Nick Colors v2.0.1

By MaSOuD on Oct 31, 2009

This is a very simple addon, by this addon You can change Your Nicklist Colors and make it to your own style.
For Example: You want to see the OP Nicks in a special color and such...
Options for: ~Owner, &Protect/Sop, @Op, %Hop, +Voice, Notify, Ignore, Idle, Normal, Self-nick.

You can download the full package from HERE


; ******************************************************************************
; DC Nicklist Colors v2.0.1 by MaSOuD.
; Read the 'Readme.txt' for instruction and contacts.
; ******************************************************************************
; [Aliases]
alias -l DCDir return $+($shortfn($scriptdir),$iif($1-,$1-))
alias -l DCR return $readini($DCDir(NLC.ini),$1,$iif($2,$2))
alias -l DCW { .writeini -n $DCDir(NLC.ini) $1- }
alias -l DCRe { .remini $DCDir(NLC.ini) $1- }
alias DC.NLC.About { .echo -aq $input(DC Nicklist Colors v2.0.1 by MaSOuD. $+ $crlf $+ $crlf $+ Read the 'Readme.txt' for instruction and contacts. $+ $crlf $+ $crlf $+ Enjoy! : $+ $chr(41),oi8vg,About Nicklist Colors) }
alias DC.NLC { DC.NLC.Init }
alias DC.NLC.Unload {
  if ($dialog(DC.NLC)) { dialog -x DC.NLC }
  .unload -rs $qt($script)

alias -l DC.NLC.Init {
  if ($1 == First) {
    clear -a
    .echo $color(info) $timestamp *6*10* DC Nicklist Colors by MaSOuD is successfully loaded!
    .echo $color(info) $timestamp *6*10* Attempting to configure Nicklist Colors for first run, please wait...
  if ($dialog(DC.NLC)) { dialog -c DC.NLC }
  if (!$isdir($DCDir(Colors\))) { .mkdir $qt($longfn($DCDir(Colors\))) }
  window -c @DC.Color
  var %c = 0
  window -pfhn +d @DC.Color -1 -1 16 16
  while (%c < 16) {
    clear @DC.Color
    drawrect -f @DC.Color %c 2 0 0 16 16
    drawsave @DC.Color $+($DCDir(Colors\),$iif($len(%c) > 1,%c,0 $+ %c),.bmp)
    inc %c
  window -c @DC.Color
  if ($1 == First) { NLC.Save -df }
  else { dialog -m DC.NLC DC.NLC }

alias -l NLC.Preview {
  if ($dialog(DC.NLC)) {
    window -c @NLC.Preview
    window -bdpok0aC +bf @NLC.Preview -1 -1 502 402
    .titlebar @NLC.Preview - [DC Nicklist Colors Preview...]
    drawrect -f @NLC.Preview 0 500 0 0 400 400
    drawrect -f @NLC.Preview 15 100 400 0 400 400
    drawline @NLC.Preview 14 3 0 0 500 0
    drawline @NLC.Preview 14 3 0 0 0 500
    drawline @NLC.Preview 14 3 498 0 498 498
    drawline @NLC.Preview 14 3 0 398 500 398
    drawline @NLC.Preview 14 4 400 0 400 398
    var %dids = 37,39,41,43,45,47,49,51,53,55
    var %y = $+($chr(126),Owner) $+($chr(38),Protect) $+($chr(64),Op) $+($chr(37),Hop) $+($chr(43),Voice) Notify Ignore Idle Regular Myself
    var %did,%perfix,%text,%x = 1,%pos = 2
    while (%x < 11) {
      %did = $gettok(%dids,%x,44)
      if ($did(DC.NLC,62).sel == 1) || ($did(DC.NLC,62).sel == 3) { set %text $+(,,$did(DC.NLC,%did),$gettok(%y,%x,32),) }
      else { set %text $+(,,$color(nicklist),$gettok(%y,%x,32),) }
      drawtext -pb @NLC.Preview 1 15 Arial 13 405 %pos %text
      inc %x
      %pos = $calc(%pos + 19)
    %x = 1
    var %pos = 174,%msgs = I own the channel!,I'm a Protect/Sop!,I'm an Op!,They just gave me a Half op :(,I'm an active user and they gave me Voice!,You have me in your Notify list.,Why did you Ignore me?,I'm away from keyboard.,I'm just a Regular user in here.,It's me!
    while (%x < 11) {
      %did = $gettok(%dids,%x,44)
      var %col = $iif($len($color(normal)) > 1,$color(normal),0 $+ $color(normal))
      if ($did(DC.NLC,62).sel == 1) || ($did(DC.NLC,62).sel == 2) { set %text $+(,,%col,$chr(40),$asctime(HH:nn),$chr(41),$chr(32),$chr(40),,$did(DC.NLC,%did),$gettok(%y,%x,32),,%col,$chr(41),$chr(32),$gettok(%msgs,%x,44),) }
      else { set %text $+(,,%col,$chr(40),$asctime(HH:nn),$chr(41),$chr(32),$chr(40),,%col,$gettok(%y,%x,32),,%col,$chr(41),$chr(32),$gettok(%msgs,%x,44),) }
      drawtext -pb @NLC.Preview 1 0 Arial 13 4 %pos %text
      inc %x
      %pos = $calc(%pos + 19)

