Family Feud

By tv3636 on Feb 03, 2009

My first script on hawkee :D

*If anyone has any questions I can be found on the gamesurge network, usually with the username tv3636 (and in the channel #slapchop always)

This allows a channel to play the classic gameshow Family Feud!
How to play:
Question is asked, and a set number of answers from 1-8 are given (from a txt file in the format Question*Answer1-Answer2-Answer3-Answer4-Answer5-Answer6-Answer7-Answer8)
Points are awarded each time somebody answers a question
Each question (round) ends after either 60 seconds or when all answers are found

Here are the general questions I have compiled so far:
Currently 900 questions!

I will update that soon and hopefully have over 1,000 starter questions.
The .txt file goes in the same folder the script goes into, the mIRC Application Data folder.

Thank you for checking it out! Please comment if you have criticism, a suggestion, a compliment, a request, etc.

February 4th, 2009 Update 1.1:
-Changed all variable names and removed "unsetall". Now only Family Feud related variables are removed.
-Made all messages red for easy distinction between bot text and others' text
-Removed unnecessary slashes from code

February 17th, 2008 Update 1.2:
-Added support for 1-8 answers rather than only 8 (and it is easily modifiable if 9 or 10 answers are needed)
-Different color text added to distinguish certain messages
-Currently adding 1000+ general questions to my txt file which I will upload soon to allow people to have a good amount of starting questions.
-Added support for in-game nick changes so that the high scores/scores will correctly change.

February 19th, 2008 Update 1.3:
-Added a 900 question .txt file for people to start with
-Added a message at the beginning of the question saying how many answers there are for the question
-Added a message 40 seconds after each question telling how many/which answers remain

Later that day :p Update 1.4:
-Added a menu with start, stop, and channel setting features
-Added a channel setting feature and fixed a major bug
Note: the game will only run in the channel you set it for

February 23rd Update 1.5:
-Added .'s to timers to remove status window notifications every question

February 25th Update 1.6:
-Removed top3, instead added !scores which lists all scores of people in the channel
-Added score message between every question
-Removed certain now unnecessary bits of code
-Added score message after each question

February 28th Update 1.7:
-Added a round # feature to let users choose the number of rounds for the game (!start unlimited or just plain !start for a regular game)
-Added a quick help message on the commands at the beginning of the snippet in case anyone needs an explanation.

Feedback is very much appreciated, thank you!

;Family Feud Script Version 1.7 by tv3636
;Runs a channel wide game of Family Feud with questions and answers specified in a txt file (Default .txt file name is FamFeud.txt)
;For update log check
;February 28th, 2009
;Enjoy :D

!start number
Starts the game
"!start 1" starts a 1 round game, "!start unlimited or !start" starts an unlimited game
Stops the game
Notices a user his/her score
Messages the scores to the channel (Also messaged at the end of each round)

;Reads from a text file and grabs a random line's Question and answers in the format: Question*Answer1-Answer2-Answer3-Answer4-Answer5-Answer6-Answer7-Answer8

on *:LOAD:/FFsetchan $?="Type the name of the channel you would like Family Feud to be active in (Including #)"

menu nicklist,channel,status,menubar,query {
  Family Feud
  .$iif(%FF.on != 2,Start):/FFStart $me $chan $?="How many rounds? For unlimited rounds say unlimited."
  .$iif(%FF.on == 2,Stop):/FFStop $me $chan
  .Set Family Feud Channel:/FFsetchan $?="Type the name of the channel you would like Family Feud to be active in (Including #)"

alias FFsetchan { set %chanFF $1 } 

alias question {
  set %FF.line $read(FamFeud.txt)
  set %FF.num $pos(%FF.line, *, 1)
  set %FF.length $len(%FF.line)
  set %FF.numA %FF.length - %FF.num
  set %FF.numQ %FF.num - 1
  set %FF.dashes $count(%FF.line, -)

  set %FF.answers $right(%FF.line, %FF.numA)
  set %FF.question $left(%FF.line, %FF.numQ)

