music player mp3 wma and wav

By PuNkTuReD on Aug 10, 2008

ok so i was sick of my old mp3 player coz i couldnt play my wma or wav files so i come up with this one.

brief description:
-plays mp3 wma or wav files
-add either a folder of music or individual files and the option to delete your whole list or a single file
-choose which chans to spam to and which not to
-scrolling volume control and mute
-normal random and loop play modes ( and Next Track and Last Track buttons )
-12 themes so far including No Theme ( i will be having 24 all together )
-displays track name, track length, track # in your list, volume, play mode, and playing to (spamming to) in the "track info" section

to make your list click: (your list = a folder of music, or you can add individual files.)
File--List Options--Add Folder OR Add File,
right click any grey area of the dialog,
double click the white box Or
click play, random or loop
NOTE:a dialog will pop up asking "file or folder", type:
according to what you would like to add.

i will update with more themes,
but any theme suggestions will be welcome.

-menu ( just placed it everywhere so it was easy to find )
-scrolling volume control
-current theme preview on themes tab ( i did not choose to use $stript() in most as i have 3 as <<<<>>>> just diff colors, so i left color codes in. )
-next and last track buttons
-on load and unload events to unset variables ( so if your newer to mirc scripting and you wonder what the thing that pops up is, it is just letting you know the script wants to set some click yes. )
-rclick event to make list ( however cant be selected from in the listbox, dont know why yet.
-if no directory exists you can now click play,random or loop and it will prompt you to select a folder.
-gender variable ( used as "his" or "her" in some themes )
-track number in track info section
-add folder, add file, open list as .txt to "file" menu
-version check( if using mirc 6.16 or less the script will auto unload itself.

-splay error msgs when clicking play
a: when no song is seleceted
b: when no list exists
-splay error msgs when clicking random or loop and no list exists
-Folder add bug

*PuNkTuReD's Sound Pro Music Player.*
*   Plays mp3 wav and wma files.    *
menu * {
music player:dialog -dm music.player music.player
;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sound Pro Dialog
dialog  music.player {
  title "† Sound Pro - V 1.0.1 . . ."
  size -1 -1 250 200
  option dbu
  ;-------------------------------------------------------Track List
  box "Track List", 1, 2 2 246 80
  list 2, 4 10 242 70, size, vsbar, hsbar, radio, 
  ;-------------------------------------------------------Track Info
  box "Current Track Info", 3, 2 82 246 40
  text "Track Name:" 4, 6 90 30 8
  text "No Track Playing", 5, 6 98 153 14
  text "Track Length:" 10, 211 90 50 8
  text "", 11, 208 98 38 8
  text "Track #:" 18, 168 90 24 8
  text "", 19, 189 90 15 8
  text "Volume:", 12, 6 113 20 8 
  text "100%", 13, 26 113 30 8 
  text "Playing To:", 14, 197 113 30 8 
  text "", 15, 225 113 20 8 
  text "Play Mode:", 16, 147 113 28 8 
  text "", 17, 175 113 22 8 
  ;-------------------------------------------------------Main Controls Tab 100
  tab "+ Main Controls", 100, 2 123 246 75
  button "Play", 101, 7 138 30 10, tab 100
  button "Pause", 102, 7 148 30 10, tab 100
  button "Resume", 103, 95 138 30 10, tab 100
  button "Stop", 104, 95 148 30 10, tab 100
  button "Next Track", 105, 130 138 35 10, tab 100
  button "Last Track", 106, 130 148 35 10, tab 100
  text "Volume Control:", 107, 171 140 45 8, tab 100
  scroll "", 108, 169 150 76 8, horizontal, range 00000 65535, tab 100
  radio "Mute", 111, 217 140 27 8, tab 100
  radio "Random Play", 112, 45 139 40 8, tab 100
  radio "Loop Play", 113, 45 150 40 8, tab 100
  ;-------------------------------------------------------Spam Options Tab 200
  tab "+ Spam Options", 200, 2 123 246 75
  text "Available Channels:", 202, 6 140 50 8, tab 200
  list 201, 4 149 118 30, size, vsbar, tab 200
  text "Custom List:", 204, 129 140 50 8, tab 200
  list 203, 127 149 118 30, size, vsbar, tab 200
  text "Play To:", 205, 6 184 30 8, tab 200
  radio "All", 206, 36 184 30 8, tab 200
  radio "Custom", 207, 68 184 30 8, tab 200
  radio "None", 208, 100 184 30 8, tab 200
  button "Clear List", 209, 213 184 30 10, tab 200
  button "Remove Chan", 210, 171 184 40 10, tab 200
  button "Add Chan", 211, 129 184 40 10, tab 200
  ;-------------------------------------------------------Theme Options Tab 300
  tab "+ Theme Center", 300, 2 123 246 75
  radio "Theme 1", 302, 9 153 35 8, tab 300
  radio "Theme 2", 303, 48 153 35 8, tab 300
  radio "Theme 3", 304, 87 153 35 8, tab 300
  radio "Theme 4", 305, 126 153 35 8, tab 300
  radio "Theme 5", 306, 165 153 35 8, tab 300
  radio "Theme 6", 307, 204 153 35 8, tab 300
  radio "Theme 7", 308, 9 163 35 8, tab 300
  radio "Theme 8", 309, 48 163 35 8, tab 300
  radio "Theme 9", 310, 87 163 35 8, tab 300
  radio "Theme 10", 311, 126 163 35 8, tab 300
  radio "Theme 11", 312, 165 163 35 8, tab 300
  radio "No Theme", 313, 204 183 35 8, tab 300

  text "Current Theme:", 314, 6 140 40 8, tab 300
  text "", 315, 46 140 200 8, tab 300
  box "", 316, 4 145 242 50, tab 300

