
By rhasttaff on Sep 05, 2008


This is a simple theme personalizator that i made in the last days
with this you can customise some events and raws colors as you want on dialog.
you can also select some images to backgrounds
and sounds to some events

This is a English Version.
I never studied English. I learned that the little alone.
so if there is something wrong in writing. Please fix it by yourself

you can download fullAddon in separated Path with some icons and sounds.
but firstly you can Not Rename anything Path,Icons,Sounds
and have to keep the addon path on mircdir.

download here:

else copy the code below (without that icons dialog) and Alt+r...
to Open rithClick mouse on channel and have a fun!

Jah Bless´´

;# Theme Personalization  #
;#      By rhasttaff      #
;# if you do not know how #
;# DoNT Do iT >.<!        #
dialog ptme {
  title "Personal Theme"
  size -1 -1 242 163
  option dbu
  list 1, 4 10 50 73, size vsbar
  edit "", 2, 5 88 232 11, autohs
  icon 3, 5 100 232 12
  combo 4, 183 10 53 47, size drop
  radio "timestamp1", 5, 57 10 40 9
  radio "timestamp1", 6, 57 20 40 9
  radio "timestamp1", 7, 57 30 40 9
  radio "timestamp1", 8, 102 30 40 9
  radio "timestamp1", 9, 102 10 40 9
  radio "timestamp1", 10, 102 20 40 9
  box "&&TimeStamp&&", 11, 55 1 88 39
  edit "", 12, 57 48 84 9, autohs
  box "&&logo&&", 13, 55 40 88 19
  edit "", 14, 145 10 34 10, autohs
  box "&&pref&&", 15, 143 1 38 21, autohs
  box "Background", 16, 143 24 38 61
  radio "Your", 27, 57 66 22 8
  radio "Others", 28, 57 75 26 7
  combo 29, 92 63 26 39, size drop hide
  edit "", 30, 120 63 21 10, autohs hide
  icon 31, 121 74 17 8
  box "Status Color", 312, 55 59 88 26
  box "Events/Raws", 33, 3 1 52 84
  box "Styles", 34, 181 1 57 55
  box "", 35, 181 57 58 28
  combo 36, 145 48 19 37, size drop
  icon 37, 146 65 29 12
  button "Set", 38, 165 48 12 9
  edit "", 39, 183 32 53 10, read
  text "LoaDed:", 40, 183 22 53 8, center
  button "New", 41, 184 45 23 9
  button "Delete", 42, 210 45 23 9
  text "", 430, 4 133 217 22, multi
  list 43, 5 133 215 34, read multi vsbar
  button "Images", 49, 207 64 29 17
  button "OK", 44, 224 139 14 12, ok
  box "", 45, 3 82 236 33
  box "", 46, 3 129 219 34
  combo 47, 145 32 34 33, size drop
  button "Set", 32, 96 78 18 8, hide
  check "Play Sound", 51, 51 120 36 9, hide
  edit "", 52, 87 119 139 10, hide read
  text "", 53, 7 121 42 9, center
  button "...", 54, 227 120 9 9, hide disable
  box "", 55, 3 113 236 19
alias ptblok {
  if ($1 = ok) {  did -b ptme 2  | did -b ptme 12  | did -b ptme 14  | did -b ptme 47  | did -b ptme 5-11 | did -b ptme 49 }
  else { did -e ptme 41-42  | did -e ptme 2  | did -e ptme 12  | did -e ptme 14  | did -e ptme 47  | did -e ptme 5-11 | did -e ptme 49 }
on *:dialog:ptme:init:0: {
  if ($pthemeusing = Rasta) { /ptblok ok } 
  else { /ptblok nok }
  did -b $dname 27 | did -b $dname 28
  did -ra $dname 12 $plogo 
  did -ra $dname 14 $pref 
  did -ra $dname 39 $pthemeusing
  did -ra $dname 5 $time(HH:nn:ss)
  did -ra $dname 6 $time(h:n:s)
  did -ra $dname 7 $time(HH:nn:tt)
  did -ra $dname 8 $time(h:n:tt)
  did -ra $dname 9 $time(H:nn:tt)
  did -ra $dname 10 $time(h:n:t)
  if (%pt.timestpnum) { did -c $dname %pt.timestpnum }
  var %pt.styles = $readini(ptheme.ini,styles,total)
  var %pt.styls = $numtok(%pt.styles,32)
  while (%pt.styls > 0) {
    did -a $dname 4 $gettok(%pt.styles,%pt.styls,32) 
    dec %pt.styls
  var %pt.allevents = 491 484 483 482 481 478 477 475 474 473 472 471 467 465 464 461 442 441 438 437 433 432 431 422 421 411 412 406 405 404 403 401 381 333 332 331 306 305 quit part join servnotice topic invite notice otherskick othersmode othersnick otherstext othersaction otherstextwithme ownkick usermode selfkick selfmode selfnick selfaction selftext
  var %pt.alleven = $numtok(%pt.allevents,32)
  while (%pt.alleven > 0) {
    did -a $dname 1 $gettok(%pt.allevents,%pt.alleven,32) 
    dec %pt.alleven
  var %pt.bkgcor = 15 14  13 12 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 00
  var %pt.bkgco = $numtok(%pt.bkgcor,32)
  while (%pt.bkgco > 0) {
    did -a $dname 36 $gettok(%pt.bkgcor,%pt.bkgco,32) 
    dec %pt.bkgco
  set %pt.bkgsel2 $colour(Background)
  set %pt.bkgsel $colour(Background)
  var %pt.bkgsbox = Editbox-Text Treebar Editbox ListBox Background
  var %pt.bkgbx1 = $numtok(%pt.bkgsbox,32)
  while (%pt.bkgbx1 > 0) {
    did -a $dname 47 $gettok(%pt.bkgsbox,%pt.bkgbx1,32) 
    dec %pt.bkgbx1
  did -h $dname 36-38
  did -b $dname 29-30
on *:dialog:ptme:EDIT:*: {
if ($len($did($dname,$did).text) >= 1) {
  if ($did = 32) {
    if ($did($dname,27).state = 1) {
      if (~ isincs $did($dname,29).seltext) {
        /writeini ptheme.ini $pthemeusing msttq $ptc2($did($dname,30).text $+ )
      if (& isincs $did($dname,29).seltext) {
        /writeini ptheme.ini $pthemeusing mstta $ptc2($did($dname,30).text $+ )
      if (@ isincs $did($dname,29).seltext) {
        /writeini ptheme.ini $pthemeusing mstto $ptc2($did($dname,30).text $+ )
      if (% isincs $did($dname,29).seltext) {
        /writeini ptheme.ini $pthemeusing mstth $ptc2($did($dname,30).text $+ )
      if (+ isincs $did($dname,29).seltext) {
        /writeini ptheme.ini $pthemeusing msttv $ptc2($did($dname,30).text $+ )

    if ($did($dname,28).state = 1) {
      if (~ isincs $did($dname,29).seltext) {
        /writeini ptheme.ini $pthemeusing osttq $ptc2($did($dname,30).text $+ )
      if (& isincs $did($dname,29).seltext) {
        /writeini ptheme.ini $pthemeusing ostta $ptc2($did($dname,30).text $+ )
      if (@ isincs $did($dname,29).seltext) {
        /writeini ptheme.ini $pthemeusing ostto $ptc2($did($dname,30).text $+ )
      if (% isincs $did($dname,29).seltext) {
        /writeini ptheme.ini $pthemeusing ostth $ptc2($did($dname,30).text $+ )
      if (+ isincs $did($dname,29).seltext) {
        /writeini ptheme.ini $pthemeusing osttv $ptc2($did($dname,30).text $+ )
  if ($did = 12)  {
    /writeini ptheme.ini $pthemeusing logo $replace($did($dname,12).text,,¢¬) 
  if ($did = 14) { 
    /writeini ptheme.ini $pthemeusing pref $replace($did($dname,14).text,,¢¬)
  if ($did = 30) {
    /did -v $dname 31
    /stt-prev $did($dname,30).text 
  if ($did = 2) {
    var %pt.editwrit = $ptids2($ptc2($did($dname,2).text))
    /even-prev $did($dname,2).text 
    if ($did($dname,1).seltext = selftext) {
      /writeini ptheme.ini $pthemeusing $did($dname,1).seltext $ $+ eval $+ ( $+ $replace(%pt.editwrit,&text&,$chr(32) $+ $eval( $1- ,0)) $+ , $+ 0 $+ )
    if ($did($dname,1).seltext = selfaction) {
      /writeini ptheme.ini $pthemeusing  $did($dname,1).seltext $ $+ eval $+ ( $+ $replace(%pt.editwrit,&text&,$chr(32) $+ $eval( $2- ,0)) $+ , $+ 0 $+ )
    if ($did($dname,1).seltext = othersaction) {
      /writeini ptheme.ini $pthemeusing $did($dname,1).seltext $ $+ eval $+ ( $+ $replace(%pt.editwrit,&text&, $chr(32) $+ $eval( $1- ,0)) $+ , $+ 0 $+ )
    if ($did($dname,1).seltext = otherstext) {
      /writeini ptheme.ini $pthemeusing $did($dname,1).seltext $ $+ eval $+ ( $+ $replace(%pt.editwrit,&text&, $chr(32) $+ $eval( $1- ,0)) $+ , $+ 0 $+ )
    if ($did($dname,1).seltext = otherstextwithme) {
      /writeini ptheme.ini $pthemeusing $did($dname,1).seltext $ $+ eval $+ ( $+ $replace(%pt.editwrit,&text&, $chr(32) $+ $eval( $1- ,0)) $+ , $+ 0 $+ )
    if (($did($dname,1).seltext = selfkick) || ($did($dname,1).seltext = ownkick) || ($did($dname,1).seltext = otherskick)) {
      /writeini ptheme.ini $pthemeusing $did($dname,1).seltext $ $+ eval $+ ( $+ $replace(%pt.editwrit,&kick-reason&, $chr(32) $+ $eval( $+ $1- $+ ,0) $+ $chr(32)) $+ , $+ 0 $+ )
    if ($did($dname,1).seltext = selfmode) {
      /writeini ptheme.ini $pthemeusing $did($dname,1).seltext $ $+ eval $+ ( $+ $replace(%pt.editwrit,&md&,  $chr(32) $+ $eval( $1- ,0)) $+ , $+ 0 $+ )
    if ($did($dname,1).seltext = othersmode) {
      /writeini ptheme.ini $pthemeusing  $did($dname,1).seltext $ $+ eval $+ ( $+ $replace(%pt.editwrit,&md&, $chr(32) $+ $eval( $1- ,0)) $+ , $+ 0 $+ )
    if ($did($dname,1).seltext = join) {
      /writeini ptheme.ini $pthemeusing  $did($dname,1).seltext $ $+ eval $+ ( $+ %pt.editwrit $+ , $+ 0 $+ )
    if ($did($dname,1).seltext = part) {
      /writeini ptheme.ini $pthemeusing $did($dname,1).seltext  $ $+ eval $+ ( $+ $replace(%pt.editwrit,&text&,$chr(32) $+ $eval($+ $iif($1-,$1-,Parted) $+,0) $+ $chr(32)) $+ , $+ 0 $+ )
    if ($did($dname,1).seltext = quit) {
      /writeini ptheme.ini $pthemeusing $did($dname,1).seltext $ $+ eval $+ ( $+ $replace(%pt.editwrit,&text&,$chr(32) $+ $eval($+ $iif($1-,$1-,Quit) $+,0) $+ $chr(32)) $+ , $+ 0 $+ )
    if ($did($dname,1).seltext = notice) {