  set %FF.numcom $pos(%FF.answers, -, 1) - 1
  set %FF.numcom2 $len(%FF.answers) - $pos(%FF.answers, -, 1)
  set %FF.a1 $left(%FF.answers, %FF.numcom)
  set %FF.answers $right(%FF.answers, %FF.numcom2)
  if ( %FF.dashes > 0 ) {
    set %FF.numcom $pos(%FF.answers, -, 1) - 1
    set %FF.numcom2 $len(%FF.answers) - $pos(%FF.answers, -, 1)
    set %FF.a2 $left(%FF.answers, %FF.numcom)
    set %FF.answers $right(%FF.answers, %FF.numcom2)
  if ( %FF.dashes > 1 ) {
    set %FF.numcom $pos(%FF.answers, -, 1) - 1
    set %FF.numcom2 $len(%FF.answers) - $pos(%FF.answers, -, 1)
    set %FF.a3 $left(%FF.answers, %FF.numcom)
    set %FF.answers $right(%FF.answers, %FF.numcom2)
  if ( %FF.dashes > 2 ) {
    set %FF.numcom $pos(%FF.answers, -, 1) - 1
    set %FF.numcom2 $len(%FF.answers) - $pos(%FF.answers, -, 1)
    set %FF.a4 $left(%FF.answers, %FF.numcom)
    set %FF.answers $right(%FF.answers, %FF.numcom2)
  if ( %FF.dashes > 3 ) {
    set %FF.numcom $pos(%FF.answers, -, 1) - 1
    set %FF.numcom2 $len(%FF.answers) - $pos(%FF.answers, -, 1)
    set %FF.a5 $left(%FF.answers, %FF.numcom)
    set %FF.answers $right(%FF.answers, %FF.numcom2)
  if ( %FF.dashes > 4 ) {
    set %FF.numcom $pos(%FF.answers, -, 1) - 1
    set %FF.numcom2 $len(%FF.answers) - $pos(%FF.answers, -, 1)
    set %FF.a6 $left(%FF.answers, %FF.numcom)
    set %FF.answers $right(%FF.answers, %FF.numcom2)
  if ( %FF.dashes > 5 ) {
    set %FF.numcom $pos(%FF.answers, -, 1) - 1
    set %FF.numcom2 $len(%FF.answers) - $pos(%FF.answers, -, 1)
    set %FF.a7 $left(%FF.answers, %FF.numcom)
    set %FF.answers $right(%FF.answers, %FF.numcom2)

  if ( %FF.dashes == 0 ) { set %FF.a1 %FF.answers }
  if ( %FF.dashes == 1 ) { set %FF.a2 %FF.answers }
  if ( %FF.dashes == 2 ) { set %FF.a3 %FF.answers }
  if ( %FF.dashes == 3 ) { set %FF.a4 %FF.answers }
  if ( %FF.dashes == 4 ) { set %FF.a5 %FF.answers }
  if ( %FF.dashes == 5 ) { set %FF.a6 %FF.answers }
  if ( %FF.dashes == 6 ) { set %FF.a7 %FF.answers }
  if ( %FF.dashes == 7 ) { set %FF.a8 %FF.answers }
  if ( %FF.dashes > 7 ) {
    set %FF.numcom $pos(%FF.answers, -, 1) - 1
    set %FF.numcom2 $len(%FF.answers) - $pos(%FF.answers, -, 1)
    set %FF.a8 $left(%FF.answers, %FF.numcom)
    set %FF.answers $right(%FF.answers, %FF.numcom2)

  inc %FF.dashes

  ;I was having issues with my other answer variables and timers so I just made a second set for the check alias.
  set %FF.answerz 0
  set %FF.a12 %FF.a1
  set %FF.a22 %FF.a2
  set %FF.a32 %FF.a3
  set %FF.a42 %FF.a4
  set %FF.a52 %FF.a5
  set %FF.a62 %FF.a6
  set %FF.a72 %FF.a7
  set %FF.a82 %FF.a8
  if (%FF.roundsplayed != $null) { msg %chanFF 10Round %FF.roundsplayed / %FF.rounds $+ 8 $chr(124) $+ $chr(124) 10Question ( $+ $readn $+ / $+ $lines(FamFeud.txt) $+ ):4 %FF.question }
  else { msg %chanFF 10Question ( $+ $readn $+ / $+ $lines(FamFeud.txt) $+ ):4 %FF.question }
  msg %chanFF 10There are4 %FF.dashes 10answers!

