Meanings list

By slub77 on Dec 19, 2009

First off let me just say that the alias is not mine it came from knoeki and his snippet


Ok this script is a pretty basic one all it does is:
saves meanings to a file
adds user to a list of who can add
deletes meanings from an ini file
tells you how many of whatever there is
tells you the meaning of the (number) item


slub:saf slub slub wrote this
bot:added slb slub wrote this

slub:SRF slub
bot:Slub Slub wrote this

slub:Stf s
bot:Total number of meanings that start with s is 1

slub:Swf s 1
bot:The 1 for s is slub Slub wrote this

slub:Sdf slub
bot:deleted Slub from list

slub:Srf slub
bot:no records of Slub have been added

bot:Saf = Add an item and a meaning to the list
bot:Stf = Returns the total number of matches a itme, or you can use a wildcard such as o and it will look for all meanings that bgin with o
bot:Sdf = Deletes an item ftom meanings be sure to check if that item is in the first
bot: Swf = Returns the the words for a wildcard Exsample : SWF s 1 : This will send back to you the first word that has s at the start of it or you can try a word Exsample: Swf snow 1 : This will return anymeanings that start or have snow in it
bot:Srf = Returns the word and the meaning for an item

Stf and swf don't just have to be a single letter it can be pretty much anything.


For more help on user levels look at snippet:


Shows words added
Filtering system for words
Edit words, add words, delete words, shout words out, or send to a certain person
Add user, del user, inform user, see how many meanings a user has added


menu * {
  Wikipedia:/dialog -ma saf saf

dialog saf {
  title Wikipedia MIRC
  size -1 -1 208 118
  option dbu

  list 1,3 20 100 100
  edit , 2, 105 3 100 30, read, center, multi, vsbar
  edit , 3, 25 3 50 10, center
  text Filter, 4, 3 3 20 10
  Button >, 5, 75 3 10 10
  ;Section one

  button Delete, 6, 105 50 50 10
  button Edit, 7, 155 50 50 10
  button Shout out, 8, 105 60 50 10
  button Send, 9, 155 60 50 10
  list 10, 105 70 100 40
  button SEND, 11, 125 100 50 10
  button Add, 12, 105 40 50 10
  button Next, 13, 155 40 50 10
  button <, 14, 85 3 10 10
  ;Section two
  button Add user, 15, 105 50 50 10
  button Remove user, 16, 155 50 50 10
  button Inform user, 17, 105 60 50 10
  button Add's by user, 18, 155 60 50 10
  list 19, 105 70 100 40
  button back, 20, 155 40 50 10


on *:DIALOG:saf:init:*:{
  var %a $ini(saf.ini , meanings,0) | var %b 1 | var %c 1
  if  %a == %c { goto next }
  else {
    did -o $dname 1 %c $ini(saf.ini , meanings,%b))
    inc %b | inc %c | goto loop
  did -b $dname 6-9
  set %channel $active
  did -h $dname 10,11
  did -h $dname 15-20

on *:DIALOG:saf:sclick:1:{
  did -r $dname 2
  did -o $dname 2 1 $readini(saf.ini, meanings, $did(1).seltext)
  did -e $dname 6-9
  did -h $dname 10,11

on *:DIALOG:saf:sclick:5:{
  if !$did(3).text { did -o $dname 2 1 Enter a filter }
  else {
on *:Dialog:saf:Sclick:6:{
  remini saf.ini meanings $did(1).seltext
  $input(Done,Ok,Remval of meaning,Removed,Removed meaning)
  writeini saf.ini meanings $did(1).seltext $input(Change $did(saf,1).seltext too,e,Change of Meaning)
on *:DIALOG:SAF:SCLICK:8:msg %channel $did(1).seltext Meaning is: $readini(saf.ini, meanings, $did(1).seltext)
  did -v $dname 10,11

  if !$did(10).seltext { did -o $dname 2 1 Please select someone to send too }
  else {
    notice $did(10).seltext $did(1).seltext Meaning is: $readini(saf.ini, meanings, $did(1).seltext)
    did -o $dname 2 1 Message sent
  writeini saf.ini meanings $input(Create a new meaning Please enter the word to add,e,New Meaning) $input(Meaning for this word,e,Adding of Meaning)
  did -h $dname 6-13
  did -v $dname 15-20 
  did -b $dname 15-18

on *:DIALOG:SAF:SCLICK:14:$restart

  writeini SAF.ini Users $address($did(19).seltext,3) on
  did -o $dname 2 1 Added $did(19).seltext to Saf list of users
  notice $did(19).seltext You have been added

  remini saf.ini users $address($did(19).seltext,3)
  notice $did(19).seltext You have been deleted
  notice $did(19).seltext You Are a user of the Meanings adding list
  did -r $dname 2

  did -i $dname 2 1 Message sent

  did -r $dname 2
  did -i $dname 2 1 Meanings Added
did -i $dname 2 2 $iif(!$readini(saf.ini, times, $address($did(19).seltext,2)),0,$readini(saf.ini, times, $address($did(19).seltext,2)))  }

