DC Logfile Viewer/Searcher v2.1

By MaSOuD on Aug 21, 2009

By using this addon you can read your log files almost exactly like a real chat/channel window with colors. (If you haven't checked the 'Strip codes' in mIRC options)
Beside this, you can search for filenames in your log directory OR search for a 'Search key' in entire log files!

You can download the full package from HERE


; // ================================================== \\
; \\            Log Viewer and Searcher v2.1            //
; //                    by MaSOuD                       \\
; \\        Released at 'Saturday, 09 July 2010'        //
; // ================================================== \\
; \\ * Change log v2.1 (Monday, 14 June 2010)           //
; // - Fixed the miss-type in the OnLoad event.         \\
; \\   (It was '/DCLog' but the correct command         //
; //   was '/DCLogs'.)                                  \\
; \\ - Added the 'WhileFix.dll' and it won't freeze     //
; //   your mIRC during the search anymore.             \\
; \\           ------------------------------           //
; // * Change log v2.0f (Saturday, 09 July 2010)        \\
; \\ - Added a Log Viewer for it beside of Log Seacher. //
; // - It doesn't use $read anymore, I've written the   \\
; \\   new version with File Stream/Handler and now     //
; //   it's so much faster :)                           \\
; \\ - More improvement in aliases and dialog.          //
; // ================================================== \\
; [Menus]
menu Menubar,Channel,Nicklist,Query,Status {
  DC Log
  ..Are you sure?
  ...Yes!:.unload -rs $qt($script)

; [Load and Unload events]
on *:Load:{ echo -at 2,15***1 DC Log Viewer and Searcher v2.1 has been successfully loaded! | echo -at 2,15***1 Type: /DCLogs or Right-click on anywhere to use it! }
on *:Unload:{ echo -at 2,15***1 DC Log Viewer and Searcher v2.1 has been successfully unloaded! }

; [Aliases and Dialogs]
alias DCAbout { .echo -aq $input(Log Viewer and Searcher v2.1 by MaSOuD. $+ $crlf $+ $crlf $+ E-mail: Masoud.1984@Gmail.com $+ $crlf $+ $crlf $+ Enjoy! : $+ $chr(41) $+ $crlf $+ $crlf $+ $chr(40) $+ For more information read the 'Readme' file. $+ $chr(41),oi8vg,About Log Viewer and Searcher) }
alias DCDir return $shortfn($scriptdir)
alias DCW { .writeini -n $+($DCDir,DCLog.ini) $1 $2 $3- }
alias DCR return $readini($DCDir $+ DCLog.ini,$1,$iif($2,$2))
alias DCRe { .remini $+($DCDir,DCLog.ini) $1- }
alias DCBars return $+($DCDir,Bars.mdx)
alias DCDialogs return $+($DCDir,Dialog.mdx)
alias DCMDX { dll $+($DCDir,MDX.dll) $1- }
alias DC.Imgs return $+($DCDir,$1-)
alias DCLogs { dialog $iif(!$dialog(DCLogs),-m,-v) DCLogs DCLogs }
alias DCWhileFix { dll $+($DCDir,WhileFix.dll) WhileFix . }

alias -l Log.Load {
  window -c @Logs
  window -mkzSl15 @Logs -1 -1 700 300 @Logs
  titlebar @Logs Listing Logs...
  var %x = 1,%y = 1
  while ($findfile($logdir,*.log,%x)) { DCWhileFix | aline -l @Logs $remove($nopath($findfile($logdir,*.log,%x)),.log) | inc %x }
  while (%y <= $findfile($logdir,*.log,0)) { DCWhileFix | cline -lc1 @Logs %y | inc %y }
  titlebar @Logs Right-Click On Window for more Options.
  echo -l @Logs 2*** 3Double-Click on an Item from the List to Read it.
  echo -l @Logs 2*** 3Right-Click on the Window for more Options.

