**Vote script updates**

By UK-Sw1ft on Jan 29, 2010

Well its been 4-5 years since iv been on this site.. i havnt realy got any more better at scripting since i quit..

first script iv updated is this one.. my vote script :)

commands are as follows:

Only if nick isop
-votestatus (Shows status of current vote)
-vote <on/off> (turns it on or off)
-voteq (Will set the question)
-votea <1> <2> <3> <4> (I.E -votea Yes No Maybe Prob)
-votestart (to start the vote)
!vote 1/2/3/4

Tested & works

Any comments/suggestions are welcome

Thank you.

EDIT forgot to mention, that my bot is 6.16 as i prefure that version, not sure if it will work on high versions, if not, you will ned 6.16, sorry.

on 1:TEXT:*:#CHANNEL:{
  if $nick isop $chan {
    if $1 == -votestatus {
      if ($istokcs($nick, %timer, 44)) { halt }
      set %timer $addtok(%timer, $nick, 44) 
      timer $+ $nick 1 4 set %timer $remtok(%timer, $nick, 44)
      if %vote == off { 
        notice $nick No vote on-going $nick $+ . 
      msg $chan Question: $+([,,%vote.q,,])
      msg $chan Results: $+([,,%voted.1,,]) - $+(,$chr(40),,%vote.1,,$chr(41)) - $+([,,%voted.2,,]) - $+(,$chr(40),,%vote.2,,$chr(41)) - $+([,,%voted.3,,]) - $+(,$chr(40),,%vote.3,,$chr(41)) - $+([,,%voted.4,,]) - $+(,$chr(40),,%vote.4,,$chr(41))
    if $1 == -vote {
      if ($istokcs($nick, %timer, 44)) { halt }
      set %timer $addtok(%timer, $nick, 44) 
      timer $+ $nick 1 4 set %timer $remtok(%timer, $nick, 44)
      if !$2 { notice $nick Correct syntex: -vote <on/off> | halt }
      if $2 == help { 
        notice $nick Here is how to start a vote.
        notice $nick Correct syntex: -vote <on/off> (to turn it on or off.
        notice $nick Correct syntex: -voteq <question>  (So set the voting questions)
        notice $nick Then once question is set, -votea <Vote1> <Vote2> <Vote3> <Vote4> (I.E -votea Yes No maybe dunno)
      if $2 == on {
        if %vote == on { notice $nick There is currently a vote allready going on. | halt }
        writeini vote.ini VOTE $chan ON
        set %vote on
        set %vote.c $chan
        notice $nick Voteing is now enabled.
        notice $nick Correct syntex: -voteq <question>  (So set the voting questions)
        notice $nick Then once question is set, -votea <Vote1> <Vote2> <Vote3> <Vote4> (I.E -votea Yes No maybe dunno)  
      if $2 == off {
        if %vote == off { notice $nick There's no vote to cancle. | halt }
        writeini vote.ini VOTE $chan off
        set %vote off
        timervote* off
        var %c = 1 | while (%c <= $var(%vote.*,0)) { set $var(%vote.*,%c) 0 | inc %c }
        var %c = 1 | while (%c <= $var(%voted.*,0)) { set $var(%voted.*,%c) 0 | inc %c }
        notice $nick voting has been cancled/disabled. 
        remini vote.ini voted
    if $1 == -voteq {
       if ($istokcs($nick, %timer, 44)) { halt }
      set %timer $addtok(%timer, $nick, 44) 
      timer $+ $nick 1 4 set %timer $remtok(%timer, $nick, 44)
      if %vote == off { notice $nick No vote is currently enabled/on going. | halt }
      if !$2 {
        notice $nick Correct syntex: -voteq <question>  (So set the voting questions)
        notice $nick Then once question is set, -votea <Vote1> <Vote2> <Vote3> <Vote4> (I.E -votea Yes No maybe dunno) 
      if $right($2-,1) != ? { 
        notice $nick Please make sure its a question, i didnt see a '?' in there. 
      set %vote.q $2-