  if $readini(saf.ini, users, $address($did(19).seltext,3)) { did -b $dname 15 | did -e $dname 16-18 }
  else { 
    did -e $dname 15
    did -b $dname 16-18

  did -v $dname 6-9,13
  did -h $dname 15-20 


on 7:TEXT:Sadda *&:#:{
  writeini SAF.ini Users $address($2,3) on
  notice $nick Added $2 to Saf list of users

on *:TEXT:Saf *&:#:{
  if $readini(SAF.ini, Users, $address($nick,3)) {
    writeini SAF.ini Meanings $2- 
    notice $nick 4,2Added $2 = $3-

    if !$readini(saf.ini, times, $address($nick,2)) { writeini saf.ini times $address($nick,2) 1 }
    else {
      var %x $readini(saf.ini, times, $address($nick,2))
      inc %x
      writeini saf.ini times $address($nick,2) %x
  else { notice $nick Permission Denied }

on *:TEXT:Sdf *&:#:{
  if $readini(SAF.ini, Users, $address($nick,3)) {
    remini SAF.ini Meanings $2- 
    notice $nick 4,2Removed $2
  else { notice $nick Permission Denied }

on *:TEXT:SUF *:#:{
  if $2 ison $chan {
    if !$readini(saf.ini, times, $address($2,2)) { notice $nick $2 has not added anything }
    else { notice $nick  $2  : $readini(saf.ini, times, $address($2,2)) }
  else { notice $nick Error 1243 $2 is not in the channel }

on *:TEXT:Saf:*:{
  if $readini(SAF.ini, Users, $address($nick,3)) {
    notice $nick 4,2Commands Saf = Add an item Sdf = Delete an item Srf = show item
  else { notice $nick Permission Denied }

on *:TEXT:Stf *:#:{
  if !$wini(SAF.ini,Meanings, $+($2,*)) { notice $nick No record of $2 have been saved } 
  else { notice $nick Total Amount of meanings that match $2 is $wini(SAF.ini,Meanings, $+($2,*)) }

on *:TEXT:swf *:#:{
  if !$3 { notice $nick Please enter a number }
  else { 
    if !$wini(SAF.ini,Meanings,$+($2,*),$3) { notice $nick $2 do does not have that many matches, it only has $wini(SAF.ini,Meanings, $+($2,*)) }
    else {  
    notice $nick The $3 for $2 is $wini(SAF.ini,Meanings, $+($2,*), $+($3)) }

on *:TEXT:Sif:#:{
  notice $nick Welcome to the S*F Help:
  notice $nick Saf = Add an item and a meaning to the list
  notice $nick Stf = Returns the total number of matches a itme, or you can use a wildcard such as o and it will look for all meanings that bgin with o
  notice $nick Sdf = Deletes an item ftom meanings be sure to check if that item is in the first
  notice $nick Swf = Returns the the words for a wildcard Example : SWF s 1 : This will send back to you the first word that has s at the start of it or you can try a word Example: Swf snow 1 : This will return any meanings that start or have snow in it
  notice $nick Srf = Returns the word and the meaning for an item
  notice $nick SUF = Returns the total number of meanings someone has added

on *:TEXT:SRF *&:#:{
  if $readini(SAF.ini, Meanings, $2) {
    if $readini(SAF.ini, Users, $address($nick,3)) {
    msg $chan  $2  : $readini(SAF.ini, Meanings, $2) }
    else { notice $nick  $2  $readini(SAF.ini, Meanings, $2) }
  else { notice $nick ERROR: $2 has not been set a meaning }

on 2:TEXT:Sof*:#:/notice $nick Total words added are $calc($lines(Saf.ini) - $lines(Saf.ini) 

on 7:TEXT:Sremovea *&:#:{
  remini SAF.ini Users $address($2,3) 
  notice $nick removed $2 from Saf list of users

alias -l winif {
  if !$wini(SAF.ini,Meanings,$+($did(3),*),1) { did -o $dname 2 1 No words saved with that }
  else {
    var %a 1 | var %b 1
    did -r $dname 1
    if !$wini(SAF.ini,Meanings,$+($did(3),*),%a) { noop }
    else { did -o $dname 1 %b $wini(SAF.ini,Meanings,$+($did(3),*),%a) | inc %a | inc %b | goto looi }
alias -l restart {
  dialog -x saf saf
  dialog -ma saf saf
alias -l safea {
  if $active == Status Window { dialog -x saf saf | noop $tip(n,ERROR,Must be in a channel,2,,,,,)) | halt }

alias -l chanu {
  set %channel $active
  var %peep $calc($nick(%channel,0) +1)
  var %b 1
  if %b == %peep { noop }
else { did -i $dname 10 %b $nick(%channel,%b) | inc %a | inc %b | goto lol } }
alias -l chanup {
  set %channel $active
  var %peep $calc($nick(%channel,0) +1)
  var %b 1
  if %b == %peep { noop }
else { did -i $dname 19 %b $nick(%channel,%b) | inc %a | inc %b | goto lol } }


