpNeeded $Calc( %ExpNeeded + 25 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 SExp $Calc( %SExp + 3 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 SpeedExpNeeded %SExpNeeded
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Gender %Gender
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Aura 15
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 BAura 0
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 WantEvolve Yes
      Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Pokemon %Pokemon2
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Attack1 None
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Attack2 None
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Attack3 None
      Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Attack4 None
      Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini Pokemon %Pokemon2 yes
      if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Named) == Yes) { writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Name %Name | writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Named Yes }
      if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) != None) { Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Attack1 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Attack1) | Set %Attack1 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Attack1) | writeini $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 L $+ %Attack1 Yes | Set %MovePP $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,%Attack1 $+ MPP) | writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 %Attack1 $+ MPP %MovePP }
      if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) != None) { Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Attack2 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Attack2) | Set %Attack2 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Attack2) | writeini $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 L $+ %Attack2 Yes | Set %MovePP $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,%Attack2 $+ MPP) | writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 %Attack2 $+ MPP %MovePP }
      if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) != None) { Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Attack3 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Attack3) | Set %Attack3 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Attack3) | writeini $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 L $+ %Attack3 Yes | Set %MovePP $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,%Attack3 $+ MPP) | writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 %Attack3 $+ MPP %MovePP }
      if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4) != None) { Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Attack4 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Attack4) | Set %Attack4 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Attack4) | writeini $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 L $+ %Attack4 Yes | Set %MovePP $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,%Attack4 $+ MPP) | writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 %Attack4 $+ MPP %MovePP }
      Msg %ChanSet 9Whats This?!? $Pokemon($Nick) $+ 9,1 Is Evolving...
      Msg %ChanSet $Poke($Nick) $+ 9,1 Evolves Into 15,0 $+ %Pokemon2 $+ 9,1!
      Remini $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon
      Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Pokemon %Pokemon2
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick TExp $calc($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,TExp) + 10)
      Unset %Pokemon
      Unset %Pokemon2
      Unset %Attack1
      Unset %Attack2
      Unset %Attack3
      Unset %Attack4
      Heal $Nick
    if (%Pokemon == Growlithe) {
      set %Pokemon2 Arcanine
      if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon2,%Pokemon2) == Yes) { Notice $Nick You Already have a %Pokemon2 $+ ! }
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini Items FireStone $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,FireStone) - 1)
      Msg %ChanSet $Name($Nick) $+ 4,1 Uses FireStone On $Gender($Nick) $Pokemon($Nick) $+ 4,1!
      Var %Hp = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MHp)
      Var %SAttack = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MSAttack)
      Var %Attack = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MAttack)
      Var %SDefense = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MSDefense)
      Var %Defense = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MDefense)
      Var %Accuracy = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MAccuracy)
      Var %Agility = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MAgility)
      Var %Intelligence = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MIntelligence)
      Var %Speed = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MSpeed)
      Var %FSpeed = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MFSpeed)
      Var %Level = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Level)
      Var %Exp = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Exp)
      Var %ExpNeeded = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,ExpNeeded)
      Var %SExp = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,SExp)
      Var %SExpNeeded = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,SpeedExpNeeded)
      Var %Gender = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Gender)
      Var %Name = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Name)
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MHp $Calc( %Hp + 30 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MSAttack $Calc( %SAttack + 15 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MSDefense $Calc( %SDefense + 15 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MAttack $Calc( %Attack + 14 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MDefense $Calc( %Defense + 14 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MAccuracy $Calc( %Accuracy + 3 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MAgility $Calc( %Agility + 5 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MIntelligence $Calc( %Intelligence + 3 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MSpeed %Speed
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MFSpeed %FSpeed
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Level %Level
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Type Fire
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Type2 None
      Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 %Pokemon2 Yes
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Exp %Exp
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 ExpNeeded $Calc( %ExpNeeded + 25 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 SExp $Calc( %SExp + 3 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 SpeedExpNeeded %SExpNeeded
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Gender %Gender
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Aura 0
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 BAura 4
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 WantEvolve Yes
      Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Pokemon %Pokemon2
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Attack1 None
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Attack2 None
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Attack3 None
      Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Attack4 None
      Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini Pokemon %Pokemon2 yes
      if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Named) == Yes) { writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Name %Name | writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Named Yes }
      if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) != None) { Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Attack1 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Attack1) | Set %Attack1 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Attack1) | writeini $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 L $+ %Attack1 Yes | Set %MovePP $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,%Attack1 $+ MPP) | writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 %Attack1 $+ MPP %MovePP }
      if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) != None) { Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Attack2 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Attack2) | Set %Attack2 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Attack2) | writeini $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 L $+ %Attack2 Yes | Set %MovePP $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,%Attack2 $+ MPP) | writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 %Attack2 $+ MPP %MovePP }
      if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) != None) { Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Attack3 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Attack3) | Set %Attack3 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Attack3) | writeini $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 L $+ %Attack3 Yes | Set %MovePP $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,%Attack3 $+ MPP) | writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 %Attack3 $+ MPP %MovePP }
      if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4) != None) { Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Attack4 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Attack4) | Set %Attack4 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Attack4) | writeini $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 L $+ %Attack4 Yes | Set %MovePP $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,%Attack4 $+ MPP) | writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 %Attack4 $+ MPP %MovePP }
      Msg %ChanSet 9Whats This?!? $Pokemon($Nick) $+ 9,1 Is Evolving...
      Msg %ChanSet $Poke($Nick) $+ 9,1 Evolves Into 0,4 $+ %Pokemon2 $+ 9,1!
      Remini $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon
      Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Pokemon %Pokemon2
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick TExp $calc($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,TExp) + 10)
      Unset %Pokemon
      Unset %Pokemon2
      Unset %Attack1
      Unset %Attack2
      Unset %Attack3
      Unset %Attack4
      Heal $Nick
    if (%Pokemon == Eevee) {
      set %Pokemon2 Flareon
      if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon2,%Pokemon2) == Yes) { Notice $Nick You Already have a %Pokemon2 $+ ! }
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini Items FireStone $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,FireStone) - 1)
      Msg %ChanSet $Name($Nick) $+ 4,1 Uses FireStone On $Gender($Nick) $Pokemon($Nick) $+ 4,1!
      Var %Hp = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MHp)
      Var %SAttack = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MSAttack)
      Var %Attack = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MAttack)
      Var %SDefense = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MSDefense)
      Var %Defense = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MDefense)
      Var %Accuracy = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MAccuracy)
      Var %Agility = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MAgility)
      Var %Intelligence = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MIntelligence)
      Var %Speed = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MSpeed)
      Var %FSpeed = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MFSpeed)
      Var %Level = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Level)
      Var %Exp = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Exp)
      Var %ExpNeeded = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,ExpNeeded)
      Var %SExp = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,SExp)
      Var %SExpNeeded = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,SpeedExpNeeded)
      Var %Gender = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Gender)
      Var %Name = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Name)
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MHp $Calc( %Hp + 30 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MSAttack $Calc( %SAttack + 15 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MSDefense $Calc( %SDefense + 15 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MAttack $Calc( %Attack + 14 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MDefense $Calc( %Defense + 14 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MAccuracy $Calc( %Accuracy + 3 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MAgility $Calc( %Agility + 5 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MIntelligence $Calc( %Intelligence + 3 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MSpeed %Speed
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MFSpeed %FSpeed
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Level %Level
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Type Fire
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Type2 None
      Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 %Pokemon2 Yes
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Exp %Exp
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 ExpNeeded $Calc( %ExpNeeded + 25 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 SExp $Calc( %SExp + 3 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 SpeedExpNeeded %SExpNeeded
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Gender %Gender
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Aura 4
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 BAura 8
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 WantEvolve Yes
      Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Pokemon %Pokemon2
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Attack1 None
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Attack2 None
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Attack3 None
      Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Attack4 None
      Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini Pokemon %Pokemon2 yes
      if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Named) == Yes) { writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Name %Name | writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Named Yes }
      if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) != None) { Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Attack1 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Attack1) | Set %Attack1 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Attack1) | writeini $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 L $+ %Attack1 Yes | Set %MovePP $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,%Attack1 $+ MPP) | writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 %Attack1 $+ MPP %MovePP }
      if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) != None) { Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Attack2 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Attack2) | Set %Attack2 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Attack2) | writeini $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 L $+ %Attack2 Yes | Set %MovePP $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,%Attack2 $+ MPP) | writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 %Attack2 $+ MPP %MovePP }
      if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) != None) { Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Attack3 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Attack3) | Set %Attack3 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Attack3) | writeini $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 L $+ %Attack3 Yes | Set %MovePP $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,%Attack3 $+ MPP) | writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 %Attack3 $+ MPP %MovePP }
      if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4) != None) { Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Attack4 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Attack4) | Set %Attack4 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Attack4) | writeini $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 L $+ %Attack4 Yes | Set %MovePP $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,%Attack4 $+ MPP) | writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 %Attack4 $+ MPP %MovePP }
      Msg %ChanSet 9Whats This?!? $Pokemon($Nick) $+ 9,1 Is Evolving...
      Msg %ChanSet $Poke($Nick) $+ 9,1 Evolves Into 8,4 $+ %Pokemon2 $+ 9,1!
      Remini $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon
      Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Pokemon %Pokemon2
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick TExp $calc($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,TExp) + 10)
      Unset %Pokemon
      Unset %Pokemon2
      Unset %Attack1
      Unset %Attack2
      Unset %Attack3
      Unset %Attack4
      Heal $Nick
  on 1:text:`Use ThunderStone:#: {
    if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) == yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,ThunderStone) <= 0) { Notice $nick You Dont Have ThunderStones! | halt }
    Set %Pokemon $Poke($Nick)
    if (%Pokemon == Pikachu) {
      set %Pokemon2 Raichu
      if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon2,%Pokemon2) == Yes) { Notice $Nick You Already have a %Pokemon2 $+ ! }
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini Items ThunderStone $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,ThunderStone) - 1)
      Msg %ChanSet $Name($Nick) $+ 8,1 Uses ThunderStone On $Gender($Nick) $Pokemon($Nick) $+ 8,1!
      Var %Hp = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MHp)
      Var %SAttack = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MSAttack)
      Var %Attack = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MAttack)
      Var %SDefense = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MSDefense)
      Var %Defense = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MDefense)
      Var %Accuracy = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MAccuracy)
      Var %Agility = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MAgility)
      Var %Intelligence = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MIntelligence)
      Var %Speed = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MSpeed)
      Var %FSpeed = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MFSpeed)
      Var %Level = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Level)
      Var %Exp = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Exp)
      Var %ExpNeeded = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,ExpNeeded)
      Var %SExp = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,SExp)
      Var %SExpNeeded = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,SpeedExpNeeded)
      Var %Gender = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Gender)
      Var %Name = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Name)
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MHp $Calc( %Hp + 30 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MSAttack $Calc( %SAttack + 15 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MSDefense $Calc( %SDefense + 15 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MAttack $Calc( %Attack + 14 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MDefense $Calc( %Defense + 14 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MAccuracy $Calc( %Accuracy + 3 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MAgility $Calc( %Agility + 5 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MIntelligence $Calc( %Intelligence + 3 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MSpeed %Speed
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MFSpeed %FSpeed
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Level %Level
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Type Electric
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Type2 None
      Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 %Pokemon2 Yes
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Exp %Exp
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 ExpNeeded $Calc( %ExpNeeded + 25 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 SExp $Calc( %SExp + 3 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 SpeedExpNeeded %SExpNeeded
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Gender %Gender
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Aura 8
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 BAura 7
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 WantEvolve Yes
      Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Pokemon %Pokemon2
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Attack1 None
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Attack2 None
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Attack3 None
      Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Attack4 None
      Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini Pokemon %Pokemon2 yes
      if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Named) == Yes) { writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Name %Name | writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Named Yes }
      if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) != None) { Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Attack1 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Attack1) | Set %Attack1 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Attack1) | writeini $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 L $+ %Attack1 Yes | Set %MovePP $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,%Attack1 $+ MPP) | writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 %Attack1 $+ MPP %MovePP }
      if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) != None) { Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Attack2 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Attack2) | Set %Attack2 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Attack2) | writeini $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 L $+ %Attack2 Yes | Set %MovePP $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,%Attack2 $+ MPP) | writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 %Attack2 $+ MPP %MovePP }
      if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) != None) { Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Attack3 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Attack3) | Set %Attack3 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Attack3) | writeini $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 L $+ %Attack3 Yes | Set %MovePP $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,%Attack3 $+ MPP) | writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 %Attack3 $+ MPP %MovePP }
      if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4) != None) { Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Attack4 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Attack4) | Set %Attack4 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Attack4) | writeini $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 L $+ %Attack4 Yes | Set %MovePP $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,%Attack4 $+ MPP) | writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 %Attack4 $+ MPP %MovePP }
      Msg %ChanSet 9Whats This?!? $Pokemon($Nick) $+ 9,1 Is Evolving...
      Msg %ChanSet $Poke($Nick) $+ 9,1 Evolves Into 8,7 $+ %Pokemon2 $+ 9,1!
      Remini $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon
      Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Pokemon %Pokemon2
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick TExp $calc($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,TExp) + 10)
      Unset %Pokemon
      Unset %Pokemon2
      Unset %Attack1
      Unset %Attack2
      Unset %Attack3
      Unset %Attack4
      Heal $Nick
    if (%Pokemon == Eevee) {
      set %Pokemon2 Jolteon
      if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon2,%Pokemon2) == Yes) { Notice $Nick You Already have a %Pokemon2 $+ ! }
