Away Script

By vegeto079 on Jul 08, 2008

Simple away script.
Type /awaycommands for commands.
Load script by opening it or type /awayload
Self-checker to make sure the script works before you use it
Config letting you choose the colors


Wednesday, July 09, 2008
08:24 AM EST
-Cleaned script up a little (thanks to comments)
08:34 AM EST
-Cleaned up some various things, changed way /config works so that it uses /awaycolor, thus using a few less characters than before

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Script By Vegeto079/Peach/Peachbot;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;;;;;;Sorry about many variables, but it's the way i script!;;;;;;
;;;;;Please do not edit this in any way without my permission;;;;;
on *:load:{
alias awaycontinue {
  if (%away.test == $null) { HALT }
  if (%away.test != yes yes yes yes yes yes) {
    echo -a Script was not loaded. Error in script. Look at @away for more information.
    unset %away.test
  echo -a Script successfully loaded! Type /awaycommands to see commands.
  unset %away.test
alias awayload {
  .timer 05 01 awaycontinue
  echo -a Loading Away Script...
  unset %away
  unset %away.*
  set %away.color1 04
  set %away.color2 02
  set %away.logo  $+ %away.color2 $+ [ $+ %away.color1 $+ AWAY $+ %away.color2 $+ ]
  set %away.test 0
  set %away.test $away(checking) $back(checking) $backamsg(checking) $awayamsg(checking) $awayback(checking) $config(checking)
alias awayerror {
  window @away
  echo @away Your script has failed to load. This could mean a few things.
  echo @away 1. You have another script that is interfering with the Away script.
  echo @away 1. To fix: Check if you have any script using the following aliases:
  echo @away 1. Away, Awaycontinue, Awayload, Awayerror, Back, Backamsg, Awayamsg, Awayback, Awaycommands, Awaycolor, Config
  echo @away 1. If so, please delete them or turn them off.
  echo @away 2. You have tried to edit the coding, and something has gone through an error
  echo @away 2. To fix: Re-download the script and don't edit it
  echo @away 3. The admin of the script (Peach/Vegeto079) has made an initial error scripting
  echo @away 3. To fix: Message Peach/Vegeto079 ( and tell them what has happened.
alias awaycommands {
  window @away
  echo @away Away commands
  echo @away Syntax: Command - What it does
  echo @away /away [reason] - Sets yourself as away
  echo @away /back - Unsets yourself from being away
  echo @away /config - Sets colors of script
alias away {
  if ($1- == checking) {
    return yes
  if (%away.logo == $null) {
    echo -a Please type /awayload before using /away
  if (%away == yes) {
    echo -a %away.logo $+ %away.color1 $+ Error: $+ %away.color2 You are already away!
  set %away yes
  set %away.say Reason not specified.
  if ($1-) { set %away.say $1- }
  awayamsg %away.say
alias back {
  if ($1- == checking) {
    return yes
  if (%away.logo == $null) {
    echo -a Please type /awayload before using /back
  if (%away != yes) {
    echo -a %away.logo $+ %away.color1 $+ Error: $+ %away.color2 You are already back!
  unset %away
on *:input:*:{
  if (/ == $left($1,1)) || (away isin $1-) {
    goto end
  if (%away == yes) {
    unset %away
alias backamsg {
  if ($1- == checking) {
    return yes
  set %i -1
  inc %i
  set %send $comchan($me,%i)
  if (%send == $null) { goto end }
  if (%send !isin %normchan) || (%send isnum) { goto next }
  msg %send %away.logo $+  $+ %away.color2 $+ Back from: $+ %away.color1 %away.say  $+ %away.color2 $+ Gone since: $+ %away.color1 %away.time $+ 
  goto next
  unset %amsgperson
alias awayamsg {
  if ($1- == checking) {
    return yes
  set %i -1
  inc %i
  set %send $comchan($me,%i)
  if (%send == $null) { goto end }
  if (%send !isin %normchan) || (%send isnum) { goto next }
  msg %send %away.logo $+  $+ %away.color2 $+ Now Away: $+ %away.color1 %away.say  $+ %away.color2 $+ Left at: $+ %away.color1 %away.time $+ 
  goto next
  unset %amsgperson
alias awayback {
  if ($1- == checking) {
    return yes
  set %away.time $date $time
alias config {
  if ($1- == checking) {
    return yes
  set %away.color1 $awaycolor(one $1)
  set %away.color2 $awaycolor(one $2)
  if ($1 == $null) {
    set %away.color1 $awaycolor($?="What do you want the primary color to be?")
  if ($2 == $null) {
    set %away.color2 $awaycolor($?="What do you want the secondary color to be?")
  set %away.logo  $+ %away.color2 $+ [ $+ %away.color1 $+ AWAY $+ %away.color2 $+ ]
  echo -a  $+ %away.color1 $+ P $+  $+ %away.color2 $+ review $+  $+ %away.color1 $+ :
  echo -a %away.logo $+  $+ %away.color2 $+ Now Away: $+ %away.color1 Preview  $+ %away.color2 $+ Left at: $+ %away.color1 $time $+ 
alias -l awaycolor {
  if ($left($1-,3) == one) { return $replace($mid($1-,5,100),dark_red,05,light_red,04,red,04,dark_blue,02,light_blue,11,blue,12,purple,06,pink,13,dark_grey,14,light_grey,15,dark_gray,14,light_gray,15,gray,15,orange,07,yellow,08,light_green,09,dark_green,03,green,03,aqua,10,black,01,white,00) | goto end }
  return $replace($1-,dark_red,05,light_red,04,red,04,dark_blue,02,light_blue,11,blue,12,purple,06,pink,13,dark_grey,14,light_grey,15,dark_gray,14,light_gray,15,gray,15,orange,07,yellow,08,light_green,09,dark_green,03,green,03,aqua,10,black,01,white,00,$null,01,$false,01)


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vegeto079   -  Aug 02, 2008

Meh, I just put that the same message on every script. Not like I don\'t expect people to switch it around a bit, just that I don\'t really want people editing and taking credit for it.

DaNzO   -  Jul 20, 2008

\"Do not edit this in anyway without my permission\"

Srsly, Everyone customizes scripts to how they like them.

guest598594   -  Jul 08, 2008
  if (%send !isin %normchan) { goto next }
  if (%send isnum) { goto next }

You have a lot of stuff like this. You can use || which means \"or\" to use two things in one if statement.

  if (%send !isin %normchan || %send !isnum) { goto next }
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