  radio "Theme 12", 317, 204 163 35 8, tab 300
  radio "Theme 13", 318, 9 173 35 8, tab 300
  radio "Theme 14", 319, 48 173 35 8, tab 300
  radio "Theme 15", 320, 87 173 35 8, tab 300
  radio "Theme 16", 321, 126 173 35 8, tab 300
  radio "Theme 17", 322, 165 173 35 8, tab 300
  ;radio "Theme 18", 323, 204 153 35 8, tab 300
  ;-------------------------------------------------------Features tab 100
  text "Features:", 400, 8 162 40 8, tab 100
  text "Play Modes - Normal, Random and Loop.", 401, 8 170 100 8, tab 100
  text "Volume Control - Scrollbar and Mute.", 402, 8 178 110 8, tab 100
  text "Spam Options - All, Custom and None.", 403, 117 170 100 8, tab 100
  text "Theme Center - 22 Themes to choose from.", 404, 117 178 110 8, tab 100
  box "", 405, 4 158 242 30, tab 100
  link "", 499, 22 190 100 8, tab 100
  link "", 512, 130 190 100 8, tab 100
  menu "File", 500
  menu "List Options", 501, 500
  item "Add Folder", 502, 501
  item "Add File", 505, 501
  item break, 506, 501
  item "Remove Selected", 507, 501
  item break, 508, 501
  item "Open List As .txt", 504, 501
  item "Clear List", 503, 501
  item break, 515, 500
  item "Close", 509, 500, cancel
  menu "Extras", 510
  item "Advertise Sound Pro", 511, 510
  item "Set Gender: His/Her", 513, 510
  item "Close and Stop Track", 514, 500
on 1:waveend: {
  if (%random == on) { 
    set %playing $read(MyPlaylist.txt)  
    splay %playing
    set %songnumber $readn
    did -u music.player 2
    set %playing $nopath($insong.fname)  
    if (.mp3 isin %playing) || (.wma isin %playing) {
      set %playing $nopath($insong.fname)
      set %length $gmt($round($calc($insong.length / 1000),0),nn:ss) 
      did -ra music.player 5 %playing 
      did -s music.player 2 $($+(%,songnumber),2)
      did -ra music.player 11 $replace($($+(%,length),2),:,Mins:) $+ Secs 
    if (.wav isin %playing) { set %playing $nopath($inwave.fname) | set %length $gmt($round($calc($inwave.length / 1000),0),nn:ss) | did -s music.player 2 $($+(%,songnumber),2) | did -ra music.player 5 %playing | did -ra music.player 11 $replace($($+(%,length),2),:,Mins:) $+ Secs | spam }
  if (%loop == on) { 
    if (.mp3 isin %playing) || (.wma isin %playing) {
      inc %songnumber 
      splay $read(MyPlaylist.txt, %songnumber) 
      set %playing $nopath($insong.fname) 
      set %length $gmt($round($calc($insong.length / 1000),0),nn:ss) 
      did -u music.player 2
      did -s music.player 2 $($+(%,songnumber),2)
      did -ra music.player 5 %playing 
      did -ra music.player 11 $replace($($+(%,length),2),:,Mins:) $+ Secs 
    if (.wav isin %playing) {
      inc %songnumber 
      splay $read(MyPlaylist.txt, %songnumber) 
      set %playing $nopath($insong.fname) 
      set %length $gmt($round($calc($inwave.length / 1000),0),nn:ss)
      did -u music.player 2
      did -s music.player 2 $($+(%,songnumber),2)
      did -ra music.player 5 %playing 
      did -ra music.player 11 $replace($($+(%,length),2),:,Mins:) $+ Secs 
  if (%random == off) && (%loop == off) { did -r music.player 19 N/A | set %playing No Song Playing | set %length 00:00 | did -ra music.player 11 $replace($($+(%,length),2),:,Mins:) $+ Secs | did -ra music.player 5 %playing }