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini Items ThunderStone $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,ThunderStone) - 1)
      Msg %ChanSet $Name($Nick) $+ 8,1 Uses ThunderStone On $Gender($Nick) $Pokemon($Nick) $+ 8,1!
      Var %Hp = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MHp)
      Var %SAttack = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MSAttack)
      Var %Attack = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MAttack)
      Var %SDefense = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MSDefense)
      Var %Defense = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MDefense)
      Var %Accuracy = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MAccuracy)
      Var %Agility = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MAgility)
      Var %Intelligence = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MIntelligence)
      Var %Speed = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MSpeed)
      Var %FSpeed = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MFSpeed)
      Var %Level = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Level)
      Var %Exp = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Exp)
      Var %ExpNeeded = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,ExpNeeded)
      Var %SExp = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,SExp)
      Var %SExpNeeded = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,SpeedExpNeeded)
      Var %Gender = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Gender)
      Var %Name = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Name)
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MHp $Calc( %Hp + 30 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MSAttack $Calc( %SAttack + 15 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MSDefense $Calc( %SDefense + 15 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MAttack $Calc( %Attack + 15 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MDefense $Calc( %Defense + 15 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MAccuracy $Calc( %Accuracy + 3 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MAgility $Calc( %Agility + 5 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MIntelligence $Calc( %Intelligence + 3 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MSpeed %Speed
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MFSpeed %FSpeed
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Level %Level
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Type Electric
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Type2 None
      Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 %Pokemon2 Yes
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Exp %Exp
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 ExpNeeded $Calc( %ExpNeeded + 25 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 SExp $Calc( %SExp + 3 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 SpeedExpNeeded %SExpNeeded
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Gender %Gender
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Aura 0
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 BAura 8
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 WantEvolve Yes
      Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Pokemon %Pokemon2
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Attack1 None
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Attack2 None
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Attack3 None
      Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Attack4 None
      Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini Pokemon %Pokemon2 yes
      if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Named) == Yes) { writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Name %Name | writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Named Yes }
      if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) != None) { Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Attack1 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Attack1) | Set %Attack1 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Attack1) | writeini $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 L $+ %Attack1 Yes | Set %MovePP $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,%Attack1 $+ MPP) | writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 %Attack1 $+ MPP %MovePP }
      if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) != None) { Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Attack2 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Attack2) | Set %Attack2 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Attack2) | writeini $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 L $+ %Attack2 Yes | Set %MovePP $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,%Attack2 $+ MPP) | writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 %Attack2 $+ MPP %MovePP }
      if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) != None) { Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Attack3 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Attack3) | Set %Attack3 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Attack3) | writeini $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 L $+ %Attack3 Yes | Set %MovePP $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,%Attack3 $+ MPP) | writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 %Attack3 $+ MPP %MovePP }
      if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4) != None) { Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Attack4 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Attack4) | Set %Attack4 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Attack4) | writeini $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 L $+ %Attack4 Yes | Set %MovePP $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,%Attack4 $+ MPP) | writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 %Attack4 $+ MPP %MovePP }
      Msg %ChanSet 9Whats This?!? $Pokemon($Nick) $+ 9,1 Is Evolving...
      Msg %ChanSet $Poke($Nick) $+ 9,1 Evolves Into 0,8 $+ %Pokemon2 $+ 9,1!
      Remini $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon
      Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Pokemon %Pokemon2
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick TExp $calc($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,TExp) + 10)
      Unset %Pokemon
      Unset %Pokemon2
      Unset %Attack1
      Unset %Attack2
      Unset %Attack3
      Unset %Attack4
      Heal $Nick
  on 1:text:`Use WaterStone:#: {
    if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) == yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,WaterStone) <= 0) { Notice $nick You Dont Have WaterStones! | halt }
    Set %Pokemon $Poke($Nick)
    if (%Pokemon == Staryu) {
      set %Pokemon2 Starmie
      if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon2,%Pokemon2) == Yes) { Notice $Nick You Already have a %Pokemon2 $+ ! }
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini Items WaterStone $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,WaterStone) - 1)
      Msg %ChanSet $Name($Nick) $+ 11,1 Uses WaterStone On $Gender($Nick) $Pokemon($Nick) $+ 11,1!
      Var %Hp = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MHp)
      Var %SAttack = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MSAttack)
      Var %Attack = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MAttack)
      Var %SDefense = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MSDefense)
      Var %Defense = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MDefense)
      Var %Accuracy = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MAccuracy)
      Var %Agility = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MAgility)
      Var %Intelligence = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MIntelligence)
      Var %Speed = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MSpeed)
      Var %FSpeed = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MFSpeed)
      Var %Level = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Level)
      Var %Exp = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Exp)
      Var %ExpNeeded = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,ExpNeeded)
      Var %SExp = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,SExp)
      Var %SExpNeeded = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,SpeedExpNeeded)
      Var %Gender = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Gender)
      Var %Name = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Name)
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MHp $Calc( %Hp + 25 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MSAttack $Calc( %SAttack + 13 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MSDefense $Calc( %SDefense + 13 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MAttack $Calc( %Attack + 13 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MDefense $Calc( %Defense + 13 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MAccuracy $Calc( %Accuracy + 6 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MAgility $Calc( %Agility + 6 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MIntelligence $Calc( %Intelligence + 6 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MSpeed %Speed
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MFSpeed %FSpeed
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Level %Level
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Type Water
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Type2 Psychic
      Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 %Pokemon2 Yes
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Exp %Exp
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 ExpNeeded $Calc( %ExpNeeded + 25 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 SExp $Calc( %SExp + 5 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 SpeedExpNeeded %SExpNeeded
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Gender %Gender
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Aura 8
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 BAura 6
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 WantEvolve Yes
      Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Pokemon %Pokemon2
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Attack1 None
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Attack2 None
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Attack3 None
      Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Attack4 None
      Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini Pokemon %Pokemon2 yes
      if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Named) == Yes) { writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Name %Name | writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Named Yes }
      if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) != None) { Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Attack1 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Attack1) | Set %Attack1 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Attack1) | writeini $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 L $+ %Attack1 Yes | Set %MovePP $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,%Attack1 $+ MPP) | writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 %Attack1 $+ MPP %MovePP }
      if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) != None) { Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Attack2 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Attack2) | Set %Attack2 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Attack2) | writeini $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 L $+ %Attack2 Yes | Set %MovePP $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,%Attack2 $+ MPP) | writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 %Attack2 $+ MPP %MovePP }
      if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) != None) { Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Attack3 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Attack3) | Set %Attack3 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Attack3) | writeini $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 L $+ %Attack3 Yes | Set %MovePP $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,%Attack3 $+ MPP) | writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 %Attack3 $+ MPP %MovePP }
      if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4) != None) { Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Attack4 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Attack4) | Set %Attack4 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Attack4) | writeini $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 L $+ %Attack4 Yes | Set %MovePP $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,%Attack4 $+ MPP) | writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 %Attack4 $+ MPP %MovePP }
      Msg %ChanSet 9Whats This?!? $Pokemon($Nick) $+ 9,1 Is Evolving...
      Msg %ChanSet $Poke($Nick) $+ 9,1 Evolves Into 8,6 $+ %Pokemon2 $+ 9,1!
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick TExp $calc($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,TExp) + 10)
      Remini $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon
      Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Pokemon %Pokemon2
      Unset %Pokemon
      Unset %Pokemon2
      Unset %Attack1
      Unset %Attack2
      Unset %Attack3
      Unset %Attack4
      Heal $Nick
    if (%Pokemon == Eevee) {
      set %Pokemon2 Vaporeon
      if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon2,%Pokemon2) == Yes) { Notice $Nick You Already have a %Pokemon2 $+ ! }
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini Items WaterStone $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,WaterStone) - 1)
      Msg %ChanSet $Name($Nick) $+ 11,1 Uses WaterStone On $Gender($Nick) $Pokemon($Nick) $+ 11,1!
      Var %Hp = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MHp)
      Var %SAttack = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MSAttack)
      Var %Attack = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MAttack)
      Var %SDefense = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MSDefense)
      Var %Defense = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MDefense)
      Var %Accuracy = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MAccuracy)
      Var %Agility = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MAgility)
      Var %Intelligence = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MIntelligence)
      Var %Speed = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MSpeed)
      Var %FSpeed = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MFSpeed)
      Var %Level = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Level)
      Var %Exp = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Exp)
      Var %ExpNeeded = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,ExpNeeded)
      Var %SExp = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,SExp)
      Var %SExpNeeded = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,SpeedExpNeeded)
      Var %Gender = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Gender)
      Var %Name = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Name)
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MHp $Calc( %Hp + 25 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MSAttack $Calc( %SAttack + 13 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MSDefense $Calc( %SDefense + 13 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MAttack $Calc( %Attack + 13 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MDefense $Calc( %Defense + 13 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MAccuracy $Calc( %Accuracy + 6 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MAgility $Calc( %Agility + 6 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MIntelligence $Calc( %Intelligence + 6 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MSpeed %Speed
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MFSpeed %FSpeed
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Level %Level
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Type Water
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Type2 None
      Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 %Pokemon2 Yes
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Exp %Exp
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 ExpNeeded $Calc( %ExpNeeded + 25 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 SExp $Calc( %SExp + 5 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 SpeedExpNeeded %SExpNeeded
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Gender %Gender
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Aura 2
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 BAura 11
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 WantEvolve Yes
      Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Pokemon %Pokemon2
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Attack1 None
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Attack2 None
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Attack3 None
      Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Attack4 None
      Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini Pokemon %Pokemon2 yes
      if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Named) == Yes) { writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Name %Name | writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Named Yes }
      if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) != None) { Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Attack1 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Attack1) | Set %Attack1 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Attack1) | writeini $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 L $+ %Attack1 Yes | Set %MovePP $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,%Attack1 $+ MPP) | writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 %Attack1 $+ MPP %MovePP }
      if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) != None) { Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Attack2 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Attack2) | Set %Attack2 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Attack2) | writeini $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 L $+ %Attack2 Yes | Set %MovePP $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,%Attack2 $+ MPP) | writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 %Attack2 $+ MPP %MovePP }
      if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) != None) { Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Attack3 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Attack3) | Set %Attack3 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Attack3) | writeini $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 L $+ %Attack3 Yes | Set %MovePP $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,%Attack3 $+ MPP) | writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 %Attack3 $+ MPP %MovePP }
      if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4) != None) { Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Attack4 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Attack4) | Set %Attack4 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Attack4) | writeini $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 L $+ %Attack4 Yes | Set %MovePP $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,%Attack4 $+ MPP) | writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 %Attack4 $+ MPP %MovePP }
      Msg %ChanSet 9Whats This?!? $Pokemon($Nick) $+ 9,1 Is Evolving...
      Msg %ChanSet $Poke($Nick) $+ 9,1 Evolves Into 2,11 $+ %Pokemon2 $+ 9,1!
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick TExp $calc($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,TExp) + 10)
      Remini $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon
      Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Pokemon %Pokemon2
      Unset %Pokemon
      Unset %Pokemon2
      Unset %Attack1
      Unset %Attack2
      Unset %Attack3
      Unset %Attack4
      Heal $Nick
  on 1:text:`Use LeafStone:#: {
    if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) == yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,LeafStone) <= 0) { Notice $nick You Dont Have LeafStones! | halt }
    Set %Pokemon $Poke($Nick)
    if (%Pokemon == Weepinbell) {
      set %Pokemon2 Victreebel
      if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon2,%Pokemon2) == Yes) { Notice $Nick You Already have a %Pokemon2 $+ ! }
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini Items LeafStone $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,LeafStone) - 1)
      Msg %ChanSet $Name($Nick) $+ 3,1 Uses LeafStone On $Gender($Nick) $Pokemon($Nick) $+ 3,1!
      Var %Hp = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MHp)
      Var %SAttack = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MSAttack)
      Var %Attack = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MAttack)
      Var %SDefense = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MSDefense)
      Var %Defense = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MDefense)
      Var %Accuracy = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MAccuracy)
      Var %Agility = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MAgility)
      Var %Intelligence = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MIntelligence)
      Var %Speed = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MSpeed)
      Var %FSpeed = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MFSpeed)
      Var %Level = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Level)
      Var %Exp = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Exp)
      Var %ExpNeeded = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,ExpNeeded)
      Var %SExp = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,SExp)
      Var %SExpNeeded = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,SpeedExpNeeded)
      Var %Gender = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Gender)
      Var %Name = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Name)
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MHp $Calc( %Hp + 30 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MSAttack $Calc( %SAttack + 15 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MSDefense $Calc( %SDefense + 15 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MAttack $Calc( %Attack + 13 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MDefense $Calc( %Defense + 13 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MAccuracy $Calc( %Accuracy + 2 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MAgility $Calc( %Agility + 2 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MIntelligence $Calc( %Intelligence + 2 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MSpeed %Speed
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MFSpeed %FSpeed
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Level %Level
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Type Grass
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Type2 Poison
      Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 %Pokemon2 Yes
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Exp %Exp
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 ExpNeeded $Calc( %ExpNeeded + 25 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 SExp $Calc( %SExp + 5 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 SpeedExpNeeded %SExpNeeded
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Gender %Gender
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Aura 6
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 BAura 8
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 WantEvolve No
      Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Pokemon %Pokemon2
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Attack1 None
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Attack2 None
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Attack3 None
      Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Attack4 None
      Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini Pokemon %Pokemon2 yes
