Channel User Status v0.1 By ProIcons

By ProIcons on Feb 06, 2009

You Must add This Icons
To your script folder

Right Click on a chan and press "Channel Status"

It could be maded better but...

It Works Only With ChanServ

on *:load:{ set %mirc.password un | set %password.mirc off | set %script_net off }
dialog Lolen {
  title %DiagChan Status
  size -1 -1 282 96
  option dbu
  tab %diagchan Stats, 11, 1 82 226 49
  text "Channel Users", 2, 9 3 38 8, tab 11
  text "Ops(@)", 1, 9 13 38 8, tab 11
  text "Voices(+)", 4, 9 33 38 8, tab 11
  text "Simple Users", 8, 9 43 38 8, tab 11
  text "Bans", 9, 9 53 38 8, tab 11
  text "", 10, 51 43 25 8, tab 11
  text "", 6, 51 33 25 8, tab 11
  text "", 5, 51 13 25 8, tab 11
  text "", 3, 51 3 25 8, tab 11
  text "", 7, 51 53 25 8, tab 11
  list 20, 78 11 50 50, tab 11 size hsbar vsbar
  list 21, 128 11 50 50, tab 11 size hsbar vsbar
  list 22, 178 11 50 50, tab 11 size hsbar vsbar
  list 23, 228 11 50 50, tab 11 size hsbar vsbar
  text "Ops", 25, 148 4 11 8, tab 11
  text "Voices", 24, 95 4 17 8, tab 11
  text "Half ops", 26, 191 4 25 8, tab 11
  text "Simple Users", 27, 237 4 33 8, tab 11
  text "Half Ops(%)", 18, 9 23 38 8, tab 11
  text "", 19, 51 23 25 8, tab 11
  tab %diagchan Bans, 12
  list 17, 0 0 281 62, tab 12 size
  button "Unban", 41, 4 65 81 12, disable tab 12
  button "Edit", 46, 87 65 81 12, disable tab 12
  tab %diagchan, 13
  button "Send", 16, 225 68 57 9, tab 13
  edit "", 15, 0 67 226 10, tab 13
  list 14, 0 0 282 67, tab 13 size hsbar vsbar
  tab %diagchan Info, 28
  text "Founder:", 30, 9 3 40 8, tab 28
  text "Registered:", 32, 9 23 40 8, tab 28
  text "Suucessor:", 31, 9 13 40 8, tab 28
  text "Description:", 33, 9 33 40 8, tab 28
  text "Topic", 34, 9 43 40 8, tab 28
  text "Last Used", 35, 9 53 40 8, tab 28
  text "Options", 36, 9 63 40 8, tab 28
  text "Mode Lock", 37, 9 73 40 8, tab 28
  edit %successorW, 38, 53 13 114 10, tab 28 autohs
  edit %registeredw, 39, 53 23 100 10, tab 28 autohs
  edit %descriptionW, 40, 53 33 100 10, tab 28 autohs
  edit %lastusedW, 42, 53 53 100 10, tab 28 autohs
  edit %optionsW, 43, 53 63 100 10, tab 28 autohs
  edit %modelockW, 45, 53 73 100 10, tab 28 autohs
  edit %founderW, 44, 53 3 114 10, tab 28 autohs
  button "Topic", 53, 53 43 40 8, tab 28
  text "Url:", 60, 170 3 16 8, tab 28
  text "Email:", 54, 170 13 16 8, tab 28
  edit %emailW, 66, 188 13 101 10, tab 28 autohs
  edit %urlW, 64, 188 3 101 10, tab 28 autohs
  menu "Update", 69
  item "Update", 71, 69
  menu "About", 70
  item "About", 29, 70
dialog topicW {
  title %DiagChan Topic
  size -1 -1 309 29
  option dbu
  edit %lasttopicW, 1, 0 0 308 10, autohs limit 307
  text "Seted By User", 2, 134 10 43 8
  edit %topicsetW, 3, 120 19 76 10, center