alias game {
  if (%FF.roundsplayed == $null || %FF.roundsplayed <= %FF.rounds) {
    .timer1 1 60 game2
    .timer3 1 40 remaining
  else { FFstop }

alias game2 {
  if ( %FF.dashes == 1 ) { msg %chanFF 10That's it!  The answer was:4 %FF.a12 }
  if ( %FF.dashes == 2 ) { msg %chanFF 10That's it!  The answers were (in order):4 %FF.a12 and %FF.a22 }
  if ( %FF.dashes == 3 ) { msg %chanFF 10That's it!  The answers were (in order):4 %FF.a12 $+ , %FF.a22 $+ , and %FF.a32 }
  if ( %FF.dashes == 4 ) { msg %chanFF 10That's it!  The answers were (in order):4 %FF.a12 $+ , %FF.a22 $+ , %FF.a32 $+ , and %FF.a42 }
  if ( %FF.dashes == 5 ) { msg %chanFF 10That's it!  The answers were (in order):4 %FF.a12 $+ , %FF.a22 $+ , %FF.a32 $+ , %FF.a42 $+ , and %FF.a52 }
  if ( %FF.dashes == 6 ) { msg %chanFF 10That's it!  The answers were (in order):4 %FF.a12 $+ , %FF.a22 $+ , %FF.a32 $+ , %FF.a42 $+ , %FF.a52 $+ , and %FF.a62 }
  if ( %FF.dashes == 7 ) { msg %chanFF 10That's it!  The answers were (in order):4 %FF.a12 $+ , %FF.a22 $+ , %FF.a32 $+ , %FF.a42 $+ , %FF.a52 $+ , %FF.a62 $+ , and %FF.a72 }
  if ( %FF.dashes == 8 ) { msg %chanFF 10That's it!  The answers were (in order):4 %FF.a12 $+ , %FF.a22 $+ , %FF.a32 $+ , %FF.a42 $+ , %FF.a52 $+ , %FF.a62 $+ , %FF.a72 $+ , and %FF.a82 }
  if (%FF.roundsplayed != $null) { inc %FF.roundsplayed }
  unset %FF.a*
  if (%FF.roundsplayed > %FF.rounds) { FFstop }
  if (%FF.on == 2) { msg %chanFF %FF.scoreoutput }
  if (%FF.on == 2) { .timer2 1 10 game }
  ;7 second delay between questions.

alias remaining {
  set %FF.remain 10The remaining answers are:4
  if ( %FF.a1 != $null ) { set %FF.remain %FF.remain #1 }
  if ( %FF.a2 != $null ) { set %FF.remain %FF.remain #2 }
  if ( %FF.a3 != $null ) { set %FF.remain %FF.remain #3 }
  if ( %FF.a4 != $null ) { set %FF.remain %FF.remain #4 }
  if ( %FF.a5 != $null ) { set %FF.remain %FF.remain #5 }
  if ( %FF.a6 != $null ) { set %FF.remain %FF.remain #6 }
  if ( %FF.a7 != $null ) { set %FF.remain %FF.remain #7 }
  if ( %FF.a8 != $null ) { set %FF.remain %FF.remain #8 }
  msg %chanFF %FF.remain

on *:TEXT:!start*:%chanFF:{ 
  if ($2 != $null) { FFstart $nick $chan $2 }
  else { FFstart $nick $chan unlimited }

alias FFstart {
  if ( %FF.on != 2 ) {
    msg %chanFF 10A game has been started by $1
    set %FF.answerz 0
    set %FF.on 2
    set %FF.roundsplayed 1
    if ($3 == unlimited) { unset %FF.roundsplayed }
    else { set %FF.rounds $3 }
  else { .notice $1 The game's already going, maybe you should try answering some questions now. }

on *:TEXT:!stop:%chanFF:{ FFstop $nick $chan }

alias FFstop { 
  if ( %FF.on == 2 ) {
    if ($1 != $null) msg %chanFF 10Game stopped by $1 $+ .
    else msg %chanFF 10Game over!
    msg %chanFF %FF.scoreoutput
    .timer1 off
    .timer2 off
    .timer3 off
    unset %FF.*
  else { .notice $1 Stop what? }

on *:TEXT:!score:%chanFF:{
  if ( %FF.on == 2 && %chanFF == $chan ) {
    if ( %FF.score. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] != $null ) {
      .notice $nick Your score is %FF.score. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $+ .
    else {
      .notice $nick Your score is 0.
  else {
    .notice $nick There's no game going on, dumbass.