      if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Named) == Yes) { writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Name %Name | writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Named Yes }
      if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) != None) { Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Attack1 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Attack1) | Set %Attack1 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Attack1) | writeini $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 L $+ %Attack1 Yes | Set %MovePP $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,%Attack1 $+ MPP) | writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 %Attack1 $+ MPP %MovePP }
      if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) != None) { Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Attack2 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Attack2) | Set %Attack2 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Attack2) | writeini $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 L $+ %Attack2 Yes | Set %MovePP $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,%Attack2 $+ MPP) | writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 %Attack2 $+ MPP %MovePP }
      if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) != None) { Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Attack3 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Attack3) | Set %Attack3 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Attack3) | writeini $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 L $+ %Attack3 Yes | Set %MovePP $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,%Attack3 $+ MPP) | writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 %Attack3 $+ MPP %MovePP }
      if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4) != None) { Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Attack4 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Attack4) | Set %Attack4 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Attack4) | writeini $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 L $+ %Attack4 Yes | Set %MovePP $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,%Attack4 $+ MPP) | writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 %Attack4 $+ MPP %MovePP }
      Msg %ChanSet 9Whats This?!? $Pokemon($Nick) $+ 9,1 Is Evolving...
      Msg %ChanSet $Poke($Nick) $+ 9,1 Evolves Into 6,8 $+ %Pokemon2 $+ 9,1!
      Remini $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon
      Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Pokemon %Pokemon2
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick TExp $calc($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,TExp) + 10)
      Unset %Pokemon
      Unset %Pokemon2
      Unset %Attack1
      Unset %Attack2
      Unset %Attack3
      Unset %Attack4
      Heal $Nick
    if (%Pokemon == Gloom) {
      set %Pokemon2 Vileplume
      if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon2,%Pokemon2) == Yes) { Notice $Nick You Already have a %Pokemon2 $+ ! }
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini Items LeafStone $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,LeafStone) - 1)
      Msg %ChanSet $Name($Nick) $+ 3,1 Uses LeafStone On $Gender($Nick) $Pokemon($Nick) $+ 3,1!
      Var %Hp = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MHp)
      Var %SAttack = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MSAttack)
      Var %Attack = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MAttack)
      Var %SDefense = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MSDefense)
      Var %Defense = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MDefense)
      Var %Accuracy = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MAccuracy)
      Var %Agility = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MAgility)
      Var %Intelligence = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MIntelligence)
      Var %Speed = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MSpeed)
      Var %FSpeed = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MFSpeed)
      Var %Level = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Level)
      Var %Exp = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Exp)
      Var %ExpNeeded = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,ExpNeeded)
      Var %SExp = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,SExp)
      Var %SExpNeeded = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,SpeedExpNeeded)
      Var %Gender = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Gender)
      Var %Name = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Name)
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MHp $Calc( %Hp + 30 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MSAttack $Calc( %SAttack + 15 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MSDefense $Calc( %SDefense + 15 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MAttack $Calc( %Attack + 13 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MDefense $Calc( %Defense + 13 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MAccuracy $Calc( %Accuracy + 2 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MAgility $Calc( %Agility + 2 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MIntelligence $Calc( %Intelligence + 2 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MSpeed %Speed
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MFSpeed %FSpeed
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Level %Level
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Type Grass
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Type2 Poison
      Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 %Pokemon2 Yes
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Exp %Exp
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 ExpNeeded $Calc( %ExpNeeded + 25 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 SExp $Calc( %SExp + 5 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 SpeedExpNeeded %SExpNeeded
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Gender %Gender
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Aura 4
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 BAura 2
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 WantEvolve No
      Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Pokemon %Pokemon2
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Attack1 None
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Attack2 None
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Attack3 None
      Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Attack4 None
      Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini Pokemon %Pokemon2 yes
      if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Named) == Yes) { writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Name %Name | writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Named Yes }
      if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) != None) { Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Attack1 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Attack1) | Set %Attack1 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Attack1) | writeini $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 L $+ %Attack1 Yes | Set %MovePP $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,%Attack1 $+ MPP) | writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 %Attack1 $+ MPP %MovePP }
      if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) != None) { Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Attack2 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Attack2) | Set %Attack2 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Attack2) | writeini $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 L $+ %Attack2 Yes | Set %MovePP $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,%Attack2 $+ MPP) | writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 %Attack2 $+ MPP %MovePP }
      if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) != None) { Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Attack3 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Attack3) | Set %Attack3 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Attack3) | writeini $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 L $+ %Attack3 Yes | Set %MovePP $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,%Attack3 $+ MPP) | writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 %Attack3 $+ MPP %MovePP }
      if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4) != None) { Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Attack4 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Attack4) | Set %Attack4 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Attack4) | writeini $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 L $+ %Attack4 Yes | Set %MovePP $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,%Attack4 $+ MPP) | writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 %Attack4 $+ MPP %MovePP }
      Msg %ChanSet 9Whats This?!? $Pokemon($Nick) $+ 9,1 Is Evolving...
      Msg %ChanSet $Poke($Nick) $+ 9,1 Evolves Into 4,2 $+ %Pokemon2 $+ 9,1!
      Remini $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon
      Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Pokemon %Pokemon2
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick TExp $calc($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,TExp) + 10)
      Unset %Pokemon
      Unset %Pokemon2
      Unset %Attack1
      Unset %Attack2
      Unset %Attack3
      Unset %Attack4
      Heal $Nick
  on 1:text:`Use SunStone:#: {
    if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) == yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,SunStone) <= 0) { Notice $nick You Dont Have SunStones! | halt }
    Set %Pokemon $Poke($Nick)
    if (%Pokemon == Gloom) {
      set %Pokemon2 Bellossom
      if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon2,%Pokemon2) == Yes) { Notice $Nick You Already have a %Pokemon2 $+ ! }
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini Items SunStone $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,SunStone) - 1)
      Msg %ChanSet $Name($Nick) $+ 7,1 Uses SunStone On $Gender($Nick) $Pokemon($Nick) $+ 7,1!
      Var %Hp = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MHp)
      Var %SAttack = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MSAttack)
      Var %Attack = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MAttack)
      Var %SDefense = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MSDefense)
      Var %Defense = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MDefense)
      Var %Accuracy = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MAccuracy)
      Var %Agility = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MAgility)
      Var %Intelligence = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MIntelligence)
      Var %Speed = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MSpeed)
      Var %FSpeed = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MFSpeed)
      Var %Level = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Level)
      Var %Exp = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Exp)
      Var %ExpNeeded = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,ExpNeeded)
      Var %SExp = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,SExp)
      Var %SExpNeeded = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,SpeedExpNeeded)
      Var %Gender = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Gender)
      Var %Name = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Name)
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MHp $Calc( %Hp + 35 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MSAttack $Calc( %SAttack + 13 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MSDefense $Calc( %SDefense + 15 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MAttack $Calc( %Attack + 13 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MDefense $Calc( %Defense + 13 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MAccuracy $Calc( %Accuracy + 2 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MAgility $Calc( %Agility + 2 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MIntelligence $Calc( %Intelligence + 2 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MSpeed %Speed
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MFSpeed %FSpeed
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Level %Level
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Type Grass
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Type2 None
      Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 %Pokemon2 Yes
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Exp %Exp
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 ExpNeeded $Calc( %ExpNeeded + 25 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 SExp $Calc( %SExp + 5 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 SpeedExpNeeded %SExpNeeded
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Gender %Gender
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Aura 8
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 BAura 3
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 WantEvolve No
      Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Pokemon %Pokemon2
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Attack1 None
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Attack2 None
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Attack3 None
      Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Attack4 None
      Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini Pokemon %Pokemon2 yes
      if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Named) == Yes) { writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Name %Name | writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Named Yes }
      if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) != None) { Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Attack1 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Attack1) | Set %Attack1 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Attack1) | writeini $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 L $+ %Attack1 Yes | Set %MovePP $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,%Attack1 $+ MPP) | writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 %Attack1 $+ MPP %MovePP }
      if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) != None) { Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Attack2 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Attack2) | Set %Attack2 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Attack2) | writeini $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 L $+ %Attack2 Yes | Set %MovePP $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,%Attack2 $+ MPP) | writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 %Attack2 $+ MPP %MovePP }
      if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) != None) { Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Attack3 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Attack3) | Set %Attack3 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Attack3) | writeini $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 L $+ %Attack3 Yes | Set %MovePP $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,%Attack3 $+ MPP) | writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 %Attack3 $+ MPP %MovePP }
      if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4) != None) { Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Attack4 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Attack4) | Set %Attack4 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Attack4) | writeini $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 L $+ %Attack4 Yes | Set %MovePP $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,%Attack4 $+ MPP) | writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 %Attack4 $+ MPP %MovePP }
      Msg %ChanSet 9Whats This?!? $Pokemon($Nick) $+ 9,1 Is Evolving...
      Msg %ChanSet $Poke($Nick) $+ 9,1 Evolves Into 8,3 $+ %Pokemon2 $+ 9,1!
      Remini $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon
      Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Pokemon %Pokemon2
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick TExp $calc($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,TExp) + 10)
      Unset %Pokemon
      Unset %Pokemon2
      Unset %Attack1
      Unset %Attack2
      Unset %Attack3
      Unset %Attack4
      Heal $Nick
  on 1:text:`Use MoonStone:#: {
    if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) == yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,MoonStone) <= 0) { Notice $nick You Dont Have MoonStones! | halt }
    Set %Pokemon $Poke($Nick)
    if (%Pokemon == Nidorina) {
      set %Pokemon2 Nidoqueen
      if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon2,%Pokemon2) == Yes) { Notice $Nick You Already have a %Pokemon2 $+ ! }
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini Items MoonStone $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,MoonStone) - 1)
      Msg %ChanSet $Name($Nick) $+ 0,1 Uses MoonStone On $Gender($Nick) $Pokemon($Nick) $+ 0,1!
      Var %Hp = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MHp)
      Var %SAttack = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MSAttack)
      Var %Attack = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MAttack)
      Var %SDefense = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MSDefense)
      Var %Defense = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MDefense)
      Var %Accuracy = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MAccuracy)
      Var %Agility = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MAgility)
      Var %Intelligence = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MIntelligence)
      Var %Speed = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MSpeed)
      Var %FSpeed = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MFSpeed)
      Var %Level = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Level)
      Var %Exp = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Exp)
      Var %ExpNeeded = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,ExpNeeded)
      Var %SExp = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,SExp)
      Var %SExpNeeded = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,SpeedExpNeeded)
      Var %Gender = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Gender)
      Var %Name = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Name)
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MHp $Calc( %Hp + 35 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MSAttack $Calc( %SAttack + 15 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MSDefense $Calc( %SDefense + 11 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MAttack $Calc( %Attack + 15 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MDefense $Calc( %Defense + 11 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MAccuracy $Calc( %Accuracy + 3 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MAgility $Calc( %Agility + 3 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MIntelligence $Calc( %Intelligence + 3 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MSpeed %Speed
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MFSpeed %FSpeed
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Level %Level
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Type Poison
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Type2 Ground
      Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 %Pokemon2 Yes
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Exp %Exp
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 ExpNeeded $Calc( %ExpNeeded + 25 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 SExp $Calc( %SExp + 5 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 SpeedExpNeeded %SExpNeeded
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Gender %Gender
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Aura 0
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 BAura 10
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 WantEvolve No
      Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Pokemon %Pokemon2
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Attack1 None
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Attack2 None
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Attack3 None
      Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Attack4 None
      Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini Pokemon %Pokemon2 yes
      if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Named) == Yes) { writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Name %Name | writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Named Yes }
      if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) != None) { Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Attack1 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Attack1) | Set %Attack1 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Attack1) | writeini $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 L $+ %Attack1 Yes | Set %MovePP $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,%Attack1 $+ MPP) | writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 %Attack1 $+ MPP %MovePP }
      if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) != None) { Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Attack2 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Attack2) | Set %Attack2 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Attack2) | writeini $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 L $+ %Attack2 Yes | Set %MovePP $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,%Attack2 $+ MPP) | writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 %Attack2 $+ MPP %MovePP }
      if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) != None) { Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Attack3 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Attack3) | Set %Attack3 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Attack3) | writeini $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 L $+ %Attack3 Yes | Set %MovePP $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,%Attack3 $+ MPP) | writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 %Attack3 $+ MPP %MovePP }
      if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4) != None) { Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Attack4 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Attack4) | Set %Attack4 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Attack4) | writeini $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 L $+ %Attack4 Yes | Set %MovePP $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,%Attack4 $+ MPP) | writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 %Attack4 $+ MPP %MovePP }
      Msg %ChanSet 9Whats This?!? $Pokemon($Nick) $+ 9,1 Is Evolving...
      Msg %ChanSet $Poke($Nick) $+ 9,1 Evolves Into 0,10 $+ %Pokemon2 $+ 9,1!
      Remini $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon
      Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Pokemon %Pokemon2
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick TExp $calc($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,TExp) + 10)
      Unset %Pokemon
      Unset %Pokemon2
      Unset %Attack1
      Unset %Attack2
      Unset %Attack3
      Unset %Attack4
      Heal $Nick
    if (%Pokemon == Nidorino) {
      set %Pokemon2 Nidoking
      if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon2,%Pokemon2) == Yes) { Notice $Nick You Already have a %Pokemon2 $+ ! }
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini Items MoonStone $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,MoonStone) - 1)
      Msg %ChanSet $Name($Nick) $+ 0,1 Uses MoonStone On $Gender($Nick) $Pokemon($Nick) $+ 0,1!
      Var %Hp = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MHp)
      Var %SAttack = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MSAttack)
      Var %Attack = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MAttack)
      Var %SDefense = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MSDefense)
      Var %Defense = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MDefense)
      Var %Accuracy = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MAccuracy)
