Server chan bot replacement *cough*

By GuitarMasterx7 on Jan 12, 2010

this is just your regular mode bot
with mostly everything a server bot can do
but maybe even better

i find it usefull since i refuse to assign a bot to my chan
cuz i regulate my own chan wif my own bot

know wha im sayin!?

u can take it apart an do what ever you want to it
[had this script for a long time dk]

script is used by the person the client the script is on

to make it commandable by ppl
change line 1 to

on 300:TEXT:*:#: {

menu is optional

menu nicklist,channel { 
  Add user: 
  .Admin $1:auser 300 $1
on *:LOAD: { auser 1000 $me }
on *:INPUT:#: {
  if ($1 == .add) {
    cs access $chan add $2 $3 | if ($3 <= -1) mode $chan -qaohv $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 | if (($3 >= 0) && ($3 <= 3)) mode $chan +v-qaoh $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 | if ($3 == 4) mode $chan +h-qaov $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 | if ($3 == 5) mode $chan +o-qahv $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 | if ($3 >= 10) mode $chan +ao-qhv $2 $2 $2 $2 $2
  if ($1 == .del) {
    cs access $chan del $2
    mode $chan -qaohv $2 $2 $2 $2 $2
  if ($1 == +shun) {
    mode $chan +b ~q: $+ $address($2,2)
    cs access $chan del $2
    mode $chan -qoahv $2 $2 $2 $2 $2
  if ($1 == -shun) {
    mode $chan -b ~q: $+ $address($$2,2)
    mode $chan +v $2
  if ($1 == .aq) {
    cs access $chan add $2 9999
    mode $chan +qo-vh $2 $2 $2 $2
  if ($1 == .aop) {
    cs access $chan add $2 5
    mode $chan +o-qvh $2 $2 $2 $2
  if ($1 == .ahop) {
    cs access $chan add $2 4
    mode $chan +h-qov $2 $2 $2 $2
  if ($1 == .av) {
    cs access $chan add $2 3
    mode $chan +v-qoh $2 $2 $2 $2
  if ($1 == .qk) {
    mode $chan -eeeIII $address($2,2) $2 $address($2,2) $address($2,9) $2 $address($2,2) | mode $chan -Q | cs kick $chan $2 $3- | kick $chan $2 $3- | mode $chan +Q
  if ($1 == .qkb) {
    mode $chan -eeeeIIII $address($2,1) $address($2,9) $1 $address($2,2) $address($2,9) $2 $address($2,2) $address($2,1) | mode $chan -Qqaoh $$2 $$2 $$2 $$2 | kick $chan $$2 $3- | mode $chan +bb $2 $address($2,2) | cs access $chan add $2 -9999 | cs akick $chan ADD $2 $3- | mode $chan +Q
  if ($1 == .unban) {
    cs akick $chan del $2 | mode $chan -bb $2 $address($2,2) | mode $chan -bbb $2 $address($2,2) $address($2,9) | mode $chan -bbb $address($2,2) $address($2,9) | mode $chan -bbb $address($2,9) | invite $2 $chan | cs access $chan del $2 | invite $2 $chan
  if ($1 == +cool) {
    mode $chan +b $2 | mode $chan +b $2 | mode $chan +b $address($2,2) | mode $chan +b $address($2,1) | mode $chan +b $address($2,9)
  if ($1 == -cool) {
    mode $chan -b $2 | mode $chan -b $address($2,2) | mode $chan -b $address($2,1) | mode $chan -b $address($2,9)
  if ($1 == .csdrop) {
    cs clear $chan excepts | cs clear $chan invites | mode $chan +i | cs access $chan clear list | topic $chan $! | mode $chan +k $md5($rand(1,100000)) | cs akick $chan add *!*@* | mode $chan -Q | cs clear $chan users | mode $chan -Q | var %x = $nick(#,0) | while (%x) { kick # $nick(#,%x) $! | dec %x }
  if ($1 == .csundo) {
    topic $2 Profash Is Sorry sad.gif | mode $2 -i | mode $2 -k | cs akick $2 del *!*@* | cs clear $2 bans
  if ($1 == .csinv) {
    cs invite $2 | join $2
  if ($1 == +b) /mode $chan +b $2
  if ($1 == -b) /mode $chan -b $2
  if ($1 == .rlb) mode # -b $ibl(#,1)
  if ($1 == .cdir) //run $mircdir
  if ($1 == .info) cs info $chan
  if ($1 == .inv) invite $2 $chan
  if ($1 == +k) mode $chan +k $2
  if ($1 == -k) mode $chan -k $2
  if ($1 == +m) mode $chan +m
  if ($1 == -m) mode $chan -m
  if ($1 == +v) mode $chan +vvvvv $2 $3 $4 $5
  if ($1 == -v) mode $chan -vvvvv $2 $3 $4 $5
  if ($1 == +h) mode $chan +hhhhh $2 $3 $4 $5
  if ($1 == -h) mode $chan -hhhhh $2 $3 $4 $5
  if ($1 == +q) mode $chan +qqqqq $2 $3 $4 $5
  if ($1 == -q) mode $chan -qqqqq $2 $3 $4 $5
  if ($1 == +a) mode $chan +aaaaa $2 $3 $4 $5
  if ($1 == -a) mode $chan -aaaaa $2 $3 $4 $5
  if ($1 == +o) mode $chan +ooooo $2 $3 $4 $5
  if ($1 == -o) mode $chan -ooooo $2 $3 $4 $5
  if ($1 == +qo) mode $chan +qo $2 $2
  if ($1 == -qo) mode $chan -qo $2 $2
  if ($1 == +ao) mode $chan +ao $2 $2
  if ($1 == -ao) mode $chan -ao $2 $2
  if ($1 == +i) mode $chan +i