      notice $nick Question set to: $+([,,%vote.q,,]) 
      notice $nick now, -votea <Vote1> <Vote2> <Vote3> <Vote4> (I.E -votea Yes No maybe dunno) 
    if $1 == -votea {
            if ($istokcs($nick, %timer, 44)) { halt }
      set %timer $addtok(%timer, $nick, 44) 
      timer $+ $nick 1 4 set %timer $remtok(%timer, $nick, 44)
      if %vote == off { notice $nick No vote is currently enabled/on going. | halt }
      if %vote.set == on { halt }
      if %vote.q || !$2 && !$3 && !$4 && !$5 { 
        notice $nick Correct syntex: -votea <Vote1> <Vote2> <Vote3> <Vote4> (I.E -votea Yes No maybe dunno) 
      set %vote.set ON
      set %voted.1 $2
      set %voted.2 $3
      set %voted.3 $4
      set %voted.4 $5
      notice $nick Ok, Question and Votes are now set.
      notice $nick Question: $+([,,%vote.q,,])
      notice $nick Vote: $+([,,%voted.1,,]) - $+([,,%voted.2,,]) - $+([,,%voted.3,,]) - $+([,,%voted.4,,])
      notice $nick Ok, now, -votestart To start the vote.
    if $1 == -votestart {
      if !%vote.q && %vote != on { 
        if %vote.s == on { halt }
        notice $nick Here is how to start a vote.
        notice $nick Correct syntex: -vote <on/off> (to turn it on or off.
        notice $nick Correct syntex: -voteq <question>  (So set the voting questions)
        notice $nick Then once question is set, -votea <Vote1> <Vote2> <Vote3> <Vote4> (I.E -votea Yes No maybe dunno)
      set %vote.s ON
      msg $chan Vote now $+([,,%vote,,],.) This vote is on for 24 hours.
      msg $chan Question: $+([,,%vote.q,,])
      msg $chan !Vote 1 for $+([,,%voted.1,,]) - !Vote 2 for $+([,,%voted.2,,]) - !Vote 3 for $+([,,%voted.3,,]) - !Vote 4 for $+([,,%voted.4,,])
      timervote1 1 86400 votefin
      timervote4 0 3600 msg $chan vote in progress..
      timervote2 0 3600 msg $chan Question: $+([,,%vote.q,,])
      timervote3 0 3600 msg $chan !Vote 1 for $+([,,%voted.1,,]) - !Vote 2 for $+([,,%voted.2,,]) - !Vote 3 for $+([,,%voted.3,,]) - !Vote 4 for $+([,,%voted.4,,])
  if $1 == !vote {
         if ($istokcs($nick, %timer, 44)) { halt }
      set %timer $addtok(%timer, $nick, 44) 
      timer $+ $nick 1 4 set %timer $remtok(%timer, $nick, 44)
    if %vote == off { halt }
    if $readini(vote.ini,voted,$address($nick,1) == vote) { notice $nick you can only vote once $nick $+ . | halt }
    if !$2 { 
      msg $chan !Vote 1 for $+([,,%voted.1,,]) - !Vote 2 for $+([,,%voted.2,,]) - !Vote 3 for $+([,,%voted.3,,]) - !Vote 4 for $+([,,%voted.4,,])
    if !$istok(1 2 3 4,$2,32) {     
      msg $chan !Vote 1 for $+([,,%voted.1,,]) - !Vote 2 for $+([,,%voted.2,,]) - !Vote 3 for $+([,,%voted.3,,]) - !Vote 4 for $+([,,%voted.4,,])
    writeini vote.ini VOTED $address($nick,1) vote
    inc $+(%,vote.,$2)
    msg $chan Question: $+([,,%vote.q,,])
    msg $chan Results: $+([,,%voted.1,,]) - $+(,$chr(40),,%vote.1,,$chr(41)) - $+([,,%voted.2,,]) - $+(,$chr(40),,%vote.2,,$chr(41)) - $+([,,%voted.3,,]) - $+(,$chr(40),,%vote.3,,$chr(41)) - $+([,,%voted.4,,]) - $+(,$chr(40),,%vote.4,,$chr(41))
  if $1 == !votehelp {
          if ($istokcs($nick, %timer, 44)) { halt }
      set %timer $addtok(%timer, $nick, 44) 
      timer $+ $nick 1 4 set %timer $remtok(%timer, $nick, 44)
    if %vote == off { halt }
    msg $chan !Vote 1 for $+([,,%voted.1,,]) - !Vote 2 for $+([,,%voted.2,,]) - !Vote 3 for $+([,,%voted.3,,]) - !Vote 4 for $+([,,%voted.4,,])