      Var %Agility = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MAgility)
      Var %Intelligence = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MIntelligence)
      Var %Speed = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MSpeed)
      Var %FSpeed = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MFSpeed)
      Var %Level = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Level)
      Var %Exp = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Exp)
      Var %ExpNeeded = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,ExpNeeded)
      Var %SExp = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,SExp)
      Var %SExpNeeded = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,SpeedExpNeeded)
      Var %Gender = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Gender)
      Var %Name = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Name)
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MHp $Calc( %Hp + 35 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MSAttack $Calc( %SAttack + 15 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MSDefense $Calc( %SDefense + 11 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MAttack $Calc( %Attack + 15 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MDefense $Calc( %Defense + 11 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MAccuracy $Calc( %Accuracy + 3 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MAgility $Calc( %Agility + 3 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MIntelligence $Calc( %Intelligence + 3 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MSpeed %Speed
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MFSpeed %FSpeed
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Level %Level
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Type Poison
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Type2 Ground
      Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 %Pokemon2 Yes
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Exp %Exp
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 ExpNeeded $Calc( %ExpNeeded + 25 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 SExp $Calc( %SExp + 5 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 SpeedExpNeeded %SExpNeeded
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Gender %Gender
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Aura 0
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 BAura 6
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 WantEvolve No
      Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Pokemon %Pokemon2
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Attack1 None
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Attack2 None
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Attack3 None
      Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Attack4 None
      Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini Pokemon %Pokemon2 yes
      if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Named) == Yes) { writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Name %Name | writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Named Yes }
      if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) != None) { Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Attack1 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Attack1) | Set %Attack1 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Attack1) | writeini $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 L $+ %Attack1 Yes | Set %MovePP $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,%Attack1 $+ MPP) | writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 %Attack1 $+ MPP %MovePP }
      if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) != None) { Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Attack2 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Attack2) | Set %Attack2 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Attack2) | writeini $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 L $+ %Attack2 Yes | Set %MovePP $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,%Attack2 $+ MPP) | writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 %Attack2 $+ MPP %MovePP }
      if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) != None) { Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Attack3 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Attack3) | Set %Attack3 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Attack3) | writeini $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 L $+ %Attack3 Yes | Set %MovePP $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,%Attack3 $+ MPP) | writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 %Attack3 $+ MPP %MovePP }
      if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4) != None) { Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Attack4 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Attack4) | Set %Attack4 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Attack4) | writeini $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 L $+ %Attack4 Yes | Set %MovePP $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,%Attack4 $+ MPP) | writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 %Attack4 $+ MPP %MovePP }
      Msg %ChanSet 9Whats This?!? $Pokemon($Nick) $+ 9,1 Is Evolving...
      Msg %ChanSet $Poke($Nick) $+ 9,1 Evolves Into 0,6 $+ %Pokemon2 $+ 9,1!
      Remini $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon
      Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Pokemon %Pokemon2
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick TExp $calc($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,TExp) + 10)
      Unset %Pokemon
      Unset %Pokemon2
      Unset %Attack1
      Unset %Attack2
      Unset %Attack3
      Unset %Attack4
      Heal $Nick
  on 1:text:`Use MetalCoat:#: {
    if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) == yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,MetalCoat) <= 0) { Notice $nick You Dont Have MetalCoats! | halt }
    Set %Pokemon $Poke($Nick)
    if (%Pokemon == Onix) {
      set %Pokemon2 Steelix
      if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon2,%Pokemon2) == Yes) { Notice $Nick You Already have a %Pokemon2 $+ ! }
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini Items MetalCoat $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,MetalCoat) - 1)
      Msg %ChanSet $Name($Nick) $+ 15,1 Uses MetalCoat On $Gender($Nick) $Pokemon($Nick) $+ 15,1!
      Var %Hp = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MHp)
      Var %SAttack = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MSAttack)
      Var %Attack = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MAttack)
      Var %SDefense = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MSDefense)
      Var %Defense = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MDefense)
      Var %Accuracy = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MAccuracy)
      Var %Agility = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MAgility)
      Var %Intelligence = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MIntelligence)
      Var %Speed = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MSpeed)
      Var %FSpeed = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,MFSpeed)
      Var %Level = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Level)
      Var %Exp = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Exp)
      Var %ExpNeeded = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,ExpNeeded)
      Var %SExp = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,SExp)
      Var %SExpNeeded = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,SpeedExpNeeded)
      Var %Gender = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Gender)
      Var %Name = $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Name)
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MHp $Calc( %Hp + 35 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MSAttack $Calc( %SAttack + 15 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MSDefense $Calc( %SDefense + 20 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MAttack $Calc( %Attack + 15 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MDefense $Calc( %Defense + 20 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MAccuracy $Calc( %Accuracy + 3 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MAgility $Calc( %Agility + 3 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MIntelligence $Calc( %Intelligence + 3 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MSpeed %Speed
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 MFSpeed %FSpeed
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Level %Level
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Type Steel
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Type2 Ground
      Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 %Pokemon2 Yes
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Exp %Exp
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 ExpNeeded $Calc( %ExpNeeded + 25 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 SExp $Calc( %SExp + 5 )
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 SpeedExpNeeded %SExpNeeded
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Gender %Gender
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Aura 14
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 BAura 15
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 WantEvolve No
      Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Pokemon %Pokemon2
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Attack1 None
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Attack2 None
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Attack3 None
      Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Attack4 None
      Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini Pokemon %Pokemon2 yes
      if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Named) == Yes) { writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Name %Name | writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Named Yes }
      if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) != None) { Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Attack1 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Attack1) | Set %Attack1 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Attack1) | writeini $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 L $+ %Attack1 Yes | Set %MovePP $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,%Attack1 $+ MPP) | writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 %Attack1 $+ MPP %MovePP }
      if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) != None) { Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Attack2 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Attack2) | Set %Attack2 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Attack2) | writeini $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 L $+ %Attack2 Yes | Set %MovePP $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,%Attack2 $+ MPP) | writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 %Attack2 $+ MPP %MovePP }
      if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) != None) { Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Attack3 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Attack3) | Set %Attack3 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Attack3) | writeini $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 L $+ %Attack3 Yes | Set %MovePP $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,%Attack3 $+ MPP) | writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 %Attack3 $+ MPP %MovePP }
      if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4) != None) { Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 Attack4 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Attack4) | Set %Attack4 $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,Attack4) | writeini $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 L $+ %Attack4 Yes | Set %MovePP $readini($Nick $+ .ini,%Pokemon,%Attack4 $+ MPP) | writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon2 %Attack4 $+ MPP %MovePP }
      Msg %ChanSet 9Whats This?!? $Pokemon($Nick) $+ 9,1 Is Evolving...
      Msg %ChanSet $Poke($Nick) $+ 9,1 Evolves Into 14,15 $+ %Pokemon2 $+ 9,1!
      Remini $Nick $+ .ini %Pokemon
      Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Nick Pokemon %Pokemon2
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Nick TExp $calc($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Nick,TExp) + 10)
      Unset %Pokemon
      Unset %Pokemon2
      Unset %Attack1
      Unset %Attack2
      Unset %Attack3
      Unset %Attack4
      Heal $Nick
  on 1:text:`Use Tm34*:#:{
    if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) == yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
    if ($3 == $Null) { Notice $nick Please Type `Use $2 (Move You Might Wanna Delete) | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Tm,Tm34) != Yes) { Notice $nick You Dont Have Tm34! | halt }
    Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
    Set %MoveLearning Mud-Slap
    if ($istok(%Attacks,%MoveLearning,32) == $true) { Notice $Nick $Poke($Nick) Knows This Move Already! | Halt }
    if ($istok(%Attacks,$3,32) != $true) { Notice $Nick $Poke($Nick) Does not Know $3 | Halt }
    Set %Choices $Stat($Nick,Type) $Stat($Nick,Typ2) $Poke($Nick)
    if (None isin %Choices) { Goto End }
    if (Rock isin %Choices) { Goto End }
    if (Ground isin %Choices) { Goto End }
    Goto End
    writeini $Nick $+ .ini Tm $2 No
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) == None) {
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) L $+ %MoveLearning Yes
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) Attack1 %MoveLearning
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) %MoveLearning $+ MPP $readini(Pokemon_Status $+ .ini,PPCheck,%MoveLearning)
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) %MoveLearning $+ PP $readini(Pokemon_Status $+ .ini,PPCheck,%MoveLearning)
      Msg %ChanSet $Name($Nick) $+ 9,1's $Pokemon($Nick) $+ 9,1 Has Learned  $+ %MoveLearning $+ !
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) == None) {
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) L $+ %MoveLearning Yes
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) Attack2 %MoveLearning
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) %MoveLearning $+ MPP $readini(Pokemon_Status $+ .ini,PPCheck,%MoveLearning)
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) %MoveLearning $+ PP $readini(Pokemon_Status $+ .ini,PPCheck,%MoveLearning)
      Msg %ChanSet $Name($Nick) $+ 9,1's $Pokemon($Nick) $+ 9,1 Has Learned  $+ %MoveLearning $+ !
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) == None) {
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) L $+ %MoveLearning Yes
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) Attack3 %MoveLearning
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) %MoveLearning $+ MPP $readini(Pokemon_Status $+ .ini,PPCheck,%MoveLearning)
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) %MoveLearning $+ PP $readini(Pokemon_Status $+ .ini,PPCheck,%MoveLearning)
      Msg %ChanSet $Name($Nick) $+ 9,1's $Pokemon($Nick) $+ 9,1 Has Learned  $+ %MoveLearning $+ !
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4) == None) {
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) L $+ %MoveLearning Yes
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) Attack4 %MoveLearning
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) %MoveLearning $+ MPP $readini(Pokemon_Status $+ .ini,PPCheck,%MoveLearning)
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) %MoveLearning $+ PP $readini(Pokemon_Status $+ .ini,PPCheck,%MoveLearning)
      Msg %ChanSet $Name($Nick) $+ 9,1's $Pokemon($Nick) $+ 9,1 Has Learned  $+ %MoveLearning $+ !
    writeini $Nick $+ .ini Learned %MoveLearning Yes
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) == $3) { writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) Attack1 %MoveLearning }  
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) == $3) { writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) Attack2 %MoveLearning }  
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) == $3) { writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) Attack3 %MoveLearning }  
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4) == $3) { writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) Attack4 %MoveLearning }  
    writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) L $+ %MoveLearning Yes
    writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) %MoveLearning $+ MPP $readini(Pokemon_Status $+ .ini,PPCheck,%MoveLearning)
    writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) %MoveLearning $+ PP $readini(Pokemon_Status $+ .ini,PPCheck,%MoveLearning)
    Unset %MoveLearning
    Unset %Attacks
    Notice $Nick $Poke($Nick) Cannot Learn $2 $+ !
  on 1:text:`Use Tm11*:#:{
    if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) == yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
    if ($3 == $Null) { Notice $nick Please Type `Use $2 (Move You Might Wanna Delete) | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Tm,Tm11) != Yes) { Notice $nick You Dont Have Tm11! | halt }
    Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
    Set %MoveLearning Swift
    if ($istok(%Attacks,%MoveLearning,32) == $true) { Notice $Nick $Poke($Nick) Knows This Move Already! | Halt }
    if ($istok(%Attacks,$3,32) != $true) { Notice $Nick $Poke($Nick) Does not Know $3 | Halt }
    Set %Choices $Stat($Nick,Type) $Stat($Nick,Typ2) $Poke($Nick)
    if (None isin %Choices) { Goto End }
    if (Normal isin %Choices) { Goto End }
    Goto End
    writeini $Nick $+ .ini Tm $2 No
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) == None) {
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) L $+ %MoveLearning Yes
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) Attack1 %MoveLearning
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) %MoveLearning $+ MPP $readini(Pokemon_Status $+ .ini,PPCheck,%MoveLearning)
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) %MoveLearning $+ PP $readini(Pokemon_Status $+ .ini,PPCheck,%MoveLearning)
      Msg %ChanSet $Name($Nick) $+ 9,1's $Pokemon($Nick) $+ 9,1 Has Learned  $+ %MoveLearning $+ !
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) == None) {
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) L $+ %MoveLearning Yes
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) Attack2 %MoveLearning
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) %MoveLearning $+ MPP $readini(Pokemon_Status $+ .ini,PPCheck,%MoveLearning)
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) %MoveLearning $+ PP $readini(Pokemon_Status $+ .ini,PPCheck,%MoveLearning)
      Msg %ChanSet $Name($Nick) $+ 9,1's $Pokemon($Nick) $+ 9,1 Has Learned  $+ %MoveLearning $+ !
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) == None) {
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) L $+ %MoveLearning Yes
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) Attack3 %MoveLearning
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) %MoveLearning $+ MPP $readini(Pokemon_Status $+ .ini,PPCheck,%MoveLearning)
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) %MoveLearning $+ PP $readini(Pokemon_Status $+ .ini,PPCheck,%MoveLearning)
      Msg %ChanSet $Name($Nick) $+ 9,1's $Pokemon($Nick) $+ 9,1 Has Learned  $+ %MoveLearning $+ !
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4) == None) {
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) L $+ %MoveLearning Yes
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) Attack4 %MoveLearning
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) %MoveLearning $+ MPP $readini(Pokemon_Status $+ .ini,PPCheck,%MoveLearning)
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) %MoveLearning $+ PP $readini(Pokemon_Status $+ .ini,PPCheck,%MoveLearning)
      Msg %ChanSet $Name($Nick) $+ 9,1's $Pokemon($Nick) $+ 9,1 Has Learned  $+ %MoveLearning $+ !
    writeini $Nick $+ .ini Learned %MoveLearning Yes
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) == $3) { writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) Attack1 %MoveLearning }  
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) == $3) { writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) Attack2 %MoveLearning }  
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) == $3) { writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) Attack3 %MoveLearning }  
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4) == $3) { writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) Attack4 %MoveLearning }  
    writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) L $+ %MoveLearning Yes
    writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) %MoveLearning $+ MPP $readini(Pokemon_Status $+ .ini,PPCheck,%MoveLearning)
    writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) %MoveLearning $+ PP $readini(Pokemon_Status $+ .ini,PPCheck,%MoveLearning)
    Unset %MoveLearning
    Unset %Attacks
    Notice $Nick $Poke($Nick) Cannot Learn $2 $+ !
  on 1:text:`Use Tm24*:#:{
    if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) == yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
    if ($3 == $Null) { Notice $nick Please Type `Use $2 (Move You Might Wanna Delete) | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Tm,Tm24) != Yes) { Notice $nick You Dont Have Tm24! | halt }
    Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
    Set %MoveLearning Thunder-Wave
    if ($istok(%Attacks,%MoveLearning,32) == $true) { Notice $Nick $Poke($Nick) Knows This Move Already! | Halt }
    if ($istok(%Attacks,$3,32) != $true) { Notice $Nick $Poke($Nick) Does not Know $3 | Halt }
    Set %Choices $Stat($Nick,Type) $Stat($Nick,Typ2) $Poke($Nick)
    if (Electric isin %Choices) { Goto End }
    Goto End
    writeini $Nick $+ .ini Tm $2 No
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) == None) {
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) L $+ %MoveLearning Yes
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) Attack1 %MoveLearning
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) %MoveLearning $+ MPP $readini(Pokemon_Status $+ .ini,PPCheck,%MoveLearning)
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) %MoveLearning $+ PP $readini(Pokemon_Status $+ .ini,PPCheck,%MoveLearning)
      Msg %ChanSet $Name($Nick) $+ 9,1's $Pokemon($Nick) $+ 9,1 Has Learned  $+ %MoveLearning $+ !
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) == None) {
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) L $+ %MoveLearning Yes
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) Attack2 %MoveLearning
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) %MoveLearning $+ MPP $readini(Pokemon_Status $+ .ini,PPCheck,%MoveLearning)
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) %MoveLearning $+ PP $readini(Pokemon_Status $+ .ini,PPCheck,%MoveLearning)
      Msg %ChanSet $Name($Nick) $+ 9,1's $Pokemon($Nick) $+ 9,1 Has Learned  $+ %MoveLearning $+ !
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) == None) {
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) L $+ %MoveLearning Yes
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) Attack3 %MoveLearning
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) %MoveLearning $+ MPP $readini(Pokemon_Status $+ .ini,PPCheck,%MoveLearning)
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) %MoveLearning $+ PP $readini(Pokemon_Status $+ .ini,PPCheck,%MoveLearning)
      Msg %ChanSet $Name($Nick) $+ 9,1's $Pokemon($Nick) $+ 9,1 Has Learned  $+ %MoveLearning $+ !
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4) == None) {
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) L $+ %MoveLearning Yes
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) Attack4 %MoveLearning
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) %MoveLearning $+ MPP $readini(Pokemon_Status $+ .ini,PPCheck,%MoveLearning)
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) %MoveLearning $+ PP $readini(Pokemon_Status $+ .ini,PPCheck,%MoveLearning)
      Msg %ChanSet $Name($Nick) $+ 9,1's $Pokemon($Nick) $+ 9,1 Has Learned  $+ %MoveLearning $+ !
    writeini $Nick $+ .ini Learned %MoveLearning Yes