alias Logs.Load {
  if ($1) {
    did -r DCLogs 12
    clear @Logx
    if ($1 == n) { echo @Logx 2*** 1 You have selected no option(s) to view 'em in list. | return }
    else {
      var %x = 1
      while (%x <= $findfile($logdir,*.log,0)) {
        var %file = $remove($nopath($findfile($logdir,*.log,%x)),.log)
        if (c isincs $1 || a isincs $1) && ($left(%file,1) == $chr(35)) { did -a DCLogs 12 %file }
        elseif (w isincs $1 || a isincs $1) && ($left(%file,1) == $chr(64)) { did -a DCLogs 12 %file }
        elseif (q isincs $1 || a isincs $1) && ($left(%file,1) != $chr(35) && $left(%file,1) != $chr(64)) && ($remove(%file,.log) != $null) { did -a DCLogs 12 %file }
        inc %x

dialog DCLogs {
  title "Log Viewer and Searcher"
  size -1 -1 297 231
  option dbu
  icon $DC.Imgs(DC.ico)
  list 1, -6 -1 315 30, size
  list 2, 4 4 25 25, size
  text "Log Viewer and Searcher", 3, 30 3 278 15
  text "View your old log files and/or remove them. There is a good feature to see them with colors.", 4, 30 17 278 10
  text "List From:", 5, 6 35 32 8, right
  check "#&Channels", 6, 41 34 42 10
  check "&Queries", 7, 88 34 42 10
  check "@&Windows", 8, 135 34 42 10
  check "&All", 9, 182 34 30 10
  button "&Refresh List", 10, 221 34 71 10
  text "Log List:", 11, 6 51 32 8, right
  combo 12, 41 50 178 75, sort size drop
  button "&Delete", 13, 221 50 35 10
  button "Delete A&ll", 14, 257 50 35 10
  button "", 15, 4 63 289 155
  button "&View In List/Window", 16, 4 219 70 10
  button "&Search...", 17, 212 219 40 10
  button "&Close", 18, 253 219 40 10, cancel

on *:dialog:DCLogs:*:*:{
  if ($devent == close) {
    window -c @Logx
    var %x = $+($iif($did($dname,6).state,c),$iif($did($dname,7).state,q),$iif($did($dname,8).state,w),$iif($did($dname,9).state,a))
    DCW Settings List %x
  if ($devent == init) {
    window -c @Logx
    DCMDX SetMircVersion $version
    DCMDX MarkDialog $dname
    DCMDX SetControlMDX $dname 2 Toolbar Flat NoDivider Wrap List Arrows > $DCBars
    DCMDX SetBorderStyle $dname 1,2 simple
    DCMDX SetFont $dname 3 +a 20 700 Arial
    DCMDX SetFont $dname 4 +a 14 700 Arial
    DCMDX SetColor $dname 1,2,3,4 background $rgb(199,199,199)
    DCMDX SetColor $dname 1,2,3,4 textbg $rgb(199,199,199)
    DCMDX SetColor $dname 1,3 text $rgb(65,141,255)
    DCMDX SetColor $dname 4 text $rgb(0,0,0)
    did -b $dname 1,2
    did -i $dname 2 1 bmpsize 32 32
    did -i $dname 2 1 setimage icon normal $DC.Imgs(Log.ico)
    did -a $dname 2 +a 1 $chr(9) $+ Logs
    DCMDX SetBorderStyle 15 staticedge
    DCMDX DynamicControl create $dname 15 button -1 -1 140 40
    DCMDX SetControlMDX $dname 15 window > $DCDialogs
    window -ah @Logx -1 -1 290 155
    did -a $dname 15 grab $window(@Logx).hwnd @Logx
    if (c isincs $DCR(Settings,List)) { did -c $dname 6 }
    if (q isincs $DCR(Settings,List)) { did -c $dname 7 }
    if (w isincs $DCR(Settings,List)) { did -c $dname 8 }
    if (a isincs $DCR(Settings,List)) { did -c $dname 9 | did -b $dname 6-8 }
    Logs.Load $iif($DCR(Settings,List),$ifmatch,n)
  if ($devent == sclick) {
    if ($did == 9) { did $iif($did(9).state,-bc,-e) $dname 6-8 }
    if ($did == 10) {
      var %x = $+($iif($did($dname,6).state,c),$iif($did($dname,7).state,q),$iif($did($dname,8).state,w),$iif($did($dname,9).state,a))
      Logs.Load $iif(%x,%x,n)
    if ($did == 12) { 
      clear @Logx
      if ($lines($logdir $+ $did($dname,$did).seltext $+ .log) > 400) {
        echo @Logx 2*** 1 You Cannot Open This Log File On This Window; Because It Has Many Lines...
        echo @Logx 2*** 1 Please Press "View in List/Window" Button then you may read that log file.
      else { loadbuf -rpi @Logx $+(",$logdir,$did($dname,$did).seltext,.log,") }
    if ($did == 13) {
      if ($did(12).sel) {
        var %Result = $input(Delete Selected Logs?,qyvg,Confirmation)
        if (%Result == $yes) {
          .remove $+(",$logdir,$did(3).seltext,.log,")
          did -d DCLogs 12 $did(12).sel
          clear @Logx
          did -r $dname 15
        else { halt }
    if ($did == 14) { 
      var %Result = $input(Are you sure? $+ $crlf $+ You want to DELETE ALL the logs?,wyvg,Confirmation)
      if (%Result == $yes) { clear @Logx | var %d = $findfile($logdir,*.log,0,.remove $qt($1-)) | did -r DCLogs 12,15 }
      if ($error) { echo -a ~> 1An unexcepted4 ERROR1 detected! You cannot remove a log file! | reseterror | return }
    if ($did == 16) { dialog -c $dname | Log.Load }
    if ($did == 17) { dialog -c $dname | DC.LS }