alias -l NLC.Update {
  if ($istok(-d -c,$1,32)) {
    var %t = $iif($1 == -d,$true,$false)
    .cnick $iif($DCR(Settings,Status) == 1,ON,OFF)
    var %x = 20
    while (%x) { .cnick -r * | dec %x }
    var %m = $+(-m,$DCR(Settings,Method))
    .cnick -r $+($chr(36),me)
    .cnick %m $+($chr(36),me) $iif(%t,5,$iif($DCR(Custom,Me) != $null,$v1,5))
    .cnick $+(%m,y) * $iif(%t,3,$iif($DCR(Custom,Notify) != $null,$v1,3))
    .cnick $+(%m,i) * $iif(%t,4,$iif($DCR(Custom,Ignore) != $null,$v1,4))
    .cnick %m * $iif(%t,6,$iif($DCR(Custom,Owner) != $null,$v1,6)) ~
    .cnick %m * $iif(%t,13,$iif($DCR(Custom,Protect) != $null,$v1,13)) &
    .cnick %m * $iif(%t,7,$iif($DCR(Custom,Op) != $null,$v1,7)) @
    .cnick %m * $iif(%t,10,$iif($DCR(Custom,Hop) != $null,$v1,10)) %
    .cnick %m * $iif(%t,12,$iif($DCR(Custom,Voice) != $null,$v1,12)) +
    .cnick $+(%m,l90) * $iif(%t,2,$iif($DCR(Custom,Idle) != $null,$v1,2))
    .cnick %m * $iif(%t,1,$iif($DCR(Custom,Regular) != $null,$v1,1))

alias -l NLC.Save {
  ;echo -a $1- | return
  if ($1-13) || ($istok(-d -df,$1,32)) {
    var %x = 1,%m = $iif($1 === -c,$false,$true),%defs = 6 13 7 10 12 9 4 2 1 5
    var %opt = Owner Protect Op Hop Voice Notify Ignore Idle Regular Me
    DCW Settings Status $iif(%m,1,$2)
    DCW Settings Use $iif(%m,Default,Custom)
    DCW Settings Method $iif(%m,0,$3)
    while (%x <= $numtok(%opt,32)) { DCW $iif(%m,Default,Custom) $gettok(%opt,%x,32) $iif(%m,$gettok(%defs,%x,32),$(,$ $+ $calc(%x + 3))) | inc %x }
    ;while (%x <= $numtok(%opt,32)) { DCW $iif(%m,Default,Custom) $gettok(%opt,%x,32) $iif(%m,$gettok(%defs,%x,32),$+($chr(36),$calc(%x + 3))) | inc %x }
    if ($dialog(DC.NLC)) { did -e DC.NLC 58 }
    if ($1 == -df) {
      .echo $color(info) $timestamp *6*10* Default settings has been loaded.
      .echo $color(info) $timestamp *6*10*4 HINT: Everything will be effected when you press APPLY button!
      .timer.nlc 1 1 /dialog -m DC.NLC DC.NLC
    else { NLC.Update $iif(%m,-d,-c) }

