mIRC Theme

By Grant- on Jul 21, 2009

Seeing as everyone is wanting me to change this up a bit; I've decided I'm going to change it entirely. Here's a photo to go along with it.
NOTE: The raws may change for different networks, i'm not entirely sure.
Note #2: Read my last comment. (SCROLL DOWN)

on *:LOAD:{
  .color background 0 
  .color action 1 
  .color ctcp 1 
  .color info 1 
  .color info2 1 
  .color highlight 1 
  .color invite 1 
  .color join 1
  .color own 1 
  .color part 1 
  .color quit 1 
  .color topic 1
  .color wallop 1 
  .color whois 1 
  .color kick 1 
  .color mode 1 
  .color nick 1 
  .color other 1
  .color notify 1 
  .color notice 1
on *:START:{
 .timestamp -f 14hh04:14nn04.14ss 
 .timestamp on
  font -z 12 calibri
on *:INPUT:#:{ 
  if (/* !iswm $1) || ($ctrlenter) {
    .msg # $1- 
    echo -at [ $+ $levelc($me) $+ 14 $+ $me $+ ] $1-
on ^*:NOTICE:*:?:{ 
  echo -a ! $+ $timestamp 04» [14 $+ $nick $+ ]14 $1-
on ^*:TEXT:*:#:{ 
  echo -t $chan [ $+ $levelc($nick) $+ 14 $+ $nick $+ ] $1-
on ^*:RAWMODE:#:{ 
  echo -t $chan 4»ChanMode4» $levelc($nick) $+ 14 $+ $nick sets4 $1 $+ 14 $2-
on ^*:JOIN:#:{
  if ($nick != $me) { 
    echo -t $chan 4»Joins4»14 $nick [14 $+ $replace($address,@,4@14) $+ ] 
  else { 
    who # 
    mode # +b 
    .timer. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] 1 0 gett $chan
alias gett { 
  echo -t $1 4»Channel4»14 $1 4» $nick($1,0) 14Users 4» $nick($1,0,o) 14ops 4» $nick($1,0,h) 14halfops 4» $nick($1,0,v) 14voices 4» $nick($1,0,r) 14regulars
  echo -t $1 14 $+ $str(—,33) 
on ^!*:PART:#:{ 
  echo -t $chan 4»Parts4» $levelc($nick) $+ 14 $+ $nick [14 $+ $replace($address,@,4@14) $+ ] $1- 
on ^*:ACTION:*:#:{
  echo -t $chan 13* [ $+ $levelc($nick) $+ 14 $+ $nick $+ ] $1-
on ^*:NOTICE:*:#:{ 
  echo $chan - $+ $timestamp [ $+ $levelc($nick) $+ 14 $+ $nick $+ ] $1- 
on ^*:KICK:#:{ 
  if ($knick != $me) { 
    echo -t $chan 4»Kicked4» $levelc($nick) $+ 14 $+ $nick kicked $levelc($knick) $+ 14 $+ $knick [14 $+ $replace($gettok($address($knick,5),2,33),@,4@14) $+ ] $1- 
  else {
    echo -tm 4»Kicked4» from14 # by $levelc($nick) $+ 14 $+ $nick [14 $+ $replace($address,@,4@14) $+ ] $1- 
on ^*:TEXT:*:?:{ 
  query $nick 
  echo -mt $nick [14 $+ $nick $+ ] $1- 
on *:INPUT:?:{ 
  if (/* !iswm $1) || ($ctrlenter) { 
    .msg $active $1- 
    echo -at [14 $+ $me $+ ] $1- 
on ^*:NICK:{
  var %x $comchan($newnick,0) 
  while (%x) {
    echo -t $comchan($newnick,%x) 4»Nick4» 14 $nick  $+ $iif($newnick isop $comchan($newnick,%x),4 $+ $arrow,$iif($newnick ishop $comchan($newnick,%x),8 $+ $arrow,$iif($newnick isvoice $comchan($newnick,%x),12 $+ $arrow, $+ $arrow))) $+ 14 $newnick 
    dec %x 
on ^*:QUIT:{ 
  var %x $comchan($nick,0) 
  while (%x) { 
    echo -t $comchan($nick,%x) 4»Quits4»4 $iif($nick isop $comchan($nick,%x),@,$iif($nick ishop $comchan($nick,%x),%,$iif($nick isvoice $comchan($nick,%x),+))) $+ 14 $+ $nick [14 $+ $replace($address,@,4@14) $+ ] $1- 
    dec %x 
on ^*:SNOTICE:*:{ 
  echo - $+ $timestamp 4» [14 $+ $nick $+ ] $1- 
on ^*:TOPIC:#:{ 
  echo -t $chan 4»Topic Change4»[ $+ $levelc($nick) $+ 14 $+ $nick $+ ]4» $1-
on ^*:INVITE:#:{ 
  echo -ts 4»Invite4»14 $nick [14 $+ $replace($address,@,4@14) $+ ]  to14 # 
on ^*:USERMODE:{ 
  echo -t 4»UserMode4» changed [14 $+ $1- $+ ] 
on ^*:ACTION:*:?:{ 
  echo -mt $nick 13* [14 $+ $nick $+ ] $1- 
;1 = welcome to network blah
;2 = your server is blah, IRCd
;3 = server creation
;4 = user/chan modes, ircd, server
;5 = maxlists, lengths
;353 = names
;366 = end of /names
;329 = numbers? spam.
;352 = /who #chan - user result
;315 = end of /who list
;368 = end of chan ban list
;324 = chanmodes