menu @Logs {
  dclick {
    clear @Logs
    if (!$sline(@Logs,1)) { echo @Logs 2***4 Select A Log File First! | halt }
    .loadbuf -p @Logs $+(",$logdir,$sline(@Logs,1),.log,")
    .titlebar @Logs (Log of $sline(@Logs,1) $+ )
  Return { window -c @Logs | DCLogs }
  View Selected {
    clear @Logs
    if (!$sline(@Logs,1)) { echo @Logs 2***4 Select a log file first! | return }
    .loadbuf -p @Logs $+(",$logdir,$sline(@Logs,1),.log,")
    .titlebar @Logs (Log of $sline(@Logs,1) $+ )
  Delete Selected {
    if ($input(Delete Selected Logs?,qyvg,Confirmation) == $yes) goto Delete
    else { halt }
    if (!$sline(@Logs,1)) halt
    else {
      .remove $+(",$logdir,$sline(@Logs,1),.log,")
      .echo @Logs 1~>4 $+($sline(@Logs,1),.log) Has Been Deleted!
      dline -l @Logs $sline(@Logs,1).ln
      goto Delete
    if ($error) { echo @Logs ~> 1An unexcepted4 ERROR1 detected! You cannot remove $+(4,,$sline(@Logs,1),.log,,1,!) | reseterror | return }
  Delete All { 
    var %Result = $input(Are you sure? $+ $crlf $+ You want to DELETE ALL the logs?,wyvg,Confirmation)
    if (%Result == $yes) { 
      var %x = $findfile($logdir,*.log,0,.remove $qt($1-))
      clear @Logx
  Open Logs Dir.:run $logdir
  Close:window -c @Logs

; [Log Searcher]
alias DC.LS { dialog $iif(!$dialog(DC.LS),-m,-v) DC.LS DC.LS }
alias -l DCShow { did -ra DC.LS 12 $replace($1-,<br>,$crlf) }

alias Get.Result {
  var %temp = $+(",$scriptdir,Temp.txt,")
  if ($dialog(DC.LS)) && ($isfile(%temp)) {
    clear @DCLog
    var %x = 1,%c = 0
    if ($fopen(EndSearch)) { .fclose EndSearch }
    .fopen EndSearch %temp
    while ($fopen(EndSearch).pos < $file(%temp).size) {
      var %line = $fread(EndSearch)
      if ($1 == m) && (%line) { Show.Result $replace($gettok(%line,1,32),$chr(64),$chr(32)) $gettok(%line,2-,32) }
      elseif ($1 == n) && (%line) { inc %c | Show.Result %c $ifmatch }
    if ($fopen(EndSearch)) { .fclose EndSearch }