on *:mp3end: { 
  if (%random == on) { 
    set %playing $read(MyPlaylist.txt)  
    splay %playing
    set %songnumber $readn
    did -u music.player 2
    set %playing $nopath($insong.fname)  
    if (.mp3 isin %playing) || (.wma isin %playing) {
      set %playing $nopath($insong.fname)
      set %length $gmt($round($calc($insong.length / 1000),0),nn:ss) 
      did -ra music.player 5 %playing 
      did -s music.player 2 $($+(%,songnumber),2)
      did -ra music.player 11 $replace($($+(%,length),2),:,Mins:) $+ Secs 
    if (.wav isin %playing) { set %playing $nopath($inwave.fname) | set %length $gmt($round($calc($inwave.length / 1000),0),nn:ss) | did -s music.player 2 $($+(%,songnumber),2) | did -ra music.player 5 %playing | did -ra music.player 11 $replace($($+(%,length),2),:,Mins:) $+ Secs | spam }
  if (%loop == on) { 
    if (.mp3 isin %playing) || (.wma isin %playing) {
      inc %songnumber 
      splay $read(MyPlaylist.txt, %songnumber) 
      set %playing $nopath($insong.fname) 
      set %length $gmt($round($calc($insong.length / 1000),0),nn:ss) 
      did -u music.player 2
      did -s music.player 2 $($+(%,songnumber),2)
      did -ra music.player 5 %playing 
      did -ra music.player 11 $replace($($+(%,length),2),:,Mins:) $+ Secs 
    if (.wav isin %playing) {
      inc %songnumber 
      splay $read(MyPlaylist.txt, %songnumber) 
      set %playing $nopath($insong.fname) 
      set %length $gmt($round($calc($inwave.length / 1000),0),nn:ss)
      did -u music.player 2
      did -s music.player 2 $($+(%,songnumber),2)
      did -ra music.player 5 %playing 
      did -ra music.player 11 $replace($($+(%,length),2),:,Mins:) $+ Secs 
  if (%random == off) && (%loop == off) { did -r music.player 19 N/A | set %playing No Song Playing | set %length 00:00 | did -ra music.player 11 $replace($($+(%,length),2),:,Mins:) $+ Secs | did -ra music.player 5 %playing }
on *:dialog:music.player:menu:*: {  
  ;-------------------------------------------------------Add Del Directory 
  if $did = 502 { set %dir $sdir="Music Directory" | did -r music.player 2 | noop $findfile(%dir,*.mp3;*.wav;*.wma,0,write MyPlaylist.txt $1-) | play.list }
  if $did = 503 { unset %dir | did -r music.player 2 | write -c MyPlaylist.txt }
  if $did = 504 { run MyPlaylist.txt }
  if $did = 505 { add.file }
  if $did = 507 { set -u2 %temp.num $did(music.player,2,1).sel | did -d music.player 2 %temp.num | //write -dl $+ %temp.num MyPlaylist.txt }
  if $did = 511 { advertise.player } 
  if $did = 513 { set %music.gender $?"his OR her" }
  ;-------------------------------------------------------Close and stop music
  if $did = 514 { 
    splay stop 
    dialog -x music.player music.player 
    if (%random == ON) { set %random OFF | did -u music.player 112 }
    if (%loop == ON) { set %loop OFF | did -u music.player 113 }
on *:dialog:music.player:sclick:*: { 
  ;-------------------------------------------------------Play Pause Resume Stop
  if $did = 101 {   
    if (%dir == $null) && ($did(music.player,2).seltext == $null) { dialog -dm add.list add.list | halt }
    if ($did(music.player,2).seltext == $null) { echo -a 4Please select a song to play. | halt }
    if (%random == ON) { did -u music.player 112 | set %random OFF }
    if (%loop == ON) { did -u music.player 113 | set %loop OFF }
    did -ra music.player 17 Normal  
    splay stop 
    set %random OFF
    set %loop OFF
    set %songnumber $did(music.player,2).sel
    set %song $read(MyPlaylist.txt, $($+(%,songnumber),2)) 
    splay %song 
    set %playing $did(music.player,2).seltext 
    if (.mp3 isin %playing) || (.wma isin %playing) {
      set %length $gmt($round($calc($insong.length / 1000),0),nn:ss) 
      did -ra music.player 5 %playing 
      did -ra music.player 11 $replace($($+(%,length),2),:,Mins:) $+ Secs 
    else {  
      set %length $gmt($round($calc($inwave.length / 1000),0),nn:ss)
      did -ra music.player 5 %playing 
      did -ra music.player 11 $replace($($+(%,length),2),:,Mins:) $+ Secs  
  if $did = 102 { splay pause }
  if $did = 103 { splay resume }
  if $did = 104 { did -ra music.player 19 N/A | did -u music.player 2 | did -s music.player 2 | did -s music.player 2 1 | did -u music.player 112,113 | did -ra music.player 17 Normal | set %random OFF | set %loop OFF | set %playing No Track Playing | set %length 00:00 | splay stop | did -ra music.player 5 %playing | did -ra music.player 11  $replace($($+(%,length),2),:,Mins:) $+ Secs  }
  ;-------------------------------------------------------next last songs 
  if $did = 105 { 
    set %now %songnumber 
    did -u music.player 2
    set %now $calc($($+(%,songnumber),2) + 1)
    set %songnumber %now
    did -s music.player 2 %now 
    did -c music.player 2 %now 
    set %playing $did(music.player,2).seltext 
    splay $read(MyPlaylist.txt, %now) 
    if (.mp3 isin %playing) || (.wma isin %playing) {
      set %length $gmt($round($calc($insong.length / 1000),0),nn:ss) 
      did -ra music.player 5 %playing 
      did -ra music.player 11 $replace($($+(%,length),2),:,Mins:) $+ Secs 
    else {  
      set %length $gmt($round($calc($inwave.length / 1000),0),nn:ss)
      did -ra music.player 5 %playing 
      did -ra music.player 11 $replace($($+(%,length),2),:,Mins:) $+ Secs  
  if $did = 106 { 
    set %now %songnumber 
    did -u music.player 2
    set %now $calc($($+(%,songnumber),2) - 1)
    set %songnumber %now
    did -s music.player 2 %now 
    did -c music.player 2 %now 
    set %playing $did(music.player,2).seltext 
    splay $read(MyPlaylist.txt, %now)
    if (.mp3 isin %playing) || (.wma isin %playing) {
      set %length $gmt($round($calc($insong.length / 1000),0),nn:ss) 
      did -ra music.player 5 %playing 
      did -ra music.player 11 $replace($($+(%,length),2),:,Mins:) $+ Secs 
    else {  
      set %length $gmt($round($calc($inwave.length / 1000),0),nn:ss)
      did -ra music.player 5 %playing 
      did -ra music.player 11 $replace($($+(%,length),2),:,Mins:) $+ Secs  
  if $did = 111 { 
    if (%vol == 00000) {
      if (%random == on) { set %vol 50000 | vol -u2v | vol -v %vol | did -ra music.player 13 %vol | did -c music.player 108 $($+(%,vol),2) | did -ra music.player 111 Mute | did -u music.player 111 | did -c music.player 112 }
      if (%loop == on) { set %vol 50000 | vol -u2v | vol -v %vol |  did -ra music.player 13 %vol | did -c music.player 108 $($+(%,vol),2) | did -ra music.player 111 Mute | did -u music.player 111 | did -c music.player 113 }
