By BrAndo on Oct 31, 2008

A mimic of the uno card game. This game is alot of fun. I've been playing with a couple of my friends everyone loves it. If you don't know how to play its very easy to learn. There is also a top 10 list so everyone can compete to be the best.

Heres a list of commands:

!uno - This command is used to start an uno game. The player that types this becomes player 1.
!join - This allows you to join the game (at any time).
!deal - This command starts the game (as long as you have 2+ players). It can only be typed by player 1 (the person who typed !uno).
!unostop - This command ends the current uno game and can only be used by player 1.
!quit - This command removes you from the current game. If used by player 1, player 2 becomes player 1 and in charge of the game.
!kickplayer - This command allows player 1 to kick people from the current game for some reason like if they don't know how to play.
!cards - This command shows you your cards.
!count - This command shows all the players and the number of cards they have left. It also shows who's turn it is.
!topcard - This command shows the top card.
!draw - This command draws you a card from the deck.
!pass - This command passes to the next person (you must draw once to use this).
!play - This command allows you to play cards.
!score - This command shows you how many wins the given nick has.
!top10 - This command shows you the top 10 uno players and their wins.

Again if you don't know how to play you can learn from playing one game. These are all text events, so you will need to put this script in an mIRC bot. If your looking for some people to play with, i play in #cwcommunity on swiftirc.