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) == $3) { writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) Attack1 %MoveLearning }  
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) == $3) { writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) Attack2 %MoveLearning }  
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) == $3) { writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) Attack3 %MoveLearning }  
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4) == $3) { writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) Attack4 %MoveLearning }  
    writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) L $+ %MoveLearning Yes
    writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) %MoveLearning $+ MPP $readini(Pokemon_Status $+ .ini,PPCheck,%MoveLearning)
    writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) %MoveLearning $+ PP $readini(Pokemon_Status $+ .ini,PPCheck,%MoveLearning)
    Unset %MoveLearning
    Unset %Attacks
    Notice $Nick $Poke($Nick) Cannot Learn $2 $+ !
  on 1:text:`Use Tm21*:#:{
    if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) == yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
    if ($3 == $Null) { Notice $nick Please Type `Use $2 (Move You Might Wanna Delete) | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Tm,Tm21) != Yes) { Notice $nick You Dont Have Tm21! | halt }
    Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
    Set %MoveLearning MegaDrain
    if ($istok(%Attacks,%MoveLearning,32) == $true) { Notice $Nick $Poke($Nick) Knows This Move Already! | Halt }
    if ($istok(%Attacks,$3,32) != $true) { Notice $Nick $Poke($Nick) Does not Know $3 | Halt }
    Set %Choices $Stat($Nick,Type) $Stat($Nick,Typ2) $Poke($Nick)
    if (Grass isin %Choices) { Goto End }
    if (Bug isin %Choices) { Goto End }
    Goto End
    writeini $Nick $+ .ini Tm $2 No
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) == None) {
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) L $+ %MoveLearning Yes
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) Attack1 %MoveLearning
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) %MoveLearning $+ MPP $readini(Pokemon_Status $+ .ini,PPCheck,%MoveLearning)
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) %MoveLearning $+ PP $readini(Pokemon_Status $+ .ini,PPCheck,%MoveLearning)
      Msg %ChanSet $Name($Nick) $+ 9,1's $Pokemon($Nick) $+ 9,1 Has Learned  $+ %MoveLearning $+ !
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) == None) {
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) L $+ %MoveLearning Yes
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) Attack2 %MoveLearning
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) %MoveLearning $+ MPP $readini(Pokemon_Status $+ .ini,PPCheck,%MoveLearning)
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) %MoveLearning $+ PP $readini(Pokemon_Status $+ .ini,PPCheck,%MoveLearning)
      Msg %ChanSet $Name($Nick) $+ 9,1's $Pokemon($Nick) $+ 9,1 Has Learned  $+ %MoveLearning $+ !
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) == None) {
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) L $+ %MoveLearning Yes
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) Attack3 %MoveLearning
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) %MoveLearning $+ MPP $readini(Pokemon_Status $+ .ini,PPCheck,%MoveLearning)
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) %MoveLearning $+ PP $readini(Pokemon_Status $+ .ini,PPCheck,%MoveLearning)
      Msg %ChanSet $Name($Nick) $+ 9,1's $Pokemon($Nick) $+ 9,1 Has Learned  $+ %MoveLearning $+ !
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4) == None) {
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) L $+ %MoveLearning Yes
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) Attack4 %MoveLearning
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) %MoveLearning $+ MPP $readini(Pokemon_Status $+ .ini,PPCheck,%MoveLearning)
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) %MoveLearning $+ PP $readini(Pokemon_Status $+ .ini,PPCheck,%MoveLearning)
      Msg %ChanSet $Name($Nick) $+ 9,1's $Pokemon($Nick) $+ 9,1 Has Learned  $+ %MoveLearning $+ !
    writeini $Nick $+ .ini Learned %MoveLearning Yes
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) == $3) { writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) Attack1 %MoveLearning }  
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) == $3) { writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) Attack2 %MoveLearning }  
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) == $3) { writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) Attack3 %MoveLearning }  
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4) == $3) { writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) Attack4 %MoveLearning }  
    writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) L $+ %MoveLearning Yes
    writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) %MoveLearning $+ MPP $readini(Pokemon_Status $+ .ini,PPCheck,%MoveLearning)
    writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) %MoveLearning $+ PP $readini(Pokemon_Status $+ .ini,PPCheck,%MoveLearning)
    Unset %MoveLearning
    Unset %Attacks
    Notice $Nick $Poke($Nick) Cannot Learn $2 $+ !
  on 1:text:`Use Tm46*:#:{
    if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) == yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
    if ($3 == $Null) { Notice $nick Please Type `Use $2 (Move You Might Wanna Delete) | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Tm,Tm46) != Yes) { Notice $nick You Dont Have Tm46! | halt }
    Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
    Set %MoveLearning Calm-Mind
    if ($istok(%Attacks,%MoveLearning,32) == $true) { Notice $Nick $Poke($Nick) Knows This Move Already! | Halt }
    if ($istok(%Attacks,$3,32) != $true) { Notice $Nick $Poke($Nick) Does not Know $3 | Halt }
    Set %Choices $Stat($Nick,Type) $Stat($Nick,Typ2) $Poke($Nick)
    if (Psychic isin %Choices) { Goto End }
    if (Bug isin %Choices) { Goto End }
    if (Ghost isin %Choices) { Goto End }
    Goto End
    writeini $Nick $+ .ini Tm $2 No
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) == None) {
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) L $+ %MoveLearning Yes
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) Attack1 %MoveLearning
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) %MoveLearning $+ MPP $readini(Pokemon_Status $+ .ini,PPCheck,%MoveLearning)
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) %MoveLearning $+ PP $readini(Pokemon_Status $+ .ini,PPCheck,%MoveLearning)
      Msg %ChanSet $Name($Nick) $+ 9,1's $Pokemon($Nick) $+ 9,1 Has Learned  $+ %MoveLearning $+ !
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) == None) {
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) L $+ %MoveLearning Yes
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) Attack2 %MoveLearning
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) %MoveLearning $+ MPP $readini(Pokemon_Status $+ .ini,PPCheck,%MoveLearning)
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) %MoveLearning $+ PP $readini(Pokemon_Status $+ .ini,PPCheck,%MoveLearning)
      Msg %ChanSet $Name($Nick) $+ 9,1's $Pokemon($Nick) $+ 9,1 Has Learned  $+ %MoveLearning $+ !
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) == None) {
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) L $+ %MoveLearning Yes
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) Attack3 %MoveLearning
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) %MoveLearning $+ MPP $readini(Pokemon_Status $+ .ini,PPCheck,%MoveLearning)
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) %MoveLearning $+ PP $readini(Pokemon_Status $+ .ini,PPCheck,%MoveLearning)
      Msg %ChanSet $Name($Nick) $+ 9,1's $Pokemon($Nick) $+ 9,1 Has Learned  $+ %MoveLearning $+ !
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4) == None) {
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) L $+ %MoveLearning Yes
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) Attack4 %MoveLearning
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) %MoveLearning $+ MPP $readini(Pokemon_Status $+ .ini,PPCheck,%MoveLearning)
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) %MoveLearning $+ PP $readini(Pokemon_Status $+ .ini,PPCheck,%MoveLearning)
      Msg %ChanSet $Name($Nick) $+ 9,1's $Pokemon($Nick) $+ 9,1 Has Learned  $+ %MoveLearning $+ !
    writeini $Nick $+ .ini Learned %MoveLearning Yes
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) == $3) { writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) Attack1 %MoveLearning }  
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) == $3) { writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) Attack2 %MoveLearning }  
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) == $3) { writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) Attack3 %MoveLearning }  
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4) == $3) { writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) Attack4 %MoveLearning }  
    writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) L $+ %MoveLearning Yes
    writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) %MoveLearning $+ MPP $readini(Pokemon_Status $+ .ini,PPCheck,%MoveLearning)
    writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) %MoveLearning $+ PP $readini(Pokemon_Status $+ .ini,PPCheck,%MoveLearning)
    Unset %MoveLearning
    Unset %Attacks
    Notice $Nick $Poke($Nick) Cannot Learn $2 $+ !
  on 1:text:`Use Tm06*:#:{
    if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) == yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
    if ($3 == $Null) { Notice $nick Please Type `Use $2 (Move You Might Wanna Delete) | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Tm,Tm06) != Yes) { Notice $nick You Dont Have Tm06! | halt }
    Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
    Set %MoveLearning Toxic
    if ($istok(%Attacks,%MoveLearning,32) == $true) { Notice $Nick $Poke($Nick) Knows This Move Already! | Halt }
    if ($istok(%Attacks,$3,32) != $true) { Notice $Nick $Poke($Nick) Does not Know $3 | Halt }
    Set %Choices $Stat($Nick,Type) $Stat($Nick,Typ2) $Poke($Nick)
    if (Poison isin %Choices) { Goto End }
    if (Bug isin %Choices) { Goto End }
    if (Omastar isin %Choices) { Goto End }
    Goto End
    writeini $Nick $+ .ini Tm $2 No
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) == None) {
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) L $+ %MoveLearning Yes
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) Attack1 %MoveLearning
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) %MoveLearning $+ MPP $readini(Pokemon_Status $+ .ini,PPCheck,%MoveLearning)
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) %MoveLearning $+ PP $readini(Pokemon_Status $+ .ini,PPCheck,%MoveLearning)
      Msg %ChanSet $Name($Nick) $+ 9,1's $Pokemon($Nick) $+ 9,1 Has Learned  $+ %MoveLearning $+ !
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) == None) {
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) L $+ %MoveLearning Yes
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) Attack2 %MoveLearning
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) %MoveLearning $+ MPP $readini(Pokemon_Status $+ .ini,PPCheck,%MoveLearning)
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) %MoveLearning $+ PP $readini(Pokemon_Status $+ .ini,PPCheck,%MoveLearning)
      Msg %ChanSet $Name($Nick) $+ 9,1's $Pokemon($Nick) $+ 9,1 Has Learned  $+ %MoveLearning $+ !
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) == None) {
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) L $+ %MoveLearning Yes
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) Attack3 %MoveLearning
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) %MoveLearning $+ MPP $readini(Pokemon_Status $+ .ini,PPCheck,%MoveLearning)
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) %MoveLearning $+ PP $readini(Pokemon_Status $+ .ini,PPCheck,%MoveLearning)
      Msg %ChanSet $Name($Nick) $+ 9,1's $Pokemon($Nick) $+ 9,1 Has Learned  $+ %MoveLearning $+ !
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4) == None) {
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) L $+ %MoveLearning Yes
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) Attack4 %MoveLearning
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) %MoveLearning $+ MPP $readini(Pokemon_Status $+ .ini,PPCheck,%MoveLearning)
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) %MoveLearning $+ PP $readini(Pokemon_Status $+ .ini,PPCheck,%MoveLearning)
      Msg %ChanSet $Name($Nick) $+ 9,1's $Pokemon($Nick) $+ 9,1 Has Learned  $+ %MoveLearning $+ !
    writeini $Nick $+ .ini Learned %MoveLearning Yes
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) == $3) { writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) Attack1 %MoveLearning }  
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) == $3) { writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) Attack2 %MoveLearning }  
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) == $3) { writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) Attack3 %MoveLearning }  
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4) == $3) { writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) Attack4 %MoveLearning }  
    writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) L $+ %MoveLearning Yes
    writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) %MoveLearning $+ MPP $readini(Pokemon_Status $+ .ini,PPCheck,%MoveLearning)
    writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) %MoveLearning $+ PP $readini(Pokemon_Status $+ .ini,PPCheck,%MoveLearning)
    Unset %MoveLearning
    Unset %Attacks
    Notice $Nick $Poke($Nick) Cannot Learn $2 $+ !
  on 1:text:`Use Tm26*:#:{
    if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) == yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
    if ($3 == $Null) { Notice $nick Please Type `Use $2 (Move You Might Wanna Delete) | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Tm,Tm26) != Yes) { Notice $nick You Dont Have Tm26! | halt }
    Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
    Set %MoveLearning EarthQuake
    if ($istok(%Attacks,%MoveLearning,32) == $true) { Notice $Nick $Poke($Nick) Knows This Move Already! | Halt }
    if ($istok(%Attacks,$3,32) != $true) { Notice $Nick $Poke($Nick) Does not Know $3 | Halt }
    Set %Choices $Stat($Nick,Type) $Stat($Nick,Typ2) $Poke($Nick)
    if (Rock isin %Choices) { Goto End }
    if (Ground isin %Choices) { Goto End }
    if (Typhlosion isin %Choices) { Goto End }
    Goto End
    writeini $Nick $+ .ini Tm $2 No
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) == None) {
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) L $+ %MoveLearning Yes
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) Attack1 %MoveLearning
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) %MoveLearning $+ MPP $readini(Pokemon_Status $+ .ini,PPCheck,%MoveLearning)
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) %MoveLearning $+ PP $readini(Pokemon_Status $+ .ini,PPCheck,%MoveLearning)
      Msg %ChanSet $Name($Nick) $+ 9,1's $Pokemon($Nick) $+ 9,1 Has Learned  $+ %MoveLearning $+ !
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) == None) {
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) L $+ %MoveLearning Yes
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) Attack2 %MoveLearning
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) %MoveLearning $+ MPP $readini(Pokemon_Status $+ .ini,PPCheck,%MoveLearning)
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) %MoveLearning $+ PP $readini(Pokemon_Status $+ .ini,PPCheck,%MoveLearning)
      Msg %ChanSet $Name($Nick) $+ 9,1's $Pokemon($Nick) $+ 9,1 Has Learned  $+ %MoveLearning $+ !
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) == None) {
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) L $+ %MoveLearning Yes
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) Attack3 %MoveLearning
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) %MoveLearning $+ MPP $readini(Pokemon_Status $+ .ini,PPCheck,%MoveLearning)
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) %MoveLearning $+ PP $readini(Pokemon_Status $+ .ini,PPCheck,%MoveLearning)
      Msg %ChanSet $Name($Nick) $+ 9,1's $Pokemon($Nick) $+ 9,1 Has Learned  $+ %MoveLearning $+ !
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4) == None) {
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) L $+ %MoveLearning Yes
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) Attack4 %MoveLearning
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) %MoveLearning $+ MPP $readini(Pokemon_Status $+ .ini,PPCheck,%MoveLearning)
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) %MoveLearning $+ PP $readini(Pokemon_Status $+ .ini,PPCheck,%MoveLearning)
      Msg %ChanSet $Name($Nick) $+ 9,1's $Pokemon($Nick) $+ 9,1 Has Learned  $+ %MoveLearning $+ !
    writeini $Nick $+ .ini Learned %MoveLearning Yes
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) == $3) { writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) Attack1 %MoveLearning }  
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) == $3) { writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) Attack2 %MoveLearning }  
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) == $3) { writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) Attack3 %MoveLearning }  
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4) == $3) { writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) Attack4 %MoveLearning }  
    writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) L $+ %MoveLearning Yes
    writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) %MoveLearning $+ MPP $readini(Pokemon_Status $+ .ini,PPCheck,%MoveLearning)
    writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) %MoveLearning $+ PP $readini(Pokemon_Status $+ .ini,PPCheck,%MoveLearning)
    Unset %MoveLearning
    Unset %Attacks
    Notice $Nick $Poke($Nick) Cannot Learn $2 $+ !
  on 1:text:`Use Tm27*:#:{
    if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) == yes) { Notice $nick You Are Attacking! | halt }
    if ($3 == $Null) { Notice $nick Please Type `Use $2 (Move You Might Wanna Delete) | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Tm,Tm27) != Yes) { Notice $nick You Dont Have Tm27! | halt }
    Set %Attacks $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4)
    Set %MoveLearning Fissure
    if ($istok(%Attacks,%MoveLearning,32) == $true) { Notice $Nick $Poke($Nick) Knows This Move Already! | Halt }
    if ($istok(%Attacks,$3,32) != $true) { Notice $Nick $Poke($Nick) Does not Know $3 | Halt }
    Set %Choices $Stat($Nick,Type) $Stat($Nick,Typ2) $Poke($Nick)
    if (Rock isin %Choices) { Goto End }
    if (Ground isin %Choices) { Goto End }
    Goto End
    writeini $Nick $+ .ini Tm $2 No
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) == None) {
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) L $+ %MoveLearning Yes
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) Attack1 %MoveLearning
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) %MoveLearning $+ MPP $readini(Pokemon_Status $+ .ini,PPCheck,%MoveLearning)
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) %MoveLearning $+ PP $readini(Pokemon_Status $+ .ini,PPCheck,%MoveLearning)
      Msg %ChanSet $Name($Nick) $+ 9,1's $Pokemon($Nick) $+ 9,1 Has Learned  $+ %MoveLearning $+ !
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) == None) {
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) L $+ %MoveLearning Yes
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) Attack2 %MoveLearning
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) %MoveLearning $+ MPP $readini(Pokemon_Status $+ .ini,PPCheck,%MoveLearning)
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) %MoveLearning $+ PP $readini(Pokemon_Status $+ .ini,PPCheck,%MoveLearning)
      Msg %ChanSet $Name($Nick) $+ 9,1's $Pokemon($Nick) $+ 9,1 Has Learned  $+ %MoveLearning $+ !
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) == None) {
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) L $+ %MoveLearning Yes
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) Attack3 %MoveLearning
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) %MoveLearning $+ MPP $readini(Pokemon_Status $+ .ini,PPCheck,%MoveLearning)
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) %MoveLearning $+ PP $readini(Pokemon_Status $+ .ini,PPCheck,%MoveLearning)
      Msg %ChanSet $Name($Nick) $+ 9,1's $Pokemon($Nick) $+ 9,1 Has Learned  $+ %MoveLearning $+ !
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4) == None) {
      writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) L $+ %MoveLearning Yes
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) Attack4 %MoveLearning
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) %MoveLearning $+ MPP $readini(Pokemon_Status $+ .ini,PPCheck,%MoveLearning)
      writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) %MoveLearning $+ PP $readini(Pokemon_Status $+ .ini,PPCheck,%MoveLearning)
      Msg %ChanSet $Name($Nick) $+ 9,1's $Pokemon($Nick) $+ 9,1 Has Learned  $+ %MoveLearning $+ !
    writeini $Nick $+ .ini Learned %MoveLearning Yes
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack1) == $3) { writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) Attack1 %MoveLearning }  
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack2) == $3) { writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) Attack2 %MoveLearning }  
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack3) == $3) { writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) Attack3 %MoveLearning }  
    if ($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Attack4) == $3) { writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) Attack4 %MoveLearning }  
    writeini $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) L $+ %MoveLearning Yes
    writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) %MoveLearning $+ MPP $readini(Pokemon_Status $+ .ini,PPCheck,%MoveLearning)
    writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $Poke($Nick) %MoveLearning $+ PP $readini(Pokemon_Status $+ .ini,PPCheck,%MoveLearning)
    Unset %MoveLearning
    Unset %Attacks
    Notice $Nick $Poke($Nick) Cannot Learn $2 $+ !
  on *:text:`Sell*:#:{
    if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Travel,Travel) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Traveling | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) == yes) { Notice $nick You Are Battling! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,$2) == $Null) { Notice $nick You Dont Have $2 $+ ! | halt }
    if (. isin $3) { Notice $nick Dont Use Decimals! | halt }
    if (- isin $3) { Notice $nick Dont Use -! | halt }
    Set %Town $readini($nick $+ .ini,Travel,Town)
    Set %Town $readini(Map $+ .ini,%Town,Places)
    if ($istok(%Town,PokeMart,32) == $False) { notice $nick $readini($nick $+ .ini,Travel,Town) Does Not Have a PokeMart! | halt }
    Set %3 $3
    if ($3 == $null) { set %3 1 }
    if (%3 !isnum) { set %3 1 }
    if (GC == $2) {
      Set %ItemPrice 5
      set %Price $calc(%3 * %ItemPrice)
      if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,$2) < %3) { Notice $nick Not Enough $2 $+ ! | halt }
      writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick money $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,money) + %Price)
      writeini -n $nick $+ .ini Items $2 $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,$2) - %3)
      Notice $nick You Sold %3 $2 $+ (s) for %Price Zenny
  on 1:text:`Map:#:{
    if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,TrainerLevel) == $Null) { writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick TrainerLevel 1 }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,TExpNeeded) == $Null) { writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick TExpNeeded 10 }
    Unset %Map