      if (%random == OFF) && (%loop == OFF) { set %vol 50000 | vol -u2v | vol -v %vol |  did -ra music.player 13 %vol | did -c music.player 108 $($+(%,vol),2) | did -ra music.player 111 Mute | did -u music.player 111 }
    else {
      if (%random == on) { set %vol 00000 | vol -u1v | did -ra music.player 13 Mute | did -c music.player 108 $($+(%,vol),2) | did -ra music.player 111 UnMute | did -c music.player 112 }
      if (%loop == on) { set %vol 00000 | vol -u1v | did -ra music.player 13 Mute | did -c music.player 108 $($+(%,vol),2) | did -ra music.player 111 UnMute | did -c music.player 113 } 
      if (%random == OFF) && (%loop == OFF) { set %vol 00000 | vol -u1v | did -ra music.player 13 Mute | did -c music.player 108 $($+(%,vol),2) | did -ra music.player 111 UnMute | did -u music.player 111 }
  if $did = 206 { set //ame | did -ra music.player 15 All }
  if $did = 207 { set Custom | did -ra music.player 15 Custom }
  if $did = 208 { set //echo -a | did -ra music.player 15 None }
  if $did = 209 { did -r music.player 203 | write -c CustomChanPlayList.txt }
  if $did = 112 { 
    if (%dir == $null) && ($did(music.player,2).seltext == $null) { dialog -dm add.list add.list | halt }
    did -ra music.player 17 Random 
    did -u music.player 2 %songnumber
    splay stop 
    set %loop off 
    set %random on 
    splay $read(MyPlayList.txt) 
    set %songnumber $readn
    did -c music.player 2 %songnumber
    set %playing $nopath($insong.fname) 
    set %length $gmt($round($calc($insong.length / 1000),0),nn:ss) 
    did -s music.player 2 $($+(%,songnumber),2)
    did -ra music.player 5 %playing 
    did -ra music.player 11 $replace($($+(%,length),2),:,Mins:) $+ Secs 
    if (%vol == mute) { did -c music.player 111 }
  if $did = 113 {  
    if (%dir == $null) && ($did(music.player,2).seltext == $null) { dialog -dm add.list add.list | halt }
    splay stop 
    did -ra music.player 17 Loop
    did -u music.player 2 %songnumber
    set %loop on 
    set %random off 
    set %songnumber 1 
    did -c music.player 2 %songnumber
    splay $read(MyPlayList.txt, %songnumber)
    did -s music.player 2 $($+(%,songnumber),2)
    set %playing $nopath($insong.fname) 
    set %length $gmt($round($calc($insong.length / 1000),0),nn:ss) 
    did -ra music.player 5 %playing 
    did -ra music.player 11 $replace($($+(%,length),2),:,Mins:) $+ Secs  
    if (%vol == mute) { did -c music.player 111 }
  ;--Row 1
  if $did = 302 { set %themenumber 1 | set %theme1 4,1>14,1>15,1>0,1>4 | set %theme2 0,1<15,1<14,1<4,1< | did -ra music.player 315 %theme1 %theme2 | //echo -a %theme1 SongName %theme2 %theme1 SongLength %theme2 }
  if $did = 303 { set %themenumber 2 | set %theme1 4,1<14,1<15,1<0,1<14 | set %theme2 0,1>15,1>14,1>4,1> | did -ra music.player 315 %theme1 %theme2 | //echo -a %theme1 SongName %theme2 %theme1 SongLength %theme2 }
  if $did = 304 { set %themenumber 3 | set %theme1 4,1>7,1>8,1>0,1>4 | set %theme2 0,1<8,1<7,1<4,1< | did -ra music.player 315 %theme1 %theme2 | //echo -a %theme1 SongName %theme2 %theme1 SongLength %theme2 }
  if $did = 305 { set %themenumber 4 | set %theme1 4,1<7,1<8,1<0,1<14 | set %theme2 0,1>8,1>7,1>4,1> | did -ra music.player 315 %theme1 %theme2 | //echo -a %theme1 SongName %theme2 %theme1 SongLength %theme2 }
  if $did = 306 { set %themenumber 5 | set %theme1 6,1>6,1>13,1>13,1>13 | set %theme2 13,1<13,1<6,1<6,1< | did -ra music.player 315 %theme1 %theme2 | //echo -a %theme1 SongName %theme2 %theme1 SongLength %theme2 }
  if $did = 307 { set %themenumber 6 | set %theme1 6,1<6,1<13,1<13,1<13 | set %theme2 13,1>13,1>6,1>6,1> | did -ra music.player 315 %theme1 %theme2 | //echo -a %theme1 SongName %theme2 %theme1 SongLength %theme2 }
  ;--Row 2
  if $did = 308 { 
    set %themenumber 7
    set %ass1 (_|_)
    set %ass2 (_/_) (_|_) (_\_)
    if (%music.gender == $null) { set %music.gender $input(His OR Her?,Settings,n,what is your gender?) }
    if (%music.gender == his) { set %theme1 $rainbowtext(Shakes his) 12,1 $+ %ass1 $+ 11,1 | set %theme2 12,1 $+ %ass2 | did -ra music.player 315 $strip(%theme1 %theme2) | //echo -a %theme1 SongName %theme2 %theme1 SongLength %theme2 }
    if (%music.gender == her) { set %theme1 $rainbowtext(Shakes her) 13,1 $+ %ass1 $+ 6,1 | set %theme2 13,1 $+ %ass2 | did -ra music.player 315 $strip(%theme1 %theme2) | //echo -a %theme1 SongName %theme2 %theme1 SongLength %theme2 }
  if $did = 309 { 
    set %themenumber 8
    set %hand1 4,1|..|, 14,1
    set %hand2 4,1,|..|
    set %theme1 4,1H14,1ea4,1DB14,1ang4,1Z %hand1 | set %theme2 12,1 $+ %hand2 | did -ra music.player 315 %theme1 %theme2 | //echo -a %theme1 14,1SongName %theme2 %theme1 14,1SongLength %theme2 
  if $did = 310 { set %themenumber 9 | set %theme1 4,1[14,1 | set %theme2 4,1] | did -ra music.player 315 %theme1 %theme2 | //echo -a %theme1 SongName %theme2 %theme1 SongLength %theme2 }
  if $did = 311 { set %themenumber 10 | set %theme1 4>6,1>13,1>0,1>13,1 | set %theme2 0,1<13,1<6,1<4,1< | did -ra music.player 315 %theme1 %theme2 | //echo -a %theme1 SongName %theme2 %theme1 SongLength %theme2 }
  if $did = 312 { set %themenumber 11 | set %theme1 4,1[12,1 | set %theme2 4,1] | did -ra music.player 315 %theme1 %theme2 | //echo -a %theme1 SongName %theme2 %theme1 SongLength %theme2 }
  if $did = 313 { set %themenumber None | unset %theme1 | unset %theme2 | did -ra music.player 315 No Theme | //echo -a SongName SongLength }
  if $did = 317 { set %themenumber 12 | set %theme1 4_(\7\/8/ | set %theme2 8\7\/4/)_ | did -ra music.player 315 %theme1 %theme2 | //echo -a %theme1 14,1SongName %theme2 %theme1 14,1SongLength %theme2 }
  if $did = 318 { set %themenumber 13 | set %theme1 4,1xX14,1‡4,1Xx14,1 | set %theme2 4,1xX14,1‡4,1Xx | did -ra music.player 315 %theme1 %theme2 | //echo -a %theme1 14,1SongName %theme2 %theme1 14,1SongLength %theme2 }
  if $did = 319 { set %themenumber 14 | set %theme1 5-4-5-14 | set %theme2 5-4-5- | did -ra music.player 315 %theme1 %theme2 | //echo -a %theme1 14,1SongName %theme2 %theme1 14,1SongLength %theme2 }
  if $did = 320 { set %themenumber 15 | set %theme1 $rainbowtext(¯`·.¸¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸¸.->) | set %theme2 $rainbowtext(<-.¸¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸¸.·´¯) | did -ra music.player 315 $strip(%theme1 %theme2) | //echo -a %theme1 14,1SongName %theme2 %theme1 14,1SongLength %theme2 }
  if $did = 321 { set %themenumber 16 | set %theme1 4(¯`·.¸¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸¸.->14 | set %theme2 4<-.¸¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸¸.·´¯) | did -ra music.player 315 $strip(%theme1 %theme2) | //echo -a %theme1 14SongName %theme2 %theme1 14SongLength %theme2 }