on *:start:{
  hmake uno 50
  if ($isfile(uno.dat)) hload uno uno.dat
on *:exit: hsave uno uno.dat
on *:nick:{
  var %i = $hget(0), %c
  while (%i) {
    if ($newnick ison $hget(%i)) {
      %c = $v2
    dec %i
  if ($hget(%c,$nick)) {
    hadd %c $newnick $v1
    hadd %c $hfind(%c,$nick).data $newnick
on *:quit:{
  var %i = $hget(0), %c
  while (%i) {
    if ($me ison $hget(%i)) && ($hget($hget(%i),$nick)) remplayer %c $nick $nick has been removed from the current game.
    dec %i
on *:part:#:{
  if (!$hget(#)) return
  if ($hget(#,$nick)) remplayer # $nick $nick was removed from the current game.
  elseif ($nick == $me) hfree #
on *:kick:#:{
  if (!$hget(#)) return
  if ($hget(#,$nick)) remplayer # $nick $nick was removed from the current game.
  elseif ($nick == $me) hfree #
on $*:text:/^[@!.](uno)?score/Si:#:{
  var %u = $iif($2,$2,$nick)
  $iif($left($1,1) == @,msg #,notice $nick) %u has $bytes($iif($hget(uno,%u),$v1,0),b) wins.
on $*:text:/^[@!.](uno)?top10$/Si:#:{
  var %x, %i = $hget(uno,0).item, %o
  while (%i) {
    %x = $instok(%x,$hget(uno,$hget(uno,%i).item),0,32)
    dec %i
  %x = $sorttok(%x,32,nr)
  %i = 1
  while (%i <= 10) {
    if (!$hget(uno,%i).item) break
    %o = $addtok(%o,$ord(%i) $+ : $hfind(uno,$gettok(%x,%i,32),$calc($findtok(%o,$gettok(%x,%i,32),0,32) +1)).data - $bytes($gettok(%x,%i,32),b) |,32)
    inc %i
  $iif($left($1,1) == @,msg #,notice $nick) $left(%o,-1)
on $*:text:/^[@!.]uno$/Si:#:{
  if ($hget(#,players)) notice $nick There is already an uno game in progress in # $+ .
  else {
    if ($hget(#)) hfree #
    hmake #
    hadd # p1 $nick
    hadd # $nick $cards(7)
    hinc # players
    msg # $nick has started 3U04N12O v2.0 by BrAndo. Type !join to join the game.
    notice $nick Type !deal to start the game.
on $*:text:/^[@!.]?join$/Si:#:{
  if (!$hget(#,p1)) return
  elseif ($hget(#,$nick)) notice $nick You are already playing!
  else {
    hinc # players
    hadd # p $+ $hget(#,players) $nick
    hadd # $nick $cards(7)
    msg # $nick will be player $hget(#,players) $+ .
on $*:text:/^[@!.](deal|start( ?game)?|play|begin)$/Si:#:{
  if (!$hget(#,p1)) return
  elseif (!$hget(#,$nick)) notice $nick You aren't in this game.
  elseif ($hget(#,turn)) notice $nick The game has already started.
  elseif ($nick != $hget(#,p1)) msg # Only $v2 can start the game.
  elseif ($hget(#,players) !> 1) msg # You need atleast two people to play.
  else {
    var %c = 01
    while (01* iswm %c) %c = $cards(1)
    hadd # top %c
    hadd # turn 1
    hadd # rev $true
    msg # $hget(#,p1) $+ 's turn.
    msg # Top card: $hget(#,top)
    notice $nick Your cards: $hget(#,$nick)
on $*:text:/^[@!.](endgame|uno(stop|end))$/Si:#:{
  if (!$hget(#,p1)) return
  elseif ($nick != $hget(#,p1)) msg # Only $v2 can end the game.
  else {
    hfree #
    msg # Game ended by $nick $+ .
on $*:text:/^[@!.]quit$/Si:#:{
  if (!$hget(#,p1)) return
  elseif (!$hget(#,$nick)) notice $nick You aren't in this game.
  else remplayer # $nick $nick has left the game.