      /writeini ptheme.ini $pthemeusing $did($dname,1).seltext $ $+ eval $+ ( $+ $replace(%pt.editwrit,&text&,$chr(32) $+ $eval( $1- ,0) $+ $chr(32)) $+ , $+ 0 $+ )
    if ($did($dname,1).seltext = servnotice) {
      /writeini ptheme.ini $pthemeusing $did($dname,1).seltext $ $+ eval $+ ( $+ $replace(%pt.editwrit,&text&,$chr(32) $+ $eval( $1- ,0) $+ $chr(32)) $+ , $+ 0 $+ )
    if ($did($dname,1).seltext = usermode) {
      /writeini ptheme.ini $pthemeusing  $did($dname,1).seltext $ $+ eval $+ ( $+ $replace(%pt.editwrit,&md&, $chr(32) $+ $eval($+ $1- $+,0) $+ $chr(32)) $+ , $+ 0 $+ )
    if ($did($dname,1).seltext = selfnick) {
      /writeini ptheme.ini $pthemeusing  $did($dname,1).seltext $ $+ eval $+ ( $+ $replace(%pt.editwrit,&newyou&, $chr(32) $+ $eval( $+ $newnick $+ ,0) $+ $chr(32)) $+ , $+ 0 $+ )
    if ($did($dname,1).seltext = othersnick) {
      /writeini ptheme.ini $pthemeusing  $did($dname,1).seltext $ $+ eval $+ ( $+ $replace(%pt.editwrit,&newuser&, $chr(32) $+ $eval( $+ $newnick $+ ,0) $+ $chr(32)) $+ , $+ 0 $+ )
    if ($did($dname,1).seltext = invite) {
      /writeini ptheme.ini $pthemeusing  $did($dname,1).seltext $ $+ eval $+ ( $+ %pt.editwrit $+ , $+ 0 $+ )
    if ($did($dname,1).seltext = topic) {
      /writeini ptheme.ini $pthemeusing  $did($dname,1).seltext $ $+ eval $+ ( $+ $replace(%pt.editwrit,&user&, $chr(32) $+ $eval($+ $nick $+,0) $+ $chr(32),&channel&,$chr(32) $+ $eval($+ $chan $+,0) $+ $chr(32),&topictext&,$chr(32) $+ $eval($+ $1- $+,0) $+ $chr(32)) $+ , $+ 0 $+ )
    if ($did($dname,1).seltext isnum 305-491) {
      if ($ptusig($did($dname,1).seltext) = ok0) {
        /writeini ptheme.ini $pthemeusing  $did($dname,1).seltext $ $+ eval $+ ( $+ $replace(%pt.editwrit,&topicuser&,$chr(32) $+ $eval( $+ $3 $+,0) $+ $chr(32),&topicdate&,$chr(32) $eval($+ $asctime($4,dd/mm/yyyy) $+,0) $+ $chr(32),&topictime&, $chr(32) $eval($+ $asctime($4,HH:nn:ss) $+,0)) $+ , $+ 0 $+ )
      if ($ptusig($did($dname,1).seltext) = ok1) { 
        /writeini ptheme.ini $pthemeusing  $did($dname,1).seltext $ $+ eval $+ ( $+ $replace(%pt.editwrit,&echannel&,$chr(32) $+ $eval($+ $3 $+,0) $+ $chr(32),&euser&,$chr(32) $eval($+ $2 $+,0) $+ $chr(32)) $+ , $+ 0 $+ )
      if ($ptusig($did($dname,1).seltext) = ok2) {
        /writeini ptheme.ini $pthemeusing  $did($dname,1).seltext $ $+ eval $+ ( $+  $replace(%pt.editwrit,&echannel&,$chr(32) $+ $eval($+ $2 $+,0) $chr(32),&etext&,$chr(32) $+ $eval($+ $13- $+,0) $+ $chr(32),&euser&,$eval($+ $3 $+,0)) $+ , $+ 0 $+ )
      if ($ptusig($did($dname,1).seltext) = ok3) {
        /writeini ptheme.ini $pthemeusing  $did($dname,1).seltext $ $+ eval $+ ( $+  $replace(%pt.editwrit,&eserv&,$chr(32) $+ $eval($+ $1 $+,0) $chr(32),&etext&,$chr(32) $+ $eval($+ $2- $+,0) $+ $chr(32)) $+ , $+ 0 $+ )
      if ($ptusig($did($dname,1).seltext) = ok4) {
        /writeini ptheme.ini $pthemeusing  $did($dname,1).seltext $ $+ eval $+ ( $+  $replace(%pt.editwrit,&eyou&,$chr(32) $+ $eval($+ $2 $+,0) $chr(32),&etext&,$chr(32) $+ $eval($+ $3 $+,0) $+ $chr(32)) $+ , $+ 0 $+ )
      if ($ptusig($did($dname,1).seltext) = ok5) {
        /writeini ptheme.ini $pthemeusing  $did($dname,1).seltext $ $+ eval $+ ( $+  $replacecs(%pt.editwrit,&etext&,$chr(32) $+ $eval($+ $2- $+,0) $chr(32)) $+ , $+ 0 $+ )
      if ($ptusig($did($dname,1).seltext) = ok6) {
        /writeini ptheme.ini $pthemeusing  $did($dname,1).seltext $ $+ eval $+ ( $+  $replace(%pt.editwrit,&etext&,$chr(32) $+ $eval($+ $1- $+,0) $chr(32)) $+ , $+ 0 $+ )
      if ($ptusig($did($dname,1).seltext) = ok7) {
        /writeini ptheme.ini $pthemeusing  $did($dname,1).seltext $ $+ eval $+ ( $+  $replace(%pt.editwrit,&etext&,$chr(32) $+ $eval($+ / $+ $2 $+,0) $chr(32)) $+ , $+ 0 $+ )
      if ($ptusig($did($dname,1).seltext) = ok8) {
        /writeini ptheme.ini $pthemeusing  $did($dname,1).seltext $ $+ eval $+ ( $+  $replace(%pt.editwrit,&topictext&,$chr(32) $+ $eval($+ $3- $+,0) $chr(32),&euser&,$chr(32) $+ $eval($+ $1 $+,0) $chr(32)) $+ , $+ 0 $+ )
      if (!$ptusig($did($dname,1).seltext)) { /writeini ptheme.ini $pthemeusing  $did($dname,1).seltext $ $+ eval $+ ( $+ %pt.editwrit $+ , $+ 0 $+ ) }
    /even-prev $replace($did($dname,2).text,&you&,$me,&channel&,#mIRC,&address&,,&user&,rhasttaff,&kuser&,rhasttaff,&logo&,$plogo,&pref&,$pref,&newuser&,rha,&newyou&,$me,&md&,+i,&text&,event text,&nusers&,18,&timestamp&,$ptima,&topictime&,$ptima,&topicdate&,$date,&topicuser&,rhasttaff,&echannel&,#mirc,&euser&,$me,&etext&,raw event text,&eserv&,,&eyou&,$me,&topictext&,topic text,$eval($pthemeusing,0),$pthemeusing,&@&,$ptst1))

on *:dialog:ptme:sclick:*: {
  if ($did = 42) { /dialog -m remptme remptme  }
  if ($did = 41) { /ptaddnew }
  if ($did = 49) { /dialog -m bkgimg bkgimg  }
  if ($did = 51) {  did -e $dname 54  }
  if ($did = 54) { /writeini ptheme.ini $pthemeusing s& $+ $did($dname,1).seltext $sfile($mircdir,sound .mp3 .wav,select) | did -ra $dname 52 $ptevso($did($dname,1).seltext)   }   
  if ($did = 44) {
    if ($did($dname,12))  {  /writeini ptheme.ini $pthemeusing logo $replace($did($dname,12).text,,¢¬) }   
    if ($did($dname,14)) { /writeini ptheme.ini $pthemeusing pref $replace($did($dname,14).text,,¢¬)   }
  if ($did = 36) {
    did -v $dname 38
    if ($did($dname,47).seltext != Editbox-Text) { /set %pt.bkgsel $did($dname,36).seltext | /set %pt.bkgsel2 %pt.bkgsel | /bkg-prev  }
    if ($did($dname,47).seltext = Editbox-Text) { set %pt.bkgsel2 $did($dname,36).seltext | /bkg-prev }
  if ($did = 38) {
    did -h $dname 36-38
    if ($did($dname,47).seltext != Editbox-Text) {  /color $did($dname,47).seltext %pt.bkgsel | /writeini ptheme.ini $pthemeusing $did($dname,47).seltext %pt.bkgsel }
    if ($did($dname,47).seltext = Editbox-Text) {  /color editbox text %pt.bkgsel2 | /writeini ptheme.ini $pthemeusing editboxtext %pt.bkgsel2 }
  if ($did isnum 5-10) {
    set %pt.timestp $settims($did)
    /writeini ptheme.ini $pthemeusing timestamp $ $+ eval $+ ( $+ $ $+ + $+ $chr(32) $+ $settims($did) $+ $chr(32) $+ $ $+ + $+ , $+ 0 $+ ) 
    set %pt.timestpnum $did
  if ($did = 47) {
    did -v $dname 36-38
    if ($did($dname,47).seltext = Editbox-Text) { /set %pt.bkgsel2 $colour(editbox text) | /set %pt.bkgsel $colour(Background) | /bkg-prev }    
    if ($did($dname,47).seltext != Editbox-Text) { /set %pt.bkgsel2 $colour($did($dname,47).seltext) | /set %pt.bkgsel $colour($did($dname,47).seltext) | /bkg-prev  }
  if ($did = 27) {
    did -e $dname 29 |   did -r $dname 29-30  |  did -v $dname 29
    var %pt.stts = $pmstts
    var %pt.stts1 = $numtok(%pt.stts,32)
    while (%pt.stts1 > 0) {
      did -a $dname 29 $gettok(%pt.stts,%pt.stts1,32) 
      dec %pt.stts1
    did -ra ptme 43 |- Here You Can configure the colors for Your (~&@%+)status on any channel. | did -a ptme 43 |- from events Selftext,SelfAction,Selfmode | did -a ptme 43 |- configure as you want you can choose diferent colors to each one Status
  if ($did = 28) { 
    did -e $dname 29 |   did -r $dname 29-30 |   did -v $dname 29
    var %pt.stts2 = $postts
    var %pt.stts1 = $numtok(%pt.stts2,32)
    while (%pt.stts1 > 0) {
      did -a $dname 29 $gettok(%pt.stts2,%pt.stts1,32) 
      dec %pt.stts1
    did -ra ptme 43 |- Here You Can configure the colors for Others peoples (~&@%+)status on any channel.| did -a ptme 43  |- from events Selftext,SelfAction,Selfmode | did -a ptme 43  |- configure as you want you can choose diferent colors to each one Status
  if ($did = 29) {    did -ra $dname 30 $did($dname,29).seltext  |  did -v $dname 30-32  |  did -e $dname 30-32  |  /stt-prev $did($dname,29).seltext  |  did -h $dname 29  }
  if ($did = 4) {
    /writeini ptheme.ini styles using $did($dname,4).seltext
    did -ra $dname 39 $pthemeusing
    /color background $readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,background) |   /color listbox $readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,listbox) |   /color treebar $readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,treebar) |   /color editbox $readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,editbox) |   /color editbox text $readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,editboxtext)
    if ($did($dname,$did).seltext = Rasta) { /ptblok ok } 
    else { /ptblok nok }
    if ($readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,mirc)) { /background -mf $remove($readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,mirc),$mircdir) }
    else { /background -mx }
    if ($readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,status)) {  /background -sc $remove($readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,status),$mircdir) }
    else { /background -sx }
    if ($readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,channel)) {  /bkgc2 }
    else { /bkgc4 -x }
    if ($readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,query)) {  /bkgc3  }
    else { /bkgc5 -x }
    if ($readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,toolbar)) {  /background -l $remove($readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,toolbar),$mircdir) }
    else { /background -lx }
    if ($readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,switchbar)) {  /background -h $remove($readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,switchbar),$mircdir) }
    else { /background -hx }