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,TrainerLevel) >= 0) { Set %Map %Map Pallet-Town }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,TrainerLevel) >= 2) { Set %Map %Map Viridian-City }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,TrainerLevel) >= 3) { Set %Map %Map Pewter-City }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,TrainerLevel) >= 3) { Set %Map %Map Mt.Moon }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,TrainerLevel) >= 4) { Set %Map %Map Cerulean-City }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,TrainerLevel) >= 5) { Set %Map %Map Vermilion-City }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,TrainerLevel) >= 5) { Set %Map %Map Lavender-Town }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,TrainerLevel) >= 6) { Set %Map %Map Celadon-City }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,TrainerLevel) >= 6) { Set %Map %Map Saffron-City }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,TrainerLevel) >= 7) { Set %Map %Map Fuchsia-City }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,TrainerLevel) >= 8) { Set %Map %Map Cinnibar-Island }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,TrainerLevel) >= 9) { Set %Map %Map Indigo-Plateau }
    Notice $Nick 8Currently At:15 $readini($nick $+ .ini,Travel,Town) 9Places You Can Go:15 %Map
    TLvLCheck $Nick
    Unset %Map
  on *:text:`Travel *:*:{
    if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Travel,Town) == $2) { Notice $nick You Are Already At $2 $+ ! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Travel,Travel) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Traveling | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) == yes) { Notice $nick You Are Battling! | halt }  
    if (%PlayingCraps == $nick) { Notice $nick You are playing the Craps! | halt }
    if (%EliteBattle = yes) && (%EFighting == $Nick) { Notice $nick You are Fighting Elite 4! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,TrainerLevel) < $readini(Map $+ .ini,$2,Level)) { notice $nick 4You Dont Meet Trainer Level Standards. | Halt }
    if ($istok(%PlaceToGo,$2,32) == $true) {
      Msg %ChanSet $Name($nick) $+ 0,1 Starts to Travel To $2 $+ !
      Set %Town $readini($nick $+ .ini,Travel,Town)
      Set %Rank $readini(Map $+ .ini,%Town,Rank)
      Set %Rank2 $readini(Map $+ .ini,$2,Rank)
      if (%Rank < %Rank2) { Set %Time $Calc(%Rank2 * 40) | Set %Time3 $Calc(%Rank * 40 ) | Set %Time $Calc(%Time - %Time3) }
      if (%Rank > %Rank2) { Dec %Rank %Rank2 | Set %Time $Calc(%Rank * 40) }
      TimerTravel $+ $nick 1 %Time /Travel $nick $2 
      writeini -n $nick $+ .ini Travel Travel Yes
      writeini -n $nick $+ .ini Travel Traveling $2
    Notice $nick Sorry $2 Does not Excist
  on 1:TEXT:`TTL:#: {
    if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Travel,Travel) != yes) { halt }
    if ($timer(Travel $+ $nick).secs = $null) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Travel,Travel) == yes) { Notice $Nick 8GLITCH!4 This Has Been Fixed! | /Travel $nick $readini($nick $+ .ini,Travel,Traveling) | Halt }
    Notice $nick 0Travel Time Left:15 $duration($timer(Travel $+ $nick).secs))
  on 1:text:`MT.Cave:#: {
    if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Travel,Travel) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Traveling | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) == yes) { Notice $nick You Are Battling! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Hp) <= 0) { Notice $nick Please Heal! | halt }
    if (%SpecialFight = yes) { Notice $nick A Fight is Happening! By: %SpecialFighting | halt }
    Set %Time $time(hh)
    Set %TimeItsIn 10 12 02 04 06 
    if (%Time !IsIn %TimeItsIn) { Msg %ChanSet $Name($Nick) $+ 0,1 Looks in the Cave To Find Nothing!! | Unset %Time | UnSet %TimeItsIn | halt }
    if (%Time IsIn %TimeItsIn) {
      Set %Npc Brian
      if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Mission,Brian) == Yes) { Notice $Nick $Name($Nick) $+ 0,1 Looks in the Cave To Find Nothing!! | halt }
      Msg %ChanSet $Name($Nick) $+ 13,1 Walks in! $Name(%Npc) $+ 13,1 "Soon all These Clefaries will be Mine!!, THEY WILL BECOME 1,6TEAM ROCKETS13,1 ARMY! MUAHAH! - - - Whats This? Who Are You? You Know too Much!!"
      Msg %ChanSet $Name(%Npc) $+ 13,1 Has Challenged $Name($Nick) $+ 13,1 in To a Battle! This is a 1 Battle Match! Begin!
      Msg %ChanSet $Name(%Npc) $+ 13,1 Says "Team Rocket RULES!! Go $Poke(%Npc) $+ !" $Name($Nick) $+ 13,1 Says $Motto($Nick)
      Set %SpecialFight Yes 
      Set %SpecialFighting $Nick 
      writeini -n %Npc $+ .ini Items Potion $Rand(1,3)
      writeini -n %Npc $+ .ini Items Ether $Rand(1,2)
      writeini -n %Npc $+ .ini Items ParaHeal $Rand(1,2)
      writeini -n %Npc $+ .ini Items Awake $Rand(1,2)
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Fighting Yes
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Field Singles $+ Other
      Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $nick FightingWho %Npc
      Writeini -n %Npc $+ .ini %Npc Fighting Yes
      Writeini -n %Npc $+ .ini %Npc Field Singles $+ Other
      Writeini -n %Npc $+ .ini %Npc FightingWho $Nick
      Heal %Npc
      SpecialNpc %Npc $Nick
      Heal $Nick
  on 1:text:`Talk RocketMember:#: {
    if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Travel,Travel) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Traveling | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) == yes) { Notice $nick You Are Battling! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Hp) <= 0) { Notice $nick Please Heal! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Travel,Town) != Celadon-City) { Notice $Nick Your Not At Celadon-City! | Halt }
    if (%SpecialFight = yes) { Notice $nick A Fight is Happening! By: %SpecialFighting | halt }
    Set %Npc Jake
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Mission,Jake) == Yes) { Notice $Nick You Beat Jake Already! | halt }
    Msg %ChanSet $Name(%Npc) $+ 13,1 "Team Rockets Plan for Fake Coins is Working - - - Whats This? Who Are You? You Know too Much!!"
    Msg %ChanSet $Name(%Npc) $+ 13,1 Has Challenged $Name($Nick) $+ 13,1 in To a Battle! This is a 1 Battle Match! Begin!
    Msg %ChanSet $Name(%Npc) $+ 13,1 Says "Team Rocket RULES!! Go $Poke(%Npc) $+ !" $Name($Nick) $+ 13,1 Says $Motto($Nick)
    Set %SpecialFight Yes 
    Set %SpecialFighting $Nick 
    writeini -n %Npc $+ .ini Items Potion $Rand(1,3)
    writeini -n %Npc $+ .ini Items Ether $Rand(1,2)
    writeini -n %Npc $+ .ini Items ParaHeal $Rand(1,2)
    writeini -n %Npc $+ .ini Items Awake $Rand(1,2)
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Fighting Yes
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Field Singles $+ Other
    Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $nick FightingWho %Npc
    Writeini -n %Npc $+ .ini %Npc Fighting Yes
    Writeini -n %Npc $+ .ini %Npc Field Singles $+ Other
    Writeini -n %Npc $+ .ini %Npc FightingWho $Nick
    Heal %Npc
    SpecialNpc %Npc $Nick
    Heal $Nick
  on 1:text:`Enter UnderGround:#: {
    if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Travel,Travel) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Traveling | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) == yes) { Notice $nick You Are Battling! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Hp) <= 0) { Notice $nick Please Heal! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Travel,Town) != Celadon-City) { Notice $Nick Your Not At Celadon-City! | Halt }
    if (%SpecialFight = yes) { Notice $nick A Fight is Happening! By: %SpecialFighting | halt }
    Set %Npc Raj
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Mission,Jake) != Yes) { Notice $Nick You Have not Beat Jake! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Mission,Raj) == Yes) { Notice $Nick You Beat Raj Already! | halt }
    Msg %ChanSet $Name(%Npc) $+ 13,1 "Hehe, They All Think this is a Casino, Little do they know that This is Team Rockets Phase 1 Plot on Taking over Kanto - - - Whats This? Who Are You? You Know too Much!!"
    Msg %ChanSet $Name(%Npc) $+ 13,1 Has Challenged $Name($Nick) $+ 13,1 in To a Battle! This is a 1 Battle Match! Begin!
    Msg %ChanSet $Name(%Npc) $+ 13,1 Says "Team Rocket RULES!! Go $Poke(%Npc) $+ !" $Name($Nick) $+ 13,1 Says $Motto($Nick)
    Set %SpecialFight Yes 
    Set %SpecialFighting $Nick 
    writeini -n %Npc $+ .ini Items Potion $Rand(1,3)
    writeini -n %Npc $+ .ini Items Ether $Rand(1,2)
    writeini -n %Npc $+ .ini Items ParaHeal $Rand(1,2)
    writeini -n %Npc $+ .ini Items Awake $Rand(1,2)
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Fighting Yes
    Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Field Singles $+ Other
    Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $nick FightingWho %Npc
    Writeini -n %Npc $+ .ini %Npc Fighting Yes
    Writeini -n %Npc $+ .ini %Npc Field Singles $+ Other
    Writeini -n %Npc $+ .ini %Npc FightingWho $Nick
    Heal %Npc
    SpecialNpc %Npc $Nick
    Heal $Nick
  on 1:text:`Laboratory:#: {
    if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Travel,Town) != Cinnibar-Island) { Notice $Nick Your Not At Cinnibar-Island! | Halt }
    Unset %Fossil
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,Helix) == Yes) { Set %Fossil %Fossil 0Helix 7-0 }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,Dome) == Yes) { Set %Fossil %Fossil Dome 7-0 }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,Amber) == Yes) { Set %Fossil %Fossil Amber 7-0 }
    if (%Fossil == $Null) { Set %Fossil Nothing! }
    Notice $Nick Welcome! We Unfossilize Fossils, You Have the Following Fossils: %Fossil 
    Notice $Nick If You Want us to Unfossilize one of Your Fossils, It will cost 1,000 Gil, Type `Unfossilize FossilName
    Unset %Fossil
  on 1:text:`Unfossilize*:#:{
    if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Travel,Travel) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Traveling | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) == yes) { Notice $nick You Are Battling! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Party) >= 6) { Notice $nick Your Party Is Full! | halt }
    if (%PlayingCraps == $nick) { Notice $nick You are playing the Craps! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,$2) != Yes) { Notice $nick You Dont Have $2 Fossil! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Travel,Town) != Cinnibar-Island) { Notice $Nick Your Not At Cinnibar-Island! | Halt }
    if (%PlayingCraps == $nick) { Notice $nick You are playing the Craps! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,money) < 1000) { Notice $nick Not Enough Money! | halt }
    if (Dome == $2) {
      writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $Nick Money $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Money) - 1000)
      Msg %ChanSet $Name($Nick) $+ 0,1's Dome Fossil, Starts to get Extracted!
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini Items $2 No
      Set %Pokemon Kabuto 
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini %Pokemon Pokemon %Pokemon
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini %Pokemon MAttack 10
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini %Pokemon MSAttack 10
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini %Pokemon MDefense 10
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini %Pokemon MSDefense 10
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini %Pokemon MIntelligence 3
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini %Pokemon MAccuracy 3
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini %Pokemon MAgility 3
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini %Pokemon Speed 11
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini %Pokemon MSpeed 11
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini %Pokemon FSpeed 1
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini %Pokemon MFSpeed 1
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini %Pokemon MHp 40
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini %Pokemon Type Rock
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini %Pokemon Type2 Water
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini %Pokemon %Pokemon Yes
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini %Pokemon Attack1 Scratch
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini %Pokemon Attack2 Harden
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini %Pokemon Attack3 None
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini %Pokemon Attack4 None
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini %Pokemon Level 1
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini %Pokemon ExpNeeded 20
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini %Pokemon Exp 0
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini %Pokemon SpeedExpNeeded 10
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini %Pokemon SExp 0
      writeini -n $nick $+ .ini %Pokemon Aura 5
      writeini -n $nick $+ .ini %Pokemon BAura 1
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini %Pokemon ScratchMPP 35 
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini %Pokemon HardenMPP 30
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini Pokemon %Pokemon yes
      Set %Gender $Rand(1,2)
      if (%Gender == 1) { writeini -n $nick $+ .ini %Pokemon Gender Male }
      if (%Gender == 2) { writeini -n $nick $+ .ini %Pokemon Gender Female }
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Party $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Party) + 1)
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick MParty $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,MParty) + 1)
      Msg %ChanSet 0From $Name($Nick) $+ 0,1's Dome Fossil, Emerges 5 $+ %Pokemon $+ 0!
      PkmnLateLvL $Nick %Pokemon 40
    if (Helix == $2) {
      writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $Nick Money $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Money) - 1000)
      Msg %ChanSet $Name($Nick) $+ 0,1's Helix Fossil, Starts to get Extracted!
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini Items $2 No
      Set %Pokemon Omanyte 
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini %Pokemon Pokemon %Pokemon
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini %Pokemon MAttack 10
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini %Pokemon MSAttack 10
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini %Pokemon MDefense 10
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini %Pokemon MSDefense 10
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini %Pokemon MIntelligence 3
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini %Pokemon MAccuracy 3
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini %Pokemon MAgility 3
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini %Pokemon Speed 11
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini %Pokemon MSpeed 11
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini %Pokemon FSpeed 1
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini %Pokemon MFSpeed 1
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini %Pokemon MHp 40
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini %Pokemon Type Rock
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini %Pokemon Type2 Water
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini %Pokemon %Pokemon Yes
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini %Pokemon Attack1 Constrict
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini %Pokemon Attack2 Withdraw
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini %Pokemon Attack3 None
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini %Pokemon Attack4 None
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini %Pokemon Level 1
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini %Pokemon ExpNeeded 20
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini %Pokemon Exp 0
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini %Pokemon SpeedExpNeeded 10
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini %Pokemon SExp 0
      writeini -n $nick $+ .ini %Pokemon Aura 10
      writeini -n $nick $+ .ini %Pokemon BAura 1
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini %Pokemon ConstrictMPP 35 
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini %Pokemon WithdrawMPP 40
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini Pokemon %Pokemon yes
      Set %Gender $Rand(1,2)
      if (%Gender == 1) { writeini -n $nick $+ .ini %Pokemon Gender Male }
      if (%Gender == 2) { writeini -n $nick $+ .ini %Pokemon Gender Female }
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Party $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Party) + 1)
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick MParty $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,MParty) + 1)
      Msg %ChanSet 0From $Name($Nick) $+ 0,1's Helix Fossil, Emerges 10 $+ %Pokemon $+ 0!
      PkmnLateLvL $Nick %Pokemon 40
  on 1:text:`Gym:#: {
    if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Travel,Travel) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Traveling | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) == yes) { Notice $nick You Are Battling! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Hp) <= 0) { Notice $nick Please Heal! | halt }
    if (%SpecialFight = yes) { Notice $nick A Fight is Happening! By: %SpecialFighting | halt }
    if (%tourney = yes) { halt } 
    if (%EliteBattle = yes) { Notice $nick A Fight is Happening! By: %EFighting | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Travel,Town) == Pewter-City) {
      Set %Npc Brock
      if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Badge,Boulder) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Already Beat %Npc $+ ! | halt }
      Msg %ChanSet $Name($Nick) $+ 5,1 Has Challenged $Name(%Npc) $+ 5,1 in To a Battle! This is a 1 Battle Match! Begin!
      Msg %ChanSet $Name(%Npc) $+ 5,1 Says "Get Ready for Something Long and Hard! Go $Poke(%Npc) $+ !" $Name($Nick) $+ 5,1 Says $Motto($Nick)
      Set %SpecialFight Yes 
      Set %SpecialFighting $Nick 
      writeini -n %Npc $+ .ini Items Potion $Rand(1,3)
      writeini -n %Npc $+ .ini Items Ether $Rand(1,2)
      writeini -n %Npc $+ .ini Items ParaHeal $Rand(1,2)
      writeini -n %Npc $+ .ini Items Awake $Rand(1,2)
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Fighting Yes
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Field Singles $+ Gym
      Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $nick FightingWho %Npc
      Writeini -n %Npc $+ .ini %Npc Fighting Yes
      Writeini -n %Npc $+ .ini %Npc Field Singles $+ Gym
      Writeini -n %Npc $+ .ini %Npc FightingWho $Nick
      Heal %Npc
      SpecialNpc %Npc $Nick
      Heal $Nick
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Travel,Town) == Cerulean-City) {
      Set %Npc Misty
      if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Badge,Cascade) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Already Beat %Npc $+ ! | halt }
      Msg %ChanSet $Name($Nick) $+ 11,1 Has Challenged $Name(%Npc) $+ 11,1 in To a Battle! This is a 1 Battle Match! Begin!
      Msg %ChanSet $Name(%Npc) $+ 11,1 Says "I'll get you wet! Go $Poke(%Npc) $+ !" $Name($Nick) $+ 11,1 Says $Motto($Nick)
      Set %SpecialFight Yes 
      Set %SpecialFighting $Nick 
      writeini -n %Npc $+ .ini Items Potion $Rand(1,3)
      writeini -n %Npc $+ .ini Items Ether $Rand(1,2)
      writeini -n %Npc $+ .ini Items ParaHeal $Rand(1,2)
      writeini -n %Npc $+ .ini Items Awake $Rand(1,2)
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Fighting Yes
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Field Singles $+ Gym
      Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $nick FightingWho %Npc
      Writeini -n %Npc $+ .ini %Npc Fighting Yes
      Writeini -n %Npc $+ .ini %Npc Field Singles $+ Gym
      Writeini -n %Npc $+ .ini %Npc FightingWho $Nick
      Heal %Npc
      SpecialNpc %Npc $Nick
      Heal $Nick
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Travel,Town) == Vermilion-City) {
      Set %Npc Lt.Surge
      if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Badge,Thunder) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Already Beat %Npc $+ ! | halt }
      Msg %ChanSet $Name($Nick) $+ 8,1 Has Challenged $Name(%Npc) $+ 8,1 in To a Battle! This is a 1 Battle Match! Begin!
      Msg %ChanSet $Name(%Npc) $+ 8,1 Says "Prepare to get Shocked! Go $Poke(%Npc) $+ !" $Name($Nick) $+ 8,1 Says $Motto($Nick)
      Set %SpecialFight Yes 
      Set %SpecialFighting $Nick 
      writeini -n %Npc $+ .ini Items Potion $Rand(1,3)
      writeini -n %Npc $+ .ini Items Ether $Rand(1,2)
      writeini -n %Npc $+ .ini Items ParaHeal $Rand(1,2)
      writeini -n %Npc $+ .ini Items Awake $Rand(1,2)
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Fighting Yes
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Field Singles $+ Gym
      Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $nick FightingWho %Npc
      Writeini -n %Npc $+ .ini %Npc Fighting Yes
      Writeini -n %Npc $+ .ini %Npc Field Singles $+ Gym
      Writeini -n %Npc $+ .ini %Npc FightingWho $Nick
      Heal %Npc
      SpecialNpc %Npc $Nick
      Heal $Nick
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Travel,Town) == Celadon-City) {
      Set %Npc Erika
      if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Badge,Rainbow) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Already Beat %Npc $+ ! | halt }
      Msg %ChanSet $Name($Nick) $+ 9,1 Has Challenged $Name(%Npc) $+ 9,1 in To a Battle! This is a 1 Battle Match! Begin!
      Msg %ChanSet $Name(%Npc) $+ 9,1 Says "Your going to BeLEAF (Laughs), I'm So funny! Go $Poke(%Npc) $+ !" $Name($Nick) $+ 9,1 Says $Motto($Nick)
      Set %SpecialFight Yes 
      Set %SpecialFighting $Nick 
      writeini -n %Npc $+ .ini Items SuperPotion $Rand(1,3)
      writeini -n %Npc $+ .ini Items Ether $Rand(1,2)
      writeini -n %Npc $+ .ini Items ParaHeal $Rand(1,2)
      writeini -n %Npc $+ .ini Items Awake $Rand(1,2)
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Fighting Yes
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Field Singles $+ Gym
      Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $nick FightingWho %Npc
      Writeini -n %Npc $+ .ini %Npc Fighting Yes
      Writeini -n %Npc $+ .ini %Npc Field Singles $+ Gym
      Writeini -n %Npc $+ .ini %Npc FightingWho $Nick
      Heal %Npc
      SpecialNpc %Npc $Nick
      Heal $Nick
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Travel,Town) == Saffron-City) {
      Set %Npc Sabrina
      if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,SilphScope) != Yes) { Notice $nick You Cannot! | halt }
      if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Badge,Marsh) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Already Beat %Npc $+ ! | halt }
      Msg %ChanSet $Name($Nick) $+ 13,1 Has Challenged $Name(%Npc) $+ 13,1 in To a Battle! This is a 1 Battle Match! Begin!
      Msg %ChanSet $Name(%Npc) $+ 13,1 Says "Prepare Yourself! Go $Poke(%Npc) $+ !" $Name($Nick) $+ 13,1 Says $Motto($Nick)
      Set %SpecialFight Yes 
      Set %SpecialFighting $Nick 
      writeini -n %Npc $+ .ini Items Potion $Rand(1,3)
      writeini -n %Npc $+ .ini Items Ether $Rand(1,2)
      writeini -n %Npc $+ .ini Items ParaHeal $Rand(1,2)
      writeini -n %Npc $+ .ini Items Awake $Rand(1,2)
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Fighting Yes
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Field Singles $+ Gym
      Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $nick FightingWho %Npc
      Writeini -n %Npc $+ .ini %Npc Fighting Yes
      Writeini -n %Npc $+ .ini %Npc Field Singles $+ Gym
      Writeini -n %Npc $+ .ini %Npc FightingWho $Nick
      Heal %Npc
      SpecialNpc %Npc $Nick
      Heal $Nick
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Travel,Town) == Fuchsia-City) {
      Set %Npc Koga
      if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Badge,Soul) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Already Beat %Npc $+ ! | halt }
      Msg %ChanSet $Name($Nick) $+ 6,1 Has Challenged $Name(%Npc) $+ 6,1 in To a Battle! This is a 1 Battle Match! Begin!
      Msg %ChanSet $Name(%Npc) $+ 6,1 Says "The boys say I'm Easy But I'm not! Go $Poke(%Npc) $+ !" $Name($Nick) $+ 6,1 Says $Motto($Nick)
      Set %SpecialFight Yes 
      Set %SpecialFighting $Nick 
      writeini -n %Npc $+ .ini Items SuperPotion $Rand(1,3)
      writeini -n %Npc $+ .ini Items Ether $Rand(1,2)
      writeini -n %Npc $+ .ini Items ParaHeal $Rand(1,2)
      writeini -n %Npc $+ .ini Items Awake $Rand(1,2)
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Fighting Yes
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Field Singles $+ Gym
      Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $nick FightingWho %Npc