on $*:text:/^[@!.]kickplayer (.+)$/Si:#:{
  if (!$hget(#,p1)) return
  elseif ($nick != $hget(#,p1)) msg # Only $v1 can kick people from the game.
  elseif (!$hget(#,$regml(1))) msg # $regml(1) is not in this game.
  else remplayer # $regml(1) $regml(1) has been kicked from the game by $nick $+ .
on $*:text:/^[@!.](show)?(hand|cards?)$/Si:#:{
  if (!$hget(#,p1)) return
  elseif (!$hget(#,$nick)) notice $nick You aren't in this game.
  else notice $nick Your cards: $hget(#,$nick)
on $*:text:/^[@!.](uno)?count$/Si:#:{
  if (!$hget(#,p1)) return
  else {
    $iif($left($1,1) == @,msg #,notice $nick) Current score: $regsubex($str(.,$hget(#,players)),/./g,$+($hget(#,p\n),:,$chr(32),$numtok($hget(#,$hget(#,p\n)),32),$chr(32))) 
    $iif($left($1,1) == @,msg #,notice $nick) Its $hget(#,p $+ $hget(#,turn)) $+ 's turn.
on $*:text:/^[@!.]topcard$/Si:#:{
  if (!$hget(#,p1)) return
  msg # Top card: $hget(#,top)
on $*:text:/^[@!.]draw ?(card)?$/Si:#:{
  if (!$hget(#,p1)) return
  elseif (!$hget(#,$nick)) notice $nick You aren't in this game.
  elseif ($hget(#,p $+ $hget(#,turn)) != $nick) notice $nick It is not your turn.
  else {
    var %c = $cards(1)
    hadd # $nick $instok($hget(#,$nick),%c,0,32)
    notice $nick You drew: %c
    hadd # pass $nick
on $*:text:/^[@!.]pass$/Si:#:{
  if (!$hget(#,p1)) return
  elseif (!$hget(#,$nick)) notice $nick You aren't in this game.
  elseif ($hget(#,p $+ $hget(#,turn)) != $nick) notice $nick It is not your turn.
  elseif ($hget(#,pass) != $nick) notice $nick You have to draw once first.
  else {
    var %nnick = $hget(#,p $+ $hget(#,turn))
    msg # %nnick $+ 's turn
    msg # Top card: $hget(#,top)
    notice %nnick Your cards: $hget(#,%nnick)
    hdel # pass
on $*:text:/^[@!.]play/Si:#:{
  if (!$hget(#,p1)) return
  elseif (!$hget(#,$nick)) notice $nick You aren't in this game.
  elseif ($hget(#,p $+ $hget(#,turn)) != $nick) notice $nick It is not your turn.
  elseif (!$iscard($2-)) notice $nick Syntax: !play <color> <card> or !play WD4/W <color>
  elseif (!$hascard($2-,$nick)) notice $nick You don't have that card.
  else {
    noop $regex($iscard($2-),/^\x03(\d{2})(\[.+?\])$/)
    var %co = $regml(1), %c = $regml(2)
    if (%co isin $hget(#,top)) || (%c == $strip($hget(#,top))) || (%c == [*]) {
      delcard $nick $2-
      hadd # top $iscard($2-)
      if (%c == [D2]) {
        var %snick = $hget(#,p $+ $hget(#,turn)), %nnick, %msg
        hadd # %snick $instok($hget(#,%snick),$cards(2),0,32)
        %nnick = $hget(#,p $+ $hget(#,turn))
        %msg = %snick draws 2 cards and is skipped! %nnick $+ 's turn.        
      elseif (%c == [S]) {
        var %snick = $hget(#,p $+ $hget(#,turn)), %nnick, %msg
        %nnick = $hget(#,p $+ $hget(#,turn))
        %msg = %snick is skipped, %nnick $+ 's turn.
      elseif (%c == [R]) {
        hadd # rev $iif($hget(#,rev),$false,$true)
        var %nnick = $hget(#,p $+ $hget(#,turn)), %msg = $nick reversed it $+ $chr(44) %nnick $+ 's turn.
      elseif (%c == [*]) && (4 isin $2-) {