  if ($1 == -i) mode $chan -i
  if ($1 == +m) mode $chan +m
  if ($1 == -m) mode $chan -m
  if ($1 == .assign) bs assign $chan $2
  if ($1 == -xop) cs set $chan xop off
  if ($1 == +xop) cs set $chan xop on
  if ($1 == .reg) cs register $chan $md5($rand(1,100000)) $2-
  if ($1 == .secureoff) cs set $chan secureops off
  if ($1 == .secureon) cs set $chan secureops on
  if ($1 == .redirect) cs set $chan mlock +lL 1 $2-
  if ($1 == .topic) topic $chan $2-
  if ($1 == .key) cs getkey $2-
  if ($1 == +akick) cs akick $chan ADD $2 Gwas2k9.
  if ($1 == -akick) cs akick $chan DEL $2
  if ($1 == .topiclockon) cs set $chan topiclock on
  if ($1 == .topiclockoff) cs set $chan topiclock off
  if ($1 == .floodon) bs kick $chan flood on 3 10 5
  if ($1 == .floodoff) bs kick $chan flood off 3 10 3
  if ($1 == .delakick) cs akick $chan clear
  if ($1 == .delexc) cs clear $chan excepts
  if ($1 == .delinv) cs clear $chan invites
  if ($1 == .greet) ns set greet $2-
  if ($1 == +cban) mode $chan +b ~c: $+ $2-
  if ($1 == -cban) mode $chan -b ~c: $+ $2-
  if ($1 == .nlist) ns alist
  if ($1 == .readmemo) msg MemoServ READ last
  if ($1 == .info) cs info $chan
  if ($1 == .group) ns group NICK PASS
  if ($1 == .ghost) ns ghost $2 NICK
  if ($1 == .recover) ns recover $2 NICK
  if ($1 == .update) ns update
  if ($1 == .list) cs access $chan list $2-
  if ($1 == .nick) nick $2
  if ($1 == .afk) /gone $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7
  if ($1 == .back) /here
  if ($1 == .idm) nick NICK
  if ($1 == .login) /msg $2 id  
  if ($1 == .amsg) amsg { 9,6[7,6AMSG9,6] $2- }
  if ($1 == +peace) msg chanserv set $chan peace on
  if ($1 == -peace) msg chanserv set $chan peace off
  if ($1 == .delbans) cs clear $chan bans
  if ($1 == .akicklist) cs akick $chan list
  if ($1 == .clearaccess) cs access $chan clear
  if ($1 == .clearusers) cs clear $chan users
  if ($1 == +ei) mode $chan +eeeeIIII $2 $address($2,1) $address($2,9) $address($2,2) $2 $address($2,1) $address($2,9) $address($2,2)
  if ($1 == -ei) mode $chan -eeeeIIII $2 $address($2,1) $address($2,9) $address($2,2) $2 $address($2,1) $address($2,9) $address($2,2)
  if ($1 == .ei) mode $chan +eeeeIIII $address($me,1) $address($me,9) $address($me,2) $address($me,1) $address($me,9) $address($me,2)
  if ($1 == .massv) {
    { alias mass {
        if ($me isop $chan) {
          if (voice isin +vvoice) { set %prefix $+(+,$str(v,$modespl)) | goto start }
          set %massing $nick($chan,0)
          while (%massing) {
            if ($nick($chan,%massing) != $me) { set %mass1 %mass1 $nick($chan,%massing) }
            if ($gettok(%mass1,0,32) = $modespl) { mode $chan %prefix %mass1 | unset %mass1 }
            dec %massing
          mode $chan %prefix %mass1 | unset %mass1
        else { echo -a *** Error you're not an op on $chan *** }
  if ($1 == .massdv) {
    { alias mass {
        if ($me isop $chan) {
          if (devoice isin -vdevoice) { set %prefix $+(-,$str(v,$modespl)) }
          set %massing $nick($chan,0)
          while (%massing) {
            if ($nick($chan,%massing) != $me) { set %mass1 %mass1 $nick($chan,%massing) }
            if ($gettok(%mass1,0,32) = $modespl) { mode $chan %prefix %mass1 | unset %mass1 }
            dec %massing
          mode $chan %prefix %mass1 | unset %mass1
        else { echo -a *** Error you're not an op on $chan *** }
  if ($1 == .masso) {
    alias mass {
      if ($me isop $chan) {
        if (op isin +oop) { set %prefix $+(+,$str(o,$modespl)) | goto start }
        set %massing $nick($chan,0)
        while (%massing) {
          if ($nick($chan,%massing) != $me) { set %mass1 %mass1 $nick($chan,%massing) }
          if ($gettok(%mass1,0,32) = $modespl) { mode $chan %prefix %mass1 | unset %mass1 }
          dec %massing
        mode $chan %prefix %mass1 | unset %mass1
      else { echo -a *** Error you're not an op on $chan *** }
  if ($1 == .massdo) {
    alias mass {
      if ($me isop $chan) {
        if (deop isin -odeop) { set %prefix $+(-,$str(o,$modespl)) }
        set %massing $nick($chan,0)
        while (%massing) {
          if ($nick($chan,%massing) != $me) { set %mass1 %mass1 $nick($chan,%massing) }
          if ($gettok(%mass1,0,32) = $modespl) { mode $chan %prefix %mass1 | unset %mass1 }
          dec %massing