;Text events for all 8 answers

on *:TEXT:%FF.a1:%chanFF:{
  msg %chanFF 10Survey says,4 50 points10!4 $nick 10got the 4#1 10answer,4 %FF.a1 $+ 10!
  inc %FF.score. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 50
  unset %FF.a1
  set %FF.answerz %FF.answerz + 1
  check %FF.answerz

on *:TEXT:%FF.a2:%chanFF:{
  msg %chanFF 10Survey says,4 35 points10!4 $nick 10got the 4#2 10answer,4 %FF.a2 $+ 10!
  inc %FF.score. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 35
  unset %FF.a2
  set %FF.answerz %FF.answerz + 1
  check %FF.answerz

on *:TEXT:%FF.a3:%chanFF:{
  msg %chanFF 10Survey says,4 28 points10!4 $nick 10got the 4#3 10answer,4 %FF.a3 $+ 10!
  inc %FF.score. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 28
  unset %FF.a3
  set %FF.answerz %FF.answerz + 1
  check %FF.answerz

on *:TEXT:%FF.a4:%chanFF:{
  msg %chanFF 10Survey says,4 20 points10!4 $nick 10got the 4#4 10answer,4 %FF.a4 $+ 10!
  inc %FF.score. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 20
  unset %FF.a4
  set %FF.answerz %FF.answerz + 1
  check %FF.answerz

on *:TEXT:%FF.a5:%chanFF:{
  msg %chanFF 10Survey says,4 15 points10!4 $nick 10got the 4#5 10answer,4 %FF.a5 $+ 10!
  inc %FF.score. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 15
  /unset %FF.a5
  set %FF.answerz %FF.answerz + 1
  check %FF.answerz

on *:TEXT:%FF.a6:%chanFF:{
  msg %chanFF 10Survey says,4 10 points10!4 $nick 10got the 4#6 10answer,4 %FF.a6 $+ 10!
  inc %FF.score. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 10
  unset %FF.a6
  set %FF.answerz %FF.answerz + 1
  check %FF.answerz

on *:TEXT:%FF.a7:%chanFF:{
  msg %chanFF 10Survey says,4 8 points10!4 $nick 10got the 4#7 10answer,4 %FF.a7 $+ 10!
  inc %FF.score. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 8
  unset %FF.a7
  set %FF.answerz %FF.answerz + 1
  check %FF.answerz

on *:TEXT:%FF.a8:%chanFF:{
  msg %chanFF 10Survey says,4 5 points10!4 $nick 10got the 4#8 10answer,4 %FF.a8 $+ 10!
  inc %FF.score. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 5
  unset %FF.a8
  set %FF.answerz %FF.answerz + 1
  check %FF.answerz

alias buildscores {
  set %FF.count 0
  set %FF.added 0
  set %FF.totalnicks $nick(%chanFF,0,a)
  set %FF.highest 0
  set %FF.highestnick $me
  set %FF.x $var(%FF.score.*, 0)
  set %FF.scoreoutput 10Scores:
  while (%FF.added < %FF.x) {
    while (%FF.count <= %FF.totalnicks) {
      set %FF.testnick $nick(%chanFF,%FF.count,a)
      if (%FF.score. [ $+ [ %FF.testnick ] ] != $null) && (%FF.score. [ $+ [ %FF.testnick ] ] >= %FF.highest) && (%FF.testnick !isin %FF.scoreoutput) {
        set %FF.highest %FF.score. [ $+ [ %FF.testnick ] ]
        set %FF.highestnick %FF.testnick
      inc %FF.count
    if (%FF.highest != 0) { set %FF.scoreoutput %FF.scoreoutput 04 $+ %FF.highestnick $+ 10:04 %FF.highest 08 $+ $chr(124) }
    set %FF.highest 0
    set %FF.highesttnick $me
    inc %FF.added
    set %FF.count 0
  set %FF.chop $calc($len(%FF.scoreoutput) - 1)
  set %FF.scoreoutput $left(%FF.scoreoutput,%FF.chop)
  if (%FF.scoreoutput == 10Scores:) set %FF.scoreoutput 10Nobody has any points!