; [Dialog]
dialog DC.NLC {
  title "DC Nicklist Colors"
  size -1 -1 173 116
  option dbu
  icon $DCDir(DC.ico)
  box "", 1, 2 17 61 85
  icon 2, 6 25 8 8
  text "= 0", 3, 16 26 10 8, center
  icon 4, 6 34 8 8
  text "= 1", 5, 16 35 10 8, center
  icon 6, 6 43 8 8
  text "= 2", 7, 16 44 10 8, center
  icon 8, 6 52 8 8
  text "= 3", 9, 16 53 10 8, center
  icon 10, 6 61 8 8
  text "= 4", 11, 16 62 10 8, center
  icon 12, 6 70 8 8
  text "= 5", 13, 16 71 10 8, center
  icon 14, 6 79 8 8
  text "= 6", 15, 16 80 10 8, center
  icon 16, 6 88 8 8
  text "= 7", 17, 16 89 10 8, center
  icon 18, 37 25 8 8
  text "= 8", 19, 47 26 12 8, center
  icon 20, 37 34 8 8
  text "= 9", 21, 47 35 12 8, center
  icon 22, 37 43 8 8
  text "= 10", 23, 47 44 12 8, center
  icon 24, 37 52 8 8
  text "= 11", 25, 47 53 12 8, center
  icon 26, 37 61 8 8
  text "= 12", 27, 47 62 12 8, center
  icon 28, 37 70 8 8
  text "= 13", 29, 47 71 12 8, center
  icon 30, 37 79 8 8
  text "= 14", 31, 47 80 12 8, center
  icon 32, 37 88 8 8
  text "= 15", 33, 47 89 12 8, center
  box "", 34, 29 28 3 64, disable
  box "", 35, 65 0 106 84
  text "Owner:", 36, 68 23 23 10, right
  edit "", 37, 93 22 20 10, limit 2 center
  text "Protect:", 38, 68 35 23 10, right
  edit "", 39, 93 34 20 10, limit 2 center
  text "Op:", 40, 68 47 23 10, right
  edit "", 41, 93 46 20 10, limit 2 center
  text "Hop:", 42, 68 59 23 10, right
  edit "", 43, 93 58 20 10, limit 2 center
  text "Voice:", 44, 68 71 23 9, right
  edit "", 45, 93 70 20 10, limit 2 center
  text "Notify:", 46, 122 23 22 10, right
  edit "", 47, 146 22 20 10, limit 2 center
  text "Ignore:", 48, 122 35 22 10, right
  edit "", 49, 146 34 20 10, limit 2 center
  text "Idle:", 50, 122 47 22 10, right
  edit "", 51, 146 46 20 10, limit 2 center
  text "Regular:", 52, 122 59 22 10, right
  edit "", 53, 146 58 20 10, limit 2 center
  text "Myself:", 54, 122 71 22 9, right
  edit "", 55, 146 70 20 10, limit 2 center
  box "", 56, 118 24 3 51, disable
  check "Use my &Custom", 63, 71 7 50 10
  check "Enable the &NLC", 57, 7 7 53 10
  box "", 60, 65 83 106 19
  text "Highlight Method:", 61, 68 90 44 9, right
  combo 62, 114 89 52 35, size drop
  button "&Apply", 58, 99 104 35 10
  button "Reset", 59, 3 104 35 10
  button "Clos&e", 66, 135 104 35 10
  button "Preview", 65, 39 104 35 10
  menu "Menu", 70
  item "About", 71, 70
  item break, 72, 70
  menu "Unload", 73, 70
  menu "Are you sure?", 74, 73
  item "Yes!", 75, 74