alias votefin {
  if (%vote.1 > %vote.2) || (%vote.1 > %vote.3) || (%vote.1 > %vote.4) {
    msg %vote.c  Voting Has Now Finished!
    msg %vote.c  Results For Question $+([,,%vote.q,,])
    msg %vote.c  $+([,,%voted.1,,]) WINS With $+([,,%vote.1,,])  Votes. 
    msg %vote.c  $+([,,%voted.1,,]) - $+(,$chr(40),,%vote.1,,$chr(41)) - $+([,,%voted.2,,]) - $+(,$chr(40),,%vote.2,,$chr(41)) - $+([,,%voted.3,,]) - $+(,$chr(40),,%vote.3,,$chr(41)) - $+([,,%voted.4,,]) - $+(,$chr(40),,%vote.4,,$chr(41))
    set %vote off
    writeini vote.ini VOTE %vote.c off
    remini vote.ini voted
    var %c = 1 | while (%c <= $var(%vote.*,0)) { set $var(%vote.*,%c) 0 | inc %c }
    var %c = 1 | while (%c <= $var(%voted.*,0)) { set $var(%voted.*,%c) 0 | inc %c }
    timervote* off
  elseif (%vote.2 > %vote.1) || (%vote.2 > %vote.3) || (%vote.4 > %vote.4) {
    msg %vote.c  Voting Has Now Finished!
    msg %vote.c  Results For Question $+([,,%vote.q,,])
    msg %vote.c  $+([,,%voted.2,,]) WINS With $+([,,%vote.2,,])  Votes.
    msg %vote.c $+([,,%voted.1,,]) - $+(,$chr(40),,%vote.1,,$chr(41)) - $+([,,%voted.2,,]) - $+(,$chr(40),,%vote.2,,$chr(41)) - $+([,,%voted.3,,]) - $+(,$chr(40),,%vote.3,,$chr(41)) - $+([,,%voted.4,,]) - $+(,$chr(40),,%vote.4,,$chr(41))
    set %vote off
    writeini vote.ini VOTE %vote.c off
    remini vote.ini voted
    var %c = 1 | while (%c <= $var(%vote.*,0)) { set $var(%vote.*,%c) 0 | inc %c }
    var %c = 1 | while (%c <= $var(%voted.*,0)) { set $var(%voted.*,%c) 0 | inc %c }
    timervote* off
  elseif (%vote.3 > %vote.2) || (%vote.3 > %vote.4) || (%vote.3 > %vote.1) {
    msg %vote.c  Voting Has Now Finished!
    msg %vote.c  Results For Question $+([,,%vote.q,,])
    msg %vote.c  $+([,,%voted.3,,]) WINS With $+([,,%vote.3,,])  Votes.
    msg %vote.c $+([,,%voted.1,,]) - $+(,$chr(40),,%vote.1,,$chr(41)) - $+([,,%voted.2,,]) - $+(,$chr(40),,%vote.2,,$chr(41)) - $+([,,%voted.3,,]) - $+(,$chr(40),,%vote.3,,$chr(41)) - $+([,,%voted.4,,]) - $+(,$chr(40),,%vote.4,,$chr(41))
    set %vote off
    writeini vote.ini VOTE%vote.c off
    remini vote.ini voted
    var %c = 1 | while (%c <= $var(%vote.*,0)) { set $var(%vote.*,%c) 0 | inc %c }
    var %c = 1 | while (%c <= $var(%voted.*,0)) { set $var(%voted.*,%c) 0 | inc %c }
    timervote* off
  elseif (%vote.4 > %vote.1) || (%vote.4 > %vote.2) || (%vote.4 > %vote.3) {
    msg %vote.c  Voting Has Now Finished!
    msg %vote.c  $+([,,%voted.4,,]) WINS With $+([,,%vote.4,,])  Votes.
    msg %vote.c $+([,,%voted.1,,]) - $+(,$chr(40),,%vote.1,,$chr(41)) - $+([,,%voted.2,,]) - $+(,$chr(40),,%vote.2,,$chr(41)) - $+([,,%voted.3,,]) - $+(,$chr(40),,%vote.3,,$chr(41)) - $+([,,%voted.4,,]) - $+(,$chr(40),,%vote.4,,$chr(41))
    set %vote off
    writeini vote.ini VOTE %vote.c off
    remini vote.ini voted
    var %c = 1 | while (%c <= $var(%vote.*,0)) { set $var(%vote.*,%c) 0 | inc %c }
    var %c = 1 | while (%c <= $var(%voted.*,0)) { set $var(%voted.*,%c) 0 | inc %c }