;367 = ban list entry
;378 = whois IP
;376 = end of /motd
;251 = there are x users and x invisible on x servers
;252 = # of operators
;253 = x unknown connections
;254 = x channels formed
;255 = i have x clients and x servers
;265 = currect local users: x Max: x
;266 = current global users: x Max: x
;375 = server message of the day
;341 = successful invite
raw *:*:{
  if ($istok(1 2 3 4 5 251 252 253 254 255 265 266 315 324 329 341 352 353 366 367 368 375 376 378,$numeric,32)) { halt }
  elseif ($numeric == 332) { echo -t $2 4»Topic4» $3- }
  elseif ($numeric == 333) { echo -t $2 4»Topic4» Set by14 $gettok($3,1,33) [14 $+ $iif(! isin $3,$replace($gettok($3,2,33),@,4@14),unknown host) $+ ]14 $asctime($4,mmm ddoo hh:nntt yyyy) }
  elseif ($numeric == 313) { echo -a 14| $5- }
  elseif ($numeric == 311) { echo -a 14|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯(14/whois $2 $+ ) | echo -a 14| $3 $+ @14 $+ $4 " $+ $6- $+ " }
  elseif ($numeric == 319) { 
    tokenize 32 $3- 
    var %x 1 
    while (%x <= $0) { 
      var %tok $($ $+ %x,2),%ret %ret $iif($left(%tok,1) == @,4@14,$iif($left(%tok,1) == %,08% $+ 14,$iif($left(%tok,1) == +,12+14))) $+ $iif($left(%tok,1) == $chr(35),%tok,$right(%tok,-1)) 
      inc %x 
    echo -a 14| on14 %ret 
  elseif ($numeric == 312) { echo -a 14| Server:14 $replace($3,.,.14) (14 $+ $4- $+ ) }
  elseif ($numeric == 307) { echo -a 14| Identified }
  elseif ($numeric == 317) {  echo -a 14| Signed on14 $asctime($4,mmm ddoo hh:nntt) Idle14 $duration($3) }
  elseif ($numeric == 318) { echo -a 14|___________(14/whois $2 $+ ) }
  elseif ($numeric == 335) { echo -a 14| is a Bot }
  elseif ($numeric == 671) { echo -a 14| Secure Connection }
  elseif ($numeric == 301) { echo -a 14| Away: $3- }
  elseif ($numeric == 537) { echo -a 14| Immune to filtering }
  elseif ($numeric == 310) { echo -a 14| Network Helper }
  elseif ($numeric == 474) { echo -ts Cannot join14 $2 (14+b) }
  elseif ($numeric == 401) { echo -a No such nick/channel (14 $+ $2 $+ ) }
  elseif ($numeric == 492) { echo -sta 14 $+ $2 has (14+T) }
  elseif ($numeric == 306) { echo -a You are now away. }
  elseif ($numeric == 305) { echo -a You are no longer away. }
  elseif ($numeric == 421) { echo -a (14 $+ $2 $+ ) $3- }
  elseif ($numeric == 470) { echo -sm $alert Link14 $3 $+  $arrow $+ 14 $17 }
  elseif ($numeric == 433) { echo -a Nickname14 $2 already in use. } 
  elseif ($numeric == 972) { echo -a Can't kick, channel14 +Q } 
  elseif ($numeric == 473) { echo -ts Cannot join14 $2 (14+i) } 
  elseif ($numeric == 475) { echo -ts Cannot join14 $2 (14+k) } 
  elseif ($numeric == 404) { echo -a $alert $3- } 
  elseif ($numeric == 320) { echo -a 14| $2- } 
  elseif ($numeric == 372) { echo -a 14Motd $arrow $+  $2- } 
  elseif ($numeric == 500) { echo -s (14 $+ $2 $+ ) Too many join requests }
  elseif ($numeric == 322) { echo @List $2 $4 (14 $+ $3 users) $5- }
  elseif ($numeric == 321) { echo @List Listing.. }
  else { echo -tsm $alert Raw (14 $+ $numeric $+ ) $2- } 
alias levelc { return 4 $+ $iif($1 isop $chan,@,$iif($1 === ChanServ,@,$iif($1 ishop $chan,%,$iif($1 isvoice $chan,+)))) }
alias notice { if ($2) { .notice $1- | echo -q ! $+ $timestamp 4 $+  $arrow [14 $+ $1 $+ ] $2- } }
alias query { query $1 | if ($2) { .msg $1- | echo -a $timestamp [14 $+ $me $+ ] $2- } }
alias me { if ($1) { .describe $active $1- | if ($chan) { echo -at 13* [ $+ $levelc($me) $+ 14 $+ $me $+ ] $1- } | else { echo -at 13* [14 $+ $me $+ ] $1- } } }
alias arrow { return $+($chr(151),$chr(155)) }
alias alert { return 10[4•10] }
alias list {
  if (!$window(List)) { 
    window -e @List 
    list $1-