  if ($did = 32) {
    if ($did($dname,27).state = 1) {
      if (~ isincs $did($dname,29).seltext) {  /writeini ptheme.ini $pthemeusing msttq $ptc2($did($dname,30).text $+ ) }
      if (& isincs $did($dname,29).seltext) {  /writeini ptheme.ini $pthemeusing mstta $ptc2($did($dname,30).text $+ ) }
      if (@ isincs $did($dname,29).seltext) {  /writeini ptheme.ini $pthemeusing mstto $ptc2($did($dname,30).text $+ ) }
      if (% isincs $did($dname,29).seltext) {  /writeini ptheme.ini $pthemeusing mstth $ptc2($did($dname,30).text $+ ) }
      if (+ isincs $did($dname,29).seltext) {  /writeini ptheme.ini $pthemeusing msttv $ptc2($did($dname,30).text $+ ) }
    if ($did($dname,28).state = 1) {
      if (~ isincs $did($dname,29).seltext) {  /writeini ptheme.ini $pthemeusing osttq $ptc2($did($dname,30).text $+ ) }
      if (& isincs $did($dname,29).seltext) {  /writeini ptheme.ini $pthemeusing ostta $ptc2($did($dname,30).text $+ ) }
      if (@ isincs $did($dname,29).seltext) {  /writeini ptheme.ini $pthemeusing ostto $ptc2($did($dname,30).text $+ ) }
      if (% isincs $did($dname,29).seltext) {  /writeini ptheme.ini $pthemeusing ostth $ptc2($did($dname,30).text $+ ) }
      if (+ isincs $did($dname,29).seltext) {  /writeini ptheme.ini $pthemeusing osttv $ptc2($did($dname,30).text $+ ) }
    /did -h $dname 29-32 |  did -r $dname 29-30 | did -u $dname 27-28
  if ($did = 1) {
    var %pt.editheme = $ptids($ptc($readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,$did($dname,1).seltext)))
    if ($did($dname,1).seltext = selftext) {
      did -ra $dname 2 $replace(%pt.editheme,$eval($1-,0),&text&)
      did -ra $dname 43 SelfText Identifiers: |   did -a $dname 43 |- &user& = You   |   did -a $dname 43 |- &text& = Your Text channel/query   |   did -a $dname 43 |- &timestamp& = Local time   |   did -a $dname 43 |- &@& = Any Nick Status(~&@%+)   |   did -a $dname 43 |- &logo& = Your Script Logo   |   did -a $dname 43 |- &pref& = prefix   |   did -e $dname 27 | did -b $dname 28
    if ($did($dname,1).seltext = selfaction) {
      did -ra $dname 2 $replace(%pt.editheme,$eval($2-,0),&text&)
      did -ra $dname 43 SelfAction Identifiers: |   did -a $dname 43 |- &user& = You   |   did -a $dname 43 |- &text& = Your Action Text channel/query   |   did -a $dname 43 |- &timestamp& = Local time   |   did -a $dname 43 |- &@& = Any Nick Status(~&@%+)   |   did -a $dname 43 |- &logo& = Your Script Logo   |   did -a $dname 43 |- &pref& = prefix   |   did -e $dname 27 | did -b $dname 28
    if ($did($dname,1).seltext = othersaction) {
      did -ra $dname 2 $replace(%pt.editheme,$eval($1-,0),&text&)
      did -ra $dname 43 OthersAction Identifiers: |   did -a $dname 43 |- &user& = Any Other User   |   did -a $dname 43 |- &text& = Any Other user Action Text channel/query   |   did -a $dname 43 |- &timestamp& = Local time   |   did -a $dname 43 |- &@& = Any Nick Status(~&@%+)   |   did -a $dname 43 |- &logo& = Your Script Logo   |   did -a $dname 43 |- &pref& = prefix   |   did -b $dname 27 | did -e $dname 28
    if ($did($dname,1).seltext = otherstext) {
      did -ra $dname 2 $replace(%pt.editheme,$eval($1-,0),&text&)
      did -ra $dname 43 OthersText Identifiers: |   did -a $dname 43 |- &user& = Any Other User   |   did -a $dname 43 |- &text& = Any Other user Text channel/query    |  did -a $dname 43 |- &timestamp& = Local time    |  did -a $dname 43 |- &@& = Any Nick Status(~&@%+)   |   did -a $dname 43 |- &logo& = Your Script Logo   |   did -a $dname 43 |- &pref& = prefix    |  did -b $dname 27 | did -e $dname 28
    if ($did($dname,1).seltext = otherstextwithme) {
      did -ra $dname 2 $replace(%pt.editheme,$eval($1-,0),&text&)
      did -ra $dname 43 OthersTextwithme Identifiers:    |   did -a $dname 43 |- &user& = Any User from event that was sayd your nick    |   did -a $dname 43 |- &text& = Any Other user Text with your nick   |   did -a $dname 43 |- &timestamp& = Local time   |   did -a $dname 43 |- &@& = Any Nick Status(~&@%+)   |   did -a $dname 43 |- &logo& = Your Script Logo   |   did -a $dname 43 |- &pref& = prefix   |   did -b $dname 27 | did -b $dname 28
      /ptsound $did($dname,1).seltext
    if (($did($dname,1).seltext = selfkick) || ($did($dname,1).seltext = ownkick) || ($did($dname,1).seltext = otherskick)) {
      did -ra $dname 2 $replace(%pt.editheme,$eval($+ $knick $+,0),&kuser&,$eval($+ $1- $+,0),&kick-reason&)
      did -ra $dname 43 $ifmatch Identifiers: |   did -a $dname 43 |- &user& = $iif($ifmatch = selfkick,You When,Any User that) $iif($ifmatch = ownkick,have Kicked You,have kicked someone)   |   did -a $dname 43 |- &channel& = Channel from event    |   did -a $dname 43 |- &kuser& = $iif($ifmatch = ownkick,You When You were,Any User that was) kicked by someone   |   did -a $dname 43 |- &kick-reason& = Any kick reason  Text  |    did -a $dname 43 |- &@& = Any Nick Status(~&@%+)  |    did -b $dname 27 | did -b $dname 28
      /ptsound $did($dname,1).seltext
    if ($did($dname,1).seltext = selfmode) {
      did -ra $dname 2 $replace(%pt.editheme,$eval($1-,0),&md&)
      did -ra $dname 43 SelfMode Identifiers:  |   did -a $dname 43 |- &user& = You When have seted any mode mode   |   did -a $dname 43 |- &channel& = Channel That was seted the mode   |   did -a $dname 43 |- &md& = Any Mode seted   |   did -a $dname 43 |- &timestamp& = Local time  |    did -a $dname 43 |- &@& = Any Nick Status(~&@%+)  |    did -a $dname 43 |- &logo& = Your Script Logo  |    did -a $dname 43 |- &pref& = prefix   |   did -b $dname 27 | did -b $dname 28
    if ($did($dname,1).seltext = othersmode) {
      did -ra $dname 2 $replace(%pt.editheme,$eval($1-,0),&md&)
      did -ra $dname 43 OthersMode Identifiers: |  did -a $dname 43 |- &user& = User That have seted any mode mode   |   did -a $dname 43 |- &channel& = Channel That was seted the Mode   |   did -a $dname 43 |- &md& = Any Mode seted   |   did -a $dname 43 |- &timestamp& = Local time  |    did -a $dname 43 |- &@& = Any Nick Status(~&@%+)  |    did -a $dname 43 |- &logo& = Your Script Logo  |    did -a $dname 43 |- &pref& = prefix styles  |    did -b $dname 27 | did -b $dname 28
    if ($did($dname,1).seltext = join) {
      did -ra $dname 2 $replace(%pt.editheme,$eval($+ $nick($chan,0) $+,0),&nusers&)
      did -ra $dname 43 Join Identifiers:          |   did -a $dname 43 |- &user& = Any User That Have Joined   |   did -a $dname 43 |- &address& = The Address from the user   |   did -a $dname 43 |- &channel& = The Joined channel   |   did -a $dname 43 |- &nusers& = Number of users on the channel    |  did -a $dname 43 |- &timestamp& = Local time    |  did -a $dname 43 |- &pref& = prefix   |   did -b $dname 27 | did -b $dname 28
    if ($did($dname,1).seltext = part) {
      did -ra $dname 2 $replace(%pt.editheme,$eval($+ $iif($1-,$1-,Parted) $+,0),&text&)
      did -ra $dname 43 Part Identifiers: |   did -a $dname 43 |- &user& = Any User That Have Parted   |   did -a $dname 43 |- &address& = The Address from the user   |   did -a $dname 43 |- &channel& = The Parted channel    |  did -a $dname 43 |- &text& = The Part Text if there is one    |  did -a $dname 43 |- &timestamp& = Local time   |   did -a $dname 43 |- &pref& = prefix   |   did -b $dname 27 | did -b $dname 28
    if ($did($dname,1).seltext = quit) {
      did -ra $dname 2 $replace(%pt.editheme,$eval($+ $iif($1-,$1-,Quit) $+,0),&text&)
      did -ra $dname 43 Quit Identifiers:  |  did -a $dname 43 |- &user& = Any User That Have Parted  | did -a $dname 43 |- &address& = The Address from the user  |    did -a $dname 43 |- &text& = The Quit text if There is one    |  did -a $dname 43 |- &timestamp& = Local time   |   did -a $dname 43 |- &pref& = prefix  |    did -b $dname 27 | did -b $dname 28
    if ($did($dname,1).seltext = notice) {
      did -ra $dname 2 $replace(%pt.editheme,$eval($1-,0),&text&)
      did -ra $dname 43 Notice Identifiers:      |  did -a $dname 43 |- &user& = Any User That Have Noticed you   |  did -a $dname 43 |- &text& = The text from Notice    |  did -a $dname 43 |- &timestamp& = Local time   |   did -a $dname 43 |- &pref& = prefix  |    did -b $dname 27 | did -b $dname 28
      /ptsound $did($dname,1).seltext
    if ($did($dname,1).seltext = servnotice) {
      did -ra $dname 2 $replace(%pt.editheme,$eval($1-,0),&text&)
      did -ra $dname 43 ServNotice Identifiers: |  did -a $dname 43 |- &user& = Server That Have Noticed you  |  did -a $dname 43 |- &text& = The text from Notice   |   did -a $dname 43 |- &timestamp& = Local time   |   did -a $dname 43 |- &pref& = prefix   |   did -b $dname 27 | did -b $dname 28
    if ($did($dname,1).seltext = usermode) {
      did -ra $dname 2 $replace(%pt.editheme,$eval($+ $1- $+,0),&md&)
      did -ra $dname 43 UserMode Identifiers:  |   did -a $dname 43 |- &user& = You   |   did -a $dname 43 |- &md& = Any Mode seted   |   did -a $dname 43 |- &logo& = Your Script Logo   |   did -a $dname 43 |- &timestamp& = Local time    |  did -a $dname 43 |- &pref& = prefix   |   did -b $dname 27 | did -b $dname 28
    if ($did($dname,1).seltext = selfnick) {
      did -ra $dname 2 $replace(%pt.editheme,$eval( $+ $newnick $+ ,0),&newyou&)
      did -ra $dname 43 SelfNick Identifiers:    |   did -a $dname 43 |- &user& = Your Old Nick When Changes the Nick   |   did -a $dname 43 |- &newyou& = Your New nick When Changed   |  did -a $dname 43 |- &logo& = Your Script Logo   |   did -a $dname 43 |- &timestamp& = Local time   |   did -a $dname 43 |- &pref& = prefix   |   did -b $dname 27 | did -b $dname 28
    if ($did($dname,1).seltext = othersnick) {
      did -ra $dname 2 $replace(%pt.editheme,$eval( $+ $newnick $+ ,0),&newuser&)
      did -ra $dname 43 OthersNick Identifiers: |   did -a $dname 43 |- &user& = Any Other User Old Nick When Changes the Nick   |   did -a $dname 43 |- &newuser& = Any Other User New Nick When Changed |   did -a $dname 43 |- &timestamp& = Local time   |   did -a $dname 43 |- &pref& = prefix   |   did -b $dname 27 | did -b $dname 28
    if ($did($dname,1).seltext = invite) {
      did -ra $dname 2 %pt.editheme
      did -ra $dname 43 Invite Identifiers: |  did -a $dname 43 |- &user& = Any  User Thats Have Invited You   |  did -a $dname 43 |- &channel& = Any Channel That what you were invited    |  did -a $dname 43 |- &timestamp& = Local time    |  did -a $dname 43 |- &logo& = Your Script Logo    |  did -a $dname 43 |- &pref& = prefix    |  did -b $dname 27 | did -b $dname 28 
      /ptsound $did($dname,1).seltext
    if ($did($dname,1).seltext = topic) {
      did -ra $dname 2 $replace(%pt.editheme,$eval($+ $nick $+,0),&user&,$eval($+ $chan $+,0),&channel&,$eval($+ $1- $+,0),&topictext&)
      did -ra $dname 43 Topic Identifiers:  |  did -a $dname 43 |- &user& = Any  User Thats Have seted/Changed the topic    |  did -a $dname 43 |- &channel& = Any Channel from the event |  did -a $dname 43 |- &topictext& = The topic Seted    |  did -a $dname 43 |- &timestamp& = Local time    |  did -a $dname 43 |- &logo& = Your Script Logo   |   did -a $dname 43 |- &pref& = prefix     | did -b $dname 27 | did -b $dname 28
    if ($did($dname,1).seltext isnum 305-491) {
      if ($ptusig($did($dname,1).seltext) = ok0) {
        did -ra $dname 2 $replace(%pt.editheme,$eval( $+ $3 $+,0),&topicuser&,$eval($+ $asctime($4,dd/mm/yyyy) $+,0),&topicdate&,$eval($+ $asctime($4,HH:nn:ss) $+,0),&topictime&)
        did -ra $dname 43 raw $did($dname,1).seltext Identifiers:  |  did -a $dname 43 |- &topicuser& = User That Have Seted The Topic    |    did -a $dname 43 |- &topicdate& = Date were that was seted the topoic    |    did -a $dname 43 |- &topictime& = The Time when That was seted the topic    |    did -a $dname 43 |- &timestamp& = Local time    |    did -a $dname 43 |- &logo& = Your Script Logo    |    did -a $dname 43 |- &pref& = prefix    |    did -b $dname 27 | did -b $dname 28
      if ($ptusig($did($dname,1).seltext) = ok1) {
        did -ra $dname 2 $replace(%pt.editheme,$eval($+ $3 $+,0),&echannel&,$eval($+ $2 $+,0),&euser&)
        did -ra $dname 43 raw $did($dname,1).seltext Identifiers:  |  did -a $dname 43 |- &euser& = The User from raw event   |  did -a $dname 43 |- &echannel& = The channel from raw event    |    did -a $dname 43 |- &timestamp& = Local time    |    did -a $dname 43 |- &logo& = Your Script Logo    |    did -a $dname 43 |- &pref& = prefix   |     did -b $dname 27 | did -b $dname 28
      if ($ptusig($did($dname,1).seltext) = ok2) {
        did -ra $dname 2 $replace(%pt.editheme,$eval($+ $3 $+,0),&euser&,$eval($+ $2 $+,0),&echannel&,$eval($+ $13- $+,0),&etext&)
        did -ra $dname 43 raw $did($dname,1).seltext Identifiers:  |  did -a $dname 43 |- &echannel& = The Channel from raw event  | did -a $dname 43 |- &etext& = The Text from raw event   |     did -a $dname 43 |- &timestamp& = Local time   |     did -a $dname 43 |- &logo& = Your Script Logo |      did -a $dname 43 |- &pref& = prefix |       did -b $dname 27 | did -b $dname 28
      if ($ptusig($did($dname,1).seltext) = ok3) {
        did -ra $dname 2 $replace(%pt.editheme,$eval($+ $1 $+,0),&eserv&,$eval($+ $2- $+,0),&etext&)
        did -ra $dname 43 raw $did($dname,1).seltext Identifiers: | did -a $dname 43 |- &eserv& = Server from raw event |  did -a $dname 43 |- &etext& = The Text from raw event     |   did -a $dname 43 |- &timestamp& = Local time    |    did -a $dname 43 |- &logo& = Your Script Logo  |     did -a $dname 43 |- &pref& = prefix |       did -b $dname 27 | did -b $dname 28

