Secret Input Numeric

By eyiezinc on Mar 01, 2010

only who using this addons can break the code or scripters who knows to break it :p
don't change code unless u know what u doing.
Only Channel. :p

;Addons: Secret Input Numeric
;Created By: Lestat
;Tester By: MasTer-PriNce
;Server: Webchat
;only who using this addons can break the code or scripters who knows to break it :p
;don't change code unless u know what u doing.
;Only Channel. :p
menu channel {
  Secret Input
  .$iif($group(#secret) = on,$style(3)) On:.enable #secret
  .$iif($group(#secret) = off,$style(3)) Off:.disable #secret
#secret on
On *:input:#: if ($left($1-,1) != /) { $iif($chr(40) isin $1- || $chr(41) isin $1-,msg $active $1-,cdx $1-) | unset %xbin | halt }
alias cdx { unset %txt | var %t = 1 | while ($mid($1-,%t,1)) || ($mid($1-,%t,1) != $null) { binary $iif($mid($1-,%t,1) = $chr(32),$chr(0160),$mid($1-,%t,1)) | inc %t } | msg $active %txt }
alias binary { var %t = 32 | while (%t <= 160) { if ($1 === $chr($+(0,%t)))  { set -u1 $+(%,bin,$chr($+(0,%t))) $calc($+(%t,^10)) | set -u1 %txt $+(%txt,$LEft($($+(%,bin,$chr($+(0,%t))),2),4)) } | inc %t } }
alias xbin { unset %outx | var %t = 1 | while ($mid($1-,%t,1)) || ($mid($1-,%t,1) != $null) { set %xbin $+(%xbin,$mid($1-,%t,1)) | if ($len(%xbin) = 4) { binaryx %xbin } | inc %t } | return $replace(%outx,$chr(0160),$chr(32)) }
alias binaryx { var %x = 32 | while (%x <= 160) { if ($left($calc($+(%x,^10)),4) === $1) && (%x != 141) { .set %outx $+(%outx,$chr($+(0,%x))) } | inc %x } | unset %xbin }
On *:text:*:#: { if ($1- isnum) && ($xbin($1-)) { echo $chan $+(4[8,BREAK,4][14,$nick,4]) $xbin($1-) | unset %xbin } }
#secret end


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Korvin   -  Mar 02, 2010

yeah very pointless, and i dont really want to spend the time to find how you encoded it...

Ghost-writer   -  Mar 01, 2010

Wow, you might also want to add what it does, i dont like it that much, dont see a point but good job.

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