  if $did = 210 { write -ds $did(music.player,203).seltext CustomChanPlayList.txt | did -r music.player 203
    %a = 1
    %b = $lines(CustomChanPlayList.txt)
    while %a <= %b { did -a music.player 203 $read(CustomChanPlayList.txt, %a) | inc %a }
  if $did = 211 { did -a music.player 203 $did(music.player,201).seltext | write CustomChanPlayList.txt $did(music.player,201).seltext }

;-------------------------------------------------------Double click in the playlist
on *:dialog:music.player:dclick:*: {
  if $did = 2 { 
    if (%dir == $null) && ($did(music.player,2).seltext == $null) { dialog -dm add.list add.list | halt }
    if (%random == OFF) && (%loop == OFF) { 
      did -ra music.player 17 Normal
      set %random OFF
      set %loop OFF
      splay stop 
      set %songnumber $did(music.player,2).sel
      set %song $read(MyPlaylist.txt, %songnumber) 
      splay %song 
      set %playing $did(music.player,2).seltext 
      if (.mp3 isin %playing) || (.wma isin %playing) {
        set %length $gmt($round($calc($insong.length / 1000),0),nn:ss) 
        did -ra music.player 5 %playing 
        did -ra music.player 11 $replace($($+(%,length),2),:,Mins:) $+ Secs  
      else {  
        set %length $gmt($round($calc($inwave.length / 1000),0),nn:ss)
        did -ra music.player 11 %playing 
        did -ra music.player 11 $replace($($+(%,length),2),:,Mins:) $+ Secs  
    if (%random == ON) { 
      did -u music.player 112
      did -ra music.player 17 Normal
      set %random OFF
      set %loop OFF
      splay stop 
      set %song $findfile(%dir,$did(music.player,2).seltext,1) 
      splay %song 
      set %playing $did(music.player,2).seltext 
      if (.mp3 isin %playing) || (.wma isin %playing) {
        set %length $gmt($round($calc($insong.length / 1000),0),nn:ss) 
        did -ra music.player 5 %playing 
        did -ra music.player 11 $replace($($+(%,length),2),:,Mins:) $+ Secs  
      else {  
        set %length $gmt($round($calc($inwave.length / 1000),0),nn:ss)
        did -ra music.player 11 %playing 
        did -ra music.player 11 $replace($($+(%,length),2),:,Mins:) $+ Secs  
    if (%loop == ON) { 
      did -u music.player 113
      did -ra music.player 17 Normal
      set %random OFF
      set %loop OFF
      splay stop 
      set %song $findfile(%dir,$did(music.player,2).seltext,1) 
      splay %song 
      set %playing $did(music.player,2).seltext 
      if (.mp3 isin %playing) || (.wma isin %playing) {
        set %length $gmt($round($calc($insong.length / 1000),0),nn:ss) 
        did -ra music.player 5 %playing 
        did -ra music.player 11 $replace($($+(%,length),2),:,Mins:) $+ Secs  
      else {  
        set %length $gmt($round($calc($inwave.length / 1000),0),nn:ss)
        did -ra music.player 11 %playing 
        did -ra music.player 11 $replace($($+(%,length),2),:,Mins:) $+ Secs  
  ;-------------------------------------------------------Custom chan list
  if $did = 201 { did -a music.player 203 $did(music.player,201).seltext | write CustomChanPlayList.txt $did(music.player,201).seltext } 
  if $did = 203 {
    write -ds $did(music.player,203).seltext CustomChanPlayList.txt
    did -r music.player 203
    %a = 1
    %b = $lines(CustomChanPlayList.txt)
    while %a <= %b {
      did -a music.player 203 $read(CustomChanPlayList.txt, %a)
      inc %a
;-------------------------------------------------------Volume Scrollbar
on *:dialog:music.player:scroll:*: { 
  if $did = 108 { 
    set %vol $did(music.player,108).sel 
    did -ra music.player 13 $did(music.player,108).sel 
    vol -v $($+(%,vol),2)
;-------------------------------------------------------Right Click Event
on *:dialog:music.player:rclick:*: { 
  if ($mouse.key & 16) { dialog -dm add.list add.list | halt }
on *:dialog:music.player:init:0: { 
  ;----- Volume Controls
  did -ra music.player 13 $($+(%,vol),2)
  did -c music.player 108 $($+(%,vol),2)
  did -a music.player 5 %playing 
  did -a music.player 11 $replace($($+(%,length),2),:,Mins:) $+ Secs  
  did -c music.player 2 $($+(%,songnumber),2)
  did -s music.player 2 $($+(%,songnumber),2)
  ;-----Spam Options
  if ( == //ame) { did -ra music.player 15 All | did -c music.player 206 }
  if ( == Custom) { did -ra music.player 15 Custom | did -c music.player 207 }
  if ( == //echo -a) { did -ra music.player 15 None | did -c music.player 208 }
  ;-----Random Loop
  if (%random == off) && (%loop == off) { did -ra music.player 17 Normal }
  if (%random == on) { did -ra music.player 17 Random | did -c music.player 112 }
  if (%loop == on) { did -s music.player 2 %songnumber | did -ra music.player 17 Loop | did -c music.player 113 }
  ;---Row 1
  if (%themenumber == 1) { did -c music.player 302 }
