Image downloader

By TheImrac on Oct 28, 2008

Version: 1.0.2

Load it up and double click on a image link =)

Thanks: neptune BrAndo|

This is a rough version, it works, but it ain't too pretty as of now.

1.0.1: Updated, fixed aspect ratio crap
1.0.2: Rewrite of sockets/hot link/finish alias (not backwards compatible)

;Version: 1.0.2
;Author: Imrac
;thanks: neptune, BrAndo|

on ^*:hotlink:*:*:$iif($ValidImgLink($1),return,halt)

on *:hotlink:*:*:{ if ($ValidImgLink($1)) { getImage $regml(ValidImgLink,1) HotlinkImageLoaded HotlinkImageUpdate $+(tmp.,$regml(ValidImgLink,5)) } }

alias HotlinkImageLoaded {
  If (!$1) {
    Echo 2 -e Error Downloading File $2-

  Else {
    if ($window(@loader)) window -c @Loader
    if ($window(@Image)) window -c @Image
    var %img.h = $pic($1-).height, %img.w = $pic($1-).width, %img.aspect = $calc(%img.w / %img.h)
    var %win.h = $round($calc($window(-3).h * .75),0), %win.w = $round($calc($window(-3).w * .75)),0)
    if ((%img.aspect >= 1) && (%img.w > %win.w)) { var %img.h = %win.h, %img.w = $round($calc(%img.h * %img.aspect),0) } 
    if ((%img.aspect < 1) && (%img.h > %win.h)) { var %img.w = %win.w, %img.h = $round($calc(%img.w * %img.aspect),0) } 

    echo -b Dimentions: %img.w %img.h
    window -dapBCw3 +d @Image 50 50 %img.w %img.h
    drawpic -s @Image 0 0 %img.w %img.h $1-
    toolbar -d loaderw

alias HotlinkImageUpdate {
  If (!$window(@Loader)) window -hdpBCw0 +d @Loader 5 5 150 16
  drawgrad @loader #eeeef6 #c7c7dd 0 0 150 16
  drawgrad @loader #a4cf00 #a5d000 0 0 $round($calc(150 * $1 / $2),0) 8
  drawgrad @loader #95b901 #93ba00 0 8 $round($calc(150 * $1 / $2),0) 8
  var %d = $chr(2) $+ $round($calc($1 / $2 * 100),0) $+ %
  var %w = $width(%d,Arial,12), %x = $round($calc((150 - %w) / 2),0)
  drawtext -cnrp @loader $rgb(255,255,255) Arial 12 %x 0 %w 16 %d
  drawrect -r @loader $rgb(65,65,65) 1 0 0 150 16

  if (!$toolbar(loaderw)) { toolbar -az3 loaderw "Downloading Image" @loader }
  toolbar -p loaderw @loader

;alias HotlinkImageUpdate {
;  echo -b $chr(2) $+ $round($calc($1 / $2 * 100),0) $+ %

alias drawgrad {
  if ($regex(draw,$1-,/^(@.[^ ]*) (#?[0-9a-fA-f]{6}) (#?[0-9a-fA-f]{6}) (\d+) (\d+) (\d+) (\d+) ?(1)?$/)) {
    tokenize 44 $+($h2r($regml(draw,2)),$chr(44),$h2r($regml(draw,3)))
    var %a = 0
    if ($regml(draw,8) == 1) {
      while (%a <= $regml(draw,6)) {
        var %r = $floor($calc($1 + (($4 - $1) * (%a / $v2)))), %g = $floor($calc($2 + (($5 - $2) * (%a / $v2)))), %b = $floor($calc($3 + (($6 - $3) * (%a / $v2))))
        var %x = $calc($regml(draw,4) + %a)
        drawrect -nrf $regml(draw,1) $rgb(%r,%g,%b) 0 %x $regml(draw,5) 1 $regml(draw,7)
        inc %a
    else {
      while (%a <= $regml(draw,7)) {
        var %r = $floor($calc($1 + (($4 - $1) * (%a / $v2)))), %g = $floor($calc($2 + (($5 - $2) * (%a / $v2)))), %b = $floor($calc($3 + (($6 - $3) * (%a / $v2))))
        var %y = $calc($regml(draw,5) + %a)
        drawrect -nrf $regml(draw,1) $rgb(%r,%g,%b) 0 $regml(draw,4) %y $regml(draw,6) 1
        inc %a
  else { echo -e $color(info) * /drawgrad: insufficient parameters }