      if ($ptusig($did($dname,1).seltext) = ok4) {
        did -ra $dname 2 $replace(%pt.editheme,$eval($+ $2 $+,0),&eyou&,$eval($+ $3 $+,0),&etext&)
        did -ra $dname 43 raw $did($dname,1).seltext Identifiers:  |    did -a $dname 43 |- &eyou& = You from raw event  |  did -a $dname 43 |- &etext& = The Text from raw event    |    did -a $dname 43 |- &timestamp& = Local time     |   did -a $dname 43 |- &logo& = Your Script Logo    |    did -a $dname 43 |- &pref& = prefix   |     did -b $dname 27 | did -b $dname 28

      if ($ptusig($did($dname,1).seltext) = ok5) {
        did -ra $dname 2 $replace(%pt.editheme,$eval($+ $2- $+,0),&etext&)
        did -ra $dname 43 raw $did($dname,1).seltext Identifiers:    |    did -a $dname 43 |- &etext& = The Text from raw event  | did -a $dname 43 |- &timestamp& = Local time  |      did -a $dname 43 |- &logo& = Your Script Logo |       did -a $dname 43 |- &pref& = prefix
      if ($ptusig($did($dname,1).seltext) = ok6) {
        did -ra $dname 2 $replace(%pt.editheme,$eval($+ $1- $+,0),&etext&)
        did -ra $dname 43 raw $did($dname,1).seltext Identifiers: |   did -a $dname 43 |- &etext& = The Text from raw event | did -a $dname 43 |- &timestamp& = Local time    |    did -a $dname 43 |- &logo& = Your Script Logo    |    did -a $dname 43 |- &pref& = prefix  |     did -b $dname 27 | did -b $dname 28
      if ($ptusig($did($dname,1).seltext) = ok7) {
        did -ra $dname 2 $replace(%pt.editheme,$eval($+ / $+ $2 $+,0),&etext&)
        did -ra $dname 43 raw $did($dname,1).seltext Identifiers: |  did -a $dname 43 |- &etext& = The Text from raw event  |   did -a $dname 43 |- &timestamp& = Local time |      did -a $dname 43 |- &logo& = Your Script Logo  |      did -a $dname 43 |- &pref& = prefix |       did -b $dname 27 | did -b $dname 28
      if ($ptusig($did($dname,1).seltext) = ok8) {
        did -ra $dname 2 $replace(%pt.editheme,$eval($+ $3- $+,0),&topictext&)
        did -ra $dname 43 raw $did($dname,1).seltext Identifiers: |  did -a $dname 43 |- &topictext& = The Text from Topic | did -a $dname 43 |- &timestamp& = Local time | did -a $dname 43 |- &logo& = Your Script Logo |  did -a $dname 43 |- &pref& = prefix   |   did -b $dname 27 | did -b $dname 28
      if (!$ptusig($did($dname,1).seltext)) { did -ra $dname 2 %pt.editheme | did -r $dname 43  }
    if (($did($dname,1).seltext = selfkick) || ($did($dname,1).seltext = ownkick) || ($did($dname,1).seltext = otherskick) || ($did($dname,1).seltext = otherstextwithme) || ($did($dname,1).seltext = notice) || ($did($dname,1).seltext = invite))  {
      if ($ptevso($did($dname,1).seltext) != $null) { did -vce $dname 51-54 | did -ra $dname 52 $ptevso($did($dname,1).seltext) }
      if ($ptevso($did($dname,1).seltext) == $null) {  did -vue $dname 51-53 |   did -r $dname 52 | did -vb $dname 54  }  
    else { did -hub $dname 51-54 }
    /even-prev $replace($did($dname,2).text,&you&,$me,&channel&,#mIRC,&address&,,&user&,rhasttaff,&kuser&,rhasttaff,&logo&,$plogo,&pref&,$pref,&md&,+i,&timestamp&,$ptima,&text&,event text,&nusers&,18,&newyou&,$me,&newuser&,rha,&kick-reason&,event text,&topicuser&,rhasttaff,&topicdate&,$date,&topictime&,$ptima,&echannel&,#mirc,&euser&,rhasttaff,&etext&,raw event text,&eserv&,,&eyou&,$me,&topictext&,Topic text,$eval($pthemeusing,0),$pthemeusing,&@&,$ptst1)
dialog Bkgimg {
  title "Select Background Images"
  size -1 -1 242 56
  option dbu
  radio "mIRC Background Pic", 7, 95 7 62 10, group
  radio "Status Background Pic", 8, 169 7 62 10
  radio "channel Background Pic", 9, 169 16 67 10
  radio "Query Background Pic", 10, 169 26 65 9
  radio "Toolbar Background Pic", 11, 95 16 67 10
  radio "Switchbar Background Pic", 12, 95 26 71 9
  edit "", 13, 94 40 131 10, autohs
  button "...", 14, 226 39 13 10
  box "Background Images", 15, 93 0 148 38
  box "", 16, 93 34 148 19
  box "", 17, 62 0 32 53
  radio "Center", 18, 64 5 28 7, group
  radio "Fill", 19, 64 13 20 7
  radio "Normal", 20, 64 21 27 7
  radio "Stretch", 21, 64 29 28 7
  radio "Tile", 22, 64 36 19 7
  radio "Photo", 23, 64 44 25 6
  box "", 24, 1 0 62 53
  icon 25, 3 5 56 44
on *:dialog:bkgimg:init:0: { did -b $dname 18-23 | did -b $dname 14 }
on *:dialog:bkgimg:sclick:*: {
  if ($did isnum 7-10) {
    if ($readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,$remove($did($dname,$did),Background Pic))) {  did -ra $dname 13 $readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,$remove($did($dname,$did),Background Pic)) | did -v $dname 25 | did -g $dname 25 $remove($readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,$remove($did($dname,$did),Background Pic)),$mircdir) |  did -eu $dname 18-23 }
    if (!$readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,$remove($did($dname,$did),Background Pic))) { did -r $dname 13 | did -h $dname 25 |  did -bu $dname 18-23 }
    did -e $dname 14  

  if ($did = 11) {
    if ($readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,$remove($did($dname,$did),Background Pic))) {  did -ra $dname 13 $readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,$remove($did($dname,$did),Background Pic)) | did -v $dname 25 | did -g $dname 25 $remove($readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,$remove($did($dname,$did),Background Pic)),$mircdir) }
    if (!$readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,$remove($did($dname,$did),Background Pic))) { did -r $dname 13 | did -h $dname 25 }
    did -e $dname 14  | did -b $dname 18-23
  if ($did = 12) {
    if ($readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,$remove($did($dname,$did),Background Pic))) {  did -ra $dname 13 $readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,$remove($did($dname,$did),Background Pic)) | did -v $dname 25 | did -g $dname 25 $remove($readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,$remove($did($dname,$did),Background Pic)),$mircdir) }
    if (!$readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,$remove($did($dname,$did),Background Pic))) { did -r $dname 13 | did -h $dname 25  }
    did -e $dname 14  | did -b $dname 18-23 
  if ($did = 14)  {
    if ($did($dname,7).state = 1) { /writeini ptheme.ini $pthemeusing $remove($did($dname,7),Background Pic) $sfile($mircdir,Select Image to $did($dname,7) window,Select) | did -ra $dname 13 $readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,$remove($did($dname,7),Background Pic))  | bkgc -mef $remove($readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,$remove($did($dname,7),Background Pic)),$mircdir) | ptwmini @mdi $remove($readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,$remove($did($dname,7),Background Pic)),$mircdir) $+ ,1 }
    if ($did($dname,8).state = 1) { /writeini ptheme.ini $pthemeusing $remove($did($dname,8),Background Pic)  $sfile($mircdir,Select Image to $did($dname,8) window,Select) | did -ra $dname 13 $readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,$remove($did($dname,8),Background Pic)) | bkgc -sec $remove($readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,$remove($did($dname,8),Background Pic)),$mircdir) | ptwmini status $remove($readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,$remove($did($dname,8),Background Pic)),$mircdir) $+ ,0 }
    if ($did($dname,9).state = 1) { /writeini ptheme.ini $pthemeusing $remove($did($dname,9),Background Pic)  $sfile($mircdir,Select Image to $did($dname,9) window,Select) | did -ra $dname 13 $readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,$remove($did($dname,9),Background Pic)) | did -v $dname 25 |  did -g $dname 25 $remove($readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,$remove($did($dname,9),Background Pic)),$mircdir) |  /bkgc2 $remove($readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,$remove($did($dname,9),Background Pic)),$mircdir) | ptwmini wchannel $remove($readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,$remove($did($dname,9),Background Pic)),$mircdir) $+ ,0 }
    if ($did($dname,10).state = 1) { /writeini ptheme.ini $pthemeusing $remove($did($dname,10),Background Pic) $sfile($mircdir,Select Image to $did($dname,10) window,Select) | did -ra $dname 13 $readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,$remove($did($dname,10),Background Pic)) | did -v $dname 25 | did -g $dname 25 $remove($readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,$remove($did($dname,10),Background Pic)),$mircdir) | bkgc3  $remove($readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,$remove($did($dname,10),Background Pic)),$mircdir) | ptwmini wquery $remove($readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,$remove($did($dname,10),Background Pic)),$mircdir) $+ ,0  }
    if ($did($dname,11).state = 1) { /writeini ptheme.ini $pthemeusing $remove($did($dname,11),Background Pic) $sfile($mircdir,Select Image to $did($dname,11) window,Select) | did -ra $dname 13 $readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,$remove($did($dname,11),Background Pic)) | bkgc -l $remove($readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,$remove($did($dname,11),Background Pic)),$mircdir) | /bkgc -l $remove($readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,$remove($did($dname,11),Background Pic)),$mircdir) }
    if ($did($dname,12).state = 1) { /writeini ptheme.ini $pthemeusing $remove($did($dname,12),Background Pic) $sfile($mircdir,Select Image to $did($dname,12) window,Select) | did -ra $dname 13 $readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,$remove($did($dname,12),Background Pic)) | bkgc -h $remove($readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,$remove($did($dname,12),Background Pic)),$mircdir) | /bkgc -h $remove($readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,$remove($did($dname,12),Background Pic)),$mircdir) | ptwmini switchbar $remove($readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,$remove($did($dname,12),Background Pic)),$mircdir)  }
    did -e $dname 18-23
  if ($did = 18) {
    if ($did($dname,7).state = 1) { /background -mc  0 | ptwmini @mdi $remove($readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,$remove($did($dname,7),Background Pic)),$mircdir) $+ ,0 }
    if ($did($dname,8).state = 1) { /background -sc 0 | ptwmini status $remove($readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,$remove($did($dname,8),Background Pic)),$mircdir) $+ ,0 }
    if ($did($dname,9).state = 1) { /bkgc4 -c 0 |  ptwmini wchannel $remove($readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,$remove($did($dname,9),Background Pic)),$mircdir) $+ ,0 }
    if ($did($dname,10).state = 1) { /bkgc5 -c 0 | ptwmini wquery $remove($readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,$remove($did($dname,10),Background Pic)),$mircdir) $+ ,0 } 
  if ($did = 19) {
    if ($did($dname,7).state = 1) { /background -mf  1 | ptwmini @mdi $remove($readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,$remove($did($dname,7),Background Pic)),$mircdir) $+ ,1 }
    if ($did($dname,8).state = 1) { /background -sf 1 | ptwmini status $remove($readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,$remove($did($dname,8),Background Pic)),$mircdir) $+ ,1 }
    if ($did($dname,9).state = 1) { /bkgc4 -f 1 |  ptwmini wchannel $remove($readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,$remove($did($dname,9),Background Pic)),$mircdir) $+ ,1 }
    if ($did($dname,10).state = 1) { /bkgc5 -f 1 | ptwmini wquery $remove($readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,$remove($did($dname,10),Background Pic)),$mircdir) $+ ,1 } 
  if ($did = 20) {
    if ($did($dname,7).state = 1) { /background -mn  2 | ptwmini @mdi $remove($readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,$remove($did($dname,7),Background Pic)),$mircdir) $+ ,2 }
    if ($did($dname,8).state = 1) { /background -sn 2 | ptwmini status $remove($readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,$remove($did($dname,8),Background Pic)),$mircdir) $+ ,2 }
    if ($did($dname,9).state = 1) { /bkgc4 -n 2 |  ptwmini wchannel $remove($readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,$remove($did($dname,9),Background Pic)),$mircdir) $+ ,2 }
    if ($did($dname,10).state = 1) { /bkgc5 -n 2 | ptwmini wquery $remove($readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,$remove($did($dname,10),Background Pic)),$mircdir) $+ ,2 } 
  if ($did = 21) {
    if ($did($dname,7).state = 1) { /background -mr 3 | ptwmini @mdi $remove($readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,$remove($did($dname,7),Background Pic)),$mircdir) $+ ,3 }
    if ($did($dname,8).state = 1) { /background -sr 3 | ptwmini status $remove($readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,$remove($did($dname,8),Background Pic)),$mircdir) $+ ,3 }
    if ($did($dname,9).state = 1) { /bkgc4 -r 3 |  ptwmini wchannel $remove($readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,$remove($did($dname,9),Background Pic)),$mircdir) $+ ,3 }
    if ($did($dname,10).state = 1) { /bkgc5 -r 3 | ptwmini wquery $remove($readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,$remove($did($dname,10),Background Pic)),$mircdir) $+ ,3 } 
  if ($did = 22) {
    if ($did($dname,7).state = 1) { /background -mt 4 | ptwmini @mdi $remove($readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,$remove($did($dname,7),Background Pic)),$mircdir) $+ ,4 }
    if ($did($dname,8).state = 1) { /background -st 4 | ptwmini status $remove($readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,$remove($did($dname,8),Background Pic)),$mircdir) $+ ,4 }
    if ($did($dname,9).state = 1) { /bkgc4 -t 4 |  ptwmini wchannel $remove($readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,$remove($did($dname,9),Background Pic)),$mircdir) $+ ,4 }
    if ($did($dname,10).state = 1) { /bkgc5 -t  4 | ptwmini wquery $remove($readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,$remove($did($dname,10),Background Pic)),$mircdir) $+ ,4 } 
  if ($did = 23) {
    if ($did($dname,7).state = 1) { /background -mp  5 | ptwmini @mdi $remove($readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,$remove($did($dname,7),Background Pic)),$mircdir) $+ ,5 }
    if ($did($dname,8).state = 1) { /background -sp 5 | ptwmini status $remove($readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,$remove($did($dname,8),Background Pic)),$mircdir) $+ ,5 }
    if ($did($dname,9).state = 1) { /bkgc4 -p 5 |  ptwmini wchannel $remove($readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,$remove($did($dname,9),Background Pic)),$mircdir) $+ ,5 }
    if ($did($dname,10).state = 1) { /bkgc5 -p 5 | ptwmini wquery $remove($readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,$remove($did($dname,10),Background Pic)),$mircdir) $+ ,5 } 