on 1:dialog:DC.NLC:*:*: {
  if ($devent == init) { 
    if (!$isfile($DCDir(NLC.ini))) { DC.NLC.Init First | return }
    if ($DCR(Settings,Use) == Default) { did -b $dname 37,39,41,43,45,47,49,51,53,55 }
    did $iif($DCR(Settings,Use) == Default,-u,-c) $dname 63

    var %c = 1,%dids = 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 55,%opt = Owner Protect Op Hop Voice Notify Ignore Idle Regular Me
    while (%c <= $numtok(%dids,32)) { did -ra $dname $gettok(%dids,%c,32) $DCR($DCR(Settings,Use),$gettok(%opt,%c,32)) | inc %c }
    if ($DCR(Settings,Status) == 1) { did -c $dname 57 }
    didtok $dname 62 44 Both,Message,Listbox
    did -c $dname 62 $calc($DCR(Settings,Method) + 1)

    var %x = 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32
    var %y = $numtok(%x,32)
    while (%y) {
      var %c = $iif($len($calc(%y - 1)) > 1,$calc(%y - 1),0 $+ $calc(%y - 1))
      if (!$isfile($DCDir(Colors\ $+ %c $+ .bmp))) { DC.NLC.Init | return }
      var %did = $gettok(%x,%y,32)
      did -g $dname %did $DCDir(Colors\ $+ %c $+ .bmp)
      dec %y
  if ($devent == close) { window -c @NLC.Preview }
  if ($devent == edit) {
    var %dids = 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 55
    if ($istok(%dids,$did,32)) {
      var %x = 1,%result = $true
      while (%x <= $numtok(%dids,32)) {
        if ($did($gettok(%dids,%x,32)) == $null) { %result = $false | break }
        inc %x
      did $iif(%result,-e,-b) $dname 58
  if ($devent == menu) {
    if ($did == 71) { DC.NLC.About }
    if ($did == 75) { DC.NLC.Unload }
  if ($devent == sclick) {
    if ($istok(37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 55 63,$did,32)) { did -e $dname 59 }
    if ($did == 58) {
      did -b $dname $did
      var %x = 1,%dids = 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 55
      while (%x <= $numtok(%dids,32)) {
        var %did = $gettok(%dids,%x,32)
        if ($chr(2) isin $did(%did)) || ($chr(3) isin $did(%did)) || ($chr(15) isin $did(%did)) || ($chr(31) isin $did(%did)) { .echo -aq $input(Don NOT use Control codes into the editbars! $+ $crlf $+ Just use the number itself.,gi8o,Error!) | did -rf $dname %did | return }
        if ($did(%did).text !isnum 0-15) { .echo -aq $input(You must enter a number between 0-15,gi8o,Error!) | did -rf $dname %did | return }
        inc %x
      NLC.Save $iif($did(63).state == 0,-d,-c) $did(57).state $iif($did(62).sel,$calc($v1 - 1),0) $did(37) $did(39) $did(41) $did(43) $did(45) $did(47) $did(49) $did(51) $did(53) $did(55)
    if ($did == 59) {
      did -b $dname $did
      var %x = 1,%dids = 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 55,%opt = Owner Protect Op Hop Voice Notify Ignore Idle Regular Me
      while (%x <= $numtok(%dids,32)) {
        did -ra $dname $gettok(%dids,%x,32) $DCR(Default,$gettok(%opt,%x,32))
        inc %x
      did -u $dname 63
      did -c $dname 62 1
      did -b $dname $replace(%dids,$chr(32),$chr(44))
    if ($did == 63) { did $iif($did(63).state == 0,-b,-e) $dname 37,39,41,43,45,47,49,51,53,55,62 }
    if ($did == 65) { NLC.Preview }
    if ($did == 66) { dialog -c DC.NLC }