      Writeini -n %Npc $+ .ini %Npc Fighting Yes
      Writeini -n %Npc $+ .ini %Npc Field Singles $+ Gym
      Writeini -n %Npc $+ .ini %Npc FightingWho $Nick
      Heal %Npc
      SpecialNpc %Npc $Nick
      Heal $Nick
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Travel,Town) == Cinnibar-Island) {
      Set %Npc Blaine
      if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Badge,Volcano) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Already Beat %Npc $+ ! | halt }
      Msg %ChanSet $Name($Nick) $+ 4,1 Has Challenged $Name(%Npc) $+ 4,1 in To a Battle! This is a 1 Battle Match! Begin!
      Msg %ChanSet $Name(%Npc) $+ 4,1 Says "When You Play with fire You Will Get Burned! Go $Poke(%Npc) $+ !" $Name($Nick) $+ 4,1 Says $Motto($Nick)
      Set %SpecialFight Yes 
      Set %SpecialFighting $Nick 
      writeini -n %Npc $+ .ini Items SuperPotion $Rand(1,3)
      writeini -n %Npc $+ .ini Items Ether $Rand(1,2)
      writeini -n %Npc $+ .ini Items ParaHeal $Rand(1,2)
      writeini -n %Npc $+ .ini Items Awake $Rand(1,2)
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Fighting Yes
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Field Singles $+ Gym
      Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $nick FightingWho %Npc
      Writeini -n %Npc $+ .ini %Npc Fighting Yes
      Writeini -n %Npc $+ .ini %Npc Field Singles $+ Gym
      Writeini -n %Npc $+ .ini %Npc FightingWho $Nick
      Heal %Npc
      SpecialNpc %Npc $Nick
      Heal $Nick
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Travel,Town) == Viridian-City) {
      Set %Npc Giovanni
      if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Badge,Earth) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Already Beat %Npc $+ ! | halt }
      if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Badge,Volcano) != Yes) { Notice $nick Sorry The Gym is Closed! | halt }
      Msg %ChanSet $Name($Nick) $+ 0,1 Has Challenged $Name(%Npc) $+ 0,1 in To a Battle! This is a 1 Battle Match! Begin!
      Msg %ChanSet $Name(%Npc) $+ 0,1 Says "Welcome to The Final Gym in Kanto!!! You think your going to beat this Pokemon...? (Laughs) Pathetic fool I'll show you what real power is!" Go $Poke(%Npc) $+ !" $Name($Nick) $+ 0,1 Says $Motto($Nick)
      Set %SpecialFight Yes 
      Set %SpecialFighting $Nick 
      writeini -n %Npc $+ .ini Items SuperPotion $Rand(1,3)
      writeini -n %Npc $+ .ini Items Ether $Rand(1,2)
      writeini -n %Npc $+ .ini Items ParaHeal $Rand(1,2)
      writeini -n %Npc $+ .ini Items Awake $Rand(1,2)
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Fighting Yes
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Field Singles $+ Gym
      Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $nick FightingWho %Npc
      Writeini -n %Npc $+ .ini %Npc Fighting Yes
      Writeini -n %Npc $+ .ini %Npc Field Singles $+ Gym
      Writeini -n %Npc $+ .ini %Npc FightingWho $Nick
      Heal %Npc
      SpecialNpc %Npc $Nick
      Heal $Nick
  on 1:text:`Start Elite4:#:{
    if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Badge,Boulder) != Yes) { Notice $nick You Dont Have Boulder Badge! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Badge,Cascade) != Yes) { Notice $nick You Dont Have Cascade Badge! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Badge,Thunder) != Yes) { Notice $nick You Dont Have Thunder Badge! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Badge,Rainbow) != Yes) { Notice $nick You Dont Have Rainbow Badge! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Badge,Marsh) != Yes) { Notice $nick You Dont Have Marsh Badge! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Badge,Soul) != Yes) { Notice $nick You Dont Have Soul Badge! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Badge,Volcano) != Yes) { Notice $nick You Dont Have Volcano Badge! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Badge,Earth) != Yes) { Notice $nick You Dont Have Earth Badge! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Badge,E4Win) == yes) { Notice $nick You Already Beat The Elite 4! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Travel,Travel) == Yes) { Notice $nick You Are Traveling | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) == yes) { Notice $nick You Are Battling! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Hp) <= 0) { Notice $nick Please Heal! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Travel,Town) != Indigo-Plateau) { Notice $Nick Your Not At Indigo-Plateau! | Halt }
    if (%tourney = yes) { halt } 
    if (%EFighting = $Nick) { Goto Here } 
    if (%EliteBattle = yes) && (%EFighting != $Nick) { Notice $nick Elite Battle is Being Used By: %EFighting | halt }
    if (%SpecialFight = yes) { Notice $nick A Fight is Happening! By: %SpecialFighting | halt }
    if (%Beaten == $Null) {
      Set %EFighting $nick
      Set %EliteBattle yes
      Set %SpecialFight Yes
      Set %Npc Lorelei
      Msg %ChanSet $Name($Nick) $+ 11,1 Has Challenged $Name(%Npc) $+ 11,1 in To a Battle! This is a 1 Battle Match! Begin!
      Msg %ChanSet $Name(%Npc) $+ 11,1 Says "I am the First Elite 4 and Hopefully the last for you!" Go $Poke(%Npc) $+ !" $Name($Nick) $+ 11,1 Says $Motto($Nick)
      writeini -n %Npc $+ .ini Items HyperPotion 1
      writeini -n %Npc $+ .ini Items SuperPotion $Rand(1,2)
      writeini -n %Npc $+ .ini Items Ether $Rand(1,2)
      writeini -n %Npc $+ .ini Items ParaHeal $Rand(1,2)
      writeini -n %Npc $+ .ini Items Awake $Rand(1,2)
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Fighting Yes
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Field Singles $+ Elite4
      Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $nick FightingWho %Npc
      Writeini -n %Npc $+ .ini %Npc Fighting Yes
      Writeini -n %Npc $+ .ini %Npc Field Singles $+ Elite4
      Writeini -n %Npc $+ .ini %Npc FightingWho $Nick
      Heal %Npc
      SpecialNpc %Npc $Nick
    if (%Beaten == 2) {
      Set %EFighting $nick
      Set %EliteBattle yes
      Set %SpecialFight Yes
      Set %Npc Bruno
      Msg %ChanSet $Name($Nick) $+ 7,1 Has Challenged $Name(%Npc) $+ 7,1 in To a Battle! This is a 1 Battle Match! Begin!
      Msg %ChanSet $Name(%Npc) $+ 7,1 Says "I'm The Second Member of the Elite 4 and I am Going To Show you The True Power Of Fighting Types!" Go $Poke(%Npc) $+ !" $Name($Nick) $+ 7,1 Says $Motto($Nick)
      writeini -n %Npc $+ .ini Items HyperPotion 1
      writeini -n %Npc $+ .ini Items SuperPotion $Rand(1,2)
      writeini -n %Npc $+ .ini Items Ether $Rand(1,2)
      writeini -n %Npc $+ .ini Items ParaHeal $Rand(1,2)
      writeini -n %Npc $+ .ini Items Awake $Rand(1,2)
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Fighting Yes
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Field Singles $+ Elite4
      Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $nick FightingWho %Npc
      Writeini -n %Npc $+ .ini %Npc Fighting Yes
      Writeini -n %Npc $+ .ini %Npc Field Singles $+ Elite4
      Writeini -n %Npc $+ .ini %Npc FightingWho $Nick
      Heal %Npc
      SpecialNpc %Npc $Nick
    if (%Beaten == 3) {
      Set %EFighting $nick
      Set %EliteBattle yes
      Set %SpecialFight Yes
      Set %Npc Agatha
      Msg %ChanSet $Name($Nick) $+ 2,1 Has Challenged $Name(%Npc) $+ 2,1 in To a Battle! This is a 1 Battle Match! Begin!
      Msg %ChanSet $Name(%Npc) $+ 2,1 Says "I'm The 3rd Member of the Elite 4 and its time for you to Feel the pain!" Go $Poke(%Npc) $+ !" $Name($Nick) $+ 2,1 Says $Motto($Nick)
      writeini -n %Npc $+ .ini Items HyperPotion 1
      writeini -n %Npc $+ .ini Items SuperPotion $Rand(1,2)
      writeini -n %Npc $+ .ini Items Ether $Rand(1,2)
      writeini -n %Npc $+ .ini Items ParaHeal $Rand(1,2)
      writeini -n %Npc $+ .ini Items Awake $Rand(1,2)
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Fighting Yes
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Field Singles $+ Elite4
      Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $nick FightingWho %Npc
      Writeini -n %Npc $+ .ini %Npc Fighting Yes
      Writeini -n %Npc $+ .ini %Npc Field Singles $+ Elite4
      Writeini -n %Npc $+ .ini %Npc FightingWho $Nick
      Heal %Npc
      SpecialNpc %Npc $Nick
    if (%Beaten == 4) {
      Set %EFighting $nick
      Set %EliteBattle yes
      Set %SpecialFight Yes
      Set %Npc Lance
      Msg %ChanSet $Name($Nick) $+ 0,1 Has Challenged $Name(%Npc) $+ 0,1 in To a Battle! This is a 1 Battle Match! Begin!
      Msg %ChanSet $Name(%Npc) $+ 0,1 Says "So You've come This Far. I'm The Last of the Elite 4 and Now its time to show You The Force Of A Dragon!" Go $Poke(%Npc) $+ !" $Name($Nick) $+ 0,1 Says $Motto($Nick)
      writeini -n %Npc $+ .ini Items HyperPotion 1
      writeini -n %Npc $+ .ini Items SuperPotion $Rand(1,2)
      writeini -n %Npc $+ .ini Items Ether $Rand(1,2)
      writeini -n %Npc $+ .ini Items ParaHeal $Rand(1,2)
      writeini -n %Npc $+ .ini Items Awake $Rand(1,2)
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Fighting Yes
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Field Singles $+ Elite4
      Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $nick FightingWho %Npc
      Writeini -n %Npc $+ .ini %Npc Fighting Yes
      Writeini -n %Npc $+ .ini %Npc Field Singles $+ Elite4
      Writeini -n %Npc $+ .ini %Npc FightingWho $Nick
      Heal %Npc
      SpecialNpc %Npc $Nick
  on 1:text:`Stop Elite4:#:{
    if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
    if (%EliteBattle != yes) { Notice $nick Elite Battle is Not Being Used! | halt }
    if (%EFighting != $Nick) { Notice $nick Your Not Facing the Elites | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) == yes) { Notice $nick You Are Battling! | halt }
    Unset %EFighting
    Unset %EliteBattle
    Unset %Beaten
    Msg %Chanset $Name($Nick) $+ 12,1 Has Stopped Battling the Elite 4!
  on *:PONG:{
    unset %pingstatus
    if (%pingtime >= 10) { 
      msg %chanset 6!4Controlling Lag6!
      msg %chanset 6!4Hold Commands6!
      Remote off
      Unset %Racing
      ignore -u34 * SurrealChat
      .timersetback2 1 15 resumealltimers
      .timersetback3 1 33 msg %chanset 10!3Lag Fixed10!
      .timersetback4 1 34 remote on
      .timersetback5 1 35 unset %pingstatus
  on *:CONNECT: {
    umode +B
    JOIN #PokemonBattles
    unset %pingstatus
    Timerunlag 0 10 /pingme
    TimerWeatherChange 0 1800 /Weather
    Timernpcenter 0 260 /Npc
    if ($readini(Supa+Weak+Bag $+ .ini,Supa+Weak+Bag,Fighting) == yes) { TrainingEnd $readini(Supa+Weak+Bag $+ .ini,Supa+Weak+Bag,FightingWho) Supa+Weak+Bag }
    if ($readini(Supa+Weak+Bag2 $+ .ini,Supa+Weak+Bag2,Fighting) == yes) { TrainingEnd $readini(Supa+Weak+Bag2 $+ .ini,Supa+Weak+Bag2,FightingWho) Supa+Weak+Bag2 }
    if ($readini(Supa+Weak+Bag3 $+ .ini,Supa+Weak+Bag3,Fighting) == yes) { TrainingEnd $readini(Supa+Weak+Bag3 $+ .ini,Supa+Weak+Bag3,FightingWho) Supa+Weak+Bag3 }
    if ($readini(Weak+Bag $+ .ini,Weak+Bag,Fighting) == yes) { TrainingEnd $readini(Weak+Bag $+ .ini,Weak+Bag,FightingWho) Weak+Bag }
    if ($readini(Weak+Bag2 $+ .ini,Weak+Bag2,Fighting) == yes) { TrainingEnd $readini(Weak+Bag2 $+ .ini,Weak+Bag2,FightingWho) Weak+Bag2 }
    if ($readini(Weak+Bag3 $+ .ini,Weak+Bag3,Fighting) == yes) { TrainingEnd $readini(Weak+Bag3 $+ .ini,Weak+Bag3,FightingWho) Weak+Bag3 }
    if ($readini(Punch+Bag $+ .ini,Punch+Bag,Fighting) == yes) { TrainingEnd $readini(Punch+Bag $+ .ini,Punch+Bag,FightingWho) Punch+Bag }
    if ($readini(Punch+Bag2 $+ .ini,Punch+Bag2,Fighting) == yes) { TrainingEnd $readini(Punch+Bag2 $+ .ini,Punch+Bag2,FightingWho) Punch+Bag2 }
    if ($readini(Punch+Bag3 $+ .ini,Punch+Bag3,Fighting) == yes) { TrainingEnd $readini(Punch+Bag3 $+ .ini,Punch+Bag3,FightingWho) Punch+Bag3 }
    if ($readini(Strong+Bag $+ .ini,Strong+Bag,Fighting) == yes) { TrainingEnd $readini(Strong+Bag $+ .ini,Strong+Bag,FightingWho) Strong+Bag }
    if ($readini(Strong+Bag2 $+ .ini,Strong+Bag2,Fighting) == yes) { TrainingEnd $readini(Strong+Bag2 $+ .ini,Strong+Bag2,FightingWho) Strong+Bag2 }
    if ($readini(Strong+Bag3 $+ .ini,Strong+Bag3,Fighting) == yes) { TrainingEnd $readini(Strong+Bag3 $+ .ini,Strong+Bag3,FightingWho) Strong+Bag3 } 
    TimerOtherInfo 0 1000 /Msg %ChanSet Register at http://ircmalicious.proboards106.com/index.cgi And Get a Rare Candy! Tell Romeo, And Also Join #AnimeChat for Nothing!
    Unset %Choice
    Unset %Hit
    Unset %Rank
    Unset %Rank2
    Unset %Time3
    Unset %Times
    Unset %Gender 
    Unset %3
    Unset %ItemPrice 
    Unset %Rand 
    Unset %Storage 
    Unset %Choices
    Unset %normalfights
    Unset %match1
    Unset %match2
    Unset %x
    Unset %RacingPokemon
    Remote on
  on *:chat:`Stats:{
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Msg =$nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Msg =$nick Login! | halt }
    LvLCheck $Nick
    msg =$nick 11Trainer: $Name($Nick) $+ 15,1 -11,1 Pokemon: $Pokemon($Nick) $+ 15,1 -11,1 Hp $+ / $+ Max Hp:15 $Stat($nick,Hp) $+ / $+ $Stat($nick,MHP) 15-11 SAttack:15 $Stat($nick,SAttack) 15-11 SDefense:15 $Stat($nick,SDefense) 15-11 Attack:15 $Stat($nick,Attack) 15-11 Defense:15 $Stat($nick,Defense) 15-11 Speed:15 $Stat($nick,FSpeed) $+ / $+ 10 15-11 Level:15 $Stat($nick,Level) 15-11 Exp:15 $Stat($nick,Exp) $+ / $+ $Stat($nick,ExpNeeded)
    Unset %Aura
    Unset %BAura
  on *:chat:`Start Training *:{
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != Yes) { Msg =$nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Password,LoggedIn) != Yes) { Msg =$nick Login! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Travel,Travel) == Yes) { Msg =$nick You Are Traveling | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Fighting) == yes) { Msg =$nick You Are Battling! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Hp) <= 0) { Msg =$nick Please Heal Your Pokemon! | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$Nick,TrainUsed) == Yes) { Msg =$nick Please Type `TA TimeLeft. | halt }
    if ($timer(Heal $+ $nick).secs != $null) { Msg =$nick You Are Healing | halt }
    if (%intourney. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] = yes) { halt }
    if ($istok(%batlist,$Nick,32) == $true) { set %batlist $remtok(%batlist,$Nick,1,32) }
    if ($istok(%OpenChallenge,$Nick,32) == $true) { Msg =$nick You are Doing the Open Challenge! | halt }
    if ($istok(%TOpenChallenge,$Nick,32) == $true) { Msg =$nick You are Doing the 2 Vs 2 Open Challenge! | halt }
    Set %Bag $3
    if ($readini(%Bag $+ .ini,%Bag,Fighting) != Yes) && (%Bag == Supa+Weak+Bag) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Level) <= 7) {
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Training Yes
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Fighting Yes
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Field Training $+ %Battles
      Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $nick FightingWho %Bag
      Writeini -n %Bag $+ .ini %Bag Fighting Yes
      Writeini -n %Bag $+ .ini %Bag Field Training $+ %Battles
      Writeini -n %Bag $+ .ini %Bag FightingWho $Nick
      Msg =$nick $BName($Nick) $+ 15,1 Starts to Train on %Bag $+ !
      Msg =$nick Type `Train (Attack)
      TimerEndTraining $+ $Nick 1 600 /TrainingEnd $Nick %Bag
      Heal %Bag
      Heal $Nick
    if ($readini(%Bag $+ .ini,%Bag,Fighting) != Yes) && (%Bag == Supa+Weak+Bag2) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Level) <= 7) {
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Training Yes
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Fighting Yes
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Field Training $+ %Battles
      Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $nick FightingWho %Bag
      Writeini -n %Bag $+ .ini %Bag Fighting Yes
      Writeini -n %Bag $+ .ini %Bag Field Training $+ %Battles
      Writeini -n %Bag $+ .ini %Bag FightingWho $Nick
      Msg =$nick $BName($Nick) $+ 15,1 Starts to Train on %Bag $+ !
      Msg =$nick Type `Train (Attack)
      TimerEndTraining $+ $Nick 1 600 /TrainingEnd $Nick %Bag
      Heal %Bag
      Heal $Nick
    if ($readini(%Bag $+ .ini,%Bag,Fighting) != Yes) && (%Bag == Supa+Weak+Bag3) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Level) <= 7) {
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Training Yes
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Fighting Yes
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Field Training $+ %Battles
      Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $nick FightingWho %Bag
      Writeini -n %Bag $+ .ini %Bag Fighting Yes
      Writeini -n %Bag $+ .ini %Bag Field Training $+ %Battles
      Writeini -n %Bag $+ .ini %Bag FightingWho $Nick
      Msg =$nick $BName($Nick) $+ 15,1 Starts to Train on %Bag $+ !
      Msg =$nick Type `Train (Attack)
      TimerEndTraining $+ $Nick 1 600 /TrainingEnd $Nick %Bag
      Heal %Bag
      Heal $Nick
    if ($readini(%Bag $+ .ini,%Bag,Fighting) != Yes) && (%Bag == Weak+Bag) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Level) <= 20) {
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Training Yes
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Fighting Yes
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Field Training $+ %Battles
      Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $nick FightingWho %Bag
      Writeini -n %Bag $+ .ini %Bag Fighting Yes
      Writeini -n %Bag $+ .ini %Bag Field Training $+ %Battles
      Writeini -n %Bag $+ .ini %Bag FightingWho $Nick
      Msg =$nick $BName($Nick) $+ 15,1 Starts to Train on %Bag $+ !
      Msg =$nick Type `Train (Attack)
      TimerEndTraining $+ $Nick 1 600 /TrainingEnd $Nick %Bag
      Heal %Bag
      Heal $Nick
    if ($readini(%Bag $+ .ini,%Bag,Fighting) != Yes) && (%Bag == Weak+Bag2) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Level) <= 20) {
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Training Yes
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Fighting Yes
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Field Training $+ %Battles
      Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $nick       Msg =$nick $BName($Nick) $+ 15,1 Starts to Train on %Bag $+ !
      Msg =$nick Type `Train (Attack)
      TimerEndTraining $+ $Nick 1 600 /TrainingEnd $Nick %Bag
      Heal %Bag
      Heal $Nick
    if ($readini(%Bag $+ .ini,%Bag,Fighting) != Yes) && (%Bag == Punch+Bag3) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Level) <= 40) {
      Set %Price 75
      if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Money) < %Price) { Msg =$nick Not Enough Money! | halt }
      writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick money $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,money) - %Price)
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Training Yes
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Fighting Yes
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Field Training $+ %Battles
      Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $nick FightingWho %Bag
      Writeini -n %Bag $+ .ini %Bag Fighting Yes
      Writeini -n %Bag $+ .ini %Bag Field Training $+ %Battles
      Writeini -n %Bag $+ .ini %Bag FightingWho $Nick
      Msg =$nick $BName($Nick) $+ 15,1 Starts to Train on %Bag $+ !
      Msg =$nick Type `Train (Attack)
      TimerEndTraining $+ $Nick 1 600 /TrainingEnd $Nick %Bag
      Heal %Bag
      Heal $Nick
    if ($readini(%Bag $+ .ini,%Bag,Fighting) != Yes) && (%Bag == Strong+Bag) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Level) <= 100) {
      Set %Price 150
      if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Money) < %Price) { Msg =$nick Not Enough Money! | halt }
      writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick money $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,money) - %Price)
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Training Yes
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Fighting Yes
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Field Training $+ %Battles
      Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $nick FightingWho %Bag
      Writeini -n %Bag $+ .ini %Bag Fighting Yes
      Writeini -n %Bag $+ .ini %Bag Field Training $+ %Battles
      Writeini -n %Bag $+ .ini %Bag FightingWho $Nick
      Msg =$nick $BName($Nick) $+ 15,1 Starts to Train on %Bag $+ !
      Msg =$nick Type `Train (Attack)
      TimerEndTraining $+ $Nick 1 600 /TrainingEnd $Nick %Bag
      Heal %Bag
      Heal $Nick
    if ($readini(%Bag $+ .ini,%Bag,Fighting) != Yes) && (%Bag == Strong+Bag2) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Level) <= 100) {
      Set %Price 150
      if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Money) < %Price) { Msg =$nick Not Enough Money! | halt }
      writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick money $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,money) - %Price)
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Training Yes
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Fighting Yes
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Field Training $+ %Battles
      Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $nick FightingWho %Bag
      Writeini -n %Bag $+ .ini %Bag Fighting Yes
      Writeini -n %Bag $+ .ini %Bag Field Training $+ %Battles
      Writeini -n %Bag $+ .ini %Bag FightingWho $Nick
      Msg =$nick $BName($Nick) $+ 15,1 Starts to Train on %Bag $+ !
      Msg =$ni
FightingWho %Bag
      Writeini -n %Bag $+ .ini %Bag Fighting Yes
      Writeini -n %Bag $+ .ini %Bag Field Training $+ %Battles
      Writeini -n %Bag $+ .ini %Bag FightingWho $Nick
      Msg =$nick $BName($Nick) $+ 15,1 Starts to Train on %Bag $+ !
      Msg =$nick Type `Train (Attack)
      TimerEndTraining $+ $Nick 1 600 /TrainingEnd $Nick %Bag
      Heal %Bag
      Heal $Nick
    if ($readini(%Bag $+ .ini,%Bag,Fighting) != Yes) && (%Bag == Weak+Bag3) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Level) <= 20) {
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Training Yes
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Fighting Yes
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Field Training $+ %Battles
      Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $nick FightingWho %Bag
      Writeini -n %Bag $+ .ini %Bag Fighting Yes
      Writeini -n %Bag $+ .ini %Bag Field Training $+ %Battles
      Writeini -n %Bag $+ .ini %Bag FightingWho $Nick
      Msg =$nick $BName($Nick) $+ 15,1 Starts to Train on %Bag $+ !
      Msg =$nick Type `Train (Attack)
      TimerEndTraining $+ $Nick 1 600 /TrainingEnd $Nick %Bag
      Heal %Bag
      Heal $Nick
    if ($readini(%Bag $+ .ini,%Bag,Fighting) != Yes) && (%Bag == Punch+Bag) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Level) <= 40) {
      Set %Price 75
      if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Money) < %Price) { Msg =$nick Not Enough Money! | halt }
      writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick money $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,money) - %Price)
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Training Yes
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Fighting Yes
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Field Training $+ %Battles
      Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $nick FightingWho %Bag
      Writeini -n %Bag $+ .ini %Bag Fighting Yes
      Writeini -n %Bag $+ .ini %Bag Field Training $+ %Battles
      Writeini -n %Bag $+ .ini %Bag FightingWho $Nick
      Msg =$nick $BName($Nick) $+ 15,1 Starts to Train on %Bag $+ !
      Msg =$nick Type `Train (Attack)
      TimerEndTraining $+ $Nick 1 600 /TrainingEnd $Nick %Bag
      Heal %Bag
      Heal $Nick
    if ($readini(%Bag $+ .ini,%Bag,Fighting) != Yes) && (%Bag == Punch+Bag2) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$Poke($Nick),Level) <= 40) {
      Set %Price 75
      if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Money) < %Price) { Msg =$nick Not Enough Money! | halt }
      writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick money $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,money) - %Price)
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Training Yes
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Fighting Yes
      Writeini -n $nick $+ .ini $nick Field Training $+ %Battles
      Writeini -n $Nick $+ .ini $nick FightingWho %Bag
      Writeini -n %Bag $+ .ini %Bag Fighting Yes
      Writeini -n %Bag $+ .ini %Bag Field Training $+ %Battles
      Writeini -n %Bag $+ .ini %Bag FightingWho $Nick