on *:dialog:ptme:mouse:4:did -ra ptme 43 here is the Styles list, you Can Use One of the Defalt Themes | did -a ptme 43 and/or Create and Personalizate Your Own by clicking [New]
on *:dialog:ptme:mouse:11:did -ra ptme 43 Click To Select a TimeStamp Format
on *:dialog:ptme:mouse:15:did -ra ptme 43 Here You Put a Prefix/separator style to personalize your Theme Style
on *:dialog:ptme:mouse:13:did -ra ptme 43 Here You Can Create A Logo With Your Name Or Your Script Name
on *:dialog:ptme:mouse:16:did -ra ptme 43 Here You Can Select The Colors From Background Windows,Listbox,Treebar,editbox  | did -a $dname 43 the colors seted here will be registred and associated with the selected style
on *:dialog:ptme:mouse:44:did -ra ptme 43 Click To exit
on *:dialog:ptme:mouse:27:did -ra ptme 43 Here you can personalize the colors from YOUR (~&@%+)Status Nick | did -a $dname 43 you can choose difrents colors to each one ~ - & - @ - % - + 
on *:dialog:ptme:mouse:28:did -ra ptme 43 Here you can personalize the colors from OTHERS (~&@%+)Status Nick | did -a $dname 43 you can choose difrents colors to each one ~ - & - @ - % - + 
on *:dialog:ptme:mouse:54:did -ra ptme 43 Click to select a sound for: $did($dname,1).seltext event.
on *:dialog:ptme:mouse:35:did -ra ptme 43 Here you can Select Images to Windows-Backgrounds
dialog remptme {
  title "P-Theme"
  size -1 -1 80 57
  option dbu
  button "Delete", 1, 2 43 37 12
  button "Cancel", 2, 41 43 37 12, ok
  combo 3, 9 2 60 50, size drop
  text "Are You Sure To Delete?", 4, 8 17 62 8, hide center
  edit "", 5, 8 29 61 10, read hide
on *:dialog:remptme:init:0: {
  did -h $dname 1-2
  var %pt.remo = $remove($readini(ptheme.ini,styles,total),Rasta)
  var %pt.rem = $numtok(%pt.remo,32)
  while (%pt.rem > 0) {
    did -a $dname 3 $gettok(%pt.remo,%pt.rem,32) 
    dec %pt.rem
on *:dialog:remptme:sclick:3: { did -ra $dname 5 $did($dname,3).seltext | did -v $dname 4-5 | did -v $dname 1-2 }
on *:dialog:remptme:sclick:1: { .timer 1 5 dialog -x $dname | ptremo $did($dname,3).seltext  }
on ^*:join:#: {
  var %kcha = $eval($readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,join),3)
  echo $chan $ptc(%kcha) 
on ^*:notice:*:*: {
  if (($network $+ . isin $nick) || ($nick == NickServ) || ($nick == ChanServ) || ($nick == BotServ) || ($nick == HostServ) || ($nick == MemoServ)) { 
    var %kcha = $eval($readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,servnotice),3)
    echo -a $ptc(%kcha) |   haltdef
  else {
    var %kcha = $eval($readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,notice),3)
    echo -a $ptc(%kcha)
    if ($ptevso(notice)) { /splay -wp $ptevso(notice) }
on ^*:snotice:*: { 
  var %kcha = $eval($readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,servnotice),3)
  echo -a $ptc(%kcha) | haltdef