dialog AboutW {
  title "About"
  size -1 -1 131 44
  option dbu
  icon $scriptdirIcons\Explov brer.ico, 0
  text "Channel Information v0.1 By ProIcons", 1, 0 0 130 8
  icon 2, 0 16 18 14, $scriptdirIcons\Explov brer.ico, 456
  button "Ok", 3, 0 32 130 12, ok
  text "Copyright 2008® ", 4, 0 8 130 8
dialog GO {
  title "Select a Channel "
  size -1 -1 176 224
  option dbu
  list 1, -1 97 177 84, size hsbar vsbar
  button "OK", 2, 67 182 107 12, result default flat multi
  edit "", 3, 0 182 66 10, read
  list 4, 0 193 175 31, disable size
  icon 5, 0 79 15 15,  $scriptdirIcons\app2.ico, 0
  icon 6, 0 31 15 15,  $scriptdirIcons\black-server.ico, 0
  icon 7, 0 63 15 15,  $scriptdirIcons\Bulle.ico, 0
  icon 8, 0 16 15 15,  $scriptdirIcons\entire-network.ico, 0
  icon 9, 0 47 15 15,  $scriptdirIcons\search.ico, 0
  icon 10, 0 0 15 15,  $scriptdirIcons\user.ico, 0
  text User: $me, 12, 17 4 98 8
  text Network: $network, 13, 17 20 98 8
  text Server: $server, 14, 17 36 96 8
  text Ip: $ip, 15, 17 52 98 8
  text Querys: $query(0), 16, 17 68 75 8
  text Chans: $chan(0), 17, 17 83 75 8
  menu "File", 11
  item "Protect", 18, 11
  menu "Help", 19
  item "Help", 22, 19
  item break, 21, 19
  item "About", 20, 19
dialog Lock_Script {
  title "Need Password"
  size -1 -1 114 57
  option dbu
  edit "", 1, 56 6 50 10, hide pass
  edit "", 2, 56 17 50 10, pass
  edit "", 3, 56 28 50 10, pass
  text "Current Password", 4, 4 6 48 8, hide
  text "New Password", 5, 4 18 48 8
  text "Retype password", 6, 4 29 50 8
  button "Ok", 7, 63 41 37 12, disable
  button "Unlock Script", 8, 13 41 37 12, disable hide
on *:DIALOG:lolen:sclick:53:{ dialog -m topicw topicw }
on *:dialog:lolen:menu:*:{ 
  if ($did == 29) { dialog -m aboutW aboutW }

menu channel {
  Channels Status V0,1 By ProIcons:
  ..$iif(%script_net == off,Channels Status,$style(2) Not Available) { set %diagchan $chan | dialog -m go go | set %script_net on }

on *:dialog:lolen:sclick:16:{
  msg %diagchan $did(lolen,15).text
  did -za lolen 14 ( $+ $me $+ ) $did(lolen,15).text 

on *:text:*:%diagchan:{
  if ( $dialog(lolen) == lolen ) {
    did -za lolen 14 $time $+ ( $+ $nick $+ ) $1-


on *:input:%diagchan:{
  if ( $dialog(lolen) == lolen ) {
    if ( $left($1,1) != / ) { did -za lolen 14 $time $+ ( $+ $me $+ ) $1-  }
on *:nick:{
  if ( $dialog(lolen) == lolen ) {
    if ($nick ison %diagchan) {
      did -za lolen 14 $nick Allaxe to onoma t se $newnick

on *:notice:*:%diagchan:{
  if ( $dialog(lolen) == lolen ) {
    did -za lolen 14 Notice: $time $+ ( $+ $nick $+ ) $1-


on *:action:*:%diagchan:{
  if ( $dialog(lolen) == lolen ) {
    did -za lolen 14 Me: $time $+ ( $+ $nick $+ ) $1-

on *:join:%diagchan:{
  if ( $dialog(lolen) == lolen ) {
    did -za lolen 14 =======================Join======================
    did -za lolen 14 ( $+ $nick $+ )( $+ $address $+ ) Joins %diagchan
    did -za lolen 14 =======================Join======================