  if (%themenumber == 2) { did -c music.player 303 }
  if (%themenumber == 3) { did -c music.player 304 }
  if (%themenumber == 4) { did -c music.player 305 }
  if (%themenumber == 5) { did -c music.player 306 }
  if (%themenumber == 6) { did -c music.player 307 }
  ;---Row 2
  if (%themenumber == 7) { did -c music.player 308 }
  if (%themenumber == 8) { did -c music.player 309 }
  if (%themenumber == 9) { did -c music.player 310 }
  if (%themenumber == 10) { did -c music.player 311 }
  if (%themenumber == 11) { did -c music.player 312 }
  if (%themenumber == 12) { did -c music.player 317 }
  if (%themenumber == 13) { did -c music.player 318 }
  if (%themenumber == None) { did -c music.player 313 }
  if (%themenumber = 7) { did -a music.player 315 $strip(%theme1 %theme2) }
  else { did -a music.player 315 %theme1 %theme2 }
on *:dialog:music.player:close:*: {  }
;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Creating Playlist Dialog
dialog add.list {
  title "Creating Playlist"
  size -1 -1 100 40
  option dbu
  box "", 1, 2 2 96 36
  text "Which would you like to add", 2, 15 12 92 10
  button "Folder", 3, 5 22 43 10, 
  button "File", 4, 52 22 43 10, 
on *:dialog:add.list:sclick:*: { 
  if $did = 3 { dialog -x add.list add.list | add.dir }
  if $did = 4 { dialog -x add.list add.list | add.file }
alias musicplayer { dialog -dm music.player music.player }
alias advertise.player { 
  if ($($+(%,,2) == //ame) || ($($+(%,,2) == //echo -a) {
    $($+(%,,2) %theme1 4S14ound 4P14ro %theme2 %theme1 4P14lays 4M14p3 4W14av 4a14nd 4W14ma 4F14iles4. %theme2 %theme1 Available 4@14 %theme2 %theme1 %sinandsacrifice %theme2
  else {
    var %a = 1, %b = $lines(CustomChanPlayList.txt)
    while %a <= %b {
      msg $read(CustomChanPlayList.txt, %a) %theme1 4S14ound 4P14ro %theme2 %theme1 4P14lays 4M14p3 4W14av 4a14nd 4W14ma 4F14iles4. %theme2 %theme1 Available 4@14 %theme2 %theme1 %sinandsacrifice %theme2
      inc %a
alias spam {
  if ($($+(%,,2) == //ame) || ($($+(%,,2) == //echo -a) {  
    $($+(%,,2) %theme1 %playing %theme2 %theme1 $replace($($+(%,length),2),:,Mins:) $+ Secs %theme2 %theme1 %sinandsacrifice $+ 4S14ound 4P14ro %theme2
  else {
    var %a = 1, %b = $lines(CustomChanPlayList.txt)
    while %a <= %b {
      msg $read(CustomChanPlayList.txt, %a) %theme1 %playing %theme2 %theme1 $replace($($+(%,length),2),:,Mins:) $+ Secs %theme2 %theme1 %sinandsacrifice $+ 4S14ound4,1•4P14ro4,1• %theme2
      inc %a
alias track.num {
  did -ra music.player 19 %songnumber
;-----list chans
alias list.chans {
  var %a = 1, %b = $chan(0)
  while %a <= %b {
    did -a music.player 201 $chan(%a)
    inc %a
alias custom.list {
  var %a = 1, %b = $lines(CustomChanPlayList.txt)
  while %a <= %b {
    did -a music.player 203 $read(CustomChanPlayList.txt, %a)
    inc %a
alias play.list {
  var %a = 1, %b = $lines(MyPlaylist.txt)
  while %a <= %b {
    did -a music.player 2 $nopath($read(MyPlaylist.txt, %a))
    inc %a
alias rainbowtext { 
  var %a = 1, %b = $len($$1), %rainbowtext, %r.color = 3 
  while %a <= %b { 
    %rainbowtext = %rainbowtext $+ $iif($len(%r.color) = $chr(49),$+($chr(3),$chr(48),%r.color,$iif($asc($mid($$1,%a,1)) = 32,$chr(160),$mid($$1,%a,1))),$+($chr(3),%r.color,$iif($asc($mid($$1,%a,1)) = 32,$chr(160),$mid($$1,%a,1)))) 
    inc %r.color 
    if %r.color > 14 {      %r.color = 3    } 
    inc %a 
  $iif($isid,return,echo -a) %rainbowtext 
alias add.dir { 
  set %dir $sdir="Music Directory" 
  noop $findfile(%dir,*.mp3;*.wav;*.wma,0,write MyPlaylist.txt $1-) 
alias add.file {
  set %temp.add.file $sfile(c:\)
  write MyPlaylist.txt $($+(%,temp,.,add,.,file),2)
  did -a music.player 2 $nopath(%temp.add.file)
on *:load: {
  if ($version <= 6.16) { echo -a Sorry you are using a mIRC version $verion which is not compatible with this music player, You can upgrade mirc at | unload $script }
  set %song 
  set %playing No Song Playing
  set %length 00:00
  set %random OFF
  set %loop OFF
  set //echo -a
  set %songnumber 0
  set %themenumber 1
  set %vol 40000
  set %ass1 (_|_)
  set %ass2 (_/_) (_|_) (_\_)
  set %hand1 4,1|..|, 14,1
  set %hand2 4,1,|..|
  set %music.gender 
  set %temp.init
  set %temp.add.file
  set %dir 
  set %theme1 4,1>14,1>15,1>0,1>4
  set %theme2 0,1<15,1<14,1<4,1<
  echo -a 4S14ound 4P14ro 4H14as 4L14oaded 4S14uccessfully4.
on 1:unload: {
  unset %dir
  unset %song
  unset %playing 
  unset %length 
  unset %random 
  unset %loop 
  unset %songnumber 
  unset %themenumber 
  unset %vol 
  unset %ass1 
  unset %ass2 
  unset %hand1 
  unset %hand2 
  unset %theme1 
  unset %theme2 
  unset %music.gender
  unset %temp.init
  unset %time.left
  echo -a 4S14ound 4P14ro 4H14as 4U14nloaded 4S14uccessfully4.