        var %snick = $hget(#,p $+ $hget(#,turn)), %nnick, %msg
        hadd # %snick $instok($hget(#,%snick),$cards(4),0,32)
        %nnick = $hget(#,p $+ $hget(#,turn))
        %msg = %snick draws 4 and is skipped! %nnick $+ 's turn.
      elseif (%c == [*]) {
        var %nnick = $hget(#,p $+ $hget(#,turn)), %msg = %nnick $+ 's turn.
      else {
        var %nnick = $hget(#,p $+ $hget(#,turn)), %msg = %nnick $+ 's turn.
      if ($numtok($hget(#,$nick),32) == 1) msg # $nick has 3U04N12O!
      elseif (!$v1) {
        msg # Congratulations $nick you win!!!
        hfree #
        hinc uno $nick
      msg # %msg
      msg # Top card: $hget(#,top)
      notice %nnick Your cards: $hget(#,%nnick)
      hdel # pass
    else notice $nick That card doesn't play.
alias cards {
  var %c = 12[1] 12[2] 12[3] 12[4] 12[5] 12[6] 12[7] 12[8] 12[9] 09[1] 09[2] 09[3] 09[4] 09[5] 09[6] 09[7] 09[8] 09[9] $&
    08[1] 08[2] 08[3] 08[4] 08[5] 08[6] 08[7] 08[8] 08[9] 04[1] 04[2] 04[3] 04[4] 04[5] 04[6] 04[7] 04[8] 04[9] 01[WD4] $&
    01[WD4] 01[WD4] 01[WD4] 12[D2] 12[D2] 09[D2] 09[D2] 08[D2] 08[D2] 04[D2] 04[D2] 12[S] 12[S] 09[S] 09[S] 08[S] 08[S] $&
    04[S] 04[S] 12[R] 12[R] 09[R] 09[R] 08[R] 08[R] 04[R] 04[R] 01[W] 01[W] 01[W] 01[W]
  var %i = $1, %o
  while (%i) { 
    %o = $instok(%o,$gettok(%c,$r(1,68),32),0,32)
    dec %i
  return %o
alias iscard {
  if ($regex($1,/^([bgyr])\w* (\d)$/i)) return $+($col($regml(1)),[,$regml(2),])
  elseif ($regex($1,/^w(?:ild)? ?d?(?:raw)? ?4? ([bgyr])/i)) return $col($regml(1)) $+ [*]
  elseif ($regex($1,/^([bgyr])\w* d(?:raw)?2$/i)) return $col($regml(1)) $+ [D2]
  elseif ($regex($1,/^([bgyr])\w* ([sr])\w*$/i)) return $+($col($regml(1)),[,$upper($regml(2)),])
alias col {
  if ($1 == b) return 12
  elseif ($1 == g) return 09
  elseif ($1 == y) return 08
  else return 04
alias nextturn {
  var %c = $iif(#,#,$1)
  $iif($hget(%c,rev),hinc,hdec) %c turn
  if (!$hget(%c,p $+ $hget(%c,turn))) hadd %c turn $iif($hget(%c,rev),1,$hget(%c,players))
alias hascard {
  var %c = $iscard($1)
  if ($strip(%c) == [*]) {
    if (4 isin $1) return $istok($hget(#,$2),01[wd4],32)
    else return $istok($hget(#,$2),01[W],32)
  else return $istok($hget(#,$2),%c,32)
alias delcard {
  var %c = $iscard($2-), %o
  if ($strip(%c) == [*]) %o = $iif(4 isin $2-,01[wd4],01[W])
  else %o = %c
  hadd # $1 $remtok($hget(#,$1),%o,1,32)
alias remplayer {
  var %p = $hfind($1,$2).data, %i = $right(%p,-1)
  hdel $1 $2
  hdel $1 %p
  hdec $1 players
  msg $1 $3-
  if ($hget($1,players) == 1) { 
    msg $1 Game ended, you need atleast two people to uno.
    hfree $1
  else {
    if (!$hget($1,p $+ $hget($1,turn))) {
      if (!$hget($1,top)) return
      nextturn $1
      var %nnick = $hget($1,p $+ $hget($1,turn))
      msg $1 %nnick $+ 's turn.
      msg $1 Top card: $hget($1,top)
      notice %nnick Your cards: $hget($1,%nnick)
    while (%i <= $hget($1,players)) {
      hadd $1 p $+ %i $hget($1,p $+ $calc(%i +1))
      hdel $1 p $+ $calc(%i +1)
      inc %i