alias reset {
  set %chanusers $nick(%diagchan,0)
  set %Vusers $nick(%diagchan,0,v)
  set %oUsers $nick(%diagchan,0,o)
  set %susers $nick(%diagchan,0,r)
  set %busers $ibl(%diagchan,0)
  set %husers $nick(%diagchan,0,h)
  did -ra lolen 7 %busers
  did -ra lolen 3 %chanusers
  did -ra lolen 19 %husers
  did -ra lolen 5 %ousers
  did -ra lolen 6 %vusers
  did -ra lolen 10 %susers
  did -r lolen 17
  did -r lolen 22
  did -r lolen 21
  did -r lolen 23
  did -r lolen 20
  if ($ibl(%diagchan,0) == 0) { did -b lolen 46,41 }
  if ($ibl(%diagchan,0) > 0) { did -e lolen 46,41 }
  if ($me !isop %diagchan) { did -b lolen 46,41 }
  if ($me isop %diagchan) && ($ibl(%diagchan,0) != 0) { did -e lolen 46,41 }
alias now_bans {
  var %i = 1
  while ( %i <= $ibl(%diagchan,0) ) {
    did -za lolen 17 $ibl(%diagchan,%i)
    inc %i

alias Half-OpsU {
  var %i = 1
  while ( %i <= $nick(%diagchan,0,h) ) {
    did -za lolen 22 $nick(%diagchan,%i,h)
    inc %i
alias OpsU {
  var %i = 1
  while ( %i <= $nick(%diagchan,0,o) ) {
    did -za lolen 21 $nick(%diagchan,%i,o)
    inc %i
alias VoicesU {
  var %i = 1
  while ( %i <= $nick(%diagchan,0,v) ) {
    did -za lolen 20 $nick(%diagchan,%i,v)
    inc %i
alias getttok {
  window @sdf
  var %i = 1
  while ( %i <= 1000 ) {
    echo @sdf %i $gettok(asd,1,%i)
    inc %i

alias SimpleU {
  var %i = 1
  while ( %i <= $nick(%diagchan,0,r) ) {
    did -za lolen 23 $nick(%diagchan,%i,r)
    inc %i

on *:voice:%diagchan:{
  if ( $dialog(lolen) == lolen ) {
    did -za lolen 14 ( $+ $nick $+ ) sets mode: +v ( $+ $vnick $+ )
on *:HELP:%diagchan:{
  if ( $dialog(lolen) == lolen ) {
    did -za lolen 14 ( $+ $nick $+ ) sets mode: +h ( $+ $hnick $+ )
on *:DEHELP:%diagchan:{
  if ( $dialog(lolen) == lolen ) {
    did -za lolen 14 ( $+ $nick $+ ) sets mode: -h ( $+ $hnick $+ )

on *:devoice:%diagchan:{
  if ( $dialog(lolen) == lolen ) {
    did -za lolen 14 ( $+ $nick $+ ) sets mode: -v ( $+ $vnick $+ )
on *:part:%diagchan:{
  if ( $dialog(lolen) == lolen ) {
    did -za lolen 14 =======================Part======================
    did -za lolen 14 ( $+ $nick $+ )( $+ $address $+ ) Parts %diagchan
    did -za lolen 14 =======================Part======================

on *:quit:{
  if ( $dialog(lolen) == lolen ) {
    if ($nick ison %diagchan) {
      did -za lolen 14 =======================Quit======================
      did -za lolen 14 ( $+ $nick $+ )( $+ $address $+ ) Quits %diagchan Reason ( $+ $1- $+ )
      did -za lolen 14 =======================Quit======================
on *:op:%diagchan:{
  if ( $dialog(lolen) == lolen ) {
    did -za lolen 14  ( $+ $nick $+ ) sets mode: +o ( $+ $opnick $+ )

on *:deop:%diagchan:{
  if ( $dialog(lolen) == lolen ) {
    did -za lolen 14  ( $+ $nick $+ ) sets mode: -o ( $+ $opnick $+ )