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GuitarMasterx7   -  Mar 12, 2010

Let's wait if your script gets "gooshilized" or "napalized."

ive been disapointed, it never happened T_T

GuitarMasterx7   -  Jan 16, 2010

then i have no idea o.O

God425   -  Jan 16, 2010


GuitarMasterx7   -  Jan 16, 2010

do you have them saved into the same remote file?

God425   -  Jan 16, 2010

no cause i cant use my old scripts now cause that was in and i just delet that script and my commands still dont work

GuitarMasterx7   -  Jan 16, 2010

wth u talkin bout? >.>

cuz im pretty sure a 1337 script
will change a letter
into something else

this script is on input so it has to be the trigger for it to work
so if ur leet script changes ur letters to numbers then of course it wont work

leet will be changed to 1337
if u have an on text script for the word "leet"
it will not work wif "1337"
did i understand u wrong or wha? >.>

God425   -  Jan 16, 2010

Ummm if u get a script with L33T script will it stay in ur mirc. Cause i got script but now they wont work thanx to a script i got from my friend

GuitarMasterx7   -  Jan 16, 2010

hm i didnt know bout tha Jethro_ o.O

Jethro   -  Jan 15, 2010

God425, technically you don't need the brackets. It depends upon the situation where the script is constructed. For example, brackets sometimes in a script act as the function of a halt...and you cannot omit a bracket after a while loop...just to name a couple. Nevertheless, it's a good practice to include a set of brackets.

God425   -  Jan 15, 2010

well it works when u add them

Jethro   -  Jan 15, 2010

You don't even need all the if statements after all:

on @*:INPUT:#: {
  var %c = $1 | goto %c
  :+b | mode # $1 $$2 | halt
  :-b | mode # $1 $$2 | halt
  :.rlb | mode # -b $ibl(#,1) | halt
  :.cdir | run $mircdir | halt
  ;the same for the rest
  :%c | return

For example...:P

GuitarMasterx7   -  Jan 15, 2010

you don't really need to do that

God425   -  Jan 15, 2010

You need to add the brackets like if ($1 == +e) { mode $chan +e $address($2,1) }

GuitarMasterx7   -  Jan 14, 2010

whats deleted? >.>

lol prob =o

slub77   -  Jan 13, 2010

lol, napa probs, stick all them commands in to the trigger line.

I will rate cus it seems snippets are never rated

TheWhistler   -  Jan 13, 2010


GuitarMasterx7   -  Jan 13, 2010

lmao imm pretty sure it will Jethro_
i wasnt counting on it to not happen xD

i would actually be honored for napa to correct my mistakes lolz

an thank you Jethro_ =D

Jethro   -  Jan 12, 2010

Nice effort you've put into these if-then-else conditions, along with the goto loop. :P But you can cut this script in half to save some bytes easily...making it more efficient and user-friendly. Let's wait if your script gets "gooshilized" or "napalized."

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