;Checks to see if all answers have been said before time limit is up
alias check {
  if ( $1 == %FF.dashes ) { 
    .timer1 off
    .timer3 off

;Accounts for nickname changes mid-game.
on *:NICK:{
  if ( %FF.score. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] != $null ) {
    set %FF.score. [ $+ [ $newnick ] ] %FF.score. [ $+ [ $nick ] ]
    unset %FF.score. [ $+ [ $nick ] ]

;Notices the scores of players in the channel in order to the person that said !scores
on *:TEXT:!scores:%chanFF:{
  .notice $nick %FF.scoreoutput

;If you have another feature you would like to see, let me know and I'll add it if possible!


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SandmanXP   -  Apr 09, 2016

won't read question file in latest verion of mirc any chance for an update
all i get now is

A game has been started by BourneIdent Question (0/0): There are 1 answers!
tv3636  -  Apr 09, 2016

Hey, sorry but I haven't used windows or mirc in 5-6 years. Hopefully someone else could take a look and I would be happy to post an update if somebody sent it to me, but I don't think I'll revisit it myself. :-/

[Plornt]  -  Apr 11, 2016

If you remind me in like 8 hours (send a message here) I can have a quick look at it @SandmanXP

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dma   -  Nov 11, 2015

dont work in 2015

[Plornt]  -  Nov 11, 2015

What doesnt work about it. Its still chugging along here perfectly fine. In fact I was about to upload a new version of the survey questions I just datamined from the 2012 game.

CrazyDriver  -  Nov 12, 2015

This still works perfectly just not when you do !start <#> as you have to do it manually from the right click option menu.

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TheWhistler   -  Jun 12, 2012

was wondering if this Feud game could be made into a eggdrop tcl ??
love this game its very good
to bad its not a tcl for eggdrop
very nice tv3636

Kill3r   -  Aug 30, 2011

where i paste the question

jasonh   -  May 28, 2011

thanks for this script, it's a lot of fun on a boring night in irc

Stewie1k94   -  Apr 02, 2011

i am trying to change the blue to green but whenever i do i cant stop a game or non of it works why is this

bourneident   -  Oct 02, 2010

no rush but would be nice when/if you ever get a chance :)

tv3636   -  Oct 01, 2010

@Lucius Thanks, but the issue is other plurals (of which there are a lot). Checking for an s is easy enough as you showed, but there are other possibilities/alternate spellings, etc. that are difficult to look for

@bourneident The auto-stop is basically already there, you just have to !start n and it will stop after n questions. I could look into adding more scoring features in the future but at the moment I'm at college and I only have a macbook, so I can't really do any mIRC coding. I don't have too much time anyway, so it would have to wait.

If anyone wants to modify it themselves and re-post it I would be fine with that, since I'm probably not going to be able to work on it again for a while if at all.

bourneident   -  Sep 29, 2010

I don't know if you are still around but if you see this could you possibly add a !top10 option where scores are kept in a ini or hsh table i/e !top10 <1st place with a record of 3994 points> !top10 which shows top 10 players with a !reset scores option that only the ops can do
plus if it's not to much trouble maybe make it !top10 daily weekly monthly kinda thing


one last thing an auto stop after so many questions

thanks in advance hope you are still around

Lucius   -  Jul 30, 2010

Nice script indeed, I like the twist on a regular Trivia.

You said that you were looking at making it possible for plurals?

I don't know if this helps but you could use:

on *:TEXT:%FF.a1*:%chanFF:{
  if ($remove($1-, == s) || ($remove($1-, == $null) {
  msg %chanFF 10Survey says,4 50 points10!4 $nick 10got the 4#1 10answer,4 %FF.a1 $+ 10!
  inc %FF.score. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 50
  unset %FF.a1
  set %FF.answerz %FF.answerz + 1
  check %FF.answerz

the remove will take the correct answer off the input trigger (I added a wildcard) and if the value left is s or null it will carry on.
That will only work for s on the end of the answer though.
I'm sure there are easier and better ways to do it, but if you do that for each answer trigger, it should work.