on *:kick:%diagchan:{
  if ( $dialog(lolen) == lolen ) {
    did -za lolen 14  ( $+ $nick $+ ) kicks ( $+ $knick $+ ) Reason: ( $+ $1- $+ )
on *:ban:%diagchan:{
  if ( $dialog(lolen) == lolen ) {
    did -za lolen 14  ( $+ $nick $+ ) sets mode: +b ( $+ $2 $+ )
on *:unban:%diagchan:{
  if ( $dialog(lolen) == lolen ) {
    did -za lolen 14  ( $+ $nick $+ ) sets mode: -b ( $+ $2 $+ )

on *:dialog:lolen:init:0:reset 

on *:dialog:go:menu:*:{
  if ($did == 18) { dialog -m Lock_Script Lock_Script }
  if ($did == 20) { dialog -m aboutw aboutw }
on *:dialog:go:init:0:{ 
  set %enabled on
  if (%password.mirc == on) {
    if (%Mirc.password == Protected) {
      dialog -x $dname
      if ($?*="Pla Add here The password" == $replace(,1,a,2,b,3,c,4,d,5,e,6,f,7,g,8,h,9,i,10,j,0,k,-,l,=,m,+,n,_,o,`,p,~,q,!,r,@,s,#,t,$,u,%,v,^,w,&,x,*,x,",z) ) { 
        set %mirc.password Un 
        dialog -m go go 
on *:dialog:go:close:*:{
  set %script_net off
  if (%password.mirc == on) { 
    set %mirc.password Protected

on *:dialog:lock_Script:init:0:{
  if (%password.mirc == on) { did -v $dname 1,4,8 | did -b $dname 2,3,5,6 }
  write logs.txt $ttdll(Mark,$dialog($dname).hwnd )
  write logs.txt $ttdll(ToolTip,$dialog($dname).hwnd > 2 balloon)
  write logs.txt $ttdll(SetText,$dialog($dname).hwnd > 2 Numbers And Characters $crlf $+ Are not allowed)
  write logs.txt $ttdll(SetTitle,$dialog($dname).hwnd > 2 3 Warning)
  write logs.txt $ttdll(SetTxtColor,$dialog($dname).hwnd > 2 $rgb(0,0,0))
  .remove logs.txt

on *:dialog:Lock_Script:edit:*:{ 
  if ($check_nums($did($dname,3).text,1) == 1) { steaman | did -r $dname 3,2 | halt }
  if ($check_nums($did($dname,2).text,1) == 1) { steaman | did -r $dname 2,3 |  halt }
  if ($check_chars($did($Dname,2).text,1) == 1) { steaman1 | did -r $dname 2,3 | halt }
  if ($check_chars($did($Dname,3).text,1) == 1) { steaman1 | did -r $dname 2,3 | halt }
  if (%password.mirc == on) {
    if ($did == 1) {
      if ($did($dname,1).text == $replace(,1,a,2,b,3,c,4,d,5,e,6,f,7,g,8,h,9,i,10,j,0,k,-,l,=,m,+,n,_,o,`,p,~,q,!,r,@,s,#,t,$,u,%,v,^,w,&,x,*,x,",z) ) { did -e $dname 2,3,5,6,8 }

    if ($did == 3) && ($did($dname,3) == $did($dname,2)) { did -e $dname 7 } 
    if ($did == 2) && ($did($dname,2) == $did($dname,3)) { did -e $dname 7 }
    if ($did == 3) && ($did($dname,3) != $did($dname,2)) { did -b $dname 7 }
    if ($did == 2) && ($did($dname,2) != $did($dname,3)) { did -b $dname 7 }
  if ($did == 3) && ($did($dname,3) == $did($dname,2)) { did -e $dname 7 }
  if ($did == 2) && ($did($dname,2) == $did($dname,3)) { did -e $dname 7 }
  if ($did == 3) && ($did($dname,3) != $did($dname,2)) { did -b $dname 7 }
  if ($did == 2) && ($did($dname,2) != $did($dname,3)) { did -b $dname 7 }