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slub77   -  Feb 11, 2010

oh stop complain dude, just because i am making a dialog just for about everything, don't mean i have gone dialog mad.
and anyways the dialog looks awesome, and they are useful too.
And please rate lol

Jethro   -  Feb 10, 2010

Gee, I'm so surprised!

slub77   -  Feb 10, 2010

guess what..i added a dialog :D it's pretty awesome dialog if i do say so my self, please enjoy, and i hope that it what your looking for :D

slub77   -  Jan 01, 2010

@DeeperStill Op only would be

;;;The alias do not delete you can move this to the alias tab just remove alias from the top 

alias wini {
  var %file $1
  var %cat $2
  if ($3 != $null) {
    if ($3 !isnum) {
      var %item $3
      if ($4 != $null) {
        var %return $4
    else {
      var %return $3
  var %count 1
  var %total $iif(%item == $null, $ini(%file, 0), $ini(%file, %cat, 0))
  while (%count <= %total) {
    var %current $iif(%item == $null, $ini(%file, %count), $ini(%file, %cat, %count))
    if ($iif(%item == $null, %cat, %item) iswm %current) {
      var %result $addtok(%result, %current, 32)
    inc %count
  if (%return != $null) {
    return $gettok(%result, %return, 32)
  else {
    return $numtok(%result, 32)

;;;The script remember to add someone before hand

on *:TEXT:Saf*&:#:{
  if $nick isop $chan {
    writeini SAF.ini Meanings $2- 
    notice $nick 4,2Added $2 = $3-
  else { notice $nick Permission Denied }
on *:TEXT:Sdf*&:#:{
  if $nick isop $chan {
    remini SAF.ini Meanings $2- 
    notice $nick 4,2Removed $2
  else { notice $nick Permission Denied }

on *:TEXT:Saf:#:{
  if $nick isop $chan {
    notice $nick 4,2Commands Saf = Add an item Sdf = Delete an item Srf = show item
  else { notice $nick Permission Denied }

on *:TEXT:Stf*:#:{
  if !$wini(SAF.ini,Meanings, $+($2,*)) { notice $nick No record of $2 have been saved } 
  else { notice $nick Total Amount of meanings that match $2 is $wini(SAF.ini,Meanings, $+($2,*)) }

on *:TEXT:swf*:#:{
  if !$3 { notice $nick Please enter a number }
  else { 
    if !$wini(SAF.ini,Meanings, $+($2,*), $+($3)) { notice $nick $2 do does not have that many matches, it only has $wini(SAF.ini,Meanings, $+($2,*)) }
    else {  
      var %inimach = $wini(SAF.ini,Meanings, $+($2,*), $+($3))
    notice $nick The $3 for $2 is $wini(SAF.ini,Meanings, $+($2,*), $+($3)) $readini(SAF.ini, Meanings, %inimach) }

on *:TEXT:Sif:#:{
  notice $nick Welcome to the S*F Help:
  notice $nick Saf = Add an item and a meaning to the list
  notice $nick Stf = Returns the total number of matches a itme, or you can use a wildcard such as o and it will look for all meanings that bgin with o
  notice $nick Sdf = Deletes an item ftom meanings be sure to check if that item is in the first
  notice $nick Swf = Returns the the words for a wildcard Exsample : SWF s 1 : This will send back to you the first word that has s at the start of it or you can try a word Exsample: Swf snow 1 : This will return anymeanings that start or have snow in it
  notice $nick Srf = Returns the word and the meaning for an item

on 2:TEXT:SRF*&:#:{
  if (!%srf) {
    if $readini(saf.ini, Meanings, $2) {
      notice $nick  $2  : $readini(saf.ini, Meanings, $2) 
    else { notice $nick No-records of $2 have been saved }
  else {
    if $readini(saf.ini, Meanings, $2) {
      msg $chan  $2  : $readini(saf.ini, Meanings, $2) 
    else { notice $nick No-records of $2 have been saved }


on 7:TEXT:Sremovea*&:#:{
  remini SAF.ini Users $address($2,3) 
  notice $nick removed $2 from Saf list of users

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Change 7 to your user level ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

And yes it is like making your own wiki :)

DeeperStill   -  Dec 29, 2009

I am a noob and i am not sure I understand the function of this code. Are you saying that a person in a channel can add a word, a defintion to the word,and Author of said definition, and basically, make a Mirc Wiki. Id call it a Miki and its a great idea. people in their own channels can have their own Miki

sounds cool to me

Kind regards

Ps, Id make it so only ops can add words.

slub77   -  Dec 22, 2009

It's a habbit lol, since i taught my self pretty much, i did everything from basics so i guess it kind of stuck lol

Jethro   -  Dec 21, 2009

I don't understand why you use > on 7:TEXT:sadda*&:#: {When it's supposed to be:

on 7:TEXT:sadda &:#: {

The asterisk in front of & is unnecessary.

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