; [Load and Unload Events]
on 1:Load:{ DC.NLC.Init First }
on 1:Unload: {
  clear -a
  .cnick OFF
  .cnick -r $+($chr(36),me)
  var %x = 16
  while (%x) {
    .cnick -r *
    var %y = $iif($len($calc(%x - 1)) > 1,$calc(%x - 1),0 $+ $calc(%x - 1))
    if ($isfile($DCDir(Colors\ $+ %y $+ .bmp))) { .remove $DCDir(Colors\ $+ %y $+ .bmp) }
    dec %x
  .rmdir $qt($longfn($DCDir(Colors\)))
  .remove $DCDir(NLC.ini)
  .echo $color(info) $timestamp *6*10* DC Nicklist Colors by MaSOuD is successfully unloaded!
  .echo $color(info) $timestamp *6*10* Thank You for using this Addon, Take care :)

; [Menus]
menu Menubar,Channel,Status,Nicklist,Query {
  DC Nicklist Colors
  ..Are you sure?

; E.O.F.


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dma   -  Jul 10, 2018

only thing wrong with this is dark blue on blackbackground dont look good... anyway to change that?

MaSOuD  -  Jul 12, 2018

You can change it in the mIRC's color palette and it'll be changed here as well.

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Menteroth   -  Jun 10, 2013

This doesn't change the color of idle operators in the channel. Only regular users. Are you going to add that?

MaSOuD  -  Jun 15, 2013

It does.. All you have to do is rearrange its order.
Type /abook -l in your mIRC then move the "Idle" entry to the top of the list.

Menteroth  -  Jun 16, 2013

Oh sorry. Didn't know about that at all. Kind of new to scripts. Thanks. :)

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MaSOuD   -  Sep 20, 2011

What you need is a Theme...

r34dm4n   -  Sep 17, 2011

edit ....ok i noticed the blue nicks are for the idle ones..which is not needed i think but ok....anyways...i was wondering if you could add like the "on input" event so that we can customize the look of our messages a bit further like instead of having it show message ....maybe to have other options to choose from like [nick] message....or |nick| : message ...etc etc

minty09   -  Jul 26, 2011

it works. thanks a lot! 5 stars!!!!1

MaSOuD   -  Mar 06, 2011

Thanks Slyvar ;)

Slyvar   -  Mar 06, 2011

Excellent Work MaSOuD ;)

Rated it : 10/10
Like Button : Clicked

MaSOuD   -  Feb 14, 2011

Thanks buddy :)

Edit: Bug fixed, updated.

Hrki   -  Feb 14, 2011

Awsome script! Works like a charm on mIRC v7.17

MaSOuD   -  Aug 12, 2010


L0ckp1ck   -  Feb 16, 2010

this does not work i get this error * /dialog: 'DC.Nick.Colors' error loading icon 'C:\DOCUME~1\Owner\APPLIC~1\mIRC\colors\00.bmp' (line 22, nicklist.txt)

Cheiron   -  Oct 31, 2009

i had no nick changes on the colours for me .. only that error popped up the instant i clicked apply

MaSOuD   -  Oct 31, 2009

Cheiron: I got this error several times, but not instantly.
However I couldn't find out what is wrong with it; if you could figure it out, tell me and I'll fix that as soon as its possible :)

Cheiron   -  Oct 31, 2009


  • /cnick: insufficient parameters (line 98, script164)

this was using the default settings. i am on mirc 6.35 and nothing changed at all

MaSOuD   -  Oct 31, 2009

@Grant-: Yes, it is simple for you & me & someone else but its not known for all of mIRC/IRC users. And it has some more feature and more customizable than what you talking about.

@FordLawnmower: Of course I'll do re-viewing the codes and adjust it to make it compatible with lower versions. Thank you for your suggestion/opinion.

FordLawnmower   -  Oct 31, 2009

@MaSOuD Very nice script :) It shows that you have a great mind, with the ability to follow a complex thread from start to finish.
You should revisit this script and code it to be compatible with older versions of mIRC.
Several changes need to be made for it to work with 6.16.
I don't like all the self-advertisement though ;/ I think that is only appropriate in full scripts or addons that are WAY over the top.

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