on ^*:topic:#: {
  var %kcha = $eval($readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,topic),3)
  echo $chan $ptc(%kcha) |  haltdef
on ^*:action:*:#: {
  var %kcha = $eval($readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,othersaction),3)
  var %pt.stat = $replace($nick(#,$nick).pnick,@,$gpst(ostto),+,$gpst(osttv),%,$gpst(ostth),!,!,~,$gpst(osttq),&,$gpst(ostta))
  var %rga = $remove(%pt.stat,$nick)
  echo $chan $iif(%rga,$replace($ptc(%kcha),&@&,%rga),$remove($ptc(%kcha),&@&)) |  haltdef
on ^*:text:*:#: {
  if ($me isin $strip($1-)) {
    var %kcha = $eval($readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,otherstextwithme),3)
    var %pt.stat = $replace($nick(#,$nick).pnick,@,$gpst(ostto),+,$gpst(osttv),%,$gpst(ostth),!,!,~,$gpst(osttq),&,$gpst(ostta))
    var %rga = $remove(%pt.stat,$nick)
    echo $chan $iif(%rga,$replace($ptc(%kcha),&@&,%rga),$remove($ptc(%kcha),&@&))
    if ($ptevso(otherstextwithme)) { /splay -wp $ptevso(otherstextwithme) }
    /window -g2 $chan |   haltdef
  if ($me !isin $strip($1-)) {
    var %kcha = $eval($readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,otherstext),3)
    var %pt.stat = $replace($nick(#,$nick).pnick,@,$gpst(ostto),+,$gpst(osttv),%,$gpst(ostth),!,!,~,$gpst(osttq),&,$gpst(ostta))
    var %rga = $remove(%pt.stat,$nick)
    echo $chan $iif(%rga,$replace($ptc(%kcha),&@&,%rga),$remove($ptc(%kcha),&@&)) |  haltdef
raw *:*: {
  var %kcha = $eval($readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,$event),3)
  if (%kcha != $null) {
    echo -as $ptc(%kcha) | haltdef
on ^*:text:*:?: {
  if ($me isin $strip($1-)) {
    var %kcha = $eval($readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,otherstextwithme),3)
    echo $query($nick) $remove($ptc(%kcha),&@&)
    if ($ptevso(otherstextwithme)) { /splay -wp $ptevso(otherstextwithme) }
    /window -g2 $query($nick)  |  haltdef
  if ($me !isin $strip($1-)) {
    var %kcha = $eval($readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,otherstext),3)
    echo $query($nick) $remove($ptc(%kcha),&@&)  |  haltdef
on ^*:action:*:?: {
  if ($me isin $strip($1-)) {
    var %kcha = $eval($readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,othersaction),3)
    echo $query($nick) $remove($ptc(%kcha),&@&)
    /window -g2 $query($nick) | haltdef
  if ($me !isin $strip($1-)) {
    var %kcha = $eval($readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,othersaction),3)
    echo $query($nick) $remove($ptc(%kcha),&@&) |  haltdef
on ^*:part:#: {
  var %kcha = $eval($readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,part),3)
  echo $chan $ptc(%kcha) |  haltdef
on ^*:rawmode:#: {
  if ($nick == $me) {
    var %kcha = $eval($readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,selfmode),3)
    var %pt.stat = $replace($nick(#,$nick).pnick,@,$gpst(mstto),+,$gpst(msttv),%,$gpst(mstth),!,!,~,$gpst(msttq),&,$gpst(mstta))
    var %rga = $remove(%pt.stat,$nick)
    echo $chan $iif(%rga,$replace($ptc(%kcha),&@&,%rga),$remove($ptc(%kcha),&@&)) | haltdef
  if ($nick !== $me) && ($me isin $1-) {
    var %kcha = $eval($readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,selfmode),3)
    var %pt.stat = $replace($nick(#,$nick).pnick,@,$gpst(ostto),+,$gpst(osttv),%,$gpst(ostth),!,!,~,$gpst(osttq),&,$gpst(ostta))
    var %rga = $remove(%pt.stat,$nick)
    echo $chan $iif(%rga,$replace($ptc(%kcha),&@&,%rga),$remove($ptc(%kcha),&@&)) | haltdef
  if ($nick !== $me) && ($me !isin $1-) {
    var %kcha = $eval($readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,othersmode),3)
    var %pt.stat = $replace($nick(#,$nick).pnick,@,$gpst(ostto),+,$gpst(osttv),%,$gpst(ostth),!,!,~,$gpst(osttq),&,$gpst(ostta))
    var %rga = $remove(%pt.stat,$nick)
    echo $chan $iif(%rga,$replace($ptc(%kcha),&@&,%rga),$remove($ptc(%kcha),&@&)) |    haltdef
on ^*:kick:#: {
  if ($knick == $me) { 
    var %kcha = $eval($readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,ownkick),3)
    echo $chan $ptc(%kcha)
    if ($ptevso(ownkick)) { /splay -wp $ptevso(ownkick) }
  if ($nick == $me) {
    var %kcha = $eval($readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,selfkick),3)
    echo $chan $ptc(%kcha)
    if ($ptevso(selfkick)) { /splay -wp $ptevso(selfkick) }
  if ($nick !== $me) && ($knick !== $me) { 
    var %kcha = $eval($readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,otherskick),3)
    echo $chan $ptc(%kcha) 
    if ($ptevso(otherskick)) { /splay -wp $ptevso(otherskick) }
on ^*:usermode: {
  var %kcha = $eval($readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,usermode),3)
  echo -as $ptc(%kcha) |  haltdef
on ^*:quit: {
  var %pt.quits = 1
  while (%pt.quits <= $comchan($nick,0)) {
    %pt.quitchan = $comchan($nick,%pt.quits)
    var %kcha = $eval($readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,quit),3)
    echo $comchan($nick,%pt.quits) $ptc(%kcha)
    inc %pt.quits
  unset %pt.quitchan | haltdef
on ^*:nick: {
  var %pt.nicks = 1
  while (%pt.nicks <= $comchan($newnick,0)) {
    %pt.nickchan = $comchan($newnick,%pt.nicks)
    var %kcha = $eval($readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,$iif($nick == $me,selfnick,othersnick)),3)
    echo $comchan($newnick,%pt.nicks) $ptc(%kcha)
    inc %pt.nicks
  unset %pt.nickchan | haltdef
on 1:INPUT:*: {
  if ($active == Status Window) && ($left($1, 1) !== /) {
    echo -s 3*4*8* 9Y4o7u 5A7r9e3'4n7t 8O3N 98a 4C3h4a8N9n5E8L 7:5)4~ | halt
  elseif ($left($1, 1) == /) && ($ctrlenter == $false) {
    if (($left($1,3) == /me) || ($left($1,7) == /action) || ($left($1,9) == /describe)) && ($ctrlenter == $false) {
      var %kcha = $eval($readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,selfaction),3)
      var %pt.stat = $replace($nick($active,$nick).pnick,@,$gpst(mstto),+,$gpst(msttv),%,$gpst(mstth),!,!,~,$gpst(msttq),&,$gpst(mstta))
      var %rga = $remove(%pt.stat,$nick)
      echo $active $iif(%rga,$replace($ptc(%kcha),&@&,%rga),$remove($ptc(%kcha),&@&))
      .describe $active $2- | haltdef 
    if ($left($1,4) == /say) && ($ctrlenter == $false) {
      var %kcha = $eval($readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,selftext),3)
      var %pt.stat = $replace($nick($active,$nick).pnick,@,$gpst(mstto),+,$gpst(msttv),%,$gpst(mstth),!,!,~,$gpst(msttq),&,$gpst(mstta))
      var %rga = $remove(%pt.stat,$nick)
      echo $active $iif(%rga,$remove($replace($ptc(%kcha),&@&,%rga),/say),$remove($ptc(%kcha),/say,&@&)) 
      .msg $active $2-    |   haltdef 
  else {
    var %kcha = $eval($readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,selftext),3)
    var %pt.stat = $replace($nick($active,$nick).pnick,@,$gpst(mstto),+,$gpst(msttv),%,$gpst(mstth),!,!,~,$gpst(msttq),&,$gpst(mstta))
    var %rga = $remove(%pt.stat,$nick)
    echo $active $iif(%rga,$replace($ptc(%kcha),&@&,%rga),$remove($ptc(%kcha),&@&)) 
    .msg $active $1- | haltdef
on ^*:WALLOPS:*: {
  var %kcha = $eval($readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,notice),3)
  echo -as $ptc(%kcha) |  haltdef
on ^*:invite:*: {
  var %kcha = $eval($readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,invite),3)
  echo -as $ptc(%kcha) 
  if ($ptevso(invite)) { /splay -wp $ptevso(invite) }
on *:load: {   /color Background 1 |  /ptwritenew Rasta }
alias bkg-prev {
  var %pt.bkg-pre = OK
  window -c @pt
  window -ph +d @pt 0 0 70 70
  drawfill @pt  $rgb(%pt.bkgsel) $rgb(%pt.bkgsel) 1 1
  drawtext -pb @pt $rgb(%pt.bkgsel2) $rgb(%pt.bkgsel) Fixedsys 40  $calc((50 - $width(%pt.bkg-pre,Fixedsys,30)) / 2) $calc((47 - $height(%pt.bkg-pre,Fixedsys,30)) / 2) %pt.bkg-pre
  drawsave @pt bkg-pre.bmp | window -c @pt | /did -g ptme 37 bkg-pre.bmp
alias even-prev {
  var %pt.even-pre = $$1-
  var %lk = $calc($len($$1-) * 10)
  window -c @pt | window -ph +d @pt 0 0 $iif(%lk < 1300,1300,%lk) 70
  drawfill @pt  $colour(Background) $colour(Background) 1 1
  drawtext -pb @pt $colour(own) $colour(Background) Tahoma 29 2 18 %pt.even-pre
  drawsave @pt even-pre.bmp |  window -c @pt |  /did -g ptme 3 even-pre.bmp
alias stt-prev {
  var %pt.stt-pre = $$1
  window -c @pt |  window -ph +d @pt 0 0 70 50
  drawfill @pt  $rgb(%pt.bkgsel) $rgb(%pt.bkgsel) 1 1
  drawtext -pb @pt $rgb(%pt.bkgsel2) $rgb(%pt.bkgsel) Fixedsys 40  $calc((70 - $width(%pt.stt-pre,Fixedsys,11)) / 2) $calc((35 - $height(%pt.stt-pre,Fixedsys,11)) / 2) %pt.stt-pre
  drawsave @pt stt-pre.bmp | window -c @pt | /did -g ptme 31 stt-pre.bmp
alias ptusig {
  if ($1 = 333) { return ok0 } | if ($1 = 401) { return ok1 } |  if ($1 = 406) { return ok1 } |  if ($1 = 432) { return ok1 } | if ($1 = 433) { return ok1 } | if ($1 = 441) { return ok1 }
  if ($1 = 403) { return ok2 } |  if ($1 = 404) { return ok2 } |  if ($1 = 405) { return ok2 } |  if ($1 = 437) { return ok2 } | if ($1 = 442) { return ok2 } | if ($1 = 467) { return ok2 }
  if ($1 = 471) { return ok2 } |  if ($1 = 473) { return ok2 } |  if ($1 = 474) { return ok2 } | if ($1 = 475) { return ok2 } |  if ($1 = 477) { return ok2 } | if ($1 = 478) { return ok2 } | if ($1 = 482) { return ok2 } | if ($1 = 331) { return ok2 }
  if ($1 = 438) { return ok4 } |  if ($1 = 461) { return ok5 } |  if ($1 = 464) { return ok6 } |  if ($1 = 472) { return ok5 } | if ($1 = 421) { return ok7 } |  if ($1 = 411) { return ok5 } | if ($1 = 332) { return ok8 }
alias pterw {  return $replace($$1-,&echannel&,$chr(32) $+ $eval($+ $2 $+,0) $+ $chr(32)) }
alias pterw2 {  return $replace($$1-,&echannel&,$chr(32) $+ $eval($+ $3 $+,0) $+ $chr(32),&euser&,$chr(32) $eval($+ $2 $+,0) $+ $chr(32)) }
alias ptids2 {  return $replace($$1-,&timestamp&,$chr(32) $+ $eval($+,0) $+ $chr(32) $ $+ $eval(ptima $+ ,0) $chr(32),&logo&,$chr(32) $+ $eval($plogo,0) $+ $chr(32),&pref&,$chr(32) $+ $eval($pref ,0)  $+ $chr(32),&user&, $chr(32) $+ $eval( $+ $nick $+ ,0) $+ $chr(32),&channel&, $chr(32) $+ $eval( $+ $chan $+ ,0) $+ $chr(32),&address&, $chr(32) $+ $eval($+ $address $+,0) $+ $chr(32),&nusers&, $chr(32) $+ $eval($+ $nick($chan,0) $+,0) $+ $chr(32),&you&,$chr(32) $+ $eval( $+ $nick $+ ,0) $+ $chr(32),&kuser&, $chr(32) $+ $eval( $+ $knick $+ ,0)) }
alias ptevso {  return $readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,s& $+ $$1) }
alias ptc {  return $replace($$1,¢¬,,¢b¬,,¢u¬,,¢o¬,,¢r¬,) }
alias ptc2 {  return $replace($$1,,¢¬,,¢b¬,,¢u¬,,¢o¬,,¢r¬) }
alias plogo {  return $replace($eval($readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,logo),5),¢¬,) }
alias pref {  return $replace($readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,pref),¢¬,) }
alias pthemeusing {  return $readini(ptheme.ini,styles,using) }
alias ptids {  return $replace($$1-,$eval($plogo,0),&logo&,$eval($+ $ptima $+,0),&timestamp&,$eval($pref,0),&pref&,$eval($+ $nick $+,0),&user&,$eval( $+ $chan $+ ,0),&channel&,$eval($+ $address $+,0),&address&,$eval( $+ $me $+ ,0),&you&)) }
alias gpst {  return $replace($readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,$$1),¢¬,) }
alias ptheme {  /dialog -m ptme ptme }
alias ptot {  return $iif($nick($chan,$nick).pnick,$replace($nick(#,$nick).pnick,@,$gpst(ostto),+,$gpst(osttv),%,$gpst(ostth),!,!,~,$gpst(osttq),&,$gpst(ostta)),$iif($active = $query($nick),$active,$nick)) }
alias ptst1 {  return $ptc($readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,ostto)) }
alias ptme {  return $iif($nick($chan,$nick).pnick,$replace($nick(#,$nick).pnick,@,$gpst(mstto),+,$gpst(msttv),%,$gpst(mstth),!,!,~,$gpst(msttq),&,$gpst(mstta)),$me) }
alias ptima { var %pt.tima = $readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,$eval(timestamp,2)) | return $eval(%pt.tima,2) }
alias ptima2 { return $readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,$eval(timestamp,0)) }
alias pmstts { return $replace($readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,msttq),¢¬,) $replace($readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,mstta),¢¬,) $replace($readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,mstto),¢¬,) $replace($readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,mstth),¢¬,) $replace($readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,msttv),¢¬,)  }
alias postts { return $replace($readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,osttq),¢¬,) $replace($readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,ostta),¢¬,) $replace($readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,ostto),¢¬,) $replace($readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,ostth),¢¬,) $replace($readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,osttv),¢¬,) }
alias ptsound { did -v ptme 51 | did -v ptme 52 | did -v ptme 54 | did -ra ptme 53 $1 }
alias ptbkgp {  /background $1 $2- }
alias bkgc { did -v bkgimg 25 | did -g bkgimg 25 $2- | /background $1- }