RevJohn Straub   -  Jul 05, 2010

im haveing a problem with it reading the questions am i doing something wrong

Warriorii   -  Apr 23, 2010

It would be nice if u would add an auto stop after no input after a certain length of time or a certain amount of rounds have been played. Or just take out the unlimited and have them to type start to each time they want to play. We love the game and it's played often thanks for your time and effort in making it....

Warriorii   -  Mar 13, 2010

Your Family Feud game is great. To bad u didnt fix it so it would keep the scores for like a month then anounce the winner and reset the scores. But still is a great game everyone in my channel loves it

Creekynoise   -  Feb 13, 2010

Ohh ok, that's unfortunate. If you have time to possibly work on a singular/plural accomodation it would be greatly appreciated, but if not then it's understandable.

tv3636   -  Feb 12, 2010

I started working on something to try to accommodate plurals/singular but it ended up being more difficult than I had imagined. The issue is that many words don't simply need an s to be plural, so it's a lot more work than it would seem.

I might look back into it, although I did write this a while ago and at this point I'd probably just want to re-write it, which I don't really have time for now :\

Creekynoise   -  Feb 12, 2010

I seem to be having a singular/plural issue, is there a way you can fix this? For example, if you put dogs, and the answer is dog, is there a way to make it so both answers would be accepted?

jasonh   -  Jan 21, 2010

yeah that would be a cool thing to do

tv3636   -  Jan 21, 2010

The scores are just per game, not total, although I could modify it to do that. I remember there was a reason I didn't originally but I wouldn't be able to work on it now anyway, so perhaps I'll add that in the future.

Pangaea   -  Jan 21, 2010

actuly i ment the !scores trigger (after a game) dosent seem to do anything

!ffscores Scores (please note ive changed all the triggers with an "ff" at the start)
Pangaea   -  Jan 21, 2010

Really Interesting variation on a trivia game, I love this.

Do the points stay on a record or something? When playing the game !score returns my points, but after a game as finished and i type !score it says there is no game being played. Was just curious if it was ment to be like this?

Great script 9/10


tv3636   -  Dec 29, 2009

It's not case sensitive so that shouldn't matter..and I haven't heard of this bug before (except for something with nicknames being an issue, but I thought I fixed that, and that was only when nicknames had dashes). Try to change nicknames and then answer, or have somebody else answer maybe, and then let me know if that seems to fix whatever the problem is. I don't really know why that would be happening though, sorry.

jasonh   -  Dec 28, 2009

i really like this script and it's a lot of fun, but sometimes it misses questions if you dont capitalize the first letter of the word, or just altogether

Round 5 / 5 || Question (530/900): name a food you couldn't pronounce when you were a small child There are 6 answers! spaghetti Spaghetti The remaining answers are: #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 That's it! The answers were (in order): spaghetti, asparagus, banana, broccoli, hamburger, and tomato Game over! i made the answer file all lowercase, but that didnt help. any suggestions?
tv3636   -  Dec 02, 2009

awesome, thanks! Updated the description

[Plornt]   -  Dec 01, 2009
shadowice   -  Nov 16, 2009

can someone host new link to the txt file

Atr   -  Sep 07, 2009

broccoli, make sure you set the %chanFF to your channel.

broccoli   -  Sep 06, 2009

Nevermind, I got it. Nice script. ;)

After a while of trying to figure out where to put the .txt, I finally got it. But now this.

  • /msg: insufficient parameters (line 220, remote.ini)

Line 220 =

    msg %chanFF %FF.scoreoutput
tv3636   -  Aug 11, 2009

Quick: Awesome, glad you figured it out!

AmyOUfan: That's why you use /query tv3636 (or /whois tv3636) :p
And I have my channel in the game description anyway

AmyOUfan   -  Aug 11, 2009

tv3636 um really tes like almost 15,000 rooms on that IRC server & you expect people to find you ? Room name would help.

Quick   -  Aug 11, 2009

Found the issue, was another script i had that was causeing it to stop. Wasnt your script in any way that was faulty. Thanks for the responce and once again Very nice script.

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