on *:dialoG:Lock_Script:sclick:7:{ encode_pass | dialog -x $dname | set %password.mirc on | set %mirc.password Protected | if ($?!="Mirc Need to restart . Restart Now Mirc?" == $true) { //exit -nr }  }
on *:Dialog:Lock_Script:sclick:8:{ unset | set %password.mirc off | set %mirc.password Unprotected | dialog -x $dname }
alias encode_pass { set $replace($did(Lock_Script,3).text,a,1,b,2,c,3,d,4,e,5,f,6,g,7,h,8,i,9,j,10,k,0,l,-,m,=,n,+,o,_,p,`,q,~,r,!,s,@,t,#,u,$,v,%,w,^,x,&,y,*,z,") }
alias decode_pass { return $replace($1-,1,a,2,b,3,c,4,d,5,e,6,f,7,g,8,h,9,i,10,j,0,k,-,l,=,m,+,n,_,o,`,p,~,q,!,r,@,s,#,t,$,u,%,v,^,w,&,x,*,x,",z) }
alias now_chans {
  var %i = 1
  while ( %i <= $chan(0) ) {
    did -a go 1 $chan(%i)
    inc %i

on *:dialog:lolen:Sclick:*:{
  if ($did == 41) { mode %diagchan -b $did($dname,17).seltext | reset  }
  if ($did == 46) { .timer 1 $$?="Time to remove ban(secs)" mode %diagchan -b $did($dname,17).seltext | reset }

on *:dialog:GO:sclick:1:{ did -r go 3 | did -a go 3 $did($dname,1).seltext | did -r $dname 4 | did -a $dname 4 You Have Selected Chan: $+ $did($dname,1).seltext }
on *:dialog:go:sclick:2:{
  set %enabled off
  .timer 1 2 set %enabled on
  if ($did($dname,1).seltext == $null) { 
    did -ra Go 4 Error You Must Sellect a Chan
    did -a Go 4 Error You Must Sellect a Chan
    did -a Go 4 Error You Must Sellect a Chan
    did -a Go 4 Error You Must Sellect a Chan

  else {  set %diagchan $did($dname,1).seltext | set %halt haltdef | cs info %diagchan | .timer 1 2 dialog -x go | .timer 1 2  set %script_net off  | .timer 1 3 dialog -m lolen lolen | did -ra go 4 Plz Wait 2 Seconds | did -a go 4 Plz Wait 2 Seconds | .timer 1 1 did -a go 4 Plz Wait 1 Secons | .timer 1 1.011 did -a go 4 Starting | .timer 1 3 set %halt $null }

on *:open:?:{ if ( $dialog(Go) == go) { .timer 1 1 restr } }
on *:Close:?:{ if ( $dialog(Go) == go) { .timer 1 1 restr } }
on *:DIALOG:go:mouse:*:{
  if (%enabled == on) {
    if ($did == 0) { did -r $dname 4 | .did -a $dname 4 Plz Select a Channel.... }
    if ($did == 1) { did -r $dname 4 | did -a $dname 4 Plz selsect a channel tou Continue }
    if ($did == 3) { did -r $dname 4 | did -a $dname 4 Here is selected chan }
    if ($did == 2) { did -r $dname 4 | did -a $dname 4 Click when select a channel }
    if ($did == 10) { did -ra $dname 4 User: $me }
    if ($did == 12) { did -ra $dname 4 User: $me }
    if ($did == 8) { did -ra $dname 4 Network: $network }
    if ($did == 13) { did -ra $dname 4 Network: $network }
    if ($did == 6) { did -ra $dname 4 Server: $server }
    if ($did == 14) { did -ra $dname 4 Server: $server }
    if ($did == 9) { did -ra $dname 4 Ip: $ip }
    if ($did == 15) { did -ra $dname 4 Ip: $Ip }
    if ($did == 7) { did -ra $dname 4 Query Windows: $query(0) }
    if ($did == 16) { did -ra $dname 4 Query Windows: $query(0) }
    if ($did == 5) { did -ra $dname 4 Channel Windows: $chan(0) }
    if ($did == 17) { did -ra $dname 4 Channel Windows: $chan(0) }
on *:mode:#radiofreaks:{ echo -a $1- }
alias restr {
  did -a go 16 Query: $query(0)
on ^*:NOTICE:*:*:{
  if ($nick == ChanServ) {