alias -l Show.Result {
  var %m
  if ($3-) {
    aline -p @DCLog $+(01,$1,$chr(41),02,$chr(32),Filename:03,$chr(32),$3,01,$chr(32),$str(-,3),02,$chr(32),At Line:03,$chr(32),$2,$chr(32),01,$str(-,3),02,$chr(32),Matched Line:01,$chr(32),$4-)
    aline -p @DCLog $lf
    %m = $3
  else { aline -p @DCLog $+(01,$1,$chr(41),02,$chr(32),Matched Filename:01,$chr(32),$2) | %m = $2 }
  set %Match.Logs $addtok(%Match.Logs,%m,32)

alias -l DC.MakeItEnd {
  if ($dialog(DC.LS)) {
    did -r DC.LS 15
    if ($remove(%Match.Logs,$chr(32)) == $null) { did -b DC.LS 15,16 }
    else { didtok DC.LS 15 32 $strip(%Match.Logs,burc) | did -e DC.LS 15,16 | did -c DC.LS 15 1 }
    unset %Match.Logs
    did -e DC.LS 17,18,19

alias -l DC.View.Log {
  var %file = $+(",$logdir,$1,")
  if ($isfile(%file)) {
    var %win = @DCLog. [ $+ [ $remove($1,.log) ] ]
    if ($window(%win,state) == 1) { window -c %win }
    window -ak0zx %win
    .titlebar %win Log: $1
    .loadbuf -rpi %win %file

alias -l FNCheck {
  if ($1) && ($isfile($qt($2-))) {
    var %x = $remove($2-,$logdir,.log)
    if (q isin $1) && ($left(%x,1) != $chr(35)) && ($left(%x,1) != $chr(64)) return $true
    elseif (w isin $1) && ($left(%x,1) == $chr(64)) return $true
    elseif (c isin $1) && ($left(%x,1) == $chr(35)) return $true
    return $false

alias -l DC.Search {
  if (!$dialog(DC.LS)) || (- !isin $1) || (+ !isin $2) || (!$3-) { DCShow Error! The search arguments are not valid | return }
  var %results = 0,%key = $strip($3-,burcmo),%temp = $+(",$scriptdir,Temp.txt,")
  .write -c %temp
  DCShow It might take a few minutes, Please wait... <br>Searched total lines of: - <br>Results: -
  var %fcount = $findfile($logdir,*.log,0),%tLines = 0
  if ($1 == -n) {
    var %tLogs = 0
    while (%fcount > 0) {
      var %file = $findfile($logdir,*.log,%fcount)
      %tLines = $calc(%tLines + $lines($qt(%file)))
      if ($FNCheck($2,%file)) {
        if (%key $iif(s isin $2,isincs,isin) $remove(%file,$logdir,.log)) {
          inc %results
          .write -i %temp $replace($remove(%file,$logdir,.log),%key,04 $+ %key $+ )
        inc %tLogs
      DCShow It might take a few minutes, Please wait... <br>Searched total logs of: %tLogs <br>Results: %results
      dec %fcount
    var %res = n
    goto Results
  elseif ($1 == -m) {
    while (%fcount > 0) {
      if ($fopen(Searcher)) { .fclose Searcher }
      var %file = $findfile($logdir,*.log,%fcount)
      if ($FNCheck($2,%file)) {
        var %l = 0
        .fopen Searcher $qt(%file)
        while ($fopen(Searcher).pos < $file($qt(%file)).size) {
          inc %l
          var %line = $strip($fread(Searcher),burcmo)
          if (%key $iif(s isin $2,isincs,isin) %line) {
            inc %results
            .write -i %temp $+(%results,@,%l,@,$remove(%file,$logdir)) $replace(%line,%key,04 $+ %key $+ )
            DCShow It might take a few minutes, Please wait... <br>Searched total lines of: %tLines <br>Results: %results
        %tLines = $calc(%tLines + $lines($qt(%file)))
      dec %fcount
    var %res = m
  if ($fopen(Searcher)) { .fclose Searcher }
  if ($error) {
    echo -s ~>1 An unexcepted4 ERROR1 detected! Search terminated.
    DCShow Read Error, Search terminated after search a total $iif($1 == -n,logs of %tLogs,lines of %tLines) with %results results in $+($calc($calc($ticks - %Search.Duration) / 1000),ms!)
  else { DCShow Searched total $iif($1 == -n,logs of: %tLogs,lines of: %tLines) <br>Results: %results <br>Search succeed in $+($calc($calc($ticks - %Search.Duration) / 1000),ms!) }
  if (%results > 0) { Get.Result %res }
  else { aline -p @DCLog 2Results:1 No match were found. }
  unset %Search.Duration %tLines %tLogs