alias h2r {
  if ($regex($1,$+(/^#?,$str(([0-9a-fA-F]),6),$/))) {
    var %x = 1
    while (%x <= $regml(0)) {  var %c = $+(%c,$replace($regml(%x),a,10,b,11,c,12,d,13,e,14,f,15),$chr(44)) | inc %x }
    tokenize 44 %c
    return $+($calc($1 * 16 + $2),$chr(44),$calc($3 * 16 + $4),$chr(44),$calc($5 * 16 + $6))
  return $false

menu @Image {
    if ( {
      var %x = $calc(%Image.wx - ( - $mouse.dx ))
      var %y = $calc(%Image.wy - ( - $mouse.dy))
      window -p @Image %x %y
    set $mouse.dx
    set $mouse.dy
    set %Image.wx $window(@Image).x
    set %Image.wy $window(@Image).y
    unset %Image.*
    unset %Image.*
  Close:window -c @Image

alias ValidImgLink { return $regex(ValidImgLink,$1,/((?:http:\/\/)?([\w.]+\.\w{2,3})((?:\/\S+)?(\/\S+\.(jpe?g|bmp|gif|png))))/i) } 
;; /getImage <URL> <alias> <alias> <File>
;; URL = Image URL
;; alias #1 = Call Back alias when finished Returns $false if failed or file name.
;; alias #2 = Update alias (can be NOOP) Returns <bytes> <total bytes>
alias getImage {
  IF (($ValidImgLink($1)) && ($0 > 3)) {
    var %sockname = $+(IMG_,$md5($regml(ValidImgLink,1)))

    IF ($sock(%sockname)) sockclose %sockname
    IF ($hget(%sockname)) .hfree %sockname
    hadd -m %sockname host $regml(ValidImgLink,2)
    hadd %sockname get $regml(ValidImgLink,3)
    hadd %sockname callback $2
    hadd %sockname update $3
    hadd %sockname file $qt($4-)
    if ($exists($qt($4-))) .remove $qt($4-)
    sockopen %sockname $regml(ValidImgLink,2) 80

  IF ($sockerr) { $hget($sockname,callback) $hget($sockname,file) $false | halt }
  sockwrite -n $sockname GET $hget($sockname,get) HTTP/1.1
  sockwrite -n $sockname Host: $hget($sockname,host)
  sockwrite -n $sockname Connection: close
  sockwrite -n $sockname $crlf
  IF ($sockerr) { $hget($sockname,callback) $hget($sockname,file) $false | halt }

  if (!$sock($sockname).mark) {
    var %read
    sockread %read
    while (%read) {
      tokenize 32 %read 
      IF (($1 == HTTP/1.1) && ($2 !isnum 200)) { 
        $hget($sockname,callback) $false 
        hfree $sockname
        sockclose $sockname
      ELSEIF ($1 == Content-Length:) hadd $sockname length $2
      sockread %read
  sockmark $sockname $true

  sockread &tmp
  while ($sockbr) {
    var %file = $hget($sockname,file)
    bwrite %file -1 -1 &tmp
    var %size = $file(%file).size
    var %length = $hget($sockname,length)
    $hget($sockname,update) %size %length

    if (%size == %length) { 
      $hget($sockname,callback) %file
      hfree $sockname
      sockclose $sockname

    sockread &tmp


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TheImrac   -  Oct 19, 2010

What version of mIRC are you using?

_Teen_   -  Oct 19, 2010

i tested again and then,

  • /hfree: Insuficient Parameters (line 259, remote_p.cyb)

$hget($sockname,callback) %file

  • /sockread: Invalid Socket (line 264, remote_p.cyb)

sockread &tmp

TheImrac   -  Oct 19, 2010

Aight, complete rewrite of sockets and hotlink catcher, should work nicely now.

May update later to accommodate redirects.

[85]   -  Oct 19, 2010


_Teen_   -  Oct 18, 2010

nice code dude, but look
when i try to download the pic from a different server


its fail... would be nice to add a function to receive from many other websities

and yes, i dont have copyrights about this pic

[85]   -  Oct 18, 2010

woow ... :D

Jace   -  Oct 29, 2008

Oh sorry Imrac I didn't didn't rate."Rate it? Or Hate it?"...7/10.`-.-´

^Neptune   -  Oct 29, 2008

Sweet! I've been working on the -w parameter :P

It just about works now.

TheImrac   -  Oct 29, 2008

FYI I changed a couple things neptune, added -u parameter for an "update alias" meaning it will be called every new packet received.

^Neptune   -  Oct 29, 2008

I'll be posting my script with that awesome alias sometime in the next week maybe. :P

Jace   -  Oct 29, 2008

Looks good.`-.-´

napa182   -  Oct 28, 2008

Nice work..

napalm`   -  Oct 28, 2008

/me ripz

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