AwAy script

By M[n]M on Dec 26, 2007

umm its pretty confusing but u stiil can use it ( if you want) =)

menu channel { 
  .$iif($group(#away).status iswm on, AWAY, AWAY ) 
  ..AWAY:/set %reason $$?="Why Are You AWAY?" | /me Is 11away 6now Reason: 9(10 $+ %reason $+ 9,0) | set %away.time $ctime | enable #away
  ...BACK:/me Is 11back 6from 9(10 $+ %reason $+ 9) 6& I was 11away6 for4 $duration($calc($ctime - %away.time)) 6. | unset %reason | disable #away
#away on
on *:OPEN:*:*:{ if ($group(#away).status iswm on) { set %a.counts $nick | inc %a.caunts }
  if (%a.counts == $nick) && (%a.caunts == 1) { msg $nick [Auto-AWAY-Message] I am not on the computer now please try again later! 9,1 $+ $me Script | close -m $nick } 
  if (%a.counts == $nick) && (%a.caunts == 2) { msg $nick [Auto-AWAY-Message] I am not on the computer now please try again later! 9,1 $+ $me Script | close -m $nick }
  if (%a.counts == $nick) && (%a.caunts == 3) { msg $nick [Auto-AWAY] $nick $+ , This is your last chance or i'll auto ignore you! MAX: 3 9,1 $+ $me Script | close -m $nick }
  if (%a.counts == $nick) && (%a.caunts > 3) { msg $nick [AUTO-IGNORE] | close -m $nick | timer 1 60 unset %a.caunts }
on 1:TEXT:*:#:{ if ($me isin $1-) && ($group(#away).status iswm on) { describe $chan is 11away6 - 9(10 $+ %reason $+ 9)6 - It has been4 $duration($calc($ctime - %away.time)) 6& I'm still 11away. | halt } 
  else { halt } 
on 1:ACTION:*:#:{ if ($me isin $1-) && ($group(#away).status iswm on) { describe $chan is 11away6 - 9(10 $+ %reason $+ 9)6 - It has been4 $duration($calc($ctime - %away.time)) 6& I'm still 11away. | halt } 
  else { halt } 
#away end


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Season   -  Jun 24, 2008

What you have to say to let it works. I\'m confused about every away script \'bout that :P

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