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hxck   -  Mar 29, 2013


Grant-  -  Apr 01, 2013

Cool hxck :) The network I'm on doesn't make use of ~&. Also, you do not need to escape the &, nor the +.

hxck  -  Apr 03, 2013

I suck so hard at regex tbh, I just put them in there and hoped it would work.

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Grant-   -  Oct 19, 2011

Done. New theme here. Read the directions if you'd truly like it to look like mine

cupcake   -  Oct 15, 2011

Agree, new theme looks good Grant-, think you should post :)

irchainscriptz   -  Oct 14, 2011

I like the New Theme better, as it has a nice space with time and then nick, aside from it being all together. Nice Theme Grant-

Grant-   -  Oct 14, 2011

Actually, if someone would like, I'll post my newest theme, and it's rather different than the past. It's monospaced and more personalized to suit me, however, if anyone would like, I will. Picture here.

Frenetic   -  Oct 04, 2011


Jethro   -  Oct 04, 2011

People come and go in our lives, and that's the way it is...

Frenetic   -  Oct 03, 2011

And Cupcake, I doubt he will. Lol, it's 2011 he last commented, Aug 15th 2010.

Frenetic   -  Oct 03, 2011

Looks good Grant-, I used to use your theme till I made my own. :)

cupcake   -  Oct 03, 2011

Grant- will you be posting your new theme soon ? Just curious.

SimplicityX   -  Aug 30, 2010

You have ".color notice 1" twice.

Grant-   -  Aug 15, 2010

Note: it's been almost a year since I've commented on this theme. Would anyone like a completely different theme? Also, I use mIRC 7.1
Picture: http://img812.imageshack.us/img812/1456/themec.jpg

mixy   -  Jan 14, 2010

hey, i'm really loving this theme, but the only thing i've come across is that it seems to disable the use of highlights, or is that just what it's doing to me?
is there any way i can make it edit the colour of line of text that includes my highlight trigger that you know of please?

Grant-   -  Nov 06, 2009

Thanks :p I'll look into finding something out

SnoooP   -  Nov 06, 2009

ok, It's no big deal, but for people who rely on the /list well damn..

Still real nice work though ;)

Grant-   -  Nov 06, 2009

Okay, SnoooP, I've fixed a good amount of it, I just don't know how to make it not open the Channels List window :( sorry.

Cracker200   -  Nov 06, 2009

@ Ford OI, You laughing at me now boi?LOL

SnoooP   -  Nov 05, 2009

Cool, Sorry if I sounded a bit harsh, but I really don't see a point in not using the list window... =)

Grant-   -  Nov 04, 2009

Hmm, I forgot about that. I'll work on getting it squeezed into there soon

SnoooP   -  Nov 04, 2009

I've never noticed this before but the /list function on this snippet is vile.

The list displaying in the status window is really not a good idea, I don't like the fact that when the channels are listed they aren't in order it is so annoying to me.

FordLawnmower   -  Nov 04, 2009

Laughs @ "the poles"

Cracker200   -  Nov 04, 2009

aha so you've taken the poles out or?

Cracker200   -  Nov 03, 2009

I'm seeing this style of coding lately all over hawkee where everything is bunched up in pipe symbols (|), and I don't know why. There's no reason for it, and to be honest it hinders them. It's general scripting/(programming) practice to ensure readability of your code, especially if you're going to give it to others.

May i ask why you used |'s ? other then them the code is good i like it' :D

(: Like Neptune said >.>

FordLawnmower   -  Oct 30, 2009

Ahh I see. I don't use iswm for anything but bans. I guess / would be needed to match http://* ;/

Grant-   -  Oct 30, 2009

Err, what FordLawnmower? How is it weird? It will only message the channel $1- if the first character is NOT a / (not including when you ctrl+enter it).. Explain further please

FordLawnmower   -  Oct 30, 2009

Cool chan topic :)
Why the weird evaluation for the command char? -->> (/ !iswm $1)
Wouldn't this exclude http://
and the strange shorthand some people use like it/s?

Grant-   -  Oct 30, 2009

Thanks SnoooP :)

SnoooP   -  Oct 30, 2009

Really really nice looking update, very easy on the eyes too lol...

Cracker200   -  Oct 25, 2009


SnoooP   -  Oct 25, 2009

I totally agree with Neptune.. I have used pipes before on large scripts and then have had alot of trouble finding the cause of the problem =\

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