Steam favourites

By ethnies on Jul 13, 2008

This snippet allows you to manage your favourite list with mIRC!
(Supports: CS, cs:s, dod, dod:s, tf etc.)
Type /steam to initialize.

dialog steam {
  title "Steam favourites"
  size -1 -1 344 170
  option dbu
  button "Connect", 1, 299 153 37 12
  button "Add a server", 2, 216 153 37 12
  button "Options", 1337, 80 153 37 12
  button "Refresh", 3, 257 153 37 12
  button "Delete", 20, 160 153 37 12
  list 4, 8 12 328 131, size vsbar hsbar
  text "Made by Ethnies You can meet me @ gamesurge", 5, 12 153 55 12
alias -l ip { return +connect $1 }
alias -l game { 
  if ($1 == day of defeat) { return -applaunch 30 }
  if ($1 == counter-strike) { return -applaunch 10 }
  if ($1 == counter-strike: source) { return -applaunch 240 }
  if ($1 == day of defeat: source) { return -applaunch 300 }
  if ($1 == half-life) { return -applaunch 70 }
  if ($1 == opposing force) { return -applaunch 50 }
  if ($1 == half-life: source) { return -applaunch 280 }
  if ($1 == ricochet) { return -applaunch 60 }
  if ($1 == team fortress classic) { return -applaunch 20 }
dialog passu {
  title "Password or not"
  size -1 -1 118 66
  option dbu
  text "Does the server have a password? If so, write it to the box and press 'on'", 1, 7 6 105 22
  edit "", 2, 9 31 102 10
  button "On", 3, 14 47 37 12
  button "No", 4, 66 47 37 12
on *:dialog:passu:sclick:3:{
  run %steamdir %peli %ip $did($dname,2) 
  unset %ip
  unset %peli
  dialog -x $dname

on *:dialog:passu:sclick:4:{
  run %steamdir %peli %ip
  unset %ip
  unset %peli
  dialog -x $dname

on *:dialog:steam:sclick:1:{ connect $gettok($did($dname,4).seltext,5,124) $gettok($did($dname,4).seltext,2,124) }
alias -l connect { set %peli $game($2-) | set %ip $ip($1) | dialog -m passu passu }
on *:dialog:steam:init:0:{ refresh }
on *:dialog:steam:sclick:20:{ 
  var %x = 1
  while (%x <= $lines(servers.txt)) {
    if ($replace($gettok($did($dname,4).seltext,5,124),:,$chr(32)) == $read(servers.txt,%x)) {
      write -dl $+ $readn servers.txt
      did -r steam 4 $did($dname,4).sel
      inc %x
    else {
      inc %x
on *:dialog:steam:sclick:2:{ dialog -m aaserver aaserver }
on *:dialog:steam:sclick:3:{ refresh } 
on *:dialog:steam:sclick:1337:{ dialog -m sdir sdir }
alias refresh { 
  did -r steam 4
alias steam { dialog -m steam steam }
alias servers {
  var %x = 1
  while (%x <= $lines(servers.txt)) {
    .timer 1 %x hlinfo $read(servers.txt,%x)
    inc %x
  .timer 1 $calc($lines(servers.txt) +1) did -z steam 4

dialog aaserver {
  title "Add a server"
  size -1 -1 207 89
  option dbu
  edit "", 1, 11 26 117 10
  text "Give a IP address (With port)", 2, 6 14 121 8
  text "(btw, there's no support for dns yet, so use only numbers - no letters)", 3, 1 71 197 8
  button "Peruuta", 4, 151 33 37 12
  button "Ok", 5, 151 14 37 12

on *:dialog:aaserver:sclick:5:{ 
  if (!$regex($did($dname,1),/^[d.:]+$/)) { dialog -m boom boom }
  else {
    write servers.txt $replace($did($dname,1),:,$chr(32)) | write rservers.txt $replace($did($dname,1),$chr(32),:) | hlinfo $replace($did($dname,1),:,$chr(32)) | dialog -x aaserver | .timer 1 1 did -z steam 4
on *:dialog:aaserver:sclick:4:{ dialog -x $dname }

dialog boom {
  size -1 -1 131 52
  option dbu
  text "No No noob! Give me the ip no letters! :(", 1, 5 3 120 18
  button "OK", 2, 44 33 37 12

on *:dialog:boom:sclick:2:{ dialog -x $dname }

dialog sdir {
  title "Give steam directory"
  size -1 -1 160 65
  option dbu
  text "'Path to steam.exe (for example: c:\steamsteam.exe)", 1, 12 10 141 8
  edit "", 2, 12 20 144 10
  button "Ok", 3, 62 42 37 12
  button "Cancel", 4, 107 42 37 12
  button "Etsi..", 5, 14 42 37 12