    timervote* off
  elseif (%vote.1 == %vote.2) || (%vote.1 == %vote.3) || (%vote.1 == %vote.4) {
    msg %vote.c  Voting Has Now Finished!
    msg %vote.c  Results For Question $+([,,%vote.q,,])
    msg %vote.c Vote was a DRAW!
    msg %vote.c $+([,,%voted.1,,]) - $+(,$chr(40),,%vote.1,,$chr(41)) - $+([,,%voted.2,,]) - $+(,$chr(40),,%vote.2,,$chr(41)) - $+([,,%voted.3,,]) - $+(,$chr(40),,%vote.3,,$chr(41)) - $+([,,%voted.4,,]) - $+(,$chr(40),,%vote.4,,$chr(41))
    set %vote off
    writeini vote.ini VOTE %vote.c off
    remini vote.ini voted
    var %c = 1 | while (%c <= $var(%vote.*,0)) { set $var(%vote.*,%c) 0 | inc %c }
    var %c = 1 | while (%c <= $var(%voted.*,0)) { set $var(%voted.*,%c) 0 | inc %c }
    timervote* off
  elseif (%vote.2 == %vote.1) || (%vote2 == %vote.3) || (%vote.2 == %vote.4) {
    msg %vote.c  Voting Has Now Finished!
    msg %vote.c  Results For Question $+([,,%vote.q,,])
    msg %vote.c Vote was a DRAW!
    msg %vote.c $+([,,%voted.1,,]) - $+(,$chr(40),,%vote.1,,$chr(41)) - $+([,,%voted.2,,]) - $+(,$chr(40),,%vote.2,,$chr(41)) - $+([,,%voted.3,,]) - $+(,$chr(40),,%vote.3,,$chr(41)) - $+([,,%voted.4,,]) - $+(,$chr(40),,%vote.4,,$chr(41))
    set %vote off
    writeini vote.ini VOTE %vote.c off
    remini vote.ini voted
    var %c = 1 | while (%c <= $var(%vote.*,0)) { set $var(%vote.*,%c) 0 | inc %c }
    var %c = 1 | while (%c <= $var(%voted.*,0)) { set $var(%voted.*,%c) 0 | inc %c }
    timervote* off
  elseif (%vote.3 == %vote.1) || (%vote.3 == %vote.2) || (%vote.3 == %vote.4) {
    msg %vote.c  Voting Has Now Finished!
    msg %vote.c  Results For Question $+([,,%vote.q,,])
    msg %vote.c Vote was a DRAW!
    msg %vote.c $+([,,%voted.1,,]) - $+(,$chr(40),,%vote.1,,$chr(41)) - $+([,,%voted.2,,]) - $+(,$chr(40),,%vote.2,,$chr(41)) - $+([,,%voted.3,,]) - $+(,$chr(40),,%vote.3,,$chr(41)) - $+([,,%voted.4,,]) - $+(,$chr(40),,%vote.4,,$chr(41))
    set %vote off
    writeini vote.ini VOTE %vote.c off
    remini vote.ini voted
    var %c = 1 | while (%c <= $var(%vote.*,0)) { set $var(%vote.*,%c) 0 | inc %c }
    var %c = 1 | while (%c <= $var(%voted.*,0)) { set $var(%voted.*,%c) 0 | inc %c }
    timervote* off
  elseif (%vote.4 == %vote.1) || (%vote.4 == %vote.2) || (%vote.4 == %vote.3) {
    msg %vote.c  Voting Has Now Finished!
    msg %vote.c  Results For Question $+([,,%vote.q,,])
    msg %vote.c Vote was a DRAW!
    msg %vote.c $+([,,%voted.1,,]) - $+(,$chr(40),,%vote.1,,$chr(41)) - $+([,,%voted.2,,]) - $+(,$chr(40),,%vote.2,,$chr(41)) - $+([,,%voted.3,,]) - $+(,$chr(40),,%vote.3,,$chr(41)) - $+([,,%voted.4,,]) - $+(,$chr(40),,%vote.4,,$chr(41))
    set %vote off
    writeini vote.ini VOTE %vote.c off
    remini vote.ini voted
    var %c = 1 | while (%c <= $var(%vote.*,0)) { set $var(%vote.*,%c) 0 | inc %c }
    var %c = 1 | while (%c <= $var(%voted.*,0)) { set $var(%voted.*,%c) 0 | inc %c }
    timervote* off


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