alias ptwmini {  /writeini mirc.ini background $1- }
alias bkgc3 {
  var %pt.bkgpv = $query(0)
  if (%pt.bkgpv < 1) { /writeini mirc.ini background wquery $remove($readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,query),$mircdir) $+ ,0 | halt }
  while (%pt.bkgpv >= 1) {
    /Background $query(%pt.bkgpv) $remove($readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,query),$mircdir)
    dec %pt.bkgpv
alias bkgc2 {
  var %pt.bkgch = $chan(0)
  if (%pt.bkgch < 1) { /writeini mirc.ini background wchannel $remove($readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,channel),$mircdir) $+ ,0  }
  else {
    while (%pt.bkgch >= 1) {
      /Background $chan(%pt.bkgch) $remove($readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,channel),$mircdir)
      dec %pt.bkgch
alias bkgc4 {
  var %yh = $chan(0)
  if (%yh < 1) { /writeini mirc.ini background wchannel $remove($readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,channel),$mircdir) $+ , $+ $2 | halt }
  while (%yh != 0) {
    /background $1 $chan(%yh)
    dec %yh
alias bkgc5 {
  var %yh = $query(0)
  if (%yh < 1) { /writeini mirc.ini background wquery $remove($readini(ptheme.ini,$pthemeusing,query),$mircdir) $+ , $+ $2 | halt }
  while (%yh != 0) {
    /background $1 $query(%yh)
    dec %yh
alias settims {
  if ($1 = 5) { return $ $+ time(:HH:nn:ss) } 
  if ($1 = 6) { return $ $+ time(:h:n:s) }
  if ($1 = 7) { return $ $+ time(:HH:nn:tt) } 
  if ($1 = 8) { return $ $+ time(:h:n:tt) }
  if ($1 = 9) { return $ $+ time(:H:nn:tt) } 
  if ($1 = 10) { return $ $+ time(:h:n:t) }
alias ptaddnew {
  set %ptadd $$?="Enter With The Style Name"
  if (%ptadd) && (!$istok($readini(ptheme.ini,styles,total),%ptadd,32)) {
    /ptwritenew %ptadd 
    /unset %ptadd
alias ptremo {
  if ($1 != Rasta) {
    set %ptstylesadd  $readini(ptheme.ini,styles,total)
    if (%ptstylesadd) { /writeini ptheme.ini styles total $remove(%ptstylesadd,$1) | unset %ptstylesadd }
    /remini ptheme.ini $1-
    /writeini ptheme.ini styles using Rasta
    if ($dialog(ptme)) { dialog -x ptme  | .timer 1 2 /ptheme }
    /unset %ptrem |  halt
alias writeini² {  
  if ($2 = Rasta) {  /writeini $1-  }
  else {   /writeini $replacecs($1-,¢¬13,¢¬0,¢¬12,¢¬0,¢¬11,¢¬0,¢¬10,¢¬0,¢¬9,¢¬0,¢¬8,¢¬0,¢¬7,¢¬0,¢¬6,¢¬0,¢¬5,¢¬0,¢¬4,¢¬0,¢¬3,¢¬0,¢¬2,¢¬0,¢¬13,¢¬0)  }
alias ptwritenew {
  set %ptstylesadd  $readini(ptheme.ini,styles,total)
  if (%ptstylesadd) { /writeini ptheme.ini styles total %ptstylesadd $1 | unset %ptstylesadd }
  else { writeini ptheme.ini styles total $1 }
  if ($1 = Rasta) {  writeini ptheme.ini styles total Rasta  |  writeini ptheme.ini styles using Rasta }
  writeini² ptheme.ini $1 Background 1 |  writeini² ptheme.ini $1  ListBox 1
  writeini² ptheme.ini $1 Treebar 1 |  writeini² ptheme.ini $1 Editbox 1
  writeini² ptheme.ini $1 editboxtext 8 
  writeini² ptheme.ini $1 msttv ¢¬9+¢¬ | writeini² ptheme.ini $1 mstth ¢¬9%¢¬
  writeini² ptheme.ini $1 mstto ¢¬9@¢¬ | writeini² ptheme.ini $1 mstta ¢¬9&¢¬  writeini² ptheme.ini $1 msttq ¢¬9~¢¬ 
  writeini² ptheme.ini $1 osttv ¢¬11+¢¬ |  writeini² ptheme.ini $1 ostth ¢¬8%¢¬
  writeini² ptheme.ini $1 ostto ¢¬14@¢¬ |  writeini² ptheme.ini $1 ostta ¢¬12&¢¬ |  writeini² ptheme.ini $1 osttq ¢¬6~¢¬
  writeini² ptheme.ini $1 logo ¢¬7=¢¬9-¢¬8=¢¬7@(¢¬3®¢¬4䢬8$¢¬3T¢¬4ª¢¬7)@¢¬8=¢¬9- |  writeini² ptheme.ini $1 pref ¢¬9»¢¬4»¢¬7»¢¬
  writeini² ptheme.ini $1  timestamp $eval($eval($+ $time(:HH:nn:ss) $+,0),0)
  writeini² ptheme.ini $1 selftext  $eval($eval(¢¬7(¢¬8 $+ $ptima $+ ¢¬7) ¢¬4(¢¬7&@&¢¬7 $+ $nick $+ ¢¬4) ¢¬8 $1-,0),0)
  writeini² ptheme.ini $1 otherstext $eval($eval(¢¬11(¢¬8 $+ $ptima $+ ¢¬11) ¢¬4<¢¬0&@&¢¬0 $+ $nick $+ ¢¬4>¢¬11 $1-,0),0)
  writeini² ptheme.ini $1 otherstextwithme $eval($eval(¢¬7(¢¬8 $+ $ptima $+ ¢¬7) ¢¬4<&@&¢¬13 $+ $nick $+ ¢¬4>¢¬7 $1-,0),0)
  writeini² ptheme.ini $1 notice $eval($eval(¢¬14(¢¬8 $+ $ptima $+ ¢¬14) ¢¬9:-¢¬8=¢¬7[¢¬9(¢¬13 $+ $nick $+ ¢¬9)¢¬7]¢¬8=¢¬9-: ¢¬14 $1- ,0),0)
  writeini² ptheme.ini $1 servnotice $eval($eval(¢¬14(¢¬8 $+ $ptima $+ ¢¬14) ¢¬9:-¢¬8 ¢¬7[¢¬13(¢¬9 $+ $nick $+ ¢¬13)¢¬7]¢¬8=¢¬9-: ¢¬14 $1- ,0),0)
  writeini² ptheme.ini $1 usermode $eval($eval( $plogo $pref ¢¬14:uMode: ¢¬3y¢¬4o¢¬8u¢¬3r ¢¬4n¢¬8e¢¬3w ¢¬4m¢¬8o¢¬3d¢¬4e¢¬8: ¢¬14(¢¬9 $+ $1- $+ ¢¬14),0),0)
  writeini² ptheme.ini $1 selfmode $eval($eval( $plogo $pref ¢¬4 (¢¬9 $+ $nick $+ ¢¬4) ¢¬4s¢¬3e¢¬8t¢¬4s¢¬ ¢¬4m¢¬3o¢¬8d¢¬4e¢¬ ¢¬3o¢¬8n ¢¬4(¢¬14 $+ $chan $+ ¢¬4) ¢¬7 $1-,0),0)
  writeini² ptheme.ini $1 selfaction $eval($eval(¢¬9(¢¬8 $+ $ptima $+ ¢¬9) ¢¬4²¢¬9~ ¢¬0&@&¢¬0 $+ $nick $+ ¢¬9 $2-,0),0)
  writeini² ptheme.ini $1 othersaction $eval($eval(¢¬9(¢¬8 $+ $ptima $+ ¢¬9) * ¢¬0 &@&¢¬0 $+ $nick $+ ¢¬9 $1-,0),0)
  writeini² ptheme.ini $1 othersmode $eval($eval(¢¬9(¢¬8 $+ $ptima $+ ¢¬9) $pref ¢¬14:MODE: ¢¬4(&@&¢¬9 $+ $nick $+ ¢¬4) ¢¬3S¢¬4e¢¬8t¢¬3s ¢¬4m¢¬8o¢¬3d¢¬4e ¢¬8o¢¬3n ¢¬4(¢¬14 $+ $chan $+ ¢¬4) ¢¬7 $1-,0),0)
  writeini² ptheme.ini $1 ownkick $eval($eval($plogo $pref ¢¬3y¢¬4o¢¬8u ¢¬3w¢¬4e¢¬8r¢¬3e ¢¬3k¢¬4i¢¬8c¢¬3k¢¬4e¢¬8d ¢¬3b¢¬4y ¢¬4(¢¬9 $+ $nick $+ ¢¬4) ¢¬8o¢¬3n ¢¬4(¢¬14 $+ $chan $+ ¢¬4) ¢¬14(¢¬15 $+ $1- $+ ¢¬14),0),0)
  writeini² ptheme.ini $1 join $eval($eval(¢¬10(¢¬8 $+ $ptima $+ ¢¬10) $pref ¢¬10:JOIN: ¢¬4(¢¬7 $+ $nick $+ ¢¬4) (¢¬15 $+ $address $+ ¢¬4) ¢¬3h¢¬4a¢¬8s ¢¬3j¢¬4o¢¬8i¢¬3n¢¬4e¢¬8d ¢¬3o¢¬4n ¢¬4(¢¬14 $+ $chan $+ ¢¬4) ¢¬4(¢¬12 $+ $nick($chan,0) $+ ¢¬4) ,0),0)
  writeini² ptheme.ini $1 part $eval($eval(¢¬4(¢¬8 $+ $ptima $+ ¢¬4) $pref ¢¬10:PART: ¢¬4(¢¬5 $+ $nick $+ ¢¬4) (¢¬5 $+ $address $+ ¢¬4) ¢¬3h¢¬4a¢¬8s ¢¬3p¢¬4a¢¬8r¢¬3t¢¬4e¢¬8d ¢¬4(¢¬14 $+ $chan $+ ¢¬4) ¢¬14(¢¬15 $+ $iif($1-,$1-,Parted) $+ ¢¬14),0),0)
  writeini² ptheme.ini $1 quit $eval($eval(¢¬4(¢¬8 $+ $ptima $+ ¢¬4) $pref ¢¬10:QUIT: ¢¬4( $+ $nick $+ ) (¢¬5 $+ $address $+ ¢¬4) ¢¬3h¢¬4a¢¬8s ¢¬3Q¢¬4u¢¬8i¢¬3t ¢¬4f¢¬8r¢¬3o¢¬4m ¢¬8I¢¬3R¢¬4C ¢¬14(¢¬15 $+ $iif($1-,$1-,Quit) $+ ¢¬14),0),0)
  writeini² ptheme.ini $1 Selfkick $eval($eval(¢¬4(¢¬8 $+ $ptima $+ ¢¬4) $pref ¢¬4(¢¬6 $+ $knick $+ ¢¬4) ¢¬3w¢¬4a¢¬8s ¢¬3k¢¬4i¢¬8c¢¬3k¢¬4e¢¬8d ¢¬3b¢¬4y ¢¬4(¢¬9 $+ $nick $+ ¢¬4) ¢¬8o¢¬3n ¢¬4(¢¬14 $+ $chan $+ ¢¬4) ¢¬14(¢¬15 $+ $1- $+ ¢¬14),0),0)
  writeini² ptheme.ini $1 otherskick $eval($eval(¢¬4(¢¬8 $+ $ptima $+ ¢¬4) $pref ¢¬4(¢¬6 $+ $knick $+ ¢¬4) ¢¬3w¢¬4a¢¬8s ¢¬3k¢¬4i¢¬8c¢¬3k¢¬4e¢¬8d ¢¬3b¢¬4y ¢¬4(¢¬9 $+ $nick $+ ¢¬4) ¢¬3o¢¬4n ¢¬4(¢¬14 $+ $chan $+ ¢¬4) ¢¬14(¢¬15 $+ $1- $+ ¢¬14),0),0)
  writeini² ptheme.ini $1 selfnick $eval($eval( $plogo $pref ¢¬4(¢¬14 $+ $nick $+ ¢¬4) ¢¬3y¢¬4o¢¬8u¢¬3r ¢¬4n¢¬8e¢¬3w ¢¬4n¢¬8i¢¬3c¢¬4k ¢¬8i¢¬3s ¢¬4n¢¬8o¢¬3w ¢¬4(¢¬7 $+ $newnick $+ ¢¬4),0),0)
  writeini² ptheme.ini $1 othersnick $eval($eval(¢¬4(¢¬8 $+ $ptima $+ ¢¬4) $pref ¢¬14:NICK: ¢¬4(¢¬4 $+ $nick $+ ¢¬4) ¢¬3i¢¬4s ¢¬8n¢¬3o¢¬4w ¢¬4k¢¬8n¢¬3o¢¬4w¢¬8n ¢¬8a¢¬3s ¢¬4(¢¬8 $+ $newnick $+ ¢¬4),0),0)
  writeini² ptheme.ini $1 invite $eval($eval(¢¬4(¢¬8 $+ $ptima $+ ¢¬4) $pref ¢¬8:INVITE: ¢¬4(¢¬12 $+ $nick $+ ¢¬4)¢¬8 invites you to join in ¢¬4(¢¬10 $+ $chan $+ ¢¬4),0),0)
  writeini² ptheme.ini $1 topic $eval($eval(( $+ $ptima $+ ) $pref ¢¬4:TOPIC: ¢¬14(¢¬9 $+ $nick $+ ¢¬14) ¢¬8sets Topic on ¢¬14(¢¬3 $+ $chan $+ ¢¬14) ¢¬4to ¢¬14(¢¬0 $+ $1- $+ ¢¬14),0),0)
  writeini² ptheme.ini $1 305 $eval($eval(( $+ $ptima $+ ) $pref ¢¬4B¢¬3a¢¬8c¢¬4k¢¬3: ¢¬0 You are no longer marked as being away.,0),0)
  writeini² ptheme.ini $1 306 $eval($eval(( $+ $ptima $+ ) $pref ¢¬4A¢¬3w¢¬8a¢¬4y¢¬3: ¢¬0 You have been marked as being away.,0),0)
  writeini² ptheme.ini $1 331 $eval($eval(( $+ $ptima $+ ) $pref (¢¬10 $+ $2 $+ ¢¬7) ¢¬3:No topic is set.,0),0)
  writeini² ptheme.ini $1 332 $eval($eval(( $+ $ptima $+ ) $pref ¢¬9T¢¬4o¢¬8p¢¬3i¢¬4c¢¬8: ¢¬3 $+ $3- $+ ,0),0)
  writeini² ptheme.ini $1 333 $eval($eval(( $+ $ptima $+ ) $pref ¢¬9T¢¬4o¢¬8p¢¬3i¢¬4c¢¬8: ¢¬0Sets by ¢¬6 ( $+ $3 $+ ) ¢¬12 On ¢¬7 ( $+ $asctime($4,dd/mm/yyyy) $+ ) ¢¬12at¢¬ ( $+ $asctime($4,HH:nn:ss) $+ ) ,0),0)
  writeini² ptheme.ini $1 381 $eval($eval(( $+ $ptima $+ ) $pref ¢¬9:You are now an IRC Operator,0),0) 
  writeini² ptheme.ini $1 401 $eval($eval(( $+ $ptima $+ ) $pref ¢¬4E¢¬8r¢¬3r¢¬4o¢¬8r¢¬3: ¢¬4No Such Nick: ¢¬11 $+ $2 $+ ,0),0)
  writeini² ptheme.ini $1 403 $eval($eval(( $+ $ptima $+ ) $pref ¢¬4E¢¬8r¢¬3r¢¬4o¢¬8r¢¬3: ¢¬4No such channel¢¬9: ¢¬10$+ $2 $+,0),0)
  writeini² ptheme.ini $1 404 $eval($eval(( $+ $ptima $+ ) $pref ¢¬4E¢¬8r¢¬3r¢¬4o¢¬8r¢¬3: ¢¬4Cannot Send To Channel¢¬9: ¢¬10$+ $2 $+,0),0)
  writeini² ptheme.ini $1 405 $eval($eval(( $+ $ptima $+ ) $pref ¢¬4E¢¬8r¢¬3r¢¬4o¢¬8r¢¬3: ¢¬4 Cannot Join On¢¬9: ¢¬10 $+ $2 $+ ¢¬4 - You have joined too many channels,0),0)
  writeini² ptheme.ini $1 406 $eval($eval(( $+ $ptima $+ ) $pref ¢¬4E¢¬8r¢¬3r¢¬4o¢¬8r¢¬3: ¢¬4There was no such nickname¢¬9:¢¬11 $+ $2 $+ ,0),0)
  writeini² ptheme.ini $1 411 $eval($eval(( $+ $ptima $+ ) $pref ¢¬4E¢¬3r¢¬8r¢¬4o¢¬3r¢¬8: ¢¬4:No recipient given (¢¬0 $+ $2- $+ ¢¬4),0),0) 
  writeini² ptheme.ini $1 412 $eval($eval(( $+ $ptima $+ ) $pref ¢¬4E¢¬3r¢¬8r¢¬4o¢¬3r¢¬8: :¢¬4No text to send,0),0)
  writeini² ptheme.ini $1 421 $eval($eval(( $+ $ptima $+ ) $pref ¢¬4E¢¬8r¢¬3r¢¬4o¢¬8r¢¬3: ¢¬9U¢¬4nknown command¢¬9: ¢¬12 $+ / $+ $2 $+ ,0),0)
  writeini² ptheme.ini $1 422 $eval($eval(( $+ $ptima $+ ) $pref ¢¬4E¢¬8r¢¬3r¢¬4o¢¬8r¢¬3: ¢¬0 MOTD File is Missing!,0),0)
  writeini² ptheme.ini $1 432 $eval($eval(( $+ $ptima $+ ) $pref ¢¬4E¢¬8r¢¬3r¢¬4o¢¬8r¢¬3: ¢¬4Erroneus NickName: ¢¬11 $+ $2 $+ ,0),0)
  writeini² ptheme.ini $1 431 $eval($eval(( $+ $ptima $+ ) $pref ¢¬4E¢¬3r¢¬8r¢¬4o¢¬3r¢¬8: :¢¬4No nickname given,0),0)
  writeini² ptheme.ini $1 433 $eval($eval(( $+ $ptima $+ ) $pref ¢¬4E¢¬8r¢¬3r¢¬4o¢¬8r¢¬3: ¢¬4 NickName Already in Use: ¢¬11 $+ $2 $+ ,0),0)
  writeini² ptheme.ini $1 436 $eval($eval(( $+ $ptima $+ ) $pref  nickname :Nickname collision KILL,0),0)
  writeini² ptheme.ini $1 437 $eval($eval(( $+ $ptima $+ ) $pref ¢¬4E¢¬8r¢¬3r¢¬4o¢¬8r¢¬3: ¢¬4Cannot Change NickName While Banned On Channel¢¬9: ¢¬10 $+ $2 $+ ,0),0)
  writeini² ptheme.ini $1 438 $eval($eval(( $+ $ptima $+ ) $pref ¢¬4E¢¬3r¢¬8r¢¬4o¢¬3r¢¬8:¢¬11 $+ $2 $+ ¢¬4:Nick change too fast. Please wait¢¬11 $+ $3 $+ ¢¬4seconds.,0),0)
  writeini² ptheme.ini $1 441 $eval($eval(( $+ $ptima $+ ) $pref ¢¬4E¢¬8r¢¬3r¢¬4o¢¬8r¢¬3: ¢¬11 $+ $2 $+ ¢¬4They aren't on That Channel¢¬9: ¢¬10 $+ $3 $+ ,0),0)
  writeini² ptheme.ini $1 442 $eval($eval(( $+ $ptima $+ ) $pref ¢¬4E¢¬8r¢¬3r¢¬4o¢¬8r¢¬3: ¢¬4You're not on that channel¢¬9: ¢¬10 $+ $2 $+,0),0)
  writeini² ptheme.ini $1 461 $eval($eval(( $+ $ptima $+ ) $pref ¢¬4E¢¬8r¢¬3r¢¬4o¢¬8r¢¬3: ¢¬4Not enough parameters¢¬9: ¢¬12 $+ $2- $+ ,0),0)
  writeini² ptheme.ini $1 464 $eval($eval(( $+ $ptima $+ ) $pref ¢¬4E¢¬8r¢¬3r¢¬4o¢¬8r¢¬3: ¢¬0 Wrong Password: ¢¬4 $+ $1- $+ ,0),0)
  writeini² ptheme.ini $1 465 $eval($eval(( $+ $ptima $+ ) $pref ¢¬¢¬9T¢¬7heme Loaded¢¬9: ¢¬00 $pthemeusing,0),0)
  writeini² ptheme.ini $1 467 $eval($eval(( $+ $ptima $+ ) $pref ¢¬4E¢¬8r¢¬3r¢¬4o¢¬8r¢¬3: ¢¬4Channel key already set¢¬9: ¢¬10 $+ $2 $+ ¢¬14(¢¬9+k¢¬14),0),0)
  writeini² ptheme.ini $1 471 $eval($eval(( $+ $ptima $+ ) $pref ¢¬4E¢¬8r¢¬3r¢¬4o¢¬8r¢¬3: ¢¬4Channel if full¢¬9: ¢¬10 $+ $2 $+ ¢¬0(¢¬9+l¢¬0),0),0)
  writeini² ptheme.ini $1 472 $eval($eval(( $+ $ptima $+ ) $pref ¢¬4E¢¬8r¢¬3r¢¬4o¢¬8r¢¬3: ¢¬4is unknown mode char to me¢¬8: ¢¬12 $+ $2- $+ ,0),0)
  writeini² ptheme.ini $1 473 $eval($eval(( $+ $ptima $+ ) $pref ¢¬4E¢¬8r¢¬3r¢¬4o¢¬8r¢¬3: ¢¬4Cannot join channel¢¬9: ¢¬10 $+ $2 $+ ¢¬14(¢¬9+i¢¬14),0),0)
  writeini² ptheme.ini $1 474 $eval($eval(( $+ $ptima $+ ) $pref ¢¬4E¢¬8r¢¬3r¢¬4o¢¬8r¢¬3: ¢¬4Cannot join channel¢¬9: ¢¬10 $+ $2 $+ ¢¬14(¢¬9+b¢¬14),0),0)
  writeini² ptheme.ini $1 475 $eval($eval(( $+ $ptima $+ ) $pref ¢¬4E¢¬8r¢¬3r¢¬4o¢¬8r¢¬3: ¢¬4Cannot join channel¢¬9 ¢¬10 $+ $2 $+ ¢¬14(¢¬9+k¢¬14),0),0)
  writeini² ptheme.ini $1 477 $eval($eval(( $+ $ptima $+ ) $pref ¢¬4E¢¬8r¢¬3r¢¬4o¢¬8r¢¬3: ¢¬4You need a registered nick to join that channel¢¬9: ¢¬10$+ $2 $+ ¢¬14(¢¬9+R¢¬14) $+ $13- $+,0),0)
  writeini² ptheme.ini $1 478 $eval($eval(( $+ $ptima $+ ) $pref ¢¬4E¢¬8r¢¬3r¢¬4o¢¬8r¢¬3: ¢¬4Channel ban/ignore list is full¢¬9: ¢¬10 $+ $2 $+,0),0)
  writeini² ptheme.ini $1 481 $eval($eval(( $+ $ptima $+ ) $pref ¢¬4E¢¬3r¢¬8r¢¬4o¢¬3r¢¬8: :¢¬4Permission Denied- You're not an IRC operator,0),0) 
  writeini² ptheme.ini $1 482 $eval($eval(( $+ $ptima $+ ) $pref ¢¬4E¢¬8r¢¬3r¢¬4o¢¬8r¢¬3: ¢¬4 You're not channel operator¢¬9: ¢¬10 $+ $2 $+,0),0)
  writeini² ptheme.ini $1 483 $eval($eval(( $+ $ptima $+ ) $pref ¢¬4E¢¬3r¢¬8r¢¬4o¢¬3r¢¬8: :¢¬4You cant kill a server!,0),0) 
  writeini² ptheme.ini $1 484 $eval($eval(( $+ $ptima $+ ) $pref ¢¬4E¢¬3r¢¬8r¢¬4o¢¬3r¢¬8: ¢¬4:Cannot kill kick or deop channel service,0),0)
  writeini² ptheme.ini $1 491 $eval($eval(( $+ $ptima $+ ) $pref ¢¬4E¢¬3r¢¬8r¢¬4o¢¬3r¢¬8: ¢¬0 none o-line for your host,0),0)
  if ($dialog(ptme)) { dialog -x ptme  | .timer 1 2 /ptheme }
menu menubar,channel,status,query {
  P-Theme: /ptheme