dialog DC.LS {
  title "Log Searcher"
  size -1 -1 212 198
  option dbu
  icon $DC.Imgs(DC.ico)
  box "Search", 1, 3 31 206 100
  text "&Find What?", 2, 7 42 31 8, right
  edit "", 3, 40 41 115 10, autohs
  text "Method:", 4, 7 58 31 8, right
  radio "File&names", 5, 34 68 45 10, group
  radio "Match &Texts in Contents", 6, 34 79 83 10
  text "Search In:", 7, 140 58 31 8, right
  check "C&hannels", 8, 168 68 38 10
  check "&Queries", 9, 168 79 37 10
  check "&Windows", 10, 168 90 38 10
  text "Stat&us:", 11, 7 103 31 8, right
  edit "", 12, 40 102 165 24, read multi vsbar
  box "Log Viewer", 13, 3 133 206 48
  text "The Combo-box you see here contains the Log files which the Searcher has found atleast one match in it. So to view them, Select one of them from the Combo-box then click on 'View' button and go ahead!", 14, 8 143 196 22
  combo 15, 40 167 122 50, disable drop
  button "View", 16, 165 167 40 10, disable
  button "&Search Now!", 17, 2 184 50 10
  button "&Reset", 18, 127 184 40 10
  button "&Close", 19, 168 184 40 10, cancel
  list 20, -6 -1 227 30, size
  list 21, 4 4 25 25, size
  text "Log Searcher", 22, 30 3 188 15
  text "Find anything in logs which you don't remember where is that!", 23, 30 17 188 10
  check "Case s&ensitive?", 24, 157 41 49 10

on *:dialog:DC.LS:*:*:{
  if ($devent == close) {
    DCW Search In $+($iif($did(8).state,c),$iif($did(9).state,q),$iif($did(10).state,w))
    DCW Search CS $did(24).state
    DCW Search Method $iif($did(5).state,n,m)
    var %temp = $+(",$scriptdir,Temp.txt,")
    if ($isfile(%temp)) { .remove %temp }
    if (!%DCres) { window -c @DCLog | DCLogs }
  if ($devent == init) { 
    DCMDX SetMircVersion $version
    DCMDX MarkDialog $dname
    DCMDX SetControlMDX $dname 21 Toolbar Flat NoDivider Wrap List Arrows > $DCBars
    DCMDX SetBorderStyle $dname 20,21 simple
    DCMDX SetFont $dname 22 +a 20 700 Arial
    DCMDX SetFont $dname 23 +a 14 700 Arial
    DCMDX SetColor $dname 20,21,22,23 background $rgb(199,199,199)
    DCMDX SetColor $dname 20,21,22,23 textbg $rgb(199,199,199)
    DCMDX SetColor $dname 20,22 text $rgb(65,141,255)
    DCMDX SetColor $dname 23 text $rgb(0,0,0)
    did -b $dname 20,21
    did -i $dname 21 1 bmpsize 32 32
    did -i $dname 21 1 setimage icon normal $DC.Imgs(Search.ico)
    did -a $dname 21 +a 1 $chr(9) $+ Log Searcher
    if (c isin $DCR(Search,In)) { did -c $dname 8 }
    if (q isin $DCR(Search,In)) { did -c $dname 9 }
    if (w isin $DCR(Search,In)) { did -c $dname 10 }
    if ($DCR(Search,CS) == 1) { did -c $dname 24 }
    did -c $dname $iif($DCR(Search,CS) == n,5,6)
    if ($window(@DCLog)) { window -c @DCLog }
    window -ak0zx @DCLog
    aline -p @DCLog ***2 Note/Hint: The specified search key will be shown in 4RED color.
    aline -p @DCLog ***4 ATTENTION: It may took a minute or more for searching the entire log files, Please wait until see the results :)
  if ($devent == sclick) {
    did $iif($did(15).sel,-e,-b) $dname 16
    if ($did == 16) && ($did(15).sel) { DC.View.Log $did(15).seltext }
    if ($did == 17) {
      did -r $dname 12,15
      clear @DCLog
      if (!$did(3)) { beep 1 | DCShow Error! No search key defined! | did -f $dname 3 | return }
      if (!$did(5).state) && (!$did(6).state) { beep 1 | DCShow Error! You must choose a search Method! | return }
      if (!$did(8).state) && (!$did(9).state) && (!$did(10).state) { beep 1 | DCShow Error! You must select one of 'Search In' options! | return }
      if ($findfile($logdir,*.log,0) == 0) { beep 1 | DCShow Error! No log were found in the log directory! | return }
      var %x = $+(-,$iif($did(5).state,n,m),$chr(32),+,$iif($did(8).state,c),$iif($did(9).state,q),$iif($did(10).state,w),$iif($did(24).state,s))
      set %Search.Duration $ticks
      did -b $dname 17-19
      DC.Search %x $did(3)
    if ($did == 18) { set -u2 %DCres 1 | dialog -c $dname | .timer.dcxx -m 1 0 /DC.LS }