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PuNkTuReD   -  Mar 04, 2011

unfortunately this script is very old, and i do not go to irc anymore.
but, if you would like to edit them yourself, just use the inbuilt "find" feature of mirc's script editor and search for

under that line is where the themes are stored.

  ;--Row 1
  if $did = 302 { set %themenumber 1 | set %theme1 4,1>14,1>15,1>0,1>4 | set %theme2 0,1<15,1<14,1<4,1< | did -ra music.player 315 %theme1 %theme2 | //echo -a %theme1 SongName %theme2 %theme1 SongLength %theme2 }
  if $did = 303 { set %themenumber 2 | set %theme1 4,1<14,1<15,1<0,1<14 | set %theme2 0,1>15,1>14,1>4,1> | did -ra music.player 315 %theme1 %theme2 | //echo -a %theme1 SongName %theme2 %theme1 SongLength %theme2 }
  if $did = 304 { set %themenumber 3 | set %theme1 4,1>7,1>8,1>0,1>4 | set %theme2 0,1<8,1<7,1<4,1< | did -ra music.player 315 %theme1 %theme2 | //echo -a %theme1 SongName %theme2 %theme1 SongLength %theme2 }
  if $did = 305 { set %themenumber 4 | set %theme1 4,1<7,1<8,1<0,1<14 | set %theme2 0,1>8,1>7,1>4,1> | did -ra music.player 315 %theme1 %theme2 | //echo -a %theme1 SongName %theme2 %theme1 SongLength %theme2 }
  if $did = 306 { set %themenumber 5 | set %theme1 6,1>6,1>13,1>13,1>13 | set %theme2 13,1<13,1<6,1<6,1< | did -ra music.player 315 %theme1 %theme2 | //echo -a %theme1 SongName %theme2 %theme1 SongLength %theme2 }
  if $did = 307 { set %themenumber 6 | set %theme1 6,1<6,1<13,1<13,1<13 | set %theme2 13,1>13,1>6,1>6,1> | did -ra music.player 315 %theme1 %theme2 | //echo -a %theme1 SongName %theme2 %theme1 SongLength %theme2 }
  ;--Row 2
  if $did = 308 { 
    set %themenumber 7
    set %ass1 (_|_)
    set %ass2 (_/_) (_|_) (_\_)
    if (%music.gender == $null) { set %music.gender $input(His OR Her?,Settings,n,what is your gender?) }
    if (%music.gender == his) { set %theme1 $rainbowtext(Shakes his) 12,1 $+ %ass1 $+ 11,1 | set %theme2 12,1 $+ %ass2 | did -ra music.player 315 $strip(%theme1 %theme2) | //echo -a %theme1 SongName %theme2 %theme1 SongLength %theme2 }
    if (%music.gender == her) { set %theme1 $rainbowtext(Shakes her) 13,1 $+ %ass1 $+ 6,1 | set %theme2 13,1 $+ %ass2 | did -ra music.player 315 $strip(%theme1 %theme2) | //echo -a %theme1 SongName %theme2 %theme1 SongLength %theme2 }
  if $did = 309 { 
    set %themenumber 8
    set %hand1 4,1|..|, 14,1
    set %hand2 4,1,|..|
    set %theme1 4,1H14,1ea4,1DB14,1ang4,1Z %hand1 | set %theme2 12,1 $+ %hand2 | did -ra music.player 315 %theme1 %theme2 | //echo -a %theme1 14,1SongName %theme2 %theme1 14,1SongLength %theme2 
  if $did = 310 { set %themenumber 9 | set %theme1 4,1[14,1 | set %theme2 4,1] | did -ra music.player 315 %theme1 %theme2 | //echo -a %theme1 SongName %theme2 %theme1 SongLength %theme2 }
  if $did = 311 { set %themenumber 10 | set %theme1 4>6,1>13,1>0,1>13,1 | set %theme2 0,1<13,1<6,1<4,1< | did -ra music.player 315 %theme1 %theme2 | //echo -a %theme1 SongName %theme2 %theme1 SongLength %theme2 }
  if $did = 312 { set %themenumber 11 | set %theme1 4,1[12,1 | set %theme2 4,1] | did -ra music.player 315 %theme1 %theme2 | //echo -a %theme1 SongName %theme2 %theme1 SongLength %theme2 }
  if $did = 313 { set %themenumber None | unset %theme1 | unset %theme2 | did -ra music.player 315 No Theme | //echo -a SongName SongLength }
  if $did = 317 { set %themenumber 12 | set %theme1 4_(\7\/8/ | set %theme2 8\7\/4/)_ | did -ra music.player 315 %theme1 %theme2 | //echo -a %theme1 14,1SongName %theme2 %theme1 14,1SongLength %theme2 }
  if $did = 318 { set %themenumber 13 | set %theme1 4,1xX14,1‡4,1Xx14,1 | set %theme2 4,1xX14,1‡4,1Xx | did -ra music.player 315 %theme1 %theme2 | //echo -a %theme1 14,1SongName %theme2 %theme1 14,1SongLength %theme2 }
  if $did = 319 { set %themenumber 14 | set %theme1 5-4-5-14 | set %theme2 5-4-5- | did -ra music.player 315 %theme1 %theme2 | //echo -a %theme1 14,1SongName %theme2 %theme1 14,1SongLength %theme2 }
  if $did = 320 { set %themenumber 15 | set %theme1 $rainbowtext(¯`·.¸¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸¸.->) | set %theme2 $rainbowtext(<-.¸¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸¸.·´¯) | did -ra music.player 315 $strip(%theme1 %theme2) | //echo -a %theme1 14,1SongName %theme2 %theme1 14,1SongLength %theme2 }
  if $did = 321 { set %themenumber 16 | set %theme1 4(¯`·.¸¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸¸.->14 | set %theme2 4<-.¸¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸¸.·´¯) | did -ra music.player 315 $strip(%theme1 %theme2) | //echo -a %theme1 14SongName %theme2 %theme1 14SongLength %theme2 }