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Somsubhra1   -  Jan 31, 2016

It's great. But ,How to prevent someone from playing a wild card if they have the color needed?

fer98213  -  Feb 20, 2016

muy bueno

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LizZz   -  Feb 25, 2015

Love it, but how can i get it to work in 1 or 2 channels and not all the channels i'm in?

So, i'm in 3 channels..
channel a, b and c
i don't want the script to work in channel b, how can i do this? :)

EMC  -  Jun 02, 2016

Make a new line below line 56 (on $*:text:/^[@!.]uno$/Si:#:{)
And put in:
if ($chan = #chan || $chan = #chan) {

Replace "chan" with the channel you want. You can add more channels just by adding two more lines || and repeating $chan = #chan

Good luck!

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EMC   -  Apr 17, 2014

Script works well still but a player could ruin the game by repeatedly typing !draw. Simple fix is to paste -

elseif ($hget(#,pass) = $nick) notice $nick You have already drew! Play or !pass

...between lines 133 and 134 to limit players to only one !draw

CrazyShady   -  Dec 10, 2011

WD4 is a Wild Draw 4. You play it by typing !play wd4 color

Destiny98   -  Nov 30, 2011

Whats the Card wd4 and how can i play that?

Destiny98   -  Nov 27, 2011

I get a Error with this script,it shows me :* /set: line too long (line 225, script2.mrc)
UNO Unknown command

Quokka   -  Oct 15, 2011

it wont goto next card

[6:08am]« KaBooFa » Holy_Moly_Donuts has started UNO v2.0 by BrAndo. Type !join to join the game.
[6:08am] -KaBooFa- Type !deal to start the game.
[6:08am] !deal
[6:08am]« KaBooFa » Holy_Moly_Donuts's turn.
[6:08am]« KaBooFa » Top card: [9]
[6:08am] -KaBooFa- Your cards: [6] [R] [W] [R] [7] [D2] [D2]
[6:08am] !play blue 7
[6:08am]« KaBooFa » Congratulations Holy_Moly_Donuts you win!!!

plz help

CrazyShady   -  Sep 23, 2011

I've used this UNO script for quite some time and noticed it doesn't have a nick tracker in it. Which kind of blows. Lol. If someone plays with 1 nick, and win 3 times, and plays with another nick and wins 3 times, each nick is on the list. It doesn't put the wins all under 1 name.

Justin1227   -  May 15, 2011

Hey, every time some one types top10 it gives my bot this error: /notice: insufficient parameters (line 54, uno.mrc). Is there any way to fix it?

JoKabua   -  Apr 07, 2011

I Like this Uno i give you 10 on this..

Vegitha   -  Mar 08, 2011

awesome code

johnyalacy   -  Dec 27, 2010

To calc Uno point I use this App, Maybe it helps..

d8e93jf9vwp   -  Sep 07, 2010

AlexRapso, you need to strip colors.

AlexRapso   -  Sep 07, 2010

It's good but the problem with notice or in pm is that you can't see what color the cards are
(16:47:38) -R-Bot- Your cards: [6] [D2] [R] [8] [4] [S] [9]
so yeh i have to try and play like each color before i find the right one lol

d8e93jf9vwp   -  Aug 22, 2010

Terrific script. I think you should put an !unohelp command.

eqrunner   -  Dec 28, 2009

wanted to add the rule that if only 2 players are playing, then R act as skips according to uno rules

eqrunner   -  Dec 27, 2009

Works well. Needs a !skip option. Cause when players go AFK, would be nice to skip them.

Also on next edit. change all the notice to .notice, as i find its very easy to see all the players cards. unfair advantage to the person hosting the bot.

brho0om   -  Aug 11, 2009

Great Game
but i wanna Change yaloo colar how ?
and keep in thankx for good Game :P

appledells   -  Jul 06, 2009

you need to be stripping colors/fonts like I always am for my bot

IRCpaintballer   -  Jun 07, 2009

Does'nt work for me, When every we try to play (!play Blue 7 etc..) It Notice's me: Syntax: !play or !play WD4/W
I put the right command in there, But it keeps telling me the same thing... Help/Fix the script!

appledells   -  Mar 31, 2009

Great Game my rooms loves it

xXPrincessXx   -  Mar 07, 2009

hey i hope yer can help me i canny get the !score to work and save the score

napa182   -  Jan 07, 2009

from the intro

Again if you don't know how to play you can learn from playing one game. These are all text events, so you will need to put this script in an mIRC bot. If your looking for some people to play with, i play in #cwcommunity on swiftirc.

@ Sir Jaxx: load it in a new remote of ur bot.

SirJaxx   -  Jan 07, 2009

Where do I load it into?

uneek   -  Jan 04, 2009

Works great! Thanks for the add.

Dragon1-9-8-4   -  Nov 29, 2008

i cant help you now i deleted it and cant remember the error message it gave me but i found another maybe just a coding error or maybe my bot just dont like the script lol.

BrAndo   -  Nov 29, 2008

if you can't be anymore descriptive, i can't help you

Dragon1-9-8-4   -  Nov 28, 2008

i put it on a bot i have.and it didnt work

BrAndo   -  Nov 24, 2008

it works for me and apparently other people too

make sure your not trying to play on the mirc that you put the script into.

Dragon1-9-8-4   -  Nov 24, 2008

doesnt work.make sure it works before you post it.

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