Sign in to comment.
cptpan   -  May 17, 2012

What the fu ck?

Dark|   -  Oct 31, 2010

hm.......make this into a bot Get all the RPG'S in one bot. heh

Brock   -  Aug 28, 2010

Not Doing anything when i type `Map

and the colors are too bright

fix them and give a command like `Cmds which shows all cmds possible..

AlmerC   -  Jul 24, 2010

lol this is a big script.It says it wont fit in remotes .-. What do i do NOW?

Gage   -  Apr 02, 2010

You have to query the bot and type `login (insertpasswordhere)

Musawir Ahmed Kehar   -  Apr 01, 2010

It's huge O_o
b/w how to login ? what to type?

edgy   -  Mar 30, 2010

That must of took a long time!

Gage   -  Mar 30, 2010

yea it is o.o

GuitarMasterx7   -  Mar 30, 2010

hot damn....
das a big code =o

Jethro   -  Mar 30, 2010

The question is not why, but how and what.

Korvin   -  Mar 30, 2010


SnoooP   -  Mar 29, 2010

lol, well I use mobile broadband which sucks arse, but I didn't have problems with this page loading, but to be fair I do average download speeds of like 1.5meg so I shouldn't have any problems :P

Jethro   -  Mar 29, 2010

Good thing I have a very fast internet connection via DSL, or else I can wait a "lifetime" for this page to load completely. lol

SnoooP   -  Mar 29, 2010

wow I just loaded this into remotes to see how many lines, its over 7700 lol

Jethro   -  Mar 29, 2010

You can also use regex octal numbers without the need for the OR pipe:

if ($regex($2-,/[\57\44\137\52\73\72\53\55\174\221\47\42\136\45\43\56]/Si)) { Notice $nick Please reword it! }

Or if you don't understand regex one bit, use a while loop:

var %c = $chr(47) $chr(36) $chr(95) $chr(42) $chr(59) $chr(58) $chr(43) $chr(45) $chr(124) $chr(39) $chr(34) $chr(94) $chr(37) $chr(35) $chr(46)
  var %x = $numtok(%c,32)
  while (%x) {
    if ($istok($2-,$gettok(%c,%x,32),32)) {
      Notice $nick Please reword it!
    dec %x
SnoooP   -  Mar 29, 2010

Upload it as a script in the script section instead, that way you can upload everything

Gage   -  Mar 29, 2010

yea :I

owl   -  Mar 29, 2010

Things like

if (/ isin $2-) { Notice $nick Please reword it! | halt }
  if ($ isin $2-) { Notice $nick Please reword it! | halt }
  if (_ isin $2-) { Notice $nick Please reword it! | halt }

could be shortened to:

if ($regex($2-,/(\/|\\|\*|;|\:|\+|\-|\$|_|`|"|\^|%|#|\.)/Si)) { notice $nick Please reword it! | halt }

Otherwise than that I cba reading it, oh and it's not all there, i'm guessing because of a hawkee limit :p

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