  if $did = 210 { write -ds $did(music.player,203).seltext CustomChanPlayList.txt | did -r music.player 203
    %a = 1
    %b = $lines(CustomChanPlayList.txt)
    while %a <= %b { did -a music.player 203 $read(CustomChanPlayList.txt, %a) | inc %a }
  if $did = 211 { did -a music.player 203 $did(music.player,201).seltext | write CustomChanPlayList.txt $did(music.player,201).seltext }

one for example is:
if $did = 320 { set %themenumber 15 | set %theme1 $rainbowtext(¯·.¸¸¸.·´¯·.¸¸¸.->) | set %theme2 $rainbowtext(<-.¸¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸¸.·´¯) | did -ra music.player 315 $strip(%theme1 %theme2) | //echo -a %theme1 

the bits you would edit are:
set %theme1 $rainbowtext(¯·.¸¸¸.·´¯·.¸¸¸.->)
set %theme2 $rainbowtext(<-.¸¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸¸.·´¯)

that would edit the start and end of the tags.

if you would like some more help, or have any questions, just send me a PM.
or you can send me some examples of themes you would like and i will replace the current themes with yours and send it to your PM.


Slyvar   -  Mar 03, 2011

It's Excellent Script man, but if you could add an edit box for the Skin thing to make it editable. thanks xD

Rated 10

Like : Clicked

PuNkTuReD   -  Nov 15, 2009

ive used it with many other scripts before,
are you trying to use it in a pre made script like "invision" or something like that?
what server do you chat on? or come visit me at
//server -m -j
and ill try to help you.
also, can you tell me whats not working right?
any error messages, etc etc.

@Grant - picture of the music player, or pictures as button logos?

Grant-   -  Nov 15, 2009

Some pictures would be nice..

zamzam   -  Nov 15, 2009

hy punk , thanks to present this mp3 player i really love it much. But unfortunately this script only working on really pure irc , i mean its will not work with an irc wich is was have some script inside, can u understand what i try to telling you ?
i have many kind of irc but it almost all using script like funny script till defense script, and when i have done with copas ur script the player was ok but no voice loaded so i think its so funny , and i also try it at a original irc V6.35 and its work properly.
So could u help me to make it work at irc which is have another script inside. please and hope u will be the best .



PuNkTuReD   -  Sep 30, 2009

ill be glad to help.

the music player has never had a "limit" put on it as to how many songs it can hold.

the splay function will play wam and wav files, the only diff is, you cant use identifiers to return info about the track the same as an mp3.

blackvenomm666   -  Sep 30, 2009

no it just wont add them. unless you upgraded it since i got it i got it sometime last year. im actually trying to code my own maybe you would be willing to help me? so far i got it to play mp3's but i dont know how to get it to play anythign else and it was a friend who helped with the mp3's im not that good of a scriptor yet

PuNkTuReD   -  Sep 30, 2009

mine has currently over 1200 in it

does it show an error when trying to add more?

blackvenomm666   -  Sep 30, 2009

the only thing i have run accross that i dont like punk is that it only holds around 400 songs if you could make it hold around 800 it would be perfect for me:D maybe something to work on?

PuNkTuReD   -  Sep 30, 2009


blackvenomm666   -  Sep 30, 2009

i really like this music player been using it for about a year now it works great

PuNkTuReD   -  Sep 27, 2008

srry bout that, fixed.

tinkerbel   -  Sep 27, 2008

think its really good but when i add a new file the old music file dissapers on me i may be being blond but i havent a clue if im doing something wrond or not btw love the shakes her ass theam on it wicked p.s im really new at this too plz help me

PuNkTuReD   -  Aug 17, 2008

if your a pnplus user, you will have problems with this player on random or loop modes.

PuNkTuReD   -  Aug 10, 2008

nah cheers heaps man.
to be honest as i said this is my old one just \"revamed\"
i appreciate your suggestions and ill see what i can come up with.

-can now add individual files via \"file\" menu
-added next and last track buttons
-it echos even if spamming is off coz i listen to music on random with the dialog minimized
-scrolling volume control added
-fixed splay errors
-added unload event
-added menu placement

thanks again for your suggestions Typo :)

Typo   -  Aug 10, 2008

This is a pretty good start but it needs some work in my opinion.

For one its not intuitive to add files. The first thing you normally try is to right click in the file display box and select add or add list but there is no right click menu available at all inside that section of the dialog and you have to locate the buttons needed to load a directory below. When you do finally realize you have to use the make list button all it lets you do is select a folder. There was no way to select individual songs.

I noticed whenever I hit a button it made the button look weird until i clicked somewhere else.

I also notices your missing a next and back button to skip songs.

It doesn\'t make a lot of sense to make everything based in a dialog and yet you have it echo the song info into the active window instead of showing it in the dialog especially when the spamming options are disabled.

I think using volume presets like you have could end up with blown speakers because you have no idea how high high will be until you hit it. A fully adjustable volume control is really needed.

If you hit play and there isnt a playlist loaded it sends an splay error.

If a list is loaded and you dont have a song actually selected and you hit play it sends the same splay error.

You didn\'t use an on unload event to unset your variables and optionally delete the playlists.

I had to look inside the script until I found the alias section just to figure out how to load the player so you should probably include instructions to use /musicplayer in the introduction and even maybe add a menu entry to open it.

This mp3 player really does have a lot of potential but I just think it really needs some more work especially on the playlist system and volume control and other things I mentioned.

Sorry if it seems like I was ragging on your code as that wasnot the intention. I just thought I would point out everything that came to mind incase you planned on trying to improve it.

I\'ll wait to rate it incase you plan on making any of those changes.

PuNkTuReD  -  Jan 10, 2016

8 years later, I just may update with your suggestions lol.

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