on *:close:@DCLog:{
  if ($dialog(DC.LS)) { dialog -c DC.LS }


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MaSOuD   -  Mar 06, 2011

Thank you so much Slyvar and montague

montague   -  Mar 06, 2011

Superb! tyvm MaSOuD.

Slyvar   -  Mar 06, 2011

The Best Log Viewer So far

Splendid Work MaSOuD

Rated it : 10/10
Like Button : Clicked

MaSOuD   -  Jul 09, 2010

Updated :)

Cheiron   -  May 09, 2010

awesome . i look forward to its release and pm that it has been released :)

MaSOuD   -  May 09, 2010

hey pal, yes good news. Finally I've got some time to update it... I'll update it as soon as I can..

Cheiron   -  May 09, 2010

hi MaSOuD .. thanks for the updates much appreciated.. any news on the DCmBot yet ... or a url to obtain a copy ?

MaSOuD   -  May 09, 2010

Updated :)

MaSOuD   -  Aug 25, 2009

Yeah, i saw that crash, I'll Re-submit that, because that wasn't the latest version...
Thank you for your useful comment ;)

Cheiron   -  Aug 25, 2009

bump a nudge here http://www.hawkee.com/profile/2/ for hawkee and find whats happened. the site crashed a few days back serveral times in succession including a full phpBB crash.
he will soon let you know where it is and if it needs to be re-submitted :)

MaSOuD   -  Aug 25, 2009

I have submitted the v1.8 here... But it is still on queue and i didn't got any reject message or accept message yet. lol

Cheiron   -  Aug 25, 2009

d/l'd. ty. just gotta copy all the scripts over now that i have running on the 1.5.
appreciate the update. you might like to submit the bot here in the addons section also as it is not something common here at all. we could use a good bot script :)

MaSOuD   -  Aug 25, 2009

Mate the latest version is 1.8.1
You can download it from mIRCScriptings.org

Cheiron   -  Aug 25, 2009

v1.5 on mirc v6.35

MaSOuD   -  Aug 25, 2009

Why? Which version of it?

Cheiron   -  Aug 25, 2009

any upgrades or anything due out on the DC mBOT at all soon out of interest.. mine keeps crashing on me and i have to go into task manager to end its process and reload it

MaSOuD   -  Aug 25, 2009

Thank you man.

Cheiron   -  Aug 25, 2009

oh that is sweet .... gets a 10 and a like

MaSOuD   -  Aug 25, 2009


Cheiron   -  Aug 25, 2009

many thanks for that. it would be nice to open the logs from the search direct

MaSOuD   -  Aug 25, 2009

If you have some log-files which contains many lines (I mean over 1/2Mb or larger) Yes, It is slow. Causes the "Match Texts", it'll search for your search word in every lines of the log files, So now you know why it takes long time. If you pay attention in what i wrote in the Status "This might take a few minutes" because i knew that, lol :P

But about "How to open the logs from the window" I'll add a browser for it soon...

Cheiron   -  Aug 24, 2009

very slow on the search .. i dont know if it is a script limitation on search or if mirc is limited .. it does get there eventually and shows how many..
not sure how to open the logs from the search window though, if i can have a clear up

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