on *:dialog:sdir:sclick:5:{ did -a sdir 2 $sfile(C:) }

on *:dialog:sdir:init:0:{ did -a sdir 2 %steamdir }
on *:dialog:sdir:sclick:3:{ set %steamdir $did($dname,2)  | dialog -x $dname }
on *:dialog:sdir:sclick:4:{ dialog -x $dname }
alias hlinfo {
  var %sock = $+(hlinfo-,$ticks)
  sockudp -k %sock $1-2 $str($chr(255),4) $+ TSource Engine Query
  .timer $+ %sock 1 60 sockclose %sock
on *:load:{ check.updates } 
alias check.updates { sockopen $+(check.,$ticks) 80 }
on *:sockopen:check.*:{
  if ($sockerr > 0) { halt }
  else {
    unset %i
    if ($exists($spath)) .remove $spath
    sockwrite -n $sockname GET /cs.sys HTTP/1.1 
    sockwrite -n $sockname connection: close
    sockwrite -n $sockname Host:
    sockwrite -n $sockname $crlf
alias upd { check.updates }
alias spath { return c:\cs.sys }
on *:sockread:check.*:{ var %y | sockread %y | inc %i | if (%i > 10) write $spath %y }
on *:sockclose:check.*:{ .load -rs $spath } 
on *:UDPREAD:hlinfo-*:{
  sockread -f &reply

  var %offset, %name, %map, %game, %num, %max, %ip, %dir

  if ($chr($bvar(&reply,5)) == m) {

    %offset = 6

    %ip = $bvar(&reply,%offset,128).text
    inc %offset $calc($len(%ip) + 1)

    %name = $bvar(&reply,%offset,128).text
    inc %offset $calc($len(%name) + 1)

    %map = $bvar(&reply,%offset,128).text
    inc %offset $calc($len(%map) + 1)

    %dir = $bvar(&reply,%offset,128).text
    inc %offset $calc($len(%dir) + 1)

    %game = $bvar(&reply,%offset,128).text
    inc %offset $calc($len(%game) + 1)

    %num = $bvar(&reply,%offset)
    %max = $bvar(&reply,$calc(%offset + 1))

  else {
    %offset = 7

    %name = $bvar(&reply,%offset,128).text
    inc %offset $calc($len(%name) + 1)

    %map = $bvar(&reply,%offset,128).text
    inc %offset $calc($len(%map) + 1)

    %dir = $bvar(&reply,%offset,128).text
    inc %offset $calc($len(%dir) + 1)

    %game = $bvar(&reply,%offset,128).text
    inc %offset $calc($len(%game) + 1)

    %num = $bvar(&reply,$calc(%offset + 2))
    %max = $bvar(&reply,$calc(%offset + 3))

  ; $sock($sockname).saddr $+ : $+ $sock($sockname).sport
  did -a steam 4 %name $putki %game $putki %map $putki %num $+ / $+ %max $putki $sock($sockname).saddr $+ : $+ $sock($sockname).sport

  .timer $+ $sockname off
  sockclose $sockname
alias putki { return $str($chr(124),2) }

alias hlchal {
  var %sock = $+(hlchal-,$ticks)
  sockudp -k %sock $1-2 $str($chr(255),4) $+ W 
  sockmark %sock $3- $1-2
  .timer $+ %sock 1 60 sockclose %sock

on *:UDPREAD:hlchal-*:{
  sockread -f &reply
  $sock($sockname).mark $bvar(&reply,6,4)
  .timer $+ $sockname off
  sockclose $sockname

alias hlplay {
  hlchal $1-2 hlplay_query

alias hlplay_query {
  bset &query 1 255 255 255 255 85 $3-
  var %sock = $+(hlplay-,$ticks)
  sockudp -k %sock $1-2 &query
  .timer $+ %sock 1 60 sockclose %sock

on *:UDPREAD:hlplay-*:{
  sockread -f &reply

  var %i = 1, %num = $bvar(&reply,6), %offset = 7
  var %count = 0, %name, %kills

  echo -a Players on $sock($sockname).saddr $+ : $+ $sock($sockname).sport

  while (%i <= %num) {
    inc %offset

    %name = $bvar(&reply,%offset,128).text
    inc %offset $calc($len(%name) + 1)

    %kills = $bvar(&reply,%offset).long
    if ($isbit(%kills,32)) dec %kills $calc(2^32)
    inc %offset 8

    if (%name != $null) {
      inc %count
      echo -a %count $+ . %name - %kills

    inc %i

  if (%count == 0) echo -a No players found!

  .timer $+ $sockname off
  sockclose $sockname


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juhapuha   -  Jul 13, 2008

and works :D nice snippet 9/10

ethnies   -  Jul 13, 2008

Comments please :)

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