    unset %urlW
    unset %emailW
    unset %founderW
    unset %successorW
    unset %descriptionW
    unset %registeredw 
    unset %lastusedW
    unset %lasttopicW
    unset %urlW
    unset %emailW
    unset %optionsW
    unset %modelockW   
    if (Information for channel isin $1-) { .timer 1 1 set $remove($4,:,) }
    if (Founder isin $1) { unset %founderW | .timer 1 1 set %founderW $2- }
    if (Successor isin $1) { unset %successorW | .timer 1 1 set %successorW $2- }
    if (Description isin $1) { unset %descriptionW | .timer 1 1 set %descriptionW $2- }
    if (Registered isin $1) { unset %registeredw | .timer 1 1 set %registeredw $2- }
    if (Last isin $1) && (Used isin $2) { unset %lastusedW | .timer 1 1 set %lastusedW $3- }
    if (Last isin $1) && (Topic isin $2) { unset %lasttopicW | .timer 1 1 set %lasttopicW $replace($3-,$chr(124),$chr(32)) }
    if (Topic isin $1) { unset %topicsetW | set %topicsetW $4 }
    if (URL isin $1) { unset %urlW | .timer 1 1 set %urlW $2 }
    if (E-mail isin $1) {  unset %emailW | .timer 1 1 set %emailW $3 }
    if (Options isin $1) { unset %optionsW | .timer 1 1 set %optionsW $2- }
    if (Mode isin $1) { unset %modelockW | .timer 1 1 set %modelockW $3 }
alias steaman {
  window -apB +d @sm1 0 0 340 35 Arial 25
  drawtext -o @sm1 1 0 0 Numbers Are Not Allowed!
  .timer 1 3 close -@ @sm1
alias steaman1 {
  window -apB +d @sm1 0 0 340 35 Arial 25
  drawtext -o @sm1 1 0 0 Symbols Are Not Allowed!
  .timer 1 3 close -@ @sm1

alias check_nums {
  unset %ny
  var %i = 1
  while ( %i <= $len($1) ) {
    if ( $mid($1,%i,1) isnum ) {
      set %ny 1
    inc %i
  if ( %ny == 1 ) {
    return 1
  elseif ( !%ny ) {
    return 0

alias Check_Chars {
  unset %ny
  var %i = 33
  while ( %i <= 47) {
    if ($chr(%i) isin $1) {
      set %ny 1
    inc %i
  var %i = 60
  while ( %i <= 63) {
    if ($chr(%i) isin $1) {
      set %ny 1
    inc %i
  var %i = 123
  while ( %i <= 126) {
    if ($chr(%i) isin $1) {
      set %ny 1
    inc %i

  var %i = 145
  while ( %i <= 146) {
    if ($chr(%i) isin $1) {
      set %ny 1
    inc %i
  var %i = 161
  while ( %i <= 192) {
    if ($chr(%i) isin $1) {
      set %ny 1
    inc %i
  if (@ isin $1) { set %ny 1 }
  if (%ny == 1) {
    return 1
  if (!%ny) {
    return 0



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ProIcons   -  Feb 06, 2009

Rate it...

Skylar   -  Feb 06, 2009

did a good job.. keep doing a good work!

Aucun50   -  Feb 06, 2009

Hmm could try what i did with my mega bot where the dialog open right away and you can set all vars for there.

ProIcons   -  Feb 06, 2009

Download the icons an write
//set %mirc.password un | set %password.mirc off | set %script_net off

PuNkTuReD   -  Feb 06, 2009

yea thats the same thing im havin probs with

ok once i set

%diagchan #Services
%script_net off
%enabled on

i got it to show some info

Jamiie   -  Feb 06, 2009

Works great, neatly done. Just a few typos on 1st dialog.


ProIcons   -  Feb 06, 2009

I don't know but for me it works perfect

ProIcons   -  Feb 06, 2009

Main Dialog is go

ProIcons   -  Feb 06, 2009

PUnk there is a menu
In Channels List (RightClick)

PuNkTuReD   -  Feb 06, 2009

i loaded it up and wasnt sure what to do, maybe a menu to open the dialog would be nice.
interesting use of tabs, im still testin it out so ill come back with a rating.

ProIcons   -  Feb 06, 2009


Bug On Channel Bans

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