Sign in to comment.
Vesperia   -  Oct 17, 2009

(:01:07:23) (& writeini² ptheme.ini Rasta msttq ~@Vho) XD
(:01:07:31) (& writeini² ptheme.ini Rasta msttq ~@Vho) wtf
(:01:07:38) »»» :QUIT: (Teepul) ( has Quit from IRC (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
(:01:07:49) (& writeini² ptheme.ini Rasta msttq ~@Vho) Bye Teepul.
(:01:07:52) (& writeini² ptheme.ini Rasta msttq ~@Vho) SAY SO NEXT TIME
(:01:07:53) (& writeini² ptheme.ini Rasta msttq ~@Vho) XD
(:01:07:55) ²~ & writeini² ptheme.ini Rasta msttq ~@Vho is bored
(:01:08:09) (& writeini² ptheme.ini Rasta msttq ~@Vho) .k
=-=@(®ä$Tª)@=- »»» you were kicked by (TX) on (#wolfs_den) (Requested (Vho))
(:01:08:11) »»» :JOIN: (Vho) (~Ass@I.Am.Watching.You) has joined on (#wolfs_den) (1)
(:01:08:11) »»» Topic: \ 3\ 3\ 9\ 9\ 0\ 0- 0\ 15\ 15\ 14\ 14\ 1\ 1- 1 Welcome This is wolfs_den you can fight roleplay talk or whateverRULESThere are noP.S. HAVE FUN:d:d| Other Channels: #NARUTOFREAK #Devil-May-Cry #Kakashi's_House #freechat #Roleplay-Verse 1#douchebaggery Back-up channel #the_forest WHOEVER SAYS ANY WORD THAT IS CLOSE TO DEAD WILL GET AN INSTANT BAN!
(:01:08:11) »»» Topic: Sets by (Aeonex! On (05/10/2009) at (18:59:55)

Risen   -  Oct 07, 2009

^ what he said

Ghost-writer   -  Sep 06, 2009
  • /writeini: insufficient parameters (line 142, script4.ini)
  • /writeini: insufficient parameters (line 142, script4.ini)
  • /writeini: insufficient parameters (line 142, script4.ini)
  • /writeini: insufficient parameters (line 142, script4.ini)
  • /writeini: insufficient parameters (line 251, script4.ini)

I am not a horrible scripter but that just kept coming.

rhasttaff   -  May 13, 2009

sorry friend i culd not reproduce this error on my mirc.
you can see in this image, i did it today.


Jah Bles´´´

Kurama_   -  May 09, 2009

Um I have one problem. Like when a person joins/parts a channel it shows the number of users at the end, but say for example if there are 35 users in that channel it says that there are only 5 users when a person joins, or 4 users when they part instead of 34. How would I go about fixing that?

rhasttaff   -  Sep 08, 2008

Thanks Lindrian by the incentive and assistance!! :)
i'v worked on it! i think thats is good now!


Thanks again! ;)

Jah Bless´´´

Lindrian   -  Sep 08, 2008

Yes, you need to work on your picture skills! :P

Calculate the size of the font, $window(@win).w and $window(@win).h etc, and calculate its position!

If you need help creating a 'better' preview, id be happy to help @ - #Lindrian :)

As you can see from this picture I've had my fair share when it comes to creating theme editors, and especially, previews ;). Thouugh I assume my preview does not work the same way yours does (as I belive my system is a bit more complex (MTS based)), it is still not very hard to do! :)

Good luck & best regards,


rhasttaff   -  Sep 07, 2008

Hello!! Thanks for comments ppl!!
i'v tryed but i do not know how do it be in left side.
becouse when the text is big in edit, the preview was misaligned
so i let this centralized
and by the same reason the fonts are small too in prev.

Jah Bless´´´

Eugenio   -  Sep 07, 2008

"to utterly small" dunno wtf that means
and isnt small to me ;x
/me will test later :)

Lindrian   -  Sep 07, 2008

why is the preview text so utterly small, and not starting from the left to right?

rhasttaff   -  Sep 07, 2008

wow!!!! any comment/suggest/critics/errors?????? something?! Anything?!

rhasttaff   -  Sep 06, 2008

Take easy when load or create a new Style, its can be seen frozen
but it is becouse sucessive writeini commands.
so be patient and wait the end of process


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